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Charlottesville "victory"

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Thread replies: 182
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>Daily Stormer taken down
>TRS taken down
>Red Ice taken down
>Chris Cantwell's site taken down
>Baked Alaska permanently blinded
>alt-right kicked off Discord entirely
>statues being removed left and right
(((we))) just need to end their presence on /pol/ for the clean sweep
TRS got taken down?
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I think it's iver. I really don't think there will be any pushback. Right winfers have never had the numbers and haven't actually done anything since WWII
Cantwell's website is still up.
youre right, the fact that these sites are down means the thoughts and opinions of those who frequented sites are gone as well.
You don't have the mental capacity to understand what is really happening. Everyone is watching you destroy monuments and attack people. There is no way this will end well for you. People who hate the white supremacists don't like you. They think you are retarded and hate you.
this just goes to show how scared (((they))) are.
I have yet to find anyone who thinks like that anon. We're outnumbered 2 to 1 it feels like
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If you think the majority would support Antifa and other commie scum, you are stupid.
Literally 95% of the people I know personally both support andare IN Antifa. I live in Massachusetts, you have no idea how bad it is
*some are in. Very few people I know are in it but almost everyone I come in contact with gives their full support.
Left silences the opposition and claims victory all the while unaware that said victory merely opens the door for silenceing them later on. They are setting a president whereby freedom of speech can be revoked for being offensive. Way to help remove your human rights one at a time.
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You are not looking at it as we are. Our ultimate goal is to push for a new American era. The question is longer if democracy survives but what ideology will replace it and those 2 ideologies are fascism vs socialism. The more anti-white rhetoric the better and especially this anti-confederate propaganda will only make southerners easier recruits. True white southerners love these monuments and monuments being taken down will boil blood. Start recruiting.
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TFW anarchy wins and natsocs can suck shit
Anarchists don't win by fucking over other anarchists, kicking them out of the movement, and then participating in government reforms.
If you knew anything about anarchist history or philosophy you would know that you are liberals.
>tfw anarchy is larger than petty identity politics
>tfw anarchy is larger than one single race
>tfw anarchy is larger than one single nation
>tfw anarchy is larger than a continent
>tfw anarchy is worldwide
>tfw even the president must bow a knee to us
>tfw we will always win in the end because it always comes back to us, because tyrants always fall
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Everyone is convinced Trump is a white nationalist now. There is no fucking way he's getting another term, we may be enlightened to how fake the MSM is but the VAST majority are not.

All he fucking had to do was shut his mouth and read the fucking teleprompter
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yeah, nazis will cringe when they're in 55 gallon barrels of sodium hydroxide as the saponification causes their skin to boil, you're right!
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This is the future of nazis
Actually no. I'm not sure where your getting your statistics from but they are wrong, except for maybe in Shittina, Italy.
>1 post by this ID
Nice digits
Nice Pinochet-Pepe
55 gallon isnt enough to hold a full grown man ya dingus. (You)
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>tfw you seriously believe history vindicates the idea that "the absence of government" is somehow a political steady-state
that's totally the correct use of the word cringe
> white guy hits one girl with a car
> ton of nazis get btfo on the net
> muslim hits 90 people with a truck
> muslim hits 50 people with a truck
> muslim hits 70 people with a truck
> muslim shoots 30 people
> as these poor brown people we should allow them to take all what we have

Good. White supremacy is part of the Democratic party's history. The Republican party formed as an anti-slavery party.
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Define alt-right to me.
- DJ Trump

REPORTER: Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?

TRUMP: All of those people — Excuse me — I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee.

So — excuse me — and you take a look at some of the groups and you see and you would know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases, you are not. But, many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. So this week, it is Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?

But they were there to protest — excuse me — you take a look, the night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
- President Donald Trump's press conference at Trump Tower in New York City Tuesday August 15, 2017
All pub good pub.
This. You can deplatform us, but you will we will always be around, and by the way, the more statues you take down, the more people will oppose you, you stupid fuck.
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Dailystormer.ru still up.
Trump back to his 2016 form.
Alt Left fearing for their lives.
Got my popcorn for Alt Right 2: Texas A&M Boogaloo on September 11
Best fucking timeline.
Heil Victory.
Jews and niggers get the Dodge.
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Be afraid nazi scum
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holyfucking shit kill yourself.
god i want to drive a VBIED up you dumb ass Antifa fags.
Just bring a salad, they are a natural repellant for fat people
Don't forget to sage you faggots.
Lol wut
>All my polls are telling me hillary is up 5 million % in all states! Fuck dumf, we win!

No one on here knows any regular people, thats your problem. Normies look at what's going on and think the legacy media and the left are retarded. They see Trump denounce these groups then watch the news call him a racist 24/7 for supporting them. They also see a bunch of lefty pajama boys and BLM defacing monuments and burning down buildings.

This is 2016 all over again. The more the left fights using irrational arguments unsupported by reality the more they lose support. The only people I see spreading the "Trump is a nazi" meme are millennials on twitter who don't even vote.
DS isnt down its just moved to deep web just use tor and you will find it
Maybe we should start going around liberal protests offering salads to the fatties and telling them that they look "hungry"

This will likely incite the fatties to retaliation, so the individuals who offer them the salads will probably have to obscure their identities using masks and uniforms

We can call this contingent "Antifat"

i do not give a shit about any of those sites/people.

The conservative movement has one leader and he is the President of the United States of America. If you don't believe me, watch his press conference from yesterday
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Another plebeian who doesn't understand human incentives. My surprise.
Nah, the more directly you oppress the more reactive they get.
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Bummer. These retarded leftists are really shooting themselves in the foot over free speech.
t. Boomer cuck
Such peaceful leftists, so tolerant glad we have such (((freedom))) here
Fucking. This. Yes!
And the reward for winning as an Anarchist is starving to death, getting raped by nigs, eating piss and shit, and most likely getting dominated by a legitimate political system, like Fascism, Communism, you know.... a REAL system of government.
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We are still winning

kek'd and checked
checked what you fucking newfaggot
Sounds good other than red ice. You faggots think your violence will end up in a victory, but you are making it much easier for you to be defeated in the near future. Keep it up.
Well fucking react you cuck.

It's going to get much, much worse and Trump in his support of your losers is going to make it WORSE for you.

God I hope you guys have ANOTHER rally soon. Drive this "movement" right into the ground where it belongs.
The alt left will recover though, drumpf can't keep getting away with this, he'll be impeached tomorrow.

With every instance of censorship, and violation of Civil Rights, we gain more converts.

Trump ALWAYS doubles down, especially on losses and failure. He can't help but make it worse.

People have figured it out. Trump is going to be his own worst enemy, and he's going to end up being yours too.

Right know he's probably SEETHING at how bad this has sunk, it's only a matter of time before he pours more gas on this fire.
Oh sweetie did baby wake up grumpy wumpy. Poor lil guy all worked up. Awww how precious. Lol there there.
t. Nervous man
Cantwells sight is still available in on it now you dumb nigger
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Fucking Nazi waving cunts and that retard james... I think it still couldve been considered a success with one or the other, but having both really turned people off.

I'm a die hard /pol/ack but draw the line at genocide. I have a line and that is Venezuelan tier authoritarianism which Nazis promote, or indiscriminate murder Klan members want

Its good campaign season is years away, and midterms next year. Plenty more time for the ball to shift back in our court.

Trump was not an eaasy victory, and alienating moderates dosnt do anyone any good.
The torch march was pretty cool though, too bad it wont be happening again anytime soon

Fucking james, nigger should be hung. Whaat a fuckin loser.

He doesn't need to be impeached, his Presidency is giant NOTHING BURGER anyway. Plus, he has to break the law to be impeached.

He can't accomplish anything without Congress, and it's a full crazy Republican Congress and NOTHING of note has happened. They've given him nothing he wants.

Now the Mid-Terms will come and GOP Congressman will run full speed from him, because they can serve forever and Trump for only 8 years max.

For liberals, keeping Trump in there is pure gold as it will turn the GOP into a bigger pile of shit then it already is. That is as long as he continues to fail.

Oh half-wit little Trumpcuck, is somebody still jobless living with his Mommy pretending he's an alpha when really he's a limp dick NEET shut autist virgin? Poor little bitch, blaming Jews and niggers when really you're a failure because you've always been a loser.

Enjoy poverty.

t. in denial petrified Trumpcuck who responded because he knows I'm 100% correct.
>Cantwell's site still up
>TRS still up
>Daily Stormer back up at .ru
>I'm literally on an right wing Discord right now
Why are leftists so retarded?
I think Trump actually did well, but I am biased.

People know it takes two to tango, he just reminded them of that
Nice Trips

And while the presidency isn't as powerful as most people imagine, it's certainly not a "nothing burger"

Bush single handedly started the Iraq War. Eisenhower the freeway system. FDR the entire philosophical role of the federal government.

Presidents are powerful, but they aren't Kings
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>american "people"
I lived in ferguson

Imagine no outside force to hold them back

what then faggot?
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>They're all up again though
it;s like claiming taking down piratebay is a victory, they'll all be up again within the next hour...
I'm surprised I havnt asked one of ya'll yet

I mean do you really support elimination of all non whites through genocide? Please don't give me "Actually it really means" BS, thats just what the Nazi flag stands for these days.

Language and symbols change. Think of Pepe's creator

"I wish he didnt stand for [whatever the media was saying] but its beyond my control now"
the mistake was running over a white woman. you know how the msm loves their white womenz. mad dog mattis probably ordered seal team 6 to hunt down james fields and kill him in prison. because the worst thing you can ever do as a man is hurt a woman no matter who she is or what she does or says, women are invincible and you just have to cuck yourself or else brave knights like mattis will kill you and feel good about it.
>Right winfers have never had the numbers and haven't actually done anything since WWII
Right wingers basically are the vast majority of this country however the media runs through one of these little outrage exercises every few years and all the right wingers get the message to stfu and keep their heads down. This is how we end up with the silenced majority. Most just want to keep their job and care for their family and are terrified by MSM that if they say the wrong thing they lose their income and their kids for being nazis. This is why you can't really trust polls or popular opinion either, most right wingers will agree publicly that "Yes nazis are so terrible we hope they all die" just to virtue signal that they don't have any right wing views so they can get promoted. This sort of feeds the beast where everyone thinks they have to virtue signal harder than the other guy to get promoted.

And then when people get to vote in secret nazis like Trump win and everyone's like "BUT HOW Everyone HATES Nazis!"
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>it's a full crazy Republican Congress and NOTHING of note has happened
republicans don't really pass positive laws in congress they just repeal and will axe regulations to help business. they done a lot of that so far.
Right now they are worried about winning 2018, so they are being cautious. But after 2018 big victories we will have the states trigger a constitutional convention and roll back 100 years of liberal judge madness.

Have faith, we are heading into a bright future.

Ignore what Republicans, even the Never-Trumpers SAY. Watch what they actually DO.
you forget about that silent majority. Social media and the media are not accurate representations of what the people actually feel. I hate niggers and Jews but all my friends are none the wiser.

Trump winning in the first place is proof enough for what I'm saying. If trump actually defends white people then he can have my vote next election. I won't tell anyone I voted for him either. Like I'll never tell anyone how much I hate Jews and niggers.

Use your fucking brain anon
My point is that by censuring them you're justifying their beliefs.
I am from Quebec. The population here is openly against migration don't mind me faggot TVA's facebook page is worst than pol when they speak about mudslimes.
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>TRS taken down.
>TRS Discord is kill
Good! Fuck Spencerfags.
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>mfw anarchist always got cucked by the commies
>Right wingers basically are the vast majority of this country
They're really not I hate to say. Registered Democrats always outnumber Republicans and the only saving grace is almost half the country doesn't vote. These people tend to be dirty peasants with incredibly low political acumen and if forced to vote/choose will overwhelmingly go for leftist ideology.

This is the most naive thing I've read on here today.

People love violence that makes them feel morally superior.

As long as Antifa day they are fighting fascism and racism, people won't care if they are actually racist and fascist.
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>implying those are bad things
You chasing Nazi LARPers makes porky happy.
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Trump is the best
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That's the whole point, you jew. Make whites see that their oppressed, thus more people will flock to our numbers. It's basic jewish tactics.
That sounds like a good plan. Next they should shove Molyneux up Milo's ass.
This thread is just proving how ass backwards people in this world are

What about other peoples freedom?

God you people are aids
Jew this Jew that don't you have anything else to think about you half-Turkish rapeshit?
Yep. BUT, Trump is getting closer and closer to the alt right.
We are one step closer to an African paradise brother. All the beach shitting and child raping awaits us!
Are you that Bolshevik that constatly spams those commie generals? When are you going back to /leftypol/?
>Daily Stormer taken down
It's back on again.
>TRS taken down
The fuck is TRS?
>Red Ice taken down
Already confirmed they'll be back
>Chris Cantwell's site taken down
>Baked Alaska permanently blinded
Unconfirmed yet.
>alt-right kicked off Discord entirely
As if there were no other sites goy
>statues being removed left and right
Like 2 statues were removed faggot, besides leftists were retarded enough to vandalize and demand the removal of the founding father statues cuz they white, and guess what? People are pissed and no longer support the left for doing that.
>it is wrong to look out for your group and to dislike supporting your foes
You're an idiot.

World worked, works and will work on a simple principle.
There are no friends, there are only vassals or enemies. You either either my vassal or my enemy. Friends cannot exist in a competetive environment where they clash for same resources, because any rational person will save his group instead of the enemy group.
Poor fools don't understand what this means. They are only going to force these people to now congragat in a single place, so now instead of multiple fractured groups you are going to have a single large one
Antifa have resorted to throwing feces and piss in balloons. How high are you? Only a retard would think they are moral.
90% of all threads on /pol/ are shill threads. This is obviously a massive effort by kikes and libs to shut us down.

You will not succeed.
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You think the war is over?
Wrong. It hasn't even begun yet.
did you just call us jews you newfag?

Sorry, but you are retarded for falling for shilling. Please better yourself.
That may be true, but the rest of us just want Stormfags to leave the public library computer section and crawl back under their leaky roof in the trailer park.
This. Everyone on those sites disavowed Trump and ran false flags. Get behind our strongman, or be destroyed.
>You're an idiot.
You missed the whole point you fuck tard
You guys all claim to wanting "muh freedom,liberty,and equal justice"

But then you wont hesitate when someone else freedoms get stomped on because they dont suit your narrative.

Hmmmmm yea sounds like a hypocritical idiot to me brah

Also your pig latin about friends and compettive environments doesn't matter. It just proves your a hypocrite. thanks

>i want my freedom and none should be able to mess with me!!! But I should be able to do that to others at anytime!!!! HA!!! CHECKMATE FAGGOT!
>did you just call us jews you newfag?
We are becoming the Jews, anon.

We are a thinly, self-aware group that while looking alike our surroundings, bears knowledge that we are different and better than they are. Moreover, we secretly, in cooperation struggle to ensure that the dangerous to us society falls apart while the society itself is barely aware that it, in fact, has an enemy such as us.

Difference is that while they are in power we are shitposting here.

I wish for freedom, liberty and equal justice for my people and the vassals of my people.
Anyone else can either pretend we're not enemies or burn. Both works, but time continiously proves that it's safer to burn or turn the enemy into a vassal than to have 'friends'. Our geopolitical 'friends' are mostly, nowadays, traitors, having fled once our empire crumbled due to the rotten elites.
>running over a white woman
That's not what happened, though. A jew drove his car into another car which then pushed a woman into a third car. She literally just fell over and died. The guy driving the car has a jewish mother, and all of this occurred hours after the rally attendees had left town. Essentially the left own-goaled and then blamed the other team.
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I love anarchy

Conservatives don't necessarily equate to Republican. Many have abandoned the Republican party because it's become Democrat lite. And, yes... the majority of the country considers itself as "Conservative" by their own definition.
Why would you side with the statists over the ancaps?
if redpills are real then global elite are mentally ill, and mentally ill arent rational people. checkmate
Red Ice and TRS are still up, you stupid nigger.
And that is why world doesn't function properly lately. Instead of semi-rational royalty and democratically elected officials we have 'nobility' with ridden with cannibalism genes.
The Empire was the opposite of anarchy.
God, you people people are retarded.
if you have eyes and ears and are not retarded you can see that the "Alt-Right" has probably doubled in size already

the left is determined to bring every Alt-Right conspiracy theory to life

i cant wait until people start openly praising the supremacy of the Jewish race
Anyone got a link to Cantwell's videos? I had the charlottesville one open but now his channel is deleted and I can't watch it.


The moment you show up next to David Duke or a guy waving a swastika the Pavlov's normies all take the side of the communists they would otherwise hate.

Another reason to fucking beat the shit out of anyone showing up to any pro-white event larping.

The stakes are too high to let shit slide.
This just in from San Diego. This morning, THEY TOOK DOWN THE JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY plaque from Horton Plaza, an open square in the middle of downtown. THEY CHISELED IT OFF OF THE PAVEMENT this morning . . . because of all the pro-confederate sentiment here in San Diego? No, because narrative, and the west end of the freeway is as guilty as the south-east.
we are worldwide
Don't forget this. Fucking babies.
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ya Soros goyim are everywhere.
you like kissing or what? i bet you like white white boys ;)
white butt bois
>All these fags and jew apologists being BTFO
>Right forced into ambitious pursuits

truly a horrid time for the right
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Theyre over playing their hand. Fulky committed to a civil war. Trump needs to focus on the person/people pulling the strings, and, cut off the head of the snake. Literally.
So, die in a fire you fucking cunt.
You are delusional. In a real anarchist society you would be the first to be killed. A skinny AIDs infected numale is your average member.
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>why do the bourgeoisie scream 'oy vey!' as we devour them?
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the trap closes
But does the common person know that? Or do they just vaguely read a headline that says they're fighting oppression or something like that?
>All he fucking had to do was shut his mouth and read the fucking teleprompter
Why? He literally said nothing wrong and people misinterpreted him as being literally Hitler. And before saying anything, he wasn't disavowing hard enough. There is literally nothing Trump can do, or could ever do, to make those people think he is not a racist sexist bigoted Hitler.
>But when someone tries to silence other or attacks them based on who they are or what they believe, that hurts us all and is unacceptable.
>That's why we've always taken down any post that promotes or celebrates hate crimes or acts of terrorism
>It's a disgrace that we still need to say that neo-Nazis and white supremacists are wrong
"Don't mind me, I'm just silencing people based on their beliefs."
Trump need to focus on his fairway distance and greens approach.
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>Failed skateboarder
>lives with parents
>Flunked out of University
>Currently in community college
>Loves CNN
>Social Media shapes life views

How close am I?
Except we're not rapacious pedophiles without the genetic infrastructure for empathy.
wait, so all the worst part of the trailer trash nazi morons claiming to be on the "right" when they're more like radical centrists are gone AND the left still looks like psychotic communist fat fucks?

oh no, this is so bad. we'll never recover.
And that is why we do not require lies and deceit to be liked by the common people, even if following enemy doctrines.
We aren't born petrosexual

no its not.
All because some retard ran over some jaywalking rioters.
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yeah because the CIA would do all this shit right? fucking kill yourself Jack.
Everything is going swell. Alt-Right is an umbrella term that was made as hindrance. And now there's two with Alt-Left, coined by the highest power granting it to be put in use in our language. Escalating from here they will pull each other down and compete for the bottom. People will disown Alt-Right, but can they disown Alt-Left? Alt-Right won't disappear even as it gets disowned, as it will live on as accusation. Just look at GamerGate, when 4chan used reddit to bid GG'ers to mudwrestler SJWs. Both ended up as jokes, and while GG had more positive forthbringing to those attached to it, they were both /v/'s puppets ment to destroy each others. Their value was not in the movements, but to attach enemies into sinking ships.

This will sound edgy, but what WE are is anonymous. We're the alt-left & right, blm, antifa, bystander, concerned citizen, customer and, sure, legion if someone puts the effort. Either we accomplish something or we don't, it doesn't matter as this is just a hobby to us and our largest contribution most of the time is think-tanking for our own amusement.

Charlottesville is a beautiful gift that keeps on giving. Alt-Left, fear of alt-right, digging of trenches, massive media meltdown, Lugenpresse, dead commie. Be realistic, /pol/. Those who you've seen side with the Alt-Left are beyond redemption. Do you honestly want them one day admit that punching "nazies" and vandalism was a bad idea? That maybe Trump isn't Hitler reborn after all? They're already fuck'd as human beings, no matter if they're in or out. Don't worry about things you can't control.
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Remember when we were all freaking out about the ICANN transfer a year or two ago.

/POL/ IS ALWAYS RIGHT, as much as it fucking pains me so. It's all a goddamn trap.
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>"just set up your own domain :^)" they said
im a registered democrat who voted for trump

pretty much everyone registers in high school their senior year
shill, do what you retard?
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You're retarded, alt-left :^)
The French revolutionaries sure thought they were winning for a couple years.
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Come on jack.
go try beating the nwo system, I dare you, because the nwo system wont be anarchist system
Most of the public doesn't give two shits about what anyone does, as long as they aren't killing random people. Plus, as long as their lives are stable, as in there isn't crippling job and food shortages, then they will continue to keep their two shits. The GP can be ignored. The real issue is the people in power with corrupt political stances.
>setting a president

The only reason the alt-right has been treated well by the media is because they didn't know what you are. After that big old show of nazi flags and seig heiling, dumb centrists are finally coming out of the woodwork to denounce the alt-right. Hell, Mitt Romney put out a statement in support of the Antifa. History is going to look at Charlotte as the beginning of the end of neo-fascism in America, and the moment when the radical left began to be taken seriously.

The media are straight up lionizing the Antifa and anyone left of Mussolini, mainstream Republicans included, is in support. Good night white pride. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes in the spotlight.
Yes!!! My thoughts exactly . We really need to push a #removetheconstitution because it was written by slave owners. Get black twitter to retweet would be so enjoyable to watch the following meltdown !!
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Ugh, stop being so alt-left goy
Can't win em' all
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pol larping.png
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This is pretty right, imho. The alt-right has been getting all excited because internet circlejerks make it seem as though there are many thousands of angry white nationalists. It turns out that there are only a handful and when they do show up in public most are autistic doughboys with life-failure issues. This isn't a movement; it's a public self-humiliation ritual by the mentally ill. They deserve our sympathy and assistance, maybe by giving them jobs at medieval fayres so they can larp productively.
Ethnic nationalism will continue to grow as long as its opponent does. Internationalist cowards like yourself cling to the expiring mainstream media to tell them that they are safe from purification and are thus emboldened to projectile vomit the intellectual hivemind's rhetoric until everyone is forced to hear it. Once they smell your rootless bullshit you're fucked.
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>Daily Stormer

what does rudhum mean and what is pic related? it is the daily stormer twitter account but google search gives me nothing on this picture and rudhum seems to be a place in yemen unless there is some other meaning?
All the websites you named are still up except for the daily stormer.
he's calling himself and the shills Jews

honestly it's a wonder how this board existed for so long i guess everyone thought pol would be too stupid to kill anyone
Is this the new (((shill))) pasta we're going with?

No idea. That DS account got terminated by Twitter anyway.
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All thanks to Spencer yaaaaahhhh!!!
Isn't he such a great leader!?!
Totally not a useful idiot at all
Trump's still president
I don't understand why the stormer didn't find a better domain registrar. Google & godaddy are SJW cuck companies. There are plenty of other companies like the one infowars uses that would have no problem with the stormer registering there.
Whoop de doooo
Any measures he's done to help us?
Only thing he's accomplished is selling a bunch of weapons to Saudis
Expect practical things not just shittalk though that is important as well
wtf im a hilldog now desu lmao
I think they even got kicked out from Chinese and Russian registrars.
If you can help them somehow you can talk to Weev.

Who at the stormer is in charge of managing the web stuff? Ive got a hosting provider that doesn't have the hate speech bullshit in their TOS that would have no problem hosting the stormer.

This guy

Haha you havent taken all the alt-right discords lol.
Do I need to contact him through gab? or can I email him? I don't see an email address anywhere.
Is there a backup if /pol/ ever goes? Another chan, not fucking reddit. I think I'd get severe withdrawal, would probably need some sort of rehab, no joke.

Probably via gab, i think they use it to communicate because it is pro-free speech.
Just google other chans, or wait until someone creates another chan.
Infinity chan.
Its not as populated, but it works.
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