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Hello, /pol/. I am a multimillionaire, If I were to buy an island

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Hello, /pol/. I am a multimillionaire, If I were to buy an island open to /pol/ posters would you come?

Before all the LARP posting, whatever, don't believe me. Use it as a hypothetical.

What is the first task? Do you think we could make it? Could we become self sustainable? How to we stop infiltrators?
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>How to we stop infiltrators?
mind control
It would be really hard to be self-sustainable without wide-scale industry, and setting up such industry would be even harder.
Those islands could not realistically support more then 50 ppl.

Good for a cult tho.
>50 ppl

2000+ acres? The screen shot was just of where I was at browsing the page.
Islands are a waste of money. There isn't shit there, no broadband access other than garbage satellite, and no taco bell.

You'd be better off spending those millions to buy up like 40 square blocks of Detroit. We'd help you clear the area, build a 12' security wall topped with concertina wire, and most of us would bring our own guns. You'd absolutely need a full-time militia.
>digits don't lie
this would be helluva lot more fun too tbqhf
yeah thats about 4 mil

Also a fair argument. Doesn't seem as much fun as an island.
We have a homesteading community. Perhaps you should check'em
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Chicago Crusade when?
needs good internet.
Stable Electricity.
Trade Route (for cheaper goods). Trade route for access to a major metropolis. The actual area should probably be shittier, just so the local neigbors depend on us, not us being overrun by them.
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Please, OP, can you make a strict law that women will not be allowed? I suspect that there will be no female takers for an island like this, but it will be immensely more enjoyable if you limit this community to males only. It will be a bit like a Scout camp or a navy ship that way.

Thanks and kisses!
>violent nigger purge
>doesn't seem as much fun as an island where it's just hot, wet, and lots of mosquitos

You aren't from around here, are you?
From the thumbnails they don't look like they could take much deforestation to clear space for agriculture and housing. Loose to many trees and you get a tropical desert like Haiti.
>Not just moving to Leith

Detroit has no farm land.
You will need to heavily vet whoever wants to enter. no magapedes, no edgy LARPers. You want men who want to build a good, white society. After that, women will flock to live on a fucking island, and we'll be spoiled for choice.
Buy the one in Fiji, we can whale and sell to the japs. Also we can all live in one fortress with individual tasks. Have a constitution and a Leader. We can buy weapons in murica too incase invaders or whatever. If you are actually a millionaire, please do buy the island.
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Great idea. Then the rest of the sane world can finally be rid of you human garbage inbred retards.
I know how to reload ammunition and I can do armory work, and stock.
Whatever happened to that hipster concert on a Bahamas island that turned into Lord of the flies?
Look up "/pol/ony" there have been threads on this for years. You're not going to get any new ideas.
I agree, that would obviously be depending on the island though.

>Implying you can't waive money in front of women and they'll do whatever you want.

Remember "grab 'em by the pussy"?

All depends there's many different islands with different terrain.

That is true, vetting would be semi-difficult. Not impossible if we got good Anons working on it.

>Implying we wouldn't take over the world

Works for me

The difference is I actually have the money to do it.
>How to we stop infiltrators?


you can put whatever guns and bombs and shit you want on your own island mate
You're going to need a bunch of immigrants to do the shit jobs.
Could always build a moat around the territory.
Here is the island you want /pol/:


its fucking huge, its in chile (safe region) and its off the coast a wee bit
I didn't mean it like literally invading. I mean someone planning to sabotage, secretly.

Does your mom clean your room too?

Lol or just level Detroit completely.

Not too bad, I was looking at others for 30+ million.
Would you do actual work or are you going to make us all your slaves to farm and shit and threaten to kick us out if we dont
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>If I were to buy an island open to /pol/ posters would you come?
Hell yah.
>What is the first task?
Secure a source of fresh water.
>Do you think we could make it? Could we become self sustainable?
Yes. As long as we have a few people who know what they're doing. The rest can be the manpower we need to get shit running. /pol/ is diverse and everyone could bring something to the table.
>How to we stop infiltrators?
Have some human lie detectors and Jew detectors to give interviews.
>How /pol/ are you?
Outsource vetting to Generation Identity
buy all of detroit and slowly evict niggers?
are we really doing this
That's cold as fuck, rocky, and located on the ring of fire. We're not surviving that.
I would be more than willing to do work.

Have some human lie detectors and Jew detectors to give interviews.
>How /pol/ are you?

Lol have a group of /pol/acks interrogate for an hour minimum.

Unfortunately that would just displace them and likely only harm other white people.

I wouldn't rule it out.
I want this to be real

Will Brits be allowed in?
seems like not a lie. good.
Sure as long as you're white and pass the vetting.
Without nukes and icbms it would get ghaddafied in like 5 seconds
>If I were to buy an island open to /pol/ posters would you come?
Depends wildly on the laws, goals, and opportunities. I'm a construction worker who grows/preserves food as a hobby and could help build a lot, but I'd want to know for what cause.
I love you
Even with nukes we'd be treated as a dangerous threat. We'd need to somehow acquire the backing of a major world power. We could acquire arms shipment but what would we could offer in return?
>for what cause
this is /pol/ so probably world domination. anything less would be a disappointment
They're just trying to sell that failed world island project in Dubai now? kek.
I kill people for a living. Hire me to guard your shit.
How would people even get there?
Are you trying to FyreFest these poor wehraboos?
One step at a time, Anon. We'll be a world superpower in due time.

I mean, if we did proceed we'd have to really hammer everything out first. I worked on a farm for many years during my childhood. Not the best at building though.

Realistically, someone would back us. I'm assuming many others on /pol/ have weapons already we wouldn't need that immediately.

Checked, I also like your thinking.

Depends where it's located. We would definitely sort something out.
Indoor Aquaponics systems grow more food on less land with little resources.
We would need to begin by immediately having an exportable product. If we could make millions of something the entire world would buy, we'd have a basis for an economy.
we could also rework precious metals into dubloons which we could distribute adding legitimacy to soverignty. just a couple ideas. Allies would be nice too.
Why not buy a used oil rig and convert to motherbase? You will have the advantage in mobility
Fuck off Snake
You're going to need the right people and the right equipment before starting anything anon. Doctors, carpenters, engineers, the works....
Come up with a set of laws/basic guiding principles for this ethnostate, and a general plan to keep it from being UN'd to death.

Buying 40 blocks of run down detroit carries risks however.

There is the issue of provisioning, are you going to make this community gated, and if so what is the HOA and terms.

What are you planning to do infrastructure wise? Plumbing, electrical, internet, emergency services?

What sorts of businesses would you hope to attract? Would you hire locally?

Lots of questions, these re just a few to probe your engagement.
>crypto farming
>fish farming
>shrimp farming
>rabbit farming
>goat farming
>create a crypto ICO(raise funds) for a token to be used as your island as a currency
>use it as a code training, code business for settlers
>use containers as building block
>tesla batteries
>solar energy
>mini rail system for speedy locomotion on your island


There you go pal, long live KEKISTAN

Lord of the Flies scenario waiting to happen
You'd have to basically accept that you're the first wave of cucks to the country and couldn't immediately declare your independence in your own lifetime. Build up your economic power over the decades and branch out to neighboring islands. Then unify as one American colony. Somehow establish a backchannel with whoever is in opposition with the current government and ally and trade with them in exchange for your autonomy. That's literally the only way, and it's impossible because 4chan is full of NEETs who watch anime.
Hydroponics can be done indoors
If /pol/ coming you'll need a lot of gay bars on the island.

>use sensors, permanent drones and cameras for vigilance
>contract a militia for safety
>make sure they are tested by a psychology pro, so they don't snap and go cray cray

I think you meant gay bears
I don't know how immediately we'd need to have an exportable product. We'd need to get everything set up first.

Yes. We'd have to sort everything out. There's a very good variety of people on /pol/. We'd have to see all skilled people we have before moving forward.

Basic laws would be established immediately before proceeding. More extensive laws would be put into place later on, as we'd need to figure out how to enforce them.

Fuck off, Brazil you're not welcome.

Don't be a coward, leaf.

Build it yourself, you'll need it.
I'm really surprised it only costs 16 mil to buy an island.
I can back channel, will be running for city council in a few years in SoCal. Hopefully by then the island will be finished and I'll have a higher position.
Toodle-o Tuvalu.
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>225 acres
>40 acres
>same price
In all honestly I would come.

What a fucking faggot, I'm coming anyway and fucking all u whiteys in your sissy asses.
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boi, if you get me there for free I'll work janitor for new /pol/
location, location, location. fiji is hella far away. who tf wants to travel for days for a private island kegger?
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Consult Jared Taylor about an ethnostate. Most intelligent, wellspoken, rational person when it comes to the future of the Alt Right and how to proceed.
Islands you buy are still owned by their parent countries.

Here's a thing though: Kill the pedos on that pedo island (name escapes me) and take that. Who will miss them?
FEMA camp for /pol/?
Any one with a plebbit account isn't allowed
I was surprised too. Better ones obviously cost much more.

This would definitely be useful.

Location, location, location.

You can show up. We'll string you from the tree to warn intruders.

Dat hivemind.

Technically yes, but we can break away later.

No plebbit, no Kekistan, no non-whites. The list will grow longer.
with meritocratic immigration policy, yes, you could make it. otherwise you're going to try to build something with a bunch of NEETs.
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Have you been posting this for a while?im super interested I think I remember you, an island big enough for significant agriculture is important, I'm a great farmer and animal breeder. Growing weed might be a good way to make money if you wanted to trade globally. Also i hope there would be a proud ethnostate militia so we would all be crack troops in case of threats
Look for islands near the poles, not mosquito infested equatorial shit holes
bout to be a multimillionaire when i win the lottery wednesday. trips proves it
We need very good internet, food (prefferable gamer fuel or tendies), water (Mountain dew), as well as buckets to shit and piss in. We would also require somewhere to imprison the commie faggots from /lit/.

Youre welcome
I vote we find somewhere in central US and build our own private city with white values.
Regulate entry. Intruders will be met with force.
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Fuck me, we could house a new country on these fucking islands.
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You're gonna build a thriving civilization on sand as the foundation? Find us some meca schist and come back, nigger.
It won't be worth coming after anyone for vengeance, anon. They're not really friends.

Without a doubt, I've never left my state but PROMISE I will come! What will be there?
I haven't posted this before. A friend of mine was talking about purchasing an island and it gave me the idea. If there is another Anon with money that would be interested in doing it as well I'd be more interested too.

You'd definitely be a good asset.

Possibly location is up for debate.

Sorry about that, maybe someday, Anon.

The US collapses?? Then what?

>Implying location has been decided.

Everything you've ever imagined, Anon. Dream big.
>Wants to freeze his ass off on a frozen island with no way to grow anything
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I wish i was a millionaire....
I would buy a huge ranch in Argentina instead.
Let's do it. Get a ship full of gas, generators and power tools. Build a nice settlement
Yes of course but OP is a faggot always so no.
>Everything you've ever imagined, Anon. Dream big.

Lolis?! I'm down for sure! I will be waiting for my invite, man I can't wait.
Preston go to sleep and dream about settlements
Stable white men healthy non violent no criminal record, educated, have wife etc..
Degenerate neo nazis not invited educated national socialists yes.
Surrounded by muzzies. Not a good start.

We're becoming a world superpower. Unless we're taking over Argentina then no.

>Let's do it. Get a ship full of gas, generators and power tools.

That's the easy part.

The last thing we need is Podesta showing up.

Good baseline.
Op what you want is to buy land on and near fresh water aquifers. Water is tomorrows oil..


How bout some help with tuition and books.
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Imagine wanting to see anyone who uses /pol/ irl
why not both?

Make sure to get something spacious. None of that 20 acre bullshit.
Gtfo hater.
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It would be awesome, and I would certainly come. Most of us wouldn't be able to do much in terms of fruitful commerce. It would be like you paying for us to have a long vacation on some cool island. Sign me up. I can provide security services, fight off boarders, pirates etc.

We could probably get Russian girls or Syrian girls to come and be our waifus if we could get the word out to them that we had a cool place to live and stay and we need waifus.
Dude dont by an island
Start biulding a self sustaining biodome in the desert or the ant arctic.

is this legal? as long as no one is paying rent (so it doesn't classify as business discrimination), you are allowed to close off an area and allow just people that you want in to live in the community?
An arctic for ants?
Checked. When we movin in?
I don't use crypto, huge bubble.

You don't have to come.

Looking at around 1,500+ ideally.

Everybody has some sort of skill that could be useful.

Sounds interesting, seems more expensive. Got any more details?

If you own it, I'm sure it's legal.
more important question. Could you tell us how to become multimillionairs too so we could start to contribute to this project
Make sure it has a fresh waters source.
>If I were to buy an island open to /pol/ posters would you come?
probably at least visit.

>What is the first task?
dependable power
dependable communications
source of food / income to purchase food
source of income

> Do you think we could make it? Could we become self sustainable?
if you have the will, there are many ways
>tfw primitive tech dude shows the way

>How to we stop infiltrators?
who says you want to stop them?
psyops, convert them, flip them or destroy them. Eventually you won't have problems with infiltrators

I'm an old dude, I have many skills and I plan on retiring to a sailing vessel one day soon. If you achieve your ambition rich anon maybe I'll visit and we'll exchange ideas for social planning and technology
What sort of location were you thinking of?
Opinion discarded
50 people is a lot.
Invest in blimp-mounted wind turbines and give everyone a UBI conditioned on right-wing shitposting. Get the drop on Google.
By an island with multiple around, hopefully none that are occupied; that way we can expand.
What's your opinion on marijuana?
Logistics is the main challenge. We would need a constant inflow of fresh water, food, fuel, medicine and other essentials. Building habitats and supporting infrastructure is actually the easy part -- money not withstanding. Even high speed internet is doable with an undersea link. Oh, our /pol/ ethnostate will have zero credit, so we better have cash.

In terms of revenue -- settler fees, tourism, fish...maybe some agriculture. Basically peanuts.
Let's buy several adjacent farms in South Africa. Reinforce/connect them together to make defence easier/more efficient.
Start our own city, basically.
Become self sufficient and then begin the gentrification process. Any Boers willing to join are welcome.

I'll suck your cock for $10,000.

I'm not gay, so it's cool.
That sounds like an awful plan
We should build a reserve of gold and precious metals..
Couldn't we buy a distiller or a rain water catcher?
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Yeah but it's a fucking island, goatfuckers can't do shit about it. If any unauthorized boats comes over we can just shoot their asses.
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Walkers cay in Bahamas (with airstrip) available for 14 million.

Smith Island in Chesapeake bay, tangier island.. kind of sinking islands that could possibly be place to move to. These islands are not abandoned, but in a state of decline.

Fort Carrol, an abandoned civil war island fort in Maryland, could probably be purchased and turned into an project restoration/conversion to sinister HQ for the forces of Kekistan
Buy off some techies who arent loyalistz but self interested, make them install electricity, internet, and other things
I love this idea
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You could buy alot of acreage for 11+ million in the states. Islands are unrealistic.
What about:
>food + water
You need alot of land to be self sustainable,even with aquaculture.
>school for the kiddies
>commuting to the mainland
People get bored. They'd want a nightlife + get things an island can't provide. Things in Hawaii are really expensive,they'd be insanely expensive on a small island.
>seeing family/friends
People won't want to fly 10 hours to see their loved ones.
You can easily use solar/wind/wood gasification etc. on a homestead to provide power.How do you clean raw sewerage on an island? It takes alot of energy,not so on a homestead. You aren't going to dump all your shit (no pun intended) in the water you get fish/swim/desal your water from.

You can use an incinerator toilet but those are 3k a pop and you'd want to save your electricity for desal/power.

Homesteading community:
>land for hunting
>no senpai/friend problems
>easily go to town if you want
>land for growing food
>land for shoiting / blowing off steam
>golf course,gokart track,whatever
All these problems are easily solvable/no issue on a homestead. Wood can provide power to all terrain vehicles/houses etc. It provides heat. It can be used to build attractive timber framed house (pic related).

Islands are for leftists to diddle kids,or an investment property. No serious person wants to start a community on an island .Well except for those libertarian people at Seateadng Institute.

Islands provide too many complications than benefits. If you just want a sandy beach then buy 20k acres with a lake and put in a beach.

If you were smart you'd buy land next to national/state land.It'll never be developed next to you and most have free ,or small fee, wood collecting. They have hiking trails ,atv, etc .

You're 10-20k acres abutting a multi-square mile mixed use park would enlarge your community alot.

People need space sometimes. An island is a pipe dream.
Having read through real quick here, I'd be willing to lend a hand in the revitalization and ultimately the gating of a large part of Detroit.

Island life is shit for 1/3 Of the year when you're dealing with monsoons. The structures there are also in a constant state of disrepair due to the nature of their construction. Unless you're making everything concrete, you have to build so that weather passes through rather than being kept out entirely. This leads to a fuck tonne of structure issues, the primary one being rot.

Journeyman carpenter reporting, let's get to work on renovating those crack dens and turn them into 1/4 - 1/2 million dollar homes.
Hell yeah, I'd come, at least for a vacation at first.
I'm committed to trying to salvage our country, but if the US falls to shit, it'll be nice to have another refuge.

Current backup is Scotland, but Anon Island will be my new backstop.

Will a (you) be as good as a passport?
Multimillions buys you a house in LA, not an island. Saging this LARP thread.
The property taxes in Detroit are a nasty issue that must be considered. (highest property tax rate on earth)
Well, I inherited a good bit. I've made about 8x the inheritance investing.

For sure.

Power would probably be generators at first, solar, whatever else. Food income isn't that big of an issue.

I'm open to suggestions. I'm literally thinking of all this as we talk. Lol

Come on, Anon.

I don't use it, I don't like majority of the people that do, but if they don't act like complete retards, whatever.

We have plenty of people that can help sort all that out. Cash isn't exactly an issue.

Wanting to be close to Africa

Prepare for the kike invasion.

This is definitely a good idea. How much are those desalination machines?

Fair point, we'd need some sort of sensors too.


You're out.

US will fall to shit just a matter of time.

Are you retarded?
Pay some Engineers to teach in your island tribe to pass on the skills to the tribe, procede to mechanize farming, build roads, factories, hospitals, houses etc..
Produce sovereign currency that exports goods and services for foreign goods/currency, gradually expand the tribe wjen it is completely peopled and maximized in its territorial usage, connect some more labd to the island for more food to produce more people.
all in bitcoin I presume?
>Detroit has no farm land
tell that to the hipster who start farms in detroit
We could do the desalination machine and the rainwater catcher. Since you're loaded you could buy several. So it'd never break.
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maybe you should link up with BunkerBro. he bought a bunch of old decommissioned military bunkers. i think hes located in sweden. also, check out these compounds in the states
although id be scared shitless one of you fucks would lock me in.
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save your money, wait until arabs make israel chimp out again, fund a colony between angola and namibia
Motion sensors are a thing so it's all good.
>By an island
Shit i just realized my mistake, should double check before posting.
reminds me of a post-zombie apocalypse game where you make a settlement in a city and slowly expand it block by block
No. I don't invest in cryptocurrency. I've purchased multiple companies, also the stock market.

That sounds ideal.

I'll check it out. Getting locked in would suck. Lol

If only I could fund open borders for Israel.
Yeah, but we'd need them surrounding the entire island.

Lol yeah.
sounds fun to me
A 700 dollar desalination does 8 gallons of water per day. You might be able to get a much more expensive one that does a lot more.
the juice will never leave
solar power, hydroelectric, fish, animal husbandry farm would be needed, good for home base, training new volunteers, background checks on everyone and while on island media blackout
>700 dollars

That's all? Shit. That will be much cheaper than I was thinking.
Maybe not the entire island, sentries and towers can be placed down along with the sensors. Besides some sensors are a very large radius.
give me the ability and I will help you bring this movement into a new political group that will dominate the US
I have no idea what the process is to set one of these up
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Invite me invite me! I'll come.

I don't have enough money to buy my own, but I sure could be happy building on yours.
That's true, but better safe than sorry, I suppose.

I think that happened already

We definitely need people that know how to do shit like that.

Works for me.
after looking at a lot of the properties, most of them are between 10 and 50 acres. not much space, but you could maybe buy multiple. kinda neato
Distillation is the way to go for drinking water. Use microhydro or even go balls to the wall and build a proper hydro to power it and then just continually feed it water. Desalination would be fine for water that isn't consumed but then you end up with people still getting sick every once in a while due to accidental ingestion.
You just need to pay someone 50k.a year and you get your own techies.
buy up these confederate statues... to decorate ur island
They range from 200 to over 10000 depending on the output. 8 gallons isn't much. They have one for 10000ish that gets you thousands of gallons per day.

There's a 3076 acre island in Fiji for a cool couple million that could easily be built up and fortified.
please make a /pol/ ranch in the white areas of the texas hill country
If you're really a millionaire you should look into retrofitting abandoned mining towns into server farms.

Here's a huge one.


The cold saves money on electricity, and excess heat can be used to heat parts of the mine for hydroponics, living areas, and livestock.

Norway and Iceland have already had huge success doing this, and brining in new industries will make a hostile takeover of Greenland that much easier.

Warming climate ensures northern shipping routes can be exploited, as well as new geothermal activity melting the glacial coverage, opening giant freshwater lakes and rare earth minerals for exploitation.
Pay nuclear engineers 140k and get your own chad nuclear powered super state.
You would have to import lots of material just to get up and running, but I doubt anyone would waste their time coming out to a remote island to sabotage anything. It would be virtually impossible to do agriculture the old-school way, you would need dedicated teams of people cycling something like a hydroponic setup to produce enough food and industrial materials, not to mention trying to get machinery and other materials to produce things people would use. You'd be better off just importing everything in the world to the island and living there yourself.
I'm an automation tech and electrical maintenance guy... I'd help out with this lovely fantasy island project.
I think we have enough autists to defend anyways. Once we shoot one boat out of the water the sand nigs will be to scared to come.
For sure.
You mean desalination. It's incredibly unrealistic.

You're farm/aquaculture and desal/raincatchment system would take up most of the island. Not to mention the solar panels,wind or sea turbine etc.

What would you even do on such a small island? Fishing/watersports would be fun fo a while but then what? Monopoly? A homesteading community is much better idea.Hunting,fishing,atvs,large shooting ranges,bonfire parties,all kinds of sports golf,soccer,football etc. A real COMMUNITY ,not some rich guys powertrip.
I would love to, at least for a weekend visit. am sure it would be fun
>Greenland is ice and Iceland is green

Greenland would be nearly insufferable for most people here. Have you ever had to spend time in -40°C weather? It's fucking miserable.
The most important thing to consider is preventing us from being wiped out like in WACO.
I'm thinking more around 1,500 acres minimum, there's quite a few.

As long as they pass the vetting. I'm sure we could work something out.

I like that idea.

I know 8 gallons isn't a lot, but I was thinking 30k for a good setup.

I always thought about buying a ghost town. Lol That's pretty cool though.


>You'd be better off just importing everything in the world to the island and living there yourself.

Sounds pretty boring.

>Once we shoot one boat out of the water the sand nigs will be to scared to come.


1,500 acres isn't exactly small.
>Import everything
>crisis happens
>oranges now cost 1k a piece
>everyone leaves or starves
It might be a good idea to make it clear that we are a peaceful community trying to change the global political tide.
don't listen to this faggot the aztecs made islands to expand their size so can we
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it could seriously work. we could divide up duties such as maintaining the grounds, farming, border security, femanons tending to the aryan children, etc. and from there divide up the rewards of our labor so no one ever goes hungry, lives in squalor, or is unloved. it could work and best part is we'd be far from those rabid commies.
Something like this is way more feasible although you would have to operate within the laws of whatever country it would be in. But you could just pick a place where you can live like a warlord with a bunch of autists and set up camp.
tobacco and cocoa beans could be great ways to make money on the island
Forget it Soros. But good luck trying to catch some Nadsis.

I think I am comfy right in the middle of this cucked (((society))), throwing White Pills left & right for the gays


Especially left
What you just described is communism with the extra fun of mandating women to "love" grotesques. Watch as they leave en masse.
Did you read the post? It would be a bunch of poltards running a server farm from inside a renovated cave. Sounds like the average person here would do well there.
1,500 acres is a little over 2 square miles. Not tiny but it couldn't carry alot of people is you're talking 100% self sustainable.

Think in 20 years when the babies are around and you have yourself a population boom and can't handle it. Unless you only intend to bring ~50 people you'll end up like Easter Island.
That is why I said he would be better off living on an island by himself and not trying to create an economy in a place where the fucking rain can ruin lives. Its an awesome idea and if he had unlimited money it would be totally feasible. But the anons suggesting a real community on a real piece of land are onto something that could realistically happen
nice little hobbit hole never hurt no one
He could always build vertically.
we will conquer more land
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I'm disappointed that nobody has posted it yet.
The part that I didnt read was where mommy would be. No mommy to bring you tendies means getting the fuck out to go seal hunting or ice fishing or whatever the fuck they do in Greenland for food. Hydroponic farms inside geothermal caves sounds great until you realize that it's highly impractical and definitively unsustainable.
I think you'd have 20 years to plan for that on your luxurious Fiji Island..
>concentrating all of /pol/ into one place
What could go wrong?
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my fucking sides
Please anon. Based on your flag, I'd like to mention that there's is a US airbase called THULE in Greenland.

The population is too drunk/suicidal/native to exploit their resources. Follow in the footsteps of your ancestors and build a better nation on the bodies of the incapable.

The geothermal energy potential alone would be tremendous, not to mention the ease of using an old mine converted to a server farm.

The one I posted earlier is only 1 of many that are completely abandoned.

Think of the optics;

"Millionaire humanitarian vows to bring growing tech jobs into Greenland."
brah theres mansions in the USA under100,000,most places rent were below 350 if anyone wants to join in we could renovate crumbling mansions to be our home bases
I imagine extremely tribalized educated populace completes an island in its infastructure and peopleing and then naturally expands to more territory though peace.
might as well just coordinate with friends to all buy houses next to each other in a gated community and just live a regular life.
Conainerized housing units would solve some space and weather issues. You could also bring in container hospitals, offices, workshops, etc. you can stack them.

Fishing is an obvious means of food income. We could supplement with imported agriculture until we set up our own agriculture (ranch, floating hydro farms, etc.) Or maybe our cash flow would allow for enough food imports.

Energy is really a solved problem. Short term we could run fuel generators, then move to sea-wind farms, solar, hydro, nuclear, whatever we want.

Medical care would be crucial. Especially since settlers will spend a lot of time bieng sick.
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is there a non-nigger alternative to kool-aid?
>/pol/ castle

I grew up on a farm, I will help work the land.
>Fair point, we'd need some sort of sensors too.
I'll give you an idea.
If you own an island, it might be nice to have a radio station on it to broadcast to the surrounding area. You could do local news, weather anything you might want. But here is the real point. By broadcasting a steady signal you can "listen" for reflections, this is what RADAR is. In your case an island with a radio station you can use what is known as 'passive radar', basically you set up receivers in several elevated locations on the island by using the reflected signals you can detect any boat or airplane in the surrounding area, it's distance, bearing and speed. All this without having a conventional RADAR system.
>Passive radar systems (also referred to as passive coherent location and passive covert radar) encompass a class of radar systems that detect and track objects by processing reflections from non-cooperative sources of illumination in the environment, such as commercial broadcast and communications signals. It is a specific case of bistatic radar, the latter also including the exploitation of cooperative and non-cooperative radar transmitters.

it seems to me that a few anons were having serious discussion about owning / outfitting an island before the election cycle, there may be archives with interesting information.
We need this.
there is a lighthouse in NJ right now that is 10,000 dollars that could be flipped
Before it was abandoned, they kept livestock, outside the mine, mind you. Reindeer is delicious. Hydroponics is supplementary, and when you realize how much space you have to work with inside the mine, you'll realize it's very doable.

More importantly, Greenland is going to be a major player in the future. The ice is melting (due to geothermal activity, not global warming) which will expose insane amounts of precious metals.

Check it out friend.
Is everyone larping ?

What about those people that wanted to buy land in namibia, their website,dissapeared
Been to Peter Island yet?
Kek this has to be a larp, feels bad man. This thought experiment is sounding more and more fun though. Have another (You)
To the outside world we're the most peaceful group on Earth. Lol

Something like that I guess. Lol

We'd definitely find a way to break free from the country, we need a good Lawyer Anon.

Definitely true.

Fuck off, Cuck.


Fuck off, leaf. You're fucking retarded.

1,500 is minimum. Also you can also build upwards, not just spaced out suburbs.

This too.

I know, right?


"Millionaire humanitarian vows to bring growing tech jobs into Greenland."

Yeah, not exactly what I was thinking.

You have it pretty much figured out.

Also a good idea for Radar.

use the island has a stepping stone to spy and raid jeffrey epsteins islands
Set up the basic utilities, fresh drinking water, electricity, internet and so forth.

Holy hell those double trips.

This is a good idea. Islands are for cucks like Zuckerberg and co.
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I like the greenland idea.
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Hmm, lots of hills. It could still work
>underground network of tunnels in the hills
>assuming center of island is flat, make the main base
>walls at beach areas
>motion sensors 1/8 km apart or some this like that
could work
Genuinely not, but fair to think so.
I would come, but I'm a worthless neet, but I'd work If you gibs me dat.
Need water, 1st.
Could use solar, wind, and wave generators for power.
Not sure what to do with the waste. Could make ponds with neoprene covers to trap methane from critters breaking down the waste; use that gas for fuel.
Build raised huts out of bamboo for shelter.

As far as keeping people out, I'd say limit the populace to Christians of European ancestry.

I'm game for it, buy my wife and kids probably wouldn't be. A private island is my dream scenario.
Those prices seem really low

Houses in florida go for that
this is a neat idea but I think an island is a bad idea. simply because of population growth. Managing population I think is something that would not go over well if everyone wanted to have kids or was able to. Maybe building your own gated community in the middle of the US would be better. easier time with logistics more activities, easier start up can build vertically.

so basically start your own town building by building. Build a giant house first that would latter become the town hall and start building housing on the property and expand from there.

Island sounds cool but in the long run wouldn't be practical. However I hope you succeed with this, could be nice to visit.
If we really want this to work, we would need to break it in first. if it doesn't cost too much extra, have em throw in natives we can slaughter and rape. I'll throw in $10
This one is pretty fucking perfect.
Anon, you pull this off and I'm down. Lets make some shekels
I'm in for 10K
we wuz tavulu colonialists and shieeet
depending on the area, but we could allow certain governments to train in our area/s in exchange for resources/ and or money
Nigga if /pol/ moved to an island we'd become an easy target!
More of a desire to be the beacon of hope to the poor Boer souls stuck in SA.
Many of them would be willing to join the city-state, just to stay alive and not lose their land.
AFAIK this is the biggest global effecting action that can be done with that kind of money.
white nationalism. It's different
Only those of European ancestry.
Those who work will recueve currency on the island for their work for goods and services.
>What is the first task?
Build housing, build rain water catchment setup, get energy source like windmill or solar and start farming.

>Could we become self sustainable?

Relatively. Fuel and some supplies would have to be imported.

>"Millionaire humanitarian vows to bring growing tech jobs into Greenland."

>Yeah, not exactly what I was thinking.

Optics friend. If you want to build a nation you need popular support. You're not giving tech jobs to Greenland, you're building a white ethnostate under the guise of humanitarian premises. You're exploiting a sovereign nation's resources and they will thank you for doing it, until they realize they have become a minority in their own nation, but it's too late by then.

Become the white Soros.
Fuck off cia
this poor faggot posted his btc address
>Also a good idea for Radar.
hobby type HAM people doing stuff with SDR (software defined radio) using the cheap ($10) usb receivers have done proof of concept using local FM radio stations.
The water will most likely be salty, salt will block plants from gaining nutrients, A RO water purification system would be needed for drinking and farming water
Kanacea Island, 3085 acres
abundant sea life
several fresh water springs
The Island has some basic infrastructure, roads and even an area for an airstrip
island is currently operating as a coconut plantation, and the tropical acreage hosts natural populations of cattle, goats, pigs and chickens.
how am I CIA, brainstorming ideas to help possible pol island makes me CIA, fuck off bait shilly shill
North Italy and Croatia isn't that bad tho
I will run the island bike shop for rum, food, lodging, internet access, and a small stipend.
can't wait for the documentary on "the /pol/ony" full of fat virgins who realized they had no internet or way back to America so they all died after an hour of sun exposure
my bad, the link I meant to post is

I can cook minute rice in 58 seconds and I may or may not be Steve Miller.
Tree houses.
its sounds perfect or at least the best I've seen so far
TO removes 97+% of everything in water, including beneficial things like calcium and magnesium. I don't don't know shit about farming but don't plants need those minerals to form strong cellular walls that ultimately make up their stems and support structures?
If you don't buy Kanacea, I will in 10-15 years when I have that much to blow. That place looks PERFECT for a getaway where I can decide who comes, and can pay some coconut farmers a higher than expected wage to farm my coconuts.
I think if we somehow managed we should keep the screening proccees and details on a down low. They must not know how we screen, they cannot know we'll only take certain races, IQ's etc.. Don't let anyone know what we're really doing, who we're associated with and who we support politically. Get /pol alt-right maga kek etc..away as far as possible, if they managed to know who we support or associate with they'll come down on us hard. CIA, FBI, NSA will be knocking at our doors.
If the environment can support coconuts than it could support great weed, which we could use to make things like rope, clothing, hammocks
it could be a well managed paradise
To add to this, Danish citizens can move to Greenland and get a monthly stipend. This can be abused TREMENDOUSLY for initial funding and sustainability issues inherent in the beginning of such an endeavor.

Make the state pay us to take over.
Just go rural. Don't buy tons of weapons so you don't get fed visitors. Learn to farm.
CS anon here. Does a programmer get a spot on the island? I do networking and cyber security as well.
maybe we can all contribute to building a giant ice cube, throw it in the ocean, hop on, and see where it takes us.
I'm down, but you need more than $2 million. Only someone worth barely over $2 million refers to themselves as a multi-millionaire.
were still in stone age, nerd.
Yes they do but plants can have too much of something. The calcium and magnesium will build up and eventually block your plant from absorbing nutrients but the calcium and magnesium build up in the ground due to things like hard water, your soil can become unsuitable for growing

Watch the video that comes with it. It's literally perfect and completely inhabitable.
He was talking about a $31 mil island earlier. I think he's a little more comfortable than two.
Has a couple structures already built.

I'm genuinely thinking about it weather this whole thing works out or not.

In another country? Lol


Taking in anyone that can pass the vetting. Every skill is needed eventually.

I have plenty more than 2 million. If I'm talking about 25+ million islands in Fiji. Keep up, Anon.

About to watch the video. I was listening to something and didn't yet, everything else checks out.
You don't know very many multi-millionaires then, friend. I know over a hundred with literally multiple millions, and one in particular with over half a billion in the bank, ~$14M/yr income, and he gives over half it to charity most years.

Dude talked someone down on a used private jet that was $9m new, talked down from $5m to $2m.

There are enough people out there with the wealth to buy up every private island around, they just don't all want islands.
>Tfw racemixing alcoholic
>Tfw libertarian instead of fash
>Tfw no jungle paradise for me
I am completely down with this, set it up with the right defenses to make sure we can't be fucked with, maybe find a way to integrate networking all around, full info corps. Seems you could make a comfy corporation there along with the whole super power bit.
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/k/ already memed this idea like 4 years ago. Look up the achieves. It was going to turn Detroit into a paradise!
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Reality, 300 pound well fed Aryan Men with thick wives and 20 kids, all with higher education but still labors to maintain the community, 100% employment, median wealth 500k, gdp growth 20%, scientific breakthroughs yearly, monthly festivals to celebrate the ancestors and most accomplished person that month.
I see you're still here. Why are you doing this, and what do you make per year?
>living with autistic neckbeard NEETS
no thank you
with the money you could use to buy an island, you would probably do better off by buying a large chunk of land in northern montana /idaho. the american redoubt, you should look it up.

as far as infiltrators, idk. i think you just have to spend a lot of time talking to people. you have to make sure their ideals align with yours and that they dont seem manufactured, that they have their own stories and reasons behind their ideals. also integrity. integrity is the most important human trait. and you can tell if someone has it if you spend time with them long enough.
>see 6 boats full of black people headed your way
>"oh shit, migrants!"
>unload anti-migrant artillery gun at them
>realize theyre paid protestors Soros put on boats
5436.32 Acres for 2.2mil
This! Oakland county medicfag reporting
If you buy in US territories, plus if some countries found out, especially the cucked ones. they'd put sanctions on us if we managed to get that far.
I'm going to guess oil speculator or investment banker.
Conversely, water that's too pure will also leech away critical things like nitrogen will it not? I'm aware that fertilizer takes care of that but how much shit can /pol/ be full of? In all seriousness though, this all applies to island life. I just came back from an island and their life sucks. Tourism keeps them alive, imports keep them fed, and coconuts are everywhere. Crab and coconuts.
I wish to submit my residency application. I can provide the following services. I am not a fat lazy anon I assure you!
>Trail building
>bicycle repair / maintenance
>Excellent fishing / decent diving skills
>Small game hunting
>Light construction
I am a GenX anon, but you punks can call me gramps if it fills the void of leaving behind your people in some say. Absolutely NO "dad" business though. I would literally move to this island. I don't complain, I don't have some huge ambition to be a leader (conversely, I have NO desire to be "led" either), and am fairly self sufficient and very easy to get along with. Build it, and we will come.
Once the island is established, it would be great idea to appoint individuals to act as ambassadors to the island, Attain diplomatic immunity for them and we would have a much larger foothold in world politics
https://www. privateislandsonline.com/south-america/chile/isla-san-pedro
>European climate
>Larger than Andorra
This one m80
Don't let them Chinks into your island. Chinese people are god's abominations.
No infrastructure
new bread?

Everything will be set up to be as secure as possible.

Read the thread. I've already posted. I inherited money and invested it wisely and made much much more.


Kanacea Island is pretty incredible.

Everyone is welcome as long as they pass the vetting.

Of course not.


I'll make one in a second.
Same man I referenced above owns the condo in WA comprising of the top of a tower, as well as a massive property in Idaho.

When you have REAL money, don't limit to one dream.

I plan on owning my own island some day, as well as constructing a castle to live in somewhere in NA, most likely central Oregon.

Dream big yo.

>>> /oven/
Maybe have a holiday resort, folk who can't move to the island could support the movement by paying to stay there
We don't need another Lord Jim. We need a solution to Midwestern drug addiction.
I know finance and military ops.
Whatever you say daddy.
hey if shit goes south. i have a family of five that may be willing to go. all hard working, even the kids. two daughters, one son in law. all healthy intelligent and redpilled. i would say that we are more racially aware, than actually classical racist. we know there are differences, aren't interested in mixing, but do not hate anyone past the individual. the issue that i am having is college. i do not want to send my kids to be indoctrinated. i have taught them what i know, but am not sure the bombardment at the uni will be too much. anyways there you go, we have been talking about possibly leaving the country over the next couple of years. at the very least moving to the north.
A scientific team would be necessary as well, if we did a public research event into Antartica we could unravel their secrecy in the time frame Trump wishes for disclosure
>why not both?

So...can OP look at making a server farm in an abandoned mine in Greenland?
>Mechanical Engineer
>I let the help do landscaping
Let me in!

New thread
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I'll never live on /pol/ack island. Why even?
there are plenty of gated communities and apartment complexes so im pretty sure its ok
I've been wondering about the same, and also imagine what if /k/ crowdfunded an aircraft carrier and became a sovereign nation carrying out PMC contracts
I just want my libertarian paradise
Checked...greetings son / daughter / xir? I am not up on your generation's pronouns. Hanukkah will be at your whore mother's house this year.
not enough resources, no way to escape in case of catastrophe (hurricane / tidalwave / biological) lack of infrastructure (elec internet ports airports)

if anything you should go after liberland
Detroit gets too cold in the winter you can buy New Orleans east out and grow food year round plus maybe even access to the lake that leads to the gulf.
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Why don't you guys just sell Detroit to Canad? We can gentrify it - We'll take the guns, and give them healthcare

We could make it Toronto 2.0
Fuck off leaf, you already have a shithole called Quebec to fuck with
What about hydroponics? You could probably grow year round in that climate
>actually buying an island
Fuck it, let's use it illegally and be pirates, aarrrr! We could smuggle stuff, too!
How about we trade? Quebec for Detroit
You are lucky I don't have any actual power to do so, cause I would take that deal and laugh while snackin on popcorn while watching you deal with your newfoundland.
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