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>Ancap can't work This is a picture of Kowloon City,

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>Ancap can't work

This is a picture of Kowloon City, a lawless section of land between Hong Kong and China. At its peak, it was inhabited by more than fifty thousand people. There were no building regulations, no power regulations, no law whatsoever, no taxes and of course no government. It was eventually forcefully cleared out and levelled by the communist government of China, because they did not want the world to know that life without governance can be attained.
It was also a shithole lol
even the people on /r9k/ post the documentaries when they post about Kowloon.
you're useless
Everyone there had access to electricity. The same can not be said about your shithole of a country.
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that's it! that is where the hive queen's nest is! we must destroy the eggs before they hatch!
>Ancap can't work
Wow, how long did it take you to figure that out?
Never thought about kowloon city as an ancap society. Actually i only associate it with Bloodsport and Shenmue
Looks like hell on earth desu. But I don't think there are many here who would say ancap can't work. I think it's fairly obvious that society can continue in that state, but might not function optimally.

And to some extent, we want social safety nets and regulations to stop the most powerful from effectively turning it into a plutocracy. And that's the kicker with all anarchist ideologies - they all eventually yield some sort of authority. Whether it's the group that protects the collective, or a group that pulls a hostile takeover, someone is going to be running the show. Unless you have some centralized authority that enforces ancap rules, that's what'll happen.

But you can get pretty close. Then you wind up with something similar to 1910s USA. Which can be great for a few, but harsh for many.
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>a fucking shithole
Alright buddy, you do you
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>you can build everything you want
>build commie blocks
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> 19th century America was Anarchy

Mhm you're not the smartest one around are you?
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>You will never be this comfy in ancap world
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>calling something a shithole
As an example of minimal government intervention + flourishing society, not anarchy Kraut.
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Are you feelin' it yet?
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They had to be forced, by government, at gunpoint, to leave.

The monsters who control governments didn't want the world to find out that life without them, is infinitely better, than life with them.

>Live at the point of a gun, at the mercy of government, while they tax you to death


>Glorious freedom, no taxes no police no licenses for anything.

hmmm no wonder they had to force them out at gunpoint the choice is obvious.
>Acknowledges Lebanon is a shithole too
Now what do you got?
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Looks incredible.
The fact it was a shithole has more to do with the environment and the culture of the people rather than the actual system of anarcho capitalism. If anything, this proves that it can work in even some of the worst scenarios. Just look at how many people managed to live in such a small place. Most of the people who lived there were probably the urban poor. People who would alternatively be on the streets in a statist society.
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Still has better infrastructure than the entirety of the USA.
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>You will never own a comfy ancap metal working store in a 40 square foot room on the twentieth floor
My reply wasn't directed at anarcho capitalism, I just believe Kowloon city is a shoddy example. I'm pretty libertard on most issues.
>It looks like shit

ok cool
Are commieblocks, dare I say, /ourbuilding/?
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> there was no building regulator in a block of flats
> there was no power regulator in a block of flats
> there were no police in a block of flats
> there was no taxing in a block of flats
> there was no government in a block of flats

It's like you don't even know what a block of flats is, you stupid cunt.
Kowloon City can only exist because there's a big government surrounding and PROTECTING IT. Try this on some "free clay" and watch as it instantly gets taken over and subjugated by literally anyone else.
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libshit detected

These are still the Chinese we are talking about.
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Kowloon no longer exists. It took the police (with paramilitary elements) over three years to clear it out. Eventually they just resorted to tearing shit down with people still in it.
looks like a giant pile of shit.

>>It was eventually forcefully cleared out and levelled by the communist government of China

Is exactly why any anarchism will never work

God fucking damn that place couldve been cyberpunk as fuck in the future
It's not flat at all. Why do you keep saying it's flat?
in some ways this place looks comfy as fuck, if it looked the same but was a lot less dangerous it seems like a neat place to visit.
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>life without governance
I wouldn't say Kowloon City didn't have governance. It's just that the governance was provided by organized crime. Ancap society is a joke, it will never exist. Someone is always going to be in charge, just making them non-elected criminals doesn't change that.
it was a hellhole in terms of comfort.
>communist government of China
Cool story bro, it was torn down in 1993 by Britain.
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WRONG, the whites of South Africa are currently developing a comprehensive ancap society, with private emergency response teams simply out of the drive to survive under a government that actively wants them dead and willfully withholds enforcing the law for them. What you think is some fragile flower is actually an indestructible swath of vines, and comes about not when things are easy, but when they are hard.
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>Implying this isn't the comfiest store you have ever seen

Everything is for sale. Even the boy.
i just like the idea of vertical cities. used to have dreams where i was in the giant complexes that are just like random buildings stuck together with all these little pathways.

seems kind of fun besides it being deathtrap.
This is actually the perfect example of how stupid anarcho-anythings are. Kowloon was controlled by gangs, with their own rules and protection rackets. Just because there is nothing that you call a 'state' does not change human behavior. Just because you don't call the people organized to use force in defence of their property a 'police force' doesn't change what they do. Just because you don't call the collections/extortions 'taxes' doesn't change what they are.
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>Let's go back to my place
This. That's why at least a minimal state is still needed.

Looks quaint, though, I don't deny it
The government was the triads, and it wasn't commies who knocked it down.
I'm pretty damn sure the population had to pay money to the Triad's, the Chinese mafia.
Who built it? How did they build it? It should have been abandoned, not destroyed and left as a monument to ancap.
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Ancap can work up until the point where somebody realizes they have the means to seize control of everything.
This. The concepts for John Woo films came from the chaotic, weak-state places in Hong Kong
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I wonder...

If that swirling cauldron of AIDS proves that Ancap works, what can a superpower that had nukes and pioneered space prove about Communism?
>guilt so close together they dont need roads
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Commieblocks don't look like they were built out of trash by Wall-E, though.
but they literally do
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Roads are jewish inventions.
>Still using the walky-driveroo jew
This looks appealing to you?
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any place as overpopulated as Kowloon would become a shithole pretty quickly
that said, one of the reasons it flourished is likely because it was right next to Hong Kong, meaning it had access to outside services like grocery stores and power plants and water purification
Isn't also telling that your shitty ancap experiment was fucked over by a much larger and more powerful government?
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>looks well built, if old and dirty
>looks like a literal trash heap
Just because you insist on something, doesn't make it true.
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>honey, you'll be late for school
>If that swirling cauldron of AIDS proves that Ancap works, what can a superpower that had nukes and pioneered space prove about Communism?

On was put into the ground by satly commies, while the other collapsed on itself due to not working.

Also, one was built on a tiny spec of land with no ressources, the other had 1/6th of the world under its rule and still couldn't manage to provide basic goods to its people.
You should change the Ancap ball with the Libertarian Party ball.
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Ancap worked there.

The the government came and razed it to the ground.

>the documentaries
pls gib
>mafia ran rampant in ancapistan
What a shame.

With time and the growing income of the local population, that place would have end up becoming a nice curiosity for turists to visit.

Kinda like the old favelas in Buenos Aires that became the colorfull neighborhood every turist wants to visit.
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And that's about the last of my ammo. Discuss.
>chair gives massages every time plane flies by.
>50 thousand people used to live there
>Now it's a flat town
How the fuck did that lump of shit ever get to 50,000 fuckin people?
I have no idea why anyone would think a city is a good place to live, much less a lawless shithole like that.
Seriously, what draws someone to that?
the fact that communism is even shittier
It was also one of the few 14 stories tall building without any foundation.
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I don't get your argument OP.
Even the most hellish city on this planet which is struck by poverty and crime and anarchy is still a populated city with people surviving;
because human life finds a way like cockroaches do in whatever situation.
Having a living populace in a state of despair and anarchy still doesn't make despair and anarchy justified, and that's what Kowloon was as reported and recorded even by plenty of Western most staunch anti-China journalists and activists.
The only difference between people surviving in a sewer and people surviving in Kowloon is that one was a sewer above ground.
In a limited cubic space, you would will always end up with a bloc.

The buildings couldn't go any higher than what they were because of the airport.
People chose freedom over a slightly better quality of life under a very autoritarian state.
>look at this shithole!
>isn't it just the paradise?
>cmon you guise be ancap so we can all live in hell
there is not much to discuss desu

god living there must have been so comfy and life threatening at the same time

i wonder what happened to all the people living there. They all just were forced to get normal jobs and had to buy their own houses?
You must be one of -those- people who are comfortable living in dumps.

The schools turned to strip clubs and brothels at night there.
The place was not only a fucking dump, but it was very dangerous in its physical stability, not to mention that if a fire broke out, it would've been game over. Bye bye fifty thousand people.
I'm sure more educated people wrote articles about how bad of an idea this was, albeit an interesting concept applied.
Looks like a commie block.
>Having a living populace in a state of despair and anarchy still doesn't make despair and anarchy justified, and that's what Kowloon was as reported and recorded even by plenty of Western most staunch anti-China journalists and activists.

Actually Kowloon was pretty comfy for most residents. Sure they had their sections filled with strange types, but most people were very sad when it got torn down.
They got kicked to the curb.
one building fire and the whole ugly complex would be torched.

building codes are put in place for a reason you anarchist cucktard.
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>The schools turned to strip clubs and brothels at night there
now that's what I call economizing
You'd have a difficult time to find a system, other then an ancap one, that can deal with such a complex and overpopulated situation and not have mass famine. It's impressive that such a feat like the Kowloon City can function at all.
Yet no such fire happened? Explain this, captards.
Efficiency is often not pretty.
Imagine the children playing around with the used condoms laying about the classrooms.
and Britain thought their apartment fire was bad? I cant even imagine what the death toll would be like with probably little to no escape route from a fire.
It was a shithole but at least I could use it to fantasize about some dystopian cyberpunk future
>can work

yeah because it looks so nice.

can you tell me what the rape rates were? also they still established an internal governing hierarchy surely.
>Actually Kowloon was pretty comfy for most residents.
I am yet to hear or read of a single ex-resident of Kowloon stating that they would move back, as opposed to their current conditions. The most positive thing stated was "we managed" or "we pulled through daily" which even some people who have survived Mosul can state.
You didn't read how it had none of that? I find it impressive at least.
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so modern public school if it paid for itself
It got torn down, as it should have been years ago.
>defending living in Claustrophobia City with rats and roaches
Daca iti place stilul ala de viata, poti sa-ti faci patul in tomberoanele din coltul strazii.
they had fires
at most a single room would burn because the entire block was made out of non-flammable materials
Funny thing is that living conditions there were better than in other places of the country.

I think we need to start more ancap experiments
It's not like they had a long commute between HK or anything.
No, but considering it worked at all is amazing. A massive number of lawless poor squatters get together on a tiny strip of law-less land and manage to create a massive flourishing metropolis. How is this not a success. Imagine the disaster that this situation would create under if it was under any other system of governance.
Congrats on the gayest troll post of the day
>using a shanty town slum as your model for all of society

That shithole looks ugly even by the commieblock standards.
But that's what you get when you have (((free))) managers and nobody to clean up the shit, kek.
Imagine if it had more to build on than some forgotten military base. Literally all its problems stemmed from a lack of geography.
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>tfw you will never visit Kowloon City, Paris without niggers, Berlin without Arabs
>Those FF7 feels.
I know it's a shithole but for some reason it feels damn comfy.
Human roaches.
>that swirling cauldron of AIDS proves that Ancap works
Oh shit. Is 4chan Ancap?
Eeeh, I heard it's a shogunate currently.
>Who built it?
Mostly mainland Chinese illegals fleeing the communist advance. They clustered in Kwoloon, because it was a territorial legal limbo. While Hong Kong was a British concession, Kwoloon was given back to the RoC at the end of WW2, and then acquired by the PRC at the end of the civil war, or something like that, which meant that the Brits couldn't regulate what happened there, because it belonged to the Chinks, and the PRC couldn't get there, because it was in the middle of the Brits territory. So to avoid any conflict, the Brits and the Chinks just ignored what happened there, and so it became a land free of government.

>How did they build it?
Just pilling building on top of building. Literally. There were no plan, no architect, no supervision, no control, no planification in mind. As people arrived to Kwoloon, they just built new apartments on top of others as the ground space was limited for territorial reasons.

>It should have been abandoned, not destroyed and left as a monument to ancap.
It was too unsafe, worse than a favella or other shanty town, and it was making landing difficult for the Kai Tak airport next to it.
It LOOKS ugly, but for what it as, it functioned pretty nicely.

i fucking love it, absolutely love it. It's like art.
>i fucking love it, absolutely love it. It's like art.

its like brazil favelas
the final result that ancaps can expect if they try to create their ideal world
>ancap civilization is a ratty looking borg cube
We wuz utopia and sheeit
Have a centralized authority that enforces ancap rules and establish socials safety nets?
So your whole sales pitch there was basically, let's make a government (which won't abuse authority) because someone may abuse authority?
Never going to happen. A centralize authority will want to perpetuate itself, and extend it's power.

W-why the fuck does it looks absurdly comfy?
Jesus i want to live there, i know it was a lawless shithole but there's something about it, the pics make me feel comfortable and want me to live there for sole reason
Welcome to my world.
The murder/crime rate as actually pretty low because most people were okay with making an example of violent criminals.
Most people also said there was a very tight-knit family/community feeling there.
Sounds cozy as hell, although overcrowding is never good.
It looks very futuristic/dystopian.
Makes for a sort of adventure-fantasy.
All you'd need is a gun and a qt mechanic girl.
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>ywn have a qt mechanic rogue Ancap gf
The entire FUCKING tree
Looks so comfy. I had a great childhood playing cops and robbers with two dozen people in Indian housing societies, must have been similar in Kowloon
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The people in Kowloon couldn't actually own their property and thus didn't invest much money in it. If the government can't swoop in and steal your property then you feel more comfortable investing more money in permanence.
Imagine what you could have done with a can of gas and matches..
Kowloon had Poo-in-Loo-grade architecture and technical standards. It was a favela, release your dick from your hands, this orgasm is going to be a ruined one
Probably lynched for violating the NAP
>>ywn have adventures with a qt mechanic with fiery red hair and sass to match
>>ywn eat greasy takeout with her in her small apartment while the lights flicker
>>ywn have adventures in the deepest, sun bereft parts of the city

Everyone wanted to live next to that sweet ass go-cart track.
Ya fucking Waffle, you sound like a pimp really pitching a John to rent his main Ho.
100% pure Kek.
Crime rate was very low because the Triads ruled the roost and CRUSHED any problems that might cause the government to advance their timeline on removing a spectacular place for them to do their smuggling, sales, and drug-making operations.
I wonder what their policy was on foreigners wanting to live there
That thing looks like a commie block with cancer.
> haha you commies have to live in commieblocks
> man I wish I could live in the biggest shittiest commieblock of all time, thats comfy af desu mcsenpai.

I knew pol would come around
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interesting thread. This place does indeed look comfy as fuck, would be a good setting for a story.
Not sure I'd want to live there though- don't like the sounds of paying protection money
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>mfw someone disses Kowloon
>tfw too lazy to look for the gif of this Chinese dude doing Photoshop drumming
Fuck it Holmes, La Primeda lives!
FYI the removal of the Kowloon walled city is under the agreement of joint declaration and abolished by the British colonial government
A thieves' den on steroids
Most commieblocks look ugly and not comfy at all. As an artist it's my duty to understand what makes things comfy, and the two essential elements are
1) Lots of objects crowded together in a small space, and
2) Assymetric disorganized
If you see Russian commieblocks usually lack both of those things and end up looking rather depressing
>Lots of objects crowded together in a small space
Unless those objects are holes, then you know what happens.
And it will only exist because the larger government chooses to allow it to exist. It is DEPENDENT on being within a larger state to protect it, either explicitly or implicitly.
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You'd be the first to catch dysentery and smallpox
considering it was in a communist ruled shithole, it looks incredibly comfortable. they built their living space knowing commies would walk in and take it one day

now imagine what would be accomplished if the population had a stockpile of guns and live-in soldiers
And it was a shithole with rape, murder as daily occurrence, whole shithole was ruled by drug dealers.
OP is a fag as always.
>now imagine what would be accomplished if the population had a stockpile of guns and live-in soldiers
They'd get steamrolled the moment PRC learned about their existance, not years later.
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if you watch videos on it there's missionaries that live there at least, but they seemed to be preoccupied with just getting gang members off drugs so it was probably encouraged
What was their black and muslim population?
yeah everyone there had access to heroin too

not saying ancap can't work but Kowloon is a bad example
why the fuck are libertarians so hung up on weed, jesus christ no one cares anymore
Lol I enjoyed this post
There were in no way obligated to /use/ the heroin.
>Ancap paradise is a favela-tier commieblock
Really made me think...
>Shooting up Heroin and going to get a blowey joey from Ling Ling the girl down the hall
>Waking up midway through the day and going to the illegal cock-fight to gamble away the money you got last paycheck
>Wake up the next morning 5AM to open the stall in the market, selling cheap shit and bootleg cigarettes
>Sit and nurse a bottle of whiskey while chain-smoking ciggs, waiting for the weekend
Actually sounds pretty shitty in the long term but sorta comfy for a bit
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Here it is today, pic related.
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What is this?, Kowloon city for ants?

>worked with Asians because they behave like an ant colony

Does not apply to other cultures, I'm afraid.
>t. Never lived in one

It is absolute shit even in these days and now our government launched a huge and expensive modernization effort so that this piece of shit housing didn't waste energy and was warm during the winter. Although they can't do anything about horrible size of the apartments
Belarus your potato is shit so get back to work. Props for awesome tractors though.
nice. Hopefully everyone who lived there was executed
That looks comfy to you? India must really be a shithole.
>these pathetic bantz
You guys just never learn...
It's a human termite mound !
Za bazar nado otvechyat. Never forget that potato.
Why are you imitating the language of your oppressors?
Of course Ancap is a meme. Failed states are by definition Ancap.
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>chose freedom
what, you think heroin dealers and the several gangs in there just didnt enforce protection rackets?
>ill literally kill people with shitty drugs but i wont do THAT, thats immoral!
and the people who worked there and owned shops or whatnot, they went THERE because no one else would allow them anywhere else, you want a doctor who had to flee because he killed a patient? you want the guy serving you food to be someone who failed basic hygiene laws? you think thats CHICKEN your eating?
>slums exist!
>anti-ancaps btfo!
looks like a perfect place to get raped and murdered
It was able to subsist only because it was enabled by a governed, semi functioning area.
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I was wondering about fresh running water?

And toilets, and garbage?

Do they have toilets? Do they take a crap in a bucket and fling it off the balcony?

Or do they just hang their ass off the balcony and let-fly?

Same goes for the garbage?
>because they did not want the world to know that life without governance can be attained.
Ahahahahhaha. I love you OP
What is this brand of autism
Imagine the stench
There were used condoms everywhere at MY highschool in jewSA
>everyone had electricity
Where did they get electricity ? They certainly haven't produced it themselves

Not sutainable
More like

>Wake up at 5 AM
>Contemplate suicide for a couple of minutes before getting out of bed, as is part of your morning routine
>Eat half a bowl of rice
>Go to work
>Do mind numbing labour for 15 hours because you live in a neo-feudal hell
>Go home
>Eat half a bowl of rice
>Go to store
>Buy bowl of rice for the next day, spending all the money you earned that day
>Go home
>Shoot up heroin to numb the pain of hunger
>Sleep for 5 hours

>At least I don't have to pay taxes
Because you romanticize made-up cyberpunkish worlds like those found in Firefly/Serentiy homeworlds, Bladerunner, etc and think you're gonna fine your Kaylee and fly off to mine for credits or some shit.
it looks like something out of an anime
They didn't shut it down because they feared that people would see its "success"

They shut it down because it was polluting the shit out of all the land around it. They didn't have the capacity to deal with all that human waste, and just pumped it everywhere else.
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favelas are also lawless areas in which the only government presence are cops hunting drug dealers
(((Communists))) were the oppressors not Russians
Cyberpunk as fuck
Have you seen the status of the streets? Shit and piss rivers
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I'm not even ancap, and I'd move there in a heartbeat.
>this is what a normal ancap society looks like
Really makes ya think

when you think about it it's pretty remarkable the chinks made a nice park out of it instead of more soviet apartments
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It was ruled by the Triad gangs.

But it was still a fairly crime free area.
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You wanna live in the future or nah?
Fuck, I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you.
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Normie scum destroying cyberpunk and shit
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>wanting to live in a chink hive
>live in there
>scumbag mentally-ill neighbor turn on his radio on max 24h/day
>either you kill him or do nothing
must be comfy the conflict resolutions
looks glorious
You should appreciate the greenspace you have before you get what you wished for
If that's the future, I'm checking out now.
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That place was cyberpunk as fuck
imagine something a little bit more beautiful

and it is glorious
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nyc checking in... little to no grass sometimes feels like hell on earth
>appreciate the greenspace
Overrated stuff for animals
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but if you are born in a world with no grass, such sensation will be forever unknown to you
looks awful

Can you imagine living in the deep innards of that shit? I'm pretty sure I read that some people wouldn't see sunlight for years.
Don't worry, friendo. You're not alone.
lol that's an arcade in nipland
shut up child
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living in space when.jpg
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friendly reminder that chink hives are not the only futuristic living arrangements in existence
the grand and glorious O'Neil cylinder is an oldie but goldie
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Sure, but it;s a replica of the piece of the future we lost.

thread theme:
>implying miserable people don't choose miserably places to live by necessity
America was a democratic socialism. The federal government wa slimed but mos states ran in a socialist state capitalist way
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>it was run by the triads!
>they set up protection rackets and sold drugs!
>n-no you don't understand taxes are completely different, this government is LEGITIMATE!
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Cept, you know, the whole part where it already existed before the government razed it
Sooo...we tryna crowdfund a new Walled City?
because its an anime
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Cyberpunk thread?
These people are retards and will only realize their mistake once they're slurping down soyslop and roach juice for sustenance in their agenda 21 cagehomes.
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because it was a hive of scum and villainy
the place itself had little violent crime, but all the gangs and drug runners set up shop in there, spreading the crime around like a plague

quit being dense, you know full well the issues with your "ancap paradise"
Just because people are selling drugs doesnt mean you have to buy them.
Also, because mammals evolved from burrowing animals who lived in cramped, densely populated spaces. You wouldn't blame your cat for being a weeaboo, would you?
Has been for a while.
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>protection money

What are taxes?
Kill yourself.
kowloon was super comfy
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I bet it stunk like fucking ass in there
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Wish it was still there so i could go and watch the kumite
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Anarchism, communism, anarcho capitalism, anarcho communism, kibbuts and tribal systems tend to work by minorities, composed only by 50,000 or less.

We say that the theory of Anarcho crapitalism doesn't work since it can't be settled on millions of individuals that will just do anything they want and convert the place into a hell hole.
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>drugs are bad
>government should have the monopoly on violence

That's just, like, your opinion, man
What the fuck is wrong with you niggers? This looks like absolute fucking shit, I wouldn't want to live there, you would have to force me at gunpoint to live in such a place. You filthy goyim really have no standards.
Including that societies like that one you support, they promote obesity and many harmful costumes just to augmentate their own sales, something that you all capitalists don't understand about your own ideology.
>I-It was comfy!
>ignoring the point completely and utterly
you don't get a (You) for such low effort shitposting
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>in Kowloon, the planes taking off from the nearby airport flew only meters above the city, rattling the whole damn place
A true ancap paradise, a hobbled together drug den that comes apart from the constant vibration of jet engines
>minorities, composed only by 50,000 or less

You completely discount the population density, which was insane. Still, man, it looks fucking amazing, no other ideology has provided me with such great piece of eye candy without deaths in the range of a million.

>No law what so ever
>No regulations what so ever

Have you actually researched what happened there? A gang took over and demanded tribute (tax) for protection (police).

Buildings were regulated by the resources present and area you wanted, they were fucking tiny basically living in an area the size of a bathroom.

The gang (government) took care of peoples needs and developed the area to increase their income for greater protection money (increasing tax) as it was percentage based.

Basically, with the absence of a government people will naturally form a government. It's more of a necessity than you might think.
It sounds like a shit hole, but a cool shit hole like shit you would read out of dystopian cyberpunk novels or movies. Neat.
Asians tend to find alot of common ground with their own comrades in their culture.

That's why you don't see rampant crime accross china.

Now, try to put this type of ideology inside a concubine filled with millions of people that can't find a common ground.

Fascism has provided better results than this gang dominated disgrace of society.
Okay USA
Same here bro..
It looks like a hive world of wh40k
You realize an exterior governance stepping in to destroy it proves that anarchism is unsustainable right?
But communists have written thousands of words on how the state withers away after the socialist sta-oh right you guys think you can argue politics without ever turning a page.

At least know your enemy, stop making us look stupid.
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>Basically, with the absence of a government people will naturally form a government
>government is a friendly neighborhood drug dealer instead of some high-up affirmative action nigger

Really makes you think
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For real. Looks like gangers from house Delaque could run up on you at any time.
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Is Kowloon the only historic example of a true free market?
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First time I came from a non-porn video
in ukraine there was a moment when the anarchists seized power and forbiden any kind of state

then the bolcheviks of russia conquered them
Yeah, it worked, but that's because East Asians lived there. If it was most other races, it would have been total chaos.
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>Cherry picking this fucking hard
low effort shitposting is against the ruurs
But that wasn't a free market... they communized some things...
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Me too anon. These giant brutalism style architecture cities. How interesting. Are we dreaming of the future or an alternate dimension?
>friendly neighborhood drug dealer
Obviously you don't know any drug dealers, they are generally crazy as fuck
Didn't the Triad hold a lot of power in the city tho'? It wasn't governed by the chinese government but it was governed by a crime syndicate, which in itself is a *form* of government. The way I see ancap is kinda impossible because there'll be a form of governing body no matter how small it is. Even the smallest of towns will have a Mayor and maybe a council in it to ensure everything runs smoothly.
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>it would have been total chaos
It was total chaos, but then the gangs with the biggest guys just started policing. Ain't human nature great?
Libertarianism doesn't say no government though. It has government to prevent what you just described.
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>Last paycheck
Suppose you set the place on fire. Won't it burn in hours?

It'd be an arsonist's wet dream.
Tell me more, o wise one
I literally don't give two shits about libertarianism or statism though, I just wanna live in OG Kowloon
I'd take million and one gray scheme to fuck up government which it won't notice, over fucking soldering iron in my ass for not paying more.

Also the government provides consistent taxation plan, not the "30% was yesterday, now you pay 60%"
My friendly local drug dealer is one of my closest friends and I don't even do drugs!
B-but freedom.

Also, it's so fucking funny that they couldn't even built proper-fucking-commieblocks.
As an ancap, I'm totally in favor of allowing poor people to live in shitholes like this if they so choose. If you have the choice to economize on housing by living there, you're way better off than if you had no choice.
>spend all your money on rice
>somehow have heroin to shoot
Confirmed never used drugs
Replace heroin with oxies, and dank futuristic views with repetitive trees and loans, and you got yourself America.
just the smell alone would repulse you, non white societies stink
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I always found this interesting, rmeinds me of the movie tekkonkinkreet , recommended to anyone who likes weeabo stuff (just ignore the last 20 mins of the film)
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Hive Cities are the Future.
You never see people building rafts out of garbage to escape capitalism
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Are you actually ancap or just wanting to live in cyberpunk-ish world?
> dank futuristic views

Mate, you can get this dank view in every former commie country.
Just go in the closest ghetto and live away your ancap dream... well, at least until gipsy junkies kill you for a quarter, but that's the brice of freeduhm.
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Y'all motherfuckers need Arcologies
>I'd take million and one gray scheme to fuck up government which it won't notice, over fucking soldering iron in my ass for not paying more.

Must be nice being rich/well connected
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kowloon manga 2.jpg
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>Just go in the closest ghetto and live away your ancap dream... well, at least until gipsy junkies kill you for a quarter

At least in Kowloon I would have a chance at self-defense/won't pay the taxes to have the gov't provide for gyppies

Just the world, don't care if it's ancap or not (as long as it's not communism/fascism)
>densely populated
speak for yourself you southern nigger
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>ITT a bunch of LARPers want to live in chink squalor because they think it will be like their favorite neon light flying car animaymay
Imagine if White South AnCapfrica became so successful it overtook africa tuning it into an ethno continent. Oooh I'm all comfy just thinkin about it
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Also something like this exist in the US. In Alaska. Begich Tower, it contians almost the entire population of Whittier, Alaska within it. There are grocery stores and doctors offices inside.

It's much cleaner than that chink shit.
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Nigger, I bet wherever you live is far more densely populated than the endless suburban dread
That looks like a wonderful place to live!
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>Total population: 220

Yeah, no, that's practically endless incest
The walled city was absolutely filthy. I live around 10 minutes from where it used to be and when it was still around everyone that didn't live there avoided it like the plague.
so scale it up
Can't see a difference with the average building in Marseille
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Maybe then we can post some other cyberpunk places
read some books.

in the north it is cold, in the cold population is more sparse.
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But then I just get jealous coz I live in Buttfuck, Nowhere
White flight was a mistake
Not if you compare America to Europe, though
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we were talking about evolution you fucking mud.
Yeah, and all mammals evolved from ground-dwelling, cramped night creatures. Unless you think the Nords came straight outta hyperborea
What a fucking asshole of a ghetto eyesore. Bet that place smelled horrible.
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