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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 42

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As some Of you know Youtube has released an AI to burn Content That violates their fefes
Murdoch Murdoch already died, and others have been shoad in silence.

If you have drive space available follow beyond
For windows (download in 420p .webm)
>Download youtube-dl
>Open CMD
>cd /d [PATHWHEREyoutube-dl is]
>youtube-dl -f 43 -i [URL OF MAIN CHANNEL WITH ALL VIDEOS]

Post more suggestions what needs to be archived.
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If anyone has archived any videos, please paste links to torrents. I'd like to make a pastebin of all archived channels.
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they have messed with the wrong people. time to pull that old empty hard drive out of the closet
Past threads
to save time when archiving
CD (folder where you want the videos to be downloaded)
they should all download into that folder
i have:
no bullshit
european nationalist
Hunter avalone

and im currently downloading red pill philosophy
I don't watch a lot of youtube. Rarely watching right-wing stuff. Those people can just go to vid.me or minds.com I think you are overreacting a little
>50GB of golden one's vids uploading to mega
Will post link when it's done

Reminder that there's no future in centralised, big-business video hosting. We control none of the required infrastructure for such a model, and the large size makes them nearly impossible to quickly and cheaply share.

We need to start thinking about the format that our content is made in, and how easily that can be copied and spread around.
theres a lot of useful videos that only exist on youtube, rare natsoc vids
if we don't have these then it's open season to just make shit up (even more)
need to grab the William pierce stuff from channels like

WLP wisdom

also NStruth1488 has a lot of good content that will assuredly be shoad.
people don't realise how much content is on youtube thatisn't anywhere else
List of what I have archived so far:

Johnny Rebel
Mister Metakour
Radical Aryan
Walt Bismark
Joseph Retrostein Reuploads
Largest Fash Wave Playlist I Could Find
Uber Soldaten
Cyber Nazi
A Moonman Playlist

Working on Red Ice TV
Nice, thank you for the contribution.
Yes, but we can always copy the method of Piratebay and other torrent sites, just have easy to copy/paste links that never die, even if the website die, the links will still be up and ready to use.
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you dont own nothing GOYIM.jpg
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Web's with sound is the only format that is fast and easy to spread arround, only problem is that they are at most like 5 min long and low quality.

Works well for shock and similar styles but for something like a documentary it's useless.
I had an idea for an extension that will allow us to search "limbo'd" content by having the creators manually add the urls to a list that is accessed by the extension. This is more of a temporary solution but should be easy to implement and maintain. We just need to get the word out and people with the skills involved.
need to make distributed blockchain-like streaming service so (((they))) can NEVER take it down even if they wanted to.
I am currently doing Tara McCarthy's videos
I have the following:
Jordan peterson
Mister metokur
Metokur archives
Uber soldaten
Harmful opinions
On the offensive
John Taylor Gatto
Murdoch murdoch
Molyneux (in the works...2600+ videos)
American renaissance
And bunch of other smaller channels
if you use ffmpeg you can use

$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi

to convert formats, just change the formats (.mp4, .avi ) according to the input video and output is what you want to change it to
This is fantastic, thanks lads. Share torrent links when you can.

Problem is not the format but the size, something the size of a webm can basically be a parasite and be stuck on any site allowing subversion of censorship.

here is a site with a few archives of past shoahed channels
you're right, webm seems to be getting adopted very widely
I've got several more channels to get to and I'm only on video 368/1597 of Red Ice, will probably make/ post torrent tonight or tomorrow
It'll be a while for torrents
Im focussed on gathering for the next couple days
Once I have about 50 to 100 channels I'll setup mass distribution
We need to agree on how to distribute though
what makes you think (((they))) won't deem this illegal and ban it, and how would such a service be used on other web platforms without exposing the IP's of providers?
Many European countries (including mine) block access to torrent sites. Plus how many people are going to be able to realistically download GB after GB of videos, most of which have nothing of value outside of completionism?

>Web's with sound is the only format that is fast and easy to spread arround
I was thinking more about the written word in the form of articles, and infographics. You can't easily spread videos around because most people wont download a 200MB video and repost it as readily as they would a document or a 20MB audio file.

But you're missing the point. It's about the size of the content requiring a central host, that we may or may not have continued access to. And even videos on YouTube could pose an issue now that the w3c has authorised the use of DRM after pressure from major companies, including Google. Add into that the continued push for censorship from governments (make no mistake, the end of net neutrality is a form of censorship, because you must submit to the will of the ISP, and they're not on our side either).
Just open the video on hooktube. com instead of youtube and you can download in a variety of formats.
Current list:
-The Greatest Story Never Told
-David Duke
Any requests?
same here
ive also got quite a few one off videos and videos that seem like theyed be useful for our causes, daniel carver, the thinkery, fat hate, trump compilations
i think they will start removing all the pro-trump and videos that make trump look good, theyre really pushing for him to be forced out of social media
if we all act like "historical archivers" then we'll be fine? we can make a stand on the moral high ground that way
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By not living in 1984 the country.
i'd get vanned over archiving some political vids, we've got to take a stand somewhere
Yes but this isn't just a temp solution that is easy to maintain until other solutions are found. This also puts YT into a corner where they will have to start deleting stuff they said they would not. Also Net Neurtraility ending would destroy google and youtube enabling more freedom of platforms to choose from.
Not downloading every video, but just have suggestions on few selected videos depending on the subject at hand. Obviously if the person likes the video(s) they can ask around or search for more from the same creator etc. Same for books I'd say, if we have a platform for banned videos/authors, why not use it for banned books. The problem of a decentralized platform is that it would be hard for someone to pass the torch of having all the links to someone else and especially newfags. How are you going to recruit/influence someone if you have to babysit them through it, unless they trust you already beforehand.
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>And even videos on YouTube could pose an issue now that the w3c has authorised the use of DRM after pressure from major companies, including Google.

Thanks. She is definitely gunna get culled with the shit she has been saying.
>enabling more freedom of platforms to choose from.
No it wouldn't because only large corporations could afford the astronomical hosting costs of all this video.

>that is easy to maintain until other solutions are found.
The only solution is to make our content small enough, in terms of file size, that we could realistically replicate it infinite times. This is the only chance we have, to be quick and light, and to be able to spread double at each take down.

While everyone is making hundreds of videos each hundreds of MB in size we make ourselves reliant on large centralised hosting. Content creators need to start making transcripts of their videos, for the reason of the example I posted in the last thread on Ezra Pound's broadcasts.
>>And even videos on YouTube could pose an issue now that the w3c has authorised the use of DRM after pressure from major companies, including Google.
There is always a way around DRM.
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Even so, it's not like your average person will ever grasp that concept. Will be .5 of 1% that does.
That's bullshit. YouTube didn't start with billions of dollars and massive infrastructure.
I don't think you're giving people enough credit. How many people torrent games and then follow a step by step guide to trick the DRM? It could be as simply as just using FRAPS to record it.
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Really Fucking Nice

Going to take a shower get a pack of smokes and then Update the global Progress List.
Molyneux: 560/2635
Thanks for continuing our thread aussie-anon

add this dude https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCFz066BeAkGWy2aPFyUpEAw
>What should be concerning anyone who browses the Web is the fact that every
>major browser vendor -- Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla -- is in on this. If it's
>allowed to pass as a W3C-blessed standard, it gives these companies more access
>to the data on your machine and compromises the values the Web was founded on --
>interlinking documents that anyone can use and share

>The problem of a decentralized platform is that it would be hard for someone to pass the torch of having all the links to someone else and especially newfags
I'm not talking about "the links", I'm talking about the content itself in its entirety. I'm talking about the ability to be able to replicate the actual content itself quickly and easily and to re-host and share it within minutes. I bet the entirety of Counter Currents could fit on a single disc.

>How are you going to recruit/influence someone if you have to babysit them through it, unless they trust you already beforehand.
Because I'm talking about making the content itself easy to share, rather than having to share links to a platform we don't control.
For anyone who can't view (or download) videos because of your location, you can use Tor+youtube-dl.
All you have to do is add --proxy socks5:// when you are using youtube-dl and running Tor.
>illegal and ban it
well, some torrents are illegal, yet they still are out there.
>how would such a service be used on other web platforms without exposing the IP's of providers?
great question, and one which does take a bit more thought, considering I'm no expert, but I'm sure there is an answer which could make this feasible.
Yes, but it also had a 10 minute limit at 144p.
I just got in on the project. Archiving Pat Condell right now. Maybe a centralized website with the torrent links? Will upload to Mega if requested and post torrent in this thread or the next.
so since jewtube is going to furiously delete these videos until the end of time, i think we should consider making our own outlet for these archives
I'm on it.
If you have torrents please use
pat condell! good choice

Ever heard the expression "beggars cant be choosers"? Also we don't need to save every single thing. Most alt lite garbage can get the heave ho, pretty much everything with a dude talking for money can go. Shit like TGSNT is the crap that's going to get axed permanently at some point.
can you make a trip so I can filter you?
I saw him requested in one of the previous threads and saw no one who archived him already.
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You are all doing God's work. Hail Victory!
>people wont download a 200MB video
use video chunking, meaning each server in a chain has a small chunk of a file.
>the size of the content requiring a central host
my idea is that every user of the client has a textfile of a list of videos keeping a 'central' server cluster out of the equation. This is where it gets complicated 2bh.
Anyone up for Internet Historian?
I'm thinking his videos will get shoah'd due to his /pol/ refrences
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Good work anons, I've been watching the archiving efforts with attention. I am unable to download gigs of video but feel reassured you guys are doing God work to the fullest.
Might I suggest uploading everything to liveleak and bitchute? Liveleak is good to get people to watch Islamic gore and get red pilled, and bitchute is a peer to peer thingy (not too learned in the arts of Internet).

Thank you guys, long live Free Speech.
'Congrats, your IP is now on a list of supporters which we will deal with once the tribunal has concluded.'
warski and friends and all those other unoriginal faggots can die, i'm only archiving things that are useful, even as anti-feminists those people are useless and annoying
Zonwendig's mosley videos are good
Thanks anon
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Please don't swat gran gran. She was so sweet when I set up her Internet, told me I can use as much Internet as I like.
>Ever heard the expression "beggars cant be choosers"?
Yes. That doesn't make our reliance on video any better. At that point we'd do better to make it an audio file, you'd get more content for the same size file.

My point is that all the time we want to use video in large quantities we make ourselves more reliant on the host.

Don't say I didn't warn you, when you have 100GBs of video and no where to host it for anyone to see it.

Or we just use a smaller file-sized format for our content and not have this worry at all. Or at least have the small transcript or compressed audio file so we'd at least have SOMETHING.
Following this, does anyone have a list of shoah'd channels?
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>There has been a decline in infringement and that consumers appear to be turning towards legitimate streaming en masse

I don't think so. The goyim are falling into compliance on the issue. They are caving in via massive numbers, just like they have in regards to race mixing and LGBT activism. Pretty soon, they will all be good goyim who would report an online pirate for social justice brownie points.

I think you give them too much. This is why they are farm animals the Jews control.
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You could just spread memes. You are basically saying we should spread memes. On 4chan.
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Anyone who knows shit about piracy is on a private tracker.
Those likely aren't in the statistics.
why not storm youtube offices and journalists home and kick the living shit out of them?
My only point was that, if someone made it easy enough and if people really wanted to, anyone could get around the DRM. The torrents were just an example.
Hey, this is true.

That's where I am at anyway.

Oh well. I guess you can't save them all.
Does anybody have a full list of what is archived and what is still requested? Shit gets fragmented to much we should add to the list and past in in coming threads.
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Also, i'd like to mention VPNs and Whonix are great for piracy, and more.

Best way to avoid the Shoah.
>I'm talking about the ability to be able to replicate the actual content itself quickly and easily and to re-host and share it within minutes.
P2P is only answer.
No I'm not. A written article is not a meme.
thank you for your admission of guilt, but it will not serve you well once the tribunal has concluded its affairs. Although your grandmother may be an unwitting accomplice to your misdeeds, she will nevertheless have to be reeducated, while you serve out the sentence.
Here's a list of channels mentioned in past threads. Many of them are being worked on by others though. If you go through the old threads mentioned in >>136132387 you can check out some of the requests people made.

Needs to be updated is some 10 hours old. Not to forget cripple is onit to. Will get some smokes and buns and then update list

####Anon 136093540 american flag####
Vladivostok3701 [checked]
Mister Metokur [checked]
Zonwending [checked]
Jonny Rebel Playlist [checked]
Moonman Playlist [checked]
CyberNazi [checked]
Uber Soldaten [checked]

Paul Joseph Watson [checked]
Mister Metokur [checked]
Project Veritas [Checked]
Martin Sellner [Checked]
DVA (1, 2 u. archive) [checked]
LangeR [checked]
Reconquista Germania [checked]
Internet Aristocrat Archive [checked]
Mr. Metokur [check]
Black Pigeon [Checked]
Wikileaks [Checked]
PJW [checked]
NPX/REDix [checked]
No Bullshit [checked by fascist anon]
European Nationalists [by fascist anon]
cato the second [checked]
truediltom [partly]
Cultured-Thug [checked]
demography is destiny [Checked]
Nathan dimagio [checked]
David Duke [american flag In Progress 136089950]
Molyneux [In Progress]
the alternative hypothesis [136086715 (American)]
Goldenone [in Progress South Tyrolian]
red ice radio [In progress 136089423 american flag]
Steve1989 [in Progress 136090435 canadian flag]
CyberNazis [checked anon 136090924]
We can use one of these things:
well, shit happens
welcome to my filter concern shill /GFpiQdZ
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>Also check out JDownloader

You can download entire playlists & channels. You can even download the INFO and THUMBNAILS in the same manner and into whatever folder you like. It's quite nice.

But only if the content is small enough to realistically spread, otherwise people would download then bolt. 120 of Ezra Pound's radio broadcasts ends up as a 2MB PDF file, which I got from archive.org, which I have on my FTP server now as well. Anyone can spread 2MB, 200MB not so much.
Vladivostok3701 [checked]
Mister Metokur [checked]
Zonwending [checked]
Jonny Rebel Playlist [checked]
Moonman Playlist [checked]
CyberNazi [checked]
Uber Soldaten [checked]

Paul Joseph Watson [checked]
Mister Metokur [checked]
Project Veritas [Checked]
Martin Sellner [Checked]
DVA (1, 2 u. archive) [checked]
LangeR [checked]
Reconquista Germania [checked]
Internet Aristocrat Archive [checked]
Mr. Metokur [check]
Black Pigeon [Checked]
Wikileaks [Checked]
PJW [checked]
NPX/REDix [checked]
No Bullshit [checked by fascist anon]
European Nationalists [by fascist anon]
cato the second [checked]
truediltom [partly]
Cultured-Thug [checked]
demography is destiny [Checked]
Nathan dimagio [checked]
David Duke [american flag In Progress 136089950]
Molyneux [In Progress]
the alternative hypothesis [136086715 (American)]
Goldenone [in Progress South Tyrolian]
red ice radio [In progress 136089423 american flag]
Steve1989 [in Progress 136090435 canadian flag]
CyberNazis [checked anon 136090924]

>from me to add
Pat condell downloaded not uploaded yet
The dutch Channel Rossen downloading
>doesn't know what 1984 means
>doesn't see a LARP

How many gigs do you guys think styx's channel is? I wanna back it it if for no other reason than I like him.
>otherwise people would download then bolt.
Pls people have terabytes of torrents on their HDDs they don't even used after download.
That's a very small minority and you know it.
I don't know, Styx. Ask one of your fans. Figured you had your own copies.
Addition. Of course for normalfags you need convince system should allow start of watching during downloading, modern p2p can do this.
You'd need an awful lot of seeders to do that for a large audience.
*dinks glass*

I don't know what you're talking about.

Anyways, that'll be all, peace out.
Earth is flat!
But they are those sweets seeds feeding you at max speed of your ISP channel and you really don't need many of them if something goes viral and needs gigabytes of download speeds peers cloud just seed to each other at insane total bandwidth. p2p is beauty.
Or we just use a file format where none of this is even an issue in the first place.

Maybe, for a movement getting kicked off the mainstream platforms, video is not the best format.
144p subtitled gifs
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>great question, and one which does take a bit more thought, considering I'm no expert, but I'm sure there is an answer which could make this feasible.

Well I've been thinking a little more about it, and it would probably require a new method of delivering content on a website, the embed player could act as a middleman, it provides the stream while hidden the IP from where that stream is coming from. But wouldn't that then need a relay server, and then comes the problem of bandwidth defeating the entire point, or one of the points of making it decentralized relying on the bandwidth of others who offer it.
-v:c libvpx -an -s 512x288 -crf 35

-c:v libvpx -an -s 512x288 -crf 35

Remove -an if you want sound
Add -vn if you only want sound
Loop the sound in a podcast
Go nuts
Check David Duke off; he's secured.
Check off Golden One, I'm leaving computer on overnight while uploading all his stuff to mega and will post link in the morning
well this censoring of the internet the last platform of free speech is very very very dangerous, people don't know just how dangerous it really is.

Then there are those videos targeted at kids on youtube with fake view numbers, just look at this playlist...


Guess what search term I used, 'qwer' just random key mashing brings up all this wierd shit and look at the video view counts, something looks so off.

Try it yourselves search for the phrase "qwer" which is typically how very young children use a keyboard...
Or audio for spoken pieces, and text for written?

So when are you setting up your site that allows for 5TB a minute of bandwidth?
already done: youtube.com
Here is the torrent file for pat condell on mega.nz

look at this cunt...


man my blood is starting to fucking boil...
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Don't be retarded.

Use it against them. Flag every leftist anti-white anti-Christian anti-anything vid as hate speech and nuke their videos too.
what does that do?
That pic comes up when looking up the definition of cringe.
You mean the site everyone is hurriedly pulling everything from before it's deleted?
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....muh-muh-mmMurdock Murdock is shoah'd???
This newest thing doesn't work via people flagging videos. That was far too inefficient. This is an algorithm.

"Our machine learning systems are faster and more effective than ever before. Over 75 percent of the videos we've removed for violent extremism over the past month were taken down before receiving a single human flag."

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I suggest we keep track of stuff in here as in archived (with links if possible) and open requests
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Why are so many people bluepilled to the point of no return?
Youtube can censor whatever the fuck they like. If you don't like it then don't use Youtube.
Operation Firstborn should be set into motion.

Objective: Make prime numbers great again.
Because the people who think calling someone names should be illegal will call you names if you aren't.



erm i fucking think not...
Not much option while people rely on "person talking at camera in 4K with HD audio" as a method of "getting our message out".
>a relay server
each client could be the relay...like torrenting up chunks to the user from millions of phones, pcs, servers whatever.
That's the free market my dude
16,940,539 views 16,940,539 views 16,940,539 views 16,940,539 views

Vp8 codec
Removes audio
Reduces file size

Use a Google ffmpeg swiss army knife
your asking to flag the people who control the flagging system itself.
>Or we just use a file format
Things is if infrastructure can handle 100 gb files it would handle 100 kb books files too. Just like torrents do.
evalion got banned with under a 1ook subs for criticizing those who you must never criticize yet a literal pedophile who posted cp on his twitter with 6x as many subs is still allowed to use youtube
oh i see, thanks a lot!
One of them will download in a second the other will take several hours.
They use special army of trained janitors from NGOs who do it for free not random people flags.
Do we have Varg archived?
Finished archiving Politically Incorrect
I've cobbled this together from discussions on long-term solutions over the last few threads. Anyone else free to use, clean-up, add to, modify, etc.

Part. 1

YouTube hemorrhages money, to the extent of maybe as much as $1 Billion a year. It was a minor miracle that things lasted this long. This is not the typical economic situation where they have made a mistake in blowing off a big chunk of their audience that new competitors will be happy to swoop in and serve. The storage and data transfer costs are massive.

While they may work as short-term solutions, Vimeo and Vid.me et al are not going to be the nazi/alt-right youtubes. Porn sites are not going to lose money hosting things that don’t make them money.

All these websites should be searchable on a central meta video search engine. Something like Searx.me but specifically for videos. This would fight censorship more effectively than creating another clone of Youtube that nearly everyone will ignore. If Youtube removes your video then you upload it on another website and it will still be available in the meta video search engine.

We need a meta video website that includes all the video hosting websites, Youtube, Dailymotion, etc. etc. Youtube removes your video? OK but if you reupload it elsewhere then it'll be indexed on that meta video website. Neonazism is retarded btw but I hate censorship and my suggestion is better than setting up a clone of Youtube.

The above idea of a portal/search/aggregator piggybacking off of peer-to-peer/torrent/BitChute-type tech seems like the most realistic option.

Part 2.

Another mentioned besides BitChute (Guys. Use Lbry. Lbry is a decentralized P2P content sharing system, mostly for videos for now. It's in open beta now and anyone can join. It still has a long way to go, but if it's successful enough it can replace YouTube and whatnot, and you can charge a meager fee for your content if you want (no advertising). https://lbry.io/get Yet another is is IPFS https://ipfs.io/ You have a video on your computer, you share the hash with someone. They connect with everyone with a file that has that hash and stream/download from them. It's in an infantile state, but with more work this could literally be the web-player of the future.

The problem with lbry, BitChute & IPFS is you need to install a program, that alone is such a huge hurdle compared to simplicity of yt.
We need a nice simple site accessible on all platforms pc/mac/ios/android/linux that's even easier to add stuff to than yt. Something like mirrorcreator but for video sites would be awesome, just paste the yt link or upload your video and they'll post it to as many as you wish of other video sharing sites at once for you. if you don't have an account they could upload it through their account.
The only thing the site would have to store is a screenshot and the links to the mirrors, if it used some kind of timer or queue system like direct download sites use to not flood the server it should be affordable to setup if you have decent connection speed and no bandwidth limit. maybe something like this already exists but I can't find one gave up looking. Sorry for the tech-moron speak.

Part 3

A program that trawls YouTube with the same type of keywords that the ADL would use to find offensive/hate videos (1488, jew, Hitler, nigger, various people like Mr. Bond, MoonMan, Rockwell, Pierce, etc) download the videos then uploads them to the above would be really handy. Or, even bigger picture, just slowly crawls and mirrors everything on youtube.

Couldn't we create an extension that would fulfill the functions youtube will disable? Such as listing/searching for vids, comments(might not be possible), and recommendations? will allow us to search "limbo'd" content by having the creators manually add the urls to a list that is accessed by the extension.

Some torrents are illegal/concerns of IP address of hosts. Well I've been thinking a little more about it, and it would probably require a new method of delivering content on a website, the embed player could act as a middleman, it provides the stream while hidden the IP from where that stream is coming from. But wouldn't that then need a relay server, and then comes the problem of bandwidth defeating the entire point, or one of the points of making it decentralized relying on the bandwidth of others who offer it.

Part 4 (post-Apocalypse solutions)

OK, once all of these have been downloaded, what are you going to do with it? Where will you host all this GBs of content? How will you upload it at an acceptable speed?

Things archived from counter-currents can be put on pastebin if you get desperate, but what about a pile of videos?

Think about the size of these videos and what they would go through in terms of bandwidth to host them. For an example, look at this same presentation (Jonathan Bowden on Ezra Pound) in three formats:
Text (transcript in plaintext (UTF-8)) | 0.06MB
Audio (51k m4a format) | 19.4MB
Video (640x360, 128k audio) | 152.6MB

All of us, the content creators most of all, have to really start thinking about this. It's not enough to just make hundreds of videos and hope for the best at the other end. Choose a minority of their videos they deem to the best or most important, and transcribe it, to compress audio versions. Transcription is the most important, because we have lost every single one of Ezra Pound's radio broadcasts, BUT we have the typeset versions he read from, so we still have them, and all 120 fit in a 1MB PDF.

Move away from centralized hosting and more into a digital version of pamphleteering. We need to take the concepts of the viral infographics that do a great job of spreading the message and move that to more serious and in-depth presentations, because this format of information spreading will be what saves us, so everyone can copy and paste and upload and send and e-mail and host these documents. It's like the Anarchist's Cook book and other similar text files, there's millions of copies of that on the web, you'd never get them all on lock. I bet the entirety of Counter Currents could fit on a single disc. Anyone can spread 2MB, 200MB not so much. That's what we should endeavour to be like.

As of last night Steve1989 is complete, so is The Impartial Truth. Going to free up a 750 gb today and keep going.

Can someone download Brendon O'Connell? I've downloaded one video, but my internet is absolutely shit. You might not know what he is but he has a lot of information on Australian (((issues))) and Israeli influence e.g. port arthur
Except that won't be enough. We have to fundamentaly confuse these guys into acting as we desire, make it impossible for them to operate as they would like.

Our prime objectives should be: 1) Screwing up their ability and system of censorship.
2) Screwing up their relationship to each other, by creating a conflict in their operations, thus making them unwilling to continue censorship. Imagine the ADL backing off because of too much "Antisemitism", or over extending to the point of affecting youtube.
we should be mass reuploading duplicates onto youtube under dummy accounts
Can you post the torrentlinks? i want to add them to

I think another anon has already got that covered.
This is prime time to take the new slurs to the masses

Niggers = googles
Kikes = skype

Don't remember the others but we need to incorporate YouTube and Facebook and twitter
Oh wow you must be a tech wizard.

No this is time to do something that screws with their programming.

Our prime objectives should be:
1) Screwing up their ability and system of censorship.
2) Screwing up their relationship to each other, by creating a conflict in their operations, thus making them unwilling to continue censorship. Imagine the ADL backing off because of too much "Antisemitism", or over extending to the point of affecting youtube.

Changing up words is part of the strategy, but not the end.

Noone in any of these threads has stated that they're onto it.
Project John Connor

Part 1

This newest thing doesn't work via people flagging videos. That was far too inefficient. This is an algorithm.

"Our machine learning systems are faster and more effective than ever before. Over 75 percent of the videos we've removed for violent extremism over the past month were taken down before receiving a single human flag."


It would be awesome if their "machine learning" could be fucked with like Tay. It certainly seems worth a try.

That too. Put "racist" music over the video of some SJW crying about something, or one of the fucking many pedophile videos, and re-up. If the algorithm uses both audio and visual cues to detect it may wipe out degeneracy as well. Or, reverse it. Hitler video with text translation over audio from another source. See if we can turn it on itself and try to keep a presence. I just hate the fact that we are going to be forced to exodus like a jewish fairytale and lose out on normie redpills. The new generation needs to see the right side of the sheckle.

Part 2

This is the work of a new algorithm targeting specific content by tags and then most likely searching for duplicate file information to scrub it entirely. This is why altering the content and re-uploading with unrelated tags will not only circumvent the problem, but require them to either work harder to separate the content for their removal or begin taking unrelated content down as well in an attempt to fight back. As I said previously, enough of us can rapidly make small changes to videos (individually so that no two copies are the same) that have been removed and put them back up with unrelated tags and let them try to destroy it all. If they take 1 video down, a dozen fresh copies of it that do not fit the exact size/length pop back up in random spots. They are counting on us archiving and running, not spreading like herpes.

I wonder if aspects of it might not be much more sophisticated than that such that it can recognize content for just this sort of thing. Copyrighted movies that get uploaded often massively distort things (like change the speed and cut off part of the picture and put a glaze/fog effect over the whole movie). Hell, 4chan can recognize an image within a thread with a different filename.

These are exactly the alterations that would allow us to circumvent the detection. Hell, take audio of songs, speed them up a tiny bit and put some Minecraft video as the visual. It depends on the content. They can only do so much without reverting to pure man power, which they won't do but we have had no problem exerting in the past. That, or we lose our ability to express ourselves on yet another medium. Eventually everyone who isn't a transgendered Muslim married to a jew will be contained to here and then one swipe can silence. When you back your enemies in to one room all you have to do is close the door.
This Googles and Skypes thing is so retarded .... Except when it comes to AI. Humans will just think you're some autistic faggot (and you are, don't get me wrong), but AI censorbots will find the correlation between 1488 gas the Skypes and Googles dindu nuffin. The key is to include very (((problematic))) vernacular in context with the replacement words. You want the censorbots to flag Google and Skype and they're not gonna do that through inference.. you need to let them know that nigger Googles and kike Skypes are the same thing, by using the words together often in the same posts.
The Vigilant Christian, The Vigilant Citizen
4chan Updated Checke/In Progress List

####Saved Localy####
Paul Joseph Watson [checked]
Mister Metokur [checked]
Project Veritas [Checked]
Martin Sellner [Checked]
DVA (1, 2 u. archive) [checked]
LangeR [checked]
Reconquista Germania [checked]
Internet Aristocrat Archive [checked]
Mr. Metokur [check]
Black Pigeon [Checked]
Wikileaks [Checked]
PJW [checked]
NPX/REDix [checked]
European Nationalists [by fascist anon]
cato the second [checked]
truediltom [checked]
Cultured-Thug [checked]
demography is destiny [Checked]
Nathan dimagio [checked]
Molyneux [In Progress]
Vladivostok3701 [checked : Anon 136093540 american flag]
Mister Metokur [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
Zonwending [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
Jonny Rebel Playlist [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
Moonman Playlist [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
CyberNazi [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
Uber Soldaten [checked: Anon 136093540 american flag]
Goldenone [Checked: anon 136139942 South Austrian flag]
David Duke [anon american flag 136089950]
the alternative hypothesis [checked: anon 136086715 (American)]
Walt Bismark [checked: anon 136095651 american flag]
Internet Historian [checked: anon 136096933 american flag]
Moon Man [checked: anon 136096933 american flag]
Paranormies [checked: anon 136096933 american flag]
Radical Aryan [checked: anon 136121841 american flag]
NatSocUploads (including their deleted Hitler music videos) [checked anon 136121841 american flag]
no bullshit [checked: anon 136132517 Fascist flag]
european nationalist [checked anon 136132517 Fascist flag]
Zonwendig [checked anon 136132517 Fascist flag]
Hunter avalone [checked anon 136132517 Fascist flag]


Radical Aryan [checked: anon 136132944 american flag]
NatSocUploads [[checked: anon 136132944 american flag]
Joseph Retrostein Reuploads [checked: anon 136132944 american flag]
Largest Fash Wave Playlist I Could Find [checked: anon 136132944 american flag]

Harmful opinions [checked: anon 136133250 canadian flag]
On the offensive [checked: anon 136133250 canadian flag]
John Taylor Gatto [checked: anon 136133250 canadian flag]
Ramzpaul [checked: anon 136133250 canadian flag]
American renaissance [checked: anon 136133250 canadian flag]
Politically Incorrect [checked : anon 136141353 american flag]
Steve1989 [in Progress 136141826 canadian flag]

---Single videos---
Greatest Story Never Told [anon 13609403 Canadian Flag / anon 136095819 american flag ]

####In Progress####

red ice radio [In progress 136089423 american flag]

The Impartial Truth [In Progress anon 136094436 canadian flag]
mr. bond ("what is there to be found") [in progress anon 136100855 american flag]
Red Ice TV [in progress anon 136121841 american flag]
Fashwave in general [in progress anon 136121841 american flag]
Red Pill philosophy [in progress anon 136132517 fascist flag]
Facistball [in progress anon 136133808 american flag]
Let's summon the Norwegian
Maybe he could help

AI has a problem with irony. Maybe making videos decrying Churchill as an anti-semite for not mentioning the holocaust in his extensive WWII writings... South Park tier irony that everyone gets.
maybe it can be reprogrammed via such things and what if googles AI really is outside of time like skynet.
currently going through cripples Checked/progress list afterwards I'll look into the suggestions and try to classify them along

Open for suggestions
>Red Ice TV [in progress anon 136121841 american flag]
Update on that: on video 467/1597
what is a fefe
this must be a cultural word from australia
Can you post in this pad?


Most of it is based of your list anyway.
I'm on it then.
Thanks, will update locally and then in pad
Also found this in the catalogue

File: 1501606467674.png (16KB, 672x337px)
16KB, 672x337px
Here's a better command for youtube-dl which you can use to archive _everything_ (thumbs, annotations, description, subtitles, etc):
Save this as a .bat file and double click.
Also: note the
>-f best
option. This will automatically select the best available format, so you don't download everything as 480p (which is pretty shit).
Thanks Americanon
np and checked
red pill philosophy is done, saving misc rare videos now
poor murdoch murdoch i will miss they dearly.
archived here
can you post link to this? Catalog with links in the making.

I said eight years ago that it's not right that youtube holds the monopoly on video sharing. Everyone should have seen this coming miles away. All monopolies are bad, and right now you're seeing one example of why.
Apparently vidme is the alternative we hope will grow. Start posting your archived content there.
That's where it came about. It's only a thing to fuck with algorithms and AI censoring things. Be nice to teach the AI to destroy any mention of tech companies
Thanks Dutchbro. I've already got one going, but it's good to have two databases in case one gets deleted.

File: 1498696197752.jpg (229KB, 640x619px)
229KB, 640x619px
WTF happened to cripple chan. 80% of posts is bitching about the suggestions of others, doesn't seem that any one has even remotely started or finished saving a channel
I predicted this shit this is why i was downloading some types of videos more than 1year. I have currently about 3-4 terabytes of various material so when they will purge internet i will be prepared and i can transfer these materials to my friends.
you could modify the -f switch to be
>-f bestvideo[ext=mp4]+22/140
which will grab the best available MP4 video and either the MP4 audio stream or the M4A audio stream, depending on whether or not the video is HD
I'm filling the list I am working on with information from yours I see you did the same with my Pat Condell link, burgerbro
Here's what I have from NatSocUploads
key: !x4zkBRlf4SazHSINcvLh4w
scratch that, doesn't work properly with SD uploads
fucking command line shits
Had Pat Condell before I saw your list, but I did get the Rossen link from you.
Is that site one where anyone can edit?
anyone can eddit
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maxresdefault (8).jpg
115KB, 1280x720px

JackBurton: https://www.youtube.com/user/jackburton2009/videos

Eva Larsen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1U9a7bpapTByXUpRqJqKNA/
Awesome. I'll add the link for Tara McCarthy when I'm finished.
Check again who posted the condell link
Ah, my bad! Thought you meant from your list.
File: 1501865197573.jpg (186KB, 581x589px)
186KB, 581x589px
found in a bait thread
I saved all of Jordan Peterson's videos, nigger faggot.
Oh and I also have all Murdoch Murdoch vids.


DONATE TO LAUREN:: https://www.paypal.me/LaurenSouthern

Chat with Lauren: https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

>Watch the Lauren: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla6APLHX6W3FeNLc8PYuvg
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24KB, 800x543px
Yes goyim give me all your shekels, I promise they will go to a good cause
>thinks about a response
>sees flag

business as usual
....I think it looks cool.

By the way, why do people call Youtube Jewtube? Are the owners Jewish?
Yes, Google is the owner.
Google owns JewTube.
William Luther Pierce
Fascistball has some pretty rare songs that I think people should save before that get even more rarer

...And is Google Jewish?

No, give me all your shekels. No promises about a good cause, though.
Here is a torrent my friend

Dr. William Luther Pierce: https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/17963282/Dr_William_Luther_Pierce_-
>...And is Google Jewish?
ITT: Operation Good Goy
Unrelated question, I'm gonna need a 4th internal hard drive after this, any recommendations?
>...And is Google Jewish?
((( Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin )))
File: 4kay.jpg (58KB, 488x730px)
58KB, 488x730px
Vidya and music, fyi its 4k video downloader(pirated)
it will auto dl as they are uploaded
The Mexican Synarchist one was pretty hard for him to get.
WD blue. Almost same performance as the Black but way cheaper

Disgusting proprietary software. No thanks.
Enjoy your botnet.
O-okay. Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks anon, I'll look into it. Might get 2 if I can find them cheap enough.
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565KB, 956x1699px
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67KB, 539x684px
Fuck yeah. Thanks anon but i'm a mobile fag; what's in the torrent?
308 Broadcasts by Dr William Luther Pierce

1.65 gigs of data
Chairman: Eric Schmidt
Co-Founder = Sergey Brin
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42KB, 395x373px
bumping for good work
I just clicked on of the links, the price does not really match with what I paid for it... I only paid €80 for it...
Hmmm, I might go all out and get an 8Tb data drive.
if youtube goes into censorship overload liveleak will replace it, mark my words.
Also Marshall Ironsides videos.
His Julius Evola videos especially
I'll add that to my copypasta of long-term solution discussion.
I'll try to get to that when everything else is done downloading and uploading.
Consider capturing and uploading neutral content like anime, and maybe even some liberal content as well. The moment things look to much like you guys, it'll scare the others away and make it hard to retain support and rapport.
Somebody get vertigopolitix?
I don't own a computer
Is this who you're talking about? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3QoNiM5WtZaKSiU7n4VqQ/videos
Those are some solid podcasts.
Archiving as we speak.
added to the request pile.

You are currently downloading Stephan Molyneux right?
I have did this a long time ago. Have various YouTube channels backed up totaling 2tb. Mind you they are 1080p mkv files and have been collected since like 2013.
>added to the request pile.
Add it to the finished pile pls.
Got link?
Just finished downloading. Already uploading things to MEGA. I'll post it as soon as I can.
Compiled channel suggestions from last thread
14nationalist88 (https://www.youtube.com/user/tbohman1331/videos)
Europa - TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXqpN_lZoZU4FR3vIZXCJiA/videos)
On The Offensive (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrgJyI1bSysVE92HPpNNiw/videos)
DeroVolk (https://www.youtube.com/user/DeroVolk/videos)
Dennis Wise (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ooe2JtqvpUecpU8GaPP9g/videos)
Pastor Anderson (https://www.youtube.com/user/sanderson1611/videos)
Defend Europe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQL6Mcu34L9zHZzQ1PkyiA)
Davis M.J. Aurini (https://www.youtube.com/user/Aurini/videos)
Thinking Ape (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo1qRcO1OehgkOD_fHsu_uQ/videos?view=0&shelf_id=0&sort=dd)
Argent (https://www.youtube.com/user/LibertyandJustice771/videos)
Reactionary Expat (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkS_oGH97sg3zXlr7im_ZvA)
thkelly67 (https://www.youtube.com/user/thkelly67/videos)
Granville Thorndyke (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCje9sy3kHqbevkRoeVd6LtA/videos)
Lindsaybeg Road (https://www.youtube.com/user/ZIEeICoZ/videos)
Common Filth (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb9NIDFFW4KOqc6hGBnFBhg/videos)
JewsOnTelevision (https://www.youtube.com/user/JewsOnTelevision/videos)
RoissyReader (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEaXj-7-DCM7fhFADpA1Q8Q/videos)
Turd Flinging Monkey (https://www.youtube.com/user/MorgueToeTag/videos)
MGTOW is freedom (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DyPLVr8OsvTtShvPEEk4w/videos)
huMAN (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2dUsMtd08RfaH12O9DCDg)
nobodytm uploads (https://www.youtube.com/user/nobodytm1/videos)
Kevin Kervick (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSSCBkZMwkyyI9NtwQ4e2w/videos)
Truth Serum (No Idea which of the 6 Million ones)
>####Guns and Military gear####
Hickok45 (https://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45/videos)
Military Arms Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/Sturmgewehre/videos)
Iraqveteran8888 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Iraqveteran8888/videos)
Forgot pic.
White Baron (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2IwiVv7AhjJl4t5oMKjqvg/videos)
Cheesy Yugoslav war songs (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiLGjxzAiB-60n-PBkvF7mw5yY7Dl1f73)
>####Not english####
Sanningen Ska Segra (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSF0jRD4ePzeFBzLqZde7Zw/videos)
Alerta Judiada Int. 2 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm2aa-B8AxvhjopRNy8aRbg/videos)
Alerta Judiada (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKb0eLk64KZ7u_4k4mdivw/videos)
I tried to with Hooktube. Looking to do more if people want to share ideas beyond which channels to backup.
Ideas are all over the threads if you want them. For now we're mostly sharing files and saving the videos that may get nuked.
this thread has lasted fucking ages
Davis M.J. Aurini
Thinking-Ape (Stardusk)
Granville Thorndyke
Lindsaybeg Road
Common Filth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFevdq4wZRw etc
milton freidman
thomas sowell
14nationalist88 (https://www.youtube.com/user/tbohman1331/videos)
Europa - TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXqpN_lZoZU4FR3vIZXCJiA/videos)
On The Offensive (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrgJyI1bSysVE92HPpNNiw/videos)
DeroVolk (https://www.youtube.com/user/DeroVolk/videos)
Dennis Wise (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ooe2JtqvpUecpU8GaPP9g/videos)
Pastor Anderson (https://www.youtube.com/user/sanderson1611/videos)
Defend Europe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQL6Mcu34L9zHZzQ1PkyiA)
Davis M.J. Aurini (https://www.youtube.com/user/Aurini/videos)
Thinking Ape (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo1qRcO1OehgkOD_fHsu_uQ/videos?view=0&shelf_id=0&sort=dd)
Argent (https://www.youtube.com/user/LibertyandJustice771/videos)
Reactionary Expat (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkS_oGH97sg3zXlr7im_ZvA)
thkelly67 (https://www.youtube.com/user/thkelly67/videos)
Granville Thorndyke (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCje9sy3kHqbevkRoeVd6LtA/videos)
Lindsaybeg Road (https://www.youtube.com/user/ZIEeICoZ/videos)
Common Filth (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb9NIDFFW4KOqc6hGBnFBhg/videos)
JewsOnTelevision (https://www.youtube.com/user/JewsOnTelevision/videos)
RoissyReader (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEaXj-7-DCM7fhFADpA1Q8Q/videos)
Turd Flinging Monkey (https://www.youtube.com/user/MorgueToeTag/videos)
MGTOW is freedom (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DyPLVr8OsvTtShvPEEk4w/videos)
huMAN (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2dUsMtd08RfaH12O9DCDg)
nobodytm uploads (https://www.youtube.com/user/nobodytm1/videos)
Kevin Kervick (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSSCBkZMwkyyI9NtwQ4e2w/videos)
###Military gear###
Hickok45 (https://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45/videos)
Military Arms Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/Sturmgewehre/videos)
Iraqveteran8888 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Iraqveteran8888/videos)
White Baron (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2IwiVv7AhjJl4t5oMKjqvg/videos)
Cheesy Yugoslav war songs (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiLGjxzAiB-60n-PBkvF7mw5yY7Dl1f73)
>####Not english####
Sanningen Ska Segra (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSF0jRD4ePzeFBzLqZde7Zw/videos)
Alerta Judiada Int. 2 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm2aa-B8AxvhjopRNy8aRbg/videos)
Alerta Judiada (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKb0eLk64KZ7u_4k4mdivw/videos)

all requests pending
If anons have a plan and a conops how to proceed, no form of CointelPro can stop them. Fuck shills, let them eat themselves in the bait/slide/demography threads
this is what it's about
an anonymous community banding together for the common good
>HookTube is a hook for YouTube that uses its media files directly without tracking you or activating any of its scripts, enabling you to download YouTube music and videos or just share YouTube videos without giving Google and its partners ad revenue or views.

>"HOW: Just replace the domain in any YT link with hooktube.com. https://youtube.com/watch?v=0X1xOKMKX80 becomes https://hooktube.com/watch?v=0X1xOKMKX80, etc. You can also embed with iframes: <iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="360" src="https://hooktube.com/embed/0X1xOKMKX80" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>"

help for lurkers who dont want to download anything
The time is now to report leftist videos.

Show them this is a mistake.
here it is
key: !0LoRUlte2kvWMW1wq9vlTw
OMFG!!! JewTube is censoring! The shock and horror! Looks like you retards need to come up with something else, instead of depending on the people you hate to communicate. God for bed you faggots actually left the house to talk to people.
File: 1477740152850.gif (4MB, 490x476px)
4MB, 490x476px
I have been looking for a video that was about the British regretting giving up their guns and a huge group marching down the street trying to get their freedom back. Interviewed Brit who was the leader says Americans should never give up their rights. Sound familiar?
I always see people talking about discord but the only time I joined one it was full of meme kids and nothing real. Is there a generally agreed upon /pol/+/g/ discord?
That shit is a honeypot.
discord is pure cancer, senpai
Discordfags should be gassed.
the only official /pol/ discord I know of is invite only and they interview you before admitting you. It sounds really gay.
I'm in one but I never participate. It's kinda lame.
Precisely. Checked.
i got magister populi saved.
I feel like this should be taught in zionism101
for firefox:
top stuff
What should be taught?
Upload to mega mega and gib link then

YouTube deleting videos that do not agree with their views is the modern day equivalent of book burning.
####Cripple chan suggestions####
Druaga1 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Druaga1/videos)
Truthstream Media (https://www.youtube.com/user/TRUTHstreammedia/videos)
Clif Highs (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXZf0F4GLSX1QXBUgPXhqg/videos)
dahboo77 (https://www.youtube.com/user/DAHBOO77/videos)
dahboo777 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Dahboo777/videos)
You Kipper (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxa1oCyi16cREZltCVedY7w/videos)
Herr Nordstrom (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_D2unzC24rkiHKoFgLFiQ)
ADoseofBuckley (https://www.youtube.com/user/ADoseofBuckley/videos)
Kenneth Clark's (https://www.youtube.com/user/clakenne9/videos)
E. Michael Jones (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqu-4AY-501xV5iCtt7dMKQ/videos)
Disgruntled Leaf Network (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPjlKwvj5jbvqH1hFtB9K9w/videos)
These are all great and all, but we really need the magnet links as well.
you mean directly from youtube too torrent.
No, I just mean we need people to make torrents and spread the magnet links here and on pirate bay.
File: 1400256010153.png (37KB, 345x317px)
37KB, 345x317px
alright got it properly now
modified to get rid of autogenerated subs (who the hell needs them, unnecessary clutter) + formatted to get the highest quality MP4 video every time. plug the link to the channel you want to download in on the end and away you go
make sure Murdoch Murdoch's videos are archived. he had his channel deleted after threats a week ago. all his videos can be found here.

Those videos have been archived by several anons. You can find some here: http://cheekyvideos.net/
O.k got it,
Will make torrents of what I currently have saved locally
key: !xOWe1SB1bmT_EiYpStEvRg
That'll get deleted pretty fast if it's on youtube.
That's why we have to use other websites.
See >>136136889
Wait, I fucked up, give that one another 20 minutes.
It's done. Gimme a bit to upload it.
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Oh, I mentioned before I had all the Jordan Peterson videos from his channel. I prepared a torrent, but it is on my computer at home. Will upload when I get there. It totals 103 GB for those interested in the size.


Murdoch Murdoch has been archived a few days ago by a lot of anons. You can find the links in the archive:

I like to note though that, while mega.nz links are great, they do tend to expire on free accounts after too long of inactivity. I think torrents are better in that regard, but it sucks torrents also leak ip addresses... don't really know how to solve that except requiring everyone to use i2p or similar, but that might be a pain the ass to setup for non-technical people...
>I like to note though that, while mega.nz links are great, they do tend to expire on free accounts after too long of inactivity.

Shit, I'll just reupload if people ask.
I think they send you an email with a warning when it's about to expire, so you have a chance to login before it's gone, see:
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I don't understand this. The truth is already out there in the form of redpilled literature etc. and most people already know the kikes are pozzed but are too pussy and comfy and high and drunk and porn addicted and etc. to do anything about it.
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Pastebin link got removed, just so you know
>having to check my burner email
You're working me like a dog, anon.
maybe should we get the 4chan scrolls guy? neato burrito
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Works for me
Weird, it was giving me the shutitdown message literally a minute or two ago but now it's back
Here's a list of other file-sharing sites; none of them have as much storage as Mega, so multiple accounts would have to be made.
I was editing it at the time, so that's probably why
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Another thing which bothers me about these threads is how kikes like Lauren southern etc are inserting their videos into the (((''''redpilled''' :^))) archive so that it's pozzed from the start and nothing changes.
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Just baked new fresh bread

>Hell, take audio of songs, speed them up a tiny bit and put some Minecraft video as the visual.

Start making videos with overtly "harmless" visuals that are easily recognizable (i.e minecraft) and put red pill audio over them. Also try harmless audio coupled with red pill visual content and harmless videos interspliced with red pill stuff or sort of mashed up in a humorous way. Make a meme out of these kinds of red pill videos, they should have some stylistic similarities, some sort of variable template that can be combined with popular content to fuck with the algorithm.
>Torrent BPS
Not sure if done right, somebody check
btw, shitty mobile Up
It's hard to force something like this, but I imagine that if enough Anons did it for a certain period of time combined with widespread awareness of YouTube censorship (help sabotage or at least fuck with a couple popular normie/semi-normie/SJW channels if possible) and memes/humor involved, this could evolve into some sort of self-perpetuating thing. But that depends on people actually editing and uploading stuff...
This is a good idea if it takes off. This is how the Elsa stuff and other crap is getting by. Kids YouTube is awash with garbage that shouldn't be there.
>Start making videos with overtly "harmless" visuals that are easily recognizable
Sounds like a Phase 3
Download / internal awareness
>Phase 2
Crowd powered Download / documentation / Upload (not youtube) / external awareness
>Phase 3
Download (not youtube) / editing / Upload Youtube / bait msm
>Phase 4
Have decentralized upload-download solution / We win

We are currently Phase 2 hopefully it will get to Phase 3
On the propaganda front we should be drawing attention to the pedo shit as well. Show YouTube is preferring political videos over harmful pedo stuff in their algorithms and force them to address this and purge their own stuff.
Thing is, if they do understand what we're doing, they'll bitch about it like we do about the Elsagate and we'll become the new cryber-nazis in need of regulation.
Than only upload stuff from channels that get nukes. If the channel is alive then leave it alone.
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