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Norway Election coming up

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We just had a debate on several subjects including immigration between the different parties & there's a poll on who won the debate.

Vote for /ourgirl/ Siv

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Is Bjornar a cuck?

He has a sweet ass name atleast

Literal commie
God dammit
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Stem FrP
Ikke stem Alliansen
bor på gronland.. alle uten FRP har bod i gaten for å dele ut flyers lel
Hello men of nordbotistan.
Describe why they are /ourgirls/ please. And if it would be likely a coalition between them.
they are both in power now
hallo Mohammed, hvordan går det med norsken?

They are establishment cuckservatives and Sylvi Listhaug just got mudded by our replacements
er norsk frp stemmer..
bodde på fine bislet, men trengte korttidsleie til jeg får kjopt egen leilighet.. så ble gronland.. eneste jeg fant på kort tid
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Erna is kinda /ourgirl/ because their party let's FRP control immigration, and Siv is /ourgirl/ because they're the most anti-immigration & anti-islamization party of the relevant ones.
ja vi er alle nordmenn i dag
Det vi kaller hjem, er der hjertet vårt er
Siv er en rasist hore
Er kun navere og rasist tapere som stemmer frp

Stem rodt
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Fucking gommie
bump for fascism in norway
greetings from your southern brothers and if she´s pro israel, overthrow democracy and declare fascism :DDDD
Gå inte vår väg. Var immigrationskritisk...
ät skit
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Rapportert til PST idiot
>Rapportert til PST
Gå å stem på abbepartti du nå
(((Breivik))) is a (((zionist)))

Posting inspiration for Nationalist revolution hype.

Get hyped goys.
Who is more likely to win the elections?
Majorstuen her. Vurderer å stemme Alliansen fåvæ
Stem FrP,

de får ikke nok til å sitte i parlamentet
hva i helvete betyr fåvæ

det heter Stortinget
Arbeiderpartiet. With other words, the bolsheviks.
How's the latest polls?

FRP is right wing populist party, right?
Fuck your gay irrelevant country
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Where the fuck was Lysglimt? They didn't even allow The Alliance to take part in the debate!

This is fucking fake news! They try to let the people think that their only options are those corrupt bastards!
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You don't know shit about how politics in Norway work, Mohammed. Get the fuck out.
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Det er et annet ord for parlament
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Stop backpedaling, nigger. You're obviously underage.

MODS! This fucker is underage!
>Lovgivende nasjonalforsamling
You're embarrassing yourself
Stortinget er Norges parlament
voks opp
Is FRP's 14 % better than last time?

Dere underage faggots kan ikke engang skrive "Parliament" skikkelig.

Et parliament er den delen av Stortinget som lager lovforslag, altså regjeringen.

Underage faggots. Dere er en skam for nasjonen.
Go fight some anti-fags while we try to make change for the better over here.
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Sweetie... det er regjeringingen vi snakker om...
Any chance on SP in right coalition?
>Dere underage faggots
Unfortunately no. Down by 2% since the election of blue right gov in 2013.

Hopefully the results will be different than the projections

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*vinner valget*
This, just lol at actually voting in 2017, the west if fucking finished and has been for a long time.The question is how to ride out the storm and what comes next.
Oh fugg

Norway is soon new Sweden.
Podesta in two days, remember to share your favorite art in podestas collection, on twitter with #arendalsuka.
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>Det finnes folk i denne tråden som ikke skal stemme på de gronne

Fy faen.
Var å stemte i dag jeg da gutta.
Kosmopolitan urbanisme er det motsette av okologi.
Looks like it.
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Fuck Hippies
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Alliiansen. Uironisk.
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Stop wasting valuable FrP anti-immigration votes you bag of dicks!
Good luck, Norway!
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Flink gutt, stemte på dem selv
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>å nei slutt å stemme på radikale partier
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samme her
Hadde gjort det selv hvis de hadde fått nok stemmer til å få noen inn på stortinget, men nå er det bare bortkasta.
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feil bilde

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Eg har ingen tiltru til den demokratiske prosessen sjolve, men å stemme på Framstegspartiet er å skyte seg sjolv i foten, ikkje berre hald ein fram med kvoteflyktningar, men dei er og prinsipielt for auka arbeidsinnvandring.
Hvis alle som hadde brukt det der som argument om å ikke stemme på Alliansen, faktisk hadde stemt på Alliansen så hadde de garantert fått noen inn på stortinget. Det er du som er problemet her.
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how is jonas? looks like a cuck
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Total cuck
Bourgeoisie neolib, state as investor edition
Literally a liar and deceiver.
He's a multimillionaire and a bolshevik. Leader of the Labor Party. If we're really unlucky he's our next prime minister.
They only let parties with elected representatives on tv
They need a seat in parliament before they can get involved in TV debates.
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Og kor mange representantar har Raudt på tinget om eg tor sporre?
Wortwörtlich ein Franzose aus der Oberschicht. Kein Arbeiter, nicht mal norwegisch. Dass er die norwegische Arbeiterpartei leitet ist eine Beleidigung fürs Leben.
fugg this fugging drawing always arouses me

the 3 mouth, the eyes, the way she blushes
1 elns
Feil, dei har noyaktig null (0) representantar på tinget..

Korleis i helvete kan de meine noko som helst om norsk politikk og ikkje vite slikt?
Hvor er underteksterne?
Okei whatever,

man trenger 1% i et valg for man kommer på tv da, ok 2% for sete i parliamentet

>cuck cuck cuck

Joss, har jeg havna på Reddit?
percentages looks pretty close.i hope he doesnt get elected i will pray for you norgebros
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Hva tror du?
Can I, as a American who loves the country of Norway, get a rundown on the Norwegian elections coming up? I'd love to know what's going on over there.
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I made a meme guys

---> >>137466772 current projections

----> >>137470726 most likely outcome
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Don't worry about it, it's all over anyway

Hva tenker dere om dette?
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Ulf's are literal EU cucks
Hey the OP reminds me of this picture lmao.

Fuck norway and fuck inbred people
Pakistanis are caucasians, does'nt that mean that he is white and that their children will be white and not race-mixed?
but, but, only something I was thinking about
Kan noen gi meg en kjapp rundown på dette valget og hvem jeg skal stemme på?
Some Dane please explain your parties and which are the most based.
>Pakistanis are Caucasians
Bad Ulf. Not only is that not true, but that guy in the pic is a literal turdskin, you dumbass.
>Pakistanis are caucasians, does'nt that mean that he is white and that their children will be white and not race-mixed?

Holy fuck

kill yourself you fucking nigger
Forste partiet på A.
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>ribbabrevar på engelsk
Heng deg. Pakistanere er allerede en godt rasemikset etnisitet. Det er noen lunde sånn Europa kommer til å se ut om 5000 år om innvandringen fortsetter.
They are caucasian and they look caucasian
Alle som elsker Norge må stemme Alliansen og få Lysglimt og Co. inn på Stortinget så de avslore det politiske spillet i realtime de neste 4 årene og vinne en landslide i 2021!
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Kill yourself, fucktard.
Being white is also behaviour. Bosnians and Kosovar are not white because they are m*slims.
Pic related is literally the first result on google. Just because you're little factoid website can find a few pictures of "whites" in Pakistan doesn't change the fact that literally all of them are worse than this dude.
You seem very intelligent mister
How the fuck are Bosniaks/Albanians not white because they're Muslim? Does changing your religion change your race?
That's a good, Ulf.
Embrace your inner cuck. Be a cuck to a proper white though, not a cuck to H*dgies

They are Turkic. Not all Serbians are white.
So what party is the best party at this moment?
im thinking to vote senter or frp
The majority of Muslim Yugoslavs descend from the pre-Ottoman Christian population who later converted to get a greater role in society (didn't do them much good), not Turkish colonists. Do you think all British people descend from Romans and Normans?
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AUF member here, ask me anything
Hvorfor ble ikke du skutt i 2011?
Er du en hanrei?
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>AUF member
Remember me?
Ble forst medlem i AUF i august 2011, etter terrorangrepet.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............no. Bulgarians themselves are genetically proven to be more Turkic than actually Slavic. Albanians are also Turkic (not Slavic). >>137479505
Why are Norwegians fags
I would like to see some evidence for that
Dig in.
If you can't read, the very first fucking sentence says
>Semi-nomadic Turkic tribes
Gå å ta selvmord, forbanna neger elsker. Bildet relatert er deg ikke sant?
typisk frpere ser jeg

Pick one.

The Hungarians are likewise named after the Asian tribe which invaded their country in the 10th century (the Magyars). Do they not count as Europeans because of this?
I don't give a shit about Hungry. It's not "they were named", the Bulgars are the ancestors to Bulgarians, you dumbass. Are the Maygars the ancestors of the Hungarians? If the answer is yes, then the answer to your question is yes.

Why the fuck am I even giving you any attention when you got a faggot nuflag? Eat shit.
er en fyr på skolen som også er med i auf, total retard. forestiller meg deg det samme
ikke sant, for fprere er rasister og nazister.
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>Why the fuck am I even giving you any attention

Because you're a colonial moron whose ancestors fucked up so bad in their native land, they were expelled to the new world so that the Abenaki and the Ojibwe could have something for target practice.

You lecture indigenous Europeans about what little you know about their history whilst being a foreigner in the land you have to historical ties to.
This is an English board, Ulf. Speak English, not Russian, or you'll get banned.
Ikke direkte nazister, men ofte rasister
Se for eksempel på Listhaug, hun har vært en stor katastrofe for Norge og Norge sitt omdomme som helhet. Vårt land ble tidligere sett på som en av de mest humane statene i verden. Se bare på hvordan vi valgte å deportere afghanske unger til en krigssone
Regjeringa må gå, og vi må få inn en intrigeringsminister som faktisk prover å intrigere nyankommene, jeg foreslår Hadia Tajik hun har vært et prakt eksempel på intrigering i mange år
Er dette agn? For Listhaug har reddet oss fra tusener av flyktninger. Det er de som er en katastrofe for Norge. Vil du at det samme skal skje med oss som i Sverige, Frankrike, S.B. og Tyskland? Kall meg nazist, for det er jeg, men jeg stemmer nok Alliansen, muligens Frp.
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