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New update on the guy

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Thread replies: 307
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What do you think? How will they spin this?
That would actually explain why the first police who arrive on scene ~20 seconds after were so non chalant. They werent too interested, and it was peculiar. But if they were just witnessing the guy in the charger being attacked viciously (as they did to numerous people, I saw it live today) it would explain why they were lackadasical in responding to the crash.
The driver's going to get of without much punishment because of the chaos of his situation and the leftists will lose their shit and start spouting rhetoric about the system favouring white people or something.
It also explain why he went at full speed against another car and why after he crossed the intersection people were running behind the car.

Let's wait in this thread while it all blows over, people are overreacting.
If I get my ass kicked I go the fuck back home. These dumb fucking alt liters set us back 20 fucking years.
The point of all this was to not have to protest in the street ands devolve into violence like the fucking nigger lives matter assholes.
We were better. We started a movement, we did it from our houses. We got a president elected, we went out to vote and made a difference.
This was fucking ignorant and now it was all for nothing. Liberal media will blast this for years and scare younger generations from our cause.
Youll never see another riot without this mentioned. Youll never see another white on black crime without this mentioned. Youll never hear about Trump, Bannon, or Breitbart without their "radical views inciting violence" mentioned.

Thanks faggots
Only thing left to do is race war. Peace is over and no longer an option, time to start the killings.
>What do you think? How will they spin this?

They can't. If the police come out and say he was scared, they will still blame whitey for it. They will assume there is some underlying motive, that hes a 'stealth racist' or some such bollocks.

All this will prove is the left want the white man to be guilty no matter what. This is a good thing, it shows the public the shitskins true colours.

I don't think the driver knew there were cars in the street in front of him until the crowd moved out of the way. Even if it was intentional I don't think he could see the cars, only the crowd.
No you dumb faggot, are you 16? A race war solves nothing and further polarizes us. The only thing left is use tactics that have been working. Memes, controlling our own narrative, blasting liberals for their wrongdoings.
We just did what (((they))) have been wanting since the campaign. We were behind our screens and winning. We never needed boots on the ground.
We were never going to not be called violent Nazis. You will never as a White man ever not be attacked by the media. Crying about how the media will spin this is pointless, they are the enemy.
ahahahah he still believes the (((democracy))) meme.
I agree. Let's get this over with already.
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This is going to be it right here this is how it begins. TO VICTORY FOR A WHITE AMERICA!!! MAWA!!!
Why are all of you so fucking dense? This was horrible for our cause
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>the race war cometh
Finally. /pol/ has been preparing me for this moment all my life
Occupy democrat is spinning it that it's a white supremist. Flood the occupy democrats page
the jew is the enemy and niggers are his smokescreen

>being this new
There were baseball bat dents in the side of the car according tonthe top story on Drudge.
Watch this
Then re-read your comment
That will be exactly what happens
I agree. It's time to get this over with before winter comes.

do you mean race war later?

or just do nothing ever, because there are flaws with that
>more footage emerges of antifa and blm attacking his car
>driver was in fear for his life by angry mob with weapons
>total accident, driver devastated and apologetic
>not a white supremacist lol
>media narrative btfo again
I figured it would be something done in panic with the way he hit the cars in front if him. Nobody would intentionally fuck up their car like that unless it was feds.
So what, it's ok as they win as long as they think we don't care? Fuck that, kill every leftist and nigger and commie and hang them in the streets
>A race war solves nothing and further polarizes us.
How exactly?
So it was karma that hit antifa like a dodge charge ahahahaha
the non intentional is correct. If it had been intentional he would've backed off and gone for round 2.
How many nights of protest against Charlotte police can we expect?

I'm saying 2 weeks min
None of us were rioting. The rally had a permit and was illegally broken up. All the violence happened because the city allowed antifa to run loose. There's your talking point, assuming you are not a concern troll.


I love how nobody knows the whole story yet and CNN has had anchors and BLM liasons screeching EXTREME RIGHT WING WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI TERRORISM DONAL DRUMPF REEE for the last hour nonstop

I fucking can't stand TV media
Ramming the car in front of him definitely speaks to accident/scared.

If you want maximum casualties you go full auto jihad and drive on the sidewalks.
>They can't. If the police come out and say he was scared

>..was scared..OF MUSLIMS!
They werent winning you retard! WE OWNED THE GOVERNMENT. IT WAS ALL RED, EVERYTHING.
Are you this blind?! We had /ourguy/ fucking Bannon in the White House. They will crucify him now!
the jewish media would call us nazi terrorists in any event, there is no amount of cucking that will ever make you a good goy, so grow a pair
Because it doesnt exist! There wont be a race war! Blaxit was our answer, memes were our answer
We were red pilling faster than they could fucking poison minds
leftists just attacked some random citizen and he freaked out
It was too early to put boots on the ground, we had 4 years til this was neccessary. We have been winning
The jewish media will call him a radical nazi.

And this is the narrative they will stick with, even if he doesn't get charged with anything.
>>..was scared..OF MUSLIMS!

Of the mob you daft bitch.
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is there actual evidence of this, nip?

take a wishful thinking kate
What a potty mouth.
The brown cunt on Fox is CNN-lite as well, trying to adlib some sort of coordination amongst the "white supremacists". Fox is spinning this as a Klan rally.
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The driver was antifa. However the media will spin it saying he was aligned with white supremacists by his actions.
Three seconds into the "he accelerated, lol" video, some fuck smashes his bumper with a big white thing. Then, he accelerates.

It's panic.
>those comments

poor guy just wanted to fit in with his friends, i don't blame him for driving a car through a crowd
Fuck you I need this Happening in my lifetime. I wanna lunch niggers
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Race war?
Seems like your worst enemies are mostly white.

Race war is a black thing, they have been fighting it with each other since the dawn of time
Fox News is just as bad. It's almost as if it's a coordinated effort to control the narrative...
Then go! But as a group its a bad idea. The black problem is solving itself between gangs and crack. Liberals wont be able to defend them forever. Its spilling out
>Pro world
Please tell the American globalists that Finland has no interest in being joined with you. Infact, please them to kill themselves.
That simply isn't accurate. The rally was planned months in advance and was supposed to be a positive get together for the right wing. The left simply can't stand when right wing people have a rally so they showed up to stir shit up.

The leftists do this ALL the time. They literally are not capable of leaving the right wing alone. They CONSTANTLY show up and turn right wing rallies into violent brawls because they have no fucking respect at all. They aren't tolerant in the slightest. If they were tolerant then they would simply let the right wing have their gatherings and not show up to fuck everything up.

People laying the blame on the right are simply stupid. This was all caused by the counter-protest.
that's a bingo. antifa are to blame for attacking a civilian in his vehicle, threatening his life.
he's from out of state and was probably fucking with the gps on his phone. freaked out when he got in an accident and hightailed it the fuck out of there
I swear to god /pol/ will believe and share anything and when this blows up in your face you will look terribly retarded.
Seriously where is the evidence it was this skinny little beta manlet? The pictures of the car hitting people shows fat man hands, not skinny beta twigs.
Im saying that the rally wasnt neccessary. We were united, we won the fucking presidency. Maybe before midterm elections this would be a good idea, but this was a poor choice
I think you should probably stop listening to Russian agents attempting third-rate agitprop but why change the habits of a lifetime, eh?
>/pol/ will look retarded
>implying anons care

>where's the evidence
you must have missed the thousand other threads that put him as prime suspect.
Never forget that /pol/ is always right
they can't we have too much easy fodder straight from his own social media accounts. I think the march and shit was really gay but this is definitely all positive

if this happens it's pretty much a "victory" for the "alt-right" especially if they can successfully sue the city government
They can spin it whichever way they want. If there are no charges, expect a riot. Things are gonna get a lot more fun in the coming days
Let's hope we get a Ferguson 2.0 going. Seriously, Charlottesville deserves it.
>How many nights of protest against Charlotte police can we expect?
>police cuck out and chase off peaceful white nationalists
>now have to deal with screeching lefties for weeks smashing up their neighborhood
Some backwards license plate search that probably doesnt work and a 7 year old photo of a dodge challenger are not evidence.
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Oh my god if this is true
I want to believe
It's been confirmed by antifa on the scene he was an IWW member (antifa) from out of town.

seems to be a retard who freaked out
This. The best thing you can do at this point is stop caring about labels and speak out
If you're spooked while driving and your first instinct is to step on the gas and drive IN A SRTAIGHT FUCKING LINE towards a massive group of people in a pedestrian road then your should be shot. You're just a worthless waste of space.
At least we BTFOed some leftists, huh my fellows MAGApedes? xDDDD
>waaaah now i cant be a cuck
Nazi is just a word. It means nothing these days. It isn't even being used accurately.
They think a "war" on American streets is possible
We in the Security Forces have been traning for martial law for decades, neathier side will take an inch
they already are. that's the spin.
he wasnt an angry lefty that thought he was mowing down evil nazi white power rednecks
he was just a panicked scared lefty that had an accident
And the nazis had already left hours ago. Like, it's fucking hilarious they decided to have another ridiculous little protest and it blew up in their faces
It seems to be accident and by an antifa retard. Thats what the analysis is pointing to right now. (from sources at the scene who say it is IWW, and other evidence)

1. Car plows into BLM protesters

2. Media shouts "nazi murders innocent protesters"

3. Police find out that the driver is antifa.

4. Media suddenly shouts that it was an accident and he was scared.

he is one of their own. they scared the shit out of him and he rammed his own people.
It was probably CIA brainwashing. They found a druggie antifa and wanting him to plow into nazis. Then the retard got too high and confused ending up plowing into anarchists.


>An accident
The sort of accident that causes you to step on the gas and then try to run away? Sure thing.
Hope he fucking rots, I don't give a shit about his political opinions.
And all you niggas were doubting Kek.
Nice IP
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Druggie probably thought it was alt right. That's why I said accident because he hit the wrong people than he wanted.
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Person arrested wearing white polo and khakis
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Drop step 4, they wont correct themselves after throwing out the nazi narrative.
Also how do we know it was this kid? The picture of the car plowing into people shows fat man sausage fingers, not little twink twigs like joel has.
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No it wont.

One of the best things ever was when we convinced the world that poop eating bdsm cuck was the fag who hit spencer.
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Do you think there'll be charges?
>he's a druggie
It gets even better. Is there death penalty in Virginia?
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You're not the one that gets to plan wars little guy. (((they))) do. Any idiots that try to start a revolution with brute force first will get put down. Most of the white population has been indoctrinated and isn't even on your side. Come back when you have central banker trillions and multiple intelligence agencies on your side. Morons like you that think they would actually win something like this are no smarter than nigger gangsters pointing their guns sideways and shouting fuck the police.
What I think of if a hostile mob surrounds my vehicle, hell no i'm not going to stop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM8Y6uPH-R4
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Actually (((they))) couldn't do much once the infrastructure got cut. Countries are fragile things
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And a bunch of shit posting spergs are capable of this

No, but some pissed off guys with guns are.
If I hear a massive BANG against my car I might instinctively hit the gas to escape. People don't act rationally when scared
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A twinky leftist 16 yead old got behind the wheel of a muscle car. No wonder someone got killed.
then we get the security forces to align with our side by whatever means

give every one of our guys gear and a government paycheck. trumpenreich
you mean the Mandy Flores poop eating old fat man wasn't the guy?
To be blunt, even if he was scared, I don't think driving through a fucking crowd is the appropriate response.
Remember all... the "this is my car when I turn 16" post was almost 6 years ago.

That would make him closer to 22 right now.
>1 dead, 19 injured
Wait a minute.
The footage I saw, only 2 people got caught between the collision of the 2 cars.
Now it's 20 people?
Please provide names, videos, or whatever that can support your claim.
Otherwise you're gonna seem like a complete Jew.
>I don't give a shit about his political opinions.
>At least we BTFOed some leftists, huh my fellows MAGApedes? xDDDD

Your first post included a short political rant.

And honestly, the fact that it seems the communists are so retarded that they cause themselves more harm than their enemies is hilarious.
I wish nothing but the absolute worst for you and yours.
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Remove the blue, human eyes are more sensitive to red and green.

Looks like he is crying and has a gash above his eye.
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That sounds about right. What's the most recent pic of him we have?
>has a gash above his eye.
Thats his eyebrow

Quit crying like a little bitch.

There is a white genocide currently under way in this country:


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

This will do nothing more than bring the organization to the hearts and minds of more pissed off white people who are watching their beloved states and homeland turn into a 3rd world, mexishit infested shit hole.

God willing, Trump is the next Hitler.
Why the fuck should we care, he seems like someone who does retarded shit like this, so he has it coming. This is a million times better than pushin Sam Hydes body-count even higher.
My first post didn't imply anything about the driver. If you haven't realized, the entire board is shitting itself praising this because "Commies got hurt and killed xd". Its disgusting.
do what they always do, refuse to cover and continue to push a false narrative
FYI... Michigan here. Have a few messages out to friends who live in Bruce Township to see if they know the family or any back story.
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Look at the zoom >>137129581
odd angle for an eyebrow
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Have some seconds.

Commies deserve death.
Yea keep throwing it off to someone else retarded, just proves your a LARPer
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If the massive group of people are surrounding my car while hitting it with shit and throwing stuff at it, damn right I'm going to gas it. The ones that get fucked up from me hitting them should be an example to get out of the way, why the fuck are they attacking a car just trying to get through anyways?
Kill the puppets and not the hands, goy!
lol you're a total pussy faggot. I'm actually glad you somehow "lost" a way to defend yourself. Go around condemning Nazis like a little pussy cuck. Your cowardice only brings us one step closer to the race war.
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Do we really have to start lynching people to make our voices heard?
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That does not sound like something a federal agent would say, not at all.
Unpopular yet correct opinion: we won't know the details in this case until at least Monday. Until then, everything anyone says is suspect.
but where is the penis
If your moments of panic last various seconds and cause you to drive directly into a crowd tens of meters away then you shouldn't be allowed inside a car. You're just a ticking time bomb.

>hahah /pol/ is all about hate and death to commies xD
Reddit please leave

Well good for you but you just got at least one innocent killed. Well done, moron.

Get this little fuck arrested
Pshhh, like a bunch of faggot like you can pay us better than the Mult trillion defnese spending trump has given us, yea fuck off we got our own family's to worry about, if want muh race to continue why dont you try the same
I dont know if you know this but trump cares about money, not a bunch of internet spergs
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>Commies block road
>Commies attack cars that get trapped
>Commie in car panics and runs over other commies

I think laughter is an appropriate response.
Näköjään jotkut muutkin shadow-bannattu. Itel käyny sama redditis ainakin. Jos yritän tehä uuden accon ilman et vaihda ip:tä, niin ei näy viestit.
Driver was a confirmed stoner in high school
Looks like he's wincing or panicking and looking at his rear-view mirror, which would make sense if his car was attacked and he was checking to make sure they weren't following him. Then while he's distracted and still in a panic he plows through people and hits a car.

Those eyebrows are pretty thick, kinda like Joels...
It was his dad dumbass.
The guy they arrested looks nothing like him.
And he's obviously that far left because his dad is a Nazi fetishist loser like you.
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he's not the one
look elsewhere you fucking faggots this is boston bomber 2.0
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Holy shit youre a cuck. Its not about what you say to your fucking friends.
The protest was a terrible idea, but not for these cucked ass reasons. It has nothing to do with the media spin, it has to do with seizing power. Right still hasnt figured out that the left isnt in power because it protests, it protests because its in power...if that sounds illogical to you, read https://reactionaryfuture.wordpress.com/2016/03/05/the-iron-law-of-rebellious-tools/
We all know the Impala drives him.
So I'm guessing we're back to the HE DIN DU NUFFIN narrative huh
>Now it's 20 people?
Drove through a crowd that launched several off their feet.
Shills are hitting us hard
>Holy shit youre a cuck. Its not about what you say to your fucking friends.
>The protest was a terrible idea, but not for these cucked ass reasons. It has nothing to do with the media spin, it has to do with seizing power. Right still hasnt figured out that the left isnt in power because it protests, it protests because its in power...if that sounds illogical to you, read https://reactionaryfuture.wordpress.com/2016/03/05/the-iron-law-of-rebellious-tools/
Very good point. This is why I been preaching strategy for the past year. The lefts power base is schools and the media. Those should be the target. Protesting makes you look like a fag. And today fuckin proves that to the hilt.
>set us back 20 fuckin years

Idk about you but 1997 was lit
>Drove through a crowd that launched several off their feet.
Was there another car-crash? Cause the the accident I saw had 2 people get caught between the cars that crashed .

He wasn't the driver. Look at his Facebook page, he posted just a few mins ago that it wasn't him.
Charge him with "mayhem" like the guy that bricked Reginald Denny.
It was the wrong person. Fuck /pol/ come on!!!
>Posted from his cell


Whats with the different doors, good point out anons

Blame it on Reddit and start looking for someone else.
So it's his dad?
Msm now reporting may have been accident driver was in panick his back windshield has a hole in it where someone threw a brick through it whites win again.
Any links?
Which is why (((they))) are building their remote bug-out retreats.

The fact that this is or isn't the driver doesn't explain if the event was an accident or intentional.

Which is what really matters.

You're the fucking faggot.
This isn't the driver you dumb fucks. You can see the guys face in pictures of the car and it's not that faggot lanklet.
first reports are always shit, i'm sure they'll get over it when more facts come out.
>someone wasted all that time to make this and it isn't even him
Certain angles show at least 8 or 9 people being thrown into the air from getting hit before he collided with the other car
It's not real you retarded beaner.
Spin it around like a friggin helicopter... Oh wait..
Good goy! No need to try as hard! We're already winning!
The Day of the Soap draws near. I will clean myself in Uncle Adolf's Jew Fat Soap.
>guys it happened in front of my houes
>even though we all have phones that can shoot videos, i have no footage
>be scared
>no one is around
>so drive 40mph into a wall of people 500ft away
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Forgot pic god damn it.
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nice try, fag. there's video of protesters that were beating on his car, so he ran em over. you lose.
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the driver doesn't look like the kid though?
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Riddle me this if it was intentional why stop after first incident ? People literally chase the fully functional car back up the street seems if suspect was trying to hurt people he would have put it back in drive and triple hia numbers.
looks like matt damon

back to ribbit, faggot

violence is the name of the game these days, and the left started it


>further polarizes us

no, we're going to win. fuck polarization. the left will be defeated, end of story
Nah, he was in white polo and khakis. That was Identity Europa's uniform for the march. Pretty sure this guy was IE.
Identitarian movements are doomed to fail. Fuck off you edgelord.


what kind of asinine bullshit is this??!! they know it bothered us, that's why they fucking do it, you gigantic fucking retarded pussy


They were throwing rocks at his car and screaming threats at him, he was just trying to get away from his attackers.

>Witnesses said the car was traveling up to 40 miles an hour when it hit and reversed before ramming into the crowd again and speeding off with someone's shoe attached to its bumper.

>Moments before, a counter-protester had allegedly thrown a rock at the car, causing the driver to swivel around and ram into people and two cars in its way.

>crucify him now

they are still out of government. they have no power. they're going to write some more nasty articles? BOO FUCKING HOO, QUIT BEING A FUCKING PUSSY


the best defense is a strong offense. we are winning, we have been winning, and it's not time to stop until we've won. the left has not submitted yet, this is not over. buck the fuck up
Totally. Fucking. This.
If he gets away with this I will laugh all the way to the civil war.
It was necessary. Leftists are constantly out in force and getting media coverage. It gives normies the impression that there are a lot of leftists and they're active. Gives them social credibility.

The right wing getting out there and showing our numbers strengthens our credibility. For YEARS the left has been out in the streets in huge numbers. We must do the same.
Some nog on the scene was insisting that it was an accident and the person got spooked
If charges are going to be pressed there'll be a release of his identity, until then, people are just making shit up.
that´s kinda what I expected.
there wasn´t enough damage for it being done on purpose
just some guy that got scared/confused.

fuck off you faggot, there is no we.
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Fake, Gay and Saged
OP is a faggot and an idiot

Charlottesville Chimpouts incoming in 5...4...3....2

>Protesters in street throw rocks at car
>Car runs over protesters in street

nothing surprising, guy will be let free.

From this angle it appears the driver may be innocent:

Not traveling down the street fast, someone throws something at the back of their bumper at :16 seconds

Causing the driver to then maybe lose focus and slam into cars in front.
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I fucking love it when this happens

Yup - alt right is OVER. thank god. you all took yourselves way to seriously and weren't very funny. plus your ideas were like pretty dumb. didn't you all realize we got over the whole alpha male thing when were were apes? sheesh you're ridiculous.

oh sure, that will work out well for you. I remember the last time a white racist was delusional, something about "invading Russia in the winter"...
free? why? did he donate to the Clinton foundation?
>Posting screenshot of a claim that 'muh video' proves intent.
>Not linking actual video.

Shill tactics, everybody.
the media is not the enemy - crap ideas believed to be true and taken far too seriously, those are the enemies.

This won't be considered terrorism.

Leftists will screech all week long.

It's the new "Hand up, don't shoot."

Just watch.
Well said

I fucking hate the alt-right now
Protesting protests. Fuck them.
>Waaah just stay home and post frogs guyzzz
The entire position of the alt right is INSURED TO UTTERLY FAIL. not because of the media, or the left, but because of the core flaws in the thinking and strategy.

No, YOU will it. and that is why YOU and the rest of the alt right will utterly and completely fail. Just like Hitler failed.
The media calls you nazi terrorists because YOU ARE NAZI TERRORISTS. duh.
red pill = deluding yourselves in group think.
Who cares about money when the country is falling apart.
> innocent
> communist

kek nice try beaner
When an 'alt right' member finally snaps, it will be with an automatic weapon, several thousand rounds of amunition, and a packed street/building full of commie retards that he WILL gun down mercilessly.

It won't be a lame little fender bender after somebody throws a brick at his rear windshield.

Little faggots, you should be real fucking pleased that """""we""""" aren't violent yet.
well hitler invading Russia wasn't necessary either, but hey that is why extremists are POOR PROBLEM SOLVERS. you will always fail.
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it wasn't this kid
Nothing was wrong with his windshield before the accident.
>People are actually falling for this copypasta
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absolutely not. war will only lead to UN control or martial law. We loose our independence the day we succumb to violence
It was gonna happen anyway
This is probably the truth tbhfam. Think about many times we've seen blm get ran over the last few years? Pretty much all bc blm are violent nigs who think you can attack someone in a car and not have consequences
Did you run over the protestors? So what the fuck are you talking about? Fight back, don't let someone bully you for having your own opinion.
I wonder what the >>133333337 get was/
Faux is probably even worse because it's the only "conservative news" (sic) source people know about. Compare it with just 5 minutes of OANN, it's literally sickening. IF people can get OANN, it's unimaginable how they can sit through Faux Entertainment Eye Candy Channel for more than a minute.
We didn't riot.
if you've never been in the middle of this shit before then STFU...these leftists are rabid, attack in packs, and WILL fucking kill you....he probably panicked..
Coulter's law: the longer they take to release the ID of the suspect, the higher the chance it isn't a fucking white male conservative.

Gotta give the left time to get their lies out there first!
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Ran some kiddie level saturation comparisons of the plates between the arrest snapchat and the professional photo at the scene. Seems they might be the same after all. Very odd they are not releasing information about the suspect if so.
If you accidentally ran over a bunch of people, wouldn't you get the hell out of there. If the driver was scared it makes sense he would reverse. If the driver got out of the vehicle he would have been bashed to death.
any thread I have seen that has his name in or a photo has been delete.
From this angle it appears the driver may be innocent:

Not traveling down the street fast, someone throws something at the back of their bumper at :16 seconds

Causing the driver to then maybe lose focus and slam into cars in front.
you can see in the video... he is not flooring it into a crowd, he is coming from an traveling down an open road towards people, then at :!6 someone slams something large into the back of their bumper, when someones foot is on the gas and they are peaking around at the chaotic scene, and then something slams loud and hard their back bumper, it is not unimaginable this caused them to step on the gas, seemingly exactly in that short time frame moment to then collide with cars infront

Wrong guy. Get with the program.
Haha what, CIA af.
You need to take a dirt nap you treasonous cunt.
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They are going to use everything they have against you, you stupid faggot. Do you think that uniting the right, thinking whites have the right to exist and not be replaced is hateful or racist? The radical American left does.

Whiteness is evil, whiteness is bad, whiteness is white supremacy, whiteness is systemic discrimination against everyone else, you can't be racist against white people, white people can't be oppressed... on and on and on and on goes the dogmatic bullshit of the social justice warrior.

If you have been paying attention to anything around you at all, you would realize that no amount of motherfucking cuckoldry is going to ever satiate the rabid American left. They want all whites and the right to die quietly and go away into obscurity. They don't give a flying fuck on how much you virtue signal- in their eyes, whites have to be destroyed.
hello fbi
That will be the guy. Kek wills it
you're a coward.
fuck off back to whatever cuck shed you crawled from, little bitch.
So it was reddit the entire time, we should've known.
BLM killed cops and kidnapped people and regularly mob white people and burn down cities and cars and buildings and the media and newspaper and goddamn government agencies still prop them up like they're all good bois and gurls. Get fucking real and face the facts- they will never stop calling you names no matter how many steps you take in any direction.
would be glorious. Charlotte deserves everything it gets. The mayor, governor and police force are all such faggots. Clear bias, unlawful repression of free speech and assembly, and then used as a scapegoat for all of their problems.
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(((His name))) keeps getting deleted from posts. Mr F. must be the guy
Who was it what did it say!?
electing some billionaire with a few mildly right win opinions isn't winning you spineless faggot, this rally was the first impressive thing the american right has done in years
There's an 80% chance it was just some normie getting (rationally) scared by chimps chimping out.
>KY jelly

pick one
You frame this as if we're winning. We're not.
Cucks gonna cuck. Concerncucks gonna concerncuck.

Gas yourself - you're almost as bad as the open left.
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>one man wears a Hitler quote shirt

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what you said to the umpth degree

lol remember Jay meezeey
>A race war further polarizes us
How is that not what we are trying to accomplish?
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>tfw that man will be the next Zimmerman

stop trying to play their game
stand tall or fuck off with your tail between your legs
if names and shaming is all it takes to get you to back down, you don't belong here.
They shut down our peaceful protest by stating it was a state of emergency
They didn't shutdown the commies who assault people.

fuck off jew

Fucking whore of the banking jew.
Coulter's Law.
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Sorry, can't tell you Anon, got deleted too fast

Guess we got to pay close attention
I read what happened and who did it and he was a lefty his tag gave him away the car owners son. I turned on fox and they even had a recorded intro voice saying white nationalist terrorist even though no evidence shown and they still haven't named him
No shit he was scared. Look at the video, they started throwing bricks at his car
((Mr F))
Keeps getting scrubbed while all the false positives are free to propagate.

Gotta be the guy
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Your post sounds like some leftist drivel. Kindly fuck off back to wherever you came from.
I guess I should just let damage be done to my personal property and sit there and take the beating I'm going to get for driving a car. Too bad I'm not a pussy, if the protest was truly peaceful, the driver wouldn't have felt threatened and no one would have died, too bad these BLM and antifa protest are never non violent.
>Charlotte police
>Charlotte deserves everything it gets
Do you two faggots even know the difference between Virginia and North Carolina?
Underage aren't allowed to post here.

If we got it wrong we can just blame reddit.
looks like paul walker for some reason, i think we could make a trolling about this.

I need proofs of this so I can start posting places
>conservativism is a political ideology of peace
Look, I'm dubious of this """attack""" as well, but come on, don't say stupid shit like that. It ruins your otherwise valid suspicions.
wrong person
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My nigga. I'd do anything to go back in time play this shit at my cousins old house.
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That's not the driver, genius. Be patient like the rest of us.
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>tfw it was the left that disrupted the rally, started rioting and got itself killed
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>over 120.000 unique lurkers
>over 9000 active posters
>1 guy posts hypothesis with tweets to back it up
If he's even slightly non-black the media will decide he's a white supremacist terrorist. Look what they did with Zimmerman
>f panic last various seconds and cause you to drive directly into a crowd tens of meters away then you shouldn't be allowed inside a car. You're just a ticking time bomb.
yeah but your band still sucks!
Clearly he was a nazi afraid of getting justice from liberals
No, maybe if someone hadn't died that might be the case.

At this point he'll be getting at least manslaughter.
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>Ohio license plates, drove almost 500 miles to get there
>white nationalist uniform
That dude shouldnt have been peeing on the other guy if he was worried about his stream so much
He's definitely looking in his rearview.
More than one accident I'm hearing.
"Muh nazis skurred em to death. Fucking nerzis!"
New footage of the driver! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNZ1obcR328&list=LLzD5TcPDMIkgGyUOgR9mQEA&index=2
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>Look what they did with Zimmerman
zimzam was 5 years ago
They'll make an example out of him. The truth and intent matter little.
top kek
No - his daughter confirmed he'd died a couple years prior.
Ya people buy cars from other states you dimwit also get that fat butch outta here
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To be entirely fair;

If I was some normie tadpole who just accidentally hit the gas instead of the break and ran over a bunch of Antifa protestors, I'd be scared shitless that they were going to try and kill me with baseballbats and paperspray.
>eat poop
makes sense
Trips of truth
Not the guy.
>We were better. We started a movement, we did it from our houses. We got a president elected,
You're a fucking idiot.
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Demoralization kike rat
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1 year before i was born, that would be cool since i wouldn't have to exist through this shit
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