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>using someone's death to virtue signal

Everytime I think that Antifa has hit bottom they somehow devolve lower.
this thread keeps getting slid help keep it alive
man the alt left is horrible
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>using someone's death to virtue signal
They've always been doing that Anon, pic related was a beta with health problem. Fucking antifas brought him to a fistfight against extreme right wing guys, thinking that outnumbering them would be sufficient.

Long story short, the guy was killed in one punch (fell neck first on a pole) while trying to attack one of the "fascist" from behind and they've made him a martyr "killed by the fascists". I've even seen a graffiti in Napoli about him. Fucking scum.

Irony bonus, this beta-antifa was 100% French while the extreme right wing guy was the descendant of spanish immigrants.
Reminder to all crisis actors involved in Charlottesville... remember this, for a few bucks you participated in provoking an event that led to the death of an innocent person. Both sides that day were full of actors and we know many of you were not expecting that outcome. Please speak out and redeem yourselves. We know you just did it for some cash but had no intention of seeing someone die.
/pol/ should also pay a visit
wait what

are they going to beat up the corpse?
wheres muh archive or greentext rundown im not clicking that shit
Uh, I'm not going to believe this unless I see pictures
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>Literally Horst Wessel
Alt left Hitler when?
Sounds like they showed up to counter DailyStormer's plans to crash the funeral.
the new meme should be to imply nazis are showing up places so antifa raids them and looks retarded
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And? Do you think the actual murder of Heather was fine? Or anyone of the MANY posts humiliating her or her family were fine? Do you condone all the posts on /pol/ basically saying that "fat bitch deserved it, and I hope more of it happens"?

What they're doing is disgusting, but don't for a second pretend you have the moral high ground.
>accessories to the slaying of your daughter show up at her funeral carrying the weapons they used to murder her
wat do /pol/?
That's fucking hilarious.
Maybe they will see that the whale isn't there, and that this was a fake death.
Were you really expecting them to turn up in suits and behave respectfully?
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>antifa show up to make sure no other crazy murderers get any smart ideas
>'they're crashing her funeral!'
We have the moral high ground because we're right. The wages of sin is death, amusingly at the hands of her own stupid friends and the liberal government of Charlottesville.
>fake death
My point is proven
>moral high ground
Stop fucking virtue signaling to yourself faggot, no such thing exists.
But believing in such a thing is what dooms the right to failure everytime because they cuck to justice
Play to win
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Let 'em
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the absolute state of the left
>there is no right or wrong, there are no facts
Wow, what a very postmodernist/Marxist thing to say.
Compare them to westboro baptist church
Wenn du denkst, es geht nicht mehr,
kommt irgendwo ein Jude her.
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*blocks your path*
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I didn't like this cunt. She stood for what I think is tearing apart our country. But I actively shouting down any idea of crashing her funeral. Because how would you feel if a bunch of leftist faggots crashed a loved one's funerals if the tables were turned.

Stupid. The left has gone berserk.
How are we losing again?
Was the fat batch stood on the pavement or road, I don't know what this is
Why is this legal?
Not one of them has ever even heard of a salad. Absolute fucking state of them.

Read the article, retards. They showed up to form an honor guard "because the police wont protect the people" or some shit.
Kill them.

Kill them all.
>Do you think the actual murder of Heather was fine?
There was no murder. Just a fatal accident caused by extenuating circumstances.
>you don't have the moral high ground
We are trying to be immoral. We are just making sure Antifa loses their moral advantage.
>"We wuz honour guards n sheit!"
they fantasize and pretend that alt right will show up. They are pretending to be defenders,when they were always be attackers.
no one will be there, as the alt right never seeked out antifa, it was always the other way around.
This is actually making me hopeful for a new civil war, there is no way these "people" would win
Do fat ugly people at least know that they look ridiculous?
not even reading
We dont show up on their events, they show up on our events. Can you connect the dots now?
You don't have a point, faglord. /pol/ has the high ground because we don't pretend to care for good goy points.
It's either 2nd degree murder or manslaughter; the mayor of Charlottesville wanted people to be physically harmed and behold, this fucking whale got snuffed.

also, daily reminder journalists are subhuman
this is no different than those biker gangs who "guarded" trump from protesters
its just posturing
No. That's the worst part.
This,fpbp desu senpai.
Lol. This.
his and his friends' skulls being bashed for hours ----> gets angry and kills communists.
/pol/ is not a place of homogeneity. Don't lump us all together.
hm do they not have the right to bear arms? Alt-righters were open carrying. Now who would win in a fight, the guy with a baseball bat or the guy with a gun? this is just a shift of blame on the laziest level... and contradictory to our constitution
>be fat
>have heart attack
Her heart said fuck it and ended her misery.
theyre going to attack you guys with pink dildos
Use shit like this to redpill the normalfags about the alt-left.

Get in here faggots
Yeah, and then he parks his car so he can get arrested by the police, who are on foot. Totally consistent with homicidal rage.
Revolution will be kind of cute, apparently
They (the alt-right) were open carrying at the womans funeral? Bacause that's what this thread was about.
Yeh I thought she wasn't even hit by the car or anything. Like, she just kinda fell over. And then died somehow. When your max HP is 1 then it's bound to happen I guess.
one big happy hamily.
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Add some words over this if someone wants to but basically something like this for example
I just made it in like 2 minutes
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Black and pink is "Operation Black Sky" symbolism. The Pupurple is more Soros "Purple Revolution" signaling. All class
They're not doing anything illegal, just tasteless. A normal person would attend a funeral in simple black clothing, not attempting to draw attention, carrying concealed if they felt under threat.
The land walrus got crushed between the two cars in front of the jew driver. He didn't know she was even there.

Not murder, maybe manslaughter. Probably collateral damage from self defense.
show us your leaf
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If Leopard has come across your path;

Leopard is reminding you that there is always a period of rebirth after a period of suffering and death on some level. This big cat is the healer of deep wounds and will bring old issues to resolution through the reclaiming of power that was lost during the time of the wounding. He is reminding you that you have many resources, skills, capabilities, inner resources and patterns available to you that will allow you to do a broad range of tasks at will. These resources can be physical, mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual.
Eh, the family isn't going to see it as crashing.
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>ride the tiger
>a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of protesters during a white nationalist riot.

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checked and blessed
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Yep, this is Soros' handy work.
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>"Purple Revolution"
Tell them their meds in the pharmacy behind them are ready for pick up.
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2 sides of the same coins.

Watch this:

"This group is not affiliated with Antifa in anyway, shape, or form"


>Responsibility absolved
So these women expect to hit men with bats, and they dont expect to be hit back ? Cunts. I hope they get felled in a combo by someone with actual fighting experience.
>literally horst wessel
except antifa are a bunch of feminine cucks and the girl who died wasn't a very accomplished martyr
Start sending anonymous tips to antifa that random business or people are Nazis, complete with "evidence", and watch as the alt-left appears armed to beat them up.
Youre right! We should round up all these fat asses, make them go to a camp where they get taught to take better care of themselves. Being that hideous ought to be a crime.
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i have to wonder if the westboro baptist church has a hand in some antifa movements.

the m.o. is exactly the same.

1) pick up a controversial stance
2) imply general ignorance
3) bait emotional 'other side' to throw a punch
4) profit
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kitty cat :3
Yep. How else do a bunch of people with no jobs get matching bats and shields? You don't just come across that stuff at every store. Paid for
you are probably lying. show any proof.
Crime of passion if it turns out to be homicide.
Sadly, being a fat, ugly, unfuckable dyke isn't a crime.
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So... this is the power of the Alt-Left?
LMAO come on now thats just tasteless and disrespectful, these people are so full of themselves
The red-black Antifa flag is exactly the same as the far-right red-black Ukrainian neo-nazi flag, both paid by Soros.
Were they invited by the family?
If they were asked to defend the funeral, that's okay.
If they just showed up uninvited, it's crashing whether they are there to defend or grandstand.
A funeral is a private affair, people that violate a family while they lay their loved one to death are scum.
Whoever died, and whatever anyone thinks of them, families deserved to grieve in peace.

Heather was actively oppressing their first amendment rights. She was part of the leftist lynch mob.
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9/23 - aliens reveal themselves. Bigly.
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jesus I never noticed how steep that road is

this incident was set-up by CIA spooks and the Mayor 100%, why else would their handlers have them stand there
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