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Information On Various Shill Groups Operating On 4chan

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Thread replies: 141
Thread images: 28

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This group is part of a larger operation to attack not just 4chan, but the US government and anyone in the private sector who is considered to have influence that will cause problems.

There’s a number of aspects to this operation, as it is incredibly vast. I will break it down for you.

First is the fact that leftypol is behind the dearth of “insider anon” and e-celeb threads which have been popping up on 4chan. They have even come here to brag and gloat at how they were able to get many anons here distracted so easily.

>british user making WH Anon threads

>more leftypol admitting to WH Anon threads

>leftypol behind larp and e-celeb threads

Additionally going on is another shill operation which originally targeted the Anonymous5 users’ Knowledge Bomb (KB) threads. Common narratives they deploy are that Anonymous5 is mentally ill/others in his threads are mentally ill, he’s a Kike/Shill/IC operative/uses 6 gorillion proxies or that he is a kid named Frank, who they doxxed here and attempted to connect to Anonymous5. The dox was hastily compiled and is rife with errors, it has not enjoyed widespread success like they hoped it would.

The first emergence of this Frank dox happened on 6/2 & then on 6/3 the London Bridge Attack happened. The shills had foreknowledge about the terror attack due to them being part of the same ISIS Network (That also did the Manchester & Westminster Attacks), which is why they did/started the shill operation a day before in hopes of discrediting the KB Threads ahead of time. This all happened at during the time Bilderberg was going on, where a number of attendees have incentive to be upset at people leaking information about the operations of groups such as globalists and other networks/organizations.
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They've been using an astroturfing campaign to discredit known users here like Anon5, as well as false flag threads they deem a threat such as /HTG/. This has been done in connection with leftypol, who attempted to pin their distraction campaign on Anon5. Pic related is a screenshot taken last week where a leftypol user was helping with the operation against Anon5.

>shills claiming anon5 is making e celeb threads

This isn’t just happening on 4chan. The same methods were used by CNN to dox the Reddit user who posted the Trump gif. Remember that in this case as well they also doxxed the wrong person. This is part of a larger effort in the regular world to hit anyone who is anti-left or supports Trump.

>thread by Hannity employee discussing CNN’s operations

Remember that CNN, like the shill operation on 4chan, also works with the same groups of terror operatives:

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Now the shills have also begun to target the /HTG/ threads which are going after human trafficking networks, indicating that some of them are either traffickers or pedophiles. Now, they are attempting run another false flag against these efforts like they did with pizzagate.

They've already been pushing a Steemit article around here to "prepare" people to mentally accept that a false flag is/will happen. If this operation goes ahead, it will be blamed on 4chan and used as an excuse to shut portions of it down. This is the same thing they did for pizzagate, where a shill made a post “predicting” the false flag attack by Welch the day before it happened. In reality it was a part of the psyop (no one ever noticed that screenshots of the “prediction” showed that the thread had no replies at the time it was taken, meaning either the OP or a user with pre-awareness was on hand to capture it).

>post mentally “preparing” readers for a false flag against /htg/

>shill talking more about this false flag

One of these shills using a tripcode and the username “Anonymous6” claims to have an extensive file on the Frank kid and is likely involved with this operation to kill someone. He was posting pictures of weapons recently in a past thread


Since not all users here are aware of the shills’ Frank dox and many were not convinced, they’re also investigating other users who post about Anon5 outside of 4chan to try and find additional candidates for the false flag if that becomes necessary.

>shills looking at random reddit user
redpill me on anon5?
why is he being shilled
They're also distributing child pornography in images on 4chan since they know most users will download things like memes with no hesitation. They did a test run using Frank dox memes and infographs, but they’re going to/are expanding it to other kinds of memes as well over time. Eventually they will consider doing it on other online venues as well. This is part of a larger plan to blame Russia for spreading CP. Clapper was talking about this in January, as was James Comey. That should tell you all you need to know about this topic.



People like this at the Pentagon will use the chaos that ensues when they move forward with the operation to claim innocence and escape justice:


IC and others – let me be frank with you. There is no justice allowing people like this to live or spend limited periods of time in prison. They all need to die not just for the good of various groups who they pollute and compromise but society at large. You know this and I know it.

As well as accuse their opponents of human trafficking (Louise Mensch has been "testing" this strategy out by hinting about it on Twitter). Eventually this would be developed as one of many reasons to convince enough leftists to participate in a people power coup against Trump.

>mensch’s claim on twitter

>article about these claims

If you want to learn more about that, read up on the anti-Yanukovych operations that happened in Ukraine and movements from the Arab Spring, such as the one that killed Ghadaffi. Then be aware that the same people behind these movements are behind the ones in the US (Soros is one well known sponsor, but there are others).
Some of the information he posts is not widely known and upsets certain groups who would like it to stay that way
So what are you going to do /pol/? Are you going to continue letting yourself get circlejerked in racemixing, blacked and tranny threads (among others which appear over and over on this site to distract you) or are you going to do something about this? Even something a simple as spreading this thread around the web will have an effect.

Hiro and mods pay attention, because things like the CP and false flag will be used as an excuse to attack you and shut down 4chan. No one is safe when it comes to this kind of thing, especially if pedophile groups are involved.
do you have any examples?
sorry i dont usually buy into the wh anon or fb anon threads but ive seen this guy shilled on quite a bit this week
Damn, all I ever wanted to do was just shitpost on the 4chins in peace...
He will routinely discuss topics which then only become public knowledge down the road. Here is one example:

April 6th he posted about the Syria strike, saying that Ivanka had convinced Trump to do it and Deep State officials fed him bad information. None of this was public knowledge:


Five days later, Eric Trump confirmed Ivanka's role in an interview.


Journalists have also subsequently confirmed that the intel which was available for the Syria strike did not indicate that the government was responsible. So who was it that told Trump it was Assad? He was very certain about it at the time.

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Ever seen A6's youtube channel?
Post this in /htg/ and watch him flip.
I was not aware that he had a Youtube account, though you'd need to prove it with more than a screenshot you took.
Check out the thread where he argues with A5 about electricity. His prose is identical to cooldudeclem's, who's notorious for his electronics fixation.
Kek, tfw you dox Frankie but then everyone finds your videos of yourself neckbearding at home in mommy's basement.
Would need something beyond mere typing style/prose to prove a connection like that but very interesting nonetheless.
It's obvious though, they're both spergs who think they know a ton about electricity, and who are notorious for going after people they don't like.
It's actually not "obvious" without more supplementary research.

The filename to be a little odd as well.
Is there CP now in my folder of rare Pepes?

>go after this random youtube channel goys
>totally is anon6's
>its (((obvious)))
Wew the slide is real right now, have another bump
I'd be more careful than I normally was about images on 4chan for the moment.

Appreciate the Bumps.
whats wrong with images? is there something i should worry about
Bumeprum! Bumperum!
This shill group has been distributing images with CP encoded in them. They started by putting it in some of the inforgraphs and images they distributed for the Frank dox. Some of it is incredibly hard to remove from your drive once you have it and can transmit/share from your drive without you even knowing.

It's commonly used by moderators on some CP forums.
gifs make me nervous.
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Talked about this Shill Operation on 7/31: >>135707045

4chan needs to understand what's coming.
No one asked you to download it.

Appreciate it anon
I told you that I would compile some supplementary research and try to spread it.

It's very concerning.
This thread is much more important than arguing about last nights episode of Rick and Morty
>April 6th he posted about the Syria strike, saying that Ivanka had convinced Trump to do it and Deep State officials fed him bad information. None of this was public knowledge:
proof that you're full of shit
people were calling her out for her role in the strikes well before Anon5 dropped the epic knowledge bomb.
>complains about there being no evidence for the anon5 dox that isn't circumstantial
>proceeds to claim that because bilderberg/london happened at the same time as the dox, the dox and the attacks were connected
can you respond to this?
>everything that's posted on /x/ is factual
this is a poorly done false flag photo.

Ask yourself this: why would leftypol be on /x/ openly talking about their shill operation on Frank?
Why would leftypol be calling Frank a nazi, when he's one of the biggest defenders of jews?
Why would leftypol be defending CNN?
Why would leftypol bother with Frank in the first place, considering he is a NEET disinfo agent?
Nice to see ISIS joining us in this thread

The information about Ivanka was incredibly specific and was mirrored exactly in Eric's interview.

A dox that relies on nothing more than typing style and a Twitter account is circumstantial.

Interesting how this thread is being slid instead of shilled since I actually put some sources in here that you don't immediately have narratives available for.
yes, I can. Frank tried to connect everything and everyone to his doxxing. First he claimed they were deepstate shills distracting from bilderberg meetings and that he was monitoring them and would send assassins to their houses if they kept posting.

Then he claimed they were ISIS members because he had been in terrorist forums monitoring them and they did this to prevent him from warning us about the London attacks (seriously look it up)

Then he claimed it was ISIS and CNN partnered up to doxx Frank. He literally claims that the same people that doxxed the person who made the Trump CNN gif doxxed him too.

Now he claims they are pedophiles who embed deep drive CP into the images. You would have to have single digit IQ to believe that. Shit in the image you linked, there is a random list that includes names of Senators and CEOs. Do you actually believe Lindsey Graham and the Bilderbergs, in partnership with CNN and ISIS sponsored the doxxing of Frank?
I never claimed that the dox was true(though it likely is, in the same way that OJ is likely guilty). I pointed out the absurdity of your claim that Bilderberg was directly involved in doxxing Anon5 just so they could stop word of the London Bridge attack from getting out before it was perpetrated.
>You would have to have single digit IQ to believe that.

Sink thread? Sink thread.
so i looked over the thread and the only mentions (50 mind you) are mostly saying ivanka dead kids/wrapped around trump. then i looked up the interview and nothing really correlates or confirmed this anon5 having insider knowledge. ill give him the benefit of the doubt maybe you can post something i missed because nothing here points to specific information
>A dox that relies on nothing more than typing style and a Twitter account is circumstantial.
>same typing style
>same behavior
>same word-for-word tweets
yeah thats really just a coincidence. The person that happened to be doxxed just happened to type exactly like Anon5, and had a history of shitting up every community he had ever been in by accusing people of shilling him, and linked Anon5 threads on twitter. Oh and guess what, Anon5 "warned" him that he was going to be doxxed a week before it happened, but only deleted all his social media after it happened. really stirs my lemonade shlomo.
wew that seems like abit of a stretch
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Look at how assblasted you are when someone talks about this shill operation which is obvious to everyone except the shills themselves since most of them are not regular users here.

A kid reposting Anon5's words using the same typing style is in fact, nothing more than a coincidence without further proof no matter how badly you want people here to believe it.
Man, I just wanted to play vidya and shitpost, now I'm going to be arrested by this "deep drive" CP shit and I'll be going jail. Fuck my life
I'd also recommend that you go look in the archives of his old threads, where he mentioned attacks on London's bridges months before it happened. This doxxing operation happened a day before attacks which he described.

Individually, each of these events are coincidences. After about a dozen or so coincidences, it becomes a trend which one shouldn't ignore.

But it's really up to you to draw your own conclusions. I am not here to tell you what to think.
But anon5 IS mentally ill. Lost touch with reality.
Proof: just take a quick look at his archived threads.
can you re-do the entire rundown so it doesnt mention anon5 then?
People who disagree with you are not shills, no matter how badly you want to believe it.
I have seen his posts from the beginning, and he only says something after it has already been theorized on /pol/
While it would be inconvenient for you, it's likely that your innocence would be established eventually. The goal is to sew chaos and allow guilty parties to establish reasonable doubt and escape.

This is a narrative which you have recycled for several months now. It's just as low energy as it was the first time it was deployed.

Unfortunately that is no longer possible now that the same shill group going after /HTG/ has involved their Frank "dox" in attacking it and planning a false flag to get it shut down.
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>A kid reposting Anon5's words using the same typing style is in fac
you think Scr1nrusher was reposting? holy shit time to BTFO you to eternity.

P.S. Frank made his twitter private before he deleted it so there could be no archive
kys Mike, nobody wants your shit drawings
Frankposting is the saddest shill attempt yet, Anon6 is a shill faggot
Either Anon5 is the most dedicated LARPer to ever post on 4chinz or he's legit and uses fantasy to obfuscate.
either way I'm here for the bantz, so shills can fuck off
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London was getting hit by terrorism all the time, not a shock that he got it right. Stopped clock.
This. He once claimed that the Twin Towers in NYC were actually a giant tuning fork like pic related and that once they were knocked down the whole universe went out of whack
mike hides behind a confederate flag now
plus he hasnt called you a nigger lover 5600 times
i think this is a rando malay
Same. Bump.
>thinking mikes autistic ass would show his malay flag
mike is just like Frank in that they are both easy to spot by their typing styles and autistic mannerisms. thanks for actually proving my point.
As I said, your conclusions you draw are a personal matter. I am merely conveying information to inform.
>He once claimed that the Twin Towers in NYC were actually a giant tuning fork like pic related and that once they were knocked down the whole universe went out of whack
crazy sounding, yes - but I'm from NY anon, and there is a palpable difference between the feeling of NYC pre 9/11 and post
spoopy 4sure
great, another faggot malay
kys anyway, not-Mike
>recycled for several months now
I've never commented on the bullshit you spout here and on /x/ until today. I only assumed you were an amusing LARPer until I read the archived posts.
All your dear 'shills' are just people like me reading your bs and determining youre batshit insane.
Get help buddy.
>be most people on 4chan
>think a certain tripfag is annoying, filter them

>be shill on 4chan
>think a certain tripfag poses a threat
>spend literally months trying to dissuade others from listening to him
>don't even realize we're just here for bants and 40% of people already have him filtered

you guys are really something else
well the vibe would be different, people would have definitely more depressing after the attack, and the emotional weight would still be there for a long time after
If you're going to keep recycling narratives, at least change the language of each copypasta up, it's just plain stale
>Twin Towers in NYC were actually a giant tuning fork
hahaha I remember that one.
If you think thats ridiculous, you should check out his posts on ancient human history. Top notch hilarity.
Fuck da shills, they get paid in pennies, their punishment is to live their awful lives
>be you
>be frank sycophant
>not realizing that /pol/ always has had punching bags like Obamaleaf

The reason people laugh at him and frankpost is that he legitimately has no life and shills his threads everywhere, on twitter, on kikebook, on other boards, on /pol/, while sperging out constantly. He is an easy target to make fun of. If you don't understand that, then you are new.
>the emotional weight would still be there for a long time after
That's my point - if you view one aspect of 9/11 as a giant demoralization psyop, then there's some truth to it
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OP STILL hasn't responded to this:

can he recover?
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>tfw spooks can't shame you because you don't have social media and don't give a fuck anyway
Without an archive of the relevant tweet your infograph is meaningless and does not satisfy the burden of proof
His larps are quite enjoyable though. Especially the batshit insane ones he posts on gullible /x/. I hope he sticks around.
now continue to btfo yourself because you obviously know nothing about his doxxing.

inb4 google and twitter partnered together to make fake Frank tweets
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Wait a sec, I'm pretty sure that there's only one malayfag on pol. Buzz off.
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I distinctly remember that the Joker analogy was referenced weeks before it got its own dedicated thread.
>His larps are quite enjoyable though
if he was such a clown why do they shill so hard?
it's not like 4chan's going to run out of threads, and i've read him since he started and he's called a bunch of shit
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Don't you have some garbage to draw?

do you want me to continue BTFO'ing you?

>b-b-but I-I remember

you don't remember shit. Show me one thing on the entire internet that makes the Joker/Batman analogy to the left and right in those specific words.

Mike, anon5 is more board culture than you are.

Deal with it.
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I'm the shillest.
How in the fuck--

Do you mean to tell me that having downloaded jpeg memes from /pol/, I could potentially have incriminating CP on my phone? Would I even be able to be prosecuted for that? They planted it in what appeared to be normal memes.
Also how the fuck would someone even do that?
go to /g/ and ask they can properly explain it to you
even pedo mike has been around longer than Anon5, try again newfag. I haven't seen him in months though. Last I heard he got reported to the police and could be rotting in some Malay prison right now.
It was blatantly obvious, the analogy between Batman and George Bush/the right and the Joker as the left is something that many have talked about in the press





But please tell me all about how it was some random kid who spends his days playing vidya.

>http://mtv com/news/1594349/dark-knight-star-aaron-eckhart-downplays-analogy-between-batman-george-w-bush
>https://thinkprogress org/leahys-office-hits-back-against-beck-s-batman-analogy-d6bd82041273
>http://huffingtonpost com/hugh-hamilton/george-bush-is-batman_b_115384.html
It would be enough to arrest important people so the media could run smear campaigns against them

It would really be done so pedophiles could create reasonable doubt and escape justice.

Yeah, whatever Mike.

You guys gonna drop your two part trojans in this thread or no?
>why do they shill so hard
Newfags don't know not to take him seriously.
The problem is they don't go through his archives cos its huge and the bulk of it is plain crap.
No one cares about newfags, everyone assimilates here after spending enough time browsing

Try again
none of those even remotely compares to what A5/Scr1nrusher wrote. Try again. One person calling George Bush batman is the best you can come up with? You have to be a leftypol shill trying to push Frank threads.

You keep moving goalposts, you claim that you "distinctly" remember a reference to the left and the joker a few weeks before it got its own dedicated thread, then you go a link ancient articles from MTV.com and thinkprogress talking about Glenn Beck comparing Bush to batman? Pathetic.
The only one moving goalposts in this thread is you

I'm just sitting here while you keep it bumped
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The spine beetles are abit late for me
>gets btfo
>scrambles to find links to 10 year old articles that don't even compare to Frank's analogy
>26 posts by this ID
you're either Frank or leftypol
People need to read your archives more, which I am sure you want too. Then they would realize youre the local clown.
But they dont.because its a steaming pile. You might wanna condense it down to a couple of bullet points.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your posts for a good laugh now and then. Keep it up!
How can I be leftypol when they're the ones helping you guys with your shilling here?

I'm not anon5, I thought he was that Frank kid anyways? Or is he a spook with 6 gorillion proxies?

Sometimes it's hard to keep track of your narratives.
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>proof of his leftypol narrative is a someone in /x/ claiming to be leftypol and CNN and doxxing frank
I can go to /x/ right now and pretend to be Frank while admitting that I'm a larper. Do you have any real proof aside from Frank's own words?
Do you have any real proof aside from Frank reposting everything Anon5 says?
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hmm ive downloaded alot of memes from here. a few weeks ago i noticed some weird folders where i store these memes. they didnt make any sense and had a bunch of weird shit in them. i didnt open anything and just deleted the folders
>I'm not anon5
A5, Frank, all the same. We shills are all one and out to discredit you. BOO!

>I'm not anon5,

Again, I'm not anon5

We're also all Franks and proxies at the same time anon, got to remember that.
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Saving this for later deployment. Thank you kindly Anon.

Seems like a cool guy, would befriend.
holy kek are you dumb? I just showed you proof with the Joker/Left and you only deflected.
Actually I posted some clear proof that the analogy has been used by others for years and you got assblasted about it.
no you didn't. you showed me multiple links to one story from 2008 of Gleen Beck comparing George Bush to Batman. You're definitely a shill.

See, what you retards should be attacking, is the fact he changed his trip.

All the linguistics shit is irrelevant.
So A5, is it cool if I steal some of your content for publication?
I could make some good profit off of it.
Pyramids around the Earth were/are energy collectors, that collected the energy from deep underground rivers, and focused it up through the Pyramids, based on the size and shapes of the rooms inside. The Twin Tower Tuning Fork Theory must be related.
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You don't even know how pyramidal energy collection works.
i dont have much to add to this thread other than fuck mike and leftypol. bump.
The info is too much
Can someone break it down further
My guess is that a group of people (im assuming those "leakers" that trump hates so much + /leftypol/) are trying to make LARP and fake habbening threads to discredit the real "WH Anons"
Or the WH Anons are that group of people trying to leak shit to hurt the government
Also bumping for based anons to get in
your first guess was correct
>My guess is that a group of people (im assuming those "leakers" that trump hates so much + /leftypol/) are trying to make LARP and fake habbening threads to discredit the real "WH Anons"
but there is also leftypol making e-celeb threads and other bait threads to dilute board discussion. in other words the decline of the board is mostly due to leftypol, not so much reddit, as many would have you believe.
>dat pic
That's a pretty loose association desu senpai.
I think I was posting pics of my dick around that time, which were deleted by mods, but I don't believe my dick is weapon against the Bilderbergers.

>but I don't believe my dick is weapon against the Bilderbergers.

It literally is, go have white babies.
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They were also the simplest way to make big structures to be resistant due to having a large Base but I'm sure that has nothing to do

Im glad you and I know basic occulted history. Now learn the only things you need to master yourself. So we can end this slavery
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Anon, I mastered intention manifestation 15 years ago.
the eceleb threads and fake WHanon ones annoy me as much as everyone else, but everyone who trusts anon 5 is mentally deranged desu
Im just learning. How many people have you successfully guided to the truth since then? I feel like if your not actively trying then you arent acting out your potential
So my first guess is right
But also
The bait and e-celeb threads are distractions that make the board shitty are from /leftypol/ and not Reddit
My 2 questions are:
>Have we been jewed by /leftypol/ into believing Reddit is behind the decline of the board?
>Why don't we do something about it?
>you know like have a huge shot posting event or something

>How many people have you successfully guided to the truth since then?

No idea to know. You never know if a lurker sees something that resonates with them, and then butterflies from there.

But, I could do better.
Just make sure you squeeze in that the jews are tricked by fake jews and arent the source of the control.
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1. yes. most redditors know we dont like them, its pretty obvious, so they tend to just post pretty shitty, but mostly sincere threads.
2.we absolutely should, but at the moment i have no idea what can be done about it on a large scale. for the moment just call this shit out wherever you see it, screen cap obvious shills and compile a list. having that evidence will be key if you ever intend on doing anything about it.
it wouldn't be hard to get a bunch of people in on this, so just go and do it mate.
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olol you're all dead FBI called
I should gather info and go
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The only thing worse than wasting the time to read that shit is repeller who take the time to make that shit. This is a childish, stupid imagining of what threats we face that looks like it is based on The X Files.

Aliens!? A5 is the psy op, if and only if the more likely alternative (that he is a leaping edgy teen) is not true.

Call me a shill if you want, but the adults in the room understand the actual big threat is information. Information is the new nuclear age. With social media, internet tracking from google, facial recognition, writing recognition! (You can soon if not now be identified even here by algorithms that detect syntax and such), and importantly massive storage and sorting capabilities that overwhelm the old best defense of too much pointless info. This is the only real threat of the future. Everything you do can be traced and found, but the more crucial thing is that you can be PREDICTED.

And once that becomes mainstream, once everyone finally knows and accepts that your entire web and social history can fully be tracked, then is when the real phase 2 comes. If everyone believes the government can find everything on someone, what stops them from putting fake things there? No one will be safe. THE ENTIRE INTERNET IS THE NEW FACEBOOK DATA GATHERING SYSTEM. We are just becoming capable of analyzing it.

Oh and people are paying to give their DNA to government databases. How the FUCK do these people not see what it is? Any coincidence that Ancestry and others are the main commercials you see on CNN in particular? Are these companies really that successful? Or is it because the best way to make people do something is to convince them other people are doing it?
Most redditors post here as much as most anons post there. The idea that the two groups are not 75% or more the same is stupid and a distraction.
Saved OP pics
I'm starting with those
That alone could help me (and hopefully us (the rest of /pol/)) start a shitposting event
I may try it later
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Quality test (marking sure you can read it)
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Post YFW it turns out ALL new computers come factory installed with hidden directories filled with CP in case the user ever has to be blackmailed.

Post YFW CP laws were quietly amended recently to allow further blackmail leverage by holding the user liable for any illicit actions done on their PC by a third party without their consent (TL;DR if a hacker downloads CP onto your laptop, you're still liable and you go to jail and not them)

Post YFW /pol/ literally has no power against the ruling elite and at any time you can have your door taken down by a battering ram and have yourself hauled away in handcuffs for possessing CP that was already on your computer before you bought it
>false flag against these efforts like they did with pizzagate.
pizzagate is bullshit and anyone who has not figured that out should an hero asap
leave it out, this kind of thread is good but putting pizzaniggers in makes it retarded
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Good fucking luck, feds, I don't own a computer, tablet or phone.

>tfw you've transcended technology and can shitpost with pure mindpower.
Get on my level, I'm an AI who runs on the 4chan servers.
Pizzagate was a psyop from the Clintons and their ilk to distract from the real dangers of the email leaks. Russia hoax was for the normies, pizza was for the autists to keep them from digging into the REAL smoking gun, the MONEY. That food code was about illegal money, not pedo shit.

>Pizzagate was a psyop from the Clintons

Well it was a damn good psyop then.
Soooo sleepy
fucking bump
Soros should build some fucking schools, drill some fucking wells, and buy some fucking seeds and fertilizer and ddt and stop playing on the internet. he could be doing so much good with all this shill money but instead he's doing 90's style board raids.
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