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Well Done guys, you just lost yourself the biggest ally

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Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 84

>March in Charlottesville
>Nazi Flags
>Confederate Flags
>People Sieg Heilng
>People in KKK robes
>KKK members giving speeches
>Torchlit march
>"Blood and Soil"
>"You will not replace us" turned into "jews will not replace us"
>David Duke, a former KKK member saying that "we are doing what Trump wants us to do"
>Leftist dies
>Even if he wasnt one of us, one on their side died so it was blamed on us
>media finally have 'proof' that we are all Neo-Nazis
>Media reports on charlottesville calling out alt right
>The right is divided even further
>Normies will now associate the Charlottesville death to the alt-right
>No new recruits
>Daily Stormer is shut down
>Websites shut down alt-right communities and groupchats
>Alt-Right youtubers are being shut down and demonetized by the masses

And now we have got Pewdiepie saying that he will no longer involve himself politically when he could have been an extremely useful way of redpilling people

Fuck you LARPing neo-nazi shits, you might have single handedly destroyed our movement. It is because of you that Commies and antifa will grow stronger by the day
Can't wait for the not guilty verdict when it turns out Mr.Roadkill freaked out and hit the gas after getting his car hit with a baseball bat.
Well I think it's official.
Nobody is going to care, he will be called a white supremacist even if it is eleaswed that he had mental issues and got a panic attack
no way
he's got no money, he has to use a public defender from another town, he's got no donation fund or fancy lawyer to do pro bono work, the president of the US has announced a DOJ investigation
he's completely fucked
>Liberal dies
Hahahaha what a fucking idiot. Imagine dying in a fucking rally by /pol/fags and stormfags, so fucking pathetic. What a rotten way to die.
Thanks for saying what "people" here don't want to hear.
>implying it still matters what Trump thinks
>implying the US isn't already in a Weimarian spiral to civil war
>implying white Americans wont be ready to vote for David Duke by 2024, if not 2020
he couldn't even get elected for the senate, lol
They will make up/ plant evidence if they have to. You don't understand what is happening. The CIA/FBI decided to nip white nationalism in the bud before it got any stronger. Even if they found he was completely innocent he is going to jail for a long long time.
Hey, buddy, having a short temper doesn't legally justify murder.
You ever read his books?
No. Why?
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well you had a good run too bad you took yourselves down....fucking failure backward ass retards
How would that yield a not guilty veridict? Thats vehicular manslaughter at best and 2nd degree murder at worst.
So do you want David Duke arrested then? Because he is already seem as a hypocrite nazi. Remember when he told media he was embarrassed of his past in KKK? and then he is right there with them again.
Good for him. I wouldn't want to risk being demonitized if I was in his position. He knew how far he push his boundaries.
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Such delusion
goddamn why can't the KKK just fucking die? Stupid racist fucking hicks. Why do they still even exist?

At this point I am seriously starting to wonder if they're not controlled opposition.

Let's be clear.

David Duke and anything Klan related is fucking poison.

There's a reason they wouldn't shut up about him during the election.

He is a fucking loser. How many times must a man lose before you figure that out?
He'll dodge those charges, I guarantee it. Also the civil rights lawsuit the rally organizers are filing against Cville will also be a success. The kikes know this and they're freaking out, their narratives will come crashing down.
Reminder that Richard Spencer is born of two wealthy liberals from Boston and that he married a Russian woman on the CIA payroll.

Does it scare you that people know who Dr. Rand Spencer and Sherry Dickenhorst (his mother) are? Or his ex-wife (Nina Kouprlanova, cia) is?

Anyone with half a brain is able to notice that all this retard does (who popped up 'out of nowhere' during the Trump campaign) is make Trump look bad. He's there so that anyone who doesn't go along with the 'globalists' can be grouped with 'Nazis'.

Notice all the neo-nazis coming out making threads as the same time as the commie posters, talking about how we need action. It's no coincidence. Divide and conquer.

BTW notice the 'hill bots' are all spamming nazi shit

(Don't get me wrong I think the goy and merchant are awesome, but these guys are trying to derail us)

Federal agents play their part.

But the sentiment remains.

If you are unironically in the Klan please fucking die.
You deserved it
You all deserved it

I mean, who in the right fucking mind would use Swastikas and Hitler as his symbols?
These symbols are the opposite of everything that America stands for you dense fucking retards.
Do you realise how many americans died fighting nat socs?

Good riddance.
*one shekel has been deposited in your account
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every time you retards bust out your Nazi fanboy bullshit, the leftist jew cunts in the media are squirming with exciting that they finally got what they were looking for. They want you to go full retard
>if they're not controlled opposition.

They have a total membership of 4,000 and have been heavily penetrated by the FBI since the 1970s. Of course they are.

Same with most of your local militias

I should add that the left has the same problems. That's why anti-globalist protests always devolve into "riots" that are crushed by the police.
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It was a planned CIA Soroach trap
Cry more nigger. This is our country and we're taking it back. Like it or not. KKK, Neo-Nazis, Swastikas, all of it. Go suck off one of your chosen people. Deus vult
What the bat guy get a felony murder?
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>He'll dodge those charges, I guarantee it. Also the civil rights lawsuit the rally organizers are filing against Cville will also be a success.

NatSocs really do live in their own dimension. Can't see when the tide has now turned against you, statues being removed has been accelerated across the country, not enough of you to defend them all.
hate to break it to you snowflakez but you get civil rights even if you not a nigger. they had a permit and if commie democrat shills were not there, no one would have known there was a rally. and noone would have died.
Did you know that John DeLorean wasn't in prison and never served time for drug trafficing?

You didn't?
That is because the News blew the story way out of story and never reported his "NOT GUILTY" verdict. This isn't just something that happned in the 80's and 90's

Stories like this continue to happen, they push "Their" narrative and "Surpress" any thing else.
You might cheer the verdict if it is not guilty but the normies of the world will always remember the incident and will call him a neo-nazi, alt-right, bigoted, racist murderer.
>he has to use a public defender from another town

The same ACLU lawyer that's suing the city for illegally attempting to revoke their permit is his lawyer for the criminal case. He has more talent behind him than ZimZam, except the niggers actually recorded video of them chimping out this time.

He's going to walk. Or at least he would if he makes it to trial. He's being kept from speaking to the public and getting his story out until he ends up coincidentally hung from a trash bag and stabbed 57 times with a sharpened toothbrush in a tragic suicide. The Jew can't risk their false flag being exposed any more than it already is.
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shoo shoo blackpill christcuck
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Fuck that guy and fuck all other right wingers who behave like leftists
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>they had a permit

Yeah and I'm sure if it was Muslim radicals and there was a terrorist attack on a group of counter protesters killed, they would be exonerated because they had a permit right?

No they would be labelled terrorists and condemned by Trump, just like the alt right should've been as well.
what a stupid thing to say, you faggot muslim sympathizer
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I'm sure many of those white supremecists and KKK are just Zionist plants to vilify the right. You need to all focus on removing all Zionists from government, institutions, and media. Avoid all racist banter, it only discredits you and isolates you further.
>what a stupid thing to say, you faggot muslim sympathizer

One of your own behaves like a radical islamic terrorist and you call ME a Muslim sympathizer?

HAHAHAHA get fucked stormfag
you're taking some dumb memes too seriously no fun faggot
Yeah, yeah. Whatever, brah.
He is a big guy.... for me
wtf david duke has cankle of the wrist
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>Fuck you LARPing neo-nazi shits, you might have single handedly destroyed our movement. It is because of you that Commies and antifa will grow stronger by the day

Chill out nigger, the more these Leftists push the more our ranks grow. People flood to fascism to protect themselves from the horrors of Communism.
stormfags have been ruining /b/ (before /pol/ and /new/) and /pol/

now we can actually talk about news once all this dies down.

remember when we actually cared about backdoor lobbying, shady laws, and jewish conspiracies?

>this much faggotry and crying

Kill yourself christcuck.
Ahah ahaha
Best Entertainment from Muricca now comes from Washigton instead of Kikewood, and it doesn't earn them a single shekel.

Times are a changing.
you are a coward and appeaser and the enemy

>Hitting a car with a baseball bat means using lethal force is justified
>/t. basement dweller who knows nothing about courts and law

If it was him freaking out that just makes it a second degree murder charge rather than a first degree one. Which is what he's charged with.
>you will never have david duke's body
>It's okay to break the NAP
>Fuck you LARPing neo-nazi shits, you might have single handedly destroyed our movement.
>OP is clearly the LARPer he claims he hates
fuck off idiot

That wasn't me expressing my personal opinion on what the letter and spirit of the law should be, it was me pointing out what the current IRL letter and spirit of the law says. lrn2reading comprehension.
As a lawyer, Fields will probably receive manslaughter or justifiable homicide.
Cry harder faggot.
You should have been there to lead us down the right path.

Someone like him is going to be elected if the left and MSM continue, 100 percent.

Either history is just don't what it does, or someone is pushing for it.
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You have a point anon, but its not really about the statues/memorials anyway. When they are defended, the right grows. when they are taken down, the right grows. Someone on the left is going to do something even more stupid than we have seen thus far from the right.
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Right Wing Terrorists don't get off easy. Probably heading to Gitmo.

>justifiable homicide

No. The victim was not the person who hit his car with a baseball bat, she was a legally innocent person far away. That negates any possibility of a justifiable homicide ruling.

Manslaughter might be more probable.
we literally killed one of you commie bastards saturday and you think meme's about peper spraying us means shit?
Adorable LARPing communists don't realize how fucked they are.

We're pretty much fucked
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many many people come to us asking how can they help and get involved, where can they join a self defense course, dont blame yourselves, withe nationalism is just about killing eventually anybody who is not a normie withe guy
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Guess you have never been to Florida, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, L.A, Oakland, Watts, Harlem, Atlanta, Birmingham, etc, Le'monjello Al-Detroiti
We killed one of you saturday.

How many nazi's has antifa killed?

That's right. Zero.
You're so wrong it hurts also sage
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The fat whore was the first of many commies to get cut down. Please keep up your LARPing. The Saxon is awake. You will be put to rout.
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oh we aint don with you on that bro

we just gonna do it smart not when the whole world watching
You're not going to do shit because you're a bitch, just like the rest of antifa and you know if you did you're dead.

LARP harder loser :^)
Sweet larping brah. You a skinny nerd or a fat nerd?
Holy.. checked
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>Implying the Kurds and anyone fighting for them aren't going to be gassed the fuck out by Erdogan and Assad

You commies are delusional on a whole other level.
This story changed quick. First Police reports said it was just an accident. Then it changed to the child of Hitler goes on a Rampage. I can not wait to see how it all turns out.
It's a good thing. Iit makes the supposed hate symbols more accessible to the common people.

They were going to call you NatSocs anyway, so you may as well use this as a badge of honour. At least it demonstrate that you're not a pussy
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not me but i all ready seen some mothafucka who got stabbed in some post here

besides, whats the point of killing if it sets you a whole generation backward?
Underrated Post
I don't get what you're implying.
>Fuck you LARPing neo-nazi shits, you might have single handedly destroyed our movement. It is because of you that Commies and antifa will grow stronger by the day

While true your movement is destroyed, it was doomed far before Charlottesville, primarily because you're entire strategy is utterly toxic and divisive, which means it has a cap on growth and will continually marginalize itself.
If not all muslims are terrorists then not all whites are nazis.

That is the message you spread.
That's right, be the weak little bitches you are unless you want to end up pinned between two cars with your guts hanging out like your comrade this past saturday.

You keep enabling these double standards, purposely ignoring our grievances and we'll continue to drop you mother fuckers.
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he's a nazi. for them political victory is the number of corpses
So you don't like nazi flags, nor people who talks bad about jews, nor the kkk, plus you think what the media says is relevant, and think having a site like the daily stormer is a roses garden, and care about what a jewtuber could have done...
Well (((you))) seem to me like a gaylord faggot that cares shit about free speech and is too weak to accept that making the world great again is not going to be a walk in the park
>gassing kurds
tried that. doesn't work, /pol/ack.
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this desu, Duke needs to just fade away

If anything more people are going to turn to nationalism after this. Plus Pewds might still drop some redpills anyways. Antifa is basically poking a sleeping bear at this point and their communist revolution will be fucked once it wakes up.
>>see! nazi's are so violent!
Says the faggot carrying sticks and bear mace to attack people for having a different opinion.
You niggers brought this on yourselves.
Duke should distance himself from the Klan and the (((Nationalist Socialist Movement of America)))
I honestly think her heart attack was way too convenient
>At this point I am seriously starting to wonder if they're not controlled opposition.

You are your own opposition. the alt right's ideas are thing from the past. The "red pill" is some male juvenile fantasy. You're entire movement is nothing more than a psychological projection of your own insecurity.

Time to grow up. The world is growing more diverse and complex and integrated, and there is absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it. Better to find a way to make it work, instead of swallowing poison hoping other people will die.
Lol how is that even close too a Muslim truck party? No ak, no truck over 26000 lb, and only one sad little lefty slut died. He was in the right, you sons bitches think you can chimp out without someone eventually running your asses over :/
>but its not really about the statues/memorials anyway
>we must destroy the village to save it

>It's okay to assault people because they may be guilty of future sins

I'd rather live in Hitler's Germany than your barbaric anarchist utopia built on mob rule.
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what grievances? whites have the best of what this pitiful society have to offer, and, dont think that now that you shown everybody what you are about that people aint gonna preper for you. you think everybody gonna just wait for you to kill them ? lol
>He was in the right, you sons bitches think you can chimp out without someone eventually running your asses over :/
>Literally drives like a chimp
>says others are "chimping out"
wew lad
Somehow I doubt you've got a Challenger
>you're taking some dumb memes too seriously no fun faggot

No the entire fucking alt right took a few memes way too seriously and you culture fucked yourselves into a dark hole you will NEVER be able to climb out of.
The only privilege in life is WEALTH. Saying "white people have it good for nothing except that they are white" is racist.

Do you not understand how double standards work or are you legit retarded like the rest of your comrades?
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way too late for that
Yeah you're right, if one leftist is a threat to your life you're allowed to injure 18 of them and kill 1.

Like a give enough of a fuck when I see that gay flag that is literally who-tier?
lol that all you got? Sad!
cultural marxism is for useful idiots
Somhow the opinions of communist losers doesn't mean much.
>Chill out nigger, the more these Leftists push the more our ranks grow. People flood to fascism to protect themselves from the horrors of Communism.

Psst: what if I told you no one believes this "communism menace" bullshit? Seriously , you really are just like the nazi's in ww2, imaging the same enemies as then too.

this is from another event chaim
Some races cannot build and/or maintain civilization. The cutoff for a functioning democracy seems to be a 90 IQ average. Some races of earth are between 70 and 85. Sad, but as they increase in number so does the state of the Western World. We are apes in a very true sense and the stand of history is constant war and disease. We are very close to getting out of that but very rarely can we progress on a mountain of lies, which is all that race-deniers offer up.
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>submit to your enslavement goy
Fuck you kike.
Then a communist menace literally sent the globe into a Cold War for 50 years lol
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>David Duke, a former KKK member saying that "we are doing what Trump wants us to do"

Duke is such an obvious controlled opposition. He should just hang himself or someone should help him, at least.
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if it was abot the poor vs the rich those people were on our side but they dont speak "poor vs rich" they speak white vs jew,brown and black

"redneck revolt" speak about poor vs rich, and you just call them "communists"
Except antifa frequently wave communist flags...
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>It's time to grow the fuck up

You do realize stuff like what Antifa is doing only makes Nationalist and Identity movements stronger. Even Pewdiepie is helping to make GenZ redpilled. There will be a time when nationalists outnumber commies and this will soon happen. If there's a rally next year it will only be bigger.
*so does the decline of the western world
>Then a communist menace literally sent the globe into a Cold War for 50 years lol
Also a few dozen defense contractors sucking Uncle Sam's cock for taxcum until his balls ran dry and now our economy is permanently fucked. Still, at least we don't have universal healthcare or politics influenced by Russia.
Duke is too old
Spencer too low-energy
Jared Taylor would be the best option
You are legit retarded if you think the working class is on your side.

Antifa is 95% upper middle class beta males lmfao.

But you keep LARPing bro, I'm sure you'll go far comrade.
Who give a shit about Pedwdiepie? GenX will def flip to the left now!!
Identity Evropa is pretty good, They are growing in members along with the Tradwokers.
>You are legit retarded if you think the working class is on your side.
The working class doesn't vote and is currently on the side of its heroin dealers.
He's pretty much the reason why the GenZ is conservative meme is real. He'll probably still drop redpills now and then.
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The antifa and BLM groups had plenty of flags to March with. Hammer and sickle flags.
Once upon a time in USA a Soviet hammer + sickle flag woulda got you outed by the media as a Red and a traitor.
Now you're celebrated as "inclusive".
Few Cold War warriors could imagine they would live to see ideology turned upside down and inside out.
It's time to read a history book.
Shut up nigger. Do society a favor and lynch yourself.
>Few Cold War warriors could imagine they would live to see ideology turned upside down and inside out.
They were never more than tools of the military industrial complex in the first place.
>We are apes in a very true sense and the stand of history is constant war and disease.

We are also at a time in history that is unprecedented, so no previous historical model is relevant. With wealth and technology today, we already have the solutions to solve the majority of the world's problems IF WE FUCKING WORK TOGETHER.

All of this divisive shit is so fucking backwards in another time zone guaranteed NOT TO WORK, ever.
>Then a communist menace literally sent the globe into a Cold War for 50 years lol

Do you know what year it is?
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>Antifa is 95% upper middle class beta males lmfao.

No, they're really not. They're gibsmedat college kids studying "liberal arts" and whatever other sham the jews created while drowning in debt. The reason why they are commies is because they want to trun America into a country where everyone is "equal" - meaning other people living the same shit life as them while they just sit on their ass and get the same pay cheques as a nuclear physicist for example
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>Psst: what if I told you no one believes this "communism menace" bullshit?

44 years of Cold War history dictates otherwise. Further, because Communism was allowed to flourish several Communist and Quasi-Communist states are Nuclear Powers with weapons of immense destruction.

These Nations routinely engage in inhumane acts never even dreamed by our forefathers. They failed us and we failed our children by not putting Communism to rout.

Now Communists roam the streets of every western Nation instilling fear into the common man. Vandalizing, assaulting, macing women & children, and destroying their property.

And you want to lie to me that Communism isn't a threat? Nonsense.

Communists and their sympathizers must be put to rout if we are to have a stable society.
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it was more on our side then on yours, even before your killing. dont believe me? watch foryourself. trump voters like us better. and just imagine what they think of you now, and what they think about us

The chimpout will be glrious
3 cars were carjacked by Antifa. The Antifa LandWhale was standing between the first two cars. We do not know if she was pounding on of the cars before the accident. No one knows what statements any of the drivers have given in this case.
You're in fucking Bulgaria and you think you know what antifa is like in the states?

Cool story bro, now go hang yourself for being such a stupid nigger.
>They were never more than tools of the military industrial complex in the first place.
>Except antifa frequently wave communist flags...
do you know how small and insignificant antifa is?? Most people never even heard of them since Charlottesville. They have no power, no influence what so ever.
>And you want to lie to me that Communism isn't a threat? Nonsense.
>Communists and their sympathizers must be put to rout if we are to have a stable society.
>posts merchant
>Shilling for Boeing
fucking sad
AHAHAHAHA straight out of a fucking OccuDem propaganda. How can this retarded commies think it'll work here
>>Trump voters like us better

LMFAO Yeah, you are legit retarded.

"KKK robes". You know, we found they were using footage of an actual KKK rally on July 7th for that. This can easily be used to discredit the media even further.
Why is he so fucking big?
>here will be a time when nationalists outnumber commies and this will soon happen.

Oh so your movement will be a total of 2000 strong then? because hate to tell you communism is DEAD, antifa is insignificant and meaningless.
>Anyone with half a brain is able to notice that all this retard does (who popped up 'out of nowhere' during the Trump campaign) is make Trump look bad. He's there so that anyone who doesn't go along with the 'globalists' can be grouped with 'Nazis'.

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After WW2, you had Red China under Mao, Pol Pot, Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain, all the deaths in the USSR, the Cold War, Communist North Vietnam, Communist Cambodia, dividing Korea into North Korea and South Korea, Communist Cuba, the EU, cultural marxism becoming the norm in the West...

Hitler was definitely right about the communist menace. Even Patton acknowledged that.

> "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed."

>This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. During a dinner with French General Alphonse Juin in August, Patton was surprised to find the Frenchman in agreement with him. His diary entry for August 18 quotes Gen. Juin: "It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country -- and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism."

>Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. On August 31 he wrote: "Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans." And on September 2: "What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole."
ever notice how they always post behind meme flags?
if you reply to this bait thread, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
>And you want to lie to me that Communism isn't a threat? Nonsense.


If you think communism is the threat this world faces you do not have enough intelligence or credibility for anyone to take serious.
little? looked like a pig roast
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watch the fucking video i posted....
>deus vult fag telling anyone to grow up

>mad that people are sharing the same views as you

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
>You're in fucking Bulgaria and you think you know what antifa is like in the states?
First off, we have their kind here. Second, just by looking at 2-3 videos you can see them for what they are and what group they represent. Either you're a braindead autist that doesn't have any idea about what's happening in his country or you've probably never left the house to see them in person or their group (the liberals). Either way it's bad for you.
Are you serious? Think about your own question for a bit

the only mistake was people buying to this altright narative bullshit, everyone with a brain could see that everyone trying to monatize on memes and pepe in real life after hwndu would lead to what happened, specialy after what happened to berkley. berkley was perfect, no nazi flags, just people tired of radical liberals and the point was proven and in our camp
>AHAHAHAHA straight out of a fucking OccuDem propaganda. How can this retarded commies think it'll work here

You are AN IDIOT of you think working together equals "communism" but hey - that is why your MOVEMENT IS DOOMED TO FAIL.

You can't even solve the problems you claim to address, all because you ladies are scared that working together means your a "commie"

Seriously, with crap thinking like that, don't have expectations your movement is going much farther.
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Destroy the octopus you cucks.
You must be a shill because it's common knowledge antifa in Europe has the backing of many major political parties and politicians.

Again, go kys for being a dumb nigger bitch.
>After WW2, you had Red China under Mao, Pol Pot, Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain, all the deaths in the USSR, the Cold War, Communist North Vietnam, Communist Cambodia, dividing Korea into North Korea and South Korea, Communist Cuba, the EU, cultural marxism becoming the norm in the West...
>Hitler was definitely right about the communist menace. Even Patton acknowledged that.


Seriously, how stupid are you to be afraid of a menace that has ZERO power in the world???
>freaked out

No one freaks out enough to willingly commit murder. Anger however..
>Are you serious? Think about your own question for a bit

Yup, fully thought about my question and now will return it to you. Are you idiots actually afraid of a communist menace in the fucking year 2017????
>we already have the solutions to solve the majority of the world's problems IF WE FUCKING WORK TOGETHER.

Now tell on how do you plan to do this.
Where's the proof, autist?
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>Normies will now associate the Charlottesville death to the alt-right

No. 62 million people voted for Trump because he was white. Another 31 million white people is about 93 million - this is the white-nationalist/Trump base that showed up.

We were demonized back in 2016. I joined the Trump-train because he was being treated unfairly by the media.

>No new recruits

I was a liberal with drug-abusing friends. They beat me when I was still a liberal. I converted to Conservatism because it seemed as if Trump and the right were being treated unfairly by the media.

I am a transsexual, and I got on board the Trump train because whites were blamed for society's problems. Charlottesville was the same thing that turned me into a white nationalist - legal white protestors with a permit get beaten by alt-left agitators, and the statues got taken down.

And now they're doxxing people? The alt-left alienated me with it's violence, and it's alienating everyone else too.

>Daily Stormer is shut down

I never went there. I go to 4chan for my white-nationalism, and to be honest I wouldn't go anywhere else.

>Websites shut down alt-right communities and groupchats

4chan is still here. It's been here through everything - including statium bomb threats and killers posting here.

>Alt-Right youtubers are being shut down and demonetized by the masses

93 million people with the president on their side will do fine.
a collapsed state couldnt possibly have funded a subversion campaign that became self sustaining?
you're not a white supremacist. the americans that defeated the confederates and the nazis, were
/pol/ has been our board before /pol/ existed, 2 party cucks are just visiting desu
huehuehue found the shill guys. Anyone calling someone else an "autist" on /pol/ of all places has to be either a newfag piece of shit or a shill.

Either way, again, go kys for being a dumb nigger.
Do YOU? If you think communism and socialism isn't an issue then you can get bent, faggot.
>jump scare someone from behind
>they pull out their pocket knife and start swinging

This is what trumptards actually believe. That or they're no better than animals.

It is the current year. It does not invalidate the fact that several communist states now exist with nuclear weapons. It does not invalidate the fact that communists have propagandized an entire generation in every western nation. It does not invalidate the fact that communist mobs are terrorizing the population.

Communism has, is, and will always be a global threat.
>think people don't notice
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times change...............
lmao here is a /pol/ster at the rally

You are really bad at making analogies.

Comparing jumpscares to being attacked by a violent mob of antifa?

No wonder antifa is full of beta male losers.
History has a bad habit of repeating itself, it would be wise too acknowledge the threat of a communist upheaval is just as relevant as a national socialist one, or is that not what you are afraid of.... Nazis? I
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>are you idiots actually afraid of a communist menace in the fucking year 2017????
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>Seriously, how stupid are you to be afraid of a menace that has ZERO power in the world???

Communists just rebranded themselves.

Either way I was just addressing how wrong you were about "imagined enemies" in Europe in the 20th century, and your judgement is just as wrong now.
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then you cant claim the past fits your narrative
you BTFO your own shitty propaganda
One second you all are bragging about how you're winning the hearts of the people.

The next you're claiming you're not even a threat and antifa doesn't exist.

lol Cool story faggot. Can't wait till the next car runs through a crowd of you.
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>"Duke told me he was pleasantly surprised to
>meet a reporter from Holland as he himself
>had lived for a short while in The Netherlands.
>Then meeting took even weirder turn. Duke
>said he had left his wife, followed by words:
>"Harald, in which hotel are you staying
>tonight?" Slightly alarmed now, I quickly made
>up a hotel name and told David Duke that I
>stayed at the Grand Hotel in Tehran. He said:
>Oh, good."
>then you cant claim the past fits your narrative
>you BTFO your own shitty propaganda
>Fascism destroyed by A-bomb building kikes...Richmond taken by niggers after yearlong siege
You don't even history, KYS capcuck

>No they would be labelled terrorists and condemned by Trump, just like the alt right should've been as well

Why do you care what Trump thinks... unless you recognize that he has some sort of authority?

Is it the fact that you didn't obtain that authority for yourself in 2016 that caused you to do this;

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>Antifa is global, it's extremely well funded and experienced in creating civil upheaval.
>First rule of warfare is "know your enemy"

Antifa is a George Soros sponsored behemoth.
Antifa is a radical Liberal terror group. It was deployed at the “Unite The Right” rally for the sole purpose of escalating the rhetotic until it became violence.

Soros wants to destroy the US

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”—George Soros

DiscoverTheNetworks.org writes: “By his [Soros’] own admission, helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia.
When Soros targets a country for “regime change,” he begins by creating a shadow government—a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises.
The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup.”

"Billionaire Soros is committed to topple the Trump government, just as before he tried his best to defeat him during the election process.

"Soros has not only launched a war on Trump domestically, but he is also creating problems for him all around the globe with help using his fake news outlets.
US interests used Soros and his media for color revolutions and regime change purposes around the globe, from Latin America to Ukraine.
And now the US itself under attack by him domestically.

>being attacked
>while inside a 2-ton metal machine

He could've backed up, but he chose to accelerate into a crowd of people. The fucker knew he was going to hurt people.
>Antifa is a radical Liberal terror group.
I'm going to stop you right there because you obviously have no fucking idea what you're even writing about.
Nice strawman. How many nazi's has antifa killed? Zero.

Nazi-1 Antifa-0 stay cucked bitch
Stormfags are so fucking stupid that they hurt their own interests. They want $1 now instead of $100 tomorrow. Like little kids spoiling their dinner. They have to go back. NOBODY wants them.
But we /are/ nazis. Did you forget or something? This stuff will be water under the bridge in a couple of months with only the occasional reference. The movement lives on, divided but alive, and we are still free to operate !!WITHIN THE LAW!!

Violence only hurts us. Peace and reason will see us victory in the civilized world.
shut up nigger no one cares what you think
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> How can commies think it'll work here?
Because it's worked in 30 or more countries over the decades. The US is at a particularly disadvantage due to ignorance of the tactics deployed in a color revolution.. And the assumption you've just articulated: "we're special, so it can't happen here".
They are coming for the US now because it's ripe and ready.
To respond, you need to know who and what you are dealing with.
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You're literally repeating the same line over and over. What's your major malfunction, boy? Not to mention I'm still waiting of your "proofs" that Antifa are backed by political parties and what-not.

When you're dumb and you get called for it, just accept it if you have nothing to say. Don't be like "N-o no YOU!". .
>Peace and reason will see us victory in the civilized world.
>Peace and reason
Pick one.
And I'm not even being pejorative. The entire point of your romantic critique of the Enlightenment is that the world isn't rational and violence is necessary. You can't win on peace and reason and stay what you are.
white supremacists did that
go eat an aids dick nigger, done talking to your dumbass.
>Not to mention I'm still waiting of your "proofs" that Antifa are backed by political parties and what-not.
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This. Have some strategic sense, don't go all out yet, hide your powerlevel, be smart. Stop compromising the movement for a little moment of hubris.
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hey man, not all america is made of nigger hunting lynch mobs, capitalist bosses [there was a huge militant worker movement in the US] and im sure as shit that when american GI's liberated concentration camps they felt sick from what they have seen
I'm as certain as you that everyone but you and the other stormfag are thinking the same. Absolutely everyone but you idiots live in the same reality. And you're not welcome, even here. Because while you have some of your facts straight, you're too god damned stupid to not sabotage yourself and the rest of us in the process.
Bolshevik pawn plz go
No one fuckingg cares, don't you larpers get no one fucking cares about you and your beliefs. You're all a bunch of double digit iq niggers with no Independent thought. I swear larpers should be banned from /pol/ you people are so fucking gay it hurts. Seriously time for me to move on from this gay place
>Stop compromising the movement for a little moment of hubris.
Why even fash then?
>"hehe go eat a dick nigger hehe"

You definitely seem like an autist. Might want to go back to r*ddit with your fellow autistic brethren.

Link. And even if the top brass of Antifa are funded, doesn't mean the regular members are.
You morons have used words like "racist" and "nazi" too much. It's lost it's stigma.

You want to know why white nationalism is on the rise? You niggers created this mess.

You niggers created us by letting BLM riot and murder whites while turning a blind eye to it.
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Spencer is married to a pro-russian (Putin) shill. I don't think she's on CIA's payroll (if it's not subverted by commies), but more likely on FSB's.

Who benefits from this mess in the West? Russia and Israel.

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It's almost like promoting an inherently violent thuggish ideology which promotes the eradication of various groups of people isn't and never was going to become a popular idea given the historical retrospect.
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>[there was a huge militant worker movement in the US]
union membership in the US never cracked thirty percent. even less when you subtract public unions AKA parasites. wow so huge!
nothing wrong taking pride in my race.

-again the people at fault for letting two groups of subhumans battle each other in their streets is the governor, mcualife.
>Who benefits from this mess in the West? Russia and Israel.
/pol/ is full of Russia and Israel fanboys. This is not an effective argument for this crowd.
The media and everyone on the left was already calling us nazis you fucking retard, why does it suddenly matter to you now?

Go gas yourself.
and you're at fault for continuing to be too much of a bitch to stand up for what's right.
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>And even if the top brass of Antifa are funded, doesn't mean the regular members are.
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>proof of Soros funding of groups and agencies is all over the interwebs. Maybe instead of shouting at people her, you should redirect that time to use a search engine for about 30 minutes. If you are a true patriot, what you will discover should truly frighten you.
Here's some "evidence" I found in two clicks,
$80 million.
To be used to subvert US voting processes.

A new $80 million anti-Trump network is being led by an organization whose top funder is liberal billionaire George Soros and which employs former members of the controversial and now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

The Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund, the 501(c)(4) sister organization of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), a New York-based nonprofit that receives the bulk of its funding from George Soros, announced at their spring gala Tuesday that they will be heading up the new $80 million anti-Trump network that will span 32 states and have 48 local partners, CNN reported.
(And it must true: CNN said so!)
Im not gonna spend money on a ticket to go to America just for a rally
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really makes me think
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To actually change things.
you got Jewed friendo, this is just a big bait and switch conducted by Trump

he gets the left to support Antifa in their fight against "White Supremacist's" then pulls the rug out, declares them both terror organizations and condemns them both.

then the dems will be left openly supporting a terror group made up of violent communist revolutionaries while Trump is on record denouncing everyone.
Normies are systematically repulsed by the Nazi flag, and you have to accept it. You have to accept the obstacles on the battlefield and maneuver around them. There's nothing wrong with being radical, just be subtle with the imagery.
>Who benefits from this mess in the West? Russia and Israel.
>modern day russia
>benefitting from this shit
Potato person, you are retarded. Please stop using internet.
this this and only this.
Just 14 without the 88 you disgusting larpers.
0hhh noeez we lost the support of the almighty PEWDIPIEEEEE? say it ain't so, whatever shall we do now lollllllllllllllllllllllll
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I'll decide for myself again come November 2018, punk.

Have a nice day.
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I love when people refer to /pol/ as one person
really churches the place up
You're so dumb you think you're talking to a leftist, not even comprehending what I typed. WE, the conservatives, the republicans, the south, the north, the globe, and yes your enemies... NONE of us want you around. We want you to neck yourself. You're so low IQ that you're hurting your own movement. At least when Jews and Antifa do that to themselves it's strategic. You guys are just fucking retards.
no one care about that populist faggot, he have not done anything of value, only rode the wave to gain cash
fuck off france and worry about yourselves. You have more muslims in europe now than the middle east does.
Yeah that's not how reaction works. It's an emotional phenomenon born of an enlarged amygdala.
uh oh. Klan Rally 70 Percent Undercover Reporters
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>tfw /pol/ has spilled into real life

I want off this ride.
You won't do shit but cool story faggot bitch
What the fuck is wrong with you retards? Go back and check what the original argument was about. I'll spare you that because you're obviously way too retarded to check - that Antifa are "upper class kids". They are not.

And besides you still haven't provided me with any link.
>post memes
>get real physical violence in return
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i suggest you watch this historical films


Black Propaganda niggers, Jews specialize in it.
What movement, you mouthbreather? There is no movement! There is only self-destruction, burning of all bridges to rebuild anew.
Saturday's rally nearly had to be called off, but was saved from cancellation by the reporters. Less than an hour before the scheduled start time, the chapter realized it did not have the $1,500 "parade fee" required by the city. Fortunately, dozens of new Klansmen like Chicago Tribune reporter Stuart Zimmel volunteered to chip in an extra $50 each.

"I did have to pay membership dues and the extra $50 and buy the robe and all that, but as long as I save my receipts, I should get reimbursed for everything by the Trib,"
eat shit you weak nigger bitch
>I love when people refer to /pol/ as one person
>really churches the place up
>/pol/ is full of
>implying pol is a place rather than a personality
>""one person""
learn to reason.
>Be poor trash

>Economically redundant and a social outcast

>Political elite promote the idea that other equally poor working class folks are raping and murdering your kin

>Proceed to join racial supremacy group and beat the shit out of other work class people and their supporters while Wall Street continues to makes billions.

Works every fucking time. KEK
The undercover journalists were also distinguishable by their footwear. While the real KKK members tended to wear heavy work boots, the journalists were divided between sensible leather oxfords and beat-up sneakers.
>hurr durr, what is chronological order?

how dumb are you?
you forgot the antifa the soviet union was lel
The working class will definitely be hanging you from a pike should you start putting up whites only signs and preaching your filth publicly.
This is how the low IQ concede and admit defeat. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
this is gold
Jews have demonized the KKK since they hung the Jewish pedophile Leo Frank.
>Fuck you LARPing neo-nazi shits, you might have single handedly destroyed our movement. It is because of you that Commies and antifa will grow stronger by the day
it's almost as though, maybe, some agent provocteur were being sent by government spooks, to discredit the threat to the established order, by infiltrating and loudly making it appear to be a neo-nazi or kkk thing
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The funding trickles down - that's why the tactic it to have small local groups to integrate into the community.
Protesters and other participants were paid at Charlottesvile.
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>244 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
God damn it, /pol/.
Antifa spends all day claiming to not be the soviet union. Now you're taking claim for the genocide communism caused?

lol you're such a fucking tool it's pathetic
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>There is no movement! There is only self-destruction, burning of all bridges to rebuild anew.


Do something then bitch boy
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even if you have tooken the black pill, we are still going to push forward and if you do not like it then sit back and fall away, our ideas are eternal, ideas can never die, theyre tearing down the confederate statues, theyre erasing history right before our eyes, this is no time to fall back because of the black pill, theres two paths but in the long run, there is still time to change the road were on, what we need to do now is keep the movement afloat, our intent is not violence, that is the left, we just want to spread awareness about white identity, remember? it seems that the more we advocate and express our freedoms of speech and assembly, the more tyrannical society becomes...it may not be the best decision but with trump on our side, we need to keep pushing for truth, this is your movement with your people, cmon guys, seriously, is this the full power of the white race? no, no it isnt, we must unleash our power and rise above all false notions of guilt, this is for the future, this is for the future generations that will be a minority in their own homelands, and that is if we do not take a stand. i say take a stand, the next rally..we have to get stronger, persevere through the storm. we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. it all starts here, its up to us, that is it, either we fall to communism, or the white race lives on. this is the battle ahead of us. but we have a back bone here, and that is trump, the white race has authority, power and our assemblies are legal, completely backed by the law, we are professional, the left arent. simple as that. we must keep fighting, thats it. fight the jewish media, the jewish narrative, and the communist filth in our way to glory. what would washington think, jefferson, our ancestors and founders of this country. all your people who fought and died, their blood in this soil. this is your land. dont let it fall to filth. the world is watching you.
>be an undesirable element, an outcast meant to die off as the world changes
>new world has on place for you or your people
>proceed to fight back against this new world, feverishly refusing to let the enemy defeat you

>the one who is supposed to be rooting for the poor and oppressed sides with power because power promotes an idea close to his

You are pathetic.
USSR really wasn't communistic, was it? Or socialist. It was just Russia with insane heads and an inefficient ideology.

>you just lost yourself the biggest ally
>some random youtuber
Who do you think comprises the working class ? Certainly not unemployed college grads, certainly not blacks that live on welfare. Are you so delusional too think tax payers want a commie way of life? One of the ways too stop a group of people is too entrench your own.
>Antifa spends all day claiming to not be the soviet union
well sure, they'e two different things. However, in its self-understanding, the soviet union fought an anti-fascist war against nazi Germany. Which is pretty antifa imo.
>you're taking claim for the genocide communism caused
huh what? No. I'm not a tankie, I don't think that there was anything worthwhile to the soviet union from a communist perspective.
But I don't think that there was a communist genocide in WWII.
>Hollywood movies

This is where commies get their ideas
How were these digits not noticed wtf
Pewdiepie was a recruiter?

Anyways, the Left is retarded when they claim Conservatives and others are dangerous and violent, yet they continue to confront them and get injured and this time someone is killed.
Shut up, moron.
They have ANTIFA, too, but are actually serious unlike our cultural activists.
If only goyim understood kike usury and money manipulation. That top kikes create money out of nothing and loan to stupid, gullible goyim.
Fuck PewDiePie. His heart is only where the money's at.

He started sperging out with nazi and jew jokes because that was what it was trending. He saw so many nobodies with no talent getting famous just because they talked about anti-SJW stuff that he wanted in.

If Hillary won and it was SJWs gaining popularity he would've gone full leftard.
True revolutionaries kill people and burn buildings, we're not fucking jews.
>>They have antifa and are actually serious unlike us.

Nigger, how many nazis died saturday? Zero
How many communists died? One.

Learn2Math nigger
There are laws that allow people to run down protesters if they feel threatened. The precedent is on his side.
go away pls shill
this really isnt the big deal you are making it out to be
people will forget in a week
As cool as it would be there is no fucking sleeping bear, people have been systematically and academically removed, just because a community of people who have woken up has arisen it is not on the level that you imagine

there are currently many many more people who would HAPPILY side with antifa if they thought that Fascism is actually coming back and from the evidence that the media got from Cville it is becoming a real accepted method of antifa recruiting
it's over face it

A minor set back.

We all know the left can't help itself, and will just keep pushing.

Now only the thought leaders that are either feds, or can withstand death threats and persecution will rise to the top.

>Threaten to punch nazis.
>Expect nazis to not see you as a threat.

Potato person, the Russian state propaganda has had a devastating effect on your brains. Go worship your bear-riding leader. The same leader who works with and for jews, funds ''nationalists'' in the west while calls eastern nationalists nazis. Enacts holocaust denial laws, attacks free speech (while western Putin worshippers- western free speech advocates ignores that), glorifies Soviet criminals and whitewashes communist crimes. You're a good goy!



Jews wish Duke would fade away. He been pretty effective at exposing kike treachery.
Like try to snipe some republicans at baseball practice?
For communists the working class is the dispossessed class, ie. the class that is forced to sell their labor power because it's the only thing they've left.
The unemployed dispossessed are still working class, Marx devoted much time to the analysis of the industrial reserve army of labor.
>the only conservatives work
The working class is mostly comprised of non extremists and should you start baiting people in their communities they will react brutally as has been evidenced already since life is already difficult enough as it is without you paid agitators screwing it up even more. You guys are a tiny minority.
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Don't larp as a conservative. It's fucking pathetic.
Bullshit I know someone who killed a nigger with a brick and she walked with a manslaughter charge.
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The Soviet Union only survived because of high oil prices and now Russia is no different. The USSR had some interesting ideas but nothing sustainable.

Also the Foundation of Geopolitics advocates for the division of American society by inflaming social and racial divisions.

Also interesting how the wife of Richard Spencer is the daughter of the author of Foundations of Geopolitics.

2nd degree means it was not premeditated.
I don't know, burgers. From the perspective of someone who watches from the side, I'd say that this was a mistake. Inb4 "Reddit spacing" - that shit doesn't even make sense. I'm only trying to make it easier to read.

First, you've ruined it with the Nazi symbolics. LARPing as a Nazi will do you no good. All it does is make you lose credibility and repulse curious normies. Think what you want of Hitler and Nazi Germany, you will never make your entry-level a normie agree with you if you suggest that you have even the slightest positive opinion of Nazism. Steer clear of that.

Second, it really didn't look intimidating. By intimidating, I don't think that you should scare the normies - it' s more that they should get chills when they look at you. A bunch of skinny college kids in white shirts carrying tiki torches? Did you go on a Hawaii-themed golfing course or a white nationalist march?

The guy follows Stefan Molyneux, Dave Rubin, and Lauren Southern among others on Twitter.

He's no leftard.
If David Duke can lift so can you.
Those are the people that don't wake up from a night of long knives
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Neo Nazis hurt the movement.
KKK faggots hurt the movement.
Flying Confederate Flags, something I don't care about and even to a degree support, hurts the movement.

The only silver lining is that ANTIFA continues to help the movement, but fuck those other guys. I am a proud American, I love my Republic, I love being a white American nationalist. But I am not a Nazi or a racist (beyond thinking niggers gonna nig and arabs gonna explode, I guess that's pretty racists today since wearing dreadlocks is racist now but I digress)
To get back on point.


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speak for yourself fuck boi
Shia is a good example of that legendary kike IQ.
I'm sorry, since when were racists ever accepted?

With more backlash, it will just attract more disenfranchised youth, especially from the new lost generation.

just like zimzam im sure

Agreed. A true political shift needs to be incremental and we need to capitalize on the stupidity of the enemies of the Saxons. Which they are all to eager to provide.

The Jew Media is communist sympathizing and is hated by almost everyone. Every black bloc demonstrates the general public how vile and violent the Left is.

Sit back, send the message, and let the public connect the dots. The fact these conversations exist means we are getting somewhere. We need not fuck it up by being overt for short term gain.
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Seriously, these spoiled children were born and raised in this freedom loving country yet somehow decided to embrace inherently anti-democratic and violent ideology and expect the rest of the country to just let that happen?

Remember, freedom ain't free.
Dont count on it you idiot. There's a ton of different charges they could get to stick to him, including rioting. You'll just make everyone look bad, which we cannot afford.

But you don't understand the media doesnt give a shit about that!
they will carry on saying that antifa are just peaceful protesters and the normies are gonna eat that shit up.
Charlottesville gave the media EXACTLY what they wanted from the alt-right and that was Swastika flags and the KKK
don't expect ANYONE to forget about Cville soon because that is going to be the main focus point against the right from now on.
Though there are ongoing attacks on Americans right now, we're still working towards ending the leftist elites way of life and they shouldn't be relevant in a few years.

They're trying to go too fast and their desperation is more a sign that they know they've run out of time rather than them thinking they are in control. Their arrogance at this point mostly due to incompetence.

And once all the radical left wanes in presence, there won't be an enemy for them to fight, and for better or worse, the Klan/Neo-Nazi/whateveryoucallits are going to fade back into obscurity because they haven't been relevant for almost 100 years.

I think its not a question of if, but when. I want all this type of violence to just stop and lets get about a thousand of the foreign agents, criminals and traitors rounded up already in a lawful way.
it was literally a false flag moron
OP is right and those who disagree are fucking idiots.

That story will run on Page 8.
You really think that?
its all going to backfire on the left when they openly endorse Antifa and Trump doxs them exposing them all as violent anti establishment communist revolutionaries.
People complaining about antifa or leftists in general being milk toast liberals with no real connection to the working class kind of have point to be honest though. The communist movement died with the stalinist counterrevolution in the East and in the West the state made sure to dissolve all the traditional working class organizations (parties and unions, clubs etc.). The biggest problem however is the fact that there is no *class party* representing the working class. Only with the class party does the working class act as a historic subject capable of progressing history.

I think the cat is already out of the bag. You can't put a lid on this. Its spread too far, and we have everything to lose, so nothing is holding us back. Nothing to hold onto.

You fags have everything to hold onto, your starbux, your cuck apps, your social media.

You fear of loss makes you weak. Attacks just embolden us.
Kkk flag = kekistan flag
Damn't ignorant
It wasn't a false flag but the reaction was premeditated. A man acting alone is used as an excuse and we can't prevent everyone from making a mistake but of course staying in your bedroom and wait in silence for the white race to become a minority is the only way according to some of you.

He is more of a thought leader and needs to stay in the background. Dude was disastrous on Saturday.

Who the fuck lets Vice follow them around.

White Americans will all be cuckified by then no one will dare even mention his name let alone vote for him
We must rebrand and we must rebrand immediately. If even one more person dies because of us, we will be declared terrorists, never be allowed to speak in public again, and hunted down and killed in our homes. Averting this will require sacrifice.

We have to play the victim game. As stupid as it is, we must continue to hold rallies over clear examples of oppression of whites...and If anyone attacks us, we must do NOTHING. Hold position, and stand as still as you can. Drop your signs, and take your beating. Wear armor, carry water for acid attacks, but do no bodily harm. The media will ignore it at first...but eventually the photographic evidence will mount. Then we will have the proof we desperately need to show the world we are not evil. Its the only way to turn this around.

Confederate statues aren't worth defending.
In case you literally live under a rock and actually don't know about Pewdiepie, he's the top Youtuber and gains millions of views every single video.
He's a right-winger and has been redpilling a bunch of people, and in an entertaining way even. Pewdiepie no longer talking about politics could have a great effect on the future ahead of us.
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yeah, big time Hollywood productions, dumbass, the matewan film could barley get made
>Russian state propaganda
>assuming I watch TV and sit on Russian-language news websites

Let me make something very, very obvious and not hidden away from you by your autism, you German fodder.

Putin and his elites wish for peaceful coexistence with the west.
Their families mostly live in West. They have money in the West. They trade with the West. They have property in the West. Russia has a fair bit of money in the USA, too.

To think that Ebil Russhens want to do something to West other than see it turn into a cooperapable force that we can talk to is to be utterly retarded.
But anti-Russian paranoia is normal for you, I heard.

>high oil prices
Incorrect. In the most oil-depentent profits-wise year, 10.3% of our profits were oil-based.

USSR fell apart because of traitors, inefficient system and natural burnout.
The country just couldn't manage to keep on trying to outproduce the West, and the government was more than okay with burning through all we worked for for 50 years.
But hey, at least in last 15 years USSR was pleasant.
>not all muslims
>isolated incident
>muh oppression radicalizing muslims

Yeah, they'd most definitely be defended and excused, I can already see how it'd play out

>Muslims have a rally
>Muslims hanging around
>Muslims drive car into racists

It would be the easiest spin of racists provoking them
but, once again,the media and leftists dont give a shit about that. To them Duke is KKK and that gives them bad publicity on Trump
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>Who the fuck lets Vice follow them around.

Well transparency is essential in a democratic society. What do you have to fear? Don't you want your movement to be noticed and admonished? Or is there a fear the Nazi insignia is going to be notice?
I love how all your history is being torn down as we speak and you faggots are sitting here larping online.

I expected more of a fight. You fuckers got 1 for 1, we're out here tearing down your statues, you're no where to be found.

Another big one coming down tonight. Going to stop us? Or are you going to keep posting on /pol/? Lol.

You're a moron if you think white nationlists and nazis are the same thing.
oh you bore me. you're not a political movement you're a teenage internet subculture of conspiracy theory hacks and some straight up neo nazis loons
>I am a transsexual

Maybe I have a different interpretation than Hitler. Times change and we can afford to take the good from an idea while changing the bad around to better fit with the modern world. The goal of National Socialism, an authoritarian state with one leader, one faith, and one people is absolutely possible. If the best way to achieve this is to re-brand and forfeit weapons for pens then so be it. This constant violence on both sides only detracts from the message. The more blood that is spilled, the less people care about your politics and the more they hate you.
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Versus communism, the very democratic and peaceful ideology that has definitely never taken over sovereign governments against the will of the majority of the local populace

Face it, Communism has always been a Jewish Bourgeois powergrab attempt and subversion of classical European socialism. The little kike boys you see in the streets today are of the exact same degenerate swath that communism always has, spoiled, Jewish "intellectuals" and their useful idiots that go to the same school as them.
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>USSR fell apart because of traitors, inefficient system and natural burnout.

>The country just couldn't manage to keep on trying to outproduce the West, and the government was more than okay with burning through all we worked for for 50 years.
But hey, at least in last 15 years USSR was pleasant.

This is more or less correct. Except it was pleasant because of things like the OPEC oil embargo, which enriched the USSR and gave them plenty of money to waste on building up it's military and throwing money by the truckload at social welfare programs.

>Incorrect. In the most oil-depentent profits-wise year, 10.3% of our profits were oil-based.

I half-joke but would the other 90% happen to come from taxes on vodka?
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Who said I advocated for Communism? I just want a gradual push towards a mixed economy with stronger more efficient social support structures so that NEETs can complain less and enjoy their vidya games.
That's it though isn't it?
The whole world thinks your Nazis now. And we're the heroes.

There's no coming back from this. Re-Brand, Come back, we'll take you on again. As of right now, You Lose.

We barely had to lift a finger. We called you racist until you destroyed yourselves and branded yourselves as racists, in front of the world.

We'll crush you just as easy next time.
So much this
Literally revere Hitler. White "nationalists" and nationalists aren't the same thing.

>low IQ

you talk like a leftist virtue signaling faggot
Personally, I believe in eugenics but Nazism is too hard a pill for many to swallow. If whites are superior then AnCap would achieve the same result, would it not? My only issue with it is it holds no checks for the cultural degeneracy which is spreading.
99% of Trump voters were nationalists, most white, but also some black, asian, hispanic, latino, etc.
>We lost nothing except extremists
>Trump is taking down BOTH SIDES of extremism
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