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Trump going to go full NeoCon in a few hours.

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 82

Well guys it was fun while it lasted, Bush 2.0 is nearly here.

could we get more info than this? what neo-conish thing is he planning? are we going to war?
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Oh and also sage
Shillception, ironically.
This image was made by a baiter.
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Good way to put it, although you could also say it was when he bombed that base in Syria for Bibi and claimed it was over some pics of dead kids.

He doesnt understand what he is up against, that much is clear. He needs to be as ruthless as he campaigned on. Start naming names to be primaried. Stop press briefings period, we dont need them. He is propping up dead media.

And name BLM and antifa as terrorist groups. But he wont. Its all over.
Man, Americans are fucking stupid. On many sides.
>Not abandoning a country we took over 15 years ago makes you a neoconservative

Just admit you have no fucking clue what a neocon is.
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but he wuz a good boy
>throwing money and lives into a bottomless pit doesn't make you a strategic retard
"it's not real neoconservativism!!"

pathetic, honestly.
3.0, Bush Jr was 2.0
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>Trump is going to war in Syria
>Trump is going to war in North Korea
>Trump is going to war in Afghanistan
That's the Democratic Party that's the Titanic, kiddo -- rudderless, lacking a viable message, and on the verge of complete collapse. Unlikely, even according to shills like Nate Silver and shill outfits like the NYT, to regain the House or the Senate in 2018.

And, I might add, the Jews - your shekelmeisters - aren't doing so great on the demographic front either, being plagued by unprecedented levels of outbreeding and nonbreeding.
Between them, that's how to go to war with pretty much everybody in one way or another.

Announcing that the deep state will be destroyed and Clinton goes to jail doesnt make you a Neocon.
Why doesn't he address the nation on infrastructure, the wall, getting rid of anchor babies & DACA? Stuff that actually fucking matters. Does this stupid fuck not realize he got elected because people were sick of "muh foreign wars"?
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>implying he will say that
B-but anon, Ivanka cried to Daddy about Israel being threatened by Assad.
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Is he finally going to deliver on his campaign promise and make anime real?
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Gross, no.
Anime promotes sexist ideas. We will never let Trump sink into sexism.
They will commit to sending more troops to Afghanistan.
Doesn't make it any less true.

I'll make sure to keep saging, though
i hope he admits to colluding with russia
>>Trump is going to war in Syria
Rothschild Central Bank

>>Trump is going to war in North Korea
Rothschild Central Bank

>>Trump is going to war in Afghanistan
Nice to see the shareblue blackpills are back.
Repubs own all branches of government and have refused to make any changes because they hate Trump.
If I was Trump, I would ask for everything that needs to be signed, be on his desk in the morning. Sign everything without reading it.
Use the rest of my day breaking up my companies and selling them off.
Never speak publicly again.
Don't run for re-election.
Buy a private Island with secret service guarding me for life.
Enjoy my billions as the country crumbles around me.
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Uh huh. Sure Hillary. Whatever you say.

>Not abandoning a country we took over 15 years ago makes you a neoconservative

Yes, now you're starting to get it.
Mass arrest of Congress starts now.
Same t b h
The outrage would be incredible
Posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread.
>muh airfield
Do you /sg/ homos ever shut up about that? If you love the Assad d so much go to Syria and man a post. But you won't because you're a 15 yo edgelord who ran out of tendies
WWIII: Brought to you by McMaster, Powell, Mattis, and Tillerson.

Hope you're ready for the draft boys!
Even though a crime was not committed. I would do the same (Americans are too stupid to know and different), just so I could leave office and enjoy the rest of my life.
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Hajis are gonna hajj. But keep up the shilling
>Sept 2016
>/sg/ btfo

Attacking Assad is a hate crime perpetrated by Jews.

>But you won't because you're a 15 yo edgelord who ran out of tendies

Umm, I'm 30, and I ran out of BBQ sauce.

I would never run out of tendies, I'm not that irresponsible.
Neoconservatism is being a right wing Jew who supports American deaths for Israel.

And that was why they were called cucks during the primaries.
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Well at least you didn't deny loving Arab benis
We get to finally have our "it aint me" war,

I hope Britain doesn't chicken out this time.
Start any war you want trump . Just kick out illegals and stop letting in Mexicans
I fucking don't care about anything else

>didn't disavow
>means you approve

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the eclipse address?

We ain't leaving Afghanistan. We can't. The Taliban will take over if we leave. Permanent base will be established. It's not his fault, get over it.
4.0, King Nigger was 3.0
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Jim Lobe is probably the world's foremost expert on neocons.


What will happen ?

>killing more sandniggers
You're better off nuking afghanistan if it can't be saved
My IRR is up. Have fun faggot!

T. Jody
Because it worked so well in 2003.

>The Taliban will take over if we leave.


Muslim Brotherhood is FAR more of a threat to the western world.

Keep your finger up your butt for GSK profits though, that's cool too.

any chance he's going to resign?
A master baiter
You don't even know what the word neocon means, faggot.
WSJ just confirmed. This is the beginning of the end for Tonald Drump
He will pardon assange.
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Honestly at this point I basically sage every comment I make. Nobody deserves the bump anymore.
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brought to you by Carl's Jr.,
Brought to You by Carl's Jr.-

WHO CARES. Let them all fucking die.
>still not defining neoconservativism
Its a simple question. Just define neoconservativism and how it relates to Afghanistan.
This is normal for 4chan.
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We are intelligence officers not a grunt like you enjoy dying in Grumpfs Iraq 3.0
He fired the only semi decent person who had already been sidelined inside the administration
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Too right, in the name of Israel we must see more American troops and more American dollars spent on Afghanistan
Trump is the most successful con man the world has ever seen. I can't even be upset, he was a slick motherfucker.
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Wrong pic but I'll leave it since it's relevant tbqh. I'm glad that pol has started supporting its greatest ally.
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It's not about White Supremacism… It's about Jewish Supremacism…

The only solution is worldwide simultaneous removal of Jewry from our banks, governments, news media, entertainment, academia, etc...

No more wars for Israel.

Don't you mean 3.0? Obama was 2.0.
Shame that the level of actual discussions has reached such a low level. Controversy isn't bad but if the whole board is full of shit bait and name-calling I won't bother any longer and finally move to the less populated /pol/.
I do always sage now too.
Nah. Bannon left the WH because his completed his task. The indictment of the DWS's IT guy is first domino. Everything comes down now. Trump's announcement will be the a warrant for HRC and crew.
Thread music..

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trump fanboys are so pathetic

learn to take donald's cock out of your mouth once in a while
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Opium will continue to be grown in Afghanistan regardless if the United States is there or not.
It's pretty sad come to think of it, shocking people still support him after yesterday's tweet.
Digit confirm.


It's a cult. A literal cult at this point. Even Obama supporters never got this bad. My god, wake the hell up people. What the hell is wrong with you?
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, Trump fanboys are pathetic. Yes I do like some stuff about him like the RAISE act but he has honestly fucked up after becoming president.
The Taliban can't be any worse than the boy fucking pedos they put in power.
I remember when we supported the Taliban in the 80s, why can't we now? I want soldiers to leave Afghanistan it's a lost cause.
the wall will never get built


>/pol/ is a hivemind and we can disrupt it by sowing dissent
I have been /new/pol/ since 2008 and we have never, ever, ever, ever, ever agreed on anything. It's really sad how much of a hugbox the world is that they literally cannot even conceive of the notion that there exists a place on the internet where people disagree.
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>I remember when we supported the Taliban in the 80s
No you don't, because they didn't exist at the time. If you meant supporting Afghan insurgents as a whole against the Soviets, then yes. Was Osama one of these insurgents? Yes, of course, but he that wasn't the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
Exactly, he let both the GOP and DNC cuck him, a to think I even voted for the orange blob. He's too fucking retarded to do anything right. If Gorka, Miller and Sessions leave he's going to become another lameduck.
>natalia pic in his pocket
gold Jerry
You shills are hopelessly retarded at this point.

You used the exact same bullshit emotional argument since the election. I seriously hope you are a bunch of retarded newfag straight from reddit because if not then you have severe mental illness worse than autism. You've been saying this since the sex tape, the polls where Hilary was +10 point lead then after that you've been calling Trump supporters delusional when they all say he's going to win bigly.

Not contempt with your utter retardation of an argument you then form an utter failure of a paranoia campaign after the Syrian bombing and North Korean shittalking, saying that the US will go to war. You're all hopeless at this point.
bin laden has been dead for 7 years. it's not your country you imperialist prick
We are allowed to criticize him for doing stupid shit, criticism helps improve people after all. I'm not going to dicksuck him like a boomer and defend everything he does.
I don't think even Imperialists want to be in Afghanistan. We destroyed the nation and it has been that way since the socialists took over in the 70s.
>You used the exact same bullshit emotional argument since the election.
Funny, since all Trump cultists have done since before the election is screech that anyone who disagrees with them or can find a flaw with Trump is a shill.

Here's some advice, since you're probably a newfag from T_D. Acting like an insecure child will only make your opinion, and the side you're representing as a result, look pathetic and thin-skinned.
>implying boomers aren't currently sucking antifa dick to virtue signal to the cute girl at starbucks
trump is going to attack IRAN!

>War on opiate epidemic.
>Rightfully taking back control of heroin/opiate production from Deep State.

How does this make him a neo-con?
>He doesnt understand what he is up against, that much is clear.

I still know that it's better we got President Trump instead of President Hillary but, the more I think on it I do wish Trump had had previous political experience as the Governor of New York or at least a mayor.

Think about Reagan. A lot of assholes used to meme "hurr why is this b movie actor trying to be President" about him but, Reagan had experience as the Governor of California which meant he had experience of the bullshit they will throw at you in politics if you're on the "wrong side of history".

Things like having to deal with the bullshit in his day at UC Berkeley as Gov. Reagan is one of the key reasons why so many people were in support of him as Pres. Reagan.


>"All of it began the first time some of you who know better and are old enough to know better let young people think they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest"

so fucking based.

I bet many of the Californians of then who watched him say on that tv back then would have been ready for him to be President right then & there. It's not a wonder at all that California went red for Reagan during both Presidential elections.

Imagine how Trump might better be handling things on a national level if he had previous experience as Gov. Trump in dealing with antifa, BLM, and other commie scum in his state.
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yeah fucking socialist
Can I get a quick rundown? I'm at work can't watch stream
Trump supports them as well, have you looked at yesterday's infamous tweet? He's allowing his supporters to get attacked by ANTIFA thugs and won't do a single thing about it like removing communist professors from colleges.

Afghanistan had the government before the socialist one took over would've been pretty wealthy.
Does anyone know what the announcement is for real?

On the positive side it seems like leaks have died down.
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>Opium will continue to be grown in Afghanistan regardless if the United States is there or not.
The Taliban - banned - opium and production ceased - the CIA went back into Afghanistan to ensured continued production
Bush was pretty cool

See this post >>138393279 . Most people are shilling or playing 3d chess. Look at the bigger picture and the moves that have been made.
>TFW he just uses this to bait the media before Crooked's indictment is announced.
took over? you mean elections?
fuck me, another "war on drugs".
Trump's gonna get shit on from all sides no matter what he does so who cares at this point.
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>fun while it lasted, Bush 2.0

seriously how have you all not learned yet. Every time you try to make Trump seem bad, lower expectations and try to drive a wedge, when he comes back and doubles down as literally /ourguy/ he just wins even more.
We saw this coming. They got rid of Bannon before camp David, McMaster says bomb Afghanistan/North Korea. Bannon sparks a new movement. Trump was proto winning.
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Yes, the Socialist Republic of Afghanistan is the reason why the country is no longer well a country today. Had the government before them stay in power and the president his family not been killed. Afghanistan would be far different and more successful today.
I hope he nukes the entire Asian continent.

not really faggot.
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>War on opiate epidemic.
Essentially all of the opium/heroin in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.
Yeah but imagine a legit war on drugs. Making moves to fight the cartels in SA while cutting off the flow from Afghanistan. These are moves against (((them))).
bs. where do you ppl get this stuff?
Good goy. More Americans just die for Israel!
if you honestly think trump is going to get reelected you are deluding yourself, his approval rating is 30 something percent and the electorate will be even more nonwhite in 2020

it's possible that he will win the white vote but lose the election, that would cause a surge in white nationalist sentiment which would still be a good thing
just kys strawmanning faggot
This was one of the best scenes in film.
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*and his family

I need to stop typing so fast, otherwise I'm going to have grammatical errors.

The government in the photos you posted was the one before the socialists took over.
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>he is Bush
Yeah, don't really care. So long as the left hates him that's all I require.
If Boomers are still alive he might get reelected like Bush did. They're literally the worst generation ever.
4k troops increase in Afghanistan
If it happens, it happens and that leaves us now to prepare for the death blow to shadow government leftists.

Ammo, guns, food and land. Prepare now because we all know 2020 is just around the corner.
yeah more throwing money at 3rd worlders with nothing to lose. Sure it will work this time.

Mandatory drug testing for people on welfare
Legalize and regulate marijuana so the trailer trash can still get high on the weekends and cut off big pharma

He really is Bush 2.0, the only mystery for me is why MSM hates him so much. He is just more of the same.
Reagan was the first Trump. I wish more people knew how things were back then.
that shirt cost her closeted gay husband approx -$100,000,000
oh yeah that's another thing the people that voted for him are dying off
>Mandatory drug testing for people on welfare
how about just fucking ending welfare for people without a physical disability
Men are getting killed every week in Afghanistan and Iraq.
One just died a couple days ago in Afghanistan. Obviously it's usually Green Berets Bc they never stop fighting and regardless of his announcement they will continue to be in these countries fighting.
So when Ppl say **going to war ** its repulsive. Some families have been at war none stop for 16 + years.
There is no **going to War** it never stopped..
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The hell with all this noise. I can name 9 people he back stabbed right off the bat. Im tired of hearing one thing means another. His 2016 speeches would make you vomit knowing how he turns out. I should take a drink every time he lies.

At least the Dreamers are safe.
And Hillary.
And China.
And the lobbyists.
And the Establishment
And Wall Street.

Safer than Flynn and Bannon, anyways.

>no wall
>no repeal
>no tax reform
>11 million illegals, now only 10.8 million
>Flynn, Priebus, Spicer, Mooch, all back stabbed and thrown overboard
>China "IS RAAAPING US" is our buddy now
>Missiles launched at Syria as valentine to Bibi
>NATO is 'relevant' again
>Democrats, Jews, and various investment bankers rampant in White House
>biggest accomplishments: the establishment-picked SCOTUS justice and being able to inspire the economy better than a nigger
>Russia hates us, among the many betrayed
>Peso and Loonie are rising as dollar drops
>Trump going full cuck on twitter, refuses to name BLM
>Even Newt and Ann are choking on their vomit
>Bannon gone, even he says its ogre

How ogre you ask?

This ogre. That's how ogre.
This logic is fucking retarded.
>ha ha ha this guy might be driving our country into the gutter but it makes the left hate him so it's okay
You're probably a degenerate.
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>4k troops increase in Afghanistan
That's like what, a brigade? What difference could that possibly make?
He's not stopping the abuse his supporters receive from ANTIFA protesters. He's apart of the Establishment now.

Like giving amnesty to 3 million illegals and doubling immigration?
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The Taliban were a construct of the US. Zbigneiw Brezinzsky - Carters national security advisor - explains in his book The Grand Chessboard how the US established mudjideen in Afghanistan.
Taliban means student - they attended the schools established by the CIA. Textbooks were printed in the US. Before you ague and refute - read his book. He's quite proud of the strategy designed to "give the Soviets their Vietnam"
Her is Zbig with CIA asset Tim Osman, - Osama bin Laden
>i don't care if the president fights international wars for jews and creates millions of shitskin refugees as long as i can be le epic trole


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Dead White Americans and heart broken families, do you really want more innocent soldiers to die for Israel?
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>STILL believing the polls

good goy
>Bush 2.0 is nearly here
>implying that's a bad thing
intresesting idea.

Anything is better than trying to bomb brown people to follow our drug laws. Its almost like there is the force in the world that make people go after captial/monies and there is a risk/reward for it.
No, his stance on counter culture.
the msm is for niggers
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let's play a game.
it hasnt even been a year and half the country is going after him 24/7
Can someone tell me what the benefits of not sending troops to Afghanistan are?

At least from the view of the President, who wants to be known as the guy who lost Afghanistan to the Taliban? Obama's strategy of gradually reducing forces over time has lead to them gaining a foothold in certain parts of the country
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If I assume Hillary was exactly what we should expect, this shit government would collapse in less than a decade, we could throw out the kleptocracy and start over with a fresh charter for the times.

In which case, this slow death is worse, and an obstacle to the change we need, which does honestly start with accepting chaos because the parasites wont leave until they think the host is dead.

We should be voting from the roof tops.
Hoping for number one since it'll leave us and the Chinese with a thinner herd for the future.
The problem is that the CIA gets all its off-the-books funding from a) arms trade and b) drug trade. The CIA will never let the war on drugs end.

The CIA is a rogue agency and fundamentally anti-American. It is the enemy of the people of this country and every other country.
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>troops Afghanistan?
TheUS wants to fuck up the new Silk Road being constructed by Russia and China.
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here's one after us backed psychos took over
>Trump is going to war in Syria
Are you fags still whining about the tomahawks that hit the empty airport?
>Trump is going to war in North Korea
Didn't happen
>Trump is going to war in Afghanistan
We're already in Afghanistan, you inbred alkie baby.
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The guy in the video looks very jewish, and looks like a drug addict.
link? time? thre is no Wh stream set so far.
you're ignoring the very real India v China war

Good reading.
His daughter married Morning "Uncle Joe" and they sling shit at Trump. Really makes you think.
He is not benefiting literally,rather the attack was their good luck that America cleared off their regional enemies.
Who doesn't brag when they win a lottery?
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1 million troops into Syria *grunt*

It's alright to have voted for him, he may have fucked up but back then it did appear there was a chance he would do the right thing.
Slow down there Ronnie Reddit
if trump gets into a war with best korea it'll probably become ww3
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Doesn't that democracy look so beautiful!
Every country needs to bend the knee to US interests, otherwise the country will receive some democracy, which involves being bombed back to the Stone Age.
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Nice try, Achmed.
Nigger it's pain medicine causing the problem
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Its awful. I felt safe again when we won, thought we almost lost the nation.

Now it feels like we lost, and there isnt even an election. We have three years of this treachery, and it will only get worse when its over. All we did was prolong our weakness and suffering. In two years, we could've broken into the civil war we need. Now kids will think this is normal because Trump just normalized BLM and Antifa by not calling them out by name like he did with the KKK and nazis. He legitimized them by being afraid to speak their name in criticism. And fired Bannon to boot, the last hope that he meant even one damn thing he said in the campaign. Its all gone. All thats left is the comical TV star with the funny hair. Absolutely nothing is left. All he managed to do was raise the bar on the economy by being better than that commie nigger. Meaning Obama, not Mandela.
Too old and autistic to draft you fucking dingleberry.
If my post number ends in multiple digits, I will leak out all the manuscripts for the Game of Thrones season 8.

>implying I'm kidding
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>Taliban means student - they attended the schools established by the CIA
The student thing refers to the religious schools they came from in Afghanistan. They didn't exist until the early 90s. The mujahideen and Taliban are two separate groups. You're conflating the two.
Lucky show.. =3
>Trump just normalized BLM and Antifa by not calling them out by name like he did with the KKK and nazis.
>"The violent Alt-Left came out swinging bats"

This is why we call you a shill btw
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>Nigger it's pain medicine causing the problem
It's both. Way too many doctors prescribe opiates, but heroin is a huge fucking problem.
You expect him to what? Pull out and let terrorists grow like Obama did?

Fuck off shill.
>The mujahideen and Taliban re two separate groups

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You call me a shill while citing a neologism literally invented by Sean Hannity for Trump to repeat.

Because its 1986 in Trumps world and we still get our news from TV. Thats why we need to have WH pressers and keep giving interviews to the very outlets he keeps saying are dying, and then gives them circulation and ratings gold.

When was his interview with Breitbart? WND? No, he keeps giving bumps to those outdated Jew run tv networks for brown consumption and papers for whoever the fuck's grandpa reads newspapers.
I feel so shit after this last week and his cucked tweet yesterday that I sort of want him to remove all doubt that he's no longer /ourguy/ so I can go back to rotting alone in my room and ignoring politics as best I can. The shame has been mine for daring to hope.
heroin would be less of a problem in the future if we fixed the abuse of perscriptions, perscriptions are an actual gateway drug for heroin. People that get addicted to pills are something like 40x more likely to turn to heroin after.
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Woah. That's a rare.
Back to the fucking bank

What fucking reason is there to give a shit. I wish I had the infographic, but economically speaking NK isn't fucking shit

Ethiopia has a larger gdp
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>The 1980s mujahideen, the Taliban and the shifting idea of jihad

28 April marks the 19th anniversary of the mujahideen's victory over the Red Army forces in Afghanistan.
The original mujahideen of the
and today's Taliban may use the same language of holy war, but their understanding of jihad is worlds apart.
The key difference between the original mujahideen and the Taliban is that the former waged a traditional type of jihad. In a traditional jihad, if waged locally, a contest over control of resources takes place between rival strongmen who each run their own private armies. In this scenario, the ultimate legitimacy to rule draws upon military strength, but the contest itself is called jihad simply because Islam is the sole language of political legitimacy.

Crucially, in a traditional jihad, the victorious party has an unspoken right to pillage, rape and loot the conquered population.
This is because militia fighters are not paid soldiers in a regular army and hence looting is the material reward they receive for fighting.
The original mujahideen followed this traditional pattern of jihad upon coming to power in 1992. Since competition over resources rather than ideology is key to traditional jihad, the mujahideen's war focused on Kabul where the nation's wealth and the foreign embassies, another potential source of funding, were to be found.

Judging by a historical account from the 1920s, back then the women and girls of the conquered populations also belonged to the pillage package offered to militia jihadis.
Hence, in the diaries of court chronicler Katib Hazara on the siege of Kabul in 1929, we read that the victorious mujahideen of the time had demanded to see the list of girls registered at a Kabul school so as to allocate female students to militia fighters.
That is a good idea shill
Why is the Taliban bad, exactly? What did they do other than shelter a Saudi Arabian leader of an organisation once funded by the CIA that was so bad? They fought the Soviets. They established order in Afghanistan. They had strong moral values. And they hanged queers and bitch slapped women.
Sounds good to me.
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The CIA is not giving up its drug economy anytime.
When is this speech?
Im with ya buddy
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He's reduced himself to a few kike advisors. We know how that ends.
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I figure he isnt ourguy, or if he ever was, he is too weak to defend himself or us anyways, so it doesnt matter

it was just all talk. Hillary is still out, Israel was the only country not to get their state dept funding cut, theres no wall, no nothing, and the people we trusted were all axed while he invites globalist jews and democrats to be his close council, and uses weasel words to excuse anti white hate groups of violence.

He does or doesnt win in 2020. Either way we lose, so it doesnt matter. My only hope is whatever nation(s) replace this one, but there will be plenty of bloodshed first, humans vs the hoards, to say nothing of our own occupying government of zionist scum.
Shills get shilled by shills to think their shilling tactics are working

The fire is still rising brother, Trump had an incredibly positive effect at least as far as showing the fragility of the establishment.
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Great point!
>instead of more war, Trump says we're leaving
>to celebrate, he cuts to a live feed of his friend, "Just Say No To Drugs" Duterte, throwing a Deep State CIA drug network distribution agent out of a helicopter

it would be maga as fuck
I think russia has had enough of us back stabbing too
>inb4 opiod emergency
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Oh shills, cant you see
shareblue propaganda hypnotize me.
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Here's a link to a guardian article about the Taliban in the 1980s. Anon that replied to you is an ignorant opinionated asshole.

The 1980s mujahideen, the Taliban and the shifting idea of jihad

stop being such a brainlet and see the forest for the trees. we need to fix pain, that's the real source of the prescription drugs.

ban pain now
its good for poland too
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this probe is probably illegal under the trade agreement.
most of the sanctions on russia are illegal under world trade rules.
rules and laws are for others i guess
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>WHEN TRUMP PULLS BACK ALL troops yet the leftist will BITCH about it in someway
They don't call AFGHANISTAN the GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES for nothing
Trump's transformation into Trumpstein is complete
Bannon is out. He was the last isolationist left.
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Guys when is this speech happening?
At the end of the day, niggers, muslims, and jews will always be evil to me, and I know that Trump was the one who wasn't supposed to win.
So fuck
You fucks aren't even on my Level. Compared to this, the shit going on with China, India, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, One Belt One Road, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, and News Outlets on this very Internet that aren't your Average shill shit, this situation is quite literally the least of your Concerns.
Seriously. I think that's what is about to happen and that's why POTUS at camp David
only in ya head pal
I'm late to the party but the taliban stopped opium production in early 2001. Ironically enabling America to give $43 million in additional aid to farmers. Of course once America invaded production went through the roof again. Oh and fuck off cia.
>come to website famous for discussion
>make discussion

this is sad. so fucking sad.

I feel for you, burgerbros.
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China is a Communist Regime which uses investments into poor countries to buy strategic resources, ports, trade routes, airports.

Those poor countries lose control, because they can't pay back the loans so the Chinese take over.

They're doing this in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

The CCP more than 10 disputes about land with fake claims to the South China Sea and other areas.

The CCP must be stopped for global peace.
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9:00 PM eastern standard time.
I think Tomm
I read on CNN that POTUS needed the weekend to decide exactly what to say in his address to the nation.

Also, the public will be informed by the end of August with the info assange handed over to that Repub senator. The senator met in person with POTUS to give him the goods
Poland, tell Czech Republic to fucking fuck off with it's buddy buddy bullshit with Fake-China as in not Taiwan. Tell em to get away from those Communist fuckers.
thank you burger
geez I wonder where they got the ideas for that
This guy knows what's up. This is the situation we have to focus on above all else. The CCP must be stopped, and Taiwan, the REAL China must take back it's rightful land, and the Communist fucks must be eradicated.
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A little dramatic?

Bannon is slaying dragons on the outside. Don't underestimate Trump! The wall is being built
The Awan bros fiasco is likely providing lots of evidence of dem felonies
As is whatever assange just gave POTUS

Keep the faith #MAGAON
lol taiwan lost long ago. the 1 china policy has been excepted at the un for at least 30 years
Fuck you fake Chinese scum. I know you're one of those Government infiltration fucks the CCP sends out to spread your bullshit. You can't do jack, commie fuck. No one truly believes your horsehit. Taiwan will take back China.

The Jews are making some inroads there, but its slow because there is such an alien culture barrier, and the government itself is ethno nationalist.

Plus, Asians do have tempers and while patient, have no mercy when they finally do blow up. A lot of Jewish tricks used on us were designed specifically for us, modeled after our unique mental aptitudes and patterns. They dont work as well on Asians, or blacks of course.

They seem to have some limited success with Mestizos, but its not as subtle.

We are their most prized cattle, naturally bred to be the most selfless, and have it used against us.. Its a shame.
visengrad is a new china silk road part, sorry my frien. deal with it. buisnes i buisnes. i still like your gas trade. im calling this new age,
I'd observe her New Yorkers.
so... theres no address tonight right? yall just docking with eachother in here?
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I will need strong deeds and cunning counter attacks on our foes in both parties. I have finished with speeches, words and intentions.

I appreciate the thoughts though, thank you. That anyone can have faith is the comfort of courage for we lesser confident.
Poland, you're falling for another downfall. You're all being played by those False Chinese fucks.

I think OP misread something. There is an address, but idt its tonight. I honestly dont know.
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Read link: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-19/gavekal-coming-clash-empires-russias-role-global-game-changer

In pic related locate China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, India, North Korea.

No surprises here, move along, move along.
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This nigga
>NEWS ALERT: President Trump to Address Nation Tomorrow Night on Afghanistan & S. Asia
>Tomorrow Night
That is what it says on the OP link.
In the span of a new birth the vile are cut off in their girth from plans given intertwined with forbidden hidden times. It was written, bidden by this rhyme.
Supposedly since Bannon is out. I don't really buy it though.
we are in the same boat. how boat can fall when it only drift on the sea? from where? its ok, 2050 cyberpunk and there we can talk about fall. but it would be deep! but now? i dont want to live so long. life is ok now.
trump might unite the country. against him
Polish Confucious
Well, fine for you, but not for others. I'm just glad my Grandparents won't be around to see this potentially godawful scenario come to pass.
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Its interesting that China could actually make something out of Africa because like the Brits of old, they have no racial guilt. We cant do anything with it because we are hung up on PC. Meanwhile the Chinese have no qualms about calling other Chinese monkeys just for being born in the south and meaning it.
roll for north korea happening
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It's from their discord.
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iran pakastan and russia are working in afghanistan trying to bring peace.
they don't want a multi clan terrorist state on their borders
well pakastan might have given up they're building fence
Fuck Pakistan. They're the closest fucks to the Fake Chinese Bastards. They're also a bunch of Middle Eastern Muslim savages. Only a million, at most there aren't better off dead.
can't believe we're still arguing about Afghanistan. u.s needs a civil war for the sake of the rest of the world
i think the complete meaninglessness of it is the point. like, neocons just pursue completely inept and meaningless military action for the sake of moving soldiers around and spending money and having a press conference where they cheer about being big dicked assholes.
I despise this pencil necked bitch.
there are 26 salems, one in every other state
As I said yesterday, I don't want to hear any bitching and moaning from 4/pol/ when Trump starts doing the deep state's bidding in the Middle East, Russia, and elsewhere.

There were some plausible "insiders" (at least more plausible than the shit-tier "insiders" that 4/pol/ drools over, in that associated with these insiders was a demonstrable body of gov-level technical training) who were practically screaming at you not to get distracted and to neutralize the deep state's Russian-collusion narrative, but you were too busy debating whether Lauren Southern had been blacked.
Thinking to myself. Perhaps the best way to hurt Shlomo is to become fifth column for Mr Chen. Under Mr Chen, Shlomo becomes steak (well done) and we become second class workers, but genes remain intact. Under Shlomo genes become brown and shitty - no reason to care anymore. Keep genes white and hope that in a couple of centuries opportunity presents itself and we rise again.
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Because the Chinese lost all their cultured and upper class people because of the commies. Now imagine if dumb niggers ran the entirety of the US. That's how the Chinese are so ruthless, because they're mostly low IQ drones lacking any empathy or emotional depth.
So now, as per Bannon's comments, it seems that Trump has done the understandable thing when nobody had his back against the Russian narrative. The deep state got its wish.
if i ever have the money, i'd love to be a tourist cunt that just sees the entire world worth touring via train and a couple ferry. like, fly to ireland, ferry to england, and take a train all over europe, russia, china, and then a ship to japan where i travel across the nation by train again.

like, a year long trek to 30 countries.
It's still unlikely that seven of them would be in the path of the eclipse.
>>138400333 (cheked)
thank you i love Confucious. moar people shoiud read acient philosophy. it will feed your hungry brain!
Jeb Bush called Trump the chaos President. Trump will be the fall guy when the economy implodes. Even if he appeases, he loses. The only chance he's got is to remain faithful to his base but maybe Mueller found something useful in black mailing him. Nobody in DC had his back. Not even Sessions.
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It's gonna be big desu, either pizzagate related or war related, let's hope it's the former

OP is fake news.

4k troop increase in Afghanistan which is literally nothing.

Remember Afghanistan borders the only current Muslim nuclear power: Pakistan.
God damn, the amount of concern shills in here is staggering.
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>4k troop increase in Afghanistan which is literally nothing.

Yeah let's waste even more lives and money in a war we can't win

GG Trump

All three, plus Iran, Venezuela, Pakistan, and eventually Russia and China

It starts in September
Bush started wars, Trump wants to end them.
Obama/HRC knew the Afghan Army wasn't up to the task so he planted ISIS and other terrorist groups in there in order to fight the Taliban and install a Muslim Brotherhood friendly Islamic state.

Then he could cleanly exit. Trump doesn't like using proxy terrorists so likely wants to final solution Afghanistan. The GOP is screaming for a "troop surge" like that will magically fix all the problems there, and hasn't already been done 100x before.

>tfw Trump says "We're leaving Afghanistan for good, fuck 'em
hes announcing a ramp up in the war in afghanistan
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I have been puzzled by the apparent lack of empathy. I thought it was innate to their neurophysiology. But you are suggesting it was selected somewhat artificially. That would invite more study. The far east is by far perhaps my weakest area of knowledge. It has so much history and variety, and I have always thought it to be the most alien array of cultures to the West. It could be another planet altogether.

Thank you for the insights.

Have a good night, /pol/.
>911 of truth
Trump is going to draft all you /pol/tards and send you to fight the Taliban equipped with your Trump capes, MAGA hats, shields, sticks, and tiki torches.

>nuking an entire country

it would take about 1000 of the largest bombs ever detonated to cover the surface area of afghanistan.
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also he may have filled his admin with neocons but he is most definitely not a neocon, neocons are predominantly nevertrumpers so politically it would be retarded of him to appease them, although what Bannon said is pretty discouraging I voted for Trump not Bannon, so we'll see what happens
We don't need to be in there in the 1st place. Opium production has sky rocketed since we've been there to protect the multi-billion dollar drug trade that's now killing our own citizens. I believe we're not only increasing Troops but possibly building even more bases, This probably why Bannon said "The white house we fought for is over".
Nukes mexico then invades leafland.
>/pol/ still allows the /ptg/ r thedonald shill general to exist
Oh wow so we allow pro israel generals now? Jesus Christ.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
This entire thread is hearsay bullshit
>geez I wonder where they got the ideas for that
Chinese taught it to Italians who taught it to jews
Trump's going to war with Thailand. Ladyboys have to stop and they have to stop now. You heard it here first
Behaviour is 100% genetic, of course it's innate.
>in a war we can't win
we're winning that war, the goal is to protect opium crops to fuck over white families
>>tfw Trump says "We're leaving Afghanistan for good, fuck 'em
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Nah, he's just going to order a merchant ship getting rammed or sonething.
actually that's not true, look up the identical twin fag study that just came out
>model your whole survival planning on a race
>initiate genocide of said race
Jews aren't really smart, i think.
In fact, only ashs are somewhat not retard due to the european blood.
But in the end, you can take the sandnigger out of the desert, but you can't take the desert out of the sandnigger.
Behaviour is 100% genetic.
war is not about morality, it's about protecting our geopolitical interests. If being in afghanistan benefits us geopolitically, then we should stay

for example if russia would invade and use the territory to their advantage when would could keep it and have it to our advantage
>kike tactic #371: If your oponent counters your argument just repeat yourself until he goes away.
You are the one adhering to the blank state conjecture, retarded goy.
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sage slide thread outta here
it's not yours to keep
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