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What is a developing group of people, you stupid nigger mong?
They're calling in the fucking National guard.

It took like a week to call in the NG in ferguson when niggers were burning down the city. It took two hours during a peaceful protest here.

Fuck the governor
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This is a silly thread.
Ultimate victory will be ours.
Day of the rope soon.

That's a pretty good outcome, it shows normies whites aren't allowed to have a voice when kikes and blacks are in charge. The city will get sued.
The only way to win was to let them have their rally and leave but the kikes couldn't help themselves and just gave it a ton more exposure.

Don't lie, we can tell /leftypol/ is assmad.
What possibly can Spencer do to sue the governor?
Maybe you should do the riots in those cities that don't have any law enforcement
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We still won today
Spencer is a fed.
Choke to your mother's mutilated dick kike. We're coming for you. The word is spreading.
Moldbug told you this wouldnt work years ago and you didn't listen. The Right isn't going to win the Demos over, if you want to be useful start organizing military sleeper cells and in 10-20 years pull off a coup
Reminder that all non-marxist political gatherings will be met swiftly with police and paramilitary force, and all participants will be blacklisted.
former virginia fag here. the people can be really based but the government absolutely is not. charlottesville made a good location because of the history but it's a "nice" city and the government would never allow something like this to actually happen.
>Right winger: The Left controls the state
>Left winger: No we don't, we're anarchists! We're the resistance! Ebil right wing controls the state!

Really makes you think
>Fuck the governor

As a VA resident, This is how I feel. Every time I see or hear a statement the governor makes he looks even more retarded and backwards.
It sucks to not be brainwashed
>win the Demos over
its not about winning the demos over
They'll sue the state and return.

governor is a Democrat and he called in National Guard to protect the blacks.
We still won CHECKED
Legal battle incoming.
Spencer is a CIA plant.
Not sure why anyone here posts his shit or believes in his spiel.
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>rally organized by ???
>invited kkk and neo-nazis under "the right" banner
>only accomplished demonizing whites even more
>blm suddenly pops up again after being dead for a year

really makes you think

all protests like this on both sides is the work of george soros
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i need a quick rundown on moldbug, leaf

last i searched he stopped writing and reading random blogpost of him is fucking boring because they are old and not sorted in any useful way
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It would great to see BLM protesting and destroying Charlottesville now.
So ironic.

BLM and Antifa had to be saved by the White Man.

Had to send in the farm boys.

"Oh lookey here white boi. The white boi governor called in the white bois. We wuz kangz and shiet, We wun."
Gimme a rundown, are the nigs nogging now?
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it's all part of the plan. allow looting and rioting, but react when 'muh whiteness' peacefully protests.
this (charade) will embolden 'muh whiteness' fags and give street cred to the FBI spook richard spencer.

now you will actually believe not only in 'muh whiteness', but also feel 'oppressed and endangered'.
and sound like some degenerate marxist. many without even knowing it.

it's all part of the plan, senpai.
>nerd kike told you x
opinion discarded
i can't wait to primary this cuntrag
Literally the only people who post spencer on /pol/ are retarded libs who think he's the leader of /pol/ and that we care what happens to his like he isn't just a fed.
everyone knows that organized whites are the greatest threat to the jewish world order
"Don't get yourselves killed by commies and niggers."
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Can we talk about the optics for this? (((MSM))) is already railing hard against the "white nationalists"
How will this be previewed by the public?
I think there's an opportunity for us to spin this in our favor by comparing Terry "in a gay cunt" McCaullifes absurd over reaction to ferguson and Berkeley
Explain to me how pushing out peaceful political protestors in not a 1A violation.
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you guys are obviously terrified or you wouldn't be making so many of these threads. sleep tight tonight sweetie.
U.S free speech dead then? the let antifa attack then maced the speakers lol



any good blogpost of him to recommend?
Yeah the word is you tuck and run once some liberals counterprotest
jesus christ paul ryan is an embarrassment
>asks to be suckerpunched and murdered
>'WHAT I didn't think you'd actually do it!'
National Guard? LOL total über reaction
It was the cops, laddie.
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Don't read this goy
We civil rights movement now. Our people won't be silenced.
This, actually. If there were no stigma with calling in the pigs to fight off the blacks then the national guard would have been called in immediately at ferguson.
Hillary lost bud :^)
I don't even support Richard Spencer but he's just telling his followers to obey the law.

No, anon, the left and right really are this idiotic.

They've been brainwashed to believe that being proud of your white culture is terrible.
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The absolute butthurt state of burgers
What is a coward, sub-fish-IQ bitch?
And yet you still blame her for everything. What a weak ass little pussy.

Once the right fully realise that the social contract has been broken a long time ago and that the kikes have turned the state as their real enemy. The law is not on our side and never will be. the social contract has been broken and once the dems take full control of the executive it will heartily take part in our genocide.
Day of the dope when??!
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>kikes send in the police to arrest and shut down the rally
so this is the power of the left... woah....
>shilling in 2017
>summerfags not saging shill threads in 2017
That's where I stand ATM desu.
I think Spencer and Enoch realize this as well, at least Enoch. Before this rally he was talking about the optics this would garner
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>Terry McAuliffe, current Governor of VA
>DNC Chair from 2001 - 2005
>co-chair of Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign
>chairman of Hillary's 2008 campaign
>declares a state of emergency and mobilizes the guard to smash peaceful right wing protest
why would we expect anything else?

really percolates my peanuts
Except no one asked to be murdered... They just went to defend a statue.
Alt right manboys got their shit kicked in and had to be escorted out by police. Low energy. Sad.
we aren't stupid. nobody here is going to react violently. we've been doing this whole psyops thing a lot longer than you anarchist faggots kiddo. good luck out there. watch your back.
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do people still not realize this is all a bunch of jew antics?

this was all started by jews and now its just snowballing. this whole protest was ignited by jews and now the media is rolling with it.

this "leader" is probably working for the cia
Watching (((Fox news))) ATM, they've been talking to democrats only for the last hour, are they going to try and connect the protest to republicans?
No, do them in places that need them.
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>Oy vey you stupid goy the jews want you to stop white genocide!!!
>day of the rope when?
>bu-bu-bu we dont want to be murdered!

Little pussy faggots.
This is clearly not how you do it you stupid controlled oposition faggot.
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>If you protest against your enemies they win
>show up to protest with fucking machine guns
>just expect the governor to sit there and watch and not do anything
If you protest in a way that rallies the opposition they win. Jesus christ you are a stupid bastard.
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>tfw you've lived to see whites become the niggers of America

Civil rights movement when?
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fuck, that got me
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Thanks for your post (((concerned))) /pol/ user who is totally not from reddit
>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable - JFK
>these ambiguous, out-of-context, cherrypicked quotes are all the proof i need
Rioting is the language of the unheard.
Well that's some shit.
Better this white plan, than liberal lefty plan where all are fucking mixed with niggers and mongoloids.
Before I judge him as a massive faggot, did he say the same shit about BLM?

Rioting is the language of the deaf and dumb.
I don't even support day of the rope or those other violent memes but defending the statue of an anti-slavery southern general is 100% justified.
Oath keeper militia
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>our Uber is coming
This stream is hilarous
>>Non geo-flag thinks his words have value.
Virginia is just a suburb of Washington, D.C, at this point.
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>>Jews are scared
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Michael Signer? Now that's a Jewish name. Just throwin' that out there...
Oh lordy it's true
This whole situation is disheartening.

I thought we had won after the last Berkeley battle and Richard's visit to Auburn.

I guess it'll take a little bit longer before victory is reached, and we'll have to endure a few losses.
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And people still support this retard
Tactical retreat
The Uber driver from Baked Alaska just said the Jews hate them

You can't make this shit up

HOly shit I'm dying
The march last night scared the pants off of them. The governor probably thought he had no choice because his mulatto daughter was crying or something

MY DUDES, wtf is going on?! I am not currently able to watch this going down live. Is the rally cancelled? Did anyone get to speak? Aware me please.
And the national guard is made up of magic golems and foreign legionaries?

Just fucking admit it that whites are cuckolded animals who will gladly cull their own kind and themselves if the (((power figure))) gives an order.

The funniest thing is that eurodogs are proud of this trait and constantly babble how they are good and civilized because they listen to the guy in charge and follow the laws, unlike them savage niggers. Well, here's the rule - all white must die. bb cunts
You're a lazy thinker if you just disregard things because it was written by a part-Jew
Spencer is part of the Elites. HE SHOULD SUE THE GOVERNER
>condemns the violent marxists and niggers
Does he condemn the right? That's right, he doesn't. Unlike Paul Ryan's tweet, this isn't despicable.
ne without a Gadsben flag is too stupid to be here
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Trump plays his part, but don't expect him to be privately cheering us on
4D chess my ass
>condemns peaceful protest
>never mentions domestic terrorism by antifa
#1 clappers
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Wtf I hate the 1st and 2nd Amendments now.
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Americans hate nazis; we kicked the shit out of them once and we'll do it again.
This shit is getting strange senpai, just because a slightly right wing group decides to hold a PEACEFUL and LAWFUL organized protest, that they approved of BEFORE hand, and a state of emergency was declared and shut them down? Now the President already knows about it and is saying it was violent?

They really are afraid, they really are afraid of white people coming together. /pol/ has been right since it's fucking conception. Their plans all along were to divide and conquer us. What they fear the most is us being organized and united. That's the reason from 9/11, BLM, and rapefugees.

We truly are under attack, they think white people are the enemies. Now soon we will have to play the part.
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Just because hollywood portrays americans as being the big heroes, doesnt mean its true. The germans were already being slaughtered by the Russians and other allied countries before the Americans even got involved. They just showed up late to the party and claimed they did all the work.
>controlled opposition
False flag confirmed. Richard Spencer and Anglin and every other provocateur is laughing all the way to the bank. ZOG is printing extra shekels for these good goyim
>afraid of white people
Nobody is afraid of anything. We don't want autistic morons to LARP as literally the most hated political party in human history because it hurts the electability of republican candidates. But you fucks are too busy circlejerking around dicky spencer than you don't understand literally everybody fucking hates you.
The police leadership are jew freemasons.

jew masons murdered captain morgan.

all these town mason blue lodges support whatever jew that's appointed police chief, mayor and judge to fuk over goy.
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>Arrive absolutely last to a big brawl where everyone is completely gassed/dazed/crawling away
>Kick the ones who're on all fours

>Nobody is afraid of anything. We don't want autistic morons to LARP as literally the most hated political party in human history because it hurts the electability of republican candidates. But you fucks are too busy circlejerking around dicky spencer than you don't understand literally everybody fucking hates you.
Do you know where you are you fucking reddit cuck?I was shitposting before your father's wife was pregnant with her boyfriend's son, resulting in your cuckboi mongrel birth.
A libtard
Agreed, fuck whiteness, and fuck white people.
Republicans are already making themselves unelectable by floundering on their promises

And too many Americans are insane and in love with the poz that Democrats give them
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>muh Republicans
Two sides of the same sheckle
and shitskins will slaughter every pathetic white coward like you, at least you will die satisfied that you weren't a big mean racist :^)

I wrote that governor about factual voter fraud in regards to none of the electronic votes ever being physically counted. In return, I recieved a response by their Secretary of Administration that started off as "alleged voter fraud". There is nothing "alleged" about this. None of the States that use electronic voting physically count the receipt s of electronic votes unless voter fraud occurs. They didn't bother reading what was on the computer disc included. If they had, they would realize the shit storm that's coming.

>Trojan Horse
>Respecting the law
The right isn't anarchist, dumbfuck.
This proves ZOG control the government. Black people and antifa can wreck up as much as they want, but the white heterosexual christian males (enemy no. 1 of jewish intelligentsia) do it, they get shut down instantly and get ridiculed in the media.
>when the MKUltra kicks in
Enjoy the FBI coming over for coffee
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this guy is a literal fucking retard
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Already on the vodka, Yevgeny?
Get some medication. Being that paranoid isn't healthy man.
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>state of emergency declared
>"why didn't you stay?"
If you're under eighteen you need to leave, if you're over eighteen I'm sorry. You must have a difficult life.
Hail victory
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It was a black lady that thought she was driving over Nazi's.

Fuck Spencer.
Trump needs to label Antifa and idiots with this march as terrorist groups.
You know you have the freedom to choose who you want to fuck right? Just choose a blonde. Problem solved.

You want to solve your problem? Just have a massive orgy. Are you guys gay or something? That immediately solves the problem and you get your dick sucked too. Or are you guys not down for the cause?

>It was a black lady that thought she was driving over Nazi's.

if that's true, she was a retarded nigger just like you

>false equivalences
>literally unable to even spell "Nazis"
Exactly. It's like having this rally in Asheville, N.C. Seems like a setup/false flag anyway...
sauce? if so this is amazing
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There it is, folks.
> Assimilate our assailants with redpills on all threads. Destroy the purpose of slider threads.
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Get out of here you drooling alphabet agency retards

Everyone knows he works for the government
You westerners are hilarious. Keep this shit up, you haven't had a good TV series in years.
It's nice to have you faggot shills on the board again. It's always a surefire sign that we're winning and you're scared shitless.
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California here. Watching (((CNN))) how this country is being devided by the Jews and their lackeys like Duke and Spenser.

>comfy mfw
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>"People feel like they're being discriminated against and they're not safe because of the color of their skin, so that's profound, and because people believe that, we have to listen to that," Ryan said Tuesday during a CNN town hall.

>"And we have to hear about it, we have to understand it and then, instead of just talking, let's go try solving it."

The Wisconsin Republican said people should "not harden ourselves in our corners so we stop listening to each other."

>"Let's make sure that we can actually hear what people are saying and understand what their problems are. And I also think we need to be respectful of each other's different views."
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Even boogie2988 was there, pal'n around with DD.
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At least you did your due diligence. You can also make reports directly to the department of justice regarding voter fraud, allowing you to sidestep the democratic machine.
Punching Bag Spencer is punked out again. Why am I not surprised?
The redpill is realising the state has become apolitical.
How do they justify this? Haven't kept up with all of it, but the only violence I saw where some street fights and a car crash. Nothing riot police couldn't handle.
Yes, voting for a meme President and otherwise being completely quiet is surely the way.
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>bunch of nazi pol retards get together to """"protest""""
>condemned by their own politicians

you can't make this shit up folks
>their own politicians
What's he supposed to do when some fat sweaty dike won't get out of his face? Lol.
>Paul Ryan
>Mike Pence

Just lmfao @ this filthy commie.
>BBC Kuc

That id holy shit
he is talking about Antifa
Could you just shut the fuck up with this btfo fag shit? Btfo this btfo that. Its fucking gay. You are fucking gay. Die. Die fag die. Jump off a building and catch an eyelid on a nail. Fuck you you fuck.
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The march was organized by the fucking state security agencies to control the opposition
What a get.
Hahaha oh wow
>it's a a kike masquerades as a white and shits all over the only political movement in the white interest post
shoo shoo kike shill
I sent an electronic copy to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PACEI). However, the left is flooding their e-mail address, so it is like finding a needle in a haystack. I planned on sending a copy to the White House and the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I'll send a copy to Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice too.

Out of 100 potential responses, I've only received 5. Of those 5 responses, 3 of them were unprofessional and/or automatically dismissive. So I've only had a potential 2% success rate in informing States on electronic voter fraud and how to enforce immigration law by reframing it as countering fraud.

Without a doubt, they're going to get called out on it before the 2018 elections. Most of these elected officials and their staff look super weak and incompetent.
What violence?
That's not only not what he said, but that isn't the tactic anyway.

This is the tactic: highlight state hypocrisy. When niggers gather to riot, loot, maim, and kill, the state is basically indifferent. When whites gather to peacefully protest in their own interest, the state uses unlawful violence against them. Even the common idiot can understand these media optics despite whatever spin the (((media))) attempts to deploy.

Today was a success.
shoo shoo kike shill
>what is the difference between nominal and real
You're a fucking moron.
The Left got stomped out yesterday and today, faggot. The only knocks the Right took were from the state.
100% correct. The optics were too good for the Alt-Right. It caught the Leftists and the establishment unprepared and made them look like fools. It was an aesthetic masterpiece and they couldn't allow another narrative victory for the Alt-Right today.
>State of emergency called because of a rear ending that happened to hit a few commies
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I wouldn't expect him to say anything else. I'm sure he doesn't want this, he was a new york normie ffs. He isn't our "leader". Never was. We have no leader. There is no "we" beyond this site. He was a way for is to kick leftists in the balls.
Here is the situation-
>election time
>left getting btfo
>Donald attacks are fruitless
>no other target to attack which will help
>"let's lump together white supremacists, libertarians, evangelicals and just for fun "if you're not with us"
>leftwing media creates the "altright"
>rightwing normies gravitate to this
>act as annoyance and fodder
>flush out opposition
>get people to tip their hand
>can look large in size depending on how you look at it
There is certainly room for some on the left to to convince themselves that victory is inevitable. Cloistering in places like reddit helps foster this. But there are those in America on the right who harbor no thought that protesting and voting does any good and who prepared accordingly. They watched the leftists scramble to buy all the cheapest firearms and airsoft gear they could afford. They watched as antifa stood there in Arizona, in their plateless plate carriers, holding their keltecs and airsoft pieces nervously. Those Americans are sitting quietly, watching all of this. Taking notes. Waiting.
>Manage to get a handful of bloodied right wingers during days of protests and rtiots.

>Call the national guard and literally shit yourselves when they turn up peacefully protesting for two hours.

Oh yeah, we're reeeaaal intimidated by the left at this point.
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