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Little wannabe tyrants

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Thread replies: 201
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Every competent employee of google who isn't a marxist should jump ship and let Google crash and burn. Brain drain the bastards, if you wait you are just going to be replaced by imported workers eventually.
These people are completely unhinged
/pol/ has been in a slump since the election.
Looks like we have found our new enemy in Jewgle
They will get meticulously stripped of values while mercy hires whine outwards. The cycle does what it does.
Google is divided.
haha who the fuck uses g+ for networking

like nigga go outside
these people live inside a bubble
It really is cancer. Perhaps they are they greatest solution to themselves.
We should push awareness of this case HARD. This will happen automatically. Everyone that has been following similar (yet smaller scale) events here the last years knows the order like clockwork. And it never fails given time.
I was wondering if anyone besides google employees do this.
These people are garbage.
It's not that terrible honestly but it's completely unnecessary.
they sure are paranoid, incapable of enjoying anything, and power trip over what little imiganiary authority theythink they have over the earth.
Tech talent is always in more demand than in supply. This will likely deem Google untouchable and hopefully serve as a warning to other companies dipping their toes in the SJW waters.
That's all social media tbf.
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> Dissenting opinions not tolerated.
> Brow beat the goyim into submission.
What sort of mind virus do these monsters have? Don't they realise that they are acting like children?
Google tried to push it as a business platform a few years ago but it went nowhere, except apparently for these SJWs who took it seriously.
>zero tolerance for intolerance
repressive tolerance, Herbert Marcuse (no tolerance for right-wing views)
Exactly. Like in the gaming industry.
The fact they consider any views but their own as "alternative" is sick. They believe they're come mentality to be the maintenance and tolerate zero dissent.
This bitch is going on a full blown witch hunt according to her twitter feed.
>b-but fee fees were hurt
What a cunt
There was an internal Google online anonymous poll that was conducted during the manifesto controversy. Around 34% of people have said that they "strongly disagree" with the content of the manifesto, 14% "mostly disagree", 14% said that they "strongly agree", 22% has said "almost agree", 12% were neutral, etc.
There is still hope, a lot of redpilled people work in these companies but feel threatened to speak out. They need somehow to find about each other and start organizing.
I'm starting to consider that the only cure for the mind virus is to let the hosts die and rebuild from the ashes. Salvage what we can, but there's not much else we can do other than spread awareness to avoid the infected.
They are Marxists. They have the perfect vision, they will build Utopia, and they will remove anyone who does not belong or will get in their way.
We saw after the election just how much hatred they have in them. Make no mistake; they will slaughter us the moment they get the power to do so.
>updated my spreadsheet
I assume everyone knows everything I've done online at any point in time. Luckily I don't need a job to survive.
If they have a problem they can come see me.
I'm willing to put money down that these "lists" are all white males
when you get in the position where this sad fuck might become your boss, it means you have to reconsider your life
Whether they agree with the content of the so-called manifesto is no longer irrelevant. 100% should understand the precarious position they all find themselves in regardless of their opinions. Their very livelihood is not under threat of being upturned by the whims of a few extremists within their company. It is in their best interest to leave on thwir own terms.
>inb4 Google becomes the corporate expression of Venezuela
After the talent leaves I predict actually riots on google campuses. Screencap this.
Surprisingly high given you have to factor in fear.
That and also the brains tend to be the rational portion. You all know what happens next lol
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oh shit fellas, there goes that google job.
>Women tend to be higher in neuroticism.
The focal point needs to be maintained that google employees, regardless of their political views, are in danger. This is a circumstance where they will have to put political differences aside and draw a line in the sand.
If a black or transgender person wrote a manifesto about straight white males that circulated around Google they'd get a promotion, not fired.

Current year everyone.
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I want to vomit every time I read/hear the word "Googler"

The ultimate virtue signal. What a piece of shit. Enough bad things can't happen to someone like that.
Nah. The fact is, if anyone does not fall 100% in line with the group think of a few problem employees, their livelihood is threatened. This goes beyond politics. We are in cult territory. No google employee is safe and they should all be shitting their pants upon realizing this.
>nothing to do with conservatives
>you must have a soul
And, ofc, he we be the one deciding if someone has a soul of not.
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Holy fuck can you imagine the drama and office politics that must go on in that place? Holy fuck that must be exhausting
Psychologists Claim Google Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto Is Scientifically Accurate
Will the normies ever drop Google as a search engine?
It's the best engine
when you want a safe, tolerant, diverse workspace you create public lists of co-workers you suspect have differing opinions and aren't the flavor of the month.
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Every time our company hires new qt for sales, purches etc. my fellow office mates comply that could get at least one qt as secretary of our development department. Every time I tell them that is the worst idea ever. I love qt's but not in my office, I have seen too many good teams destroyed by some cunt just because she had vagina, the amount of manipulation these creatures do even at work is astounding.
>inb4 women dindu nuffin, ever
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over 9000 hrs
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>disagreeing with me is literally terrorism

We have reached peak libtard.
>your facts ignore women's feelings
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Laughed out loud. Thanks, anon.
So, this is pretty much the end of Google, yeah? They'll terminate all those who are labeled as "racists/sexists/etc", which most likely are the people who know what they're doing, and will replace them with inept people or diversity hires, and the company will slowly start to produce shittier and shittier products until the people they fired, who will probably start their own companies, over take, correct?
I try using bing as much as possible

>The fact they consider any views but their own as "alternative" is sick

Media socialized them to think that way.
death by diversity
we can only hope so
but certain companies seem to be "too big to fail" these days

Yeah, they jumped the shark hard.
>do as I say if you want to work at a REAL company like Google

>Google's supremacy will last a thousand years and I will never regret this hahahahahahaha

uuh, no sweetie, don't you remember your predecessor the Eaton Group?
>It's the best engine
If you like the first 15 results to be websites from major corporations, then Google is the best.
Top Stories : 2 NY Times Links - 1 The Hill
1. Twitter
2. The Hill
3. La Times
4. Slate
5. People
6. Deadline.com
7. Washington Post
8. The Atlantic
9. Vogue.com
10. Youtube
>This is the people that work in a multi national tech company

Thanks God i am too incompetent to be able to work there
>lone woman
Alon is literally a Jewish, male, name. Fucking retarded ass normies.
Such levels of irony is completely lost on them. Truly astounding.
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What's frightening is that cis white scum created these insanely powerful tools and now that the goblins are on the march, soon the brilliance will be rounded up, forcibly burned then ejected, and the goblins will have the keys and the steering wheel of one of the deadliest weapons known to humankind.
Otherwise, i would toast the shitshow, grab muh popcorn and say, "good". It will get nasty.
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If a search engine displays only things they approve of and actively tries to influence what you believe without regard to it being true or not, it's not a very good search engine.
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This has all been revealed long, long ago.
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie"
We know their results will just be the NY Times and Wikipedia. What is the point of using Google? Just go to the NY Times or Wikipedia. or HuffPo or another corporate interest. Why do we need a search engine that is just a list of Corporate Web sites? Do a few sample searches involving Trump and you will see what I mean. It is fucking useless, except for their maps.
what does this mean?
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is this that great filter i keep hearing about?
Short google. They're going down.
I hope dozens of not hundreds of high talent employees are fired or resign from this
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That would imply they're not already going down in flames, anon.

Maybe all other intelligent races before Man fell to gibsmedatsism?
Google must die
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Good. I hope /our guy/ hulk hogan's these googles to death.
> Zero tolerance for intolerance

Oh the irony.... Are these people so dense, they don't see their own intolerance? Big L Liberalism TRULY is a mental disorder.
^W means Ctrl-W, which is the hotkey to delete the previous word on some Unix text editors.
That from Crowder's video?
is it a mistake do you think or was that guy going for le ebin only nerds will get this joke?
Naw, it's from the manifesto itself.
I'm sure a woman at google is currently typing something up (with help from her friends and colleagues).
Next up on libshit sites:
Sexist Google employee's manifesto DESTROYED by beautiful trans woman of color's response. Here's why that's important
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Why isnt there a ban on hiring a jew at a company, this is what happens if you let even one in, they bring in the rest flooding it like rats on a ship.
Pre-market has them down 0.01%. It'll be interesting to see what effect a concentrated meme campaign has, if any.
>down 0.01%
is that a little or a lot? for a company like google?
Its nothing
oh. i thought it might be unusual for them to be down by such a percent or something
can we begin the plan to make SocJus as a registered religion, it would be tremendous as the steam picks up and made more apparent.

Don't forget

Would be a real shame if someone were to throw some fuel on that fire
They're all cucks, they're going to just bite their tongues and suck that circumcised schlong.
You mean the maps that take you through crime-ridden ghettos, and plans to reroute journeys if they pass through those areas were shot down as being racist?


It literally means nothing
That's the ones. I used to hate Microsoft but I'm starting to rethink them. Strange they get shit on but we never hear about them working with the gov. They want to sterilize nigs with mosquitoes, they did exactly what you are talking about made an app that shows crime areas even if its nig infested.
The way to beat a liberal is to out-liberal them. Make them look like a complete racist homophobe. Never fails.
Nah they are pack mentality creatures. Best way to hurt them is to ostracize them and make them feel alone. They don't even hold real beliefs just what they have been conditioned to believe to gain acceptance. When seperated and targeted for shame, ridicule, argumentation etc they fucking fall to pieces because there is zero substance.
Imagine being a white right-of-center male working at a place like that, it must be completely soul-crushing.
You'd just keep your head down and maybe find one or two like minded friends through careful dog-whistling in secret to eat lunch with, huddled like little scared animals fearful of the inquisition, terrified of being asked a political question by one of your co-workers surrounding Trump etc.

Even answering "I'm not into politics/don't want to talk about politics" is seen as "racist" nowadays, as you privileged white devil have the audacity to not care about politics when poor gentle giants are being gunned down in the street by the pigs.
Being "not-racist" isn't enough, you have to be actively "anti-racist", all of these studies coming out saying if you don't make prolonged eye-contact with minorities you may be secretly racist etc.

Glad I'm self employed, anyone out there work in a similar environment to Google? How bad is it?
you even slightly breach the lid on their can of bullshit the multicolored shitflies start putting crap in your mouth
>anyone out there work in a similar environment to Google? How bad is it?
i want to hear some stories too.
cia niggers are in microsoft google and apple
also all your hardware has baked in backdoors
t. your tax dollars
It's called neo bolshevism

So then it doesn't matter what you use.
>alternative views
>implying there's a set of acceptable views
So choose neocon and get kike'd or choose neolib and also get kike'd... Wow what great options
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You know who else once made a list of people that needed to be dealt with?
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>The way to beat a liberal is to out-liberal them.

Bullets work pretty well, too. The blue hair makes them easy to spot in a crowd.
And this is where the unions should and would have came into play if they were not themselves taken over.
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Alon is a dindu apologist. These people are fucking insane.
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>Only google employees use Google+
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Burglary is 'making ends meet', what's wrong with them? Can only hope poor peole of color come make ends meet at his place soon too.
The issue isn't even about free speech so much as it is about a google employee criticising the logic underpinning policies put in place in the best interests of making google a better run company. If you don't want your employees to ever criticise you then don't pretend to give them that option.
I always imagined the far left as the abusive husband who convinces his battered wife it was her fault he smacked her around.

These fucks are running around accusing people of heresy and demanding they be punished. Yet they think they're the tolerant, liberal people. lol

Whens the war start? There isn't any point in trying to reason with them. They are demanding our surrender and submission to their ideology. No different than Islam. Today you may get fired, tomorrow they may take it a step further and kill you for your ideas.
>zero tolerance for intolerance

Do these people actually listen to what they say?
Glad I hopped to DuckDuckGo a few months back

FUCK google
>he filled in the Google captcha
You'd rather give your money to HiroshiJew?
its 1% at 928.37, for a company like Google this is going to be felt.
Actually yeah since the captchas have been getting more annoying in recent weeks.
>select the centre of the mailboxes in this pic
>Violently Offensive
When do we start actually VIOLENTLY "offensing" these fuck sticks?
>he thinks real people use google+ to communicate
I use legacy and enter the word nigger both times until it finally accepts about the 3rd time.
Google will end up being a company run by pajeets, who employs either pajeets or the mentally ill.

>Crash imminent
These self-righteous cucks try so hard to be badass but they look like little bitches
Wow. I can barely stomach to read some of these. They've literally become what they hate and they can't even see it, the intolerance just blows my mind.

Google should have just stuck to being a search engine and Gmail.

Now they've set themselves up to implode, and it will be glorious. I really hope this doesn't slide into the shadows of history without any repurcussions. Will be interesting to see how few new people want to join them and how many conservatives (or anyone with common sense that believes skill > race or gender) now feel threatened and want to look for a way out.
i doubt it, they'll juice the numbers to keep the SJW's at bay, but they'll mostly be slaves to the bottom line
i would unironically celebrate if this turd got hit by a bus tomorrow and spent the rest of his life in horrific pain, tied to a hospital bed where every day he begs for death but due to advanced technology is kept alive to a ripe old age, where he has seen the world through the small television set in the corner of his hospital room, before he finally dies alone in the middle of the night and there was nobody left to mourn him.
you don't have to worry about there not being repercussions. we've been living through a major ideological conflict for at least 4 years now. this is just another symptom
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Looks like a deranged serial killer who just buried some bodies in the woods prior to taking this pic

No, it's not. Google "white family".

Or how about googling for American inventors, then try it again in Spanish?

Not to mention how they bury any news stories or historical events that don't fit their libtard narratives. For example, research Songbird McCain using duckduckgo instead of Google.

They falsify results. That, by definition, throws all their credibility out the window.

You *need* to switch to duckduckgo or something else.
So that's what was so familiar in all that. It's basically the same thing as in Soviet Union and adjacent countries during the past decades. One's worst fear was to be labeled "anti-soviet" which would be either career-ending or deadly, depending on the implementation of socialism in the country.
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I work at an online retailer that caters to gun owners. I do php all day.
The workforce is extremely homogenic. Nobody talks politics, and if people do, it is okay to voice opinions like climate science doubt.
This Google fiasco makes me grateful.
Ditch google
Only bing for me now.
Political correctness was originally a soviet invention. It was used to criticize other communist who didn't fall in line.
Zuck 2020!
Are the views in the manifesto considered extremist?
It seemed very centrist to me but maybe /pol/ has changed my standards.
I can understand lefties freaking out over the idea of biological differences between the sexes though.
If you fire people for having an opinion than freedom if speech is hollow
Diversity works just as long as you eliminate anyone different...
why would you have a pocket on your back? does the spotter have a twix hidden in there?
Stalinists, can you imagine if Hillary had won. It would be a thousand times worse
I just re-read "1984" first time since teenage years. I couldn't help thinking how the book would read if "Ministry of Truth" would have been word-replaced with "Google". They're doing practically the same thing.
no it isn't man the market fluctuates more than that on normal days or any random sell off from quant algos
Doesn't work for me, tried it ten times. The most leeway I can get is two letters per word.
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>Looks like a deranged serial killer who just buried several bodies in the woods
My new Twitch profile
try using nigger for just one word then.
Never worked with a homo like that... but I bet a ton of people quit around him, and his way of masking his bad behavior is by only selecting spineless worms
>muh consequences.

Fucking leftists cannot think for themselves.
kill them, all, now, i cant wait more
don't blame you
>death by diversity
Like Mozilla!
the nose doesnt lie
I'm making a list of all the people who disagree with me
Don't. Look up who made that shit, Steve Ballmer
He's not a Jew, just a faggy cuck
What about him?
Have these people ever read 1984?
No, sabotage the company.

Leak secrets.
Destroy stuff.
Introduce virus'.
Give access to enemy regimes.
Take it down from the inside.
Copy damaging info and leak it.
I've read 2 images and I can't take the bullshit anymore. Holy fuck.
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This may sound weird, but this has finally made me give up on the idea that anything you can call "the west" will ever be "saved." I used to think that maybe it could at least sort of happen, the damage could be stopped. But after reading 1984 again right as this all happened, for some reason this pushed me over the edge into the realization that all is completely hopeless and lost. I'm living in a terrible dystopia waiting to happen. I just wish I had the luxury of being born around 50 years ago and also having the luxury of being dead after living a long life.
>"the west" will ever be "saved"
All it takes is one little world war.
Exactly. Same shit, different newspeak.

They could as well be discussing about making unpersons out of those doubleplusungood people who are unsupportful about goodthink.
>Little wannabe tyrants
>muh tyrant
This is the wrong term to use.
Wrong term for sure.
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>Ye preachers of equality, the tyrant-frenzy of impotence cries thus in you for equality: your most secret tyrant-longings disguise themselves thus in virtue-words!
>Distrust all those who talk much of their justice! Verily, in their souls not only honey is lacking. And when they call themselves 'the good and just', forget not that for them to be Pharisees, nothing is lacking but—power!
>I always imagined the far left as the abusive husband who convinces his battered wife it was her fault he smacked her around
apt analogy considering their stances on real life issues like domestic abuse

>Fuck off

>Have a good night!

you're half right
Remember how the last one turned out? We would never win even if humanity survived it
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I always find it funny when people like these spooge this kind of nonsense into the internet, like it won't cause the EXACT SAME THING to happen to them, somewhere down the line. They always expect and believe that they will be, now and forever, the "chooser." It's just really funny to me. The game changes when you least expect it. When they game shifts once again, faggots like this will be hanged to dry.

It's always yuppies in present-day tech writing these huffy little screeds, as well. You'd think they'd have a deeper insight and perspective on the way the world works, and yet here we are. I can already think of a dozen ways to bin this idiot from the industry without having to barely lift a finger.
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So why don't conservatives start their own tech firms and do the same to the commies?

>they keep a spreadsheet

Some people just can't get over being picked on in Kindergarten.
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Google is ISIS
I seriously hope a meteorite lands on google headquarters. I have all my googledocs shit backed up in odt and pdf anyway.
is anyone spamming her twitter with porn yet?
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This. /pol/ is bored of peace.
They do. Eventually they get replaced and the firm goes to shit.
google is an intellectual prison camp for liberals.

nothing more.
Holy fuck. This is literally Scientology.
But I like my thirty dollars a month phone service and cheap cost, high-quality phone.
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>zero tolerance for intolerance
>Whens the war start? There isn't any point in trying to reason with them.

Soon enough. Get ready for it. Make more local friends. Sway as many as possible to your side. Time is short.
Google employees are required to use it in order to manage their day to day org interconnections.
And rightfully so. Only this time the people making this list are the people that were on the list.
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>he's using Google+
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Google is ISIS and /pol/ is bored of peace.
keeping lists gets you put on the other peoples lists then we all report our lists to HR!

how is no one just openly telling them that they're insane and paranoid are impossible to work with as coworkers?
google does unfortunately have the best search for more complex multi-term requests.

like when you're looking for really fucked up erotica and you want to hit multiple key words or phrases to get the right fetishes. duckduckgo and the others won't handle multple terms half as well.
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This is GamerGate all over again, except a million times bigger. These fucking cucks have no idea how hard it's going to backfire.
That's the only phraseâ„¢ that they can resort to when confronted with the blatant hypocrisy.
These people are morons. Googles legal team is going to have to purge before someone can put together a class action suit.
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>literally as shallow as grunts from an evil pokemon team
>not learning how to game the captchas and fucking with them every single time

It's an honor system that only works if you believe the machine is psychic, like a polygraph. Just spot the pattern (aka learn to identify the computer generated image) amd you can enter whatever you want for the other word. We've had ehole threads about this multiple times faglord.
Can someone just conglomerate a big list of everyone who admitted to having a list and include hyperlinks?
They must be the only ones.
someone should.
a list of list keepers.
and continuously share it with google HR and whatnot.
>I'm fine with conservatives but they must act within these constraints that I deemed a soul that require you not to be conservative at all, like, not agreeing with affirmative action for upper middle class white women means you don't have a soul anymore
these people
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Thread images: 46

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