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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 84

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The two people in these pictures are not the same person. The car attack was a false flag. The helicopter had to go down because it was the only way we could get footage of where the car went.

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It's the same guy
its not
Dense motherfuckers can't admit their Nazi buddy actually murdered someone
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better version
Not even close. Fuck off please and go play in the traffic
There was just a thread earlier where they researched the VIN and found out the whole different car narrative is crap. Ole dipshit got in a wreck the first month he owned the car and had $2500 in body work done to repair it.
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>can't admit

There it is, the "Just accept it" routine. Peddle lies, deceit and filth - provide zero evidence or just cause - merely repeat it over and over and over and demand people "accept it". Fields will not be convicted of murder, they fucked up royally and won't be able to provide evidence of malicious intent - he's going to walk and you're going to eat a steaming pile of rancid GRIDs infested nigger shit and like it.
They filled the sunroof in?
its the same guy
>false flag
Literally looks like the same person in both pictures.
Storm fags only wish people were in denial of this shit.
Which narrative is it? Did he drive through the crowed out of fear of being attacked or did the CIA go out of their way to run Antifa over and...then what?
What is the conspiracy theory here?
Not a shill, but it's definitely the guy. Look at the nose and eyebrows. Same guy.
The facial structure is completely different. Kill yourself shill.
Not to mention the driver in that car CLEARLY has a moustache
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This guys video should have evidence we need. Slow drive by, open window, 4K camera.
The car pic is blurry as fuck and STILL looks like him lol
Trump just condemned the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacists, but didn't condemn BLM or Antifa.
Whether is was a flase flag or not doesn't matter, it happened and it has changed the game.
eat shit faggots
lol your guy?
Hurr dur I can't actually refute the point so I'm just going to insult them
Congrats on pointing out your circle-jerk, shill piece of shit
This is so fucking funny. Not two days ago you faggots thought you had the right guy before the media. Now that you were BTFO'd you've moved on to false flag.

Hiroshimoot, never delete /pol/.
look here dipshit

It's literally him
Look at the nose at the guy in the car; looks nothing like the military guys.

Fucking kill yourselves all you kike shills.
Is that a young John Travolta in the car?
i beat my foxnews all the time
Stripe on hood?
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see you guys at the gallows >>137464524
>what is the conspiracy here
Mass social unrest, mass culling of plebs, totalitarian leftist world superstate
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Stripe on hood 2?
Well the eyebrows check out, I think he just looks different because when he's in that car mowing down communists he becomes a completely different person.

Guy on the right is a fat virgin neckbeard /pol/ lurker.
Guy on the left is a RWDS motherfucker who gets shit done, don't fuck with him!
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The Unite The Right people got a LEGAL PERMIT to have a march in support of keeping Confederate monuments in place; litigated that right and kept the permit through the Federal Courts. So they had the right to be there. They marched peaceably, their only weapons being words, and only fought back when attacked.

On the other hand, the BLACK LIVES MATTER terrorists and the ANTIFA terrorists and the other assorted anti-white hate groups DID NOT HAVE A PERMIT to "counter-protest". These anti-white terrorists attacked the peaceful Unite The Right protesters with:

Other things I havent heard about yet.

The Unite the Right protesters reportedly fought back with hands and feet when attacked by these weapons. Greatly over-matched in terms of weaponry and numbers.

And the Mainstream Media blames the Unite the Right protesters and only mention the evil anti-white terrorists as "counter-protesters" and even call them "peaceful".

Presumably not all of the counter-protesters were violent. It sounds like the lady who was killed was a good person, according to her family and friends, so her passing is that much more regrettable. But can anyone on the Left not understand that young driver's fear of being harmed by the armed BLM / ANTIFA "counterprotesters"?

Democrats jumped in front of the cameras to jump on Unite the Right, but that is no surprise. Some GOP cuckservatives likewise jumped on Unite the Right. No surprise there, either. They all deserved to be voted out of office.

But Trump isn't a cuckservative. So why didn't President Trump at least MENTION the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA terrorists?
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>its Sandy Hoax all over again

$2500 in body damage to front and passenger side of vehicle from July 2015 one month after picture was posted showing matte finished hood.
Here's a picture where you can actually see the roof, it's difficult to see in a lot of angles because the color of the car and reflections.
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nazi bingo.jpg
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FaLsE fLaG
Fucking shills pretending everybody is blind. If you didn't fucking own the media we would all see through this bullshit and come and string up your masters then fucking see the lot of you slimy little manipulators put in cells for the rest of your lives.
except the drone footage got leaked. oopsie. msm has decided to completely ignore that.
This guys has put together a clip of all the oddities surrounding this event

>tiny mouth

FtoM tranny? Does not look like person in car anyway.
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First line of defense, the guy in the picture doesn't look like the guy accused, the CAR he has doesn't look like the car in the crash.
Second line of defense, if he feared for his life, and he was being attacked prior the crash, that's considered self defense.

Either way you're retarded
Fight or flight can sometimes rob an individual of agency over how he behaves in certain situations. Courts know this.
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Here I am a cartoonist and portrait artist, I used light and shadows to add detail. The two actually have very similar features both have hooded slightly down turned eyes, short eye brows, short nose and down turn lips so it could be either but I still think one fits better than the other due to the wider nose and longer mouth. Also listen to this:

This looks weird.
Eyebrows don't match up mr autismo.

People look different when they are in different moods, if you actually socialized every now and then you'd know that.
It's a flat earth cover up, you heard it here first

Three vehicles. No airbags deployed. Not one.

What does what happened a month before matter at all? During the crash it shows no stripe, at the arrest it does. Those pics are supposedly from the same day?
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Evidence of prior strikes before the camera was rolling.
Im a girl and probably on the spectrum. :(
it's ok bb we'll all make it through alright
third world nations must look at this photo and be filled with absolute disgust. i wouldn't blame them
>[insert comment of denial here]
Tits or GTFO
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Sorry aussie, that's a leaf and not an emu to pound your boi-pussi.
read my post again, He wrecked the car a month after he took the initial photograph with the different paint job.
>I bow unto purple car god
This image is really good, thanks.
Fracture pattern looks like a right handed swing from the driver side, probably had a 90 degree bend from the puncture mark; like a crowbar or a Wheel Lug Wrench.
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Yeah good one meme flag
Yes, we need to find him. Let's hope he turned that camera on time and that he was recording. And also, let's hope the CIA didn't get to him first.
Right but those are all safe political statements in any era past the 1960s. Orchestrated or not, this motherfucker is to white awakening like Timothy McVeigh was to the militia movement. This just set everything back 30 years. 30 years white America can't afford.
Read my post again, how does that matter at all? The two pictures posted were supposedly from less than an hour apart, on the day of the incident. So either explain yourself, or you're a Troll.
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im positively better with faces than you OP and that actually IS the same guy. these images will probably be used in court.

your just retarded and cant account for the fact that he's looking and has his head turned right in the photo, verses a head on close up mug shot,

100% your retarded OP
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Yeah man it sucks. I used to have drinks with this guy every weekend. We'd talk about the Jews and Hitler and stuff. Those days are gone. I'm a sad nazi.
Yeah, that's what I meant by 'game changer'.
Not even the President who was elected via the white supremacist vote can avoid having to virtue signal about this.
He always had to do that. Remember David Duke?

I can't wait for the acquittal. The butthurt will be glorious
Trump has totally fucked over his chance at a second term and has lost himself a HUGE amount of support.
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>we'd talk about the jews and hitler and stuff
>I'm a sad nazi

>being so ignorant and brainwashed that you group the entire right wing and label them all nazis and/or fascists
>being so ignorant and brainwashed that your false flag posts fail because you know nothing about us or how we are in person
No sun/moon roof on the car that drove through crowd.
drone footage shows the van hitting people long before the chevy showed up. all we know is the media is heavily misrepresenting this event.
Hey man he was my close friend, okay! Fuck you!
I don't see a sun roof at all
I didn't see the Australian flag waving at Charlottesville nigger
Same for liberals.
Yes, it was a false flag, and there might be more. Yet some on here would have us support trump's federal government, who are staging false flags to demonize white people.
Checked tbqh
what os is this
Checked NK gonna nuke us.
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Soros is probably close, this is just like his Color Revolutions in Ukraine and Malaysia.
There are cameras ALL OVER the fucking place.

Why are these pictures not everywhere online?

What the nigger is going on?
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looks like the whole bumper is broken
nice catch
>The two people in these pictures are not the same person.
Yeah they are, he was arrested, try & keep up.
you may have face blindness, please seek medical help
If you are referring to the drone footage of the intersection where the crash happens, it wasn't leaked. It is owned by a private company and was used on NBC with the company's watermark.
>They filled the sunroof in?
It never had a sunroof, the details said, 'optional sunroof - not available'.
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Whatever is going on, the protests seem very scripted much in the way the antifa do there own.

As far as I'm concerned antifa and alt right are kos, both ridiculous and seem to be created for a media show.

Wow I cant believe Trump is president.
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Listen up, /pol/pots.

I made this crappy pic to point out something: the driver's face has sharp features.

James has a fat, puffy face, with circular/pouty lips.

Anyone got any pics of him at the same angle as the driver?
slowing the video down during the "he wasnt speeding" was a nice touch. They should use this shitty webm in court
Lol ok faggot
Nice try, but none of the major features actually match.

Fuck off CIA.
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No but the vehicles are clearly different. Helicopter went down to hide where the car actually went after they switched.
that is very surprising to say the least.
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Challenger sun roof (pic related) I can't make out a sun roof for Charlottesville challenger.
He has you dumb motherfucker.
Just look at his approval rating. :'D
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Found the liberal shill.

Fuck the alt right and antifa, they are both KOS in my city.

Trump doesn't even like your 'natsoc' you faggot.
>people never mod their cars
Why the hell would they go through the trouble of modeling the whole thing after some dumb nerd anyway when they had a whole host of easier options in their hands?

>muh boy dindu nuffin
got those same dead eyes.
It's the same guy.
Accept it and move on. Don't be like the left, start regrouping and planning for whats to come. The left have been stuck in November 2016 mode for the past 7 months. It's not doing them any good.

Tiki tiki.
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can someone confirm this is the path of the vehicle? I think water street and 4th
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the organizer of the event Jason Kessler was a soros paid plant to fukk you and trump
the windshield also differs
bottom with tint strip
top without
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I'm not a natso...

I support our president. Have some respect for our commander in chief.
Retard conspriacy theorists. I've got a face that looks pretty thin and sharp from a side view, but blocky from a front view. If you saw two pics from those two angles, one of them totally blurry, you'd think it's two different people. But no, it must a JEWISH KUNSPEERACY
he got a new car from insurance I heard
Trust me, there was some general plans from the Alt-Right side of things, but that's it. You know, like when to meet at the park.
I think I have a theory, they did a test run where they had photos and then the real thing, with more photos and video. This would ensure everyone knew their roles for the big day, would also explain the two different cars, possibly different drivers.
>Unconditional love
>Hates monarchy
How're you so unironically retarded?

Have some respect for our president.
yep, freemason chief of police and mayor. mason driver, mason troopers in helicopter. jewmaedia can't it from there.

wake up goy. freemasonry is judaism for goy.
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There's 2 gray stripes and a small indent running up the front (decoration, not due to crash)
Quit the false flagging bullshit. This kid fucked up and was fucked up. I want this to be a case of self defense as badly as anyone else, but based on his interactions with his mother there is basically zero chance of this being unintentional. Move on and disavow. Focus on the free speech issues.
Not the point >>137467387 he was being attacked prior that.
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If not the same person, they look alike.

False flag or not.
it definitely wasn't a false flag

just ask the CIA agents who were there on the scene
Fuck off nigger kike
>the CIA == Trump government
Found the retard
It's Linux with Gnome 3 GUI. It can run like that on Debian/Ubuntu, or on Fedora
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Put down the pipe.
This image is gay as fuck and you should feel bad about yourself for thinking you'd be taken seriously
I don't see a stripe on either picture after the crash?The only stripe in question is from his FB page. His car had body work in 2015 after the FB picture.
>Have some respect for our infallible leader.
>But I hate that Kim Jong-un!
Whoa, you're so smart!
isn't it funny how the left LOVES nazis in Ukraine, but somehow they hate them over here?
If we organized the way Antifa did, EVERYONE would know it. Only retarded faggots think that we're the organized ones.
The state and city fucked everything up last minute and chaos erupted. End of story. Same shit the state/city/university does at half of the right wing events out there.
Stupid faggots thinking it's suddenly a conspiracy by the right. Wow.
The guy in the car looks like an alpha military dude, and nothing like the guy in the mugshot.
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Even if it was the same guy who fucking cares? One guy killed a land whale, who was illegally protesting. Remember the Unite the Right needed to fight for a permit. Now it's blame Trump, its Trumps Fault, fire Bannon, and Trump better disavow white people.

Meanwhile a few years ago, some renagade nigger kills 6 Dallas police officers and injures 11. Nothing from anyone about King Nigger to fire his advisor, to disavow niggers, and it's his fault.

We really need to start a civil war already.
Another interesting storyline is the main footage the MSM used is from a former state dept employee brennan gilmore who was a part of that whole KONY 2012 psyop


and was the first person to get interviewed by cnn

>If we organized the way Antifa did
tfw no Soros bux
When did he change his shirt from a white formal to a checked polo? Did the police give him that shirt for the mugshot? Did he get changed in the couple of minutes between the attack and getting arrested?

Or is it a different guy?
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Shoo shoo shill.
It's not that. It would simply be a case of things reaching a point where the right becomes violent. Like they are in Europe.

And then the public will get accustomed to a violent right. Like they have in Europe.
All I can say is the guy on the left looks a hell of a lot meaner, and a lot more serious. Basically he looks like a very experienced CIA operative, while the guy on the right looks like a very average basement-dwelling dweeb.
If the on-scene "former" CIA agent Brennan Gilmore says it's not a false flag, that's good enough for me!
The eyebrows are a perfect match though

I think the lad did it
saved for future ironic posting
But that actually looks like him.

Look at how far apart the eyebrows are.
repeatedly asking "why" is a shill tactic to derail the thread

no one here knows why the feds do anything they do - we can only expose them doing it
>TV boobz
your ID is very convincing
eyebrows are just as far apart on both guys they have similar features
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One thing is for sure. All of the witnesses interviewed at the crash are very left leaning
>Brennan Gilmore
>Rebelutionary_Z who has been arrested at least once at a previous protest
>The jew
Ears are too small
Damn dude nice catch

Is the dude on the right's statement "I didn't do it?"
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looks like the back window had been smashed too, on the right
The guy on the right has exactly the right facial structure. The jawline and mouth is ENTIRELY wrong and even a causual observer has this exact response even without the other guy superimposed.

It's not the same person.

This along with a random helo crash and known CIA COINTELPRO like Brennan Gilmore on the scene pretty much lock this in stone as a false flag.

The only question now is whether Sessions DOJ is actually interested in seeing this exposure through.
Why didn't the airbag go off?
>If the Earth is a ball why hasn't it rolled away yet

This is the conspiratorial /pol/luter's level of thinking.
nice try kike
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>also this
At least you're not married to it

I think the jail makes everyone wear the same black and white stripe outfit for mug shots.
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why you here then bud? What's more retarded hey?
Like you're some kind of "thinker".
Go away and think about life a little Einstein
It's not murder
It's self defense
antifa and NAZIs are not Right of anything, they are Socialist Revolutionaries
I can believe this narrative but I also think it's valuable to come up with a way of covering for ourselves when somebody on our side intentionally kills people
Just saying, despite ALL the instructions to remain peaceful you never know when you have a psycho in your group or when you have been infiltrated
funny how they always pick Democrat run locations for the rallies
>when you have been infiltrated
Isn't that Kessler guy a former CNN employee and Obama supporter who "got redpilled" and is now a leader?

I agree with you
If that was a vbied
Fot the 100th time the car had already been hit prior that scene, even if he was the guy the media is accusing he could be fearing for his life. The "peaceful" antifa prostesters came with weapons.
Nah, it's just stupid. They would've had to be sure that the guy was going to attend the meetup, or all their hard work and preparations would've been for nought.

Being in denial and coming up with bullshit theories isn't going to get you anywhere.
It was this Fields faggot. If it wasn't him driving the car why wouldn't he release a statement saying so. Will he use that as a defense in court? "It wasn't me driving the car. Even though I was arrested next the wreckage of the vehicle.
>They would've had to be sure that the guy was going to attend the meetup
But this isn't hard to do.
Sounds like you're the one in denial.
Yeah but what do we do when it isn't a false flag!?
Based libcuck actually doing some goddamn research
reminder what we initially found odd about this - the driver is very calm after the crash, the car is still functional and he manages to quickly put it into reverse and leave at full speed backwards
Did they ever explain why the chopper went down?
How is that odd? He wanted to kill people and then decided he needed to get away without causing further damage. Have you never seen a hit-and-run before?
>when it isn't
There are arguments against the whole media spin in both cases this time. If it was a false flag which is possible, then it's just again people trying to hijack the white race, if it wasn't the guy was in distress.
So you're saying he's innocent no matter what? Not even considering that he did this of his own volition?
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the social engineers know how to create the conditions for incidents like this

even if he's just a useful idiot patsy, doesn't mean there's no shady shit going down
Doesn't matter. This was the first person to die at the hands of the right and it has been blown up. If people don't see the truth now there will be no future worth living in.
Fucking called it. I knew it had to be on purpose.
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Operator as Fuck.png
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>Men with gloves in black shirts and khakis spotted in nondescript corners all over the place
Reposting some screens from the original analysis threads.
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>his own volition
You mean he was attacked in his own volition? This isn't even an argument there were marks in his car prior the case,the antifa had already attacked the movement before that, it puts his actions under the "self-defense" and "emotional distress". Even if this wasn't a false flag the left still has nothing against this movement.
>Chad face activated
Lol whatever pol. Needs to do to say hurr false flag.
Seriously, I've seen danger make men look more masculine, but I've never seen a beta turn into a Chad and then back to a beta in the span of less than an hour.
>first person to die
are you retarded?
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Ben Affleck strikes again!
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This, fucking this.
I'm op and I was fucking there.

Shills are on suicide watch, kikes aren't laughing anymore.

We are fucking winning.
Oh divide and conquer shill tactic, nice.
This damage control is genuinely embarrassing. We've been talking about killing antifa cunts for months and now that someone actually had the balls to do it we're desperately hoping it didn't happen. Fuck off back to where you came from nu-/pol/ faggots.
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There have been other politically charged murders by the right?
Hello Mr. CIA. How about you go fuck yourself.
Is there like a wallpaper size version of this image? For some reason I find it incredibly aesthetic - the colors, the glare on the windshield, the reflections on the side of the vehicle... It's a gorgeous picture
Get out of my fucking country Ming Ling. Chinks are not Canadians.
This is the thread they don't want you to see.
The only thing false flag about this is how much power you think that dumb flag you nazi fucks wave around has. Stop fucking wasting your whole life LARPing about some bullshit racial fantasy like a bunch of retards and do something of significance with your life.

this as well

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Underrated post
Of course it was a false flag. Driver has sharp features. Patsy is pudgy. Also airbags. Also why the fuck did a helicopter fall out of the sky?
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is it james.jpg
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I don't think it's james. On guy looks like a wolf in his 40s and the other guy looks pudgy similar facial features but definitely false flag.
It's statistically amazing how /pol/ manages to be always wrong.

Your gay frogs and /x/piracy theories are no longer amusing. Watching retards trying to grasp the most basic reality was never sadder. And even more pathetic is the fact that you call yourself "redpilled".
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>dude i dropped my pot
>oh shit its almost like aleppo here
I'll admit he did. I just don't care after the shit that has been to us, and you all don't give a shit when we are killed anyways.
Stop pretending you care if this country turns into a cesspool.
But they interviewed his mother. At her car with her number plates. Remember?
I actually see the same guy.

Am I the only one who actually realizes it IS the same guy, and that mug shots are NEVER flattering?

I'm still keeping an open mind if you can provide further evidence to the contrary.
What kind of psyop do you think this is?

I mean holy shit, what's the endgame here? Why would they need to throw gas on the fire now?
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nah, dude - the pic we have is far from inclusive. Until I see a pic of patsy lou driving that fkn dodge all theories are still in play.
Has Trump ever said anything pro-Nazi?
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Here's one of the first pics to be released.
It's got a guy in red Jordan's flying through the air.
And another guy with shorts and back tattoo doing an Olympic level somersault.
Where are they in the crowd as the car first enters the bunch of people.
The should be in shot in front of the car if they are about to be skittled like ten pins.
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Now here he is in background missing a Jordan.
Slightly off topic but since the Sorosites are attacking Confederate monuments we shouldn't forget that Abraham Lincoln was a racist white supremacist who wanted to deport blacks to Africa. It's time to tell the truth about Lincoln and to point out those Lincoln statues are a horrible symbol of racism.

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies

>It sounds like the lady who was killed was a good person
i didn't know attacking innocent bystanders just trying to get away makes you a good person
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And here he is sitting on top of a black pick up

OK you have my attention, but you should post the source for both photos.
Dude it literally looks like the same exact guy. Same eyes, same eyebrows, same face, head shaped the same. Sometimes it really went down the way (((they))) say it did

no it doesn't u fkn retard smfh - it's v inconclusive rn and there's no real evidence that fields was the driver at this point. I know it's hard for a shill like you to sit tight with that level of uncertainty - if it is fields then let the authorities release a flick of him clearly at the wheel. Until then stfu and enjoy the show.
So can anyone find this guy in shots as the car first enters the crowd?
I can't see him, nor can I see his somersaulting buddy. But logically, if they were the first to get hit by the car, and somersaulted over the hood.
Then they'd be in shot right in front of the car as it enters the crowd, right?
those quads on that plate tho
I know we will never meet in person and I probably won't even see you post here again, but I would sleep a bit more soundly at night knowing you killed yourself

Weaponized autism at work lads.
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that flag.

please stop this. i'm not sure if you're dumb or a shill, but in case you're just dumb, it is obviously him. it was self-defense and not some attack. don't spaz out, the truth will eventually come to light. Remember, by Wednesday, everyone will be guffawing over some new bullshit and this will be forgotten.
Id love to see john oliver publicly burned auto de fete style
id putin my cock in that russian thickness
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How is the car smashed up before it hits the other cars, also how did the black guy get hit by the car is he was sitting there?? WTF
Can you see him or his somersaulting buddy anywhere in front of the car as it enters the crowd?
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Compare the timeline from this video & the HD pic showing driver's face: https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/896442077923463168

Of interest in this post is the black SUV in background of HD pic, Note that when pic taken, nobody beside SUV. Now, roll video and note when SUV comes into view, passenger door open & figure standing beside it. Eight secs later, door closed & figure gone,
Now to me, seems when car reverses near SUV, person exits vehicle, car passes ssfely, then person sits back into SUV.

Timeline: 1, Pic taken at 22 secs 2) SUV at 32 secs & 3.) SUV at 38 secs

I notice you didn't have the same reaction to the original post.
>The two people in these pictures are not the same person
>The car attack was a false flag
Not much uncertainty there. In fact, I would say he's very certain. He has definitely reached a conclusion without any more evidence than you or I have. Who's the shill again?
Girl with the aqua top on middle silver car, is that the girl who died?
What I find really really really weird about the pic you posted.
There is absolutely no one in shot at the rear of the vehicle.
He's just driven through a crowd. To hit two cars and there's injured and shocked people everywhere. But in this shot: there is no one at all in the background.
It's weird
What if they hacked his car and made him do it?
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This was a professional driver. Look closely.

I hope his lawyer demands a jury trial and I am on the jury, this video is enough for me to acquit him.
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Fat faced 20 y/o, vs chiseled 40 y/o alpha male. Not the same guy.
look how fresh that nazi haircut is!!!

they really made him look white and mean, compared to his fucking retarded jew glasses face that has been posted elsewhere....

real bang up job

Look at the thickness of neck and profile of shoulders.
Playing a fucking kike.

Why are so many people smiling in this picture?
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i think the black guy was just really lucky. he got hit by the car and flipped over it, rolled off it, and landed on his side. adrenaline and sheeeeeeeit let him run off and jump on the truck. if he didn't jump up and run he would have been run over when the driver reversed.

very lucky things have happened, pic related
Drone footage showed the van causing chaos, and conveniently blocking the intersection, bottlenecking the crowd on a very narrow street, with small sidewalks. This was a planned event.
I'll accept it as soon as there os evidence. Like always, we have been given the option to believe what we can see, or believe what we are told. The guy driving the car looks nothing like the suspect. Not an opinion.

that driver looks to have a black beard way more thick than the mugshot of (((fields)))


did (((fields))) get to shave before he got to prison somehow?


is the driver wearing a helmet? that driver got perfect 10-2 hand placement. calm cool collected. not panicked like this fucking fat larper on meds (((fields))) would be...
That's the look of a stone cold killer.
Not some fat fuck neet larper.
Jews can get away with almost anything. The kike mayor used CIA.
the black suv probably gave him the coordinates. "clear for takeoff" black suv was suspicious as hell the day it happened. anyone got those plates run them?
>1 post by this ID
No fucking way this is the fat dude in the mugshot. Also big fan of you Wayne!

Damn, that site is detailed
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That is lot of White men you are mocking kike. Sure you want to keep kicking the lion?

Thanks for the support. I'm just trying to do the right thing. Which is call out crime when I see it. Like 9/11. Israel did that. Call our political corruption. Since our government is going along with the official story, our brothers and sisters die to make bankers & Zionism rich.

I was on radio show last night. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=3BaRfu_I26k

I really think Charlottesville is a false flag and the driver is not the 20 year old chubby kid. I'm fat also. :-)
But where are the people?
There should be injured people and people on sidewalk in view at rear of vehicle.
And where is the vehicle he side swipes in another shot. ?
CIA or other alphabet agency used by the KIKE mayor.
Also looks like his sunglasses are in his pocket
that fat neckbeard glasses jew on meds wouldn't have been able to do that. perfectly executed car crash and evade...the kinda shit they teach you at gov schools.....................

was his shirt the same color?
>same person
The person in the car has a far more chiseled face, with sharper cheekbones and a stronger chin. Fuck off skippy.
This, the kikes and their little verbal tricks aren't to be tolerated any more.

Call them out here, on the normie web, and in real life. Call them liars to their faces. Let them know we know.
>rams 2000 pound vehicle into stationary woman from behind with sufficient force to end her life
thank goodness he's safe from all that self defense
>Stop wasting your whole like LARPing about some bullshit racial fantasy like a bunch of retards and do something of significance with your life
Sounds like you need to take your own advice, sweetie
Fuck yes, I love Wildsmile.
No theres no face in the car. Nothing recognisable if anything its masked. Ill make a better one .
>Slush Fund
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Right at the moment of impact.
This maroon van has not driver?
Weird !
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fucking lol

the racing stripe and rain sensor are damning, clearly bs

a picture is really worth 1000x words. Ok, so its a false flag, now what? what does the individual anon actually DO other than spread this shit? we wait until someone who knows what to do sees it.

thats what.
British kike, surprised he cut his sidelocks.
I think that was part of the plan to clog up the area.
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All these people in lime /green caps.
Are they the crowd coordinates?
See the woman on the far right of the pic?
She's wearing a Soros fist t shirt.
you keep writing that faggot, where's the link ya cock sucker?
My first thought was:
It looks like the same guy to me.

I honestly wanted it to be a stolen car, or an jihadist or whatever, but it looks like a legit crazy white dude who killed other legit crazy white people.
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Yeah the number plates have had lotsa threads,
Illuminati. Links to Saturn.
Yep, military or CIA type.
That looks even less than him. Lean face, strong chin. WTF is going on.
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Here's his moms number plates.
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HD picture no facial features at all. Even if the driver was turned should be able to make a chin , nose ,ears . This is spoopy
why is there a land whale on the hood of the silver benz convertible?
why is there a passenger but no driver in the honda van?
surprised he came to the usa and married a female war vet

that guy is the ultimate pussy
Hard to say. It could be the same person and it could not. While there are noticeable differences, the quality is too low to be definitive proof.
>Dead Eyes
I noticed that the minute I saw the photo of the driver. The driver is not the fat neet.
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Op here. I was at Charlottesville.

Kike shills eternally btfo. Thanks for bringing this thread to the first page.
So many questions
So many discrepancies
So much weird
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comeone bake new bread
All the posts saying its the nEEt are one post only shills
Nigga with vitilago in BLM shirt looks like he is going to casually steal a phone.
Communism is judasim.
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i mean what the fucks going on here . Can account for the reflection but its a mess
Democrat locations used to be white conservative areas, where the statues are located. White-Flight took care of that.
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