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Eirpol - Because there hasn't been one in ages edition

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Thread replies: 154
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Well lads its that time of the evenin'
Generation Identity Ireland:
> https://identitarian-movement.org/
National Party:
Thread theme:
Bump lads
That national party is loada shite...
We don't have any patriotic parties in this country.
I don't need a fucking party that screams kick everyone out because muhh jobs, i need a party that will care for this country, that others will respect us and we will respect others with legit immigration policy.
You can't forget that we emigrated en masse to USA and that's one of the reasons we get so much backing from USA in whatever it is that say...

For now our political system and spectrum is a huge joke.
Guinness is shite desu lads.
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>You can't forget that we emigrated en masse to USA and that's one of the reasons we get so much backing from USA in whatever it is that say...
Not a fookin argument...

Whats your drink of choice then....
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cmon t'fuck lads what else are ye doin on a sunday evenin.......
Of course it isn't, nothing is a fucking argument in this country.
You're either with us or against us.
This goes for sjw and you, they'll scream not an argument for immigrants bring terrorists and you'll scream we emigrated not an argument close all borders.

What about the rest of the society here? Not the 1% left and 1% right.
The actual 98% that wants this country to be great and fucking free of bullshit from both sides.

If you ask me to deport every single person from this country that isn't Irish I'll fucking refuse to do so simply because my best friend is Polish and he was the only one wearing MAGA hats during Dublin protests without because scared of the retarded left.
Now if you don't mind answering my question, are you in favour of banning immigrants from Europe or just outside of Europe?
Will you ban German, French, Swiss, Polish, Austrian, Hungarian people?
Will we ban Australians as well? Id say someone from your family is in Australia right now.
Make sure you give it a good thought, your answer might get your a follower or an enemy. Right now I'm just neutral.
Guiness tastes like ass desu. It's OK to get drunk with, but still
>be black
>last name bailey
>fathers side of family is irish catholic
>drink all your friends under the table
>have strong sense of loyalty and work ethic
>avoid moving to Ireland and reconnecting when your partiarchal lineage because "hurr ur not a true irishman"
>tfw you will never be embraced by the Irish because of your skin color
>tfw if you were to get in a pub brawl with your lads, you'd likely be targeted because of your skin color

I don't even want to drink on this planet nay more, lads
I actually heard guiness from Dublin tastes leagues better than guiness made anywhere else in the world.

one of the main reasons I want to visit Ireland, that and whiskey.
Don't ever come here.
Export Guinness is made in Africa buddy, if you want the real Guinness you gotta go directly to Dublin factory, pay 10 euro for the museum and get your freshest Guinness once you finish the tour.
ur shite, lad n ur mother was a tavern slag
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keep up the good work , Saxonia here
What make you of this cuckery?

Everyone should get involved in it desu
A load of absolute horse shite......the virtue signalling left are the biggest bandwagon hoppers Ive ever witnessed..

y'nae have to tell me lad, I'm rooted in the country of my birth have all but dismissed any and all desires to visit Ireland because of that sentiment

posting in these Eire/pol/ threads and drinking in irish style pubs in the state is the closest I've accepted myself to getting to this culture that resonates deeply within me

I just deeply wish it wasn't so. I work hard, and take responsibility for my actions. I just wish I could go to pubs and hear irish flute and celtic folk tunes outside of St Paddy's day
What's the difference between you lads in south Ireland and the ones in north ireland
Has the hurricane greta/whatever hit Ireland yet? Keep on seeing shit about it but haven't heard about it from anyone yet
>""irish nationalists""

>they speak english, not gaelic

cuckolds lmfao
bumping with more tunes

Ah come over for a visit at least....no harm in it like
You seem like a little faggot anon. You should go over to /r/Ireland and tell them how how much you love your little Polish bum chum over there.
they get hurricanes up there???
Kind of not really....just normal rain
You ain't missing much actually, Ireland ain't exactly like what people imagine. Think chavs, but rural, in 90% of the country them arrogant asses in the capital. The pubs are nice but nothing special and people only drink cos there is shit all else to do.
Currency, international recognition, passports and a civil war
man, idk the atmosphere in the world these days is too tense.

first I would have to purchase a thorough genealogy analysis to dismiss any and all doubts that I might not have a single drop of irish blood in my lineage then maybe I'll check it out

otherwise, I feel like I'd just be a LARPing faggot looking to appropriate any culture besides the southern african american one I've been born into
Eh kept on seeing news articles about it, but the online articles always over exaggerate weather news
>Ireland is hotter than Spain this week!!!!
Naw it ain't, sorry
Can one of you guys explain to me why literally every Irish folk song is about nigger-tier shit? Every song has AT LEAST one of the following themes, usually many of them:

> Getting drunk
> Getting arrested
> Starting a fight
> Stealing shit
> Lying
> Fuck the English
> Nevermind lol, I want to go kill people elsewhere and they gave me a gun
> Fucking married women
> Hurr this bitch is so hot

Is this how you became known as the niggers of Europe?

South: Mostly ethnically Gaelic Irish, predominantly born catholic, see themselves as Irish.
North: Mostly ethnically Scots/Irish or English descendants, predominantly born Protestant, see themselves as British.
>I'm a retard that doesn't understand politics at all
>everyone is my enemy
That's what you sound like, you'd fucking happily trade an ally for an enemy where current enemy is the far left Irish people.
You don't get it don't you? If you go and see one of them lgbt or anti trump events all you will see is the degenerate left.

Open your fucking eyes because if they do manage to take control you won't ever open your mouth again because I know you will be scared to say anything because you might loose your 9.30 p. Hour job...
>You ain't missing much actually, Ireland ain't exactly like what people imagine. Think chavs, but rural, in 90% of the country them arrogant asses in the capital. The pubs are nice but nothing special and people only drink cos there is shit all else to do.

I live in the South, North Florida to be specific. All I know is rural simple life, where all there is to do is work and drink, I feel like I'd be at home there, however, not being from there, I feel like I wouldn't feel any more at home than I do as a black person in the south.

I really just need to take a break from /pol/, the burden of needing to feel validated by the anglo-saxon, pan-european collective is exhausting and causing me to exist in a negative head space about my own identity

Unionist here.

Redpill me on the National Party, what does a United Ireland look like and can Ulster be a part of it?
>Is this how you became known as the niggers of Europe?
No....that was because english girls kept getting MICKED
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Nah, it really isn't. It took me a while to warm up to it though. Try drinking the foreign extra at room temp. But now I even like the standard stuff. Very comfy, don't have to watch my pacing nearly as much as with the higher alcohol stuff.
Show your flag.
Eh go if you wish. People will be friendly, although you will still be an outsider, but let's be honest, being any type of foreigner (bar polish) in one of the more rural areas is gonna make you stand out.
Just do us all a favor and don't introduce yourself as Irish, it annoys people. Say your American looking to find out a bit more about where your family came from, this is generally more acceptable than just claiming a lose bond to a heritage
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y'wot, lad?

National Party want a united Ireland but obviously that'll include unionists and as far as Im aware theyd be welcomed as /ourguys/ because theyre predominantly right wing/conservative (eg DUP), so as long as you dont get all "they tuk ar flegs!" a united Ireland would work.
Put it this way, both of our countries go to shit and we get ethnically replaced, or we join, and all the conservative voters of the DUP go to the national party and we can actually prevent our destruction....
I don't know if you're taking the piss or not but anyways if you came here I think you would leave saddened at the fact that you are half Irish but in the ethnic homeland of those people they would have no sense of kinship or affinity with you because you're black/African American. If you don't mind all of that and you want to see some nice scenery and experience the country then come on ahead but if you come here to feel any sense of acceptance because you're half Irish, you won't get that because all people will see and think you as is black or African American.

But would the island unite under the current Republic or would a new nation be formed? What about the Unionists who wish to remain subjects of the Crown?
good to know, I'm eventually sure I'll be considered an outsider wherever I go until my fellow countrymen pull their heads out of their collective ass regarding "race"
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Fun graffiti found on a pedestrian bridge. It was confirmed that the person who painted it has never been to Ireland.
It is sickening alright all this fucking virtue signalling by worthless scumbag politicians. There's a statue in Dublin of Sean Russell an Irish patriot and IRA leader and the left are looking for the removal of that statue too and I hope they protest it or try break it down because it would cause an argument between Republicans and the far left and the Republicans would turn on them and kick fuck out of them if they touch that statue. Would be sweet to see Republicans turn on the left.

exactly, which is why I'm still on the fence bout visiting in the first place, the only reason I would really want to go, would be just for the drinking and the food, the culture is interesting and while I can relate with it deeply, its a one sided feeling

I cannot express how much to you I wish I was white with Irish lineage, not that I hate being of african lineage, its just a pain being embraced by a culture you don't really identify with(southern african american) but rejected by the one you identify with the most

I guess, drinking about it by myself in a pub in ireland might give me closure before I die, but I just don't know. I feel like I keep clinging for something that either doesn't exist, or exists, but not for me.
is their name literally éire Ireland? cant find them on google..
>Rocky road to Dublin
About a man's experiences as he travels to Liverpool in England from his home in Tuam in Ireland.
>Long Way to Tipperary
About missing home and your loved ones
>Dirty Old Town
About missing home and reminiscing
>Black Velvet Band
Missing home and misfortune as your being wrongly punished with transportation
Havent a clue, maybe, if they could prove "unionist" ethnicity ie being a descendant of british settlers etc....they could keep their Brit passport....similar to the way nordies can choose their passport nowadays
Why are the left trying to shut it down?

The website link is in the OP mate.
Search for generation identity Ireland on google and it should come up, or go to the linked website in the OP, and you can see their twitter/facebook pages from there
>yank opinions on beer
There's better Stout.

>le american beer meme

There's better stouts and they're made in America. Leave you neet-hole for a while and you might notice that America started making the best beer in the world about 10 years ago.

Guinness is still solid though.
gas the taigs desu
just has to be done
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which is your favorite?
I'm a big fan of milk stouts, they are my favorite part about fall/winter draft selection
No one is really going to judge you for being black, I know a lad that's black and has been adopted by Irish family because parents died in car accident.
They were not related, just friends for years and believe me this lad is more Irish than most Irish people. Mind you he's not Irish by how he looks but by how he behaves. Well mannered, intelligent and always got Ireland first.

I'd welcome you to Ireland as long as you do respect it and work for it.
Why are Irish women so cold?
You should come visit anyway sure and see what you think. Ireland is t much like how you would see it on American TV or movies though and you may be filled with romantic notions about the place that aren't true in reality. There's nothing stopping you coming here and enjoying the scenery and culture. Nothing stopping you coming here and learning about one side of your heritage. You'll have no bother here and even if you say your half Irish or whatever, people aren't going to be at your throat or take insult just because your black, they'll more than likely just be bemused by it.
I forgot to mention he went to Nazi Germany looking for weapons so the IRA could fight the British troops in the north during WW2. He was a Nazi collaborater the left say.

I think in the similar manner that there is Paris syndrome, there should also be Ireland syndrome. It is not all happy people singing in pubs and green fields everywhere. Most people are dicks.
How the fuck can he be more Irish than most actual Irish people?

Jeepers Lads.

Not gonna win too many over with the U.K. And Ireland. Are the numbers that small?

Do you even Paul McGrath?
Hmmm... ye i think i heard about this before....the antifa types tried to ShutItDown before and there was a rift between the antifa republicans and the purely "fuck da brits" republicans over who was in the right.
Cheers, lads. One day I'm sure I'll be stopping by to have a couple pints and buy a few for others. /pol/ has left me jaded and paranoid about being black in mostly white dominated spaces

as far as romanticizing the culture, yeah I might get bummed out if I don't get to check out a modern day smithy, but I always assumed the Irish to be relatively down to earth people that keep their head down and look out for their loved ones, its only when they feel threatened that things can get a bit crazy which is why I've been getting more and more hesitant and the immigration issues throughout the world go unchecked and people get more and more pissed about them

also, I hate being a tourist and "sight seeing"

I want to experience true Ireland, drink from a dirty mug in the seediest pub in town, stuff I do normally in the states.

Quaint things for the sake of being quaint don't amuse me as those things that are just so.

Theres separate Irish branch that is part of the broader Uk and Ireland.
I think it'll get the same numbers, and also makes for a good "pan european" image because like in the austrian and french branches of the movement, they help each other out with activities so why not between these two islands?
but fuck all that noise, I want to know about the underground cultural aspects, the best kind of food to eat there, not some mainstream packaged Ireland(TM) surface level nonsense.

What would you say is the most effective way to experience Real Ireland, and not just the touristy theme park version?

Because historically that's been a major turn off for Irish lads. It would be better if you showed all the European countries side by side. That'll get a hell of a lot more play.

Not being defeatist, it's brilliant news desu,

Get a visa and move here like I did.

Go to Northern Ireland, Donegal, and Kerry.
It would be sweet to see all the middle class luvvies and anti fascist types having a protest at that statue and a Republican counter protest and a fight break out between them.
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You would have no need to be paranoid here and the people are friendly and easygoing as fuck here. Comes soon if you want to see Ireland before it's any more changes than it is now. In the 90s we were 98% ethnic Irish, nowadays it's 82% due to immigration mostly from other European countries. We are earmarked for destruction like other European countries so come dinner rather than later.
This >>138383629. You want real ireland? Stay out of the cities and drive 20 miles in any direction. I recommend Donegal. It's like you traveled back in time 300 years. People are friendly but clanish at the start. Irish is still spoken. If you make a single friend you are in good with every local. Foods good and during the summer you can see the northern lights. You can also visit the tiny Islands if you want. I also recommend dropping into one of those tourist shops as you can buy Guinness flavored crisps and whiskey flavored chocolates. If you make a local friend which you 100% will cause the only reason to visit here is the people, you will get a lot of local legends and tales. Look into buying an Aren Island sweater as its one of our genius idea's on how to identify a person who died out at sea cause every sweater has a different pattern.

Go off the trail and explore the countryside. Ireland from my point of view is a country you'd wish to retire to. Ireland doesn't have much in the way of theme parks but we do have peace and quiet. Plenty of castles and as I said if you speak to someone like you known them for years here, you can easily make friends.
did you get a work visa? I wouldn't mind doing some post graduate study over there. Do Irish Universities offer exchange student programs?

If anything, I'm guessing I would have to experience an extended stay to get the local Irish people to warm up to me and begin introducing me to the more "locals only" places to drink and dine.

I am fascinated with Language, and the evolution of Celtic and Gaelic tongues as the early tribes of Celts and Gaels migrating and forcibly interacting with each other through out history would be the essential subject of my study there.

So, I wouldn't be satisfied until I sat down next to a guy, or even was approached by a girl, in a comfy pub nestled deep in the back rural most areas of whatever town I'm in and engaged them in a conversation where I barely understood half of what was being said.

I sincerely feel the accents and dialects of people are what preserve their identity, not aversion to intermarriage, or incest, rather keeping in touch with the root of the lineage so as to never really forget. I feel like forgotten languages are the most tragic signs of a people going extinct.

Ebonics in southern african american culture being a prime example. Many american black people have no idea which part of africa their blood comes from, or the languages that were spoken in the region of the country, and because of this, there is a disconnect that leaves room for self-destructive and superficial cultures to take root.
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Have you tried the non-nitro? Loses on texture but gains a lot of taste. Me though, my taste buds are so blasted from years of quadruple IPAs, I can't handle milk stouts anymore. Got to be drier, or bigger and more bitter to contrast with the sweetness.

Currently drinking pic related, local brewery-slash-former global pop icons. Not bad, but get your carbonation under control guys.
We're fucked, all of us, the whole world... fucked
Quick, I know something that will save you, get on your knees and drink this bumjuice!
You can also tell exactly where a person is from on their accent.

But if you are a nigger it is not 100% that you will make a friend, lets be honest
>that mound

where is this and what is this strong yearning to set foot there...?

also, is Rally still big over there? I remember there being a huge mourning over the loss of McRae...
That's likely the down side. Ireland is too small to be making enemies. If a nig acts like a nig, it doesn't take long for word to get around. For example Micheal Collin's cousin was working for the Brits up in Dublin as a clerk and let word get out where brits would be before the orders got issued out.
>dat sweater lore
Thanks, eire anon, I'm saving this post to my notepad so I can begin to compile a "shite tae do" list for when I arrive.
The the tombs at knowth 5500 years old. Rally is fairly big here and there's rally's on in different regions throughout the year but I've never been much into it myself.
It's a ring fort probably, they're everywhere in the damn country
My mum used to be a controller of ancient monuments I've been dragged around more ring forts, standing stones, cairns and fairy rings than I care to remember
They never show the difference between north ulster and south ulster. That particular nordie accent makes my ears bleed
I have a very nice fermanagh drawl. The Belfast and Derry accents are fucking awful tho
He's an American nigger though and if he's not loud and obnoxious and a complete dose of shite then he would be ok. An African nigger wouldn't make no Friends though as they're generally despised. This guy is probably pretty light skinned for a nigger if his Da is white and he black mother probably had a percentage of white in her too as master was fond of dipping his cock into sheboons back in the day and now a lot of the descendants of slaves have a percentage of European blood in them.
>bending a knee to the looming IPA menace
>not wanting your meal in a glass to taste as savory and sweet as rhubarb pie

All beer snobbery aside, I like different brews for different occasions. Cream, blonde, and wheat ales during hot and humid Floridan summers after a hard days work is a god send, but a good Chocolate Stout on a winter date or by myself at a show will always be cozy af
Americunt. Let me tell you a tale only locals know. To give you a small taste. Ever wonder how the leprechaun got its pot of gold?

Well Ireland im sure you know, has tons of myths and legends as we were pagans before Christianity darted in and fucked our kids and corrupted the meaning of halloween. Ireland has these things called fairy forts. Most fields still have them, they are a stacking of rocks for fairies to sleep in. Fairy folk are cheeky cunts but also fun loving. They usually dance from night to morning and morning to night. So naturally their shoes get worn out. To which the fairy folk would go to the leprechauns who would mend the shoes for them out of the kindness of their hearts. Now the fairies would pay them in gold, but seeing as Leps already have the power to grant wishes..that makes gold kind of useless to them. So Leps take the gold. But then they hide it and when ever it rains a rainbow appears off the reflection of where the gold is hidden. Thats how they get their gold.
Can anyone tell me what it's like to join GenID?
Is it just a right wing anti-fa or is it a serious organization with a proper power structure and long term plans?
>ring forts, standing stones, cairns and fairy rings than I care to remember

damn, that's some rich lore worth preserving to some extent. Tribal ethnicity is important.
Aye the Belfast accent is shitty af alright and the Derry one too when their trying to hard to sound like their from Derry. West Ulster accents are generally nice apart from Derry and I love the Ulster Scots dialect.
Right you are. He should be fine.
No one is going to be a cunt unless he is himself.
Of the name research I've done my father's line was intermixed a few generation back. I'm just a mutt, with reddish brown skin from my mother's native American lineage, west/north african slave stock existed on both sides.

I only get loud and obnoxious around people I know I can trust, and even then its out of jovial excitement. I usually keep to myself around people I'm not very acquainted with tho.
I meant to say if he's not a dose but generally Americans are complete doses.
Some Tyrone accents are awful though
>close du one-duh
Strabane man is best man.

Unoffical anthem.

What you'll be singing at the end of a night.

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Reminded me of this
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Huh, that's an interesting interpretation of that story.

I've studied quite a bit of lore on very many cultures, but mostly african, native american, english and irish ones, the ones that pertain to the majority of my genetic cocktail, the myths and legends of cultures tend to reflect ages of time in very short and brief quips.

For example, before the nomadic tribes of pagan Celts and Gaels came to settle in the area, the Island mass was reachable by foot(thousands of years of climate change raised sea levels and made the land more marsh over time). Its believed that the Gaels and Celts were the last of the nomadic tribes before the Bronze Age, because of all the copper and tin present in the area before the demand of war arrived.

Research suggests that there was a tribe of pygmies that were already on the brink of extinction in the area right around the time the Gaels and Celts arrived, and their interaction with these ancient midgets gave birth to the folklore of the Celtic/Gaelic leprechaun who was really good at making shoes but would be very quick to swindle someone out of capturing them if they ever were to get caught.

Don't know how much of this is true, but it definitely makes for an interesting read in pic related.

Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/4abmsc/twa_pygmies_in_ireland_leprechaun_myth/


While i wholly disagree with the "woke" notion that the twa people were genocided by the arriving tribes of celtic people, the evidence that's been unearthed during all of this is pretty intriguing when you think about it especially when observed through the celtic folklore perspective
If it's north Tyrone sure. South Tyrone becomes fermanaghish and nice again.
NP article response to Fintan 'the Yid' O'Toole
Add this to your warehouse of genetic root lore.

Look at this virtue signalling fuck.


>While i wholly disagree with the "woke" notion that the twa people were genocided by the arriving tribes of celtic people

That doesn't strike me as particularly implausible. Leaving aside all the anti-white hate that's en vogue currently, genocide is frequently what happened when one tribe moved into the space of another tribe. Every race genocided the previous occupants of whatever patch of ground they live on.
Quotation from article:
In order for it to be possible to have a collective experience, one must have a collective of people. A people who share a culture and see themselves as kin to one another, who respond to the same stimuli and who are familiar in each others’ company, who can spot each other across a room in a foreign land. They are kin to one another in the way all nationalities are. By the shock of recognition which forms the basis of all identity. Marshall McLuhan knew it. He said identity is an act of violence. The great compounding nature of history has crushed us into that whole, that communitarian foundation upon which a society is built. An organic society, not some socially engineered half-measure. Not some transient community that imports foreigners to have their children and to pay their pensions. An actual living nation.
lost it at 1:00
people's republic of what? and what's that suffix he's using at the end of each statement? "Boy"?
Where are you from? Ballyshannon\Belleek area?
How is Generation ID doing in Ireland?

Any members ITT?

Do you lot have a version of the EDL where your drunken proles get redpilled on Islam or no?
It sounds to you more like BUYYYYYYY it's interchangeable with KIDDDDDD.

A phrase often used in Cork is "I will ya"

>I will ya!
Means I will do that
>I will ya!?
Means no. The make the "ya" sound sarcastic.

If you want to sound like a sweet guy but not really, tell someone you love.
>I would give you what i hadn't got.
It means you wouldn't give them anything but at first glance it sounds sweet. Its an important difference i learned when I was over in the states for a bit.
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Makes me want to go to Longford
Fuck that's brilliant. He's spot on with all he's saying there. I've always felt a sense of kinship with other Irish folks and I'll never feel that sense of kinship with the so called new Irish or their offspring.
Eh not really, one half the family was from belcoo but we lived away from it
Picked up the Catholic haitch from there tho
i remember like 2 weeks ago there was a gen id thread and some waffle anon said a group popped up in the u.k and the main gen id branch tried to contact them with no luck. so they have proabably haven't been active for more than i week. but gen id is a great organization and im really happy about this.
Who the FOOK is this cunt?
I am a bit wary of them. Not sure if they are to be trusted
Co founder of spunout.ie and the presidents council or something. He's from Ballyshannon.

Theyre legit Im sure.

Link to the website:


Guinness on the island of Ireland is generally good. Anywhere else, I wouldn't bother.
the gen id is very particular they aren't like national action with all the nazi shit but they are pro white but they make sure that they look legit their top dog are smart good looking and well spoken they also don't do to much that would label them a nazi. if i were you i would join it honestly looks like a lot of fun there training camps look awesome i wish i could be part of it.
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Ulster has always been the most Gaelic part of the island
You probably could. theres surely either a french connection with quebec maybe for canadian members or just a Canadian identitarian movement or something.
I am reading about it
> Generation Identity doesnotprovide a platform for any kind of national-socialist or fascist groups or views
Sounds good so far. If they let in all the Nazi larpers it would destroy the movement, like what happened at unite the right rally, just discredited us all.
I think its a good thing that they stay away from that.
I kno. Sure thats where most of our mythology comes from. but is it still though?
I went there once and I had a good time. I heard the rumor about the Guinness tasting better but it tastes the same as in the states.
I was just worried that it all could be a subversion tactic to make us fight.
Was worried it would be a right wing equal to antifa
im an army fag though i can't do this kinda stuff im not planning on releasing anytime soon either. i know the leaf army is a meme but i like it and they pay decent and i get benefits. we alsocan't have an identitarian movement either because we have no identity well i guess quebec does but im from ontario. i have english and german heritage maybe in a couple years ill move to the u.k
It's still the most Gaelic part of Ireland.
its so strange seeing how similar irish slang and that of other farmer/commonfolk classes across the world are similar with that of the Southern African American ghetto slang

part of what started me down this path of understanding language, and it infuriates me when people mock the ebonics of black people in america when its clearly obvious that the speech patterns were adopted from english people during those uncomfortable ages of slavery and emancipation
yeah from what ive read and watched they all look like great people they all have pride and take care of themselves. i see it as a good way to meet people, everyone in the groups shares similar ideas even women it would be a great place to make friends and meet girls.
ye supposedly its good to meet qt's according to a belgian anon here a while ago.
Hmmmm... I could meet my wife there
But i'd have fierce competition with all the other men about, there would not be enough women their compared to men.

I got a working holiday visa, which is good for two years. Mine expires some times in 2018, though I am approaching the one year mark pretty soon. The visa itself is fairly easy to get, and I am sure the USA would have something very similar, as Ireland has a J1 visa program with the USA.

Living here is very much a mixed bag. Everyone assumes I am from the states because of my accent, even though I am not. The average person assumes all "yanks" are dumb, which can be offensive at times.

People from here can tell the accents apart, but only in some circumstances am I able to. The way I explain it is that I can't tell if the person has a difference accent, or if it is just how the individual himself speaks. Though some accents are very distinct (rural Cork in particular).

No one here seems to take enough pride in the history of their country. There are endless castles, ruins, cathedrals and other historical sites to see. I go every weekend to a new place, and at this point I have seen more of the country than most of the people I work with. I know you had said you don't want to do the touristy thing, but in some ways you should. It will give you an appreciation for things that some locals overlook, and many people from here will enjoy the fact that you're taking the time to see what the country has to offer.

If you also want to fit in start watching hurling now. I have yet to meet a single person from here who does not follow it, even if only casually.

Sorry for the wall of text.
fuck its better than nothing. you have a chance to meet right ing qt's you bongs should be lining up to join. defend your country with the boys and meet qt's sign me up.
UCD tomorrow boys or wait another year and go NUIG?
nodabong but your right. Where else could you have a better chance? Nowhere
How many micks does it take to count to 26? About 32.
well are you white or a tourist because im pretty sure as log as you are white you can join regardless of the country so why not
I see what you are trying to do but i don't get it still
Don't knock the hussle
200% Fermanaghanise
Traced my family tree, all with Gaelic or anglosized Gaelic\Catholic surnames.
>Ireland - land of faeries
Ever have a genetic test done? Was thinking of getting one, irish ancestry tells you what % irish you are

A swede cuck visits Ireland and truly embraces the swede stereotype
Listen man, the National Party are not against European immigration. Barrett is a proponent and supporter of any country which has judeo christian culture, but there has been too much immigration from Europe even still. Its outside overwhelming immigration from incompatible cultures that's the main issue. Barrett is not an extremist
Never. Maybe i might some day
Fuck off Fagradkar.
Hello my Celtic brothers
Seen that earlier but think it was a troll.
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