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/pp/ — Portuguese Politics: "About Fucking Time We Had

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Thread replies: 241
Thread images: 62

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We haven't had a proper /pp/ thread in months, my fellow bacalhaus. Let's make Portugal relevant again.

As always, Brits, Spaniards and Brazilians are VIP. Post rare Salazares, conspicuous codfish macros, Estado Novo memes and tell Mário Soares to FUCK OFF in Hell.

>Thread theme

>Pope in Fátima

>Blue Whale game kicks off in Portugal

>Traditionalist, Neo-Reactionary and Monarchist websites:
Are you going to rise up or something? Every Portuguese I've met took extreme pride in their history, nation and people. Were extremely aware of niggers, arabs and open to the JQ too
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Make Portugal Absolutist Again
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>tfw VIP
brazilians VIP?
report and sage

Portugal aos portugueses, Europa aos europeus
Check catalog first, faggot.
>links of news from May
Literally did nothing wrong

Our pride is slowly being eroded by the indoctrination on our leftist schools and universities.

I just copy-pasted the last one that was made
Go to
Thanks senpai, sorry for being unhelpful
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O que é que pts acham desta vaca?
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How do young Portuguese people feel about Salazar? Do they view him favourably or negatively
Rare Salazar giving the salute

Can anyone give me a rundown on the current Portuguese political situation? Are there any parties advocating for a return to dicatorship (long shot?)

You seem to have mostly avoided refugee issues thus far, do you see that changing as the Spanish crossing route becomes more common?
I know he won like some phone in "Greatest Portuguese" contests

What do your lot think about Vargas?
I don't know. I mean, I openly say he was a great leader and did more right than wrong and people don't scream at me, but in school I learned that he kept us all poor and illiterate and that Bochechas and Companhia were good revolutionaries, good boyz who dindu nuffin.
>Brazilians and spaniards are VIPs
GTFO. Sage
Definitely my favorite explorers of all time. It's depressing to think that a nation that used to rule the high seas is now reduced to a leftist state.
Most young Brazilians are so ignorant and bluepilled that they don't even think about our historical figures. I know that the libertarians hate him, and that nationalists (including me) tend to view him favourably. Most people agree that he was a important person in the history of the country.
Interesting, thanks.
If Portugal were smart, it would be Castile and Spain
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>"You can't just declare independence of our largest colony and also become our king!"
Photo OP - Double team taking coffee in Las Ramblas - "Life must go on" António Costa

Everyone always says the Portuguese are proud of their history, but all the people my age (and my family) are anti-nationalist globalist cucks. I think Portugal is going the way of Spain. Fucking Communist and Antifa graffiti and symbols everywhere.
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Feels good man
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Nowadays teachers go against him and just point out the bad things. The least they do is "atleast he modernised the country"
Honestly I view him as a bad leader with good economic skills that forgot about the people.
Security "failure" in Lisbon Airport

>Areas of Lisbon airport were partially evacuated and reinforced baggage control, following a security flaw associated with a flight from Dakar.
>The unrest took over the passengers and generated fear at the airport, given the terrorist attacks and the fact that no one was informed of what was really going on.

>The situation is reaching hundreds of passengers and the alert was given around 9 pm, JN learned. The PSP Command of Lisbon did not confirm or deny it.

>The Ministry of Home Affairs told JN that the problems were generated following a flight from Dakar, where passengers were disembarked in a Schengen area, then without being subject to security control measures, eventually merging with the others Passengers.
Dakar, Senegal


Portugal isn't white and owes reparations to the 6 million slaves traded.

>muh 6 million

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Greetings, Best Ally.
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>live through 4 years of sacrifices because socrates is a big pile of shit who increased the country debt by 50% in few years
>while in power, creates a ton of shady deals with everyone
>passos has to clear the mess, makes a ton of sacrifices so we can stay afloat
>ps, extreme left and commies come, reap the rewards of the sacrifice, claim they did it all along
>all the portuguese shitters actually believe this

Why are we so shit?
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Can you please cuck spain for us again? Thanks

my dad says the left is worthy of respect because instead of taking the measures that were going on and ignoring them, cancelling them and going with their own thing, they at least carried out the right's plan to the end. IDK if it is true though.
>Pope in Fátima

Com que idade deixaram de ser Cornotólicos?
Eu nunca fui, pois nasci com um QI alto

Lisbon reinforces measures to protect public roads in Baixa and Belém

>Câmara de Lisboa is reinforcing security measures in "areas with high numbers of people". Changes are in Lower and Belem. MAI says that is due to the new modus operandi of the terrorists.
>delete psd measures
>create their own
>see, we can give free shit to everyone
>nvm all these others things that we had to cut like forest fires budgets
>meanwhile in portugal

Portugal é a Suecia do sul
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The typical Portuguese does not like economical sacrifices. If someone tells them they will get their money back, they rejoice. Nobody cares that the debt keeps increasing as we speak. As long the politicians say we'll get that 5€ raise next year, we're happy.

We are a people of gibs. The 25th of April tough us to live that life.

gimme sauce on them deleting the psd measures. My dad says he kept them going. I am living abroad so idk that much about Portuguese politics.
What do you think about those idiots who added all their money to BES investment funds without getting the investment insurance?

I know they keep begging like retards, but there is a reason why its a high risk factor.

There is no such thing as "They said it was guaranteed" or "I didn't knew what I was signing". Though everyone who ran the bank could just go to prison for life for all I care.
god fucking dammnit those chad mems broke me
>Portugal é a Suecia do sul
That's Spain, and we're right behind them.
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>tfw the normies will never wake up cuz we don't have muzzies killing people here

I never met an sjw in my life but I never met any person who gave a shit about the Portuguese ethnic identity either
Well, I obviously don't have a mental list of everything, but one easy that comes to mind was giving back all the holidays removed to increase production in the country.
>The mosque involves an investment of the municipality of about three million euros: 1.4 million for damages related to the expropriations and 1.5 million for the construction itself.

Instead of putting at least Qatar sandniggers paying that shit, CML part of secular state pays to invaders
How are history courses in Portugal? Is it an "our ancestors were evil" circle jerk?
That reply though
>Em Lisboa, talvez

No. They were awesome warriors, traders and explorers. That's how it went in mine at least, plus no one gave a fuck about slavery.
Nope, at least for me it were "we were kangz, we were everywhere, spaniards are cool now but dicks then because they tried to conquer portugal since we had no kangz, and we fought france one time and won"
That's the reason to ban demented and retired old men from facebook. Doesn't who lived here before Berber-Arab invasion and Sephardic Jews letting them in.
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I think it's their responsibility and the state should not pay their money back. It's ridiculous that our taxes will fund their irresponsibility.
They knew they could win extra money with those investments. They wanted to trick the system. They wouldn't give a percentage of the gains to the rest of us if they made good money. But when it went wrong they cried for their money back.
I say fuck those people. Next time learn how to invest your savings and don't trust "free money" jew tricks.
no Prós e Contra não disseram só que tínhamos mais descendência Norte Africana que a media Europeia, eles falaram sobre Portugal como se historicamente fosse um país mulato tipo 10% preto e 20% mouro

filhos da puta estão a mentir a toda a gente na televisão como se não fosse nada
If only killing retards was legal in Portugal.
Não esquecer os cabrões na TVI.
nah Portugal is a country of normies, they don't give a shit about immigration but they won't let you talk shit about Portuguese history
Can you imagine?
>working all my life in a shithole for a shit boss and taking shit from everyone everywhere
>can only go to the tasca once in a while but I still get my wife nagging at me all the time
>can go fishing but I have to bring the wife to get her flaps a sunbath
>save up a ton of money for the future
>jewish bank owner comes, promisses me even greater riches
>can just tell him no and enjoy the rest of my life in peace doing what I want
>give all my money to the greater banker instead
>lose everything
>my only contempt in life is going to riots with the fake promise I will see all my money again
não vejo tvi, que é que eles fizeram?
Never forget the 5th empire
A portugese thread is alright, but why make it at midnight? You'll have better luck earlier on the day.
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I'm scared for the next election bros
tell me the people are waking up....
My dad pisses me off so much. I've gotten so upset trying to redpill him before but he won't have it. He supports globalism and miscegenation. He's also a businessman and almost all women working for him are immigrant black women. He's basically a crypto-jew. I love him but I can't get through to him.

Estou me a rir como o crlh a ouvir isto

The people are fucking lazy, jealous, ignorant socialist idiots brainwashed by the post- 25 of April government. They want gibs and have no pride.
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Same logic applies to dying under a train.
>works a whole life
>saves some money to live comfortable
>decides to walk on the train tracks
>gets killed
>blame the state for not stopping him for killing himself

Yeah, if you look at individual tragedies, you'll tend to feel sorry for them. But that's a weakness in politics. You can never focus too much on the small picture. If you do so, you'll cripple the bigger one.
PS with full majority.
Socrates 2.0
Brazilian Elites to bring new business to Portugal

>This year 164 gold visas have been issued to the largest community of foreigners to reside in the country, the Brazilians. This vacancy, with money and status, is creating new businesses: companies that treat them from day to day, consultants who teach them how to make money on real estate.
I guess it's still summer, or are you celebrating something?
ya não me apetece ver essa merda, mas acho que consigo imaginar como é que é
Yes, not having to work for 14 days after working all year.
Your summer holiday is late. In Denmark we have it in July.
Mas nem era aquilo que queria mostrar, não encontro a merda que eles mostraram no telejornal a dizer que somos um país de raiz africana ou lá o que foi. Uma mistura que povos, sabes como é.
Fico contente por ter deixado de ver TV desde 2012.
i'm changed the channel to TVI and i'm watching a hot mullatta nigress presenting TV show about the quiz show with paid calls . We became Angola 2.0 somehow and I didn't paid attention
É tudo propaganda anti portuguesa/branca, para facilitarem a entrada de mais extra-europeus, sejam eles africanos ou zucas ou indianos.
Em Inglaterra recentemente dizem que os ingleses não existem, que são um povo mundial. FDX é esta a demencia que temos que levar.
Será que alguem já lhes mostrou algum mapa genético da Europa? é que nós estamos sempre lá e nunca perto dos mouros ou carago que os foda.
Have you called the 760 yet Anon?
Please do.
The more you call, the more chances you have to win.
You don't pay taxes with this 1000€ prize, we give you a card that you can use anywhere, except places that have no card readers.
Call, call as many times as you can.
Yesterday we gave 1750€, it can be you. There is also the Jackpot of 13250€, that is totally not rigged and we totally don't know when its coming out, but to get it you have to answer this question.
What is the name of the actor in this literally who Soap Opera that plays at midnight?
I am sorry, but make sure to try again.
Eu quase nunca vi TV sem estar acompanhado. Sempre foi internet e jogos para mim.

Yes, it's really fucking jarring. I get the feeling something is very wrong in my gut when I see crap like that. Just like when I witness coalburners strolling around with their kids in Lisbon. Thankfully I have a fully redpilled friend otherwise I'd have gone totally mad already.
O que é que isto interessa caralho? as nossas fronteiras só deviam abrir para outros povos europeus-brancos e mais ninguém.
I,m in vacations i don't even watch TDT free channels since I've got MEO. I'm scared now what psyops the Portuguese (((New Christians))) of MSM are trying to give the normies with the generalists channels?
Lembrete que abaixo do Douro é tudo mouro
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lembrete para ires para o caralho que te foda antifacomunista pandula
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Dêem o quick rundown da vossa cidade em green text

t. Coimbra
Mouro pele de merda detectado
But do you think the Brazilians elites with sufficient money to pay up Gold Visa are mixed and not full European ancestry? You people can't be so dumb.
Está na hora de voltares para a tua terra seu cigano do caralho

fodasse, faz um com o Passos Coelho

Vivo na Grande Lisboa, vivo numa aldeia

Queres que faça greentext de Lisboa? Kek
Mais branco que tu alguma vez serás francisco louçça e talvez até sou mais do norte de Portugal (Rio Tinto) que tu . Simplesmente detesto inimigos de Portugal e da Europa, e traidores como tu
Muito bom dia, meus amigos e minhas amigas de Portugal!
>Queres que faça greentext de Lisboa? Kek

sei lá. diz qualquer coisa.

Só fui a lisboa uma vez durante umas horas e conheço zero dessa cidade
You have no ideia how mixed up is brazil. are you a brazilian? fuck of, i would like to see any genetic test of those br 's you wanna put inside our country traitor faggot
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Voltem para o Norte de África seus mouros do caralho
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Mapas genéticos, você diz? Vamos colocar alguns "extra-europeus" para deixar mais interessante. Veja só em que vizinhança vosso povo se encontra.
Os mouros foram com o caralho no final do século xiii, mas parece que alguns traidores como tu ficaram
Aqui vou eu

>Partes lindas, em decadência
>partes absolutamente arruinadas por causa dos imigrantes
>tudo caro como crlh
>ching chongs
>paneleiros e degenerados
>pastel de belém é fenomenal
>ar pesado da poluição


A minha senpaiília é do norte seu otário
>colónias têm semelhanças genéticas a países colonizadores
Caralho, este brazuca de merda pensa que descobriu a pólvora
Thank god we are not smart and can fight better than you
Abaixo do Douro é tudo mouro, já disse.

>A minha senpaiília é do norte
Pois, do norte de África.
W Cub.
Are we Cubans snd shiet? Viva la Revolucion.
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A nossa vizinhaça olhando para ai brasuca, são outros europeus, espanhois, norte-italianos, o mesmo pode ser observado aqui:


ou em todos os mapas genéticos de similaridade. Estamos sempre entre estes 3 países, França. Espanha e o norte de Itália, sempre sem excepção.
>norte de África
Só se for até Braga
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If you support Praxe in any way shape or form, please consider the following:

Number one: Kill yourself.
Number two: Try number one again until you succeed.
These PNR natsocs are really dumb. Do you think that a former Kang slave and its ancestry managed to become part easily of the (((Brazilian elites)))?
Fucking moor.
Concordo, está na hora de acabar com esses normies.
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>that fucking video

tambem ouvi dizer que em lisboa está impossivel de arrendar casa
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Boas noites
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Fuck yourselves. Leftists are anti-praxis like you. I've already went in Car with the ribbons and spent year preparing that shiet.
>immigrant detected

you have to go back
Eu quero lá saber do brasil, ou de angola ou do caralho eu quero é distancia desse país, qualquer povo europeu saudável quer distancia do terceiro mundo.
Toda a Europa puxa para o nacionalismo, identidade, e estes mongos querem nos puxar para o terceiro mundo.
Is antifa a thing here?
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I am very Pro-lgbt, specially when Portuguese people are extremely against lgbt, but acting like a retard on the streets will you get you treated like a Retard on the streets.
There is nothing like keeping civil manners, composure and dignity, even if on a pride parade.
Its like poking shit and complaining it smells, what do you expect.
My friend was trying to explain to a stoner who proudly proclaimed to smoke weed every day how taxes and the state work and how just by existing he's contributing to the government he hates so much. He called him a nationalist fascist and told him not to come to his party and then sent him a link to a punk band being like "I'M NOT PROUD OF... COLONIALISMMMMM!!!"

does anyone know what this band is? I'm curious
If you remember what happened to that turkish guy that was assaulted by the two blacks gentlemen, you would know that antifa wouldn't last long the moment they started breaking down stores.

Bem antes de voltar para o quartel acho que posso dar uma mãozinha


oh, I'm Portuguese too btw, this band was Portuguese


>Act like obnoxious hooligans in the worst way possible
>"I don't understand.. y do people think we're degenerates? we are JUST like you ;__;"
That was my point in the first place.
"acting like a retard on the streets will you get you treated like a Retard on the streets."
Well i mean, that guy had his store for protection, if he was out in the open, he would've been BLACKED
>oh, I'm Portuguese too btw, this band was Portuguese

então porque é que não falas português nesta thread?
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Muito obrigado.

Just because the leftists want something, doesn't necessarily mean I have to want the opposite.

Yes, but not that violent yet.

So you're a retard. If you want to fuck other men, just fuck off I don't need to know or care. Also drop the T, transgenders need the gas.

probably ethnic
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xdd ebin xdd
I am not gonna hate someone who has done no harm to me or my closed ones.
If I was active, I would be called an ally.
Ent como vão ? Estes incêndios nunca mais param e provavelmente vamos ser chamados outra vez para ajudar na limpeza , filhos da mão dos proprietários de terrenos que nunca limpa essa merda.

Porque assim os outros nao entendem. Prefiro falar em ingles porque senao ninguem pode participar sem sermos nos.
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We must close our borders, Spain must build a wall separating the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe and only then can we take our Peninsula back from the mudslimes.
Reconquista 2.0
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Son of a bitch calling me immigrant. You are perhaps the Angolan from /int/ making me that insult.here's your pic with the passport
It's anti pol rules - they start reporting and deleting the posts
Já vieram falar de crime organizado relativamente aos fogos
Spain has let in too many as it is. Better to build a wall at the Portuguese border. Just Portugal and the sea, as always.

Vá lá , mas já sei que vou noutra viagem com feijões verdes para limpar essa merda toda.
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Se abaixo do douro é tudo mouros...Vila nova de gaia é só mouros?

Existing Portuguese ethnic minorities are ok if they promise to only stay in Lisbon and not overbreed. no more after that though.

Lisboa = Madrid
já agora explica porque é que foste para o UK?

não encontravas cá trabalho?

Fui para la com 12 anos, to a acabar a escola

Escola neste caso sendo universidade

Depois sei la, vou-me rebentar numa mesquita
Has anyone got news update about Tancos arms depot theft ? Media went silent with that shiet?
>Depois sei la, vou-me rebentar numa mesquita
fodasse ahahaha
>only then can we take our Peninsula back from the mudslimes.

Musslims are 0,3% of our pop.
blacks and other non-europeans are probably 15% and you are worried about the muslims??
jesus, there are so much naive people out here.
I bet the Lisbetas did this
Praxe is awesome, dont know what you are taking about....
You are the one that wants to open even more the borders to the third world. you claimed that-
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Norte raça mestre
>here, you will look like a degenerate for a entire year straight for no reason
>but wait you can do that to other people 3 years later

With populaton ageing and 10 000 new goal of refugees and legal immigration ( turkish kebab cutters and illegal schemes by pakis and bengalis by their stores in lisbon) and giving nationalities to Goan Indians (70% catholics, 20% muslim and 10% hindu applied for portuguese nationality), and mozambicans and guine-bissau it's easy to get to 1% or more
We easily rank in the top 10 safest countries in the world with 15% of our pop being blacks and non-europeans.
They aren't the problem.
A potential increase in the mudslime population is.
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Salazar was based as fuck
Praxe teaches you to love your Course and college and it isnt as degenerate as you might think. Honestly we should have a nationalist praxe, that would redpill alot of normies.
blacks here do like 10 times more crime than native Portuguese, this ain't even from some nazi site, it was on some newspaper today (Publico I think)
>by bathing you in milk and dress like a retard, or just drown in the sea
Is your IQ 50?
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And they are still better than the mudslimes.
Daily reminder that

Rui Veloso > Jorge Palma > Pedro Abrunhosa
O mais engraçado é que a população portuguesa deve ser geneticamente das mais homogéneas da Europa ocidental:

>"For the Portuguese population no data were previously available for autosomal SNP genetic diversity and population structure. In this work we characterized 52 autosomal SNPs in the three regions from continental Portugal (North, Centre and South) using the SNPforID multiplex assay. Comparisons made between the three regions revealed genetic homogeneity of the studied SNPs throughout the country, allowing the use of a common database. Allele frequencies are presented for all markers as well as observed heterozygosity, discrimination power and genetic distances (FST) between regions. No significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected. The high power of discrimination obtained in the Portuguese population confirms the utility of the 52-plex in identification studies."


>"Haplogroup frequency distributions, Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) and genetic distance analyses at both Y-SNP and Y-STR levels revealed a general genetic homogeneity of Portuguese sub-populations. "
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yup palops 10x but at least don't establish al-andaluz 2.0
I'm just memeing

But really we should do something about those "Portuguese" down in Gharb Al-Andalus
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You cleary have never been praxado, or if you were was in a very shitty way. I went to praxe in ISEP and it was great, but everyones experience is different.
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>castille AND spain
>They aren't the problem.
"Pai!! Quero que você conheça o Windergleison, meu namorado!!! Ele é brasileiro, legal né XD ;P"

sua reação?
yeah but I don't want muslims either amigos
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>this teaches you to love your Course and college
google translate is really cancerous
It's part of it yes, i dont expect someone that didnt go through it to understand. I will just say that everyone that went through it loved it and would like to be caloiro again.
>people ITT planning policies
>when we live in a country ruled by people who will not do any reform unless it benefits teachers, union scum, public workers, pensioners and gibs niggers

You'd be better moving out of this shithole or waiting until our creditors come demanding reforms again
Windergleison é um bom nome pra um sétimo filho de um casal de favelados
que curso frequentaste/frequentas ?
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Olhem para esta comparação 100% precisa

>Arianos Galaicos
>anti-(((aborto))) (uma iniciativa da maçonaria judaica para diminuir a taxa de natalidade portuguesa)
>povo industrioso e diligente
>bastião da direita política

>mestiços arabiçados com sangue africano
>ateus degenerados
>a favor do aborto e da imigração ao mesmo tempo
>povo preguiçoso, sempre a pedir subsídios do estado
>bastião do comunismo e socialismo
Honor killing.
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>enjoys being shamed
So, you are a cuck?
Mean my course in UC people don't do even this.
If you didnt go through it you will never understand. I never did anything that made me feel ashamed, and if somenone told to do something that i didnt want to do, i would just say i wouldnt do it and they would leave me alone.
Engenharia Informatica
This. The son of my girlfriend participated in these ceremonies and had nothing but good fun.
>I know he won like some phone in "Greatest Portuguese" contests
That had some meme magic behind it though
>y-you just dont understand it

eu também. ainda no mestrado tho.

fizeste no IST?

que linguages programas e já arranjaste algum emprego?
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>the son of my girlfriend
>having a relevant opinion about praxe
>has never been praxado
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Those brazilian elites are trully black.
>Arianos Galaicos

Os galaicos eram um povo proto-historico, parentes dos lusitanos, Estrabão não os distinguia, já que veneravam os mesmos deuses celtas e proto-celtas. Todo a fachada ocidental de Portugal de norte ao sul seria celta e como tal ariana.

Todo o pais é cristão do norte ao sul, não é que isso seja grande coisa, jáque os cristãos modernos são os que mais abrem as fronteiras ao mundo todo como se sabe e como manda o papa.

Sobre os mouros, que vivem em marrocos, mas tambem na argélia e mauritania, concordo, tendem a ser assim, preguiçosos etc.
Mas olhem que por exemplo em rabat e marraquexe eles são bastante nacionalistas, e religiosos, não é por aí e não são nada socialistas certamente, aliás aqueles paises do norte de africa seguem a religiao de uma forma. E duvido que sejam a favor do aborto.
see >>138405735

seu brasileiro cafajeste

Aqui >>138409733
>having a relevant opinion about politics
>never been a politic

By the way, have you KYS yet?
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>that argument
Have you ever been almost beaten to death? No?
Oh then I guess you can't be against or for violence since you never really experienced it.
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O Mouro sulista
>dominado por socialistas
>ateu comunista
>"estas bichas matam fascistas"

O Garanhão Nortenho
>católico monárquico
>puro sangue lusitano
>ouve música erudita
>"Deus, Pátria e Senpaiília"
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Rebel stuff is not allowed
Falando em Universalis, quando teremos uma dlc lusitana em EUIV? Quero criar o Reino Unido de Portugal, Brasil e Algarve. :X
Só com um teste do 23an d me, se poderia entregar a nacionalidade e no futuro assim será em toda a Europa e EUA
Quem marcar geneticamente como nós europeu, pode ser integrável. os outros jamais.

Eh eu n jogo muito EUIV , no quartel fico por jogar coisas tipo company of heroes 2 ou War Thunder .

Ja agora, alguem em pode dizer porque se diz "portugal E Algarve"?
>claiming praxe is about being humiliated a getting beaten up
And btw, you can quit whenever you want
>comparing praxe to politics
damm we are reaching new levels of autism never before seen!!!
Mas olha lá, onde é que os mouros (de marrocos etc..) e outros paises arabes são socialistas ou comunistas? experimenta ir a marraquexe falar em comunismo.
E ateus? és maluco caralho, os gajos são fanaticos, pelo islão, rezam 3 vezes ao dia e o cacete.
Bem dita hora que o Afonsinho os varreu daqui para fora.
South - inbred mongrels and North - Europeans, right? Is North fucked with southern migration like in Italy?
Ainda existem em Portugal? E os maçons?
>damm we are reaching new levels of autism never before seen!!!

Yes, we have a nation that supports praxe.
sigh... okay let me use an easier example for you.
Are you a professional chef? No?
Then I guess you can't hold any opinions on food. Now eat this piece of shit and don't complain about it.
Acalma-te pá. Estamos só a mangar.

Don't whine about the source if their facts are correct.
Are there even any non-leftist parties left?
You can have an opinion. It just isnt a relevant one. The same way you trust more in a professional chef when talking about food, you trust more in someone who has been praxado than someneone who hasnt when the subject is praxe

only right wing party is autistically fanatic. Starting to think they're a puppet.
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portuguese butt
yep praxe has its flaws and should be more regulated.
Estás a mangar com a memoria dos portugueses que morreram para expulsar a moirama para fora de Portugal?
Makes sense. We should also abolish voting, I mean most people have no experience in politics, so their vote, their opinion, isn't really relevant.
well it is precisly by votes that all europe is turning to far-right, so i see no problem there.... the problem is the time we dont have, if the imigration dont stop.
All 5/6/7 major parties or parties with MPS are literally social-democrats in a larger sense. Only some that got parliamentary representation.
Well shit.
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>its ok if people die and get hurt 24/7
>but its good I swear, I have been there, I am also a cuck

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I'm not giving click in that Left Bloc, you commie fucker at least archive it next time.
Bons quintuplos. Estamos a gozar com a cena dos sulistas serem de esquerda. Pronto, estamos a gozar com Lisboa. Tem calma.
Freemasons literally dominate the parties or governative arch: centrist parties that formed govt in this 3rd republic. They control a large part and have a great influence.


also, what do you guys think about reinstating a monarchy?
Yes pls
Mas como? se aqui no Porto (não em rio tinto) se vota mais Bloco de esquerda que em Lisboa em %. Será que tu és burro? ou antifa? ou ambos
Algarve is full of tourists and immigrants
Lisbon in particular is full of muslims, gypsies and niggers
The rest of the South is alright, but the North is clearly superior as it always has been.
Ver >>138411395
Sines está cheia de pretos.

Fds vivi em Vila Nova de Santo André e havia lá imensos também.
Some pnr here say that they are divided in natsocs and civic nationalists that love angolan nigress pussy because it belonged to pluricontinental portuguese empire.

associated with right-wing phobia from general population of new state regime the defeat of nazi and facist regimes in wwii and association with hammerskins true or fake giving them a lot of bad rep.
>Praxe teaches you to love your Course and college
You don't need to be TAUGHT, dumbass. If you had any love for your future, you would have chosen the right course and college from the get-go.

Praxe only "teaches" moronic socialist millennials who have no idea what they're gonna do in the future, so nonsensical and useless social interaction that they'll regret in 10 years time is everything they want and take out of college.
brazilian hide flag.
There are no big differences between south, center or North Portugal. since 150-200 km separates them. People from south Portugal, are as whites as center or north, because of reconquista-
Lisbon is the capital, and more rich, so it attarcted more immigrants. North is a little bite more poor than south, but not that big difference.
Madeira has a big gdp too
First lisbon, then madeira, then algarve, then center, then north. But not big differences.
Literally reached a point when 3 of parliamentary party groups were freemasons in the same period of time: carlos zorrinho, that cds/pp that had a bastard child and luis montenegro. In local scene in Coimbra we know a lot. Just search maçonaria portugal and books and you wikl get it there.
Stop lying, cunt. Have you ever been outside of the big cities?

You don't see a nigger anywhere outside of Lisbon and Porto.
say where i lyed please
>People from south Portugal, are as whites as center or north,
Coimbra suburbs / villages yes. There are a lot in middle and high schools
Os habitantes do sul de Portugal são tão brancos como os do centro ou do norte,onde é que isto é falso?
>big cities

I've lived in Aveiro all my life and I have not seen a nigger once and chinks were rare until I went to take a vacations in Lisbon, Algarve and Porto which are flooded with immigrants and negros.
>they haven't told him about Alentejo
City or district in isolated preto free municipiality?
Quem é a puta?
What was the most underrated ruler and why it was Dom João VI?

Described like a lazy glutton in most books. Considered irrelevant by many. But in my opinion a lazy man couldn't have done what he did. Post your rare D. João VI pls
Elle Reeve
Alentejo has a lot of Ukrainians as well.
Best known for escaping from french, not leading army vs invasion, leaving portuguese to be robbed and raped and losing its biggest former colony/kingdom.
best thing that ever happned to us.
Portugal is europe and nothing more... 100% identity
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