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How do you feel about Turkey?

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Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 142

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How do you feel about turkroaches and their denial about their history?
Fuck every last Turk.

The Young Turks regime was a Donmëh(CryptoJew) regime. The genocide of the Armenians was to secure the Southern Front of USSR (((Bolsheviks))) for WW2.

Rabbit hole runs deep
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why are you blaming us for securing our existence? isn't that the whole aim of the alt-right movement as well?
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Are you fucking serious, roach?

Youre a nation full of faggots and maggots. I hope PKK blows any and all Roach Nationalists to hell
But anon, they simply secured the existence of Turkish people and future for Turkish children. Are you saying that they cannot have a Turkish ethnostate and we should #Strongertogether and #Embrace diversity?
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My ancestors killed 3.5 million crhstian
Do you have problem with that? My MUSLIM ancestors sent 3.5 million three god worshipping pagan straight to HELL. That's what you get when worship 3 god and don't pay your taxes to your Muslim overlords.
La İlahe İlAllah Muhammeden ResulAllah.
Pic related will be fate of every christuck.
They have turkmenistan for that.
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Your religion was created by the (((Vatican))) 2 centuries after "Saint" Augustine opened the doors for Donmëh out of guilt for his Jewish orgies.

You dumb fucking roach. Sincerely hope PKK gets you if you can comprehend this post and remain Bluepilled
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*Unzip pant
Donmëh sell your women to UAE while you smile and roach on

Enjoy that, I'll have the last laugh
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My grand-grand father helped kill Turks and rid them off the Balkans. The bayonet he used to pork one open is a family heirloom now. AMA.
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I'm an atheist, to your notice, not christian. You believe in the same god as christians, only with other prophet and holy book.
Also do not be so toxic, it is a discussion on a appropriate level, do not make it worse with your roach screetch.
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>thinking bunch of commie towelheads can do anything
wh*Tes deserve every letter of the word SUBHUMAN
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holy fuck, why do people even say that blacks are the same as us?
Those didnt even happen. Why are our exslaves get butthurt over things that didnt happen?
Your religion was created by Jews. Why do you think Israel helped catch Ocalan you STUPID FUCKING ROACH

didnt know they had the internet in cockroach countrys. your country is named after what we devour on our holidays. sand niggers.
PKK is getting more and more powerful by the day. Except a civil war soon.
Apparently it's the victim getting burned alive that is the subhuman, not the perpetrators themselves. Fucking turkroach posting at it's finest.
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I agree. There is no way that BLACKs are same with wh*Te subhuman
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>being this cucked by the White God

Makes me laff errytim
Nevermind actually, the victim wasn't even white. The video is from a Brazilian prison.

Turkey is annoying
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>pkk getting more pow-
Definition ofDönmeh

: crypto-Jews now centered chiefly in Turkey and professing Islam

PKK is confused to be (((Secular Marxist))), but they have the right idea when taking on (((Roaches)))


Yeah, that's just a dump at that point
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>be Dutch
>literally drag t*rkish ministers out of country with a tow truck


Yet you have not been able to defeat them in 30 years. I'm sick of bullshit fascism in turkey. >>137434063
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i want to eat wh*Te subhumans.
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fuck europe and everyone who dwells within
fuck wh*Te """"""people""""""
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shoo shoo amerimutt
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Ew, turks
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Turks are smelly people, and it brings me great joy that most non-Turks become visibly distressed when the disgusting slabs of meat known as "turks" walk by them.
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ew wh*Te subhuman
I don't feel anything about Turkey. I never think about them.
qnq şu ateş sıkan ZENCİ'yi de at da kaydedeyim
>thinking anything
nice one
Question for the Turkish poster in this thread: do you think you would be less of an angry person if you bathed more frequently?
attım zaten :DDD >>137435458
Go suck you mothers cock you filthy Jew Rat. You are boring
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i bathe with wh*Te tears everyday.
noluyo lan :DDDD zencili tayyip postlamıştım bu ne amk :DD
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know your place you wh*Teoid subhuman
Is that Turkish neet back? His shitposting won't raise the Turkish IQ above 91
>tfw you got access to the ip of the t*rkroach posting the white threads and you can swat his house, ddos him, etc.

what to do
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Pic reminder
la ahahahahahaah soracak çok soru var qnq
Fuck the roaches, THEY MUST PAY DENBTS!!!
This perhaps explains the smell.

yet every piece of technology you shitskins possess come from the white man. every cockroach in your sand box of a country looks like a rust character. btfo dirty apes.
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>there is only one turkish poster on /pol/
I know wh*Te subhumans are retarded but are they blind too? can't they see there is 3 different turk posters ITT ?
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Roaches, subhumans, trash. Should be exterminated.

We kicked thier sorry asses at Vienna once, we can do it togheter again.
Nigger, KYS!!!
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>roaches would defend this
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Just look at you, turks. You have no manners, almost no intelligence, no sense of humor or beauty. You are just a pieces of brainless flesh (and smelly too). How do you can compare yourself to a normal people like Germand, French, Polish or for an example Czech? How do you can even think than you are better? Without white people you would be dead, or living in a huts made of shit.

Why do turkroaches do this?
One of lowest IQ's in NATO. Very sad. Hope Turkish people one day recover
that shooting was fake btw
Sand niggers making fun on whites
Sand niggers have never created anything for the world
Sand niggers have never conquered the world or had colonies
Sand niggers lives off everything white people invented
Sand niggers would be living 1 step above actual niggers if not for whites
Sand niggers are predominantly inbred
Sand niggers have 15-20pts less IQ on average than whites
Sand niggers taught about white history and how we created everything
Sand niggers copy everything whites build or create
Sand niggers can't stop killing themselves
Sand niggers and pedophile faggot loving prophet muhammed duped and propped up by the Catholic Church to fight Christianity
Sand niggers follow a religion that was created for them by the Catholic Church
Sand niggers are slaves and obey a false religion created by whites
Sand niggers are slaves to the Catholic Church and don't even know it

In conclusion, sand niggers have an immensely lower average IQ and live their lives for a false god that was created by white people. Tfw all sand niggers are slaves in mind and body to the white man that is playing them for the fucking retards that they are. You're welcome for modern everything :)
that shooting was fake btw.
>Nearly killed Roman Empire
>T*rk education
Makes sense. Very few toilets in turkeys so naturally wealthy owner would wash hands more. Common roaches do not have loo access.
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Who the fuck gave you permission to speak to a me, shitskin subhuman?
Shoo shoo
Do turks have schools? Must not be very good. That's why so many turks leave home country.
The turkroaches are mad. LuL
lol,when roaches want to shitpost but still avoid facts that hurt them inside.
Turk roaches so unwashed, even pope must do something about lack of basic hygiene. Very sad. Thoughts and prayers for Turks.
>Nazi flag
>Supports PKK

PKK are bunch of commie kurds you fucktard
Please wash after touching keyboard. Will reduce spread of disease in your poor country. I am trying to help.
I would wash my hands with soap and desinfection and water and everything possible if i'd touch anything in turkey.
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Unlike the other races, wh*Tes were not created by Allah, they were artifically created by Yakub to cause terror. Lack of testesterone and getting cancer from exposing to sun is the biggest proof that wh*Tes are artifically created. Nothing can be perfect and flawless unless it is created by Allah (SWT) himself.
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But they do raids on roaches. You do realize even commies are better than turkish nigger bastards.
Holy fuck look at how butthurt this Turkroach is. Spamming the shit out of this thread.
Yes, roach drive very poor. Onto sidewalks. Like woman. Please spend more time washing and in driving class.
Fuck the cockroaches
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>wh*Te comebacks
TURKs are making wh*Teoids so butthurt that they support commie antifa terrorists even thought they are nazis :DDD This is the power of butthurt.
Is it because you wipe your ass with your hand?

Pro-tip: yes. And 8% still dont wash
haha yeah and the earth is flat.
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Makes me zozzle
Handwashing after using toilets. Maybe one or two dozen toilets in roachistan. Very understandable. Will donate to Turk charity. No more poo on ground :)
fuck you,for some reason i cant post the BLACKED version of erdogan because of your picture.
>find random thing that has distorted data and makes you look good
>larp about it
Its funny that those corss bred asian/nigger subhumans even try to act as superior.

So cute how you sand niggers don't want to respond to me because I dropped a factual nuke on your lower IQ brain ;)

Maybe if we don't give him his (you) we will have won this thread!!! Don't reply to this white dog!!!!!

It must be shitty to have to always validate your worthless existence by trying to bring down the culture of the race who created everything for the modern world because yours created nothing and has left no cultural impact anywhere :/
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It's a muslim nation that we'll deal with sooner or later.
>Implying Turks are niggers

Turks are mixed AF you brainless cunt,mostly Greek genes tho.I do have mostly Russian/Georgian/Greek blood
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<- masterrace lol


Not even most Turks today deny Ataturk was a Donmeh crypto-Jew, and he was probably half-albanian, not even full Turkish unlike the larp turanian theory he propagated.


You just don't hear this outside Turkey very much because i think Turks want to bury the Ataturk legacy, the genocides and the militaristic shitshow of dictatorships and corruption he left in his wake.

I think a Erdogan's Turkey is absolutely Iran-tier, but at least we can communicate on the level of truth with Turkey on that point.

ITT turkey getting analy raped as usual
No have toilet. Do not live in roachistan where hardly no toilets. Please clean your poopy keyboard.
GTFO of Turkey you Ar*b fuck
çabuk çık bu tiraddan orospu evladı seni
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>sub human Wh*Te
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shoo wh*Teoid subhuman shoo
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know your masters, you wh*Teoid dog
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They're uncucked.
Reminder that you can't deny the holocaust and believe in the Armenian "genocide"
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Turks are animals, they have no soul and thrive on murder and rape, why should I feel anything apart from disgust
Git arap yarrağını ye amına kodumun çocuğu :D
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Please no Turk sex stories. Most others do not share roach's fetish.
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You have got a lot of pictures of naked black man.. thought homosexuality was a crime in roachstam? Maybe you should post some of your donkey collection
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*throws shit at rival cave members*
Crypto turk detected
You can because the three pashas were crypto jews
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LUL You ar*b ass lickers really make me laugh,you miserable fucks are the reason Turkey is like this.
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can wh*Te genocide start already? I am so bored. I want to slaughter wh*Te subhumans with my BLACK and Jewish brothers.
There's just as much evidence of the Armenian genocide as their is the holocaust >>137438413
Come on Turkey, pay reparations for enslaving European women. You posted the evidence, here's the sum: 1,000,000,000,000,000 USD. Within 30 days to pay.
>You have got a lot of pictures of naked black man
Very simple roach love naked black man, but won't buy toilet. Please donate to turk toilet charity.
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shoo shoo RAPEBABY
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sure m8
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I could fuck this nigger up easily enough, physical strength is his forte. Sadly, I am stronger, and smarter, thus I will win this fight.

When will t*rkroaches learn that they are beta africans?
wh*Tes are not human beings therefore enslaving them is not a crime. it is like domesticating a dog or cat.
>Getting angry because I am of superior race

it's okay you miserable Ar*b go rape your 7 year old cousin.
or a roach
>I am stronger, and smarter, thus I will win this fight.
Why do you say wh*TE? and why are you such a nigger lover?
Turkey did the smart thing. Just like Islam, the blacks, and other people who get their way despite what they do. They deny deny deny. And they NEVER apologize.
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>homosexuality a crime in roachstan
So? They're still the biggest faggots Islam has ever shat out.
All you kuffar will die out. Conversion to Islam is literally going crazy in the world.
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t*rks trolled to hell and back

Fuck I love being a White God
The germans of the middle east

aka not even people
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Gtfo of my homeland you liberal nigger subhuman wh*Teoid larper
Allah razı olsun

Oh sweetie, you sad little sand niggers are still not replying to me because I keep saying the few things that actually piss you off :(

Validated by disregard. I love shitting on stupid little sand niggers like you and putting you in your place. It's so nice being white, part of the race that created the modern world and gave you little sand niggers everything. It's really nice knowing that all the untermensch of the world over is mad at white people because we're far superior and you feel insignificant and trivial to our accomplishments. You feel worthless and wonder why you aren't as great as us, so you lash out. Your confusion turns to hate because you can't accept that you were born inferior in every intellectual and physically aspect. I would hate myself and blame whites too if I was a dumb sand nigger like you.
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If you can shitpost,then so can I,roach.
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Agree, got a picture of op
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know your place you wh*Teoid scum
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>turk gets his african ass beaten
>runs home to mamahuakbar
>makes threads like this

thanks for proving my point.
You will never be able to defeat a Dutch God
i have yet to see a turk poster on /pol that doesn´t sound angry and/or frustrated... for whatever reason
Yoo güzel thread senin gibi düşük seviyelerle konuşabiliyorum eğleniyorum yani.Peki sen neden gidip arap muhonun yarrağına tapmıyorsun?
small penis = frustration
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Hahahaha stop fighting brothers. You are all one and the same!
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>Shitskin calling me a shitskin

yeter artık gavat siktir git şu tiraddan all*h aşkına
>i have yet to see a turk poster on /pol that doesn´t sound angry and/or frustrated... for whatever reason
No toilet, always tired of pooping on hot, infertile roach soil
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I don't spend too much time thinking about roaches. Seems like a waste of brain power.
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Was I not clear with my reply, shitskin subhuman? Do you want me to fly your shithole and explain it to you while I consantly bash your subhuman wh*Teoid skull to the wall?
>Source: my ass
Muslim means ar*b to me you muslim shit
Funny that you need to post black men beating some random guy, because Turks can't beat anyone, so no gifs exist.
Any american is worth 500 of you. Even this one. How does it feel knowing we could bomb your country and its people into oblivion within a morning? God knows the world would be better off
tu*key is a shitstain but it's not as bad as basically any other middle eastern country.
roach no have cell phones. even Africa have cell phones, and toilets. Very sad roach have neither. Need charity.
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> Roaches fighting themselves whilst the Kurds are out breeding them

Kudur amına kodumun beyinsizi
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siktr git gavad
ekşisözlük var mis gibi orda kalın amk
every am*rican is a waste of brain
watch the video wh*Teoid
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Oh no, Turkey :(((
Kuran'dan geliyordur koku,köpeğim onun üstüne sıçıyorda :)
Very sad :( hope roach fix country one day
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>Turk does not confuse that all countries against him and he is ready to jump on everyone.
I love these threads
Shoo shoo before i call Chechens to behead you
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Day of the Spray when?
Oh no, fake data from unreliable source :(((
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t. yalancı zencinin teki
wh*Teoid gaymalistic subhuman
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I think we need to harvest some Turk fail webm's and post them here, gonna be a nice thread with lots of lulz.
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>Turks are stronger than white peo-
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Why are people arguing with roaches? Turkey's irrelevant. No one even posted Anzu.
>Gets angry extremely fast
Lower race problems I guess faggot,I will enjoy my good life while you lower races suffer.Heil Ataturk ehm
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muh masterrace
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The cockroaches know they are shit; why do you think they are falling over themselves like autistic chimps trying to get into Europe
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We literally enslaved thousand of you subhumans LMAO :dDDD You are inferior slave,nothing else.
Ayrıca EFSO captcha :DDDDDDDD
Sen gitsene oraya amına kodumun düşük ırklı beyinsiz ar*pı böyle güzel siteler sizin için fazla zeki,meme kültürün yok birşeyin yok siktir git incicaps e yada google a hadise ifşa yaz yarrağını kopar 31 çekerek amına kodumun arabı seni siktir git burası senin yerin değil.
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Now we have
By Allah's will, we will conquer Europe till we reach Rome.
I wouldn't be suprised if you actually support Erdo*gan lol
You're such a nigger hahaha
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As far as I know, Donmeh Jews like Emmanuel Carraso and Mehmet Cavit Bey were leading the Turkish government at the time. So I blame those crypto-kikes, not the actual Turks.
lan bak hala ar*p veya müslüman diyo
kaç defa diyecem SİKTİR GİT diye orospu çocuğu
illa izmire gelip laik ananı sikmemiz mi lazım?
git yunan kardeşlerinle takıl sen onlara ne kadar beyaz olduğundan falan bahset bi de meme kültürü falan diyo utanmadan orospu balası
Yay! One of my little sand niggers finally responded!!! :)

Just like a monkey, your closest relative, you instinctually try to console yourself when confronted with something that scares him.

Instead of trying to refute all the wonderful evidence I put forth unto you, you reply with something empirical to you, because that's what sand niggers do. You're gonna have to say and do a lot more to disprove everything I said that makes you a slave to white men. :)

If you think some picture of some dead fag is gonna rustle my jimmies and somehow nigger wash history into making roaches and and other sand niggers elevated above the white race, then you're just another stupid sand nigger live all the rest :)

On behalf of the superior white race, you're welcome for everything you use in your daily life. You're welcome for everything! Really should be thanking us for even letting you exist.

Degenerates like you make me feel bad for having tukish ancestry. Die in fire.
>checks flag

meme is real
şuna cevap verme xocem
I don't get your insult. You're Turkish. It's not like I could be a combination of things worse than that.
I feel that it's funny how turks are nearly 50% greek DNA and are completely in denial about it.
Only 15% DNA is actual turkic.
Large scale stockholm-syndrome.
you should feel bad for posting on /pol/ unironically
you forgot to put in Kurdish dna
>how turks are nearly 50% greek DNA and are completely in denial about it
source: my sissy wh*Te ass
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Turkey feels like shit and looks even worse.
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->We masterrace

Living in a shithole lol
>git yunan kardeşlerinle takıl sen onlara ne kadar beyaz olduğundan falan bahset bi de meme kültürü falan diyo utanmadan orospu balası
Greeks actually don't want them :D
Izmir anons are pathetic crying niggers that want to larp as wh'Tes but they will never accept them haha, while masculine Müsülman will conquer Vatican
No, I'm an actual turk and these subhumans make me want to genocide my own people
KDSlgkdfBDFKBFD Sen istanbul'da saatçi zencilere ananı siktiriyorsun galiba :D Laiklik sadece bir adım yavaş yavaş "din" denilen gereksiz hikayeler unutulacak ama ne kadar zaman geçerse geçsin beyazlar hep daha üstün olacak :)
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you already are amerimutt
bi bitmedi bu evzencileri moruQ
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They are subhuman. That's all there is to know about roaches.
Makes me feel good the Turks like Topal Osman were executed by their own after their "service". Once that rabid dog had done its work Ataturk put him down.
Assyrian flag looks sickk.
Worst race in existence
>never invented anything
>can only destroy
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images (3).jpg
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shoo shoo rapebaby
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That's a fucking awful picture, Man. Ugh...fuckin' roaches.
sen ne kadar krinç bi orospu çocuğusun anlamadım
götünü istediğin kadar yırtsan da beyaz olamayacaksın PİÇ kurusu seni
sizin götünüzü sike sike eğitecez izmirli ev zencileri sizi
şimdi ya ekşiye ya da r/turkey'e yaylan delüzyonel pezevenk
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download (1).png
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I don't like turks as a whole, mostly because they shit on Ataturk and continuously claim to be fucking european.
Also the whole move in, have a bunch of kids and try and make europe into a third world muslim shithole is worthy of disgust.

But who gives a shit if they massacred some armenians?
giresunlu anon şexid namırın oldu :DDD
noldu moruQ otoseyç mi yedi
deserved it
deserved it
basically a civil war since modern greeks are turks. also: deserved it
fuuuuuuuuggggggg :DDDDDDD
yok diğer anonun bütün postları silindi
Eugene was a fucking ape himself.
Who fucking said that I wanna be bros with Greek's you pathetic ar*b.They are surely MUCH better than ar*bs as allies,friends yet I am not a cuck or overly nationalistic like you cunts.If every single one of you brainless fucks valued Ataturk more than the ar*b dick that your mom eats every night from your ar*b father this country could have been much better.You weaklings disgust me,be ashamed of yourselves,all of you,you people don't deserve to be Turks...
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The Turk deleted his post but he said Topal Osman was a hero in his town in reply to me. Turks seem to have a thing for adoring Animals.
Topal Osman'a kahraman dediğim için banlandım :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Hademe demek ki ya bir Erm*ni ya bir Pontus Rum'u ya da daha kötüsü bir tRUMzonlu bir Rum dönmesi çünkü Topal Osman bir tRUMzonluyu ketlediği için (ki gerçi adam Beşikdüzü'lüydü büyük ihtimal Rum dönmesi değildir) ketlenmişti :DDD
>what is google
Mongrel imbecile.
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>How do you feel about Turkey

the same way I feel toward a rabid animal, cautious, disgusted and filled with resolve it should be put down
Finally someone that can use their brain
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>roaches love this man
>muuuhhhh ar*p
I don't care about them, I don't care about Al-Saud but I hate degeneracy and I see Islam as ideal Chad-like religion that fights against wh*Te subhuman influence and fits the warrior nature of the Turan
kys pathetic nigger, you don't deserve to be alive
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Niggers and Sand Niggers alike. Can't be held accountable in their minds of the things they do their victims. Call animal control.
siktir et qnq gel b*Yaz götü yakalım :DDDD
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Yırtmama gerek yok zaten beyazım orospu çocuğu dedem Rus :)
Şu QXX0YIIl'e cevap vermeyin çok büyük ihtimal troll
When you say that genocides are needed for securing existence, you are proving point. Fucking roach.

//P.S. Can't wait till the kurds establish a state :D
They're 1/4 white, 1/4 Greek/Near Eastern, 1/3 Arab and rest Asian.
Turks are nationalist as hell. They've got no white guilt and aren't politically correct. Even the women.

Pretty damn based.
>orospu çocuğu dedem rus
hah şöyle yerini bil de konuş b*Yaz piçi seni
boşver xocem bamplıyoz işte :DDDD
They LARP as the scions of Chingiis and everyone fucking hates it
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>Amerimutt in charge of genetics
what the fuck is 1/x you dumbass amerimutt do you think this is USA you subhuman :DDDDDDD
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Actually it's Donmeh Jews.

The Young Turks, and Ataturk were freemasonic crypto Jews.

Pathetic nigger lover tells me that he is superior lol.Go eat your ar*b/j*wish overlords dick.
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In prominent young turks, look at the ones involved.


I can't tell if you are an idiot who just wandered on to this site or a troll.
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The real reason Turkey committed genocide against everyone.
Dude, these people really exist?! *Sigh* I always considered it a meme, but Christ...look at that shit. They may as well take him to the vet and clip his nuts.
>Cyprus flag
>Doesn't even own half of it
should we call you Island Kurds from now on? Kurds also have a kurdistan flag on their flags but they don't own it :DDDDDDDd
Unironiclly Kill yourself
Fun fact, all three of the peoples which were subject to genocide, have a much higher average IQ than Turks, not to mention the literacy rate. :) retard
They have to see this everyday :DDDD
They do exist. Which is why its all the more terrifying is when people with this fetish are in power
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Avradını siktiğimin hademesi götün yiyorsa banla bak bakalım tüm tahtayı BBC ile doldurmuyor muyum

>calls himself Turk
>not a proud son of Turan and Islam
Subhuman nigger detected
I bet you have Armenian forefathers, cuck
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I'm so glad they're being (((culturally enriched))) over in Europe. There's really only one thing to do over in Mecca (pic related).
Remove all the kebab, death to all sand nigger mudslime turks
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fun fact, cyprus doesn't own half of its flag
Nothern Cyprus has been trying to reunify for ages, economically they're at a dead end and Turkey has only pulled them down lately. They'll still join up in future.
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Soon roach
Dont beg for mercy when time comes
>Turan and Islam
You're confused lad
>Greek Southern Italy
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Chicken Good.webm
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Fuckin' kek.
Not the inland idiots (majority of the population)
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wh_te reality.jpg
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yes, and this is your (non-meme) reality
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Not on my watch
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>death to all sand nigge-
so anzu is white?
but i thought she was turk
Reminder if you support denial of the Armenian/Greek/Assyrian genocide then you support the jews, Muslims and cannot deny the holohoax since it was done by crypto jews leading around subhuman cockroaches
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allahs weapon.png
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>Dont beg for mercy when time come-
serious question for the turks. Do you hate armenians? i just never understood the whole genocide thing.
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come home brown man
ask an armenian diaspora anything
I'm no nigger, Roach.
I like your mother
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All hail Byzantium

Bomb Turkey! Reclaim Constantinople!
anzu isn't there you dumb wh*Teoid
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You can't stop it roach.Bow down to your superiors
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Allah's Judgement.jpg
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>reclaim cons-
It sincerely makes me sick to my stomach. What kind of a beta male, low test, unironic lower back tattoo, micro-penis'd mother fucker would do this? Ugh...feels bad man.
but she looks white

so turks are white?
All muslims hate their neighboring countries. If you ask a turk, they'll say something like that egyptians steal, aghani people got no manners, iraqi people rape, etc. etc. They've got a negative charicature for everyone except themselves.
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don't be ashamed of your rapebaby ancestry
>the cunt Prime Minister of Turkey wanted to name a University after this man
You can't even deny Turks are as bad as they were a hundred, two hundred or a thousand years ago.
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oh helo and bye bye
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topal osman reks.jpg
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*kills 60.000 pontic greeks*
We literally conquered anatolia from you and genocided your suhbuman kind there. Then we conquered Gr**ce itself and we make you our bitch for 600 years. If you dare to try to fuck with us we will wipe you out from Cyprus just like how we wipe you out from Anatolia
offff TOPAL OSMAN ne göt yaktı beee :DDDDD
Nice try sub-human
turks are nothing..
stop wasting your time on them
mod piçi sanırım pontuslu değil direkt göt yangınından rastgele post banlamış :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Good Gr**ks.jpg
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Turks are mongol scum and have little girl voices
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average golden dawn voter.jpg
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keeek it's not even a meme
We need to keep pressuring them into acknowledge the massacre and the horror of it.
Economical sanctions need to be applied annually until they submit.
Ülkemi terk ettim
Bir gece kuşatma altında
Hoş bir ufuk için 'Le Mirage' serap demektir

Ben bağlantıları görmedim
Sen, sen sonsuzluğu gördün.

Kırmızı-turuncu gökyüzü
Altında ölü palmiyeler
Ben de sesi açıyorum
Çünkü her şey müzikte var olur

Bu da hayalleri ve gerçekleri birleştirir

Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Ne yapıyorum burada ben?
Ne yapıyorum burada şimdi ben?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Burada ölecek miyim.
Şimdi burada ölecek miyim?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Ne yapıyorum burada ben?
Burada seninle ne yapıyorum?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
O zaman burada ölürsem seninle öleceğim.
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.

Ülkemi terk ettim
Vicdani reddi sorguladıktan sonra
Karantina altında bir zamanda
Şevk ve güzellikten uzakta

Sen her zaman bağlantıları görürsün.
Ben, ben görürüm
Ben görürüm bulutsuz bir gökyüzü.
Ben sonsuz yavaş bir yaz görürüm.
Sen ahlaksız bir şehir görürsün.
Özgürlüğün hasta halini görürsün.

Sen dedin: Naifsin.
Ben dedim: Biliyorum.

Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Ne yapıyorum burada ben?
Ne yapıyorum burada şimdi ben?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Burada ölecek miyim.
Şimdi burada ölecek miyim?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
Ne yapıyorum burada ben?
Burada seninle ne yapıyorum?
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
O zaman burada ölürsem seninle öleceğim.
Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.

Bağlantıları görme.
Sen gerçeği görürsün.
Ben seninle aynı şeyi görmem.
Ben gün batımını görür.
Ben seninle aynı şeyi görmem.
Sen çöküşü görürsün.

Sen dedin: Naifsin.
Ben dedim: Biliyorum.

Her zaman kendimi düşünüyorum.
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>Lost against rice farmers
>Lost against commie gooks
>Lost against Taliban
>Escaped from Iraq
Why is USA so shit at warfare?
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Keep hissing filthy roaches
Doesn't change how shit your army is.
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kıbrısla alakalı tirad açsam mı acaba uzun zamandır rapebaby götü yakmamıştık
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don't be in denial
admit that you're a rapebaby
all my greek acquintances have done it and they feel much better now
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It's ok, we are good friends with Putin now.
b*Yaz PİÇleriyle alakalı tirad açalım
/tr/'de konuşalım gelin inte
yunan götü yakmak çok kolay xocem keyifsiz oluyor
amerikan götü yakmak çok keyifli sen ZENCİli tirad aç
ZENCİli tiradları götüyanık hademe siliyor
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Why are Turks so extremely butthurt when you talk down on them?
We German got used to it, why can't they.

Also why is turkey so damn ugly?
I've been in Greece last year, and even it's bankrupt it is way more nicer and cleaner then turkey.
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No you're just the result of central asian ugo's that settled in anatolia and mixed with the local greco-anatolians

Stop worshipping allah
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And you should stop raising your children
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Hey turkroach how does it feel getting destroyed by some greek farmers at 1821 even tho you had one of the greatest armies back then?

Your language is fucking disgusting and makes it look like insects are crawling across my computer screen.
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>Lol xDdddddd

Turkish education....
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average yunan.jpg
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sorry, only wh*Tes are insulted itt
>be gr**k
>lost anatolia
>lost istanbul
>lost greece
>l-look we win a war against you!!!
lmao pathetic
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daily reminder that turkish girls hunt for georgian dick
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lmao, as soon as the mountianroaches put up Ruskie flags the Turks and their pets back down and fall over trying to bow to the slavs.
Thread posts: 336
Thread images: 142

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