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/pol/ communism general

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Thread replies: 315
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Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.

WHy do you suck so much jew cock?
Im a lefty but I dont support full on communism. I think capitalism with some socialism sprinkled in is best. We need to stop going far right or far left. We need a mix. For fucks sake.
Retard General thread:
Fuck off

Why not? Communism is the most humane and efficient socioeconomic system conceived.
Oh shit why didn't Marx think of that. Because if you have a government whose policies are reliant on how well the economy is doing you'll get Venezuela. And going economically centrist you don't address the problems with either system so you have a hybrid failure of a system because of indecisiveness.
I feel you. Despite the red on my flag, Statist Communists are the devil.
You need a medical check up now.
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Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of rebolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism aggording to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
>Communism is the most inhumane and inefficient socioeconomic system conceived by jews.
>I feel you. Despite the red on my flag, Statist Communists are the devil.

There is no such thing, communism is stateless, but we need the socialist state transitionally to establish such society.
>communism is jewish, but we need white genocide to establish such society.
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>let me tell you about the struggles of the working class
>yes the same dead beaten horse
>yes im a pseudo intellectual NEET living in my mums basement and never had a job in my life
>hey Im serious
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Is socialism the solution to the white birthrate problem?

>A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women.
>This generational divide between daughters and mothers who reached adulthood on either side of 1989 supports the idea that women had more fulfilling lives during the Communist era.
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Fucking commie go hang yourself from a tree you kike
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>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

Karl Marx
>Ancestrally Ashkenazi Jewish, his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

Lenin's Jewish Roots Put on Display in Russian Museum

Leon Trotsky
>He was the fifth child of eight of well-to-do Jewish farmers, David Leontyevich Bronshtein and his wife Anna Bronshtein. The family was Jewish but reportedly not religious.

Putin: First Soviet Government was Mostly Jewish

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia
Adolf Hitler: A Woman's Struggle

Adolf Hitler's Speech on the Role of Women

Hitler and Women

Two Speeches about Women

Women and National Socialism

Women's Participation in NSDAP from 1920-1940
mate, anarcho-communism is rediculously difficult and unstable, just take the socialist road like i did
Hitler was a stooge
is this your only argument, do you say anything else
this is your country now, you should take it back by force

Kill yourself already
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Kill yourselves, marxist scum.
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>Hitler was a stooge
Communism is Jewish.
>What exactly is communism to Marxist-Leninists

nobody likes trotsky, retard.
trotsky backstabed the revolution, until irony pickaxed him in the back
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>nobody likes trotsky, retard.
Yet he was a communist Jew, just like the rest of the founders of communism. Because Communism is Jewish.
yet he was backstabber that helped capitalists to bring down the USSR.

lenin wasn't jewish, also marx himself wasnt jewish, communism disbands religion.
Why are alt-right cucks manlets? I thought you were supposed to be ubermensch?
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>yet he was backstabber that helped capitalists to bring down the USSR.
Scientists Discover Gene that Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

>lenin wasn't jewish,
Lenin's Jewish roots confirmed

>also marx himself wasnt jewish,
Karl Marx
>Ancestrally Ashkenazi Jewish, his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

>communism disbands religion.
>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

DNA Links Prove Jews Are a Race, Says Genetics Expert
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>Why are alt-right cucks manlets? I thought you were supposed to be ubermensch?
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>Why are alt-right cucks manlets? I thought you were supposed to be ubermensch
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Hey! central plan me a shit!
statist cunts
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You should be scared fascist.

Make racists afraid again
Venezuela is the workers paradise ?

Everywhere communism have taken power it has failed!
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When are we going to stop fucking around and get out there and kill the nazis
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Got him. Funny because Venezuela and Norway are very similar, economics run on oil with social policies but you don't see any of these retarded /pol/yps complaining about "socialism" in Norway
This single picture destroys communism, and it's beautiful.
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We need to be out there everyday purging those who do not support a global communist state, if they are not with us they are fascists and need to be wiped out
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USSR was an evil empire, but they were deeply socially conservative and promoted masculinity.

21st century commies are absolute cringe worthy, limp wristed turbocucks.
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vroom vroom
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Is that a real antifa pic or just funny edit?
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first link, i dont get the relevancy.

its not clear if the letter was forged or not.

marx himself only had ties which doesnt make sense because you guys say he didnt do shit with his live.

this is the only thing i agree with, this was strange why he per se did this

sovjets hated the chirstians bacause of their oppressive dominance

race does not equal believes
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This single article destroys capitalism, and it's beautiful

>A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women.
>This generational divide between daughters and mothers who reached adulthood on either side of 1989 supports the idea that women had more fulfilling lives during the Communist era.
No one who does not support our communist agenda has the right to form thoughts, just punching a nazi will not do, we need to wipe them out and after they are gone anyone else who supports democracy over communism is next

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>USSR was an evil empire
USSR fought radical Islamic terrorism and the USA supported radical Islamic terrorism just to fuck with the USSR. The USA continues to support jihadis to fuck with Russia, and of course, expanding its power into the former USSR. Who is the evil empire?
>Thinks that Norway socialism is the same as communism

I havent seen on of these in months and was curious to see whats happening and everyone is still telling you retard to fuck off kek, keep it up anons
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ignore people with meme flags
hide communist threads
end their means of reproduction
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Yeah, when it's a failing country, then just say "But it wasn't real socialism!"
there was one yesterday
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True words comrade. Only a hammer blow to the head or a sickle across the neck will teach these fucker
Don't bump this thread, it will only keep it up longer guys
>proudly posts image glorifying Soviet socialism
>larps with 'real socialism has never been tried, USSR wasn't socialism!'
Your right comrade, fuck those capitalist pigs, we want communist oligarchs, now stand up and make it happen, posting anonymously online will not change anything, you need to grab a weapon and get out there are end the lives of as many as possible, I personally have already taken out 2 fascists and a democrat, what are you doing for the cause
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use anon board as source, why.
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You didn't read what I said did you

>end their means of reproduction
Funny, communists have better sex than capitalists see>>137769330 No wonder frustrated virgin rightist males and SJW liberal females lash out.
Who knew being hungry lead to better sex? Also, nice picture considering no communist country has been remotely effective at redistributing wealth.
God that's some truly horrifying stuff.
This fellow comrade gets it, hammers and sickles at the ready boys this needs to happen now, now longer can we allow this capitalist reign with their "democracy" all must be purged
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ow the edge
>wants purge of dissenters
>wants free society

Good job, comrade.
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>vandalism of public historic monuments all of sudden is edgy

Please neck yourself already, degenerate
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The fact that that is a question sums up the absolute state of Antifa
Yeah, because women who chucked out 10 babies got medals.
turns out sex is the only source of fun when you're overworked and starving.
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>Who knew being hungry lead to better sex?
Soviet citizens enjoyed higher caloric consumption than the USA LOL

>Also, nice picture considering no communist country has been remotely effective at redistributing wealth.
Completely wrong. USSR had a wealth inequality of 4 to 1, compare that to the West where it's 10,000 to 1.
In Mao's China people sold their dead babies because of the famine.
Communism has failed always because of the dissenters, they have to be purged, their can be only one common thought shared by all, their is no place for individualism in communism, if you do not think that, you do not understand communism.
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It's easy to have wealth equality if everyone is made piss poor, comrade!
>>137760762 Wow, you know your ideology is shit when a Russian teels you to fuck off

Norway doesn't have riots and police doesn't kill protesters like they do in Venezuela
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Got sources on that comrade?
Wait a minute. Wasn't communists supposed to be anti-racist and you pull the race card?
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Read the article. Soviet citizens could pursue romantic relationships, something that doesn't exist in the West. When you're not wage slaving all day turns out people have energy to love and have better sex. Keep being a low T exhausted impotent low sperm count wagecuck though while the high T communist alpha bulls have romance and give communist women orgasms.
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Socialist economics in one country? Fine, if it benefits the volk it's no issue.

Class warfare for the sake of international interest based on some vague conception of the material struggle being the driving force of history? You deserve a bullet through the heart.

Class struggle over the welfare of the blood deserves no quarter. Class struggle for the sake of the blood is fine.

In that same sense, a Capitalist is a traitor to his people if he would not let it go when it ought to go. Capitalism is unimportant to a volk's well being.
Oh, plz. Now you destroyed his argument. Bad, bad capitalist boy. We send you to gulag holiday camp to reform you.
It is what we deserve, we have destroyed this planet, with our religious wars and our excessive consumption, we must purge all religions and share in equal misery, life is suffering
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>Communist oligarchs

If it weren't for the fact Communists enlist our help only to purge us after we've served our purpose...
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
You can not make a sandwich without bread, you can not make bread without ovens. We must melt down all metal to make more ovens.
Wrong. Commies forced everyone into labor competition. Every plant was doing extra shifts to "overfulfill" the production quotas.

Also, in Mao's China you couldn't just think of marriage and family life as a private matter. Your workplace unit (danwei) decided whom you could marry and when you were allowed to get pregnant.
you will be the fist to be purged after the nazis
>purge religion
>purge moral
>get a society that produced that produced the greatest nuclear accident of all times.
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Typical lying commie kike. Literally making shit up on the spot. On top of being a blatant liar, also too ignorant to realize how bad the lies are.
>strives for liberation of the people
>threatens with execution of the people

Oh well.
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Wrong again, you LARPER piece of shit.
Yes comrade, seize the means of reproduction, Moa was a God among men
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I already have your bullet ready, Statist scum.
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Only those who want liberation will be the rest will be purged
Unfortunatelly not. I read actually books on it, not just homemade MS Paint "memes".
Not if I melt it down to make pots and pans first
Back to Venezuela, sweetie. Queue in for bread, maybe tomorrow they have a slice for you.
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This. There is no privacy under Gommunism
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Wrong. Stalin purge his commie comrades. Get rekt.
>high T communist alpha bulls
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When you have Stasi, KGB, Securitate and other secret police services, you can screw privacy.
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Sorry my nigga, can't hear you from way down the breadline. CAN YOU SPEAK LOUDER?
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Top fucking kek
I agree comrade, communism is the greatest ideology of all. Instead of a few starving in the name of capitalism, we can create a system that's faire and equal, that will insure that everyone starves.
Capitalist pigs think we don't know we've been subverted, we do and we will turn the whole world into a communist state in homage to mother Russia, first we just need to march on the white house and remove Drumpf by force, then communism will reign and dissenters will be purged
Jus faggot saged
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>wants anti-racist society
>calls others "nigga"

Well, well. Look who's the Nazi.
They weren't real communists
How do commies feel about Strasserism and National Bolshevism?
hi Juden, you are losing. Want to have a serious discussion on Communism and kikery?
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Hello gomrades! X_DDddDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of ebin revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. X_-DDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :-DDDDd
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all FUG. When capitalists run away we win and I gill you all. Eventually the fungtions of state stob and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :-DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. (BENIS :_DD)

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage 4
Nod real gommunism. Nexzt gountry. problems werent. :-DDdd
Oh yes. Whenever the Soviets did something you can't back, then it's "They weren't real communists". But you happily parade with Soviet symbols (your flag).
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Actually, we've been under a global Communist open-conspiracy, yet the masses are mostly asleep and don't care that they're being programmed and heavily monitored. And I thought TV was their best weapon, but the cancerous social media and 'smart' devices of the age make it all too easy, if I may understate the obvious.
now THIS is a response unironic communism deserves lol
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nazbol is good, better than gommunism atleast
>the cancerous social media and 'smart' devices of the age make it all too eas

this however is our most potent weapon also, double edged sword
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Stalin wouldn't have purged them if the were real communists, we only purge anyone left of JK Rowling
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Gommunist Party
Party on
Social media could have been the Stasi's wet dream. I think the East German comrades would have jizzed their pants if it had been around 30 years ago.
Alright non-commie guys, stop bumping this thread, the dumb OP already left, this is a bait thread.
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As if we haven't seen this same copypasta in the previous 1000 Communism General threads before. Truly amusing.
Always move the goalpost. That's your trick.
If you are willing to destroy the kike central banks and purse the top 1% and corporations I will join your movement
Thank you for doing your part to fight the red menace.
No it is not. Go back to cripple chan, if you feel your safe space is threatened.
Hello is this the meeting place of the alt-left? I'd like to join.
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In the very paper you linked to shows that US per capita calorie intake was 20% higher.
You are such a big fucking bullshitter you link to a paper you didn't read, hoping I wouldn't read either, and assume it proves your claim.

Communism is literally mental illness. Your brain functions poorly, it only cares about deceiving and subverting so maybe one day you can have a society that satisfy your subhuman nihilistic beliefs.
Thats right we have monitored every move, recorded every word, anyone who has even for a moment uttered the slightest wrong thing will ripped from there homes a flayed alive
I come to check if's already there every time I see this cancerous thread.
The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

Glory to the heroes, who fight amnesia and denial of history.
This kills OP.
Thats right comrade, one minute you think you have the approved approved opinion, a second later your engaging in wrong think and your sent to the Gulag, get used to it, you will never feel comfortable or at ease under communist rule
most of the East German comrades are still around and active in politics & NGOs. There were no Nürnberg trials after reunification, except that one against a soldier who killed some kids who wanted to flee to the west.

There are still dead serious tankies in German parliaments.
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>(((Fake source biased porky books)))
>Not an augment
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It even shows how the diet of the average soviet system was 50% fucking grain, and that certain diseases from malnutrition that were extinct in the US had a significant amount of occurrences in the soviet world, according to data published by the soviets themselves.
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You mean the nurnberg trails: Where Russia skipped even if they invaded Poland?
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> nazis

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That's why communism sucks. You shit your pants every night, fearing that an unknown black car arrives at your front door early morning and with it your last day of seeing your family.
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Daily reminder commies
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>Can't even read graphs
Go to page 6, USSR calories =2800, USA calories=2300. Come on man I shouldn't have to spoon feed you.
For (((shekels))), the commies sell out.
That's a quote by Strasser, someone who Hitler literally had killed for being too commie
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;) this has been fun comrade
Another hard day at the bread lines eh comrades.
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Reporting in comrades
Let me fix my flag
of course they were skipped you dipshit, Russia defeated Nazi Germany. Why do you think Brits never had to pay for Dresden? Because they WON and made the rules. Go be butthurt somewhere else now, I think nogs are currently flipping some statues of white boiis. Go be upset about that.
>Cappies will defend this


Hitler was a quasi-intellectual who didn't even know the definition of socialism. See >>137764339 he was just paying lip service to get support.
So you agree they should have been on their?
>didn't even know the definition of socialism

lol, mental gymnastic is strong with this one
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how can other anthems even compete?
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Did you know that any form of Marxism/Leninism is doomed to failure precisely because to impose it means to suppress people's faith. Nothing is stronger than faith.

Jesus Christ, why do you need to make me cry comrade?! I feel like a bitch now, we have lost so much.
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good luck trying to drag Stalin himself and some US generals to trial lol.
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The only thing you ever had was other people's stuff, alt-left
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Soviets literally at 50% less calories of wholefoods. Let that sink in. One of the major aspects of IQ is nutrition. The USSR fed 3 generations with a 60% bread diet. They probably dropped the mean IQ of slavic whites by almost 10 points compared to what it could have been today.

Furthermore, look at how distributed a diet of a free market economy is, despite not having a central plan to establish diet.
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Just go back, already
Many of the Soviet Union's man made disasters happened exactly because man overestimated his capabilities.
Run out of arguments. Wants to shut down debate.
He knew, he said in his quote that he wasn't a Marxist socialist. That means he had an other version of socialism that wasn't Marxist or Leninist.
only thing you'll ever have is the gnawed bone porky leaves you at the end of the month.

And your dozens of buzzwords and stale memes.
no bls dont tell me shes a commie
In communism, people used to dream of that, comrade!
Look at the other way. Communism supposedly liberates women, yet commie posts a photo sexualizing a woman for propaganda. Weird, right?
Why are there so many hungry people in 21st century America?
Especially when Russian soldiers (during ww2) raped German women.
But America isn't true capitalism. Your argument is invalid.
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>puts on commie flag
>still tries to shill
Doesn't work like that you silly buns.
Oh? What is it comrade?
They face hunger, not fucking famine.
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You are the reason she is dead, because YOU are the brownshirts for the globalist elites. YOU are the FAKE HUMANITARIANS, because what you defend and fight for only causes more people more suffering (open borders makes money to human traffickers, as one small example). YOUR COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY HAS KILLED OVER 90 MILLION AND WILL CONTINUE KILLING MORE. You are a disgrace and know nothing about the world you cunts.

Commies, all members of your groups are going to die from disease, hunger and violence when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits. There will not be money for hospitals, or police, or public sanitation. You aren't prepared, you'll never be. BLM and AF are violent ppl who will steal an turn on each other when SHTF. All your aids acceptance, degenarancy celebration clique will have no medicine. The islamists will turn on you when you are weak from fighting the patriots if you win the coming civil wars (which your side will start, in the name of your Soros overlord like the good brownshirts you are). Do you get the picture dummie? You'll lose even if you win, because you're a FAKE HUMANITARIAN. What you beleive and fight for will only bring more people more suffering. You're a FAKE PERSON. Read son:



"The latent tuberculosis (TB) rate of 43 percent among refugees in San Diego County from sub-Saharan Africa is more than ten times greater than the latent TB rate of 4 percent found in the general population…"

"The suicide rate among transgender adults in an international study was almost 800 per 100,000. In comparison, the suicide rate in the U.S. for all people is 13 per 100,000. (That study is briefly described in this article.)"
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Carbohydrate enthusiast detected
Won't disagree with you. It's entirely possible that communism failed because it was implemented far too early. Then again, maybe I'm a fucking retard, but that is my theory.
ML? Sounds a little too spooky for me
Actually communism is supposed to take hold in developed, capitalist nations first in theory so you may be correct
USA supported Pol Pot as well just because they were against Vietnam

Not as many as in Venezuela.
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When the revolution comes I'll cash in my Bitcoins and fly away while you're still attempting to annex your mom's sewing room :^)
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>Nazis slaughters and rapes millions of civilians
>M-Muh rape
Nazis are the biggest hypocritical scum
communism is a history of failure
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And before you spew that bullshit that capitalism kills more people, it is the corruption in capitalism that kills people.
Capitalism itself can be a great system is you regulate finance and other things. Communism is by definition corrupt because it is based on a denial of human nature. You're going to die in the coming crisis and you know it. I'm glad mother earth will purge your kind from the face of the globe.

And also, capitalism gave you the chance to have as many people alive today as there are. Capitalism gave you the technology to be posting here now. Capitalism made it possible to advance medicine so the weak and frail can live longer and in higher numbers. But due to the jew corruption, the current system will collapse, and take you and your kind in the big flush.

You know it, and you can't admit it, because you know it is true, and you'll die because all the losers you so desperately want the validation from are r-selective treasonous bastards who will turn on you and each other as soon as SHTF and there is no more food for everyone. You are a FAKE HUMANITARIAN, you are a FAKE PERSON, you are FAKE. You will die an horrible death by your own doing and you know it is true. If not from violence, it will be from disease or starvation.
Now he's gonna pull out the "But Venezuela isn't socialism!". Watch.
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Was he a good guy?
Sei lá, o cu e teu
Nazis raped? Plz give stats on that.
Killed? Yeah in war, the holocaust was a lie. Plus we where talking about rape not murder.
pretty much on board with the whole thing rn desu

Fine then. Not as many as in North Korea. I can do this all day and I don't even have to bring up Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, East Germany, the African commie nations, and so on.
>larps about Nazi inhumanity
>posts a low effort meme celebrating the Gulag system that incarcerated, enslaved millions of people.

Really makes you think.
start reading then
Acho que ninguém leu essa merda que postaste
Translation: lets capitalism develop nations because it works, then we hijack it with a brain dead jewish invented ideology that will certainly ruin the nation.

You are nothing but delusional children, intelectually coward cunts or just shills trying to fuck the West up its ass and destroy it. Good thing you'll all die from starvation, disease and violence in all nations you manage to take from patriots.
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>/pol/ news forever
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May your asshole grow tastebuds
Has he been sentenced? I really wish he doesn't get away with it.
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These are going to jail too soon. Weaponized autism will get all of you cunts.
You don't know anything about history.
Best post.
You jobless commies are retards.
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Well it's not like his country has much history LOL
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I don't think so, but if he gets 3 felonies out of all the ones he is being charged with, he is going to jail for life.
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Just like muslims are the war dogs of jews, you're their bitches too.
I fear that he gets away with a mild sentence.
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Just dropping this here.
She will be release because "White men".
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yeah, give me your worst.
Commie retards, who say "USSR was not true communism", when you point out the inhumanity and political crimes, yet still use Lenin as their avatar.

>Pissing in a sea of piss.
I wonder how many commies lost their mind or flipped sides after being here.
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When SHTF and the socialist system collapses because of the Sovereign Debt Crisis, he is going to be dead soon enough, like all alt-left idiots. You surround yourself with junkies, drug dealers, aids ridden idiots who are irresponsible about their disease (aids acceptance groups and risk taking faggots), muslims that want to see you dead once you're weak and that are full of diseases (read this: http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/43-of-some-refugees-have-latent-tb/ and this: http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/15-moroccan-teenagers-treated-for-rabies-after-sex-with-donkey/).

Not even responsable minorities want anything to do with you pea brain jew payed brownshirts:
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So what. It doesn't mean anything to my autism.
>the most humane
My mother is somewhat commie (read lots of books about it, supports it behind doors) and even she admits that it would be very bloody before it can be implemented
Kek has sent a sign. Better pick up the Bible again.
There are 2 schools of thought, revolutionary socialism and reformism
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I love this meme because it's ironic. The man who made this picture, Vladimir Mayakovsky was killed by the system you want to enforce because he started to think differently.
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They are losers because they can't deal with reality. /pol has Nacional Socialist and other far-right individuals, but many come here because we are tired of their bullshit leftist lies and come here for the truth. You commie shit heads will never subvert a truly independent thinking man, you're idiot pea brains.

And while you commie cunts LARP has working class, the fire rises even among the normies when we force the truth down their throats because there is no dening white genocide is real, and the more you try to call everyone who disagrees with you a nazi and white supremacist, the more normies realize you are insanity personified.
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I know what 7 means, and it came from above, you kekistani heretic.
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Communism would have made Paris a farm worker and Tesla would have been executed for knowing too much.
>be communist illiterate retard
>skim over text because communist dont actually read
>dont understand anything
>missunderstand something because you are an uneducated ignorant moron and believe you found something proving communism wasnt THAT retarded
>its just you being retarded again
>post about it
>other illiterate communist retards pick it up and parot it
>chegmate functional successfull countries! xDDDD enjoy your capitalist apple pies and burgers and grill parties! xDD

>its actually the exact same bullshit kike propaganda is pulling about Palestinians (((actually))) being overfed while systematically starving them

>dontchuseee i lige soo edugated! gommunist are smord guis and reeed boogs lige Margs! :---DDD
Illiterate communist retards. Every time.
>actually believing this
I'm sure it'll work THIS time.
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Good that only shows that whites are under attack. Every step you take brings us rational people more numbers and weakness you you idiot cunts.

Even if you win you lose you dummies.

You hate whites, whites are going to fuck you up.

But nothing on the left side never happened.
So insjghtful anon.. dut how gan you know so much when when real gommunism hasn't even been tried yet??
Regulated capitalism is the best system. Communism is a jewish mafia.
>regulated capitalism
See me after class.
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Shills are welcome!

1- On one side some shills are bots, but some are human. Human shills are psyopable. Debating the bots if they're answer as grounds to be debatable is good for redpilling newfags.
2- We have the truth on our side, and we are not one homogeneous ideology. We are impossible to subvert due to various reasons.
3- Newfags will lurk and not understand when someone is shilling or not during their baby steps in this butthole of the internets. Debating shills with factual info is good for redpilling the newfags.
4- One of the factual truths we have on our side is that even if commies win, they'll ultimately lose. Think about it, their group consists of: violent Soros brownshirts (antifags, BLM niggers), junkies, snowflakes, delusional morons, welfare dependent ppl with a loser mentality (not all ppl on welfare have loser mentality thou, and those are not leftists). If they win and manage to take any country, they'll run it into the ground as commies always do. And that is if the islamists don't take the country from them via violence once they are weakened from fighting the patriots. But even if they fight off the patriots and the islamists that are also using them as useful idiots, then the commie gov will execute them because they are a liability (idealists always get killed when authoritarians come into power), and EVEN IF THEY SURVIVE ALL THAT, they'll just run their countries into the ground because communism and shit like that never worked and will never work.
5- taking that into account, also keep in mind that when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits and the Apocalypse starts (the socialist system is going to collapse, no money for police, health care, pensions, supply chains disrupted (all societies are 9 meals from total chaos)), the leftist retards will be among disease ridden invaders, disease ridden homos (not hatting the homos, they use their ass as they see fit, but homos get more disease, its a fact), mentally ill unstable ppl.
No it makes sure that people with good ideas get rich.
But it wasn't true Kekistani! Socialism has never been tried! How can white bois even compete!
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>My mother told me how communism affected Poland
>Seen how socialism affects Norway

No thanks faggot.
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Unregulated capitalism is shit. Regulated capitalism is the best. Communism has the same end result has unregulated capitalism.

Authoritarian control over an economy ends up being a mafia ruling over hordes of ultra poor people (like all communism ends up turning out).

You commie groups are paid by billionaire Soros, you're so fucking idiotic it hurts.
Capitalism is power to the few who earn what is theirs, or inherit it from people who earned it.
Socialism is power to the few called the state who either need to make people think they are good or hide to get their power.
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Comrade you tell them! Post some more of these dank memes! lutz
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Communism is an authoritarian form of government, and authoritarian forms of government always kill the free thinkers (natural born rebels), idealists (because it always ends up being a mafia and they'll rebel) and the ones who put them in power (because they have shown that they'll fight the power).

Commies are idiots.
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Lies. Things never go to the people, the new gov just takes everything from everyone and then when shit get though they kill all who oppose them.

See the most recent example: Venezuela
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Fucking idiot commies...
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It is time to fucking destroy fascists. I think it is high time that we turned nazis into fucking soap.
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Some of these are just random bullshit, others are what communists do too, from another communist safe space, I hate how little middle ground there is, either you gotta be 100% shit or 100 other shit.

At least /pol/ is a place which doesn't censor any ideas or opinions (unlike reddit), even if the shit spam exists.
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This conversation feels familiar...
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That sounds like a complicated and expensive process, I think it would be more profitable to just sell their organs.
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How do commies plan to thwart shitskin nationalism?

Seems like you spend all your time attacking white nationalists, while non-white nationalist groups swarm your ranks.

When American becomes brown, the Hispanic nationalists will see you autistic commie "intellectuals" as gringos all the same. Chavez's Venezuela was openly anti-white.
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wtf i love nazis now
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Never been done :^)
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I do not agree with Nacional Socialism 100% (I agree with the Marriage Loans and that jews should GTFO to their own land), but if someone told me I had to choose between NacSoc and Communism, I wouldn't even blink and choose NacSoc.
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It wasn't a roast sandmonkey, tell me what great socialism has achieved... It's just isn't a reliable system.

Sure... The idea of handing shit out to people who don't have it sounds like a fair thing, but if you get free shit, WHY WORK AND EVOLVE?
>be Liberal
>lack critical thinking skills
>Nazis hate free speech, support Communism comrade. Everything will be free
>"sounds good"
>Communism commences
>get sent to work camp for criticizing harsh working conditions
Krupp Steel was nationalized by Germany.

Henry Ford was redpilled on Jews.
Lol, everyone woh doesn't agree with you is a nazi to you you fucking shit head. You'll have a lot of "nazis" to fight son.

And then even if you win against the patriots, the islamists are going to turn on you, kill you, kill all your gay friends, rape all the women and put sharia law into place instead of you commie mafia.
Lol, great pic. Commies are just retarded individuals or payed shills. Bitches to the jews.
celebrating female body, mate
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They side with islamists and black nationalists, they are so dumb it hurts :D
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>I'm a slave
>and life has never been better
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You see disease ridden terrorists (whiche they are), I see future doctors.
Not really, lel.
I'm anti-commie brah.
Communism and socialism are just theft backed up by retards. See my poasts in this bread mate.
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Liberalism and communism is for retards.
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No it isn't, it's just the fact they are retarded and have no integrity or intellectual honesty.
prosperity of the commune and the incetive of wanting to evolve, you dont need money
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all reds deserve the rope
thats IDpol though, thats the cancer in politics, socialism has nothing to do with it
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t. commie retard

if you think people are just going to become all non-self centered magically, you're going to be in for a rude awakening once you get some life experience son.
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>you don't need money

In my day, parents kicked their kids out around 20 and then it's sink or swim time. Get out of the kiddie pool and swim for your life.
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I noticed your posts, sorry anon, I'm just really on edge after not getting it for 2 days as well as work injury hurting more than this pot can help.
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I was just using an example of lack of intellectual honesty.

Socialism never works because you always run out of other people's money. Socialism is not about helping the poor, it is about tricking retards into voting socialist leaders into power by promising them unsustainable ways of governing. Socialism is not sustainable, it is the same as a ponzi scheme if you analyze it mathematically son.

Tell me your thought on Venezuela son.
No worries.
Hope you get better soon Norway bro.
>From each according to their ability,
The means of production,
>to each according to their need.
enslaved by consumers.
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