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>You are Racist How do you respond?

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Thread replies: 236
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>You are Racist

How do you respond?
no you are racist
Yeah? So?
Nice get
The sky is blue
Yeah so what pajeeta
I'm not racist, i just hate niggers
>Trump is still your president
Your lips look like a monkey twat and you smell like what happens when little kids wipe their asses and dont flush it but keep putting it in the little wastecan you smelly fucking spic bitch.
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>How do you respond?
ignore everything else that comes out of their mouth and forget the conversation we might have just had?
Damn those eyes look crazy af jfc
i teach my kids to racially aware as well.
i'm not a racist, because racism is a crime, and crime is for niggers
If I'm racist should I still want to fuck you? Or is that irrelevant?
You're degenerate. Kys.
sieg heil! *nazi salute*
yes but I love me some currypussy
>How do you respond?

Fuck her poop smeared asshole
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Start fapping like it's a custom femdom clip I ordered on an amateur porn site for $10 a minute.
(8) These differences are magnified by the hostility many blacks feel toward whites. Thus, while black-on-black behavior is more antisocial in the average than is white-on-white behavior, average black-on-white behavior is a degree more antisocial yet.

(9) A small cohort of blacks—in my experience, around five percent—is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks—around half—will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming.

(10) Thus, while always attentive to the particular qualities of individuals, on the many occasions where you have nothing to guide you but knowledge of those mean differences, use statistical common sense:

(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.

(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.

(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).

(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.

(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.

(10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.

(10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white.

(10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.
K den
>paying for porn
please jump off a building
And you are ugly.
Tomorrow, when I talk to someone who isn't irrational, they will say I'm not racist.
But you will still be ugly as sin.
I don't care
what's wrong with being racist?
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Pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence and necessary for survival

I wasn't. But I am now.
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Thank you for noticing. I am very proud of it.

Well your arguments are invalidated hehe :)
and you shit in the streets
Racism is a term made up by a communist
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>I'd fuck a brown chick. Are you up for it, or are you a racist?
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story time
>be a library with kid
>young black librarian asks about my kid and if i want more
>say yes as many as we can get
>she asks why
>shes nice so i would feel bad just saying niggers
> so i just say we need more good people
Show me your Penis.
Really wearing out the impact of that one.
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First I would have to ask if she is a curry or sand nigger as I don't like being inaccurate.. Then I would proceed to tell her, you don't know me sand/curry nigger.
she needs to first learn how to poo in a loo
you could've made some mulattos that day
Took you long enough to notice
Poo in loo
If I was, you wouldn't be alive
I was about to say the same thing.
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im married. that means something to white people
im black.
Churchill twist. Like it
Absolutely. Day of the rope soon.
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"Racist" is a spook. Learn to recognize the uniqueness in individuals, and stop following your sheep ideology.

> not supporting the devs

get paid pupper
Naw, I just hate niggers.
Ctrl + W

Everyone is racist. Human beings are at their core a tribalistic people who want to insure the survival of people like them. They automatically take preference and are better able to relate to people who are more like them not only culturally but racially.

I'm just not lying about it.
This would never happen to me as I know how to carry myself around many different kinds of people and I wouldn't do myself such a disservice as to lose face to this silly girl.
I only hate you bitch, not your race.

*sassy finger wave*
TL;DR: Never relax
to these people; if you're white then you're racist until proven otherwise. so, I don't care.

Everyone is racist to some extent and the only thing that will end it is some form of genocide.
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i'm not white so i can't be racist
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Smile and go in for a kiss.
go back to shitskin land you ungrateful subhuman filth we don't want you here anyway
"Who cares"
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Ignore it and go about my white man life. We don't have time to converse with peons. The sooner /pol/ realizes this, the better off we'll all be.
That's right, nigger
get paid pupper

Is there something wrong with that?
fuckin owned
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Racism doesn't exist so neither does racists.
I can't be Racist, I'm Mexican. In order to be racist you need to have both power and privilege, and while I may have some privilege my people have no power against the racist society of the United States so I can't be racist.

Checkmate, you fucking mestiza spanish anchor rape baby.
Well, I am.
If I am, why would I mind such a comment at all?
Calling me racist is not an argument
>How do you respond?

By saying "And you're an ugly fuckin' cunt, so what?"
Damn this is better than my answer. Well done, leafbro

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checked and kek'd
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Yes I am, what of it you stupid cunt
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Whips out Kippah
fuck you, pay me
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Throw a sieg heil to their face. Yeah I'm racist and fucking proud of it.
>Arguing against white SJW
>They're talking about privilege and whites
>Call them out on their bullshit
>They call me racist
>Say I'm non-white
>They are completely silent and stop responding

Feels so good to be non-white.
*draws luger* nothing personal kid
Pull the spics can't be racist card
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>Me: O.k. My turn. Wanna keep your knee caps?
Probably become uncomfortable because i'm speaking to a deluded person.
tell her that's funny coming from an indian
Damn right I am.

White Europeans invented everything. They're the only ones who deserve nice things and an easy life.

With very few exceptions, shitskins are animals owed nothing by white people but a train ride and a shower. Anything they can do a machine can do better.

I know it.
You know it.
They fucking know it.

If you aren't a racist, you're the one who's fucked in the head.
Why, because I'm white?
Tan my cock brown and slap her with it.
get paid pupper
>>You are Racist
>How do you respond?

"O.K. Sure. Now what?"
Take a shit on the floor as is her custom, to show her I'm not a racist
ignore (trump tactic, always works)
simple, very calmly report her to ICE. She could be an illegal and I don't want to break the laws of our land.
get paid pupper!
Get paaaaaaaaid pupper
"Lol, u some SJW or sumthin? *smirks and laughs*"
>what even are you, some kind of nigger/spic hybrid?
Then I just walk away.
>angry rant set to playful background music
>music pauses
>sarcastic remark
>music and rant continues
only against brown people, black people, and Europeans
get paid pupper
Whoever dare to I am not racist offer to pay them a taxi to your local Bronx at night without a cellphone.
>>When you arrive ask the locals for help
>no im not
next question
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"There is about 5,4mil Finnish people in this world, how many niggers and mudslimes there is? am I wrong at trying to defend our minority culture and heritage against those savage invaders? yeah right you are the real racist here so fuck off"
Just say that you are Black and by SJW terms Black People are not racist, lie that you grandmother was a black person or something and see them squirm.
You're God damn right I am.

Womyn are funny! Get over it!!!
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Y'all know this bitch (in OP's pic) IS legitimately racist to whites? Blatant ignorant, leftist bitch who spits in the face of hard-working Americans who exercised their right to vote while she makes millions off YouT*be and their immigrant-loving asses.
*internally reeeees*
Why respond? There was no question.
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Pretty good article. It's conclusion is something I've thought for a while, but haven't been able to articulate as well- Well-socialized blacks of even slightly above average intelligence (i.e., not niggers) absolutely have the world at their fingertips in modern America, for the reasons enumerated in the article. Thanks to diversity quotas, corporations are fucking bending over backwards to hire black employees who aren't, you know, niggers.
It's not like the word racist means much of anything anymore. It basically just means I disagree with you
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Like this.
Race isn't a factor, so besides that, why do you buttsad.
And proud of it!
"Yes I am. question now is are you prepared to die to try and do something about it?"
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So are you, i'm just honest
Niggers aren't welcome on this board, nigger
"I'm jewish"
honestly we need to start acting jewish like they act white.. set things straight
More and more.
I'm African-American.
Wtf is wrong with here eyes?
People tend to forget that we are animals
Wanna know how I know this is from reddit?
your face disgusts me, kill yourself you smug faggot
this should have been the first post
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Light/camera you autist
It's not op, it's some Indian YouTube who lives in Toronto with a few million subs, forget her name though
do you think that gives you power over me ?
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white ppl. And niggers.
I always answer to this : yes I am, I fucking hate Inuits. People don't seem to care because it's not trendy to protect them
If it's a democrat:
>No, you're racist.
If it's someone else:
done and done.
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Miss Poo Loo babbles fecal drivel everyday claim everybody is racist , she needs a white dick in her mouth !!
>"I'm not racist. I'm stating the objective fact that most blacks do perform worse on IQ tests than whites. On the other hand Asians tend to perform better. It may be cultural, in which case it is society's job to help them to help themselves. It is racist to believe that blacks cannot be self sufficient."
get paid pupper
Yeah, but my DICK ain't

Now I'mma turn you out so hard no amount of reparations will heal the divide I leave.
I was born a sinner.
Always give the answer "Why?".
That will get them going for a few minutes with bullshit arguments like "muh feelings", which will prove them retarded. It's also fun to see them going at it.
really funny coming from a indian. Caste system and getting killed for worshiping the wrong poo god. I'm sure in some villages if you don't believe in witches they assume you have kids throw rock at you and grown old men hiss at you like tom cats.
yes, i'm

I'd point out that she has a sticker behind her reading;


A slogan created by a racist, to perpetuate racism and hatred.
How am i a Racist, if your my fetish ?
And damn proud of it. Bitch!
money hasnt come yet

get paid pupper
This to be honest
I abandon my old non-racist values and actually become a real racist.

Hail hitler motherfucker!
>da libruls r da real raycists
Digits confirm: reaming a shitskin in the shitter is the correct answer.
I'm not racist, I own a color TV.
get paid pupper

With good reason. White people hold this planet up you stupid fucking bitch.
Oky... So what?

Why is it that Indians who get to lvie in the west are almost always the worst?

There are actually some ok Indians in India. But let them lvie in the west, give them all the benefits of the white man's civilisation and they nearly always turn into brash, unpleasant people who throw away the few good things about their culture, embrace the worst of east and west and then throw it back in our faces and clal us raist. We relaly should just send them all abck to India.
Muh me loge?
"Fuck off pot!"
get paid pupper
fuck ya. nigger.
> run
get paid pupper
"Who cares when YOU say it?"
Then keep personally attacking them. Attack. Don't Defend. Never Apologize. Double Down don't Back Down.
get paid pupper
Your mommas racist
Tell her that's not good enough and she needs to explain why that's a bad attitude in 2017 for me to have, then watch her flounder
"Sexist, too."
get paid pupper
God I hate her stupid fucking smug indian face.
get paid pupper
get paid pupper
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Yeah well maybe I wouldn't be if they didn't come to my country, live off of my tax dollars, and then bust my fucking balls about it.
It's racist to assume I'm racist because I'm a cis white male.
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>How do you respond?
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>I know I'm not racist but I know you look visibly old

That will genuinely break a woman when you tell her something like that.

I've also heard calling or implying they're smelly ruins them.
>God I hate her stupid fucking smug indian face.
She makes me cringe inside, too. Someone ought to beat her face with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire until the chunks stop coming off.
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>1 post
>one post
I do not adhere to not give weight to the leftard apartheid. Your argument is invalid. You have 15 seconds to run.
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Turn 360degrees and walk away.
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Her "roasts" in her geography video had the same bland layout:
>x means y, just like z! -insert smug half open goofy indian smile here-
>x is y so you cant do z, you dumb dumb racist!
What is racism this week?
Me: based on what?
Indian: because you're white.
Me: but THAT'S racist!
Indian: i cant be racist because im not white
Me: that doesnt make any sense, you obviously have a tenuous grasp on the english language. Here, let's go ahead and look up the word in as many dictionaries as you'd like.
Indian: now you're white-splaining!
Me: **shoots indian in face**
Indian: **dies**
Could never occur; would never deign to in the first place.

But "nuh-uh" is fail-safe.
you are ugly
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i can I lick your feet my goddess
As an attractive white man, she would still fuck me.
checked and keked
>In your opinion I'm a racist. You're only saying that because I'm white.
t. horus
Shut the fuck up you dirty spic cunt.
the buzzword jar is over there
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>200+ replies
>1 post by this id
>thread is over 3 hours old

Fucking lemmings. Report and sage you stupid autist fucks stop falling for the most obvious fucking bait ever. No wonder the kikes have such an easy time leading you all by the nose.
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>tfw ywn lick her glorious brown feet while being ridiculed
You are an android.
get paid pupper
get paid pupper
Any more?
Who is that qt?
get paid pupper
I sure the fuck am
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Nice numerals
Look at your disgusting brown fingers, you must be wearing so much makeup you fucking poop skin
The first thing that comes to mind is just to say "lul."
I don't know, it wouldn't really bother me, but it would suggest to me that the person making the accusation was too simpleminded to be worth discussion with.
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*unzips dick* pucker up pooinloo
What a fucking waste, nigger.
But I'm not racist. I love niggers and kikes.
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>How do you respond?
Correction i am factual
Your clothes will look better thrown over the back of my couch. Dinner first, or .....
Who is this?
Does it matter?
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Thread posts: 236
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