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White people are genetically predisposed to be cucks, nothing

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I always see alt-righters saying Jews are not marxists in Israel, but that's not true. Israel is extremely right wing, but white ashkenazi Jews here are no different to the lefty white Ashkenazi Jews in America. The only reason they don't have a huge influence here is that 60% of the population is Sepharadi/Mizrahi Jews, who hate Arabs and are very right wing. Being a lefty in Israel is like being a Nazi in Europe now. Most people here will not hire Arabs to their companies, apart from to minimum wage jobs that no Jew will want to do. Even if you're an educated Arab, you'll not be accepted outside your Arab village and will not be able to live comfortably among Jews.

The media here and the government are ruled by white Jews, though, which is why we have affirmative action to Arabs, soft politicians who don't do enough to combat Islam and immigration and other marxist policies. Also, Ashkenazi Jews here are notorious for being extreme left (except the religious fanatics). They are in charge of organizations that help Arabs and African refugees in Israel and they always vote for lefty parties that promote communism, multiculturalism and Muslim supremacy.

The only reason Israel isn't influenced by those cuck whites, is because the majority are not cucks like in Europe and America. You lot who live in the west are doomed, because your genetics makes you susceptible to marxist brainwashing. Mizrahi Jews in Israel almost never buy that bullshit.
What of us that aren't Jew? I think we could be allies in this struggle against the cuck nigger loving mindset. We aren't so different you and I.
Most white nationalists blindly hate Jews, not realising whites are no different. They just have less influence.

>Who Brought the Slaves to America

>Dr. Tony Martin & David Irving - The Jewish Role In The African Slave Trade

>Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce "Secret Relationship" book

>Malcolm X on Jews

>Who Brought the Slaves to America? - Walter White

>The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume One

>The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume Two
You spelled white women wrong and nice try jew because besides the nigger the white woman is your best tool for the destruction of nations jew bastard.
I agree unironically with the two Israelis.

Whites have pathological outgroup altruism and woman- like need to status signal.

If the Jews are truly capable of fucking up whites just by themselves, how come they have not made the arabs, or especially palestinians into self- loathing degenerates?

That is not to say there are not Jews who are outright racists against whites, or a lot of Jews who are racist against whites but tribal for themselves, but you are an idiot if you think they alone caused whites to be cucks.

A lot of whites are natural self- loathing degenerates who ree and chimp out about the existence of whites who do not share their mental disease.
Whites are capable of atrocity. They just aren't regularly, reliably capable of atrocity. Unlike niggers. Each species of man can be ranked by its tendency to atrocity, and it is on that scale that the white man proves worthy of the preservation of the great.
yes, females are more susceptible to be marxists with no loyalty to their country. But white males are also very susceptible to that. There are plenty of them around.

If you saw how non-white Jewish women here talk about Arabs or blacks, you'd think they are Nazi white nationalists. Sure, there are a few bad eggs, as with everything. But the majority are not traitors, like whites. So it's not about the female chromosomes.
Yet we did this, and We put Trump in power against ALL odds and propaganda.


WE did this, alone.
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White Civilization always falls/implodes due to Degeneracy & Feminism.

[Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge%20Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

The only thing the Social Engineers/Jews/Globalists/etc have to do is get the ball rolling & White's will destroy themselves.
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>mordechai subtly going for the ole not all jews/israel is based trick
You really don;t get it do you? I'm not looking for a dialog with you,your not going to subvert me or trick me. I know your ways and your lies i lived in NYC for a decade jew bastard. I want you to fuck off and die. You are responsible for destroying literally everything that was good and beautiful in the world. Hitler was so damn right about you rats but no one listened. I hope i live to see you gassed again you filthy kike bastard.
It's white people's fault, not "jews" or "globalists". If you saw how some Mizrahi Jews here talk about Ashkenazi Jews, You'd think they are white nationalists. A lot of people in Israel hate the white lefty Jews.
Left-wing hate you. Right-wing hate you. Muslims hates you. You could be whatever you want to be in your Isreal. Even Soros hates you. I just wish you lose funding from America one day. You fucked up for everyone. Maybe it would be good if Islam takes over world. At least it would be end of jews. White demography is pretty fucked becouse insane immigration politics. We could not be nacionalist becouse your fake holocaust. Jews outside Isreal poising everythink and you talk about hoe fucking nazis you are at home. Nuke from Iran for you.
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No, you could not be nationalists because you are white.

Was merkel a Jew?
Is corbyn a Jew?
Bill gates?
Warren Buffet?

All non Jews in favor of open borders.

The only thing most marxists have in common is that they are white.
They just don't get it. No one likes them and we have seen the kind of world they have made now since the 60's Hitler was the only man brave enough to stand up to the animals and they destroyed him. All those dead bodies you see in the films purporting to be jew death camps where most likely soviet camps or possibly even the germans they slaughtered after the invasion of Berlin. Who knows anymore. Everything from the Titanic to WWI to the great depression to JFK to 911 can be traced to dirty jew money and dirty jew lying scheming
its not cuckery to think all of you are a bunch of ugly inferiors that deserve kindness, like dogs.

the problem with the right-wing is they are beggars themselves. they don't think they are but something inside of them makes them act like hungry dogs, and most of them serve wicked masters. so when their wicked master is compelled to give a little bit to an even more wretched dog, you stupid beggars get mad that mean old papa kike only likes niggers....

it's all because you're too stupid and wretched to understand anything, and can't provide for yourself and are children of wicked, penniless slave parents. read plato and get saved.
Fuck off Shlomo
I mean, it's natural that the "whites"(they aren't) would rule over you.
Shitposting aside, yeah it kinda does seem that way. We'll bend so hard for the other that we snap our own backs.
I'm right wing, Just finished a CS degree from the best university in Israel and probably more educated and make a higher salary than most leftists who studied social sciences and flip burgers for a living.

It's deeper than social standing.
that's cool but i'm the smartest jew on earth and i do whatever i want all day long. you are a hungry slave, i'm ashamed to be related to you.
This is the truth, more or less. White progressivism predates Jewish subversion, it was extremely well developed by 1933, but it hadnt attained its final form. Then the influx of Jewish marxists fleeing Hitler pushed it over the edge, they linked up with the anglo-saxon socialists and went fucking super saiyan left. Bad mix. The old progs were at least still grounded by race and (less and less) by God.

I don't blame the jews, who were mostly acting opportunistically (and ethnocentrically, which is what I want my people to do), I blame northwest Euros being fucking morons. How obvious is it that Progressivism is a retarded, secular substitute for Christianity? It has its Original Sin "Whiteness", which masochistic virtue-signalling cucks can spend their entire lifetime expiating. It worships the meek and downtrodden and the oppressed. How obvious is it that we're in the midst of global suicide for our "sins"? What other race of humans does this type of bullshit? Its fucking embarrassing. When this impulse was still directed at God it was acceptable, but now its completely insane

How obvious is it that Feminism is nothing but a civilization-scale shit test? And yet here we are, getting pushed over the edge by our women, completely failing to guide them or be respected by them. How the fuck did we let them become Puritanical Whores? It boggles the mind.
Cool story, goy
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Let me preface this by saying:

>The 'based Israeli' meme stems from the fact that a metric fuckton of Russians pretended to be jews to escape the USSR and get into Israel so you get a load of "jews" in Israel who mysteriously lack the psychopathic scheming histrionic personality

The public in any country just does what the media and government tells them to do.

We're the only race with an impostor counterpart race which is jews. Whites think jews are white, jews think whites are animals.

So whites trust them and they're able to get into positions of power. What happened was they took over the intelligence agencies, set up pedophile rings funded with taxpayer money, honey trapped a bunch of pedos in rape-houses rigged with hidden cameras and blackmailed them. Many of those blackmailed pedos were made to run for office, got all the funding and favorable media coverage because they were controlled.

Google lolita island hidden cameras and kincora blackmail if you don't believe me.
The Jew didn't mention BPA plastics or birth control washing into the water.
Birth control I can blame on the Jew
Do you know who i cant never ever criticze publicly? Jews. I can say i hate niggers and gypsies. No problem. Say jews and prepare to get in to prison. That is truth. Yes. There are lot of cuck and traitors. And you do not have leftist traitors? Nazism is baned becouse guild about jews. Gypsies do not cry about holocaust. Slavs do cry about holocaust. All people are assholes. But jews are assholes by their holy book. We are supreme and we should abuse everyone. Wish you many muslim in your country. You are not ally against Islam. You are bigger enemy than Islam.
I think the antidote to that is religion. The only Ashkenazi Jews I know who are not marxists are ultra religious settlers. They are some of the most right wing people I know.

I heard it's similar in America that Christian fundamentalists are more right wing.

Atheist is a curse. And I'm saying that as an atheist
ya you are right, enjoy your mutilated dick. i obey god the way socrates did, and abide nearer to truth than you could aspire to. and i learned it myself, i didn't take it greedily from a man that calls himself rabbi.
Kill yourself. Nationalist jews are better than nazi scum.

Next time don't be a cuck and vote for someone who'll change your laws. You have marxist laws because you're white and the majority of your country are whites who vote for other lefty whites.

Your race has a disease. Deal with it.

If you say that jews are brainwashing you, then there really is nothing more to discuss. That makes you even dumber
turks master race
>Czech Republic
Pick one. Eastern Europe(and especially the V4) are against open borders.
You. Shower. Now.
We, they are part of the EU, so they must abide by their code. Unfortunately for them, they are a tiny part of it. All the big countries that effectively control it have the most limp-wristed faggoty leftist populations. Don't tell me The British, Germans and French don't vote left all the time. Even their conservative parties are more left than the left in Israel.

The reason Eastern European countries are not that left wing is because they are poor. Only religion and economic scarcity seems to make white people less marxist. That's why germany turned Nazi. Their economy was in the gutters in the 30s.
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You resort to brain washing people because like everybody knows, jews are the most beta race. You can't fight your own battles, you stoop to such a low level most white people can't comprehend someone being so dishonourable and dishonest, since we are so blue, eyed, honest, and honourable ourselves
It doesn't make white people dumb, it just means that it's hard to wrap our minds around someone being so seamlessly beta in the way they try to conquer a race
By the way, name one Jewish contribution to science or mankind
By the way, look up ''Einstein was a fraud'' first
Nikola Tesla hated that worthless insufferable kike
>We, they are part of the EU, so they must abide by their code.
This didn't happen. The EU has been trying for years now.

>The reason Eastern European countries are not that left wing is because they are poor. Only religion and economic scarcity seems to make white people less marxist. That's why germany turned Nazi. Their economy was in the gutters in the 30s.
You seem to think that "white people" from all over the world are all the same. You're wrong about that.
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Wtf I love joos now
Now you sound like a nigger from the hood who says niggers are the master race who built civilization, and white people only succeeded by colonization and enslavement of the peaceful, successful black people in Africa.
*shamelessly beta

By the way, even if you list some obscure ''inventions'' by kikes, that they probably didn't even invent was just lied about in a pro-kike article, it still won't compare to the genus achievements of the white race
You were total pussies about the way you try to conquer a race though
No other race would stoop to your level of beta-ness
That's like if I poison the food of someone I pretend to be friends with and then brag about how I kicked his ass. ''wow, I'm so cunning''
This is how a kike thinks because they are a pathetic beta race
You fucking 95 average IQ Israelite manlet
Why are you such a mongrel race? It's because your whore women can't stand the beta kike men, and by the laws of your cuck religion, that's fine by you
You're ALL mongrel sand niggers
>brags about being violent and aggressive
>argues emotion over logic
>trying to win arguments by attacking the ego with petty insults

Yep, you have the mind of a nigger. Thanks for confirming
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You sound like such a goddamn beta male. History shows that no other race has contributed more and has achieved more than the white race. You 95 IQ manlet parasites aren't even human compared to us
And yes, white people are warriors, a race of beta males wouldn't understand concepts of masculinity

I used to stuff a manlet kike in his locker about everyday of high school, just because he ratted on me one time
Fucking beta males
He's a perma virgin for life now that I destroyed his confidence
>The only reason Israel isn't influenced by those cuck whites, is because the majority are not cucks like in Europe and America. You lot who live in the west are doomed, because your genetics makes you susceptible to marxist brainwashing. Mizrahi Jews in Israel almost never buy that bullshit.

you couldn't be more wrong and retarded.
the only reason the media isn't attacking israel is because the media as a whole is owned by jews.
the only reason why israel is extremely right wing is because of brainwashing (arabs always hated us etc) but anyone who can open history books and read for himself know that's not true.
the israeli right wing is monarch,religious,ethno,capitalist movement that doesn't give a fuck about anyone other than money.
you make it sound like living in israel is a privilege, wake up idiot
And here is the example of the typical commie Ashkenazi Israeli Jew...

The media is extremely anti Israel and marxist. That's why they always pushing the דו קיום agenda. I've lived next to and studied with arabs. And also fought with them in the army. I know them better than you and they ALL hate anyone who doesn't bow down to the arab colonialist mindset of conquering everything. Just because they are nice to you doesn't mean they won't stab you in the back when the time is right.
Please present evidence of a sustained psyop campaign over the last seventy years by Ashkenazi Jews shaming other Shephardic/Mizrahi people and calling them racist and pushing interracial cuck porn in Israel. If you can do that then I will conclude you are not full of shit.
You have to understand that being a marxist in israel is much more difficult than in white countries, because most people here don't buy that bullshit and will not accept you within society. Still, Ashkenazi atheist Jews are the most forgiving of interracial relationships and will always try to downplay arab rapes of jewish women (saying everyone rapes, even though arabs are far more likely). They are also the most accepting of interfaith relationships.

I specifically didn't mention interracial relationships, because Judaism isn't a race. If you've ever been in israel, you'd see white, middle eastern and black jews. It's one of the most interracial countries in the world.

Race is not that important to jews. That's another thing I think white nationalists miss by a mile.
Ashkenazi jews do call sepharadics racist all the time. It's well known in israel. They aren't treated as a minority by them, but as neo nazi, especially by the marxist atheist white jews.
Well to be fair Jews are racist. Your entire religion is based around racial ethnicity and purity and Ashkenazis uphold and support this viewpoint, for Jews.
>Your entire religion is based around racial ethnicity and purity and Ashkenazis uphold and support this viewpoint, for Jews.
Around 50% of Ashkenazis marry a non-jew in the US m8.
Not really. I'm Mizrahi (although most people mistake me for ashkenazi) and never experienced racism. Don't know anyone who experiences it. Sure, you sometimes hear propaganda from the left wing media here of discrimination against Ethiopian Jews. Just like the western media pumps up news about racism against blacks. But in reality, they receive more affirmative action and welfare than anyone. Same as Arabs.

The commies here hate Mizrahi Jews though. Because we are more right wing. If the right wasn't in power, I'd probably live on a minimum wage job or on welfare in some hellhole city in the south. Capitalism here gave me opportunities to have a good career.
I wasn't talking about Ashkenazi Jews was I? I was speaking about actual Jews. Although I do think that Ashkenazi are also racist, particularly against whites who they are seeking to destroy through immigration and interbreeding.
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You practice it in my country and THAT is why it's so fucked up and yes I would say whites are the most magnanimous race on earth.
You, the Jew, are the least.
And YOU are the ones pushing this immigration nonsense.
One of you, just one, would finally climb the ladder of influence, allowed graciously by whites more times than could be counted, and then you promote ALL other Jews up around you.
Then you talk about Affirmative Action to ensure no one else does the same.
This is how you have taken EVERY sector of society.
Then? Your people practice the Talmud on us.
Pretty much like you're doing now.
You fuck.
They are only racist against people who don't agree with their lefty agenda. They have no problem intermixing. They do it way, way more than whites, even in Israel (I have a couple of siblings married to them and most kids in israel are now mixed).

They have resigned themselves to the fact that sepharadi/mizrahi jews won't listen to their propaganda, so now they are targeting Ethiopian Jews by telling them how much they are oppressed. However, they are only about 2-3% of the Jewish population.
You have to understand that the term racist now doesn't mean an awful lot. The fact that your country has sterilised black immigrants and sent them back to ethiopio is evidence enough that you are racist however, as a state. Ashkenazis don't like Israel, but they spend an awful lot more time attacking the West because they see it as a bigger threat or challenge. If they succeed against us they will go after the blacks, the Japs and all the way down the line. If they break us, I maintain the rest of the world will fall soon after, which could mean several generations.

nice ill gass you last
t. Mizrahi arab
>Just because they are nice to you doesn't mean they won't stab you in the back when the time is right.
That's what people have been saying about Jews for at least 2000 years. And let's be honest, that saying was true a lot of time. And it still applies today. When you grew up with tales of constantly being oppressed, massacred and exiled you'll naturally develop a mind with strong paranoia against other groups. Recent history of the state of Israel just reinforces this. You're projecting the fear of betrayal to others.
Yeah at best their campaign against Israel is half hearted and will remain so. Can you guess why?
This isn't about who is right and wrong. Arabs have colonized the whole of North Africa, parts of India, the whole levant..heck even parts of Europe (Istanbul). Fair. No one cares about it now. But when Jews are pushing back a bit and taking a tiny bit back, you see white nationalists complaining. Which is the funniest thing ever. I can understand the leftists, they always hate the strong.
>Israel is extremely right wing
Maybe in the context of their conflicts with Palestinians and Iran, but they're pretty fucking liberal everywhere else.
Here is an example I gave before of commie ashkenazis being racist to Mizrahi because we don't bow down. They call us "Arabs", which is funny, because everyone else around the world calls them "Khazars" and they can't stop moaning about it being antisemitic. Calling someone an "Arab" in Israel is an insult.
Yes, superior races conquer the lesser races. Whites did it too. So going by the whole genetics thing, it's more likely that Jews are the cucked ones.

And Jews helped Arab conquer many places. Who do you think opened gates at the right moment in history and who do you think ruled the administration of the conquered cities? You know who.

Regardless, you're bringing up "backstabbing". There's nothing backstabbing about good ol empire building. If anything, it's frontstabbing.

>But when Jews are pushing back a bit and taking a tiny bit back, you see white nationalists complaining.

White nationalists problem with Jews didn't appear yesterday. It's part of a political position since the 19th century and has its roots in anti Jewish sentiment in Europe. The question you should ask is: Why do Europeans hated you so much for more than 1700 years and why in the last 200 the hate was weaponize into a poignant political platform?
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Honestly I don't mind an honest good Torah Jew whose hero is Moses and lives a humble life. You're right though, the downfall of the white race is...you guessed it, white people. I'm Lebanese Christian, you guys helped us smack the Muslims back before, I hope we can do it again. To hell with white Jews, most of them are Talmudic Semitic pagans or leftist cucks. Actual Arab Jews are good people for the most part. Just leave Christ alone and were fine. Also this white rule applies to white Christians too. You're all cucks. Mexicans, South Americans, Africans, Arabs, Asians, and Russian Christians are not cucked like you. They place Jesus above all else and will defend Him with the same vigor that a Muslim will defend their Propel. In Africa, the Christians are destroying the Muslims on a daily basis like true soldiers of Christ, not making communist refugee boats for muh oppression. Whites cuck everything they touch. That's the real redpill.
You are right. There is still a long way to go until we privatize more government owned, inefficient monopolies. Socialists have ruled Israel for decades and it's only recently we broke free from their grasp. Id call that being "liberal". Most leftists will call it piggish capitalism. Americans ruined the meaning of "liberal"...

with respect to gay freedoms, yes we are very liberal. Don't see it as a bad thing. Israel's family unit is very strong and even atheists here have a lot of kids.
>they always hate the strong
You see this is what I don't get. Your people supposedly underwent some kind of failed genocide by the Nazis, and this is the basis for the foundation for your ethnostate, but when it comes to you murdering and genociding Palestinians you aren't so concerned. I can't reconcile these two. You'd think after all of this supposed violence you would have more compassion, but nothing. The Jew is crying wolf.
Not really. Israel was promised to the Jews by the British in exchange for Jews helping them beat the ottomans who ruled at the time.n The holocaust was only a catalyst to that. Not the cause.

As soon as Israel was formed, all the muslims around attacked Israel. Israel fought alone, with no outside help and beat them.
Christians in Lebanon love Hezbollah and if Assad wins in Syria, Iran's hegemony will become great and Hezbollah's power in Lebanon will greatly intensify. Maronites are the last people on Earth who should be talking calling others cuck.
Christians in Lebanon just want to live peacefully. Some of them are brainwashed. But they are not the rule. They helped Israel fight the palestinian muslims sunni extremists who infiltrated southern Lebanon and used it as a a base to attack israel.
it's not genetics, it's socialization.

Ashkenazim developed a victim mentality as a result of various pogroms and the Holocaust (leaving aside the topic of whether their actions led directly or indirectly to persecution).

Mizrahim and Sephardim lived mostly in the Middle East and Central Asia during the pogroms and war years and were not affected by the holocaust. Therefore they have negligible to no victim or grievance mentality. They've also lived among Arabs a lot longer than the Ashkenazim and know what they're capable of. So they're better prepared.
The Balfort Declaration, right. What evidence is there that it was for helping to take down the Ottoman Empire?
Jews who lived in Israel during ww1 fought alongside the british against the ottomans. I'd think that has something to do with the balfour delaration
I should say 'largely unaffected' as some Mizrahim and Sephardim were killed in the holocaust etc.
The butthurt is unreal
When you're not fighting your own battle, you're a cuck according to that poster. So Maronites today are cucks. And they've never really won a war. They got pummeled pretty good by Druze before.

Regarding the civil war in Lebanon, the Palestinians were not attacked when they were in South of Lebanon. Clashes started in Beirut and the rest of the country. Israel joined the war much later.

What is hilarious about that conflict is that Maronites asked for Syria's help initially only to then get fucked immensely by the Syrian occupation. Many Christian soldiers got executed like those under Michel Aoun.

And Israel campaign in South Lebanon led to Hezbollah, arguably the most capable force Israel has ever faced. And it coincided with a resurgent Iran. Israel's problems today are far worse than they were before 1982. Right now it's open season on nuclear proliferation and Iran is getting its nuke. Its empire is solidifying itself. And Israel war in 2006 still leaves a bad taste in many Israeli's mouths.

Again, play stupid games win stupid prizes.
It wasn't. He's a deceiving cunt or a complete retard. Jews had no power to be able to help the defeat of the Ottoman empire. If their support was for pragmatic reasons, it was to have their own population under their sphere of infleunce. In the early 19th century, Russia had the orthodox Christian communities like Armenians, France had the catholic communities and Britain (a protestant country) had no one. So the Jews were seen as a better than nothing substitute. Muslims were under the influence of the Ottoman Empire.
This is a reasonably good point except for the fact that young and impressionable Israelis of al stripes are brought to Holocaust museums for indoctrination. This is the basis of their religion now and the glue that holds their ethnostate together.

Again, where is the evidence? You don't really believe that a bunch of sand peasant Jews cucked by Mohammed in the Holy Land were sufficient to take down the Ottomans based in Istanbul, do you? You don't really believe that the Brits would for one second bat an eye in the direction of such a pathetic force as this?
Still doesn't explain why whites are more leftists than any other group in the world.

Perhaps it is socialization after WW2, but I always find it hard to accept that argument. It's what leftists say about anything, even male behavior, saying males are aggressive because they were socialized that way.

Genetics do play a huge part.
Can't be bothered to look for sources. It's not that important anyway. The original point you made was that white people were altruistic to Jews beause of the holocaust and created Israel, which is bullshit. The balfour declaration was before the holocaust.

Also, any kindergarten kid knows that governments only are about realpolitik. so the British must have had an interest. The whole world is run by interests.
I agree that it's partly due to genes, but the trend in the West is similar to other empires in their twilight years. Here's an essay on it:


And a blogpost:

infoproc( )blogspot( )se/2013/10/the-fate-of-empires.html
Yeah but if that is the truth then why is their dog off the leash running amuck over white countries?

>Jews had no power to be able to help the defeat of the Ottoman empire.
Don't be so sure. I was just asking our little friend here to see how much he really knows and how much is just the unquestioned product of Israeli education. I'm satisfied that he is completely indoctrinated.

The truth is the Jews probably did take down the Ottoman Empire, and they did it through subversion. They infiltrated the government after Sabet Sevi (their Messiah) converted to Islam. They literally were the Ottoman Empire by the end of it and are still in control of Turkey. They probably infiltrated England as well, in 1666, probably set the fire of London and then climbed the ranks so that they could implement the Balfour Declaration or something very much like it. That there is the reason why England is so cucked.
I don't think it was about the Jews helping them take down the ottoman empire. More about Thousands of Jewish soldiers and a lot of spies who helped the British take Israel from the inside. So in exchange for helping them get that small piece of land and keep their interests in that region, they gave them that land in the balfour deal.

Maybe I'm wrong. But there must have been an interest there
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sage kike threads
The history of your own country is so shady you don't even know it. Lol. You have so much to be proud of, don't you?
You are too bogged down with conspiracy theories. The funny thing about conspiracy theories is that you can always find "evidence" for them if you look hard enough. That's how kang niggers managed to convince themselves that they are the true Romans, Egyptians, Aztecs and Jews.

perhaps you should try and think what you have in common with those negroes that makes you so desperate for conspiracy theories.
>Thousands of Jewish soldiers and a lot of spies who helped the British take Israel from the inside.
How is this not a conspiracy theory?


you claimed a huge hivemind jewish plot for domination. Your interpretations of some people's actions doesn't prove a thing.

Typical conspiracy theorist jumps to confirmation bias conclusions.
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