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Jordan Peterson said he regards antisemitism as an absolutely

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Jordan Peterson said he regards antisemitism as an absolutely abysmal and reprehensible stance.

What would you say to Jordan Peterson regarding his opinion on antisemitism?
If the jews did something worth of hating, then it is not Absolutely abysmal and rephersible
How can you possibly justify hating Jews? According to Jordan Peterson, people just hate them because they are successful.

Jordan Peterson is attacking a strawman. He doesn't address a single anti-semitic point I've ever heard. He refuses to even acknowledge the over representation of Jews in the very postmodernist philosophies he argues against.

All anti-semitism, in his mind, boils down to Jews being successful financially and nothing more. It's a classic strawman that you would think would be beneath him.
>people just hate them because they are successful
yes, successful in misleading and murdering millions of other people of different races. wow i thought jordan was smart. he a civic nationalist too?
It's not a strawman, it's a legitimate argument. People always complain about how Jews are "overrepresented" in certain fields, which shows that they are envious of their higher achievements.
>Jews are "overrepresented" in certain fields, which shows that they are envious of their higher achievements
achievements based off of what merit? such a small amount of the population isn't successful like that because of hard work... if that was the case, they'd be competing with everybody else. remember how i said they're outnumbered massively? your argument stinks
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Peterson knows what's up
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people don't hate their power or their over representation of it, people hate their slimey sleazeball jewry that has gotten them run out of 300+ countries over the course of history. people hate jews because they're jews, not because they're epic businessmen who earn more than you.
I guess that must mean white men being overrepresented in certain fields is a problem too, right? Since they are outnumbered too. Your argument is no different than that of a SJW.
If his only basis for believing in muh antisemitism is thinking its because they are successful, it wouldnt be incredibly difficult to prove to him that there are other various reasons.
It would be worse if he knew everything that has happened in regards to them throughout history and today and still believed in the muh antisemitism meme.
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It's an extremely weak argument, and if it's the only argument you can make on behalf of Jews then it shows that you have no defense against accusations like the ones Solzhenitsyn makes in pic related.
this is a crazy theory

but what if all the (((coincidences))) aren't even by jews-by-religion. what if they're a bunch of ethnic jews in some cult or society that push these agenda's?

like i've talked to so many fuckin people from israel on random discords i go on, like around 16 - 25. even with the subtlest approach to asking JQ related stuff, they always seem to be slightly disgusted by stuff like transgenderism, large-scale immigration and white/man hate.

but it's impossible to ignore (((them))), but what if it goes even deeper than just "they were jewish" and more "they were part of a jewish secret society"
This guy is a quack. I tried to listen to one of his religious lectures, he just ended up rambling incessantly about some vague metaphorical bullshit.
what a waste of time
Whites aren't outnumbered. They still make up over half the US population
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>kikes push multicult in your country
>oppose it in their own country
>lol ur just jealous
no it isn't stupid, people have an ethnocentric cooperation bias by nature itself. i'm making my argument because i'm white and want whites to succeed. hate is a hierarchy. SJWs hate whites because they rely on whites. whites hate jews because jews, as >>136120022 put it, make whites rely on them.

i WANT whites to be over represented in ALL fields, especially in WHITE countries of which jews (and any other race) should not be a part of in such an over represented way.
White men are outnumbered, and they still get most high paying positions. Compare white men's achievements to those of white women or people of other ethnicity. Using your argument, this must be because of a grand white male conspiracy. Why don't you just admit that this is all jealousy of their superior achievements?

I agree with him, assuming the definition of anti-Semitism is one that means the irrational vilification of all Jews. To take issues with Jewish attitudes or behaviors on certain matters doesn't automatically make you an anti-Semite. You could do the same with Episcopalians or Mexicans or some shit, and that wouldn't mean you're a great hater of said group. Most "anti-Semites" are pretty much just envyfag failures who feel no control over their lives and want an alien boogeyman to blame.
he needs to sort himself out on the JQ
He should stop being a pro-jew activist and instead focus on eliminating any antisemitic beliefs he holds himself (aka clean his own room). Once I see how prosemitic he is being I will change my ways.
>falling for Jewish taqiya
They're not going to reveal their love of sexual degeneracy to a goy
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>like i've talked to so many fuckin people from israel on random discords i go on, like around 16 - 25. even with the subtlest approach to asking JQ related stuff, they always seem to be slightly disgusted by stuff like transgenderism, large-scale immigration and white/man hate.
That's because these things are legitimately disgusting to mentally healthy people. The fact that Jews are pushing this stuff on us (but not on Israel) shows that these ideas exist only to sow discord in societies Jews wish to dominate.

Jews actually author weaponized 'philosophy'; ideological poison to be consumed by whomever they see themselves in competition with.
peterson is smart enough to realize that you cant smack talk jews and get away with it, ESPECIALLY when you work in a field like education, even more so considering hes a (((psychologist)))
>What would you say to Jordan Peterson regarding his opinion on antisemitism?
Tell me your opinion on loxism.
Actually don't, because I kind of like your stuff and understand that you, like most alt-personalities, have to keep quiet on the JQ, or face blacklisting, violence, or legal retaliation. Nevertheless, you provide a good and necessary starting point for normies who will connect the Jewish shaped dots on their own.
Thing is, you have to admire the kikes on their unity and capability to push other kikes into positions they get themselves to. If 1 kike makes it big expect 5 more kikes to make it, thats admirable.
Whats angering is that if the kikes only want to help other kikes and nobody else, why should other countries let them leech off of them? No kike is doing something so incredibly important that they could not just be replaced. But we let them through because of 6 gorilion.
I am more saddened about the fact that a group only helps the group in sucking another. And those others cannot unite because of the media and almost mind control.
I would say that I understand his sentiment, but he also has to do some more research on it himself to be sure.
>JP actually has all the same opinions as me, he just keeps them secret
This is getting real pathetic guys
It's bad to judge jews while being ignorant. That's prejudice.
Once you've learned about jews, however...
What's angering is if we try to do anything like this, these SAME kikes will slander us as racist. It's not uncommon to see an all Jewish law firm suing some company for their lack of "diversity".
You have to understand the other side and realising that 90% of the population is absolutely retarded and isnt informed about 90% of the things they talk about and even more so uninformed about the things they form opinions and personalities around.
You have to realise that he was about to get fired for not using new gender pronouns, id imagine using the word kikes wont help him much.
But either way i dont care if he likes or hates the jew, dont lump me with the "peterson defense squad"

I doubt Peterson is ignorant of the role Jews have played in promoting all the things he is protesting in his videos. Jordan Peterson is a career man. He has to be strategic about what he says on certain topics.
Yeah. What they have is unity. You hit a kike now youll be sued by 5 different companies that all have about 20 kike lawyers. Youll never find that many whites or blacks or whatever the fuck, to do the same either for you or against you.
Even though there is not a lot of them, much like animals, they clump up together and make themselves seem big. They seem big because you cannot get others of your own race to clump up too, at that point by comparison jews wouldnt even exist in numbers.
why are you ignoring my posts now and making the exact same arguments to other people? you are worthless
If we try to get others to clump together as a group the Jews take note and immediately cry "racism". They immediately did this as soon as they realized the so-called "alt right" was gaining prominence.

According to Jews, nobody is allowed to have a group identity except for Jews.
Thats where other race is to unite and tell them to fuck themselves because its their country. Racism is a fucking word, it means as much as others put meaning to it. The issue is that we lack this unity. Go to kikeland and call them racist when they tell you something you dont like, you think anyone is gonna fucking care over there? Theyd carry you by the shoulders outside of the boarder.
Its just that whites put others before themselves way too often.
that just means you should not malevolent towards somebody based on their race or religion unless they totally invite that.

imo it's still okay to shit on fedoras and other crypto-communists at any time though.
Patreon shekels yo.
>all the anti-Peterson fags in this thread
You people need to sort yourselves out.
wow you need to start addressing real arguments being made here instead of deflecting

>peterson intellectuals
He gets 55k a month to spout basic bitch psychobabble bullshit. Why would you step off the gravy train even if you were woke?

I feel bad that he's swindled all those people but they should have known not to trust a psychologist.
thats only half the story. alot of people who are in Power and in charge of Cultures like Movies, Musics and other medium, are jewish.

than nwe have CNN that are owned by jews that spreed fake news.
He's not god. If Jordan Peterson told me to jump off a bridge, I'm not going to do it. I hate Jews, regardless of what he may think or say about them.

>Higher achievements

Fucking lol

yeah well my Dad can beat up your dad

Don't you think it's sad that there aren't enough talented whites that are non-jews to simply create a second hollywood and attract lots of talent that way?

Create your own hollywood - news - etc that can rival that of the Jews domain.

Can't do it? Then they're better than you.
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Nice try. The leaked shill docs show that this is an angle you faggots will use.
This never ends does it? You idiots just jump from target to target right? Monday it was Lauren Southern, next day it was Molyneux, yesterday it was Richard Spencer, and now it's Jordan Peterson.
You're trying too much too often and too soon. One can respect people and disagree with them on certain points, it isn't a monolith and it never will be, but I suppose that's difficult for a leftist idiot to understand when your own groups require 100% adherence to the dogma as prescribed by Soros and his ilk right?
An independent production rarely makes it to the big theatres worldwide. Angry Birds was the last one.
I've never made a thread about those other people though
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>be Jordan Peterson
>argue against post-modernism as a concept
>Jews screech you're an anti-Semite (because you attacked their cultural demoralization campaign)
>say you're not and then defend Jews by attacking anti-Semitism as a concept
>Jews have your social media accounts pulled anyway

When are white people going to realize Jews are not their friends?
he's literally a dumb thot regarding anything other than marxism, God and psychology
Do you actually think we're stupid enough to believe that these character assassination threads are made by one person? We have the leaked documents. You're just one more faggot among many.
>got me to respond.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.
he's quite obviously woke to the talmudist issue and likely understands that he would be destroyed publicly if he spoke of it, also that it's most beneficial to allow others to discover it themselves
id say you're a kike shill jew working for CTR and the podestas like I always tell my haters
So everyone who makes threads about people you like is part of a grand conspiracy then? Alright, you come across as a mentally sound individual.
hard to do that when they got all the money, fame, connections, Power, and talanted people under thier wing. the best outcome for you if you try to rival them is that they buy you up or they let you be part of thier cricle .

or they could just sue or salander you into silence.
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>I guess that must mean white men being overrepresented in certain fields is a problem too, right?
Marxists and Jews certainly seem to think so.
Basically go with the Mosley stance, don't attack all Jews just cause, but don't shy away from criticising/attacking individuals because they're Jewish.
>literally following the scripts we've seen leaked.
Yeah, totally not a shill. If you were a troll this would be funny.
You haven't offered anything here. Your entire post was:
>hey guys, Jordan Peterson doesn't hate Jooz, you must hate him now right?
He criticizes communism and marxism and seems to read a lot about the subject but he does not mention (((who))) lead the German revolution of 1918 or (((who))) was in the power structure in USSR and satellite states. Jews are always exempted from critique in any debate or are piled up in big groups like communists or marxists. At the same time he is able to criticize the genderfuck people and break the taboo, pointing out their holier-than-thou attitude and repression of free speech. Somehow, you can't do this with the Jews and there is a lot you can learn about these people and their scheming throughout the centuries. Jews weren't never power hungry or killed people? Their behaviour can't be debated at the universities?
Well his position is that anti-semitism is caused purely by envy, which is entirely false. When your vile tribe has been kicked out of 109 countries over the past 2 thousand years, it might be something more than envy. The first time? Perhaps. The first couple of times? Ehh, I guess? But after about the 10th time, it's time for some introspection as a people...which will never happen.
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>he's quite obviously woke to the talmudist issue and likely understands that he would be destroyed publicly if he spoke of it
That's precisely the problem with the world. Jews can endlessly slander you, call for your death, and enact policies designed to prevent your people from existing, while their precious Talmud is full of racial-supremacist screeds and calls for Christians to have their works destroyed. Yet if you point any of these objective facts out, they will use their nepotistic manipulation of media and laws to try and ruin your life and put you in prison. And because of this, nobody has the balls to stand up to them anymore.
I have no idea what scripts you're talking about, you dumb faggot.
I'd say that he is either willfully blind to the malicious influence jews have had all throughout the history or refuses to acknowledge it. Cursory look at just Weimar and what Jews did there, should be enough to make anyone realize that jews were not innocent victims.

That flock of people have been expelled from dozens upon dozens of nations throughout the span of their existence. There is a fucking reason why that has happened and it is because of HOW JEWS ACT.
not all jews are doctors, bankers, lwyers etc. many in fact, are normal Middle class people like you and me. but those that are in Power are the ones giving all the other jews a bad namn.
>people just hate them because they are successful.

They got successful by manipulation, usury, and playing the other races against each other.

Not exactly by honest merit.
Hating other people irrationally is bad I agree, that's why I'm simply counter-semitic
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i wonder
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Seeing as to what happened to Lauren Southerns Patreon account even after knowing she's a civic cuck never even brought up JQ.

Must I inform you on what would happen this old bucko if he dared bring up a Goldstein or a berg on an ((((intelectual)))) playing field????
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the most important praxis for anyone to properly understand the world is to understand Jewish psychology. it is different from every other race's psychology. the most striking thing about Jews is they are psychologically set on performing a rape of reality itself, this is the Jewish messianism and why they are so much more motivated to take power. we all suffer because of it until everyone fully understands them
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Jews were kicked out 109 times because every single time a Christian country would permit them to settle out of the goodness of their hearts, they would inevitably betray them. They would facilitate Muslim invasions or in some way attempt to destabilize the existing social order. Jews were directly responsible for the Moorish invasion of Spain, for example. Even Jewish historical scholars don't deny it. Then they threw open Christian city gates to the invaders and acted as tax collectors and slavers to the new Muslim overlords. But the Inquisition and expulsion centuries later wasn't earned, right?

How many white European Christians know their own history, these days? Probably not many. Some of the last major battles of the Reconquista involved Jews openly taking up arms against Christians in Spain. And they'd come back a while later and try to destroy Spanish Christianity again during the communist civil war.
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for example this Jewish photographer would never think in a million years to make similar photos to these of Jewish children and would fight you if you did and tried to publish them. she glorifies distraught non Jewish children to the masses but it would be a shoah to do it with little boys wearing kippahs

expose them no mercy
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Yeah, that kind of cowardice isn't going to serve us in the long-term. We need people who are public and willing to take the risk or nothing will change. Our ancestors weren't afraid to call the Jew what they were. It's not bigotry when they're the ones attacking us. Retaliation is justified.
Kiss me leaf boy
I think everyone alternative media figure knows about how the jews run the media , politics and all the other shit.

Few of them even gave hints to their viewers.

Trump , Milo , Bannon , Jones etc all know about the jewish elite. But it would be insta death for them if they were to talk about them.
Only reason they keep Trump alive is because he would become a martyr if he died , but they would 100% kill him if he ranted about the zionists.
I think he's trying to motivate a generation to stand up to them in the best way possible, starting with cleaning their rooms.

I really hope the recent shutdown of his YouTube will motivate him to speak more openly

too little too late from the generation that threw the future of this country into the trashcan for a dollar. he's not wrong but it won't matter now.
Uhh, yeah. I know. You're agreeing with me...
How would it be insta-death to a guy like Alex Jones? He's already seen as a lunatic, I'm pretty sure no one would be surprised if a guy like that was an insane antisemite too.
He has a huge viewerbase. They would never want more people to know about shit like that.
>Basic bitch
Please kys asap
>Can't do it? Then they're better than you.
How? They can't make a society of their own worth a fuck.
There's nothing special about anti-semitism that makes it any more reprehensible than being anti-any-other-group. Unless you think it's wrong to have negative views on any racial or religious group, I don't see what the big deal is. Plenty of other peoples were killed in large numbers and no one cares. The Jews pretended the Armenian Genocide never happened until 2016, for example, because they wanted to keep the Holocaust Industry going.
His sentence was like
>jews are whiney and entitled which often causes antisemitism - WHICH IS AN ABYSMAL THING

He is smart enough to know the jq will end your career.

>it's okay to be successful by any means necessary and you shouldn't hate someone just because they succeed

oh boy, talk about opening a can of worms.
The better question to ask is, what were the suicidal jews who occupy the media, government, finance at incredibly high rates while being 2% of the population thinking when they started pushing "white privilege", white replacement, white suppression in the media and academia?
>Jordan Peterson said he regards antisemitism
Looks like someone needs to sort themselves out.

Not calling out (((who))) is pushing the leftist agenda in universities is a weakness. If Peterson wants to play (((their))) game and not have the nerve to call (((them))) out it is his decision.
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>the jq will end your career.
It shouldn't be. That's kind of the point. Jews can openly say on Twitter that all white people should be killed. This is 100% okay, they will get in no trouble, their account won't be suspended, they can stay employed, nothing will happen. But if you question the Jews who just called for your death, your career is over.

Ultimately evil grows solely because it's allowed to.

Jews don't consider themselves white. They use their pale-colored skin as a means of infiltration. The NAACP was run by Jews for a very long time, and the ADL used to have Jewish agents pose as Nazis to try and spark race riots. They were caught doing this in Philadelphia back in the day, until the "Nazi rabble-rouser" was outed by a then-Christian media as being Jewish.
He is pretending to be a good goy.

I also consider nazis and anti semites reprehensible and detestable btw
Oh look, another vapid e-celeb character assassination thread. You really must be terrified at losing the culture war.
>Our ancestors weren't afraid to call the Jew what they were

And look what happened to them.
More like Judeo B. Peterson. Honestly, he is at best useless, at worst extremely damaging.
Jordan loves Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn but hasn't read 'Two Hundred Years Together' by Aleksandr. Even if he would agree that Jews had a bigger role into Russian communism as he currently thinks, he would probably not think it is justified to blame/dislike jews as a group. There is some merit to that but there is also a clear pattern that keeps happening.
I guess when people complain blacks are overrepresented in murder statistics they're just jealous of their success
dam jews really are in control of white nations
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This is a misquote.

This quote is from 37:13 in this video.

>a priori stance
He did NOT say it's a reprehensible a posteriori stance.

No shit. It would be stupid to be racist with zero empirical evidence, and he's specifically choosing to address this instead of opening a can of worms.
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Especially ironic, considering Peterson considers Solzhenitsyn one of the, if not the greatest novelist, of all time.
He's not going to adopt you if you defend him on the internet.
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dunno, probably just ask him about the talmud and how jews are jewish supremecists who regard non-jews as inferior beings, without souls
Looking at any people as a collective is wrong. No matter how fucked up they might be, there will always be worthwhile individuals.
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Do you think any of us give a shit about what some cuckistani incarnate with army of civnat betas think of the kikes?
Of course. But antisemites fail to realize this.
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He read some solchenytzin and dostoyevesky, yet he doesn't see the connection? These men literally named the Jew.

It's either is a faggot afraid to speak ill of his masters or he's delusional.
That his very much unciviliced stance against those people makes him no better.
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>rail against JQ
>go to jail
Sounds like an effective use of Peterson's assets.
For being a high iq person he's still remains ignorant, and have never been to /pol/.
flat earth 200 proofs -dubay
Counter-semitism != anti-semitism
Jews know the value of tribalism, something white people have forgotten.
I wonder if he thinks Jews have had a positive influence on western society -- particularly the last 100 years?

I can't see him saying yes, if he wants to be taken seriously.

Then again, if he mentions anything negative about Jews, he instantly becomes a non-entity. The youtube channel is pulled, the university gig is gone, the patron account goes poof.

He'd be standing on the corner juggling and playing harmonica for spare change.

That in itself says a lot about Jewish influence.

Anyway, I can't begrudge him, we all need to keep our mouths shut if we want to live in this society. The best we can do is avoid the subject... which is harder for him given the nature of his lectures.
>Kekistani faggot
Just stop
He isn't that much of a Solznitzen fan then
>>communism is horrible and so is any form of marxism
>>degeneracy is a sign of a declive in civilization
>>importing subsaharians to Europe is bad for everyone
>>but I love jews
Just fucking blind or a tammed goy
so u b sayn its tha jews dat been holdn us negras down? Sheit wite boi ma bad but muh dick still bigga ha fuk u
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>I doubt Peterson is ignorant of the role Jews have played in promoting all the things he is protesting in his videos. Jordan Peterson is a career man. He has to be strategic about what he says on certain topics.
In one of his University talks, he was asked a gotcha question from a (((member))) of the audience on what he thought about accusations of anti-Semitism leveled against Solzhenitsyn. Of course, Jordan Peterson knows the history of the Soviet Union and the demographics of the Bolsheviks, and the simple, correct answer would be to articulate these points:
>The Bolsheviks were Jews
>the Bolsheviks established and ran the Soviet Union, which killed millions of Russians
>Solzhenitsyn was critical of that
Except JP couldnt say that because doing so would contradict the Jewish historical narrative, which is:
>Jews are good boys
>They dindu nuffin
>People suddenly hate Jews for no reason at all
>Oi vey, we wuz holocosted again!
So instead of answering the question, JP dodged it and said the anti-Semitic book in question (Two Hundred Years Together), has not yet been tanslated to English, so he hasn't read it, so he can't speak to the specific accusations, next question please.
I would love to see Peterson have a talk with E Michael Smith or Kevin Macdonald

Obviously, its a bit retarded to be foaming at the mouth saying "gas the jews" but the point that jews are off limits from criticism in their role through history and its current implications is so huge you are lying to yourself if you just chalk up any talk of it as 'anti-semetism' or conspiracy theory lunacy

This is what makes it so interesting, because it is by far the most powerful taboo in our society, yet so much of it is blatant and out in the open.
It's the same opinion Stalin had.
Saying that antisemitism is absolutely abysmal and reprehensible isn't necessarily saying it's unwarranted.

He's probably saying no matter if it's warranted we should rise above it.

Like Jesus saying 'forgive them...they know not what they do.' while they were killing him.

You just know they're going to start asking him direct questions about his take on Jews, and they'll banish him to Outer Mongolia when he's forced to tell the truth about what he really thinks.
I would say that his understanding of Jews is incomplete
I'm sure if he took the time to thoroughly research the subject, his views would change. It just doesn't strike me as something he would spend much time researching, especially considering the environment he was raised in.
i figured his comments about solzhenitsyn were a low-key dog whistle about his JQ knowledge
this dude constantly quotes the guy who wrote 200 years together. he knows about jews. he just can't say anything about them because he lives in canada and he's already on a razor thin line of getting fired and shit for hatespeech
The Japanese are massively successful.

Asians in North America are massively successful.

No one hates them.

People hate Jews due to their double standards and nepotism.
why christcuckery is the jews best friend,
I am sure he knows enough about JQ. Problem is that being a good goy with sick bucks from prateon matters to him more than Truth. He didnt even said a thing about jewish tribalism and nepotism even through its possible to do so in completely politically correct way, thats how he wants to be a good goy.
>shilling this fucking hard
Show us your flag, faggot.
you don't understand how transparent you are
>christ-cucks defending yids
okay kek-fag
That he should paint his hypocrite face with drag queen makeup in a pic I saw again. Maybe stop whining. Does this man look like a brown Semite to you? Is he Muslim? No. Connect the dots. The nose knows
His career would be ruined if he criticized the Jews. But he doesn't have to moralfag for them.
Hiding your power level is very high IQ.

We have 1000 Jews in this country, yet they over half of the media. This is way beyond "overrepresentation", it can only happen thanks to their international ethnic conspiracy.
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>According to Jordan Peterson, people just hate them because they are successful.
well, then, jordan peterson is a retard faggot

read the talk section on this guy's wikipedia page, the attempts at damage control are almost unbelievable
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Peterson has dedicated his life to fighting (((post-modernism))). His actions speak louder than his words every could. Why would he destroy his public image by overtly condemning Jews when he can fight their proxies free from cries of bigorty and anti-semitism? He is playing his hand perfectly. If Jews start to call him anti-semetic because he rages against ideas that come from them and directly benefit them, they will reveal themselves to even more normies.

I'm not a huge fan of Peterson, but he is helping our cause. In a way he is similar to Jared Taylor, who also picked niche proxy to fight while distancing himself from anything explicitly Jew related.

What have you done to preserve the white race today?
He's deathly afraid of young people becoming "too right", he mentions this often, he claims this is an unspeakable thought crime, and should be avoided in whatever way possible (which he's doing by brainwashing them into accepting an alternative, neutered way of thinking that leads nowhere).

He outright admits it here, this is (apart from getting millions for retelling his old academic works on video) his entire raison d'etre:

I used to think just like you the first couple of years I spent here. Niggers complain about whites being successful, when we're simply superior to them. So why should whites complain when jews are ahead?

One shouldn't complain about jews being ahead. And it isn't about jealousy at all.

It's about the jewish tribal mind and their destructiveness to every gentile around them.

Whites don't live at the expense of black people anymore. But every gentile, regardless of skin color, lives at the expense of the jew.

Sure, I wouldn't mind whites having the same tribal mindset, so that we could equalize it rather than be good goyim.
You fucking pussyfooting faggot. What if K-mac hadn't written his books, and instead talked about lizardpeople, the illuminati, or globalists?
Which part does he say this at? There's no way I am suffering through 59 minutes of Crowder
>getting fired and shit
That would be terrible, imagine his $950k/year becoming only $800k/year (profit from his cult-related businesses not included).
Almost like he wants to avoid a ten-year prison sentence in Cuckland
Oh I linked the time, maybe it didn't work for you, 28:32

Basically he loves the Kekistanis, but anyone right of that should be reeducated.

He's not entirely redpilled. Most people aren't. We've been inculcated since birth to resist addressing the JQ.
Good thing we're all countersemitic then.
this is a dragon he's not prepared to slay
vid related:
Not everyone is a fucking autist like you, most normies get turned off by the idea that Jews are anything other than a religious group. I would bet that most people find out the truth indirectly. I found out about this shit by reading Pat Buchanan's Death of the West, a fucking normie tier history shock book that happened to have a chapter on the frankfurt school. You have to bbe more subtle and cunning to pill most people, not just shitposting with a faggy pirate flag.
There's a bit in another talk where he describes a little voice in his head which says things like 'You don't believe that. Those aren't your words.' As I'm pretty sure he lifted that whole argument from Stephen Pinker, I wonder what that little voice is saying.

But considering the Canadian state tried to ruin his life for saying that there are only two genders, I don't really blame him for pussying out on this issue.

>Man living in country where antisemitism is illegal disavows antisemitism

who'd have thought?
>muh PR
fuck off nu/pol/

You shotgun blast truth at normies. In 2017 they'll find it funny, in 2018 they'll think it's retarded, in 2019 they'll agree.
Link the talk?
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He's right, throughout history jews have had higher standards of living because of their desire for education instead of muh salvation after death
Look at his face, he has jewish ancestry. What would you expect him to say?
Marxist shill
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>All anti-semitism, in his mind, boils down to Jews being successful financially and nothing more. It's a classic strawman that you would think would be beneath him.

The guy is a boomer cuck that gets a hard on from atrocity porn like the holocash, so what did you expect?
>when he can fight their proxies
And achieve nothing. Except successfully monetizing new trend of course. He's good at what he does, i give him that, it is followers who look like utter faggots who are being played like a fiddle by another le based ourguy shekelmaster.
He's alt-lite. Never been much of a fan of him, he's only good for attracting newcomers.
I expect him to say that since he's a professor at a state university and also receives a lot of funding from normies. Why do you think neo-nazis who march on the streets tend to be ugly and full of tatoos? Because they have nothing to lose. Regardless of how redpilled Jordan B Peterson is, he has a LOT to lose if he said something bad about the jews.
He has to say that because we live under Jewish Authoritarianism.
I don't care about this guy at all, but he's the one who's actually being consistent here. To him, the chief fault of postmodernism is that it brought about the logic of equal outcomes that is eclipsing equal opportunity. It makes zero fucking sense to say that he's being inconsistent by not saying that there's something wrong with Jews being over-represented in influential areas
He's just a civic nationalist boomer who looks like he has aids.
good goy
The funny part is that your argument actually holds with Peterson's. Blacks are extremely prolific in murdering people which makes them overrepresented in every crime statistic.
Nice try kekistani. The fact that they are over-represented in every crime statistic correlates to them having a propensity for crime.

The fact that jews are over-represented in every destructive movement in society correlates to them having a propensity for societal subversion.
Following that logic we should love black people for them being generally unsuccessful.
Read between the lines, JP is redpilled on jews he just can't overtly say it. His favourite author is a known anti-semite.
He hasn't read Two Hundred Years Together tho.
Blacks are not over represented in white collar crime, or any intellectual crime. They're seldom serial killers. Jews have a propensity to try to create or enhance the Israel state by means of control or manipulation. But I guess, in the end, I'm agreeing with you on, albeit on lighter terms.
Majority of whites don't see race so they wouldnt bother doing it. Even if the few whites who do see the problem and push for a white only studio system they would get attacked by the majority of whites as being racist etc. Now if all or must whites were racists like Jews we wouldn't have this problem.
Well, my friend, look up the french intellectuals that peterson keeps talking about. Look up what freud had to say about his psychological studies. Look up who the bolsheviks were. Look at who directs, sells or controls most pornography. I don't have to keep going, but they are a subversive element in white societies, because they are a fiercely ethnocentric group. And they are so by design. They are different, because they want to be different.
The basic point is jews succeed because of higher intelligence, but they also succeed because of strong ethnocentrism, and they hypocritically insist that others not act ethnocentrically.
I have no problem with high IQ, ethnocentric people being rewarded richly by society, but I do have a problem when said group demands the majority not behave ethnocentrically in turn
I agree with you on all points and I know who most of those peoples are. I just find it completely unbelievable that a race/culture can do the same thing, so consistent for literal thousands of years and not learn their lessons. It must have some other explanation. It's not like all jews have the same genetic instructions that all other races possess.
To go a step further, there always has to be a ruling class, and I'd be fine with jews being the ruling class if they didnt have to rely on mindfucking their subjects into demographic suicide in order to protect themselves.
This is actually how it works in the US. There is a population of ethnicly hyper-proggressive Jews that are the ones /pol/ harks on in the media and financial sectors.
I think it's their religion which pushes them to act in a way that makes the host nation hate them. This in turn leads to the survival instinct kicking into overdrive, and them becoming more cohesive as a group. When this happens over generations, it becomes genetic, and a part of their lineage.
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I think he is right. But I think the Jew thing on this board is a running joke. I think there are some Anons with mental problems. I think there are some who belive white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society. I believe there are SJW types that post a lot of antisemitic to prove their own narative. Like CNN making their antisemitic PEPE to show how antisemitic it is. But I think He is also rigt that the oppressive left is causing a pushback.

Only retards are anti semetic, or racist for that matter.

Peterson says ashk jews have iqs because they have a culture of learning and scholarship.

Stop spending your days on here and go clean your room

Sounds like these folks are letting themselves be a victim. Cut cable and be selective what you read. Pretty simple stuff
>I think there are some Anons with mental problems.
Want to know how I know you're a kike?

Thanks anon. That's a great way to portray the subtext of Judeo B. Peterson's speeches.
That maybe so, but how can we be certain? There's a great number of jews or part jews who are outspoken against their "peers". Molyneux, Bobby Fishcer (even though he was insane). There must be some kind of trigger in the genes the same way the "warrior gene" gets activated in blacks.
>a great number of jews
It's not really that great if we're being honest here. But, they do exist.

Also, are you jewish?
I'm half-black, the other half I don't know for certain. And there's more of them, but... yeah, not that many.
hes canadian. what did you guys expect?
This. People in the west consider muslims as a threat, and however that's true, the jews are behind it sending them to our homelands. Sneaky bastards.
>What would you say to Jordan Peterson
1. Read Culture of Critique
2. Thank Kevin MacDonald for being so based
I just don't think the world owes a debt or should live in servitude to the jewish people, other than that they can just fuck off
And then he would be painted as evil by the Jews and his ability to push mainstream opinion away from cultural marxism would be over. Which would be a win for the Jews, and maybe a win for you mister Goldstein.
People don't understand that we have keep our enemies close. Allow the jews to feel comfortable with us so that we can work our way safely into the final enlightenment of the populace. Roughly speaking.

The final enlightenment comes when the populace fully realize and can openly name the eternal jew. This is the critical point, the point of no return for the Jews. Jordan B Peterson is but a mere stage in this elaborate plan, a stepping stone if you will.

This is where the storm retards fail so easily, they are not playing their chess pieces correctly. They haven't even begun to clean their room.
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No i'm Not jewish.
I dont hate all people. Just most of them.
There is a spectrum
I hate Socilists and Marxist
Not a fan of Real Natzis
(but The 4 pol ones some of there posts are funny:)
Not a fan of criminals
Hate gender politics
id say me and jordan have a similar experience with jews. he is a university professor, and thus, many of his colleagues are jewish. these are friends that he values. no amount of "redpills" should change his stance on his trusted friends. if they did, i would see it as extremely weak character.

i feel the same way. i have some jewish friends and they are all top notch folks. most israeli musicians ive played with were amazing players and very forward thinking (not in a progressive liberal way either). NONE of them are postmodernist shitbags, and a few of the israeli musicians ive played with were actually staunchly anti-israeli govt (thanks to their time in IDF). so much, that they were literally banned from performing in their own country.

/pol/s problem with understanding jews is similar to how SJWs on tumblr arrived at their misguided views on whites, men and heterosexuals. they spend too much time in the echo chamber and only consume cherrypicked articles from stormfags and skinheads. the idea that all jews agree on everything, and are trying to conquer the world together is fanciful. it shows that person has not had any real experience with jews irl (those fuckers will argue with each other all night if you let em).

the ones involved in the central banking scam can all get fucked though, awful cunts, all of them. unfortunately, said banking scam is far more "diverse" than just jews. and even in /pol/s wet dreams, where every jew is fried, there will still be loads of people (looking at you china) trying to get in on the central bank scam, as it is a good scam
That calling out Jewish involvement in progressive causes like multiculturalism, mass immigration and LGBT movements isn't antisemitism. It's a fact. Same with the Jewish influence in media and entertainment, pornography and cinema. I don't see how this is even up for debate, really.
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>What would you say to Jordan Peterson regarding his opinion on antisemitism?

Jews already lost everything that matters in life.

You gotta say what you gotta say to get under their noses.

I don't think for one second he truly believes it, he's just say enough to know they'd destroy him if he spoke out against them.
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He has been an (((academic))) for his whole life you cant expect someone like him to see past the (((illusion)))

Which is very strange since he seems to know so much about the (((communist regime)))
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>Only retards are anti semetic, or racist for that matter.
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Our movement has vanguards like 4chan and dailystormer piercing right into the Jewish question. Peterson and his kind are the main army group coming up the rear to provide mainstream support.

The Jews want to destroy the main army groupings like Peterson so that they can encircle our vanguards and destroy them one by one.

Make note that Peterson is coming with a website that rates professors by how much they push cultural marxism. This comes with gen z nearing college age.

Our vanguards can't move to deep into enemy territory without support from our main army groups.

Some Jews are larping with Nazi flags hoping to get Peterson to name them so they can neutralize him from the mainstream.
what else can he say? all the while he reccommends on of the most anti jew books of all time.
Peterson is a radical centrist, but even white nationalists admit Jews have better IQ than whites. The way Peterson sees it is that he wants those high IQ people to make the world better.
>You can't know a thing and say a different thing
You poor child.
There are problems with equal opportunity, especially when explicitly contrasted with equal outcomes. Fundamentally, equal opportunity simply doesn't exist. Businesses will always be subject to favoritism and nepotism in hiring. Groups will always act with various degrees of in-group preferences. People aren't even born equal, not everyone has an equal opportunity to be a professional athlete.

But to my point about it explicitly being contrasted with equal outcome, if you actually do believe in equal opportunity, and you don't believe in group differences, then how do you explain instances of wildly divergent outcomes? If people have equal opportunities at the outset, you would expect, in a properly functioning ergodic system, roughly equal outcomes over time. Since we know there are group differences, clearly equal opportunity will remain as utopian and unrealistic as equal outcome. Life's very fabric is unequal.
I wouldn't say anything. Were he to say the truth he'd be killed in a heartbeat.
Besides, all I have to do is criticize Israel and suddenly my anti-semitism can be justified.
>"Solzhenitsyn's books aren't readily available in English, I wonder why that is?"
Peterson has said this multiple times, I still can't decide if he's legitimately in a state of denial about "why that is" or if he's just being smart and keeping things implicit.
>even white nationalists admit Jews have better IQ than whites

First, only Ashkenazi Jews have a higher IQ average than 'whites'.

Secondly, a subset of a subset (Jews are a nation, not a race, and Ashkenazi is a group within a group) can't be fairly compared to a much larger set like a racial category which ironically Jews arguably belong to to begin with. To be accurate you'd need to compare Ashkenazi to specific European ethnic groups.
Has he even defined what he means by anti-semitism? I have a suspicion his definition is less broad than the ADL's bullshit definition, for instance.

WNs tend to be a little on the dim side I notice. They suffer from the same mind disease most 'extremists' do and this particular attitude is a great heuristic for detecting extremism. When a group attacks valuable allies over small divergences in opinion, you're probably dealing with extremists. Fuck long term strategic goals, Peterson is against asking the JQ! Like, seriously?

BTW, not criticizing you, just felt like replying to your post.
Also this. By whatever metric "the ZOG" exists, "the patriarchy" also exists. The fact that you can openly shit on "the patriarchy" while merely discussing jewish people in aggregate gets you labeled a monster gets my noggin joggin though.
Your response entirely misses the point. Following a logic of opportunity rather than outcomes doesn't mean that he's making the claim that perfect equality exists in fact as you assumed, but rather that the target of analysis and improvement should be the process that leads to outcomes. One might look at wildly divergent outcomes as a sign that the process is flawed, but that would not necessarily lead to the conclusion that underlie the logic of outcomes: that proportionality of outcome itself is the Platonic end ideal rather than a completely fair process - however you define 'fair'. Peterson's main criticism of postmodernism is that the target of analysis and site of proposed improvement is the end aggregate outcomes - eg, logic of diversity workplaces, universities, and so on.
The guy is intelligent. Intelligent enough to know that would be career suicide regardless of its validity. Besides, "blaming" anyone when trying to get the "I" in order is the wrong approach anyway. It's just not his focus...
its all programming and conditioning my man. jewish peoples were off the scope for most people until the chans started memeing. as a result, more and more people are waking up to the realities of israels government and their lobbies into our own country. i hear people talking about it a lot nowadays. the "patriarchy" was off the table too until postmodernists started telling everyone to bitch about it. i just think it is too bad that /pol/ is leading the vanguard in this particular propaganda effort, as their views on jews are oversimplistic and will result in a lot of innocent people being hurt.
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It seems like people forgot the moral of "the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence." It's really easy to notice the lack of your own problems in other people's lives and to imagine that the absence of those problems must be because of some immutably bad/oppressive characteristic in those other people. Because OF COURSE the problem isn't me.
right. everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions, and try to improve themselves. improving themselves and celebrating positivity will cause others to follow and will chain reaction into a net gain for society. thats the one thing ive really taken to heart from skimming through fascits ideologies for the past couple years. its the end game of absolute separation from all other points of view that i disagree with. that can only result in echochambers like /pol/ and tumblr, but it will be even worse because they will be actual governments. diversity of thought makes you and everyone around you stronger and smarter. forced mass immigration does the opposite of this and polarizes everything. as does every other shitty social policy the modern left stands for
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I regard antisemitism. As an absolute. Abysmal and reprehensible stance.
>"what is at variance agrees with itself. It is an attunement of opposite tensions, like that of the bow and the lyre."
Heraclitus via Jung.
I want to see a conversation between Kevin MacDonald and Jordan Peterson. They're both psychologists, could be interesting.
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He's right. There are 13m Jews and basically you lot a shit scared of them. The obsession this board has with an insignificant minority is embarrassing.
Latter part, he has stated several times that he truly have to watch his words or else people like OP will latch on to literary anything just to take him down.
He knows about the Jewish end goal and why it is dangerous for example.
Look... You and the other tards in this thread. YOU CAN'T CALL OUT THE JEW DIRECTLY ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE WELL KNOWN. It is social suicide. He has read Solzhenitsyn he knows about them.
Just dropping an angle here before this thread gets nuked.

Hypergamy is the tendency for human females to mate across and up dominance hierarchies. Dr. Peterson has referenced this in his lectures.

Judaism is unique among the religions in that it self-defines, and selects, in a strictly matrilineal fashion.

How then, combining these two fixed factors, could the Jewish people NOT accumulate power and status over time?

If the Jewish people are a distillate of the feminine imperative, it should be no surprise that the movement to dismantle the "patriarchy" has had so many Jewish voices behind it.

It should also be no surprise that their tactics are highly sophisticated forms of the Relational Aggression we see employed naturally by females in the schoolyard: character assassination, mockery, and extreme social ostracization: essentially, ruining people in the social sphere and trying to make them hate themselves.

Boys (the Patriarchy) can definitely be brutal to each other, but will often make up once the dust has settled and the hierarchy has been established by the test of battle.
This is playing itself out in so many ways and on so many fractal levels in our society. For instance, we've pretty much collectively agreed that it's not OK anymore for men to control their women through physical force, and that's a good thing.

But women still have this incredibly evolved skill at manipulating men, which they evolved to *counter* men's violence. We've removed the violence - it's a step forward - but women are still free to practice their own forms of emotional violence. And nobody's calling them out on it. Men are just beginning to play catch-up, but are severely limited because they are naturally inclined to make sense. What they do not understand is that to argue the way a woman argues, making sense does not matter: demoralizing your opponent does. Driving them insane does.

Men's arguments are usually a collaborate effort: a collective drive to arrive at asolution. Women's argumants are about psycho-emotional dominance.

It is the difference between constructive criticism and deconstructive criticism (postmodernism).

In a similar way, Jewish ascendancy - through the engine of hypergamy - has always been countered by, well, violence. Or at least, violent expulsion. Today, we have agreed, and it is a good thing, that we need to leave the violence behind, because our escalations have mounted to threaten the entire human race (it should be noted here that two of the most prominent minds that made the Atomic Bomb possible - Einstein and Oppenheimer - were both Jewish).

But now there's no brakes any more on Jewish supremacy, and there's no where to kick them to anyway. They are free to employ their finely-tuned Relational Aggression techniques, and they have the Western World in a psycho-emotional full nelson right now.
Aside from a return to violence, which I do not wish to see, I can't see anything that would get in the way of a steady progression of the erosion of the european people (their closest competitors and biggest threat), and, ultimately, the reduction of men in the world, full stop. I see a future Mother Earth that is 80% female.

Louis CK: "That’s the difference between boys and girls. And it becomes the difference between men and women, really. A man will, like, steal your car or burn your house down or beat the shit out of you, but a woman will ruin your fuckin’ life. Do you see the difference? Like, a man will cut your arm off and throw it in a river, but he’ll leave you as a human being intact. He won’t fuck with who you are. Women are nonviolent, but they will shit inside of your heart.” - Louis CK

PS sorry for the redditfag spacing
People who do not name the Jew are, by definition, controlled opposition.
Alex Jones is the biggest gate keeper. He rants and raves and talks about every problem but does not offer a solution, and does not point the finger at those responsible.

Lauren Southern is a coal burning Canadian and a Jewish sympathizer.

Molyneux has made a lot of good points about the kikes. He may not be controlled opposition, but he's still a filthy french nigger.

Richard Spencer has a voice like a teenage girl. Even if he was full 1488, he is not fit to lead.
>Solzhenitsyn's book 200 years together was about Jewish involvement in soviet politics
>never translated into english
>hmm i wonder why
JP is a big fan of solzhenitsyn. He knows
Let me offer alternatives to your "alt-lite" role models.

George Lincoln Rockwell.

William L Pierce.

Jared Taylor

Adolf Hitler.

There can be no middle ground. You are either for the White Race entirely or you are against it.
Adhering to Alt-Lite or even Alt-Right faggots like Lauren Southern, Paul "I see no evidence of Jewish influence" Watson, Sargon "I invented kek" "The cuck" Akkad, or any of the other big wig youtube channels, why not look up: Red Ice TV, Fair Use and other related channels?

Stop using controlled opposition to shape your world view is all I'm saying.
I thought he would do great things...
I feel like I've been betrayed.
You have no right to feel betrayed. He never swore allegiance to you or any of your causes.
He is a leaf, and I am a leaf. Fuck off nigger.
And a maple leaf at that.
>80% female
We are already there in a way. Most males aren't men
God I hate Ontario and toronto especially.
>Post Scriptum
>On 4chan
But yeah >>136160204 has a point. If the men of the next generation don't get reminded of what it means to have a dick and to carry your fucking responsibilities, we're doomed in more than one way
"Hi Jordan, good to speak with you. Regarding your recent comments on antisemitism, do you acknowledge that alot of valid criticism towards international bankers and the state of Israel gets unfairly labelled as antisemitism?"
>Gondola with arms
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Pretty sure it's spurdo
There are no serious arguments against jews to dismantle, so JP is right, it's mindless fallacy of association like if high IQ whites didn't do the same shit jews do.

People criticizing jews for using the environment in their favor are mindless drones, people who can't recognize incentives, people who are on at most 1 layer of red pilling.
cognitive dissonance: the thread
Hed probably agree with that
Who cares what this guy says? The only reason he got famous was because he called out the trannies, but as it turns out, that was probably just a scheme to make a name for himself when he was always otherwise mediocre and unknown in his field.
Plausible Deniability
It's not his job nor his forté to lead a white nationalist movement. He's a college professor and psychologist, so he sticks to psychology and behavioral advice
He's right.

Antisemitism implies hatred without cause. This is why (((they))) like to use the word Anti-semite themselves so much. It's a way of calling someone an unjustified racist AND avoid separating themselves as a race.

You have to hate people for the crimes against humanity that they commit. You can't hate them just because they were born a Jew.
Now he his peddling some self authoring program and his own online university.

He's not wrong, but he also isn't right.
The shit he says is good. His dismantling of moral relativism is essentially the thinking of the future. He is going to be teaching generation Z, and the future looks so much better.
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this, turning into an irrational monkey full of hatred is exactly what (((they))) want, there's being an anti semite and then there's being an inbred redneck hick
>I've never run a business before

Get back to the counter you man at Autozone faggot. Probably earns you more than this shilling.
>I've talked to multiple Jews and they all express sympathies for my nationalist sentiments but they're still Jews so something must be up

Sick post
Ask him what his opinion is of the Mossad, CIA operation known as ISIS.
This guy is such a fake fuck when it comes to the JQ.
He's read Gulag Archipelago which means he must have read the chapter (which later turned into a book) called
>Two Hundred Years Together
Where Aleksandr rips a new one into the conduct of Jewish behaviour in Russia and near by, Jordan Peterson should be more ambiguous and truthful regarding the JQ.

Like how Jared Taylor does it.
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