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How is this even possible? Did the media make this happen?

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How is this even possible?

Did the media make this happen?
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The left and left-leaning normies are basically NPC's at this point.
I'm not entirely convinced we should completely rule out the idea they are robots.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? Who are in the gazebo, who is the massive crowd?
gazeboo are free speech people/indian running against fake indian for senate
jewish slaves self hating white cucks. progressive people
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so why are is there a huge crowd around them?
Lefties are composed of cozy middle-income youths with no real cause or struggle to belong to so they flock to safe demonstrations that allow them to feel apart of something. Very common in cities to see flash mobs appear, all you need is a solid core of about 100 professional paid protestors for them to congregate around.
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Dang dude are you living in a cave or something lol.

30,000 normies in boston showed up to protest against a "nazi" rally, but actually the rally was just a free speech rally for some candidate.
Goodness gracious leftism truly is a mental illness.
Liberal brainwashing, this is how powerful the main stream media is.

I don't understand.

Why did antifa decide to protest a small liberal poo in loo for senate "rally" composed of like 10 people. All of his supporters are clearly liberals.

Why did anybody think there were going to be nazi's or tea partiers or whatever?
The candidate was Indian as well so their "unity" agenda doesn't make a fucking sense.
The left will protest anything with the words "free speech" in it.
Notice these 2 things:
In the virginia rally,they showed countless times that pic of the austists sieg heiling and that once pic of a jabroni with a nazi.
They call this one also a white supremacist rally but they never show any pic of the rally because the people out there seem pretty normal so it cruhes their narrative
Because of media hype/psyops shit. These people are nuts and act however they're told to act.
Does he really need that bullhorn?
The left is retarded and histrionic to the point they will go to any lengthy to attack nonexistent "Nazis"

The guy in the gazebo is the true Indian, sent to dethrone the imposter. He is the hero. The crowd is just a bunch of NPCs that were summoned by the evil wizard Soros. He cast an illusion spell on them, and all they see are Nazis. They are basically zombified riff raff.
They are just lefties protesting against free speech. Because free speech is what the evil Nazis believe in, remember?
It never was a Nazi rally. They're just mental and call everyone Nazis if they aren't anarchist, communist, black separatist or Islamist.
Most of the pictures weren't even from that rally they were from previous demonstrations.

The left is chasing after ghosts in a fit of insane rage
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Because he is running against Elizabeth Warren, and so the left created a counter protest online to drown him out, but it got out of control.
no i think they are playable characters


100% on the cultural narrative needle. They are running low though. Its time to score some more jew before they start to break into cold sweats.
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Well, this Dudley Dursley looking motherfucker showed up to the free speech thing.
This ia so accurate that I sort of want to commit suicide
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nazis said they were going to be there, and people showed up. It doesn't matter if the nazis didn't show up. The people who stand against hatred DID.

Its only partially insane....

Its insane the way BLM beating up white people when a black cop shoots a black man is insane.

These people are being played. They are being tricked.
Oh look a retarded fuck that believes the media.
Hmm, could you 'organise' a 'nazi march' and get two factions of the left to slug it out somehow?

hey, retard, you and your brainless drone friends came out in droves to protest 15 liberals with "black lives matter" signs

the free speech rally was proof of the vicious malicious retardation of you and your drone husk nonhuman friends
No a pooinloo said he'd show up

The left is so insane they heard "free speech" and went berserk
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Im pretty sure the media lost all control. scratch that. Everyone has lost all control. nothing makes sense anymore and im pretty sure the computers cant fix it.
just goes to show how suggestible and easily manipulated the average person is by the media
They aren't being tricked really

They just hate free speech because they associate it with white people.
kekd heartily
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You can kind of make out the crowd in this photo, but basically the ~100 or so people in the gazebo came to hear Gavin & a few others speak, and then the local politician started speaking and all the conservatives left.

BLM formed a phalanx around them and escorted them out - at one point a pair of BLM folks had to tackle an Antifa who was running in with a bottle or something.
Is this how we win, lads? Go with full Fabian tactics and just bleed Soros dry as he buses his army around the nation to protest the next "rally" of twenty or so people?
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lmao America, wtf are you doing.
Here's what can be read on the news
>Thousands of Counter-Protesters Drive Alt-Right Rally Out of Boston

How was this rally alt-right? I don't understand
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No. The left organized a counter rally, because shiva is running against Elizabeth Warren. It got out of control. They didn't expect it to blow up like this. They just wanted a small headline to carry a narrative.
nazi here, we never said we would show up to this.
That's a big crowd. How can the right even compete when you've got a herd of subhuman cattle against you.

The battle is over. Goy, bye.
they should name him dudley horsefucker
and have him fuck spencers mother
They got bait and switch trolled
You had new right/alt light guys who said they would be there + the indian senate candidate. They are not racists.

Keep protesting non-extremists though. The optics are great.
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Shiva sucks though
but at least he isn't warren
Jesus Christ, how come 80% of the dudes waving Confederate flags are obese as fuck?

I mean, if that helps you sleep better at night, whatever. The people in the pagoda were in white polos & khakis, carrying Gadsden Flags and other conservative accoutrements, and tried to get a few chants going.

Gavin was supposed to speak but I guess he bailed, but there were definitely people in the crowd with PROUD BOYS shirts on.

The indian dude didn't do his thing in the gazebo until after everyone else cleared out.
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what the fuck is even going on here?
Wow, next time someone asks what "BTFO" looks like, show 'em this picture. Is that a bigger crowd than Trump's inauguration?
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There really wasn't a bait and switch though. They free speech rally flyers said that they disavowed Nazis and white sepremacy. This had nothing to do with race until the left made it about race.

Their narrative is just out of control.
fuck shiva, vote brahma

They are being tricked into believing all the problems in the world are derivative of the greed and moral failing of white people.

Yes. Tricked.

But Its also their fault because they are stupid enough to be tricked.
>They free speech rally flyers said that they disavowed Nazis and white sepremacy.
Protest within a protest, it's pretty meta.
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The absolute STATE of (you)
free speech protests gets surrounded by counter-protestors
Not stagnating thats for damn sure. We're moving toward nationalism but facing opposition from different groups.
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Check the webm of who was there, retard. I highly doubt you actually do any sort of fact-checking period though because I'm talking to an NPC, but fuck it have a (you) you fucking waste of nothingness space.
Fake news, this looks like canada
socialists like to call you a nazi, to distract people from socialism.

they say "ohh you're nationalistic! you're a fucking nazi!"

but nobody ever points out the socialism part of national socialism.

nobody ever points out that germany is doing now what they did then, killing and stealing from countrymen, using nationalism as the excuse for their bastard socialist behavior.

Except now its not national socialism.

it's global socialism.

germany uses globalism as the justification to rob from and kill western europeans for the sake of their socialism.

germany never gave up its white genocidal ways, it just switched to one that could work in a world with nukes.
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>1,500 alt-lefties show up
>don't even know what they're protesting
The dude speaking is running for senate. His major slogan is that Elizabeth warren is a fake Indian and he's a real Indian.

It wasn't a white supremacist rally. When he was speaking he was denouncing bigotry and etc. calling for unity.
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Holy fucking shit. This is what you actually believe.
They got paid $25/hr that's all that matters.
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lol it's real
Truth is stranger than fiction
I read his website
He's better than warren but still clueless and shitty

It really sucks there are no legit libertarians left that will actually change things

There were 40,000 of them.
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It was always slated as a free speech rally. Even Gavin said it would likely be spun as a Nazi rally because the media is fucking retarded.

Man, this Soros "bus" shit is the stupidest fuckin' thing I ever heard. You got aerial photos all day long, and there's no buses to be seen anywhere.

You got photos of crowds that number in the tens of thousands. (You can lowball it at 20K if you like). A tour bus can carry 60 people if you squeeze 'em in, which means you would need to somehow come up with a way to hide 300+ buses, while simultaneously arranging the unloading of 20,000 people -- and their signs, water jugs, folding chairs, etc.

Have you ever been to platoon muster for a C-17? 200 dudes in lightweight battle rattle, with all their shit stowed already, and it takes a goddamn hour. No way could they bus in 20K people unnoticed. They're just not that good at logistics.
>Paid protesters means every protester is paid
No. Only key agitators are likely paid. You don't need to pay everyone, just enough people to circulate interest.
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hatred and bigotry. It's pretty simple, pay attention.


>being so brainwashed by alex jones thinking that 20,000 people were all payed money to show up to an anti hate rally
bring in a team of professionals who know how and when to escalate. yeah, most of the mob forms by itself, but people generally need a nudge to act the way antifa does.
All the signs they are holding up are liberal talking points. Is the poo in the loo a democrat? Is he being protested by other democrats? The retard holding the "artists that support antifa" sign, does that mean he supports antifa? who are the people he has written down? This is confusing as fuck.
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Wow, you losers certainly are getting Mad On Line. Why don't you put on your capes & wizard hats and show up next time, so (A) you can see what happens with your own eyes, and (B) you can see what BTFO looks like. Sheeeeeeeeit, nigga. There was 400 peaceful counter-protestors for every 1 conservative there.


You wasted quints calling Boston... Canada? Jesus, take the American flag off your posts, you're embarrassing the rest of us.
these people who show up to these things are retarded as fuck. Keep in mind they have nothing better to do
It's just absurd that people get called Nazis just for saying that everyone should be treated the same or for being a free-speech advocate. It's gonna get to the point where anyone who hasn't chopped their cock off in the name of Mohammed will get called a Nazi.
Try to find a video of it. It'll be less confusing then. Some of them were lefties and some of them weren't. It was primarily about free speech.
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Nice response, dumb faggot.
Please do your life a favor and your suffering and kill yourself. You won't be able to handle it anyway, it's alright bro.
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Dub 7's. I was right. You were wrong. Kek has spoken.

You have no room to talk, shame of europe.
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This indian guy invented email when he was 14 in 1979, not quiet a billionaire but he got rich of it.
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We're experiencing a mass hysteria


Because the title of the rally contained the words "free speech".


Makes the most sense other than collective insanity
Wtf is this? That massive crowd is counter-protesting that tiny group of 90s Democrats?
Is this some sort of insanely liberal area where they have been desperately trying to virtue-signal for the past year but haven't been able to find any racists?
This mans invention is why so many protestors organised to counter protest in the first place.
This chubstar has more bravery in his convictions that snoz roastie haranguing him.
No you faggots made it happen. Amazing work.
BLM btfo

Hate group now
>tfw cant celebrate free speech anymore because free speech is a nazi policy

We are losing our first amendment soon, arent we?
This chubstar I meant. I'm drunk.
the gazebo is nazis. antifa is there to kill them
how did police separate free speechers from anti people?
Then how do all these people get there? There's not enough parking spaces for that many people you stupid communist faggot.
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>30,000 npcs anger the gazebo
>it eats all of them
Why are they waving canadian flag then faggot
If I could meme I would make tributes for those brave patriots.
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Oh, I forgot to give you a (You), did I get you mad too? I'm very sorry if I hurt your fees.

I'll be at the next protest. Might be in the Antifa crowd. Might be dressed up as one of y'all and carrying my cameras and RF gear to grab some nice high-res pics, and as many IMEIs and IMSIs as your phones & laptops will give me.

That and a couple license plates is absolute gold, (((Jerry))).

See you there!
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>Is this some sort of insanely liberal area where they have been desperately trying to virtue-signal for the past year but haven't been able to find any racists?


Everything looks like a nail if you're a hammer, and so on.
>HA-HA I'll show those nazis what an anarchist I am by doing exactly what my media overlords too me to!
>Drumpf is finished!
What is the phrase....
These are all paid actors and this man is the first attempt you're ganna see at a man completely lying about his stances to get into office for (((them))) for a bit now. The problem with the photo isnt the amount of protesters there.
Its the amount of supporters. Did he invite the 10 people in that gazebo there by sending them a letter? like wtf

That makes sense. Fuck Pocahontas and the Alt-Left.
muhahahahahahahahahahaha useful idiots
Whatever go away

Hey anarchist,

Anarchy is for racism, sexism and genocide, just as long as there's no state.

racist leftists protesting based indians free speech. disgusting

Boston is basically libtard central. But even more angry because their city is shit compared to Jew York.
A friend of mine went to college in boston and is completely gone. It's insane. Boston needs a nuke the size of boston to make sure all the boston gets wiped away
Lol this is is terrible for the left's image
They're literally protesting against free speech. Not free speech for Nazis, just normal free speech
>Dozens arrested, few injured
Why lol
This is marvelous, it shows exactly how retarded and manipulable they are, the best part is thousands of antifags wasting hours and then being beaten by the police

Which one is the nazi? The Indian guy, or the little girl with the anti GMO sign?
tbf they have been doing this for a while
I always thought Boston was slightly racist and homophobic

They attacked each other over who hated white Nazis more, then attacked the police.

Pretty funny.
the 30,000 crowd was diverse enough to start attacking each other over slight idealogical difference.
>thats not real communism you are a nazi *punch*
>Why did anybody think there were going to be nazi's or tea partiers or whatever?

They were going to be there.
They chickened out after Charlottesville events
and when they saw the crowd of counter protesters.
The ones in uniform obviously


sure they were
wow im p scared bro dont forget to throw eggs and knock over a few trash cans
I would bet you've never once felt real fear. In fact, all retarded npc normies have never felt real fear. They have never experienced their own feeling of I might die right here and deserve it. That's why they cannot perceive the now. The now isn't a reality they can stand in. They have no reason to be here now.
I'm just telling you because you deserve to know
can I say I blame the jews or is that racist
That was in Virginia you fucking tool.
that cutie fussing with her hair in the back...

I can tell everyone exactly how it happened if you care to listen.

One of the organizers is one of you idiots. He's a dumb ass 23 year old Fitchburg college student with social media pages filled with pepe memes and other tame alt right shit. He's also has a retarded youtube channel filled with all kinds of obvious alt right bullshit. His name is John Medlar btw.

This idiot, like most alt right idiots, worships dumb ass alt right celebrities. Like Augustus Invictus and Kyle "HURR DURR LE BASED STICKMAN" ChapMEME.

He wanted to run an alt right event because why the fuck not everyone else is doing it. See the poo in the loo there? That's a small time liberal Massachusetts politician named Shiva Ayadurrai who is most famous for being dumb as fuck and claiming he invented email. He also paid Fran Drescher to be his beard or something for a few years. They had a fake marriage ceremony. This dummy wants to run for Senate against Liz Warren in the bluest state in the country. Since he will never get a shot at competing with Liz as a Democrat, he turns Republican.

His brain is filled with curry, so he decides that if Donald Trump can win an election through alt right support, than clearly anyone can. He never takes in to account all the normies Trump drew in. Because again, head full of curry.

Because no one ever asks him to speak anywhere he and Medlar along with a few other morons under the age of 22 cook up the "Free Speech Boston" rally. They invite a bunch of alt right celebrities because the dumb frogposters are making all he decisions.

People who aren't fucking oblivious notice this. It's a day after Charlottesville this really picks up steam. Word spreads through social media, and the normies pick up on it as everyone starts to realize what this event really is. Invictus' name is on both the flyers for Charlottesville and Boston. No one wants this shit in Boston. The good townsfolk chase the dummies out of town, the end.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy fuck this can't be real. We don't even need to actually show up to rallies anymore, just fucking organize them and the antifa will attack each other because they have no one else to attack.
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What proof do you have that Nazis were suppose to be there? Nothing on the flyers says that it was a pro nazi or racist rally of any kind.
good lord this is hilarious
that's just a farb larper.

move along. nothing to see here.
Because the media are causing widespread panic and paranoia, and the left are now saying that the white "supremacists" were too afraid to show up. Pfft. They just didn't want to be pawned to further their nefarious agenda and have bottles of piss thrown on them.
You misspelled Portland Oregon

And I'm sure some of them are online right now and probably reading this.

Hi assholes, we fucked up your shit rally! Stay out of Boston.

They invited Augustus Invictus, Joe Biggs and Kyle "Le Epig Stickmeme" Chapmeme.

Even your parents can use Google.
I don't didn't see any nazi uniforms at the rally today, can you send me a picture?

All I saw was a little girl, an old lady, an indian guy and some hippies.
says king cuck of the world

your girl like the jihadi dick sven?
if you scroll down, you can find a video of them burning a US flag
don't people get jailed for burning national flags anymore?
free speech = hate speech
You misspelled Seattle Washington

This guy is clearly a shill. Come on folks.
They are institute synths no other posibility
Free speech.
I have no idea who they are, but I assume evil racists, but then what's all this talk about blm showing up?
Aw wiwll babby cwy
No, unfortunately.
>The good townsfolk

No thanks larper, where's your anti-fa mask?
>dumb frogposters

my sides
Feel free to go to Venuzuela and starve to death, then.
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So people in boston don't like indians, or free speech? I'm still trying to figure out why people thought there would be Nazis at a free speech rally. What do Nazis have to do with free speech?

I am bait destroyer of threads
it should be illegal to be that stupid
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It's pretty good isn't it.
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If you see the picture on the left without any context you would almost instinctually favor the people in the gazebo over the massive horde surrounding them

They more or less laid siege to an Indian guy running for Senate. And they're treating it like a victory over some great evil. Just read the people talking about the #resistance in force at Boston
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Aw hell... I fell for it.
It's like when they called Shapiro, Milo, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and so on, Nazis and white supremacists or whatever. They literally think everyone is a Nazi.
Kek. The day after the car accident. Once ALL the alt-left were all on /pol/ attempting to Shane us. There were anons spaming UTR 2.0 and Free Speech rally for August 19th. It sounded legit with date, time, location. I remember because I spammed the Boston Rally a couple times kek. Now im going to get vanned

The alt left got played.
Damn you I can't download the episode until tomorrow!
Why can't we all just get along?
> t. BoS

BLM lead the counter protests. They did most of the planning and work. And it came off incredibly successful.

White children plus one poo in the loo organizers
>40 people
Even younger black organizers
>40,000 people

Master race, eh?
Paid shills. Do you know anything about politics? Evidently you don't. So let me break it down for you antifa and black lives matter are paid by George Soros.
> then how did they all arrive in Boston?
Answer: by busses, by car or by plane.
Project Veritas proved this in the following video.
An here's an antifa member talking about being paid by George Soros. https://shadowproof.com/2017/02/25/professional-anarchist-soros-trump/
I swear Americans have no clue on what's going on. It's very discomforting.
Do you know what national socialism is?

I tell you the truth, none of those people you mentioned are nazis.
whoever wrote this doesn't know Cap is a member of Hydra now does he.
Soros isn't black.

History will forever tell the story this way. :)

Not to mention the police and the antifacist forces coexisted as well as they possibly could. Bunch of arrests. But the police commissioner made sure to point out that three alt right guys wearing tactical vests were arrested and one of them had a gun on him.

As terrible as Charlottesville was for alt-right culture, Boston was worse.
Are you asking for our critique before you publish it to Slate?
A few posters were saying that blm people were at the event and had to help people walking away from it and then the cops joined in because someone looked like they were going to assault them.
>Not to mention the police and the antifacist forces coexisted as well as they possibly could.
They're on the same fucking side and work for the same people, so how could they not?

People will remember that a mob got out of control, inflamed by the msm, and protested Dr Shiva Ayyadurai as he gave a speech about love and acceptance.

So wait, I was asleep through the happening, and let's see if I got this straight:
>literally politically who wants to run for senate
>sets up a small gathering of what looks like close friends and family (or just beta-whitey filled with racial guilt) to push his agenda
>ANTIFA shows up in force to protests
>they go full retard and start throwing piss bottles at the police

Here's what I'm not clear on:
>what does this have to do with freedom of speech? By the looks of it, literally who seems to advocate BLM and all that other liberal nonsense that was right up ANITFA's lane.
>where are the so-called "Nazis"? I mean that looks like a strangely multi-ethnic group to me...
>why did they need 13 000 people for this? Were they dangerously misinformed about the size of the opposition or something?

Please inform.

Go2bed Shiva

Seriously though, is this you? You destroyed your entire life's work today, even though we tried to warn you.

How does it feel to be the dumbest politician alive at a time when Hillary Clinton still exists?
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This is the most underrated reply I will ever witness.
>They literally think everyone is a Nazi.
And you literally think everyone is a Commie.
I don't see a problem here...
i can't even believe it, but this literally made me cry. never happened to me before from just cruising internet posts. fuck man. this is real heavy shit
Antifa openly admit to being communists.
>Harry potter reference

God, you people are pathetic.
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I opened my RSS feed, forgot I had gizmodo added in tech, this is a tech blog now

If you want to fuck with them in the comments

If you don't want to give then (You)s

Liberals are off the rails

That's the problem with all you alt-right guys. You think the world gives a fuck what YOUR definition of a Nazi is.

Nazi is now a general catch-all term for hateful fucks. No one wants to hear about your shitty alt right sub section. No one but you thinks the Proud Boys philosophy is interesting. You're hanging out at the same rallies as Nazis, you're all just Nazis now. Sorry. No one wants to talk to you about it, they just want to stop Nazis.

Why can't any of you fuckers spell? It's embarrassing.
>freedom of speech
The left are against this. Who honestly doesn't get this? Don't you remember them rioting at universities not that long ago? They are against it.
He's possibly the greatest troll of our time. We are honored to witness his work.

Also, checked.
>buzzword for thing i don't like
that's really cute sweetie but to be /pol/ you have to actually able to rub two blumpkins together and make a cookie bunch
This is a killshot

I just want to fill you guys in because I spent a lot of time fucking with and exposing the organizers and I'm enjoying my handiwork :)

For the fucking lulz.

Newfags out.
Those were commies though, and proud of it.
Do you dimwits still honestly believe that you are anything more than brainless tools of the establishment?

You are propping up the very thing that you claim to fight against.
Useful. Idiots.
I'm not sure myself, but in the guy's speech he did knock clinton, biden, and warren, so he doesn't seem pro dem, which would make him the enemy, I guess. The whole speech was centered around free speech though. The one antifa anon above argues it's because some national socialist e-celebrities were supposedly also invited, but didn't come.

tag anything with "free speech" and watch the ultra rare antifamon emerged

What is hateful about Dr Shivas message? Why do you hate him so much? He is anti GMO. Do you work for monsanto or something? I don't understand why you think he is a Nazi?
Are you telling me niggers are more peaceful and than antifa?

Yes, BLM, the police and antifa were all very helpful today in their own ways. They had a few dust ups here and there between the factions but ultimately they came together to get rid of a common enemy and everyone was respectful to one another for the most part. The Boston police chief and commissioner are beloved heroes now.
I can literally hear you gargling on your cum. what shade of black is your 11" dildo?
whoever organizes the counter protest got false flagged by whoever opposes them and knows who they are. counter intelligence
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agree but most of the faggots in that crowd are just liberal normies.

That tweet is real. Go to their Twitter page

Just because some deluded paki is seizing opportunities doesn't mean 'wtf the right is left now'.
Look at those masses:
It isn't some permavirgins with cheap polyester polo, this is everybody protesting against you, the whole society.
Women, men, all races.
What does that tell you?
>you have awoken america and your day of the rope will be first-person POV

Yeah but this doesn't look like it was about freedom of speech. It looks like some KANGZ who wants to use racial guilt to get into the senate.

I'm just not sure why ANTIFA felt they needed 13 000 people to protest some guy wanting to get into the senate.


Huh, so they're against even their own people if their own people wants to express freedom of speech?

This "freedom of speech" concept must be a lot more cryptic than I originally thought. I just thought it ment that you're allowed to say whatever you wanted.

Which is weird, because isn't ANTIFA essentially using their freedom of speech to demonstrate?
That's a picture from the onion
Eh? So commies are rioting over a Paki and white sluts dressed like whores crying over niggers and BLM?
>it doesn't matter whether or not you're a Nazi, because you're a Nazi

Bait? Genuine leftist lunacy? Who can tell anymore?
Liberal normies don't show up to protest poo in loos, nor do they stand around people who are throwing piss bottles at police.
it is and so is new york. sadly the majority are white guilt cucks
why i dont feel sympathy for deported spics. savages, all of them
This is awesome. The people at the center made the mistake of identifying their protest as one of free speech. However, "free speech" is now a term identified with the Alt-Right.

Any protest that is for free speech, regardless who is actually protesting, is now automatically targeted by the retarded left. Do you see the delicious irony? The left have now made the term "free speech" a part of hate speech.
It's genuine leftist lunacy even if it is bait. There isn't any difference between his posts and those of an actual leftist. They will all be put to death soon enough.

Lel, sure dude. I mean I didn't see that anywhere my self but then again i don't read the daily stormer or breitbart.

Antifa and the police are not on the same side. That's where most of the arrests came from. Antifa was trying to still get at the "Free Speech" attendees who had to leave under police escort and when police wouldn't give them up there was a scuffle.

27 people arrested but no one got hurt. And after the scuffle the Chief of Police, a black man, was out on the streets unarmed, talking with the people out there. The police relaxed and didn't antagonize anyone for once and all sides were able to work together.

BLM doesn't care for the police either but all three factions were respectful of each other and allowed each to do their own thing.

Who was the common enemy? Dr Shiva, or the little girl with the anti Monsanto sign? Or was it the old lady waving the American flag that got dragged through the mud? Are these the phantom Nazis your talking about? I don't understand why you think these people are Nazis?
Antifa and the police work for the same people. The police can't exactly let them murder people in the streets, but they give them a lot of leeway when the proper thing to do would be to arrest all Antifa and throw away the key. They are, after all, a terrorist group with foreign backing.
You protested a non-white supremacist event as if it were white supremacist. You looked absolutely insane protesting an Indian candidate, beating people that walked by, and then attacking the police.

The 'Alt left" label will now remain forever.
>all three factions were respectful of each other and allowed each to do their own thing.

Two groups want to express their right to free speech. One group wants to genocide anyone that doesn't think like them.
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I'm going to hold you down, whilst an Emu goes to flavour town on your inverted penis-pussy.

Shouldn't you be dilating? Paki cunt.


I don't care what any of you simpletons think of the poo in a loo. He just made 20,000 people completely irrelevant and fucked up the left's narrative.
Haha spic/paki niggers are so violent.
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That's the oldest trick in The Book.
The crowd was 15k and likely the largest crowd they could ever hope to draw.
Wait, now I'm confused. Or maybe you're confused? Posters were saying there were blm people at the speech, and when they went to leave were attacked and needed help from other blm people, but then things seemed to get worse and the cops had to intervene to protect the blm people and the people leaving the speech. This seems to be the opposite of what you're saying, so I don't think you meant to agree. Which is which?

The guy made a good point in his speech, these people don't want free speech, they want controlled speech.
weak damage control m8

If you guys stay in your bubble the ass raping will continue.

Trump, the Alt-Right and Nazis had their worst week ever and STILL you retards lie to each other?

The rally had some of the biggest Alt-Right scum invited. The chickened out so you were left with literal retards who didn't know why the were there.

Even the "Proud Boys" tucked tail and ran.

And you post this shit, tricking your fellow dipshits into thinking they're still on the right side.

Have more rallies and marches faggots, you are your own worst enemies.
>What does that tell you?

It tells me that the universities in America did a fantastic job indoctrinating millennials to be obedient statist lapdogs.

We are losing this war, but don't even begin to try to tell me that we are on the wrong side of it. These people coming out in droves, frothing at the mouth, screaming NAZI like lobotomized savages, are a disgrace to humanity. People haven't been this easy to manipulate into a frenzy since the dark ages. It's fucking disturbing.
Who are these three factions? I'm counting BLM, Antifa, and the free speech guys, but BLM and Antifa both want genocide.
how about you go read it about it somewhere and come back and you wont have so many fucking questions

>please do all my thinking for me
>just tell me what happened, i'll believe whatever you say, since clearly i'm not going to look into it myself
why bother?

make an effort
>We are losing this war
Uh, no. We're winning. For the first time in forever. And then people whine that we haven't won already.
LeL, the gazebo people were the neonazis?!?!? AHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!
>those comments

Very hate filled and ignorant.

Trump's dead body could get re-elected in 2020.
I don't know these things for certain so I don't want to make any proclamations but surely there were not 30K antifa at the rally?
Why are you Antifa-fags so fucking racist? Why would you go against Fran Drescher's future former husband?
hey just look at bill burr if you want a example of bahstahn cuckery
They're proud of announcing it.

No one wants you guys anywhere. The sooner you learn to live with that, the better.
Would you stand next to Antifa while they are throwing piss bottles and attacking people, as a "follower protestor"?

wheres the rest?

>Nazi is now a general catch-all term for hateful fucks

No, snowflake, it isn't.

Educate yourself.
kys (you)
That's one way to look at it. Another way is look at the amount of pain and effort we can elicit with such a relatively small investment.
You are so incredibly stupid. Trump and everyone else wants you to group everyone into the Nazi category.

Alt left is real now, and it's never going away.

Chapter 2.

The sad thing is you're so brainwashed you don't realize that your ideal society has been tried before, and it resulted in Gulags, slavery, and famines.
>You are propping up the very thing that you claim to fight against.
Those claims are knowingly false. They know full well that they are agents of the establishment. They have no issue with that, most of them are privileged white kids in permanent adolescence.

Evil knows that it is evil. It always has and it always will.
please go back to plebbit
White fagots can not even collect a hundred people. Losers blyat

Literally no one in the crowd could hear his speech, no one cared what he had to say.

When you appear at an event with Augustus Invictus, Joe Biggs, Gavin McInnis (who was smart enough to cancel) and LE KYLE LE BASED STICKMAN CHAPMEME no one gives a fuck what you have to say, they think you're either a dumb nazi too or just too dumb to notice you're speaking at a hate rally.

Based leaf, that's hilarious! You will be spared on the day of the rake.
acording to dutch news(state media no less) this was a far right rally, there where minor scuffles. No mention of the piss throwing or the attack on the old lady.

almost seems like biased fake news reporting
How do you know that you're not a Nazi? You sound pretty hateful and one-sided to me.
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>that's really cute sweetie but to be /pol/ you have to actually able to rub two blumpkins together and make a cookie bunch

>that's really cute sweetie but to be /pol/ you have to actually able to rub two blumpkins together and make a cookie bunch

>that's really cute sweetie but to be /pol/ you have to actually able to rub two blumpkins together and make a cookie bunch

>that's really cute sweetie but to be /pol/ you have to actually able to rub two blumpkins together and make a cookie bunch
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>the worldd
>no one
>no one
>no one
Now listen to me - if I were, I'd drop this shit about talking for everyone in the world. We don't do it, but leftard subhuman trash like you is scared and your damage control is to speak for everyone else.
Drop it, or you'll face things far worse, than the kitty.
t.antifa skull cracking kraut since 90s
ow also, protesting free speech, kek!
what the fuck

>ass raping

You beating your own?

I'll watch that shit all year long.

He decided to share a stage with Kyle LE BASDE DICKMAN Chapman, Joe Bob Briggs, Gavin McInnis and Augustus Invictus (he who was also on the Charlottesville VA flyer, you know, the fucking Nazi rally a week before that went way the fuck out of control and had white nerd marching around with torches and then a guy murdred a lady?)

No one is responsible for him deciding to do idiotic things than him.

If you play classical guitar and get booked at the Insane Clown Posse show, what do you think is going to happen?
This Dudley was from Virginia on Monday. FAIL
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>almost seems like biased fake news reporting

Really, how utterly deluded does someone have to be to still believe the mainstream media in 2017?
its a fake account
This was the worst possible outcome for the alt-left: 1. No Nazis. 2. Just a poo in a loo and some diverse folks arguing for free speech.

See, if the alt-left were fucking smart, it would do all it can to encourage white-pride marches and whatnot. This was a complete and utter deflation of the narrative, and that's before we even get to the attacks against police.
haha except that they are in the White House!
and living rent-free, in your head!

Euros are all essentially newfags.
>these backflips to justify protesting people you have an ill conceived preconception about

The ADL does not categorize alt light entirely correctly. In the broadest sense, it's a group of non-racists who buck political correctness and are skeptical of leftist narratives about systemic oppression, feminism, and Islam.

It does not mean they hate women or want them to be paid less if they do the same quality of work, it doesn't mean they want muslims killed. They present arguments, some well thought out, some not so great just like any other groups' speakers.

Milo is probably the most extreme member of this group and often says the most extreme thing for no reason or just to attentionwhore. That said, he has never advocated for white nationalism and was trying to make a troll movement of his own before Hillary and the democrats made it all about racism and Spencer (notice the explosion of media appearances after the election).

You literally managed to brand counter protestors as 'alt left' eternally.
Muslims are nazis, as well as Israelis. Wow.

this guy gets it

wtf I love shiva ayylmao

It's the way things are now. Sorry guys, Charlottesville ruined any chance of breaking away form the pack. If you're alt right, good and decent people just consider you all Nazis now.
they should really do something about that American education

Need a tissue? Truth hurts doesn't it.

It resulted in the USA, you fucking Queen cunt sucking faggot.
Politics has at least 3 dimensions
Are regular people capable of grasping that?
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Dumb Cunt

Thanks for the (you). I've never been to Reddit.
it would be if not for the enormous damage control being down by the major media outlets here. This will go largely unreported and will be replaced with new "Correct" thinking articles right away if they can't just spin what they already have.

Media in the states has created an army of useful idiots who sit up, bark, and roll over at the proper command words.
It should actually be a negative that non polo wearers are easily tricked into attacking people right of left. You're German so i'll forgive you for missing this, but these idiots have made 'alt left' a permanent and real description.
>Euros are all essentially newfags

Just say white people you fucking dumb nigger cunt. You know you want to. Knuckle dragging double digit IQ ape.

I've had the same conservative opinions for 30 years. I'm not surrendering my country to fanatical Communists so that you can rerun the horrors of the Soviet Union here in North America. You can call me all the nasty labels you like.
The establishment is winning this easy. I don't know what you're thinking. The rebellion against the establishment that was trump's presidency is on lock down, they have a blind and obedient militia, the media will say whatever is needed AND people will believe them without question. Everything is under control, nice and neat. A few popular memes won't do jack, especially if free speech rights get pruned back, which looks to be the next big thing.

Again, I don't know who they are, but that's what I said, isn't it? I was even referring to you.
This sentence is literally a meaningless fart in the puddle, nigger, and you know that.

I was talking about the USSR, you illiterate ape.
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The next recession is almost here goy, short the Dow Jones & Wiltshire 500

So, you're for slaughtering natives and taking over their lands?

Funny thing is, you have no idea who we are.

The sooner you realize that, the better.

The core of these "nazis", as you call them, are so far above your paygrade you can't even fucking comprehend their subversion. Please though, do continue, you have been a source of lulz since we re-created you a few years back (oops, you didn't know we did that too?)

You're a joke that spun out of control, and you will be dealt with.
>That's the problem with all you homosexual/lesbian guys. You think the world gives a fuck what YOUR definition of a gender is.

Or is this basically just you thinking its ok when you do it?
>Euros are all essentially newfags.
>saying this while redditspacing just a post above >>138314984

Your mistake is you believe everyone is naive as you.

here's your you, bait-man

The three factions are

They share two common goals, getting the Nazis out of Boston, and protecting people. They were able to put aside all the bullshit today and do that. Big props to the police for finally being smart enough to not park their urban assault vehicles all over town and then walk around in full body armor with assault rifles out. All three sides de-escalated and that's why everything ran so smoothly today.

The alt right, "free speech" rally guys were there for only 45 minutes of their scheduled 2 hours and then took off when they realized they would never get a word in because every time they opened their mouth, 40,000 people were working together to drown them out.
kys )you(

sleepy dogger
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Recession is almost here
You are delusional. The hammer is about to drop. That's why all this shit is happening. It's all orchestrated to rile up the left for when the indictments come. They know they need a coup or they lose.

Incoherent. So you're saying this rally was organized by lefties and then counter-protested by lefties?

My point is you're spreading the propaganda to your own, because anybody with half a brain knows the truth.

What's the point? You're lying to people who already are as fucking stupid as you.

>Augustus Invictus,
>Gavin McInnes
>Casssandra Fairbanks
>Joe Biggs

These are Alt-Right fucktards who were booked for this fucking thing.

Keep watching. It's gonna get REAL good.
look bro when im on sweetie mode you know that shit just nustles out of me so nicely that i cant control what im writing anymore honey

Don't you have some paki to call racist?
What is this?

Sugar pie honey bunch, I know that feel.

wtf! i am now a #creepyfaggot
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>How is this even possible?

Hacker known as 4chan doing social engineering experiments again?

No one attacked BLM. The one incident was when Antifa found the organizers of the rally they wanted to get at them. The police kept them at bay. Antifa started throwing stuff, and attacked the cops. 27 counter protesters were arrested. All minor charges, they're all kids, they'll get stuck with community service, which is their fetish.
Please keep calling every moderate person Nazis. It's making everyone realize sooner that we have a major commie problem.
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This guy gets it.
Found the chick that browses pol.

This is a female writing style.

The Police

They share similar goals which is to protect people (usually their own) and get Nazis out.
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You keep pointing out your lapdog buddies, because you're desperate for your little hugbox echochamber here, or because you're a massive nigger cunt of a reddit spacing faggot getting btfo'd by everyone in the thread?

>The Police

You aren't even aware they've subverted you, are you?

It's a nigger. Could be female as well I suppose. This place has been attracting all manner of dregs of late.
What do you mean, by the police being subverted?
Never mind, misread that. What do you mean, that the police subverted the commies?

Police are playing UC in Antifa and BLM, have been for a couple months now.

Retards don't even realize it, because they don't know their own.
Gotta take hands to the boiling water to clean their scum. Cognitive dissonance collapses on a wide scale. It will be in our pleasure.
True. But niggers don't use correct punctuation most of the time
Trump indictments? Wouldn't that please the left? Besides, I dunno, considering Mueller has seemingly started reaching in the past for leverage to get someone to "snitch", it's more of a sign he's got nothing, I think. Also, that media circus has completely dried up, and switched to RACISTS, like on a dime, which also suggests they know there's nothing, but hey who knows. Still don't get it though, you think dems are somehow involved with Trump and russia?

So the blm people being there was just something posters made up.
What is UC?
I was there. The Antifa contingent was very small, the BLM contingent was bigger and leading the event but still maybe only a force of 100 volunteers at the MOST.

That was 40,000 angry liberal normies. Lots of old people too, which was cool to see. March to the common was really nice. BLM was handing out water to keep people cool and chips, black cops were shaking our hands and thanking us for marching. Antifa was lurking around the sides, waiting for something to pop off. When the Hate Speech rally wraped up an hour and fifteen minutes ended and Antifa realized nothing was going to pop off they tried to start something by going after the "Free Speech" guys, the cops stopped them and arrested a bunch of them. Everyone else was just partying in the street. Smoked a bowl with a beautiful Irish redhead.
>He thinks Mueller is investigating Trump

Even if they were no one would give a fuck. If the police want to help out Antifa and stop murdering black kids both sides would be thrilled.

You know how I know you're lying?

There are no beautiful women in Boston.
Hello crazy person. You protested a free speech rally, where the most notable speaker was a POC politician running on a BLM platform, then threatened the attendees as they left. Just admit you screwed up.

>Antifa was lurking around the sides, waiting for something to pop off.

You must have felt so safe, with all those scrawny teenagers waiting to protect you if the big bad nazis turned up, eh snowflake? Jesus Christ you are pathetic. You would piss your pants and beg for mommy at the mere glance of a real conflict.

>this is what the alt right actually believes
You realize this doesn't exactly paint antifa in a good light, right? Sorta enforces the point that they're the violence problem in all this.

That's why he's hired every clinton friendly lawyer he could get his hands on, right? To go after any one BUT the man who stole her "turn".
"Did the media make this happen?"

NPR has in Boston has been talking about the evil Nazis coming to Boston for a week straight nonstop
What did he say that would imply any kind of a belief, you dumb fucking cunt with malfunctioning reading comprehension? That was a rhetoric question, is english even your first language, reddit spacing retard?
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They see what they are conditioned to see.

Nothing more. If reality doesn't match their expectations, they shape reality around their expectations, instead of shaping their expectations to fit the reality.

Logically, they have the minds of children.
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>you MUST leave

Sure. Just give me a minute to get my things.....

So these are the Nazis you are after? What is the absolute worst thing that any one of these people did, that has caused you to label them as a Nazi?
tomorrow GoT 6 airs
>much better than your pic
don't forget to meme it anons
im laughing so fucking hard rn. this is the funniest shit all year
Funnier shit is coming. The indictments will be soon.

That's not up to you to decide. And the court of public opinion has already passed it's ruling

Yeah yeah yeah, up is down left is right, whatever man

If I was a Nazi that would just make you guys the Jews. And i think you'd hate that more than I'd hate being the Nazi

that's what everyone was thinking. You don't have to say it out loud.

Yeah dude, you got us. Checkmate. 40 people came to your rally, they got scared off the stage after 45 minutes. These people will never have sex.

40,000 came to ours and then they all went home and fucked.

>I've never changed my mind on anything for thirty years
Congrats on being dumb I guess

I'm the guy you're responding to and Im a white America. Foreigners not from Japan get off my fucking board. I will dance on the ashes of the alt right movement just because i hate you newfags.

There's more of us. And we're better with people than you are. People care what we think. But you? nah

No one considers alt right moderate
I don't know if I can handle any more winning my friend. My sides hurt right now
Just fuck off back to leftypol. This is the most embarassing shit that has happened to the left in decades. Stop trying to damage control, your movement is literally nigger iq tier.

who would win? The entire city of boston vs their own iq's?

I'm not talking hypothetical. I'm trying to understand how you can both be a nazi, and also want to destroy nazis. How do you live with yourself, knowing that you are the very thing you hate?

Well they made up that this was anything but the most embarassing failure for the alt right yet so... yeah they're pretty fucking far removed from reality.

there are no beautiful women BORN in Boston

Again, you're either the most gullible idiot on earth or you think everyone else is. No one gives a fuck who else is on the card of a "Free Speech Rally" when you invite the retard who got famous for hitting a guy with a stick.

It's the thought that counts. And those kids get pretty nasty. Throwing bottles of piss at Nazis and stuff.

Antifa want to crush the Nazis, scorched earth. The cops and BLM are happy just geting them out of the city.
Honestly, I don't mind what Antifa ends up doing. Those kids are all right.

>still thinks he's crusading against the "alt-right"

You will never stop being the ass of a joke, will you?

>this is how Germans actually post
Foreigners out. Excluding Japan.
You are aware that Japs hate niggers?

Who gives a fuck they gave us anime. What the fuck has england ever done?
>Honestly, I don't mind what Antifa ends up doing. Those kids are all right.
Then you're trash, just like antifa. Violence is not an answer. It won't solve anything, and history has shown that time and again.
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Is this the end ?
Gave you the language you are communicating in?

I dunno man, it seems to be pretty effective in this situation.
40 people
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"Then how do all these people get there?"

What is walking? What are subways?
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