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Jordan Peterson on Charlottesville

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I hate the left for their dishonesty. i don't want to win their game. I hate their game.

Individualism is a doomed perspective. Individuals live pointless lives and die pointless deaths. Only those who are part of something greater live on through the perpetuation of their heritage.
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>your only alternative to fight a group of insane people is to be a high standing individual
>you totally wont be ripped apart by the groups that continue to grow or anything, just be an idealist!

He still hasn't got an answer for group mentality.
how can i sort myself out when we got commies running around?
Sorting oneself is desirable... But yeah no, we need to purge evil. There is a reason traditional Christian's didn't support communism.
White collectivism is for 89IQ whites who use identity politics because they failed at life as an individual. Be an individual and accomplish something instead of trying to identify with some of your ancestors who landed on the moon.

t. Jordan Petershekelstein
>oy vey white man! Competition is for suckers! Just let everyone else take everything from you
Fuck muh individuality, fuck muh statues, fuck muh confederacy. We're getting white identity, because that's the only way forward.

Doesn't need one he's clearing waaay over half a mil a year from suckers.
Basically he wants the right to continue doing what it has been doing for decades.
This. Remove our Jewish shackles. Flying cars and moonbases next, the future us ours.

Too bad all the accused tested at the Nurnberg kangaroo trials were all so smart the Jews suppressed the results.
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>the crowd is untruth
Actually these nerds around here play the game for entertainment first.

The lefties are out of control right now desu they need some opposition.

Also white is right, Peterson.
Lessons from South Africa.

Not smart enough to lose a war and get caught.

Was that part of their master plan?
Jordan "King of /pol/" Peterson
Why is he so sharp? How do I become like that?
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fuck you, no everyone is a perpetual child like you.
Its not because your life sucks that everyone elses does
the only game they have is identity politics
accept their labels with pride
continue to laugh at them
Tell the truth.
Dr. William Luther Pierce warned all us almost 20 years ago!
Sort yourself out
There must be some exercises I can do to get closer to that state of mind, to that linguistic cognition and deductive prowess.

Perhaps I should start working out..
the only way to have done that would have been decades ago
now it's too late for that
leave it up to a leaf professor to say if you beat your enemies, they win
Imagine being an individualist in Maoist China, or hell, Boston yesterday, and trying to convince the deranged blood-thirsty student mobs with muh arguments. Individualism is self-defeating. He lives in fantasy-land.
JBP is always right.
Work out, read, hang out with interesting people, go back to school, stop playing video games, etc.

Its a very long process
Peterson is overall a positive force, but he goes a bit too far with the individualism. The world we live in now is radically individualistic to a point never before imagined by any other civilization throughout history. We've elevated individualism to so high a level that our group identity is now completely devalued.

The truth is that we are individuals, but we are not JUST individuals. In the same way, we belong to a group, but we are not JUST members of a group. We are BOTH, and need to nurture and defend both ourselves as individuals, and our extended family, our race. We are all links in a great unbroken chain, and each generation has had to fight to secure his/her own individual existence and destiny.

Too much emphasis on the individual or on the group leads to nothing but bad outcomes. Too much emphasis on individuality leads to selfishness and apathy, while too much emphasis on group identity leads to mob mentality and individual weakness. People must strike a balance with both to become truly realized human beings.
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It's a valid point but things aren't so clear cut. I don't want to make politics about it but white identity still exists and needs to be addressed like everything. Wanting to preserve your own culture and extended family (aka race) is a biological imperative behind everything we do not a fringe extremist belief popularized by some German emo.

The violence now on both sides is a result of suppression of the truth instead of following the proclaimed ideals of free expression and exchange of information. To me the swastika represents that suppression of the truth and how powerful the dominant propaganda narratives have become.

Breaking through the propaganda is the most important thing, we won't survive if we can't face reality anymore.
why is Jordan always on the verge of tears?
Anons assume he is cucking, but I think white identiarianism is a historical inevitably at this point. Therefore, he is giving any advice he can to give them a competitive advantage as they take shape.
> don't worry about the future just be selfish and worry about yourself goyim
This!! xD Heil Hitler! White Nationalism is the only way!!!!!!!!!!!!! BASED ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Start at 15:00 you shitlords. WLP describes JP to a T
>anon doesn't get Peterson

His message boils down to tell the truth while improving yourself and getting rid of habits that hurt you. Be an individual following what his says improves your surroundings because you are focused on the truth and what is right
>le over the top sarcasm
that doesn't work if you're the cuck
I've watched it senpai. However, I think it's too long for nu-/pol/.
white nationalists who believe they're in any way better than the communists they despise are the real cucks
>no u
bitch pls
That's a fine sentiment, but it only works in a society that respects law and order or among similarly minded people. His answer, along with most normie conservatives, is to better oneself. But that doesn't work with an enemy that is actively trying to destroy you. Human beings are social creatures, it has been proven time and time again that a group that acts altruistically/cooperatively will win by every metric against a group of people that act selfishly, even if the ones that act selfishly are smarter, or fitter, or whatever. That is why conservatives have been losing everything since the 60s, why they haven't conserved shit, because they continue to try to act individually while their opponents unite. The whole point of the alt-right and the unite the right rally is to try to bring together vastly different people that all want at least one thing in common, in the case of the alt-right a white homeland and in the case of the rally to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I respect Dr. Peterson immensely, yet he is unable to see that his answer will only help us combat the postmodern neomarxists one-on-one. But their entire ideology is based upon collectivism, meaning they will never face us one-on-one: antifa doesn't when fighting in the streets, SJWs don't online, the media doesn't in reporting, politicians don't, blacks don't, Jews don't, etc. etc. Trump disavowed white nationalists, yet did you ever hear Obama disavow BLM, even after they shot a bunch of cops? No, of course not, he said they had some legitimate grievances and we needed to listen to them. He knew they were on his team, even if he didn't like their tactics. If the ideals of the right are to survive we must learn to band together (which is most easily, and effectively, done around race) and fight back. The alternative is to die a death of a thousand cuts, watching as each member of the right is picked off for the leftist cause in vogue until there's only left left.
>go be a successful individual
>overcome all the obstacles in front of you because you're a white man
>disregard the raving communist anti-white mobs who will take your job, if not your life, if you slip up with your goodthink
Great pep-talk boss. Not that he can say much less from Canada without going to jail, but yeah, wasted time.
Individualism has brought us a degenerate and morally bankrupt society.
>Be unique you are special but nothing really matters once you die!
>Become a transsexual drug addicts Marxist faggot

Okay, I agree with JP, but how to fight the communists?
But JP isn't too long to watch? :(
Why can't this kid talk properly? Fucking autist.
Stop giving the commie ideas.
Damn straight
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Strawman bullshit. Being aware and concerned about very real white genocide does not equal "making my whole identity about politics of race"

The Jew got to him

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
>who is Nikola Tesla
>who is Isaac Newton
>who is Galileo

These guys didn't give a shit about the society they were in. They just wanted to do some SCIENCE. And science they did.

What I get from his "tell the truth" advice is try to fight what hurts you, be it personal relationships that sucks, mistreating individuals on the street, etc. the clean your room is angriest start because you can't expect to make great changes if you dont even spent the time to work on yourself. What do you think?
This is true.

I get that he sees this is headed towards violence and really wants to avoid violence because whenever that type of violence has happened historically, it's been terrible for everyone. I just hope that we can avoid it
anti depressants
kek you should've heard his entire question, dude was wired as fuck or strung out or something. Maybe just nervous I guess
Individualism is a gateway drug towards globalism, mass white dispossession , and corporate authoritarian run lands of mediocrity and hedonism.
This. Individuals can't fight a collective.
How would you not be if you spent your time thinking of the topics he talks about.
As for the individualism thing. Of course, its not new, everyone that mentioned this word in this thread is an imbecile who only views the most extreme. There are 2 sides of the same coin, a pure individualistic view or a society.
In order to function in a society every person has to sacrifice a part of what makes him him. Sometimes you dont insult that person even though youd want to, sometimes you agree to something you wouldnt want to, sometimes you stay silent but youd prefer to speak your mind and most importantly, you constantly make compromises with others. Through all of this you slowly become less of a person and more of a drone. In order for a human to have the feeling of living in a perfect society, is to make him as robot as possible. Robots would have an absolute perfect society. High economy, no civil unrest, enough food and shelter ( assuming theyd need such things ) because robots are not persons to begin with. They would simply work 24/7 always communicate precisely in order to achieve a goal and thats it, perfect society. A perfect society through nothing but pure ideology, a blind belief that the person telling you what to do knows anything. Imagine what would happen to this robot society if one robot decided that the robot next to him is a fucking idiot and does not want to follow his orders. It would surely fuck up alot of things and all of that would came from the robot having some sort of individuality.
Dont go too far into either side no such thing as pure individual and no such thing as pure ideologue, dont stride to be closer to either, find your own spot on the spectrum.
Good point.
>These guys didn't give a shit about the society they were in.
Imagine being this bluepilled
They didn't have a group of people that wanted to completly over throw their society and ruin everything their fathers ever did.

Plus they were MGTOW autistic geniuses. Society isn't built, maintained, and carried on by those people. They just gave their societies little boosts.
>to a degree this.
Another anon was saying something about reasoning with mobs as an individual would be suicide. They aren't wrong, but that's a case where no one has bothered doing what Dr. Peterson(peace be upon him) suggested. Let's take the boston mob, yeah? then let's make a right wing mob of individuals that are at the level that Peterson is talking about. The people that have their lives sorted out, are strong, have a good head on their shoulders, and lets see those two forces clash. Who do you think would win? Brute force or brute force and cunning?
Jordan is wrong here
Bettering yourself is good, but no matter how much i better myself the jewish MSM brainwashing isnt going to stop and the jewish politicians flooding in millions of third world immigrants isnt going to stop
No, that isn't it. His personality is high in openness and he is extremely sensitive in nearly every emotional area. He is ill suited for violence and he doesn't want it to topple the dominance hierarchy that he climbed so high on.

He isn't doing this out of a noble interest.
I've heard it described as "identity politics for whites" before. I believe the good doctor has a point here, even if his solution is lacking. We have to reject the premise that we must fight the left on their own terms, which is what I think the doc was getting at. Destruction is a bad thing in general, and the destruction of a race even more so, but there has to be a way we can preserve the uniqueness of the individual races without falling to the levels of pettiness that define the progressives.
Focus on yourself first. When most of that is out of the way, you can help the people closest to you. Then they can help people closest to them. You also attract other people who focused on themselves first, so you accelerate your own growth and their growth. Because most of your problems are out of the way, you can start to productively think about what can be done to help others.
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>T NCR or Legoin fag
What if white nationalists are at the point to help others?

Okay, I'm a JP fag now. I liked this.

Anyone that believes in the jewish conspiracy is a fucking moron. Jews have a culture focused on education and being fucking smart, just like asians. So when they are good they create good shit but when they go bad they fuck everything up, they populate the ends of the bell curve, this isnt fucking rocket science.
Yeah, and WLP was /pol b4 there ever was a /pol. WLP is the guy who I learned from. His radio broadcast reveal shocking facts. And he has arguments for virtually every anti-racist argument you still hear.
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Individualism and organization aren't incompatible. Proper organization is what allowed the Romans to dominate the Gauls, so obviously working together is important - but on the other hand we don't want to fall down the route of faceless authoritarianism that comes with tyranny. Being part of something bigger than yourself is nice, but if you lose yourself in that cause than you're just a nameless mook who's life will hardly be missed. We need organization to do the great things needed to fix this world, but we cannot lose the individual in that cause. We need PCs not NPCs.
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see how much glassy eyed commies care about your individualism
I believe they have higher rates of psychopathy

but until empathy tests are done on a large scale for races the way IQ tests have been done, we will just have to disagree
Obviously controlled opposition. He's there to suppress identity politics among White people. Meanwhile kikes and every other race push identity politics. This Peterson is a very evil man and a race traitor.

That is some really fucking retarded liberal logic.

Damn, the left is so fucking moronic.
>Individuals live pointless lives and die pointless deaths
>unless they do what I think is fulfilling
All well and good but this message will, ironically, mostly only resonate with white people (on average) for IQ and cultural reasons. The economy and demographics are going to have their way in the end. There's no ways to avoid identity politics once a civilizations becomes too multiracial and multireligious.
>muh JQ and erasing whites
>not focusing on getting a white wife first
Well, I suppose it's hard to blame them when you consider that it seems like almost every time you look into some cultural marxist bullshit that's being pushed on the west there's a Jew at the top.

I mean, you don't really need super high IQ to push this shit. But they're so often the ones behind it. Why?
>I believe they have higher rates of psychopathy

His advice is great, but it stops short, limiting its effectiveness. As >>138409816 said, an individual can't fight a collective. The same is unfortunately true with truth: an individual telling the truth does not matter when the group surrounding him has agreed to believe a lie. You can trot out all the proof you want, but it won't change their minds, because the group (in this case, leftists) has already made up its mind. Now I'm no collectivist or relativist, I believe in objective truth, not just narrative. But one has to understand that people didn't evolve to search for truth, they evolved to believe the group's narrative: it comes far more naturally to us. People rejected heliocentricity for hundreds of years despite the mathematical proof because it contradicted the narrative. It was only when the counter-narrative gained enough support that people were willing to believe it as truth. See what I'm saying? His advice is great, one should search for and speak the truth, but one must also search out and unite with others who are willing to speak the truth with you if you ever hope to have an effect. Following Peterson's advice will make you a noble man, fight a noble fight, and lose that fight nobly. I'd rather be a noble man, fight a noble fight, and fucking win nobly.
Are you even white?
Do you understand what Nepotism is? Beyond that, you do understand that the term 'Jewish conspiracy' largely relates to the Jews subverting politics and business for their own ends, right?

Maybe a race that has been kicked out of 200 countries has invested interest in diversity and mudding the waters of ethnocentrism. What a concept...
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whatever you say
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Because those are the jealous envious jews gone bad. Jews aren't just good at making money, they are good at media, science, math, etc etc etc. The jews who are extreme experts at being persuasive but cant make a buck end up being envious faggots, thats all.
>all of these kikes astroturfing
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That's his point - if we turn to collectivism and proceed to beat the left, as we likely would, what have we accomplished? We have sacrificed the individual in order to defeat our foe and in doing so have become the same thing with a different color scheme.
You say that individualism doesn't work - that may be right, I don't know, but in collectivism there can be no real victory and if you refuse to find another option than all that is left is to admit defeat.
It's not fair to say the right is playing the lefts game, I mean the lefts identity politics is inverted, it's always based off negative things and it's ultimate goal is to destroy all identity. The rights is based on positive, naturalistic idea of identity and we could imagine different groups existing in peace with the rights approach. It's the lefts approach that's nihilistic and demands eternal conflict until identity is abolished. On the other hand they are similar in certain ways as well.
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>10 Reasons Not Giving Your 3 Year Old Hormone Blockers is Child Abuse

>By Shekel Goldensteinberg
>not killing

a challenger approaches

A good jew helps other jews. If you dont think basic tribal nepotism exists you are a delusional moron.

Just like the way we bitch about blacks fucking things up, but think about it, how often do you see blacks fuck up shit on a national level??? not really ever! They just steal your tv or fuck up some neighborhood shit but they arent fucking evil genius villains that really cause a lot of damage. The evil genius villains are just jews gone bad. Communists/socialists/nazis are all just butthurt and need to learn how to make their own money.

Statistics break down at a population of 1. While they're good for painting broad strokes, they don;t say much about each individual. If you could only make hiring decisions based on that a person belongs to, you'd have an awful team.

And why should I accept race as the base unit of the group collective? Why not ethnicity? Fuck Germans, I'm French. Or why not my suburb? We all belong to innumerable different groups. Why do I need to devote myself to this one group? Luther hits the nail on the head, his ideas have more in common with communism than they have with the English freedom tradition.

On one hand, I agree with the sort yourself stuff.

On the other, I think standing alone will do more harm than good. You already have employees in the tech industry pointing out how the lone guys get marked by feminist groups who claim to "promote" woman in the workplace.

The system the left has cultivated over the years is designed to isolate and prey on the lone individual, and render them shelved and obsolete. HR will fire you for being racist and sexist for having your own opinion, or simply being different in your work environment, just by being their white scapegoat.
Peterson's ideas are theoretically sound but there's simply no way around the hard facts of immigration, IQ, national debt, etc. His core ideas are great but he has his limits like anyone else. I think sentiment might be partly to blame.

If the west survives whatever is coming over the next few decades, maybe what he says will inspire people then. But his message simply won't resonate with most non-European audiences. Would he even admit that, I wonder? Because it's true. I'd bet my left nut 99% of his fans are disenfranchised whites.
If society is a plant great men like that are its flowers. The efforts of the entire plant expressed in one spot to among other things pollinate other societies with its cultural dna. If Newton was raised by wolves he would have been feral like everyone else. Society should focus on making flowers but we still need a functional society, a collective that everyone contributes to.
Semantics... God I hate philosophers. Useless trash.

I see myself as being a part of something greater than just me - this body. When I look at other Scandis I see parts of me and I want to help them and make sure that we together succeed. A people with that mentality succeed.
>Individuals live pointless lives and die pointless deaths. Only those who are part of something greater live on through the perpetuation of their heritage.

So a guy is suppose to join a gang that deals drugs and commits crimes? Otherwise he lives a "pointless life" if he goes to school and gets an education and doesn't join the gang that commits crimes?
The real red pill is that you need a COLLECTIVE defense in order to carve out a space where individualism can prosper

otherwise natural collectivists will just come in and do what they're doing to 2017 America

Fuck Jordan Peterson

So what!? who gives a fuck!!?? I want our race to be the best because we are the fucking best, not because we beat someone with a fucking club and took all their shit. Besides, how long does that last for. The emphasis jews put on being smart and sticking together means that no matter how often butthurt faggots try to take everythig from them, they just get it all back again in like 3 generations, its unreal. All of us need to stop being whiney faggots and start being better at life.
Good point
kike pls go and stay go
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Why does he seem to be assuming our lives aren't sorted out? He is saying his life is better? That we're all unmarried, uneducated neets in messy rooms? I'm so sick of that stereotype because you'd be shocked I had the views I do if you met me. JP is collectivizing people into stereotype groups.
why can't they do that in their own country?
Yes, from Santa catarina
A Movement Reborn




Being this bluepilled... The evidence says otherwise. Jews help other jews. Ash has 110 and the rest are below 90, but 110 doesn't explain it. It's nepotism. See pic.
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>Society isn't built, maintained, and carried on by those people.
That doesn't make them less important. We certainly wouldn't be as advanced as we are now if they hadn't made their contribution

Your country is only your country if you are strong enough and smart enough to defend it. We need to stop bitching and start getting stronger and smarter. Hitler was a dumb fucking oaf if ive ever seen one, might as well have been dragging his kunckles wearing a cloth with a big stone bat, fuckign retard. Be strong and SMART. Then your country and people will be the best because they are the best not because you SAY it. Something is because it IS.
>Society isn't built, maintained, and carried on by those people

Do you know who these people are? Thanks to them, we have access to electricity and an understanding of the Universe and its rules.

>Destroy your enemies with their own weapons
>I guess you lost because if you kill your enemies, they win.

Honestly, forms of political collectivism are not mutually exclusive to individualism, in fact, some forms of collectivist thought have given rise to a culture where individuals have more rights than anywhere else on earth, like in Western countries.

Jordan is wrong because he refuses to understand that white people are the only one who maintain interest in western culture, including those of personal liberty, and that people that grew up in a culture are much more likely to hold it dear than people who bring in their own. It isn't a complex concept...

That isn't the point. Obviously the vast majority of Jews are useful idiots who do what they are told, but if you go to the people that control their ideas and who hold the power, then yes, the so called Jewish conspiracy practically exists. If you look at the history of usury and Jewish nepotism, you're an idiot if you think it's been a fair playing field for everyone.

I know they help other jews and you know what, I help other fucking whites, who gives a fuck. What pisses me off is that they have so many educated smart mother fuckers on their side and so many people on my side are butthurt envious communist/socialist/nazi faggots.
On the upside, this means that everyone involved in identity politics has to walk on eggshells and must repress themselves all the time. If were lucky, it leads to a bunch of normies realizing how sinister that shit is and fighting back.
Or Commiefornia amasses enough LGBTQ+ almond farmers before the normie uprising can happen and they perform an economic takeover of the US and sic the fascist government they hate so much on people who step out of line.
>/pol/ is riding e-celeb dick
this isn't news
It is my emerging belief that a high degree of individual freedoms is predicated on ethnic homogeneity. Multicultural, "diverse" societies have too much tension between citizens for this to occur.
Did you read Mein Kampf? How can you call Hitler a dumb fucking oaf, when he preached exactly what you preach?
The original problem was christcucks and how they wouldn't borrow money etc., now... Guess who created christianity...
This, but I'd say his message can be useful now, insofar as he demonstrates a manner by which young, white men can return to Western tradition, and an useful psychological/philosophical way of approaching source texts, like Jung, Nietzsche, etc. This can be expanded to include figures like Hitler, if you're a NatSoc for example. Peterson is good for psych and phil memes, but not history (except communism).

What fucking fair playing field, life isnt fair you whiney little faggot. Get stronger, get smarter, save your fucking resources, get wealth, get power, control cities, control states, control countries. Then you can say that your race is the best. No one is going to give you shit, you have to earn it faggot.
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Fucking hell
This video is already flagged for "hate speech". Expect it to be gone by tomorrow.
Totally agree. For all of his posturing as a realist and a pragmatist, the man is still quite the idealist in some regards. He rails against Postmodernism and Marxism, but then turns around and pretends as though he can rationally argue against these people, despite literally just explaining how reason and logic is anathema to these people. He simply hasn't reasoned his way to the logical end yet, like Hoppe finally did: communists, postmodernists, leftists, degenerates, etc. must be physically removed if we are to have a functioning society.
>don't get down on their level
The perpetually rallying cry of the cuckservative failure. Moral consistency in the constant face of defeat is indistinguishable from submission.
Collectivism and individualism are too often subjected to the insanities of binary thinkers.

You can be an individualist but understand collective differences, like cultural and genetic differences, and act accordingly. It's not so much a philosophical issue as it is one of empirical science. You must react to reality as it is and not as you wish it to be.

Centralization - decentralization is a more useful distinction than individualism and collectivism. Large decentralized systems are more stable than large centralized systems but this also depends on scale. Small systems, let's say a family for example, can be heavily centralized and collectivist and function perfectly well. A city state may even be able to function reasonably well with more central controls though nowhere near as well as a family. Hopefully you could at least you could move to another city state.

I think people should be individualistic and collectivist when and where appropriate and not try to force the world to fit a binary pattern.
There're lots more smart Whites since there're more Whites, but most of them are so brainwashed.
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You don't get the point of>>138410675

In order to defend individualism we have to physically remove those who are collectivizing to destroy it. Read more Hoppe
>implying that a war of ideologies is the same as a physical war
>not realising the irony of trying to be different than the opposition, but behave the same as them in defeating it

Hitler took by force and literally lost it all back in like 30 years. He was a dumb knuckle dragging faggot that couldnt hack it at art or business so he tricked the rest of his faggot friends into becoming envious faggots that didnt want to work too. If beating someone with a gun to take something was all it takes then fuck it whatever, but the fact is that when you take it without earning, you end up just losing it back like a loser faggot.
>So what!?
So the world you live in. If you like what you see, move on and don't bother your stupid fucking head about it. Why even argue if it doesn't matter?

Fuck off kike.
That probably wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for jews eating goyim children.
You don't get it. You can't pick and choose. If Whites don't reciprocate it won't work. All Whites have to be very tribal and nepotistic.

Maybe whites were smart back in the day but most are faggots now. The jews have control, and for good reason. I wouldnt want the antifa/nazi fucks running around being in control of resources.

So, then I assume you're a billionaire, with numerous media companies, and you've employed thousands of your own people into your industry to insure no one else gets in, right?

You're a faggot LARPer, who is scared by the idea that a few individuals are actively lobbying for your destruction. I didn't say the field had to be fair, I explained to you the historic reasons behind Jewish success and how it influences our culture, you dumb animal.
That's some 4d trolling right there. The subtlety of a filet mignon fresh out of a sous vide cooker.
>I think people should be individualistic and collectivist when and where appropriate and not try to force the world to fit a binary pattern.

Exactly, binary thinkers are morally stunted, throwing the baby out with the bathwater

I want our race to be the best and its not going to happen if you are all being butthurt faggots about it.
Well, even though that dude's argument is nationalistic as fuck, it is true that a country needs to be prosperous for its people to prosper. If your country is poor, then the population is majorly poor - values shift as well as priorities.
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Jesus Christ, you're an idiot.
Nope, everything is pointless. Everything ends at some point, even those "somethings greater". Things only have value, so long as you exist.
>your life is pointless unless you do what I think you should do
And you wonder why other boards think we're stupid

COLLECTIVELY secure your living space and defend your Nation

Then INDIVIDUALLY do stuff inside of it

This is not hard.
You can always be more sorted and the problems get larger. Keeping your room clean is the starting point. It's also a good way to emphasize practicality over being an ideologue. We want to do things that help us achieve our common everyday goals instead of getting lost in irrelevant ideologies.

I'm not larping, I'm not a billionaire but im doing pretty well (bitcoin since 2011, found here on 4chan). I'm just saying that if we are going to be the best then we need to stop bitching, its not fucking rocket science. It's not a quick process, its going to take a couple of generations. Everyone has such an instant gratification mindset for everything, even when it comes to making a better life for your race.
walked away from pol to do real life stuff and came back to this thread. holy cow, theres a lot to read in here. that makes me happy. but i agree with this one. focus on yourself and trickle outward. and just because im a superstitious native, look at those trip 7's!!! the man speaks deep truths and kek smiles up on you :)
What's going on this is obvious truth to anyone whose even been on here a few months. Didn't think it would get so many You's much less so much kikery in the replies. Front page was full of slide threads too, are we being invaded again?
Why would you respect the self ownership of retards?
Plebs need to be lead. They want to be lead.
These retarded commies don't need their self ownership respected, they need to be told what to do and when to do it
Sorry I left my meme flag on
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I am living proof his quote is wrong.
How many of you watched his advices for conservatives?
Individualism is the morality of the coming Neo-Liberal global order. It's not "better", it's just more efficient.
i like this. it's funny, but i think we are re-inventing christianity in real time.
He turned his shithole war torn country into an industrialized monster able to hold it's own on two fronts against impoverished potato alcoholics and well established western nations (don't know shit about Africa, I assume Nazi's did alright all things considered)
Granted, the Ruskies were starving in freezing weather and they couldn't even arm everyone with a rifle but they had bodies for days. He made one slip up letting Normandy go unprotected but that was just dope strategy on the part of the Allies. Also his body was going to shit this entire time.
im OP, btw
>I guess you lost because if you kill your enemies, they win.
You fucking idiot, you aren't even trying to understand what I'm saying. If you give up your individual humanity to beat the left than what the hell are you? Uniting is good and necessary, but in doing so we MUST NOT sacrifice the individual as to do so would be to destroy the damn thing you were trying to protect in the first place! Individualism IS western culture, if you want to see collectivism in action, look at the fucking red Chinese and the USSR - human wave assaults, using infantry as minesweepers, treating people as numbers and not men. THAT is what we have to avoid, so stop being a shill faggot and sort yourself out.
kys retard
Individualism is for failures with 89 IQs.
He's tell you guys to not be taken in by sham ideologues. Not that you shouldn't ever be partially collectivist or that you should be entirely individualist.

He's telling you that the best thing you can control is your immediate self and circumstances, and that after improving yourself you will be better able to help others in a substantive way since you are in a 'stronger' state. When you are in a 'weaker' state you merge yourself with movements that often have charlatans leading them.

The short version is that he took an entire country and made it their sole task to get a bunch of stone clubs together and beat everyone over the heads and take their shit. It's not complicated and if you try to amass wealth and power this way it will only last 2 generations max because you didnt EARN it. He was strong but not SMART! The freemarket will always win and hitler was a socialist economy controlling faggot and the rest of his followers were envious butthurt faggots too.
Marx didn't stand for this shit. Stop associating these insane, delusional groups with Marx. These people haven't done manual labor a day in their lives. The only manual labor they've done is dyeing their hair pink and burning calories by shouting at people.
You're a disgusting race traitor.
We are banding together to secure a future where our children can BE individuals. There is no room for individualism if the far left wins this.
I did not imply that they were the exactly same thing. The ideologies are completely different in practice, but still similar to each other. Hell, one is barely even an ideology to begin with.

One side believes that everyone should have their own culture with the exception of white people, who should be genocide as to prevent "evil", and the other side simply believes that everyone should have their own culture and heritage. Nearly everyone believes in the last "ideology", which is why there is no outcry from other racial societies about cracking down on diversity.

I hold Bitcoin too, but regardless, your point is inept because you're not even close to your own ideal. You difine bitching as actively trying to protect the race before it gets breed out of distinction and then you seem to imply that all white people have to do is just "try harder" and everything will just work out, don't mind one of the races trying to destroy us.

Fuck, here's an idea for you. You can do both. You can work on yourself and your family, while being politically active. Who would have thought?!
Neolibs are comprised of central banks, supernational institutions, and state-sanctioned intellectuals and if you think they're individualists you're a fucking retard.
I don't see why individualism is so hard for you quacks to wrap your heads around. It's literally fact that all groups, identities, organizations, etc are made up of individuals. Collectivists are missing the trees for the forest, it's absurd.
More than that, it's Marxist bullshit. Like Peterson said, you're taking the sociological worldview of your enemies, co-opting it, and trying to beat them at their own game.
You're facing a stronger army on open ground. You will lose. And if you win, God help you. Play stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes, that's a guarantee.
William Luther Pierce never accomplished anything for the cause of white people. He kept white nationalism nicely in the little box of " angry, joyless skinhead losers", which is exactly where you want to be if you forever want to remain an irrelevant fringe group. The Alt-Right is succeeding because we make white nationalism and engaging in counter-revolutionary action actually fun and "hip".

WLP has no grounds to be condescending towards others in not going about things the right way when his decades of "activism" amounted to literally nothing.
This. Anyone who supports Peterson and shits on people who earnestly push White identity is a fucking neocon or JIDF.
My room is clean. I have a B.S. I am fine. JP is just merely repeating Ghandi's B.S. "be the change you want to see in the world". It's actually sort of a Solipcist outlook on life.
He was also a fedora faggot.
Don't you fucking compare me to those whiny faggots, there's a damn difference between complete refusal to bend on any point and abandoning the thing you were protecting in the first place.
One word of truth outweighs the world.

I'm not saying to not be politically active but people who advocate communism/socialism/nazi shit are just faggots that are never going to hack it.
same here! crypto has made me "doing well".... maybe not rich yet though. we gotta focus on being impeccable individuals, then successful individuals who can then hire and bring success to like minded people. people with real virtue. i really think we need to re-connect to christianity
Marx never did a days manual labour either. Marx was born into a middle class jewish family and spent most of his life reading, writing amd wishing death upon his own mother so he could claim his inheritance.
fuck you
try doing science without the structure that society built for scientists? lmao everyone stands in the shoulders of their society you fagot
I'm a libertarian, and I never argued anything about "giving up your humanity". Societal change can be done through a thousand ethical and non-violent ways, including just stopping the hoards of immigrants, but I suppose in your estimation, that's identity politics, right?

>we MUST NOT sacrifice the individual
Sure, but that wasn't Jordan's or your original argument. It was that identity politics is playing their game, and when you beat someone at their game, "you still lose". See my point about the two concepts not being mutually exclusive before you get butt hurt about a joke.

Sort your aspergers out, please.
i am really starting to see the parallels to the loony SJW's in these comments. i really think you guys are possessed by an ideology.
You really don't understand the point here. USSR was collectivist, US is individualist. When the US goes to war, we mourn the loss of every soldier. When the USSR goes to war, they use soldiers linking arms to clear minefields. Protecting the dignity of the individual != hur durr muh lolbertarianism.
this made me very sad for some reason
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>skinhead stereotype

WLP is correct that we need to be a collective. You also can't compare anyone pre-wide spread internet to the current time. There's no comparison to the platform someone had in 2002 to now. And actually, RS appears to me like a spoiled little brat.
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Bullshit. Great triumphs and struggles exist long after you've died. Look at any great achievement, and you'll see that most persist even after everyone involved is dead. Landing men on the moon will be an achievement that will be remembered forever in human history, but in twenty years or so, everyone who worked on the Apollo program will be dead. If triumphs died with those who made them, we would have absolutely no history.
What about German engineering that is well known for it's quality? Was it all just marketing hype? Maybe they were running on a schedule that required that they amass more territories to prop up their failing socialist system, but from what I understand the market was relatively free with the exception that your company could be taken over at any point by the Nazi's if they deemed it necessary. Even if it wasn't going to last, it's really hard to look at his (and maybe to some extent his close confidants) accomplishments and call him an idiot. I've read bits of the English translation of Mien Kampf and if nothing else, he damn sure had a way with words.
Then just try to understand that the majority of white nationalists "members" are not actually National Socialists and we're simply being proactive about protecting our rights and culture, while we still have them.
>Marx did manual labor
Karl marx was a fucking leach sucking off the charity of his rich friends that he decried so much. Karl Marx was a phoney and his philosophies were child like and fall apart with any examination. Just like all his little marxist followers today.
>something greater
or how to spot an imbecile

And by bitching what I mean is that people complaining about "the jewish conspiracy duuuurrrr". Well yea, they focus on education, make a lot of money, save it and dont waste it, end up controlling shit. Surprise fucking surprise! Its not a conspiracy
Marx never had a job you fucking clown
THIS. Or just brainwashed.
As somebody less educated than he is by far, you're full of shit and your opinion is pretty irrelevant. Useful to point out though.
He's right but he's still wrong. He manages to talk about ethics, morality, psychology and such all very well.

What he doesn't 'get' is Nature with the capital N. Nature is amoral, unethical, and follows no rules other than survival and propagation.
He saw the future 20 years ahead of time.

You protect your rights and culture by being educated and saving money, not by being a nazi faggot. And if your culture is being a nazi faggot well then ive got bad news, nazis will not win the battle of freemarkets.
I'm beginning to see why people believe in horseshoe theory...
oh i agree, if the wolf is at your door you have to fight and kill. im actually comfortable with that. but i don't think we're there yet. hopefully we can still talk our way out of civil war. but we gotta tell the truth and be exemplars.
The key quality of the west is it's proper balance between the individual and the collective. That is because to because human development; the process in which a people becomes greater then the people before them, occurs in the individual level via personal transformation. If you extend this process to the group, to the greater society and so on, so that every individual in the greater group experiences that transformation, you experience a proper improvement of the collective. I think Peterson emphasizes this so that we don't fall into a type of degenerate collectivism, but proper group organization that is worthy of our western heritage. That doesn't mean we can't organize, we just have to do it right. No shortcuts.
>implying I implied that Marx did manual labor
>implying Marx didn't represent the working class as the future of the industrial revolution contemporary to him

Without someone like Marx to call out the businessmen abusing the working man through low wages, no free days and child labor, and without recognizing that the product should be valued by the effort put in it, we would be in a world much worse than today's.
Well written Ice Bro.
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>large chunk of pol is turning on peterson

*to continue human development
Nice cliched point but its completely false. You live for virtue. Its so rare these days that people like yourself can't even fathom it
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>>skinhead stereotype

Yep and you can thank him for creating it. By being hyper collectivist you never attract upstanding, mentally healthy, successful family men and instead get disenfranchised, angsty losers which was exactly what the fruits of his life were and why you had that entire strain of skinheads from the 90's/early 2000's completely die out everywhere but on an angry little corner of Stormfront where they can engage in endless purity spiralling and virtue signalling about their boundless love for the "Volk".

Meanwhile frogposters on an American anime website accomplish more in a month than he did in his entire life, with him not even setting up the groundwork for where we are today.
The people Marx represented were all working class. When I refer to Marx or marxism, I refer to the ideas behind the man, the ideas which apply to the people.

...You clown.
Yes infidel, I'm sure it'll be easy to talk your way out when the time comes.
In the white ethno-state, peterson would be a boon to society.
But in a state of war, his wisdom hinders more than it helps.
It is like consulting Aristotle when you need to consult Mars.
You completely missed my point.

Again, the vast majority of people arguing for white identity, are not 'Nazis', and you still refuse to see that the people who will best care for their culture and rights, are people of that culture and have created the rights they hold dear. A unified front of individuals stops subversion much more than people who pretend race doesn't exist, and that you just have to work hard and ignore the politics that take advantage of you. It's nonsensical.
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He's in denial of the wolf.
hahahha WLP is fucking right every time.
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charlottesville was a fraud
the director did 2 takes
just look at the nigger
this nigger cannot possibly be in both places within a single second.
hahaha christcucks are fucking mad holy fuck go ahead and attack one of the smartest white nationalist ever to exist
>i don't support any ideology, people should focus on making themselves better for the greater good
>you can just ignore insane people and big money, become great without them

this person is a retard and no one should listen to him. the reason we are in this mess right now is because the media to tip the balance in favor of big money and insane people
Individualism also breaks down when you consider that people are products of their environment and genetics, both of which are out of any individual's control.

I think individualism should be replaced with solitude and meditation. Not because people need to "be themselves" or "find themselves" but because solitude and meditation gives clarity and stability to yourself.
stop being a fucking commie

Surprisingly eloquent for a confed. (((They))) told me you guys were all 90IQ retards
yea, yeah. He makes mistakes. He isn't the only academic to misunderstand Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. That doesn't disqualify him as an intellectual.

My problem with the Nazi's is not the race supremacy part, its their desire to subvert the free market. Its retarded and will not work, it leads to nothing but being a poor faggot and a shit country.
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I think he's still clinging to a hope that the pendulum can be stopped from swinging completely to the opposite extreme. Can't blame him for trying his damnedest to stop what's coming.
>A single second
Is it actually a second? BTW adrenaline is a hell of a drug. His leg looks fucked to hell and back but I would still be willing to bet he could hop over the roof of that truck to escape the middle of the road where he just got flipped and narrowly avoided becoming a smear on the road.

Individualism is the reason user fell apart. On some degree zealotry period is over and you just stop giving shit about indoctrination. My brother was kinda punk rocker in late 80, while our dad was communist middle rank functioned
It's a psuedointellectual.

>some math theorem
>god exists
well, what can i say? if it gives you any solace both sides will bleed if it comes to it. but we HAVE to tell the truth now. we HAVE to be good. we HAVE to be successful so that we can be exemplars. we need to be walking talking billboards for virtue. if that doesn't work, there will be enough time for war.
>God is an axiom
An axiom is a self-evident proposition. How is God self-evident?

But "it" works too.
that's your individual opinion though
even if some want to be led that doesn't grant you the right to lead the others, just lead these guys and leave me alone on my property
>why did they kill Qaddafi

The Nazis got racial supremacy wrong, but racial purity and economy right
>blacks act as a political group

The republican party should have reached out more to the black community. You can fracture their identity politics if you alleviate the stressors that push them to cohesion
I dont think its psychopathy. I think its just that they are racists and supremacists. The believe they are the master race and work towards that.
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>1 post by this ID
LOL, guess I should have stuck around in the thread.
can we collectivise around a set of virtues? can we go back to church en masse? that could be a potential solution
Found the jew
>that's your individual opinion though
No, I'm sure others feel the same way.

Truth, but still a powerful weapon.

The decisive question: is there really a war coming?

If yes, then better get together with your equals. Because the others are coming for you.

If not, then you are deluding yourself in crowd dynamics and Jordan is right, would be much better to pursuit individualism.

what does Godels theorum actualy imply? I was under the impression that it was related to systems and basically that a mathematical system can't be shown to work until it closes and that if you extend that to the systems that defines physical reality then we cannot prove the system as complete until it closes, which would means the closure of reality.
Why not have both? Hone your skills, maintain your physique, learn knowledge and become an individual that can hold his own against 10 of these leftists in any challenge whatsoever. Then when we have critical mass, band together and take them on.
Being worthless and uniting with literal neo-nazi's in rallies isn't going to solve jack shit.
We have those, they're called neets anon. All they do is post 2hu and mock "wagecucks". The family unit makes the most sense. Women have too much misplaced empathy and without the husband to balance their views, they create a society that slowly but surely wants to be controlled and comforted by people in government who would love nothing more.
Fuck that, fascism or go home.

I'm not a jew. I'm white and I want us to be the best by being the best and not crying like faggots about some conspiracy that doesn't exist, they are kicking our ass and thats the end of it. I'm sick of it, be better, get your shit together and stop being faggots.
his message doesn't answer collective existential threat. Only in semantics, not in reality. Only way we can break collectives is hope they join us. I don't really have that kind of faith that they will.
This, liberalism is a disease.
Our democracies have been deathly scared of themselves since napoleon, and they act out this fear.

All it leaves is materialism, ALL progress for the past 200 years has been copied from societies that aren't afraid of themselves.
Its the Jews, they just want to sit and eat.
well I don't, what do you say about that?
nigga, we achieve our survival - repairs can come later
IDK, tell the truth about communism with those that will listen. be an impeccable person so that they will listen and when you say things they may not like, they respect you so much that they will take it in. go to church and pray. buy a gun and lear how to use it just in case
The real irony is that most people don't claim to have "found themselves" until they've adopted a role in society.
I really don't want it to come down to both sides bleeding. I don't want either side to have to bleed really. Yeah, we can be good. But as all of us have been good the left has been collectivizing against us for years. And like WLP says >>138406980
(Talking about Alexander Solzhenitsyn's gulag archipelago), its how the small band of commies were able to make virtually all Russians submit to the communists.

Be a better individual. And if the time comes when soldiers are needed. you will be invaluable.
And this is why we hate jews. The arrogance, the greed, the supremacy, and justifying all the harms the do because "why not?we should be the best, goy!"
no, not into it. never was. fascism failed. it's too much like communism anyway.
Germany did well for a 1v10+
and i am home ;)
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Only individuals can determine whether something is pointless or not, and they must determine that for themselves.
Stealing a Youtube comment:

"Before the camps, I regarded the existence of nationality as something that shouldn`t be noticed—nationality did not really exist, only humanity. But in the camps one learns: if you belong to a successful nation you are protected and you survive. If you are part of universal humanity—too bad for you."

Coming on 4chan and shitposting isn't meditating or being in solitude. I'm talking about having no contact with others for an extended period of time, and either contemplating or working on a task.
>He still hasn't got an answer for group mentality.
He knows the "group rises in response to group" is how millions of people die.
Virtue is largely a social phenomenon.

Please read what i wrote above. The reason you think they fuck everything up is because they popualte the extreme end of the intelligence bell curve. When they are good, they do really great shit. When they are bad, they are like a fucking cartoon supervillain that really fucks shit up. Read my post above about the difference between blacks and jews etc etc.
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This fucking kike. We dont win their game, we save our race. He refuses to address white genocide, Im starting to think this fucking son of a whore is a shill, and intentionally refuses to address what we obviously care about. White genocide, cultural marxism.

He knows white genocide cant be stopped without whites uniting against kikes, and what the newfags fail to realize is that hes obviously a kike, by his looks alone. Thats what a half kike looks like. Hes fucking brown. His mouth his kiked.
Hmmm... I wonder why that book is no longer read in the US ever since the (((Federal US Department of Education))) took over. Really makes me think.
National Socialism is a mix of individualism and collectivism. It solves all the problems everyone else refuses to solve as pure individuals, like our racial replacement and then inevitable extermination.
The Jews need to be put into a country and the doors to it locked shut.
In it they can inflict their bullshit on themselves for all eternity.
>The republican party should have reached out more to the black community.

Are you joking? The GOP does nothing but scream about how non-racist they are and how democrats are the real racists. Blacks are never going to vote for less gibs, ever. Any time spent pandering to blacks is time wasted.
You will die as nothing but a small indiscriminated part of the collective.
Does he even deny hes an idealist.

I'll back all of this up. You're not going to convince 90% of people because 90% of people don't want to discuss and think, they want to fight the bad guys (whoever that may be to them), but there is a certain amount of people that will have an ingrained need to reflect on themselves and their values which they may eventually find to be hypocritical and unrealistic, given enough convincing. The best thing you can do is have discussions with people you know, not faceless twitter people who are barely engaged or suspecting everyone of being a faceless manipulator. Don't get too caught up in e-debates.

he doesn't want to win by lying

better to suffer and win eventually, and keep your integrity than to be a leftist cuck.
When the gulag guards come I'm gonna stand up and SCREAM:
A brave individual acts in his/her own stead in a productive and positive light to set an example to his/her family, and society. If that is pointless to you, then I don't know what to tell you. I consider that far more noble than a collective acting out one blanket ideology or lifestyle.
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90% of people dont matter. Maybe 1% of people will save whites, the rest are cowards and sit by doing almost nothing. I know people who are too afraid to post on this board.

Another point, in societies with low individualism, as in oligarch countries, people are much more connected with kins, preventing the raise of any national identity.

All developed countries went through a phase of expansion of their kin identity, from familiar to national. And, I believe, this is much due to individualism
Now that I think about it, Jordan believes in forms of both collectivism and identity, but he makes the argument that white identity is so subversive that it robs everyone of individuality and is therefore an ideology, which is a incredibility stupid assumption.

Strong family units are collectives, manhood, responsibility, archetypes are all forms of identity. Culture is a form of identity, as is religion. Jordan must simply feel that white identity is corrupted therefore it is invalid. It seems clear to me that his emotion about Nazi history has over powered his ability to reason rationally.
Yes but we didn't need those things to have a healthy society. Without a great stable society, those people would never have the opportunities to do what they did. They are truly one in a million kind of people. Perhaps the top 100 people out of a million should be super individual austismos. But the other 999,000 should not be.

Our society nowadays tries to make everyone think they are the next fucking Galileo when that just certainly is not true.

You are absolutely right and I am glad they decided to be individuals. But if every single person tried to be a Tesla or Newton, we would be absolutely fucked. Only the smartest and most autistic should go that direction. It's the strong society that allows the incredibly special people like them to do what they do.
The individualist - collectivist dichotomy is definitely over simplified. I'd say a society should organize itself in such a way that it makes moral judgments on an individual level. It should be organized in such a way that individualism is maximized where possible and appropriate, but never where and when inappropriate.

Wars are fought by collectives. Militaries are comprised of individuals but they fight as a collective. Mass immigration and demographic displacement is always followed by war, historically, and may actually be considered an act of war in itself. In this case how do you respond? You must respond as a collective. This doesn't mean you must remain a collective after you've defended your homeland anymore than soldiers forever cease being individuals once they join a military.

Collectivism is admittedly cognitively easier to handle since it requires less nuance. This is probably why the less intelligent ethnicities tend towards collectivist policies. But this very tendency requires individualists to consider collective differences or disappear under the unstoppable momentum of primitives. All the individualists in the world need to do is accept that not all groups desire individual liberty and that war time is different from peace time. So what if fighting a war requires collectivist action for a time? Peterson is wrong. It's not an irreversible trend so long as the motivation is the defense of individual liberty.

BASED Professor Petersbuml.
>be an impeccable person so that they will listen and when you say things they may not like, they respect you so much that they will take it in.

This works but only for people who know you already in contexts that are not political.

I'm someone with a lot of highly creative and intelligent but poorly read friends who I'd need to line up against the wall if the culture war begins who listen to me when I say things that if other people said they would get shouted down for hate speech etc etc. I'm notoriously fair person who helps others altruisticly and speaks the truth eloquently but outside of my wider social circles this isn't helpful at all. To everyone who doesn't already know me I'm just another hate driven privileged white male.
The only way to beat a crazy collective is to start your own crazy collective. Anyone who disagrees with me is an idealist
I think anyone over 40 can't be red-pilled.
I was about 30 when it happened to me and it took months to understand & came with months of depression afterwards.
Boomers can't handle it. They just want to be told want to fucking think by the state.
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No, its a moral choice made by an individual. You aren't virtuous so of course you think that
your flag is a a perfect fit: dumbfuck loser, slave mentality
That's not pointless, but it's also not individualism. Your own references to family and society show you're describing someone acting for others, and not solely acting as an individual.
>muh false dilemma
True, but the collective will live on. Meanwhile an individualist will die as a part of nothing.
Summarized: that no formal system can demonstrate its own consistency.

JBP roughhoused this with the assumption that you must take some core axiom on faith, and that this somehow ties in a capital God. Gödel's Theorems never go anywhere near such a thing. Since Gödel we've come to better understand the category of "things poorly defined" which make parts of the limitations of any formal system.

Things like Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem doesn't extend to the physical. It's a bit of the other way around. Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem proves that for the formal system to be proven to work, it must refer back to the physically observed. The formal systems in discussion must make some basic assumptions based on raw physical observation.
the "apex male" does not exist. everyone needs validation and identity therefore individualism is impossible.
its some kind of retarded ideology for rich people that live in gated communities.
So you based individualists, what cool slogan will you shout when the gulag guards come for you?
is war coming? i think yes and no. it's always coming. but i think it's closer than i've seen it in my lifetime. be prepared. own a gun and know how to use it. but all the other stuff about virtue and rejecting collectivism still stands in my opinion.
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>but he makes the argument that white identity is so subversive that it robs everyone of individuality and is therefore an ideology, which is a incredibility stupid assumption.

>I like this kike, but he argues like a kike and says white people are inherently bad, that they cant do things other races gladly do without condemnation

Until he proposes a solution to stopping the radical left from taking peoples jobs, preventing us from having kids, destroying our society, taking down our statues, robbing us of our culture, wiping our race out etc - then he has no argument. I saw one of his braindead lemmings spouting this muh identity politics earlier. Only leftist identity politics is bad, were the victims, and we have the numbers on our side. America was made to be a white country, for white Europeans of good character. Canada too. Europe is obviously white. These are our countries. Despite this, we have allowed almost suicidal numbers of non-whites in, and gave them full citizenship, stood back while they wage a war against our racial survival. Hes spreading the same anti-white bullshit as them. Even if he said all racial pride is bad. Fuck him, what a kike. Yea, lets just abandon races and mesh together. How do people not see this is a subversive anti-white survival kike?

I got off track. Niggers rape 100 white women every day in the US, 27x more likely to violently attack a white than the other way around, 10x higher occurrence of a DNA strand associated itself with a 9x higher likeliness of stabbing and shooting behavior. Never had the wheel in Africa until whites showed up, no written language, no contributions. A plague upon humanity. Niggers dont belong in our society, all the hate and tension stems from being a mixed society.

Chinks are extremely selfish and hostile to our culture, they eat cats and dogs, human fetuses etc. in restaurants.

Jews are parasites, they dont contribute anything, they seek the easy way out, avoid working. post cap
Well something has to happen. The US gov has 150 trillion in unfunded liabilities, US consumer credit card debt is an all time high, half the country is considered a nazi, morals are gone and we are racially fractured. Perhaps not a civil war but SOMETHING is coming. Something very bad.

What extreme? The dissolution of the American federal government and the US's consequent disintegration into multiple smaller sovereign states? Or the Europeans of tomorrow kicking the Mudshits out or just killing them all, learning from their past, and never making those mistakes again? Because Nazism is not on the horizon. I actually think people will kick ass and then shit will start functioning again albeit after a lot of economic and social adjustment.
maybe your world, but not the real world.
What have you done, oh great sage of life and white supremacy? The individual is the only unit capable of greatness. Mona Lisa was not painted by a collective, the bulb was not made by a collective, we didn't get to the moon through collectivist means but through the capitalistic push for a better mousetrap to show off at the USSR. Fist the Jews, then the blacks then the spics then the chinks then the half breeds then the Irish then the Italians and spanish, then the French, where does it end? Don't get me wrong. I understand most high power places are controlled by Jews and degeneracy is pushed by Jews, but the drastic extermination of a people cannot be halted as easily as giving out the command. Hatred (actual passionate hatred, not meme-democrat "hate"), through the propaganda used to make the soldiers kill and the citizens allow it, will inevitably spread and grow, simply look at the Muslims fighting massive wars for centuries over basic bitch argument over who allahu akbars the loudest.
oh buddy, i feel you on this. i've swayed a few of my close friends a little bit because of years of accrued respect, but some of my aquaintences that found out i was a trump supporter think i'm the devil. but hey, let them think what they will. i can only hope that the ones i swayed will sway others. all you can do outside of maybe starting a youtube channel or blog or something if you're good at that sort of thing (i'm not). hope for a network effect.
I could write 2k more on it but thats probably enough. This guy is not /pol/ approved anymore, hasnt been for like 8 months since he started shilling that writers thing. He also makes like 500k a year or something stupid now, because of all his pateron support from people who felt bad about him. Fucking race is dying out and they gave the money to some kike professor who refused to call trannies by their chosen pronoun. What an accomplishment, obviously the most deserving cause out there when South Africans have a race war coming.

tesla has oneitis for a married women and never bred and got fucked by corporate america because he was too autistic to pay for a lawyer
>fascism failed
fascism built every single nation that has ever existed
it's literally an ideology as old as civilization

Agreed. Actually I am starting the process to get a gun permit. Even because I am moving to Rio, kinda of a necessity.
"There is one God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet."

It'll cause confusion among the ranks. It might buy some time for people to escape.
ok, I think the use of the theorum is used mainly to poke holes in the idea that logic and what JP would describe as "materialist philosophy" that informs scientific and athiestic worldviews. I imagine the process in which one would start there and then arrive to the conclusion that God is real is far more elaborate and obviously he can't do that adequately in a single tweet.
It's all fucked. 1%, or even 10% i think won't make a difference in a world where public sentiment is heavily steered by a very small number of businesses. Just try to show when you're the victim when you can and turn people to your side slowly.

I get you now, no idea what good it'll do the group at large but getting some perspective on what's important and what things shouldn't distract you is always good.
i can feel it coming too. hopefully we can avoid whatever it is
I like your style
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There are 10s of millions of /pol/ minded people. Not full Natsoc, but even moderates who go around fucking black women are talking about how they wish people would go around slitting muslims throats etc.
I think he's a spiritual leader, and the kind of one that the world needs more of. He's smart. People need help navigating the modern world of science and movie theaters and he provides that help. I don't blame him at all.

I like to think that JBP has risen in popularity because the old professions of spiritual leaderships died off.
Philosophy retreated in modern times, in fear of being wrong, and in the difficulty of navigating modern understanding. I don't think his ideas are actually 'correct' that often, even. However, for much of human history a human tribe had two leaders- the Chief, we led the tribe through physical difficulties he was strong and clever, and the Shaman, who provided spiritual guidance for the individual with wisdom(and drugs and ceremony). People still need the Shaman.
>Anyone that believes in the jewish conspiracy is a fucking moron.

Well there is unquestionably a Jewish conspiracy to the extent that you simply CANNOT criticize Jews in public or you will be ostracized.

That wasn't the case 100 years ago (although even then, things were moving in that direction).

And that development didn't happen by accident -- it happened because a lot of Jews wanted it to happen, and made it happen.

So Jews can and do freely criticize and mock and ridicule white culture, Christianity, Catholicism, etc.

But God forbid if any white, Christian or Catholic returns the favor. That person will be crushed because of the taboo Jews have imposed -- largely through the Holocaust narrative, btw, as I'm sure you know, my Jewish friend.

In short, anyone who says that anyone who believes in the jewish conspiracy is a fucking moron is a lying Jew.
Yeah. It would take a wizard to get through all that in a single tweet.
My "identity politics" has nothing whatsoever to do with the accomplishments of others. It has only to do with
>objective social cohesion factors, homogeneity makes better communities, increases trust etc. It literally makes life better
>objective social output--taxation, crime, general functionality all change for the better the more white a community or society is.
Fuck off with your facile little zingers. If you're gonna participate in important social discourse, do some actual thinking rather than repeating some one liner you read on Reddit or Cracked.

"White supremacy" is not our point. I really wish you normies would stop using that phrase. We're not really interested in laying some kind of a racial hierarchy that we reign. Different races have different strengths, some greater than ours.
Although "white supremacy" as an observable phenomenon has to be pretty self-evident in any reasonable estimation of the world at large. Why does everyone want to live with us? Because we suck? Not likely. In any case, supremacy is subjective, and we're dealing in the objective as shown in the above bullet points.

Having a hard run at life does not equal "failing at life." It's hard enough today that even the above average can fail to get a great middle class tier life with the career, wife, home, and family. That's just the reality of economic conditions today. The game has been rigged to the point that there's really no shame in not having much of a career. They're not exactly handing them out.
Being called the greatest generation and dominating the world like military police probably had a lot to do with them becoming smug motherfuckers. The younger generations will either turn towards pushing for those in power to punish "da bad guis" or a severe mistrust of government and corporations. No idea which will win out.
Cucked out on this one.
Buy Guns. Learn how to use them
But the greatest generation were the parents of the boomers?
way ahead of you :)
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I think you're underestimating just how reviled the NatSoc Hitler regime was. Conservatives here in the U.S. see it as the greatest victory over evil our army has ever seen, and has in some sense been chasing that high ever since. We both already know what libs think of NatSoc. Muslims have and will get a free pass from the general public I reckon, because of the arab spring that was really us just swinging our 20 inch schlong around to force dictators to adopt our banking system.
TL;DR: I highly doubt there is that many /pol/ack types in the real world, most people are just apethetic.
You forget that humanity itself and all it's recorded history will also vanish beneath the sands of time. A life spent in 20 years is no different than a civilization lasting 20 generations.
>I'd say a society should organize itself in such a way that it makes moral judgments on an individual level. It should be organized in such a way that individualism is maximized where possible and appropriate, but never where and when inappropriate.
totally agree with that, that said the trick is to know when and who determines when it's inappropriate and that's far from being easy
thats a good one. ill keep that for later
That sounds right now that I think about it, but I'd still say that the type of ego that the parent generation had would pass on to the impressionable younger generation. I don't have shit to back this up though.
No, I'm moral so I recognize that the significance of moral decision making is it's impact on others.
There is no black community. Where is the white community? Who are its leaders? If I go to shaquanda's house in Philadelphia, and ask her who is the leader of her black community she won't know. This is a collectivist meme pushed by the left. The only way to help Americans is to have an America first, under all circumstances, agenda. That means jobs and infrastructure, no more, no welfare either. Yes, millions of blacks might die or fall into abject poverty but seriously, they are an inflated bubble along with their population. Their IQ and lack of patience puts them in a very bad place, they can't hold down jobs, they simply cannot compete in today's high tech job market. It's the same evil pushed into Africa of feeding countless children so that each might have countless children.
That's nihilism, bucko. Individualism has been a thing since the 1700s
>pet a cat
lol no wonder /pol/ likes this faggot
So then you'll understand that its your personal moral choices that makes the impact not some meta idea from a collective
This. He doesn't want to rile up a counter group for the left because he knows behind this comes millions of deaths in a bloody war. He doesn't want to bear the responsibility of being part of that group who killed millions
I would probably be good at something like that but have absolutely no desire to do things publicly at this point in my life as I'm a public servant with a great career ahead of me and this makes me a coward.

If I stumbled into fuck you money I would do something but as it is I'm better off with a low profile.
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Why does Peterson never talk about Stirner?
I'm sure they would have done so much better fighting as individuals. They needed to clean their rooms.
They are. I know Jews run lots of things but not all evils of this world are done by Jews.
How do you make a homogeneous country out of a 63-70% one?

now this is Newspeak(TM)(R)
buy some ether, bitcoin and bitcoin cash. dead serious on this.
Think about what petting a stray cat means, it's a small act of kindness for a stranger that you may as well do.
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Jordan Shekelstein: be a gr8 individual while the Jews continue to plot and subvert as a collective identity.

Fuck. He has good advice for developing as a person but seriously - groups always defeat individuals when it comes to power m
This. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. I can't stand the Alt right idiots pushing for accelerationism and degeneracy just so that society collapses faster and they can bring in the epic XD white utopia. We have a society now, one that took half a millenia to get where it is now. Civil societies like the one we have now are very few, we don't want to play around with warfare and destruction, specially when you are a little faggot behind a keyboard with no military experience, no education of history and a couple hundred rounds of ammo.
South Africa was allowed to happen through government power and infiltration. Plus. All the smart whites left the nation decades ago
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