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trannies on /pol/

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Why do trannies get so much shit here?
Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human, at least they are white, r-right?
I am up for killing niggers and mudslimes too.
You all need some ((acceptance))
It's not morally supportable to endorse mental illness or to support unhealthy trends such as obesity or other atrocities.

You want people to live happily and healthy, if you endorse victimhood and dying of cardiac arrest, you are worse than tumblroids who are already pre-conditioned with retardation.

Peace out you retarded Martsharters.
Why should I treat you like a woman/man just because you want me to?

Nobody gives a shit what I want.
this. I want to be treated like the superior being I am, and I actually have a legitimate claim to wanting to be treated this way, since I'm white, fit, and my IQ is in the top 1% of people on earth.
Do I get what I want? no. So why should some faggot who wants to chop his cock off get to be whatever he wants?
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only way to make yourself useful, is to go full breivik
Sure, many exhibit mental problems. And you know what? We dont reinforce them. I dont get it, you dont go up to a schizophrenic and feed their delirium, so why should society normalize and reinforce sexual mental issues? Not only it worsens their own mental health, it does away with the moral fabric of society
Transgendered people don't deserve hate, they deserve pity.

Their sexual fetishes have overcome them and they have resigned themselves to a life of alienation and being permanently romantically undesirable. They are in the same class of people as street addicts who have given up trying to recover.
Correct, the agenda of those promoting transgenderism as "normal" is malicious and harmful. Those are the people that deserve to be hated, not the victims.
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It's like blaming people for autism. Different people have it rough enough without being hated.
"Transgendered" people who actively promote the agenda they have fallen victim to are almost as guilty as the masters of the agenda in the first place. Many professionals/doctors who promote the agenda are unknowingly victimized themselves by the liberal education system.
Mental illness is only accepted in and by the left.



I know all kinds of fucked up individuals. Everything from schizophrenics, bipolars, real autists, aspies, PTSD people, criminals and methheads. They're not even close to weird or annoying or offending in any way compared to trannies. Trannies are scum, they should be medicated and institutionalized.
I have nothing against trannies or the mentally ill. You can be either or both.

Just stop rubbing it in my fucking face and telling me how awful I am because I don't bow and throw rose petals at you.

It's not the sexual aspect nor the health aspect; it's the fucking make-my-pathology-everyone's-business aspect that kills my tolerance.

Look at what the fags did with Prince George this week. Fucking pedo filth. Shut your cock holsters and live with some dignity and subtlety.
Because people like Randy Stair exist
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Don't cut off your dick, for your own sake. That's all I'm going to say.
Fuck off
I don't care about trannies. Just keep it to yourself, and don't shove it around or advertise it.
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fuck off retard
this is a real issue. we can't let them transform into monsters.
I don't consider myself white.
And for all the people talking about mental illness what about the 1000 other mental illnesses that we pay for and cost 100x more than trans people? You just want an excuse to hate us.
I don't hate "transgendered" people, I hate the agenda to normalize it. That's like normalizing drug addiction and teaching children it's OK to be a heroin addict.
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But how are they monsters? Just don't lob the cock off and they are alright?

What makes trannies scum though? they're just regular mentally ill people, giving them treatment isn't a bad thing?
nigga get outta here.

I get you, I think it's disgusting how they try to force it on prepubescent kids desu. The ones that push it just look like men in drag too.
Yeah. It doesn't matter if they are attractive or passable or not, the fact is that they are not women and they cannot have children, it is a reproductive dead end and completely unnatural. It's basically a way to trick vulnerable straight men into gay relationships and trick more effeminate male children into giving up their manhood instead of developing themselves and competing normally.
fuck you my brother "came out" and I now feel the burden of saving my family on my shoulders in addition to the burden of saving the white race/western civilization from Jewish marxist globalist plans. Fuck you. I hate trannies because I love my brother and don't want him to throw away his entire life. I want our kids to run and play togetehr, but just the other day he told me the only way he will ever get kids is if he adopts black ones! FUCK YOU!!!!! I will stop at nothing to save my family and my country. I think I'm going to start by redpilling my dad, redpilling him on trannies, then jews
I for one feel sorry for these victims of the depopulation agenda. that doesn't mean they shouldn't be ovened to protect future generations though
Personally I feel like it's just a last resort to keep some random "suicidal" beta that never had a chance anyways working instead of getting out of work for being ((mentally ill)) and draining even more taxpayer money.
>Just don't lob the cock off and they are alright?

Legitimate trans people just want to be normal more than anything. The only thing you can do is accept that she's mentally ill and needs this to survive. Then redpill her and she'll have white Aryan designer babies through a surrogate with her redpilled husband.
Yeah that seems about right. The bigger problem is that a lot of effeminate men are intelligent and would have otherwise earned their manhood through intellectual achievement, and it's a way to poison them before they mature and prevent them from reproducing.
Hitler was right.

We need another fucking world war and hope a nuke hits commieformia.
FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU NO MY BROTHER IS MADE OF THE SAME GENETIC STOCK EVERY HUMAN THROUGH ALL OF EXISTENCE WAS! If people can survive literally everything up until current year then he can survive anything and be okay. There's nothing humans can't overcome (except brain cancer lol get slain McCain). He has just never embraced masculinity, and it stems from beta childhood memories he has. POL has helped lift my veil and I see how the world truly is now, and I'm determined to use everything I can to save my family. FUCK YOU MY BROTHER IS XY HE IS A HE!
Oh, I've seen it.
I talk to a lot of "trans women"
A lot of them don't care if it's that bad because they are so mentally ill.

Yeah exactly but they are screwed now.
I want to give them treatment because I don't accept them.
>Why do trannies get so much shit here?
>Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human, at least they are white, r-right?
>I am up for killing niggers and mudslimes too.
>You all need some ((acceptance))

Many trannies are FAKE TRANNIES



>What is a Fake Tranny?
If you only like the female body, you are a FAKE Tranny. It is possible to be gay (like men) while being a fake tranny

A REAL Transexual actually feels/identifies as the female gender

What does this mean? IF you're a transexual, if you shy away from actually girly shit, you're fake. If you're a transexual and you're playing call of duty, you're fake.

So you have a lot of fake transexuals ruining the perception of them from the real transexuals.
The internet is the problem
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>not making a nuclear family
Pick one and ONLY one

At least for me it's because trannies tend to be some of the meanest and most entitled people t b h.
Ok retard. Talk to her and learn how she feels about it. She wouldn't be doing this if there was any other way. She's in pain and you want her to stay that way because you're afraid of losing your brother. It's understandable, but it's very selfish. Don't you want her to get better? Don't you want her to be happy? It's her life, she doesn't exist to make you happy.
>Don't you want her to get better? Don't you want her to be happy?
That's why he doesn't want his brother the fall for the tranny meme.
No fuck off I hate women I have to be like this because of a mental illness but 95% of shit women do is retarded. Staying in boymode and being happy with your body is the true redpill.
You don't reinforce mental illness and give people false hope that surgery will help them.

Its literally the basics of psychology, but for some reason when it comes to genders, it doesn't apply.
They may be White, but how many white children does a tranny produce? Less than a race mixer. At least they produce half a white child.
There is another way, lift weights, play sports, and increase your test levels like men have always done. There have always been sissies and fags, but it has never been normalized in the form of the delusion of changing genders to make it less shameful and disguise what it actually is.
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I'm so tired of strong, independent people who need to be reassured and catered to non-stop. They drain all the color from life because they hate themselves, and it's all powered by the emotions of women and weak men.
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And there have always been trannies.
And that doesn't work on trannies. Many have tried, and it never works.
Because the mental illness isn't treated like a mental illness, as it should be.

Stop fucking celebrating them, stop pushing them in our faces, and get them the help they need to deal with it.

I'd say it's like celebrating down's syndrome, but the fucking twats do that too.
Fuck off to /lgbt/ shill
Then they should just kill themselves, really.
Is that a m2f or f2m. I'm genuinely stumped.
>killing niggers and mudslimes too.
Trannies and homosexuals are mentally ill- they have ZERO purpose or reason to be on pol except for trolling, attention whoring, and disruption of legit conservative discussions. They are here because they are DEMENTED and this is the WRONG place for them to be.

Like most people here idgaf what someone does privately and with consent but anyone who identifies with LGBT or liberal issues and has some trolling to do here to distract and divide the rest of us needs to mercilessly flushed out. Gender dysphoria and homosexuality has no place on pol
Clearly something emotionally traumatic happened to this individual and this is being upheld as an outlier example of a masculine individual who transitioned. It is clear that the vast majority of cases are not like this.

There have not always been trannies. There have always been sissies. Transgenderism is mainly a modern and political phenomenon.
some do, no idea if it works or not.
>Many have tried, and it never works.
Cool, post some studies for me.

I've got some for you:
"As shown in
Table 5, respondents who said they had received transitionrelated
health care or wanted to have it someday were
more likely to report having attempted suicide than those
who said they did not want it. "
"Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group."
Trannies would be fine, since people should be free to live their lives how they want and do what they want to their bodies, even if they rip their dick off and kill themselves. I leave them that right.

The problem is as of the past few years retards have been urging people to follow that lifestyle and to ruin their bodies with drugs. We don't need to constantly hear about these poor oppressed trannies every fucking day when they are such a small minority of the population. Then there are people who become trannies just to attention whore themselves even though they just make themselves more miserable in the process.

The absolute worst part is telling kids that they should follow through in trying to become girls, or even being pushed to do that even though they have no idea what the fuck the ramifications are.

Fucking faggots everywhere giving non-stop attention to trannies is just making everything worse.
>Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human
Um, yes it does.
No. A lot of trans people try to man up and fix them. It never fucking works though.
And there have always been trannies. In places that weren't colonized they still have their traditional tranny groupings like in india or thailand.
>Table 5, respondents who said they had received transitionrelated
>health care or wanted to have it someday were
>more likely to report having attempted suicide than those
>who said they did not want it. "

this could be because they were more mentally ill in the first place and not necessarily due to having the reassignment surgery (which, for the record, i think is disgusting)
Trannies are pitiable. The leftist agenda promoting them is despicable. The keks to be had at the expense of the transgendered community are too good not to enjoy.
Why though? How have they hurt you?
A lot of them hate the leftist shilling too and just want to live their lives.
Straight people don't care enough to hate tranny's. But when you push your fucked up agenda normalizing the condition to the point of giving them special privledges that other mentally ill people don't have is not ok. Just because people feel bad for you doesn't mean you should be allowed to take on positions in society that hold enormous responsibility like the military.
I simply don't believe that a "transgendered" person would not be happier developing their masculinity, obtaining the respect of a woman and feeling the manhood of being the patriarch of a family. The causes are external to the individual and due to their situation and environment.

it's estrogen-like chemicals in the water supply. not politics, not the liberal media.
It hurts me to see my countrymen destroy themselves.
>Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human, at least they are white, r-right?
Nobody cares. Go cry somewhere else, this isn't your blog.
I don't have studies and I don't give a shit about them. I've heard tons of stories from years of trying to learn all I can about this. A LOT have tried and it never ever works. I've never seen one case of it ever actually taking away their dysphoria, if they try it usually just leads to them repressing until they're 50 and having a mental breakdown and being so twisted by the mental illness that it's given them incredibly disturbing fetishes and other mental illnesses. They're less than people and that's what happens when you try to fight it. So when ignorant morons like you want to condemn people to that because
>hurr durr what if there's a cure
it makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Because there is no fucking cure no matter how bad anyone wants there to be. If you care that much go fucking make one, I and millions of others will thank you. But if you wanna continue being an armchair psychologist and continue poisoning peoples minds with your ignorant bullshit then maybe you should go fuck yourself.
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Pfft...this whole board is enabler for mental illness. I think we're way past that point now.
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I dont wanna cut my dick off, I just want to be a cute girl for a handsome boy, maybe adopt and shit

Jesus, I understand its wierd but I like getting dicked, I wasn't touched, I like girls but prefer boys. I don't expect to be called she/her unless I actually look the part, if you call me her and she its like an extra bit of respect but I don't think its needed, it'd be like calling someone who passes as white as their nationality sure its awesome you can tell or you know enough about them but its easier to say white if they look white

same goes if they look like a male but identify as female shit dog, I'd also say if people really think it can be cured we're gonna need a SHIT load more documentation to understand it so just killing us isn't going to do shit
The surgery is an abomination and a sick/cruel joke. Having the wrong genitals is preferable to having an open wound instead of genitals. This is undeniable. They'd be more mentally ill if they were happy with the results than if they killed themselves.
"There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then."
I don't give half a shit about the military.
That's because you refuse to try and understand mental illness. The thought of living and growing old as male and having a wife makes me gag. I would commit seppuku before I did that.
How has who hurt me? I said trannies are pitiable and a source of laughter. If anything they've brought me enjoyment. That doesn't mean this movement should be tolerated. It's all fun and games until it his home. Then I wouldn't be laughing anymore.

i agree with you, but the study doesn't technically support that conclusion.
>No fuck off I hate women I have to be like this because of a mental illness but 95% of shit women do is retarded. Staying in boymode and being happy with your body is the true redpill.


so you're a fake tranny

you only want to LOOK like a girl

you don't want to ACTUALLY BE a girl

fucking kill yourself dude

a pill of cyanide is maybe $55 on amazon
>I dont wanna cut my dick off, I just want to be a cute girl for a handsome boy, maybe adopt and shit

what you do with your life isn't business of anyone else but yours and your beloved ones/family. Trannies get so much hate here because most of them want to impose their world view into others while standing on a moral authoritarian highground.
just fuck off back to the toilets you understand. It's just an antipsychotic. It was able to treat a schizophrenic who was literally under the schizophrenic delusion they were trans. It has 0 fucking effect on actual gender dysphoria and I've known people who tried anti psychotics. They don't fucking do anything. Do you really think anyone would do this and become a hated freak if there was just a pill that could fix it you massive fucking retard?
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Kill yourself, disgusting abomination
>with a cessation of both cross-dressing

i'm going to need that.
But fuck, larping as a cute trap while crossdressing and doing sexy stuff is so enjoyable.
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idgaf what you consider me. I'm very fortunate that my dysphoria isn't really triggered by my genitals. I can live this way and I'm happy with my body. I think it would have been nice to be born a cis girl but I'm pretty sure that's just the mental illness talking. The ideal would be to have been a normal gay man. But having a man body made me want to die.
Getting this angry at me presenting studies makes me think you are insecure about your position. The fact that someone was able to find release through a chemical solution deserves further research, instead of just giving up and off comes the penis, no?
It's not outright mental illness like schizophrenia. A tranny can still distinguish reality from fantasy. They don't have hallucinations or delusions. They can function in society. They simply have an anxiety disorder centered on their sexual development.

Is it cruel to give them shit on the internet? Maybe. But it's crueler to aggravate their anxiety by perpetuating the myth that they can "change sex," and that they will be broken and hopeless until they accomplish this. It's like telling an anorexic they need to get liposuction to live an authentic life. If you do that, you're reinforcing the primary stressor in their life and presenting an unrealistic, dangerous solution.
> Unrealistic Meme chart comparison appealing to emotion
Pretty pathetic desu

fucking delusional faggets

Read this post if you are a transexual that likes anime

Can you watch this without cringing?
if your answer is no, you're not a real transexual
>idgaf what you consider me. I'm very fortunate that my dysphoria isn't really triggered by my genitals. I can live this way and I'm happy with my body. I think it would have been nice to be born a cis girl but I'm pretty sure that's just the mental illness talking. The ideal would be to have been a normal gay man. But having a man body made me want to die.

You're a fucking idiot. You mutilated your dick even though you actually need that dick.

I feel sorry for the Trannie, as he/she/it is likely suffering from hormone imbalances brought on by various environmental factors.

I hate the support groups that pretend this is a somehow normal condition, and go out of their way to promote it rather than treat it. I would fuck with these groups the same I'd fuck with a "Heroin addict support group" that encourages addicts to keep taking heroin.

But I truly despise doctors who would permanently mangle someone else's body rather than treat the actual condition.

That 'doctor' would celebrate someone's illness and mangle their flesh for a few shekels, and ignore the suicide 3 years later that he helped cause?
Those doctors do not deserve a pleasant death.
But it's not a chemical solution it's just a normal fucking antipsychotic. It won't fix trannies and everyone knows that that's why they didn't test it on any actual trannies. Antipsychs simply can't fix this. It's caused by a broken part really really deep in the brain and one we don't understand yet. I'd fucking love it if there were a cure, but there isn't. I've looked fucking everywhere, there isn't. I would do fucking anything to not be this. It really pisses me off when people imply that I wanted this or had any choice in the matter.
It's pretty accurate if you include the trans woman being constantly insecure and breaking down because they feel fake.

All women are shit desu

i read that as "hey bill, want to go on a date next friday?..."
Then just knock it off you goober. Just stop
Easy choice for me, seeing as I don't date men.
But I haven't had my dick mutilated besides the basic jew mutilation that everyone here gets. and I have no desire to. That's what was implied with
>I'm very fortunate that my dysphoria isn't really triggered by my genitals. I think you're just confused about a lot of things.
At least the pussy is actually real. Do I have to post the trans-post surgery dildo thing?
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>I'd fucking love it if there were a cure, but there isn't.
t. plague doctor prescribing leeches

Don't burn bridges so quickly.

You wan't to know what I'd tell you if you could prove to me there was no cure? I would tell you to become celibate and rain in your sickness for the sake of everybody around you.
idk sounds like your a homo that fetishises straight men.

tried CBT?
Homosexuality in all its forms as promoted by the rampant porngraphy on the most popular /b/ board including trap and cuckold porn. It infests itself into pol through politically active trans men and porn addicted degenerates. They are the main reason pol is disjointed, fragmented and b/tier post fap entertainment. If pol/acks want REAL change, it begins with disabusing yourself that any discourse or exchange with men who are homosexuals have any productive result. Pol is FULL of queers and they make evidence of themselves by their subjective and emotion based logic and political agendas even when they aren't flying their rainbow flag. Anyone can participate on pol, but those who do so with liberal agendas need to be ignored and expelled to the best of our abilities for our goals to even begin to be achieved
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Tell ya what, trannies, you want to be "another gender hurr" then fine, but I am against i n EVERY way of the hormone therapy, surgery, and dilation procedures for physical transformation. That shit is disgusting and immoral.

But you want to be a butchy woman (ftm) or a cute trap (god yes... mtf) then fine, just don't remove your parts. You will NEVR get real ones, and the fake ones you DO get are absolutely disgusting.
being transgender is a mental illness

mental illnesses should be treated as an ILLNESS to be TREATED and FIXED

not pushed by msm and accepted by general society.
It was one thing when being a vegan or having a gluten allergy was the trendy progressive thing to do. Now it's to shoot up little 7 year old Timmy with estrogen so he grows boobs. This craze is doing serious damage.
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>Make-up caked eyes shift nervously. Says in a forced feminine voice "S-sure". Jaw is extremely noticeable while mouth is moving. Looks skinny fat in dress. Too fucking tall. Adjusts the medically required "vaginal" dildo awkwardly. Blood runs down leg. Asks you if you know a place that will hire him. Doesn'tsingle word the entire date, because he's afraid of his masculine voice. Everyone is starting at you and the whole town thinks you're a faggot. Constantly adjusting his "breast". Someone keys up your car. When date is over he nods and whispers thank you, before retreating.
Good summary
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I know that feel

ignoring it makes it worse I wouldn't wish it anyone
It's be nice if former Transgender persons were able to come forward and explain what they did to treat/overcome this feeling of body dysmorphia.

Unfortunately in the current climate, that person would likely be banned on the spot if they posted on public forums.
I don't care about proving it to you. I've looked everywhere, I know there is no cure. I knew that I needed this a long time ago so I did it and it made everything better.
I'm a homo with a mental illness that made me hate my body so I couldn't stay that way. I don't really care about attracting "straight" men.
No and I have no desire to. I'm happy now and I don't entirely trust therapists.
Dude, all men want to be women! All of us! Let me guess, you want to be soft, cute, have babies and all that. Breh, we know. Overcoming the urge to be female is what makes us men. The genetic lotto fucked us over, but we dust ourselves off and move on, because that's what men do.
Sounds like the hormones that you were born with fucked your life up pretty bad, desu.
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I think -some- trannies are mentally ill. Then again, many cis-gendered people are too. Sometimes going for transgender can help, sometimes harm one's mental health.

I do think many times rich doctors convince people to make permenant changes in their body for profit. I told a leftie friend I wondering if the trans movement was a right wing money making scam by rich companies and he flipped out.
>No and I have no desire to. I'm happy now and I don't entirely trust therapists.
>I'd fucking love it if there were a cure, but there isn't. I've looked fucking everywhere, there isn't. I would do fucking anything to not be this.

get your story straight
They have reddit for that where they can go be celebrated as stunning and brave.

Oddly enough, there are many accounts of post op trannies regretting every move they made. It's a lie. Surgery doesn't fix what's wrong with them.
Oh GOD yes, fapfsafapfapafap
I'd post a trap pic from my PC but they are all irredeemably nsfw. So uhhhh.... check out "Xil" and "Ryoa Agawa" for good trap artists :3
>I am up for killing niggers and mudslimes too

atleast we don't accept degeneracy
Those who know they can't truly change their gender, that cutting your Cock off & making a wound down there is fucked up are better relationship partners than women, however the sad thing is that those destructive, petulant adult children are the only ones who can produce Children.
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Also, being mentally ill does not neccisarily negate their choice of an alt gendwr.

Is saying your siritual or social gender does not match ypu biology any crazier than saying you believe you cosume the body and blood of a 2000 hear old Jewish handyman?
Thank you anon .
Traps are perfection.
You rape young boys and marry your cousins.
>I've looked everywhere, I know there is no cure.
You believe there's no cure that'll turn you straight, there are obviously things you can do that don't involve sexual perversion. All I suggest is that there could be a holy straight pill in the future and not to get pissed off when I suggest more pure remedies.

marry cousins is pretty based if ur a semite

raping young boys is degenerate, nice afghan meme though
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not being comfortable in your own skin has serious strain on the psyche, makes sense that more than half of trans have other illnesses imo or are autistic because how else could would they cope?
I'm happy now. I don't want to kill myself every second of every day and how much of a man I am isn't always at the forefront of my mind driving me crazy. It'd be very nice if there were a cure and I could be normal though.
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You have a point. I get that many transwomen have dysphoria about their genitals but an aesthetic feminine bulge is better than a fake vagina that requires a ton of upkeep.
>Dude, all women want to be men. All of us! Let me guess, you want to hard, tough, get erections and jerk off and not have periods. Breh, we know. Overcoming the urge to be male is what makes us weak females, useful for nothing else than making babies. Let genetic lotto meme buzzword fucked us over, but we dust ourselves off and trick ourselves into thinking that we are strong, because that's what stupid women do
Reminder that from a survival standpoint, male is the strongest and most fit gender. For the past 2000 years women have basically been property. Don't listen to this shill. Be strong
because they want us to accept an inversion of reality

they keep saqying 2+2=5, that man can be a woman. it's not true. period.

we accept that you are delusional, acceptance beyond that would require us to lie to ourselves about what reality is
>I don't want to kill myself every second of every day

that's as good as it's going to get huh?
Yes. A lot crazier.

A harmless ceremony to pay homage to a benevolent deity =/= being feeble mined and wanting to mutilate your body for the gain of a quack doctor.

These type of arguments are pathetic. If they are logical to you, please have the surgery and remove yourself from the gene pool.
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>I don't have studies and I don't give a shit about them. I've heard tons of stories from years of trying to learn all I can about this. A LOT have tried and it never ever works.

It never ever works because you're getting all these stories from trannies. You're not getting any stories from the men and women who suffered from gender dysphoria and overcame it without changing their sex. You're ignoring people who transitioned, recovered, and detransitioned. You say "they were never transsexuals in the first place, they were fake transsexuals." You change data and definitions to fit your view.
Probably. I mean I'm rarely sad now. I still have problems but since I got through the dysphoria none of them really seem very big. I'm happy most of the time and enjoy living.
Traps are gay
As an addendum to this... Trans on pol is much like TITS OR GTFO. except here, WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR TITS. We don't want to hear about your experiences as a gay man or what it's like to be a trans person with conservative values. We do not give a fuck about ANY of it, you are not stupid-you have mental problems and seek negative attention. Trans- on a right wing forum? Let go of your genitals and think about that for a second. You are either here to create a problem or you are a problem yourself. Anyone can express themselves here but on pol it's FAG AND GTFO. Keep your disabilities to yourself and advance the discourse or get out. Otherwise you are only freaks to us
>Is saying your siritual or social gender does not match ypu biology any crazier than saying you believe you cosume the body and blood of a 2000 hear old Jewish handyman?

they are both equally crazy imho desu
>being a lover of traps excludes you from being a lover of wisdom or honor
You didn't think this one through, did you? Plato was anti homo, by the way.


The intention of transexual is to cure gender dysphoria, people who strongly believe they are the opposite gender


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>Nobody has posted about exogenous estrogen sources

Fuck you people are dumb. It's from BPA and other chemicals that turn the frogs gay. Average exposure for adults is 1 - 100 mcg/day. Now look at this chart and ask yourself if any of that sounds familiar.

meant for
Why are we entertaining the rules.
Because they don't exist. There are people that claim to have overcame it but they're just very weak people living deep in denial and it's very very obvious. They're the kind that breaks when they're 50 and leave their family to be monsters.
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well lucky you.
Honestly if trannies could reliably achieve 7/10 on the attractiveness scale /pol/ would be calling you and robo-waifus the futue.

Hell it's currently more like 2/10 and around a quarter of the board is already in this corner.

I ain't no fag, man.

Well, there's Ayahuasca. Nothing it can't cure.

kill them all
most based minority.
well in the states, whites are the most based minority kek
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Literally from drinking gay frog water and eating out of gay frog plastic.
Stop identifying as a woman.
You aren't a girl.
Stop identifying as a woman.
You aren't a girl.
Stop identifying as a woman.
You aren't a girl.
You're retarded. I have dysphoria, it just isn't really triggered by my genitals. That's why I take hormones. I'd kill myself before I went back to being a man. I just don't want to play the autism games that all you >"le trutrans" fags want to play.
Did you read my post? I said to suck it up and be a man, knowing that we'll never know the feel of being loved like a woman does, knowing that we don't get to be held or taken care of. Be a man.
Stop using mental illness as an excuse for your identity crises. And if its an illness shouldnt it be fixed? Not allowed to progress further?
Seems interesting, I love psychedelics.
How does one "stop identifying" as something? I'm sorry my existence triggers you lol.
>I went back to being a man




wanting to be female makes no fucking sense. you are confused because society is set up to emasculate you.
Whites that destroy their reproductive health and advocate for others to do the same are people that will reduce our numbers. I can tolerate them to a degree, but I won't have them preaching their garbage. We desperately need to increase the white birth rate right now and their stance isn't just to reduce it for themselves, it's to reduce it for partners too.

If you are trans, date gay. Fuck off with the feminine penis thing and trying to trap a normal healthy male that could have reproduced for the cause.
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Ok lol call it whatever you wanna call it. I think you have some interesting ideas, maybe it'd be good to talk to a therapist about them.
>I love psychedelics
You make the whole hate the sin not the sinner thing very difficult for me.
Promoting degeneracy is a communist goal you cuck! Neck yourself.
You're projecting my man. Do heavy compound lifts, raise that test, and you'll probably find yourself desiring to be the provider instead.
It's not their fault if they can't reproduce really, they wouldn't be doing it regardless as a miserable "man".
Can't they just become traps and find a white supremacist man and wait for artificial wombs ?
I think they're different from other drugs and that they can be very helpful and help you grow mentally. Before I did mushrooms I was a generic sjw who was offended at everything but they made me realize that doing that was just wanting to be offended and making a big shit over nothing. I just feel like they made me a lot more balanced mentally.
I'll never agree with you here. I just don't believe growth achieved through external means is real. It obviously didn't do enough for you, either way.
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Humans have been using mushrooms since we've been around. It's what made us develop.
Whatever you say Mr.Rogan. You have a bad habit of not giving me proofs.
I'm saying why would we WANT that? You're playing some Psyops here; saying one thing but using context clues to imply something else
Drugs are degenerate.
Get a life, nigger
Drugs for recreation are confirmed bluepill (as evidenced by the millions of deadhead stoners living their life on the couch).

Drugs for the purposes of exploring the nature of reality, or treating things like body dysmorphia? Less so.
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Fags need throwing off the roof.

Also this
I came to this thread to see pics of hot traps. I was sorely disappointed.
Kill yourself you fucking subhuman animal. You cant even comprehend how to stop "identifying" as something and you expect to be treated like a normal human? YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL, FUCK OFF.

This is what all parents should do to their retarded tranny kids. Fix em while you can.
>Drugs for the purposes of exploring the nature of reality, or treating things like body dysmorphia? Less so.
Yeah what great forays into the nature of reality do you have thanks to drugs exactly? I keep hearing this but when I get examples i get shit like:
>Before I did mushrooms I was a generic sjw who was offended at everything but they made me realize that doing that was just wanting to be offended and making a big shit over nothing.
AKA something a middle schooler can figure out on his own.
>A lot of trans people try to man up and fix them. It never fucking works though.
A large majority of children and teens who experience gender confusion eventually accept their biological sex.

Many people who "transition" regret it. Few experience any improvement in overall happiness or reduction in other mental health problems. The suicide rate remains high.

Transsexualism is generally a delusional disorder paired with an anxiety disorder. The characteristic delusion (though this is typically only one of a constellation of delusions) is that being allowed to live as the other sex will cure their anxiety.

Of course, it doesn't. When it doesn't, they commit suicide or fixate on a new delusional cause to their anxiety.

The other form of transsexualism is simply a sexual fetish. These pretend to be the other kind so they can get their way, however, they're not genuinely trying to escape any perceived misery, they're just trying to live out a sexual fantasy. These people aren't crazy, they're evil. They want to force everyone to comply with their sex game, and don't care what damage it causes.
>I'm saying why would we WANT that? You're playing some Psyops here; saying one thing but using context clues to imply something else
You get to be loved, not disposable. Everyone is nicer to you. Life on easy mode. Men are just the slaves who build all the comforts for them.
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Dont try to understand it friend, these kinds of people are retarded. They think their drug induced hallucinations are revelations about reality, or they "figure" something out that a normal person figures out without drugs at the age of twelve.
Youre broken from the start if this is how you perceive life. Theres no point in arguing with you, you are a malfunctioning animal who has no value to society.
Because they're the real 1%
Also you talk like a fag
I pity those with mental illnesses. I do not, however support or indulge in their fucked up fantasies or fabricated realities. It would be morally irresponsible of me to enable something that dangerous.

When a schizophrenic says the radio is talking to him, we don't rush forward and say "you're absolutely right the radio is talking to you!" We give that person medication and proper treatment.

Why the honest fuck is it any different for people with a bod mutilation complex?
Well, to each his own. Meditation is all well and good too, or just sitting back and just letting your mind wander.

>AKA something a middle schooler can figure out on his own.
If kids are redpilling that young these days, I'm damn impressed.
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I'm not transitioning, senpai. Only stating the reality. Look around.
Boy just needs some heavy lifts and water filters.
I didnt say youre transitioning. The fact that you are a man who perceives life this way is enough to say that you are malfunctioning. You think like a woman. That doesnt make you a tranny, it just makes you a malfunctioning male, aka useless.
sometimes i click into the tranny thread. We're bored, that's why we're here, and a PT Barnum OP is offering a freak show.
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terence is that you?
To each his own is a defensive position held by someone without conviction. I'm telling you what you perceive as growth is false and leads you astray. Pure conscious meditation is the only way. There's a reason the Bible forbids this sorcery.
Strong convictions (especially on /pol/) tends to mean unresolved hypocrisies, but I see your point.
Agreed that conscious meditation is the best solution though. And I'd add that nobody should need to take any psychedelic more than 3 times in their life.
Trans women are superior anyways, just fuck trap boipucci and wait for artifical wombs
>It's not their fault if they can't reproduce really, they wouldn't be doing it regardless as a miserable "man".
This is the main reason that it's pointless to try and change trans people. I guess you could argue they're partners would have had children but it's a big presumption. Plenty of us 4channers will never have kids despite not being on hormones so the birthrate argument is pretty weak.
>wanting to be female makes no sense.
To you ...
More psychadelic LGBT treatment linkage:
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>asking another man out on a date
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Who mentally ill here?
wow you sound like a complete fucking loser lol
Just shut the fuck up about it nobody gives a shit about what you are.
Just dont rub your mental illnesses in my face
So you just get to collect gibs because you're a typical millennial?
I'd want to kill myself too if I were you.
If you really wanted to strengthen the white race you'd have offed yourself by now.
Pretty much
That sucks though because they basically take away your rights forever. You can't even get a gun.
You shouldn't be content with that. You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't aspire to become anything better than a charity case.
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OP is larping and being a fag with an agenda
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Wow! Sounds like you are quite the shameful one! It's ok, there is an honorable cure to being such a burden on your family and society. Have you considered seppuku?
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Im trans and its only logical being that pretty much every single person who claims to be trans is actually just a fucked up tranvestite faggot who doesnt even have the tiniest hint of gender dysphoria. They are all fucking fakers trying to get attention from virtue signaling. God I fucking hate them. Fucking lunatics. pic and videos related. They all go around giving us a bad name. We are extremely rare. I never met another trans person growing up EVER! It wasnt until I was about 19 or so that I met bailey and others here on /b/ and /cd/. Now everyone and their fucking mom is transgender now. There's no requirements just fucking labels attached by every special snowflake fucking ever with not a single shred of legitimacy. I cant talk about it. I cant discuss anything in any communities because my struggles are unique and nobody else has experienced them because they arent trans. They just make shit up like "well not everyone has dysphoria" and "not everyone's life is effected by it negatively! its quite a GREAT P O S I T I V E EXPERIENCE!! XD". I want them to all burn to death slowly.

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>Implying people on this board actually read the rules
Hell, I called out some underage and they actually admitted to not reading them or caring anything about them really. We still get porn shitposted here despite the rules stating that porn is not allowed on /pol/, even if its a pink board.
Right now, being "trans" is in. Making your kids be "trans" is even better. get used to it till the next trendy progressive thing comes along for retards to virtue signal about on tumblr and instagram
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They want us to encourage their illness and idolize them for it. If a tranny wants to destroy themselves then fine by me but once they start dragging the government and children into their freakshow we have a problem.

You can either die in solitude with some shred of dignity or you can get lynched. Choose your death and get it over with.
What is a normal human if the ones with problems arent humans?
>Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human, at least they are white, r-right?
Until you parade it around as a godsend and anybody that doesn't accept your mentally ill shit is a bigot.
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Have you ever been in the presence of someone so intelligent you felt like a complete retard in their presence a person so intelligent that the intellectual difference between you and him was equivalent to the intellectual difference between you and a Bernie supporter?

well, I met a tranny yesterday.

pic related is me irl btw
because you are like the schizo kid cutting his arm looking at the regular kids asking why were staring at you calling you a freak..... your a freak plain and simple... your sexual preference hemisphere of the brain is mis-firing why cant you understand that?
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I can deal with gays, tolerate lesbians and be amicable towards bisexuals. But trannies are a whole nother story. They intrude everywhere they go, they violate the sanctity of male and female spaces and blur the lines between men and women. They trick people into having sex with them and people get rightfully mad when they find out the truth. Tranny suicide rate is higher not because people don't accept them but because their bodies don't even accept them. Trannies predicate their entire existence on the way they feel and expect us to pander to their delusions. And threaten I harass us if we don't. I hate the trans community because they get involved in everyone else's business. They muddy the waters of truth and lies. They are a force of confusion and that always leads to self destruction.

Fuck the left and all those who cater to the psychotic demands of trannies.
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>Why do trannies get so much shit here?
Most of them are pedos.
The rest are going to kill themselves anyway so you no need to sortt them. it is safe to gas them all.
>Mental illnesses doesn't make someone less human
mental illness literaly means you can't function as human depending on severity
Her comics really are something special
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