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GREAT NEWS Hollywood in decline, shitty diverse movies are bombing

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>force diversity
>movies get ruined
>no one wants to watch
>lose money
This is the best news in a while, the jews are losing the goys attention, less jew influence on peoples minds
Oh shit forgot link

Thanks in advance norway
In b4 nordbot
Goyim, when (((they))) lose money it's just transferred to shlomo next door who loans the loss to you, collect interest on the entire amount until all shekels are made
They're all shitty. All fiction is for children/spinsters.
You forgot netflix, etc
No surprise
>lose money?
What? (((they))) never lose money.
They are spending loaned money to goys with goys bearing the interest.
Also dont forget that one of their biggest markets these days is in China and the Chinese dont like no muds or fags
I don't think I've voluntarily watched a movie in about 3 years.
/pol/ has ruined basically all movies for me.

Whenever I watched a movie, I would always be able to spot the hidden propaganda and it will kill everything for me.
>watch a comedy movie where the white guy is goofy, nerdy and awkward and the black guy is alpha, funny and gets the girls
>immediately stops being funny and I get disgusted
Can't even tell how many times this has happened.

Now my only sources of entertainment is literature written before 1950 and video games made before 2010. They are the only non-jewed forms of media left to us.
interesting never thought of that
The biggest strength of the big bank's that arose in Italy, the medicis, etc, was that gold from one bank did not have to be physically moved to another bank owned by the same family. Since no one would ever take out more than 10% of their savings at any given time, the families could (((loan))) 90% of the amount deposited, and transfer it on paper, given that the buyer and seller both used the same family bank. This way, people didn't have to wait months for gold to transfer or pay the exorbitant protection fees for armed guards.

Read tragedy and hope for anyone who doesnt understand why we are at where we are now
You know why diverse movies are failing? Because the chinks don't want black people in our movies. Legitimately, have you seen how much robots are in movies now? It's literally pandering to the chinks.
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Maybe it's all part of the plan
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The Jews backed the wrong horse when they threw their bid in with niggers and trannies. I think a lot of it has to do with how they got complacent in thinking EVERYONE ELSE was now irreparably complacent. It's why all these idiots were so sure Clinton was going to win: they honestly thought they'd achieved full control with minimal effort. They honestly believed they were that lucky, Every single thing we are seeing right now is just the massive blowout of media that was supposed to easily just roll right into another puppet administration. They've been trying to mitigate their absolutely crushing defeat as hard and long as they possibly can, in fact ALL their remaining energy and resources are being burned, just so they can save face.

And the returns diminish by the hour.
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Asia hates fags and nogs
Africa hates fags and /is/ nogs (thus no money)

The developing world might end up saving us after all.
oy vey goyim, why don't you want to go see the new totally black cast of my shitty race bait movie? If that's not to your liking you can always watch cape shit #5251, or perhaps one of our fine remakes?

Hollywood is complete fucking trash and I haven't seen a film in years. I'd rather use my money as tinder than give you to those greedy fucks.
Watch Things to Come, h.g. wells, 1930s. Should be free to find on jew tube
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Goy, why do you want to be so racist, misogynistic and anti-Semitic?
It's what happens every time. Kikes get too arrogant/complacent and start making propaganda and kikery obvious.
White nation has enough and kicks them out/slaughters them, and the cycle starts again somewhere else.

They're trying to fix that with shitskins that don't recognise blatant propaganda and can be easily manipulated into hating whites too.

i think they're overplaying their hand at this point desu
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Anime is the last bastion of wholesome media. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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Fantastic. I absolutely hate Hollywood and beckon its fall. How anyone can actually sit through the entire length of a film these days is beyond me. They're so excruciatingly contrived and void of much emotion or thought. Every time I am sent into excessive introspection and reflection, and I end up realizing eventually that I'm letting someone put images in my head that I don't want or need. It's pure toxicity on the mind and soul.

Honestly, the only movies I ever have enjoyed are movies that are openly stupid and silly like Wayne's World or Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure or Airplane!.
Gotta wipe out the Jew from hollywood
This illustrates the entire reasoning behind flooding Europe with shitskins so that the future Europe has no culture and no cultural memory of the Jews antics. Well said.
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Last movie I saw was Hacksaw Ridge, wasn't able to pick up any Jewish Tricks behind the plot. I enjoyed most of it.

Tbh the only reason i saw it was because King Gibson directed it
Quite honestly, what we (Whites) need is an organization to be formed somewhere that is both untouchable by (((them))) and reachable by us for command and control.

Sealand? Every time a grass roots white organization pops up in the States of Europe it instantly gets destroyed by local laws.

So where? If we can promise and deliver on privacy for members and secrecy for investors, we could bring in plenty enough cash to keep the lights on. Whites are getting sicker and sicker of this shit.
>mfw posts denerate lesbian garbage

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>As the war progressed and the Rhodesian government's control diminished, the 1st Psychological Operations Unit of the RF implemented "Operation Split-Shot." Leaflets were distributed to engender fear among the Rhodesian population. The campaign was focused around the theme of "Terror and death is the way of the communist terrorists in Rhodesia."[21] Leaflets depicted ZANLA/ZIPRA recruiters forcing black Rhodesians into training camps, raping women in front of their children, spreading sexually transmitted diseases, and killing defenceless civilians. These leaflets also depicted military recruits being mistreated and killed by opposition forces.

>Propaganda efforts backfired when Rhodesians who voluntarily joined the opposition forces returned to their villages unharmed. According to senior members of the 1st Psychological Operations Unit, the unit was creating their propaganda based on false intelligence.[22] The Rhodesians began to realise that the information presented in the leaflets was false and therefore began to mistrust their government.

They are doing it on purpose because barrack still has a shadow coup in place.

That's what BLM was. And all his tranny bullshit. It was meant to goad whites into indirection so they could perform a coup.

Don't fight until there is a leader with articulable dogma.
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Had a conversation with two blue pilled co-workers about the Star Wars franchise and even they fed up with the "forced diversity shit". They said it before I did.

The goyim are waking up.
I think a /pol/ influenced movie that eludes to a lot of major topics would be a good project. Nothing gay no kekistan bullshit, like the real deal. Could either be hilarious or mind blowingly dramatic and interesting.
>inb4 ur a faggot it cant be done
Thanks bud.
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>Jews smugly assume the decline of whites is permanent and their work is done
>"End of An Era... For White Goyim :^) "
>bankroll Hillary to the tune of $1.5 billion to finish the job
>she loses
>put out 20 different Kill Whitey, Whitey is Racist, Evil Naziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis movies
>they all do poorly
>complain that "Dunkirk", one of only a few successful WW2-themed movies in recent years, is racist because there's no niggers and it doesn't show Germans as demonic hellspawn using Jew skulls for ashtrays

The absolute state of (((Hollywood)))
NORGEBOT is dead, anon.
Anime is for kids
>all fiction is shitty
Fucking leaf, go read dostoyevski and tell me you didn't learn anything.
Awesome movie
Mel delivered

Last two I've seen are Dunkirk and hacksaw ridge. Hacksaw ridge was my favorite of the two, but you should still go spend your shekels to see Dunkirk. Nolan seems pretty redpilled.
> names 3 pictures thhat are so jewish they could give you your bris

if youre going to be an anti-semite, you cant like anything jewish.
enjoy your nigger movies and shitty telenovellas on telemundo
I only saw Dunkirk so far and loved it, should I bother with Hacksaw ridge?
Can stand action movies the most, at least violence and sweet equipment can't be made too PC.
Got any redpilled movies for me pol?
A lot of people liked Rogue One. Probably had to do with the fact it wasn't an overtly Jewish movie like TFA was.

Rogue One:
>semi-capable damaged female cheerleads a group into stealing documents and finding her long-lost dad
>succeeds, but everyone dies

>empowered Jewish wymyn and her pet house nigger Mary Sue their way across the universe
>writers explicitly say the bad guys are a white nationalist organization, but then comically put plenty of non-whites and females in it in order to meet Hollywood diversity quotas
>plot is exactly the same as A New Hope, no changes whatsoever
>house nigger and Mary Jew fuck in the next episode, leaked pictures already confirm
You'll notice Nolan has never had a non-white protagonist, never featured gay or lesbian characters prominently (if at all), loves to draw his aesthetic from the 40s, and his casts tend to be overwhelmingly white.
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I couldn't enjoy because the history was all wrong and the battle scenes were comical with saw-like tasteless violence.

The scene where a guy uses a dead mans torso as a bullet shield and fires a BAR one-handed wiping out a squad of Japs just made me laugh.

I want to like Gibson, but I can't.
Bad sequels, remakes and superhero movies don't sell.

Everyone watches HBO style series instead.....they're pretty diverse

Hacksaw has an overtly pro-Christian message in it.
I'm so fucking sick of the Marvel "movie-of-the-week"

Fuck Marvel with a knife
>watch new spiderman movie
>MJ is some indian anti-American
>specifically call out the washington monument as built by slaves
>white professor supports anti-American actions
>black girl initial love interest
>white girls are bitchy and ignored

Totally ruined. Even though the action was fun I couldn't get past the propaganda
OK I take it back. I did watch this movie. Forget about it.
Had to watch it because /pol/ shilled for it so much.

I have mixed feelings about it.
I wasn't expecting the first hour to be so slow and about an alcoholic father and a bullshit love story. That kind of dragged it down for me.
But the second half absolutely delivered. For a movie about a pacifist who doesn't want to kill people, it's pretty much the most violent movie I've ever seen. It makes Saving Private Ryan look like nothing.
The part with Vince on the stretcher was awesome. Won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.

But yeah, pretty good, could have been a masterpiece though if the first half was cut entirely and the war section expanded.
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>the gayest movie
Was sceptical about seeing Hacksaw ridge, then my grandfather told me while he was with the Marines in Iwo Jima they caught wind about this guy and his story. I took him to see it and he loved every second of it, so did I.
Good. Kikewood needs to die out once and for all.
Yes you should. Mel leaves out any discussion of the war in Europe, and rather presents his interpretation of the fighting between the US and the IJA. Obviously it's a movie, but I think it gives a fair portrayal of the attitudes of both armies. I'd be interested to see Mel's opinion of the war against Germany...
Every time something looks like a new show I roll the credits first to see if it was produced by a Jew or someone with a Jewish background.

I have to do my research before I watch anything nowadays and its annoying, but necessary to protect your mind and spirit from propaganda.

That is the cost of democracy that few people care to pay - and why democracy is failing because so many people are lazy and uninformed.

Worse shit than that has happened on battlefields anon.
In the heat of battle, when all the adrenaline is pumping through you, you get stupid ideas like seeing a dead guy's torso and saying to yourself
>You know....this might not make a half bad human shield.
Guaranteed shit 10 times worse than that happens all the time. You just don't hear about it because it's not glamorous.
you think that will change anything? hollywood is a fucking movie industry monopol
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But the six gorllion. Never forget useless goyim. Know buy a ticket to my shitty movie.
Aspiring screenwriter/director here, don't know if I want to work in Hollywood and shake things up or work independent of it.

I know a lot about writing and Filmmaking, but apart from the opposition to forced diversity in films, I don't really know what modern audiences want. What direction does /pol/ want future movies to go in?
I'm not an anime guy but this is terrible. I remember funimation changing the "HELL" t-shirts to "HFIL" or something on DBZ. Do they still do this shit? What does the anime community say?
Just watched Dunkirk, worst fucking movie I've ever watched.
Jews done jumped the shark and this is the turning point desu.
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The last film I saw was Korean.

I don't go to the movies for Western films anymore. I think French cinema is even worse than Hollywood.
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Kalergi openly stated in Practical Idealism that the goal is exterminating all whites in Europe. Kalergi is a Jew. Jews openly praise Kalergi. The EU is born from Kalergi's "Pan-Europe" movement.

There's no surprise behind what they're doing. People just ignore it because it's too horrible to contemplate. Yes, the people in the striped pajamas that Hitler put in camps that you're meant to sob over, want to fucking kill you. That's reality.
>implying (((editors))) wouldn't cull redpill material
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Park Chan-Wook is bredd gud Korean. French cinema, which was so wonderful for decades, really is shit now. Shitty movies about shitty depressed women and sex.
>mfw France will never produce a film as good as Le Samourai again
We want explosions, tits, and a good plot.

This is true for 80% of Americans.

Make this happen and you'll be a legend.
>Journalism forces diversity
>Revenue continues to decline from falling newspaper sales, more ad-blocker usage & trust in the media hitting record lows

>TV forces diversity
>People are cord-cutting at record levels, millennials switching to YouTube/Netflix

>Hollywood forces diversity
>Box-office sales fall, Hollywood forced to look for nostalgia to bring people back

>Left-wing politicians force diversity
>Brexit, Trump, right-wing populism in Europe, Democrats suffer worse losses in 80 years

Really makes you think.
French cinema is only comedies or deep philosophical shit like some girl stuck in a wheelchair and an orca master or something. I just stick to 90's 80's 70's movies now
>house nigger and Mary Jew fuck in the next episode, leaked pictures already confirm

Man why can't they make those old Arnold movies or some comedies without the faggy drama tacked on?
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good war movies anyone?
I wish, but looking at it with a purely steely objective glance you'll find there are always other reasons. But, no matter what, at some point Hollywood wil realize that the white working class is also worth catering to
Are you straight white and male?
If so good luck pal
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Good movie. Puts the realities of war into perspective.
this last comedy movie from Adam Sandler was pretty funny to watch
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Peckinpah is always good.
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It's true that reality is weirder than fiction, but the entire film is a massive exaggeration of reality. Even the ridge itself is massively larger than the real ridge.

Have you held a BAR? Even the bulkiest chad pumped up on adrenaline would struggle to hit anything firing one one handed and back in the 40s men were generally shorter and less bulked.
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Can't really remember it that much but I do recall this one being a good movie as a kid.
Still need to watch this, the trailer was stunning.
not really cartoons and anime are usually targeted towards young adults heck even the cartoons that are targeted towards kids talk about somethings that just shouldnt be talked about to their targeted audience, cartoons are getting worse.
based norbo-
The Lost Battalion's pretty good. Same with The Pacific series.

Yeah Chinks can just ban movies they don't like. They only allowed few western movies in China BEFORE this shit show of diversity.
Norbot got shoahd
I think the reason we are seeing this is that people are starting to see the programming now. Most were blind to it for decades.

It needs to stop. Stop subtly shoehorning your fucking political and societal agendas into my movies and maybe then i'll consider watching them again. Maybe.

It woudn't even piss me off so much if there wasn't such an insidious attempt at masking with doublespeak and symbolic imagery.
Kubo and the Two Strings
>White nation has enough and kicks them out/slaughters them, and the cycle starts again somewhere else.
well thank god for globalism huh, now they have no "somewhere" to run and with a globally shared information networks the world will forever remember their deeds now
they havent fucked themselves a little bit, they have fucked themselves forever
Laika is great.

I watched it online this weekend. the washington monument scene really grinds me since it's twisting the truth of its construction. when the white professor questions it, he's goaded not to because it'd be racist. I think my wife if starting to get upset since there is no escaping the virtue signaling. also

>>white professor supports anti-American actions

when did this happen? I don't remember that

>some girl stuck in a wheelchair and an orca master or something
My sides. Some girl I know made me watch that movie. Is that the one with the hot chick from Inception?
God damn, that was a steaming pile of shit. It was like a 2 hour soap opera episode.
>F-father hold me!
>What is it my son?
>The goyim... they kn-know!
I think its a bot that searches for popular news outlet names in the OP.
So if you don't include it there, he wont show, most likely.
Under appreciated company.
That article says nothing about diversity and is instead about dropping movie theater attendance across the board which is easily attributable to the prevalence of the internet, downturn of economy or just simply a cultural shift away from theaters as an entertainment venue. If you look at movies like Wonder Woman or whatever they seem to be doing great in the box office. In fact, the article itself said that WW was the only title that passed the 400m mark this summer.

If you want to talk about diversity movies there are better articles to discuss.
>This is the best news in a while
They will just move to Video games
then when video games are dead they will move to forcing diversity into your neural interface
I didn't even know it was diverse until the week it was released. Either I missed the trailers or they hid the Asian and black characters in the ones I saw.
That movie did nothing to subvert the question I kept asking the whole time- "How many men did this asshole get killed because he refused to kill the enemy?"

My opinion of him did not change. What he did was amazing on its own, sure, but how many Japs lived to kill other US troops because that asshole refused to carry or fire a weapon?
Sad! Add video games and music to the list, too.
That's sorta what I've been thinking. Make movies ourselves, our own games and cartoons and comics that are devoid of propaganda and free of charge made with love and not greed for money.
Like a movement of people coming together and make art for free in their spare time. This kills the jews




I actually just read an article about this yesterday. Chinese will watch US films if they star white actors, but films with blacks in the cast just don't sell in china. They also have to make China specific movie posters with the black characters airbrushed out. Like a force awakens poster without Finn.
didn't Gibson use a similar tactic in the movie Braveheart? One of the Scots grabbed a dead English soldier and used his body as a meat shield against arrows.
the only gay guy on the boat committed suicide.

not a gay movie, it's anti-gay if anything.
Internet censorship will happen soon.
They'll make talking about their crimes illegal as hate speech '''anti-semitism''' etc and are aiming to have us out of the picture or at least thinned to the point where their brainwashed attack dogs in blacks and slimes can help wipe us out.

Chinks are perfect underlings also. It's in their blood. Nips will probably be gotten rid of too, I guess they can use you were Hitler, against them the same way as us.
Summer's still here folks!!

(Wish the British weather reflected this)
>Listen to music from 2000 and older. Especially love to listen to techno and trance from the 90's and early 2000's.
>Hate what Blizzard and Bioware have done to video games
>Stopped playing WoW and SWTOR
>Bought old PS2 and old PS2 video games. Enjoying playing SSX3 snowboarding game.

Last movie I saw was Jurassic World and I enjoyed it. Nothing since then has appealed to me.

I enjoy watching old classic TV shows in my downtime. From Seinfeld to I Dream Of Jeanie and Bewitched I enjoy a lot of old shows.

Hollywood (named after the wood used to create witches wands) is not getting anything from me.
speak for yourself fucking brit nigger what u gonna do come do something about it you faggot u cant quit drinking tea and getting raped by your wifes sons idk whaever muslim rapefugees t odo anything your too busy to even bother
I see Jamal got triggered by the truth.
I think they will stay away from video games. That didn't go very well for them at all.

I could see them beginning to use food labels, signage and billboards as those are very publicly visible and largely uncompromised at this point in time.
I had very mixed feelings about HR. It was a good story of religious faith and what not, but the actual war scenes were so cartoonishly exaggerated that it kind of killed the mood. The CGI gore and shit like that dude carrying a body as a shield while one arming a goddamned BAR was just silly.
The holocaust is a very adult story
This can't be real, right?
Great book/film. Shows how great men are, and what shit parents single mothers make.
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kek'd and check'd tbqhwyf

(((If you kill your enemies they win))) version of Christianity.

That movie was ducked Beyond belief. Extreme pacifism. Evil abusive white male father.


He was an absolute coward.

Ohh let's just let the invading hoards come and kill us and kill our children and our wives, erase our history and culture because it's morally wrong to defend it.

That's the Jewish version of (((Christianity)))
check youtube and twitter and tell me that's better than holywood
((They)) win either way
>sjws infiltrate and destroy the media
>sjws infiltrate the media, but fail becuse no one buys their crap, media companies and Hollywood collapse. No more entertainment industry.

Das Boot
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Man I wish a new civil war movie would come out. That opening scene in lincoln got my warboner going for the 30 seconds it lasted but then it was over.
Dunkirk movie redpilled? Are you retarded?

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>no more entertainment industry
Just soend your money on something else?
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>watching Hollywood
What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you want to enjoy your entertainment? Watch anime if you want to experience entertainment.
I dont watch anime because I hate their sound effects.
That depends on the anime you watch. If you are too lazy to find what you like on internet, too bad for you. Good anime has very little promotion, but it has a following online.
Yall are overthinking this. These movies and games are hitting the market now but they were started about 2 to 3 years ago. Everyone was banking on another big democratic party win and 4 more years of increasingly (((progressive))) politics.

Trump won, conservatives won across the board, the massive lefty base fragmented into fueding camps and began cannibalizing thier leaders falsley believing they lost for not being liberal enough instead of the opposite.

These movies were bankrolled, cast, and staffed in preperation for a market that failed to emerge.
Watch a movie - shit, old ones were better
Listen to music - same
Check out anime - same.
I feel old because of it. Like those caricature complaining granpas. But what can i do when it is all shit?
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Whatever happened to epics? Why dont we ever see good movies that have everything (good action, well handled romance, good story, good characters and development) anymore? Everything specialized now. Any decent action scenes are exclusive to silly stuff like capeshit, all romance is just either romcoms or rape fantasies, anything that's actually halfway decent plotwise is dry and boring oscar bait. We need to see movies like Braveheart and pic related make a comeback.
[loud kike kvetching in the distance]
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I think it comes down to the people who wrote those epic screenplays and adaptations from books have gotten old and retired. They had a classic education and were well read. They knew things from the Bible to Shakespeare.

Now they are dead and gone and nepotism in the studio took place and we have the shitty kids and grandkids who never did anything and have never read anything so they have zero depth when it comes to any stories.

So they have to keep re-creating things over and over again because they don't have any imagination and creativity. Everything in SJW in their world so they see a TV show or Movie or Manga and then instantly say "Replace the white guy with (insert most popular at that moment minority)" and go from there.

So we will continue to get reboots and reimages of old things.

Sort of like Star Trek and the Holodeck. Always recreating things that happened in the past.
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yup. /pol opened my eyes too, but really what turns me off about Hollywood is when the actors voice their political view points in a manner that denigrates the opposite position. Such as the actor in Taken.

"dumb republicans"
"wacko anti abortion groups"

The latter on in the list is especially troublesome. It seems that in many hollywood movie of late, Christians and their groups have been portrayed as sinister and evil.

The church scene in Kingsman: The Secret Service was particularly emblematic of Hollywood dumping on fundamentalists. Imagine the horror if instead of a church, it was a synagogue or a mosque.

Then there is the movie with John Goodman, Red State. Again, Christians in a bad light (pot smoking hippies that steal are presented in a good light).

My wallet is shut until actors keep their views to themselves and hate group portrayals include other religions.

Pic is related: NFL is down in ratings too.
>be huuuuge stephen king's dark tower fan
>movie announced
>no..... god no.....
>they erase 2 of the main charecters, one a junkie and the other a double amputee black female civil rights activist
>then make the main white charecter black, cuz everyone knows diversity only counts when its replacing whites
>entire moral of the story is gutted and watered down into just another generic PG-13 action movie
>fans who have supported the book series since 1970 are pissed
>director immiediatley and literally states "all of you racist motherfuckers can kiss my ass, I'll do whatever I want with the series"

Gee.... thats a hard one. Maybe calling your dedicated decades old fanbase racist mother fuckers is a bad marketing strategy. Idk. I mean just a thought but isnt it funny how any entertainment product (ghostbusters, mass effect andromeda) marketed in such a manner tends to flop?

Wierd. Almost as if replacing actual talent, good writing, and genuinely desireable end product with political rhetoric and insults to the fanbase still doesnt make anyone want to buy it.
You sir have made my day.
Huehue Hue Hue hue
say it ain't so
this. i walked into a friends house the other day, they're gathered round the tv like pups suckling a teat watching some movie - people beating the shit out of each other, just straight up violence. no tarantino aesthetic, no shoot em up wink and nod, just blood and baseball bats. then the black hero saves the white girl and makes off with his white trophy gf. 5 minutes of my life wasted - shitty violent scenes and the based black hero and his white wimmin. why? i guess it makes sense since the biggest consumers of this shit are normies and minormities
i can't wait for a new Epic parodie but this time it would be about how hollywood goes flat, made by mel brook, in a bollywood production.
And non-kiked company.
Fun fact: LAIKA director is a son of Nike chairman.
Don't use obvious foreshadowing. I hate being able to predict what's gonna happen next
Hollywood can't die soon enough.
Good. Hollywood has been turning out shit movie after shit movie for years. If anons want to see something interesting, look up how many times Obama went to Hollywood to shill for SJW bullshit to work its way into movies. Hollywood will fall flat on their asses, and in some ways, its already happening a bit.
The article said literally nothing about diversity. How much of a low test beta cuck do you have to be to deflect this hard Kek
Bollywood has a huge footprint in China, it's been steadily increasing for years....
>You forgot netflix, etc

Fucking hell, Netflix has gone shitty the past year. I hope it burns thru a ton of $ and gets scooped up by someone who likes to make $ instead of pushing PC agendas.

Just saw the Great Wall. Decent dumb action flick, but it's exactly what China wants: crazy flippy action, hot Chinese women, and big white movie stars.

People just go butthurt about the whitewashing, but it's a fucking Chinese movie to begin with.
These arent movies they are bad propaganda for a failed "government" in a fail "society".

All the pigs better buckle up those chinstraps, because judgment day is here.
>Oh shit forgot link

No you fucking didn't, stop this shitty meme. People will click on your thread either way.
Yup. My goys need to spend more of their free time, when they're gettin' dat paper, creating things that are actually cool and good. We can't leave entertainment media up to the traditionally pozd entertainment people. It's time to out-jew the jew, propaganda wise. Get your thinking caps on and expect more threads on this senpai
>Whatever happened to epics?
they're difficult as fuck to write? and you have to strive to be original too
either its too costly or theres no talent
now choose both
Last spiderman movie was a disaster.
Dunkirk was meh
The Jew fears the Shaolin Monk
anime is linked to low testosterone

enjoy being bluepilled, cuck
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If you haven't switched to anime yet NOW is the time.

on the streets, it's up to my ankles.

Poo on the streets, it's up to my knees.
One of the most successful recent movies had a black lead and black theme (Get Out), and Black Panther's gonna make mad bank.
It's not diversity, it's just that most blockbusters are shit and producers are dumb.
thats some high quality shitpost there, are you ok?
What is this show anyway? Redpill me on the hitler loli.
Pity they had to change the original so Americans wouldn't be too butthurt
>they had to change the original so Americans wouldn't be too butthurt
what did he mean by this?
It's called Saga of Tanya the Evil.
You should give it a try.
Original story is England vs US, not France
There is no source, he just isnt showing up in every thread with an article link offering the archive. He obviously got booted.
>Grave of the Fireflies
I thought Hacksaw was much better and more compelling desu, but Dunkirk barely had a story, there was no way it was going to compete against Based Mel's Christ-kino.
Ah, I've only watched the first 30m years ago, haven't bothered to finish it since. Just watched "The Sand Pebbles" from 1966.
/pol/ should talk about this one more, it's the true story of the first American naval ship in China. It's been memoryholed (probably because of the many uses of the slur "slopeheads" when talking about their Chinese engine crew.) Breddy gud, 3hrs long w/ intermission. Beautifully shot, and I read in another thread that Roddenberry may have been influenced by it for Star Trek, and I can see it.
Of course it is, it was never more than a few tens of thousands of people worldwide.

SJWs excoriated this YA book, The Black Witch, for being about a racist character who slowly becomes less racist (in a sci-fi universe). If you tweet about it you will be dogpiled.

http://archive.is/sFil5 (Globe & Mail link)

But guess what? Sales are great. Professional reviews are great. Nobody cares what some bitchy cat lady who has to pin their preferred pronouns to xir shirt thinks.
The word for black people in Chinese is the same word to describe the burned underside of a wok.

They really despise black people in China.
>Indians scattered on Dawn's Highway pooing
I had it copied and then forgot to paste it. I was in a rush.
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This season she reincarnated into this
if nothing else, HFIL has become an injoke in the Dragon Ball community
Source? I haven't heard of any big """diversity""" movies doing poorly

I welcome it. I used to love watching movies when I was younger, but now it's been nothing but obvious political messages inserted into movies and diversity hires for the sake of diversity.

Spiderman: Homecoming has been the biggest offender thus far, and there's no fucking way I'm giving any of my shekels to go see that Deadpool movie with nigger Domino. I legitimately hope Hollywood goes under.

Not even an anime fag and I am pretty sure they say dub-s are shit to the point that its a meme.

No matter the quality of the dub.
All of them did poorly this quarter, King Arthur, The Tower, etc. Only one that did decent was Dunkirk.
I fucking love the ps2 I'm going to lurk more after this post and any questions I might be asked, but I enjoyed playing the ps2 when I was growing up and even a few ps1 games from the past. If I may ask what your favorite ps1 game?
It has nothing to do with diversity, thing is theres no such thing as a movie experience any more, the current best way to con people into watching your indoctrinating videos is seasonal series with cliff hangers at the end of each episode. Netflix knows this and tho it is 10 times more progressive, they are printing money.
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Fuck you all anti anime.
desu I see only like one or two movies a year and I don't really pick and choose based on diversity levels, its usually star wars or jurassic park or some comic book movie that I end up seeing
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it's great actually i love to point it out, as seen here with casablanca and the last star wars movie, switching heights during feelings scenes. switching women to be more manly and men being the women.
Yes it's the diversity. Totally not the endless parading of remakes and sequels.

Y'all get dumber by the minute.
Didn't they straight up ban depictions of homosexuality in movies a couple months ago?
The thing is they dont even create original movies anymore. They just reboot old stuff and just pump some diversity in it. Power ramgers with nigger and a homo? Cmon jews, what did you expect
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Live it
Love it
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Don't forget the media is dying, and the housing markets are crashing and the Saxons are thirsty for a race war
>millennials switching to YouTube/Netflix

Now they're demonetising all the Youtube channels to the right of Young Turks.

?? Vid.me?
John Wayne is your man.
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Remember when you could watch this movie and just think "wow, the action is amazing, this movie is awesome" instead of "the directors are a couple of full blown faggots and the last human society is literally a multicultural hellhole called Zion where big mud orgies happen every other night."
If you like those kind of stories, read the books. There's about 20 in all by Patrick O'Brian.
Downloading now
nigga they banned movies with alternative worlds/sci-fi utopias
This, especially cape shit. Watching a movie reminds of when i was a kid, and came up with autistic stories, while i was playing with action figures.
also, Bankers from Babylon and Financial Vipers of Venice, both by Joseph P. Farrell
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Fuck the hollywood jew
Enjoy commiefornia taxes judens
you warm my heart anon
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this makes me so happy
maybe if the hollyjews would stop making stupid shit like emoji movie and stop blacking main characters like in The Dark Tower, they wouldn't be losing shekels.

I expect STD to flop hard tv wise because of its SJW pandering. I'm sick of prequels.
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it is
and it will only get worse
Apocalyto was really good.
Some israel flagger claimed they nuked Nordbot because they were losing shekels.
Got first movie theater hand job to this lol.
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I knew "The Sand Pebbles" was a book, didn't know it was a series
thanks straya
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I appreciate you enthusiasm, but hollywood bombing is because of the free stuff you can find on the internet.
Years ago I still went to cinema from time to time, now I cannot even recall the last time i did it. I have never paid to watch a tv show either.
Then how do you explain, football and other sports decline in viewership?
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Haven't seen the movie but sounds accurate Jewish trick.
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Who pays for cable in the current year?
same shit: people have less and less money to spend on this bullshit, and wherever free stuff can be found, there they go.
that place is the internet.
that's just you being a pleb cunt waiting for spoonfeed though, there's a vast wealth of excellent films from the 50s-90s worthy of your time if you seek them out.
>Proudly bipolar
Lying bitch, no one that are bipolar are proud of it.
They just want to blow their fucking brains out.
Someone should call her out on that bullshit and
make it about google promoting unhealthy mental health for shit and giggles.
Based pajeet gets it
>wherever free stuff can be found, there they go.
>that place is the internet.
I sometimes think about filling a portable 2TB ssd with all the media I love, just in case of societal collapse
you should do it, it will happen sooner or later
>fuck you whitey
>whitey, why aren't you going to the movies anymore?

>classic literature
>old video games

One form of entertainment that hasn't been ruined by (((them))) is missing there, anon... give it a try.

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