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Michelle Carter

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Thread replies: 426
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Michelle Carter to be sentenced at 1pm for the suicide texting case of Conrad Roy.
What does /pol/ think she deserves?
To be sentenced for the suicide texting case of Conrad Roy.
Life in prison. She's a sociopath, and you can't teach empathy. If freed she will kill again

>she will kill again

All she did was support the dreams of her man, she sacrificed her own happiness to give her man support even when he doubted himself and even when she though his dreams were bad. All she did was being a caring and good woman, that is considered a bad thing in the west, but in most other societies that is a valued trait.
5 years no parole
Technically speaking sociopaths do feel empathy, they just have the ability to ignore it.
nice b8 norway
three years without a chance of parole
Not bait, all she did was provide support and encouragement. She was duped and manipulated by the suicidal maniac into giving him support for this shitty project. She did nothing wrong, she behaved like an ideal supportive woman should. If the guy had a better project (for example becoming president) then he would at least be a senator by now with such a supportive girlfriend. He wasted the opportunity and manipulated her so that she now faces jail time.
the only crime is that some turbo beta dragged her into his problems and ruined her life as well

the faggots parents should be jailed for raising such a fucking useless idiot who ruined two lives
Everyone on this website is guilty of the same "crime" as her.
She's being thrown in prison for something she said, not did.
>guy kills himself
>the womyn is the victim
And womyn are the primary victims of war right?
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15 years.

She was in a possition of influence and power
She knew him and encouraged him

Telling someone to kill themselves over the internet you have never met is completely different.
Is her lawyer the next to die?
being this Newfag Kek
a bare bottom spanking every hour over my knee anon
no one can make you kill yourself, entire thing is insane. She's probably also a wild fuck, as most disturbed girls are. Any good electric synagogue stream links? fox 5 boston is all niggers.
1. To be sentence to what she thinks is a 3 year sentence, but it's secretly just 1 year. And every single day she's forced to answer a phone call where a voice on the other end says "kill yourself."
2. ???
3. Profit!
>a fucking leaf, everytime
This boston stream makes me want to reach for a fucking banana so many niggers:

inb4 pussy pass gets her light sentence, and sentence suspended.
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Since I didnt really commit any crime either, can I be released. I just talk with some people.
>pussy pass
She's natural blonde and has light eyes, an endangered species, she needs to have kids. also, a dangerous precedent since the spic judge said "words are weapons." Next the jews will come for here.

So much better to have a natural light-haired girl than a bleach blonde slut. Sure, she's nuts, but all great fucks are. The boyfriend was a psychotic failure.
tl:dr- no coal burned, no crime committed.
0 years, people choose whether or not to listen to others. She didnt' drag him into the car and lock the doors she just texted him. He was the one who made the decision to follow her advice and gas himself. We need to respect the sovereignty of individuals and stop treating them like children incapable of taking care of themselves. This mindset is why we have gun control, social welfare, social security, affirmative action, and a whole host of other liberal nightmare policies.
not sure what she deserves but she will probably get 2 years suspended, 5 years probation
she probably won't even go to jail

look at her, she's too cute

she'll be put on house arrest
she just got the death penalty
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Thanks breh
She's also got some Neanderthal genetics, I won't be surprised when they ship her off to Antarctica instead and harvest her DNA.
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We are minutes away from sentencing.
Doesn't she still have the ability to appeal?

dat's a 10/10 in the UK

also.. that QT could cry on my shoulder after sexy time.
is there a stream

link faggot.


sex appeal that is! :^)
The judge is just getting up from their desk and getting ready to enter the courtroom after a comfy lunch. They're always late.
10-30 minutes of reading numbers, paper shuffling, throat clearing, quiet farts, whispers between defendant and lawyer.
I'm calling probation. They waived her bail, they aren't charging her court costs, and probation will be over before 50% of its over.
Where are you watching?
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one more roastie off the street

I swear if this cunt doesn't get 10 years it's going to trigger THE BETA UPRISING

18 mos locked up, 10yrs probation

>pussy pass
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1 year in suspension. What she did was evil, but I don't think she deserves prison for that. If she didn't learn her lesson through the trial, she definitely won't learn it in prison.
but knowing what ridiculous sentences anglical justice system produces, she might as well get 20 years without pardon. Who knows

thanks i was on youtube watching the wrong link.
She didn't kill anyone.
A reward. She culled the week.
Solid 7 even in Poland.
She has a unibrow, wow.
She should have another sentence for those eyebrows.
that is only God to decide. what she should be sentenced? that is up to the judge and jury
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>She didn't kill anyone.

Neither did I.
Good lord wtf
you forget about her shitty brain genes tho. Looks is the least important thing when it comes to good genetics

>some Neanderthal genetics,
Her forehead is way too big but hair and eyes still make her breedable.
what gay time zone is she in? 2pm EST here already
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she and all women should be enslaved as breeding machines for their crimes against humanity
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Neither did Hitler
30 years in the ISO cubes.
99 to life
>. Looks is the least important thing
wow, then why don't you find yourself a negress anon? In the ZOG, we're only 56%, we can't throw away breeding stock.
Yeah, but if you cover up her hair she looks like a man.
here we go
Fatty GO!!!
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Has she gotten sentenced yet?
Boy I don't know that I want to hear his little sis cry...
What stage are we at

How long until the actual sentence is delivered?
This girl doesn't deserve any time behind bars. The kid wanted to kill himself for a while by the sounds of it and just because someone tells you to do something it does not mean you have to do it. Whole different story if she put a gun to his head and forced him into that truck. As for the kid's family who thinks she should get the maximum sentence, they need to step back and think how fucked their kid was in the head to have been down this road for as long as he had been instead of trying to place blame on his girlfriend who had to listen to this little bitch complain about how much he hated his life.
oh shit nvm it's more sob story
because brain is important? Are you a negro?
We're reading victim statements (surviving family)
I'd say 30 minutes, maybe an hour.
Could be 15.
very soon

girl giving a sob story which is literally irrelevant since the trial is basically over and the decision has likely already been made
>i wanna kill myself
>ok, do it
why is she going to jail for this?
Conrad's father in now on the stand.
Death by rape, by a wild pack of niggers
Good fuck her. I hope she gets gang raped by the bull dykes and sodomites.
Why is the witness so fat?
I don't know. forehead is way, way too big and she has that body where she'll be a ham beast by 30. I still can't cheer on locking up any blue-eyed, I stick with my own.
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are we not going to talk about the huge forehead
Killing yourself is against the law here in the land of the free home of the brave.

Yes, no twitter or social media for 3 years. Community service cleaning up crime scenes 1000 hrs.
wait...do they always let victims give statements before sentencing?

yeah, it just got real the dad is testifying.
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5,000 hours of community service, washing graffiti and gum off the streets, picking up trash, working in food banks and homeless shelters, mowing lawns at cemeteries and schools and 10 years imprisonment. Community service will be served during 10 years of imprisonment.
You can tell she's a sociopath because there are no tears, just pretending to cry.
"My son was my best friend"

Then why was he so suicidal, faggot?

1-3 years here.

But she wont get anything close to that, she'll get a slap on the wrist and will vanish back into society under a different identity in a completely different place.
So she shouldn't be punished for researching methods of suicide for him, coaxing him back into the truck after he called her, keeping the location of his body and truck from the police for a week during the search for him, and bragging about the whole ordeal to two people who barely knew her? Or is that all fine, just something kids do?
His little sister was 13 when he croaked himself
>extreme emotional duress
can't get on board with /pol/'s uncaring attitude for this young girl
atleast it's not prison
but damn, 1000hrs community service
>> suicide is someone elses fault

Kek any sentence she receives will be successfully appealed by a court less out of its fucking mind
If I did off myself in the same situation, my father would probably say I was a faggot and that the girl should be freed
The guy kills himself, he is the criminal. Everyone around him are the victims. When someone kills themselves the only ones who suffer are the friends and family (except the suicider goes to hell, but he did the crime).

She is the victim in this case. She did nothing wrong. The criminal is the guy who died and tried to drag his innocent girlfriend with him.
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I wonder what the reaction would be if it was a boy who convinced a girl to kill herself?
Oh come on, how much longer do we have to listen to his dysfunctional family?
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not if you invoke stand your ground
I don't think she should do any additional jail time.
Shit is just too much of a slippery slope.
Could set a precedent for if someone kills themselves, the police check their internet history to see if anyone was bantzing them online during the last month or who knows what else.
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i liked her in the avengers movie!

natalie portman looks good!
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>dat pic
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>calling your son Coco
wasnt' that like an year ago? How can you put 50 kg of weight in a year?
Because at that age you still have a chance to live on. This girl is a psycho in the making.
Rage after storm took black dick.
she is a poor man's cara

she's a qt
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Thank you for your support, citizen.
>i don't want to die
>jump back in the car and close the door faggot

that's why
She's gained so much strength she's about to reach her final form
this, wtf. Guys with strong bond with their fathers are pretty strong mentally

Oh this fucking family. The kid was touched. i saw a picture of him, crazy eyes. Fucking her was probably the best thing in his life. She is kind of trashy for hanging out with such scum.
do not forget to follow statements from family members

>wtf im a murderer now

Did literally nothing wrong.
Wew lad
>kys faggot.
Will you do it?
>victim blaming
>he believed social media was corrupting his generation

She should really wear bangs with a fucked 8 ball head like that
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we need more money for them gfs
He must have been from wizardchan
I could be having a really shitty day, but at least I'm not this chick.
This. Shes doing some nigger talk right here.
1 year and probation
The only victim is the girl who might end up in jail because some evil scum killed himself.
More like end his life in the truck
fuck off, nigger.
Fucking Irish are as bad as niggers with the dramatics.
7 years, wtf. What a travesty.

ppl are now going to start killing themselves to get ppl that tell them to kill themselves in trouble.
hey, not nice
She's getting years.
Sentencing panel doubling down on heinous talk
>7-12 recommend
internet trolls tremble
>because his wife doesn't speak English

R.I.P. Logic (5th century BC--2014)
What video of JP is that? Or is it an edit? Daddy seems sad..
This warrants, at least, a manslaughter charge. If not worse, since she had intent. So, 3-5 years with no chance of parole.
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She sent him 1000+ messages telling him to DO IT FAGGOT?

7 years is too little
The eyebrows are a problem, and also means the carpet probably doesn't match drapes. This fucking prosecutor trying to get her job with her 15 mins of fame. Christ.
HOLY SHIT. I'm not following this case, but if that's true, that is absolutely heinous.
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If I ever did something like this girl, my mom would probably testify for them to throw the whole book at me
Some cuck literally kills himself and this chick is to blame? She wasn't even fuckin there
those eyebrows are something else.
She should be officially told to kys.
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So some faggot off's himself who cares , she did not tie his rope or give him pills . The weak minded faggot killed himself doing society a favor . Yet a dumb bitch is to blame ? She did nothing wrong , this shit is faggot tier Jew Europe shit where everything is a crime .
>7 years is too little
they haven't sentenced her, that's what they're requesting
Hur dur let me just block this number
Fuck off, nigger. You beta cucks are the worst.

jailing good white women who support their man's dreams and then complain that there are no good women left.
>1000+ messages telling him to DO IT FAGGOT?
But she did nothing wrong...............
Another 89 IQ to add their opinion.
What state is this happening in? Doesn't say in article.
>nigger, the post.
She got twenty years for anybody that isn't watching
he did it himself tho
Are you that same orbiter that defends that one bitch Lauren or whatever?
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What did she do?

Only send messages?
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Sex with the entire /r9k/ board, but I think she will prefer the death sentence
>get him to kill himself via car in the close garage
>he gets out, having seconds thoughts
>tell him to get back in the car, it is the right thing to do. Don't be a pussy.
it's funny people are defending her. convincing someone you know to commit suicide has always been a crime, what do they think the religious suicide cultist would get charged with?
but blaming women is fun
Such a Kikie thing to blame somebody anybody
cant believe all these basement dwellers calling her a waifu and a qt 3.14
those eyebrows deserve 20 by itself
She supported his idiotic decision.
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I missed this story, can someone redpill me real quick?
i don't believe you
Yep. Convinced her bf to kill himself.
If you didn't enact in the killing, you didn't fucking do it. Simple as that you wojak posting faggot.
Referred to as commonwealth so Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, or Pennsylvania
I fucking hate prosecutors. With all the shekels they could spend putting away niggers...this is insane. She's being singled out for having blue eyes.
>convincing someone you know to commit suicide has always been a crime

source plz
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This bird in the green is out for blood, she looks like Theresa Mays and Margret Thatcher Sith Lord child
Parole. 6 months normally but probably about 2 years considering the publicity on the case.
He killed himself so he didn't have to look at them anymore.
>“They know there is nothing they can do. They’ve tried helping. Everyone’s tried, but there is a point that comes where there isn’t anything anyone can do to save you, not even yourself.”
>“And you’ve hit that point and I think your parents know you’ve hit that point. You said your mom saw a suicide thing on your computer and she didn’t say anything. I think she knows it’s on your mind and she’s prepared for it.”
>“Everyone will be sad for a while but they will get over it and move on. They won’t be in depression. I won’t let that happen. They know how sad you are, and they know that you are doing this to be happy and I think they will understand and accept it.”
>"No, you’re not, Conrad. Last night was it. You kept pushing it off and you say you’ll do it, but you never do. It’s always gonna be that way if you don’t take action. You’re just making it harder on yourself by pushing it off. You just have to do it. Do you want to do it now?"
That's not a mere kys. That very calculated and subtle psychological pressure.
>confederate flag

You're from a place with 50+% niggers. You are more likely a niggnog than not.

And you also have shit morality and are against free speech even when the speech is a woman's support of her man's wishes.


No she did not. He convinced and manipulated HER to make her support him in killing himself.
>He got out of his vehicle and texted his girlfriend that he was scared, court records say.

>“Get back in,” she replied.

>Roy did.
your honour, shots have been fired
Suicidal faggy boyfriend threatens suicide.
Exasperated girlfriend says "don't" 1000 times, then gets sick of his shit and says "ok, fine, do it."
Now she's on trial for being responsible for this death.

Apparently telling someone to do something makes you responsible for their actions.
The West is dead.

lol truly a nigger among niggers
Defence asking for 5 years probation, no-contact order with dead boy's family.
This is a hangin' judge tho.
He was pissed when he handed the verdict down.
>s out for blood
she knows she's on electric synagogue. Auditioning for her 6 figure job, but she's already too fucking old.
Pol and all of MGTOW support this woman with full backing. No wonder whites are pathetic chimps. Only the psycho's and degenerates breed.
>why is she going to jail for this?
Because it would be really fashionable on social media to have a dead ex-boyfriend. She drove him to suicide to help get "sympahthy likes" and countless new friend requests. The boyfriend was scared and didn't want to go through with it but her future on facebook depended on him dying. She would not let him back down. She tricked him into a romeo and Juliet situation where they would kill themselves at the same time but obviously she had other plans.

The motive behind this crime is what shocked so many people. She was willing to sacrifice a human life just to be fashionable and popular online.
ITT: people who don't know shit about law
>Mitwirkung am Selbstmord (participation in suicide)
>Unterlassene Hilfeleistung mit Todesfolge (abandoned assistance with death as consequence)
In Germany we have laws even for this.
shut yo ginger potato famine ass up
Is it 1pm yet
I think that would be fair sentence
He shot a drug dealer


I just read it. This creates a horrible precedent, why is she to blame?

Words have power, but never should have these types of situations, I have been told million times to kill myself by neurotic family members, and believe me they were meaning IT.

I turned around and build myself a life.

She should not be blamed for his cowardice.
Man wanted to kill himself, got a girlfriend... Girlfriend is scared and want him to get help, the man starts a campaign to manipulate his girlfriend into supporting him in killing himself. The woman is weak and wants to support her man so she gives him support in following his dream. He kills himself and she is now charged for it.
>why haven't you done it?
>hey you kill yourself yet?
>hey go do it right now
>here let me explain what to do
wew this bitch is dumb
>support this woman
She burned no coal; hence, no toll.
Carter did nothing wrong. Kill yourself.
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K thx my dude
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>/pol/ UNIRONICALLY defending the cunt
read that then come back
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i read the transcripts and the fact that she's even on trial is baffling
What is the verdict?
Vid of verdict up yet?
She was on SSRIs and that shit can make you do something like this especially if she also had depression or suicidal ideation. I hope she gets nothing/minimal charge since I think it would set a bad precedent. Imagine if telling someone to kill themselves became illegal.
>Convinced her

Why are Nords mentally ill? What a fucked up people you are
>be me in the future
>text gf to pick up some pop at the store on her way home from work
>she gets hit by a car in the parking lot and dies
>me arrested for "texting homicide"
>if I just stand up for her maybe she'll fuck me
She's doing State time
>Defense atty talking anti-depressant effects
He makes a good point
Pills Kills
>free speech
you don't even know what that means.
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To be stoned to death by muslims
watching it live...

I don't see any messages in the transcripts that directly quotes "get back in"
butt secks
wake me up when this kike kills herself
20 years, its on cnn homepage
get over here
Her lawyer is a bitch, she's done for.
He's right, though. It's fucking bullshit that this chick is even on trial. Was what she did a little fucked up? Yes. Does she deserve to go to fucking prison for it? Hell no.
Wow what a cuck
Fake news, sentence hasn't been given yet.
add 3 years for those eyebrows
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verdict not up yet
inb4 she gets probation

wait a sec r u trying to trick me
lol kill yourself, faggot
>hiring a lawyer that sounds like a retard
dont do this
>its on cnn homepage
it's live, hasn't been passed yet you brainless nigger.

>/pol/ will defend this
I dunno what sites are legit in your faggot country
so are the eyebrows a method of making herself look ugly to try and get less time? if she had an eating disorder she should be well aware of how ugly she is
It's been mentioned several times in the court, I guess the full transcripts haven't been released after all
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>yo honah
>ms catah
>durr 20 years

you'd have to be a fool to even consider this. she will get probation.

Someone from the victim's family should kill her. Society would operate MUCH more smoothly if people weren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
10 year suspended sentence.
>this sets a horrible precedent hurr durr
It doesn't, because this isn't even the first case of its kind. Read a book sometimes. This case is not even a special case (maybe for manbabies and whiteknights), every judge in the western world would rule this involuntary manslaughter.
She is not the first to talk somebody into suiciding and then regretting it.

Why this board makes such a big deal out of it is baffling.
This guy was a huge pussy who had wanted to kill himself before she was in his life, it was inevitable he was going to do it at some given point in time. All she did was help him do what he truly wanted to do. I do believe she should have some sort of mental help but does not deserve to sit in prison.
A medal.

She got rid of a beta untermensch.

Victim's family is too obvious, but I'm sure they can pay a couple of niggers to run a train on her.
The guy who killed himself was an evil and manipulative guy. She was against it and said 1000s times for him to not kill himself, when in the end his campaign of manipulation worked and she decided that she just wanted to make her man happy then she said that he had her support to follow his dreams. And she gave him support even when he doubted himself. She was manipulated and she is the victim here.

The guy is evil and now his loving girlfriend gets in trouble due to his evil actions. He should never have manipulated Miss Carter like that.
>how ugly she is
t. mexicunt mongrel. Still blue-eye master race. She can cut the eyebrows.
>suicidal coward
Aww man. Hopefully she gets off like Foxxy Knoxxy and we can fap to her.
man, that nigga has some wide back
Not everyone uses the Hollywood Jew dialect
that link is supposed to have everything they said the day he died

unless he tried to do an hero then and chickened out but ultimately did it another day
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I wonder if her asshole is hairless?
Yes anon mentally unhealthy people are victimized all day. It doesn't make you a big tough guy to pick on sick people.
It's called free speech. I'm no whiteknight but I hope she gets a light sentence and becomes a motivational speaker
is this faggot gunna get to the fucking point?
All she deserves is therapy for dealing with how she was manipulated by this cuck.

he probably used to eat it too
she looks like she's into that sort of thing
>tell her I'll kill myself if she fucks me first
>fuck her
>turn phone off, tell bros about crazy bitch and laugh

How hard is that
I don't get it. Suicide is not a crime, right? So she didn't assist or cause a crime to happen. What is e problem?


kind reminder that bitches get away with murder
He's a feminist bitch that gloated about it and used the suicide it to get sympathy points as she pretended she knew nothing about the texts till she got exposed.
She basically made him do it. Should definitely be double fisted by butch cellmate for 7 years.
>gunna get to the fucking point?
have to run up those billable hours. fucking another hour to wait? Come on.
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>suicide is not a crime
Goddamnit 10 more minutes
Decision in 20 minutes
Ten to three recess

What timezone is this?
this evil fucking cunt deserves the max
>He's a feminist
1) I assume you mean she
2) You have zero evidence to substantiate that claim
To have my children
judge went on break, will be back at 2:50pm
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She wasn't even nice to him or supportive at all. She was calling him a coward for weeks leading up to the suicide. It was almost a form of bullying.
the defense said it was a "homicide"

disingenuous cunts.
eastern I think?

10 bings
I'm watching it live here:
They just said they will recess until ten minutes to 3, not sure what time zone that is.
>billable hours
This case is most likely a flat fee
Based on the clear NE accents I'm gonna say East.
Keep her in until she can't reproduce.
did you see her eyebrows?
He was absolutely a coward. He wouldn't shut up about his suicidal thoughts and went back on them like a pussy.
they sound very east coast
Based aussie
The defense of a psychopath.
It is though, dumbo

>aww, thank you Michele

why isnt anyone discussing this. She is an evil person, period. Lock her up.
That's 2:50pm est here, I'm in the same state they're sentencing her.
Don't cut yourself with that edge. We don't want /pol/ in prison, do we.
>Ten to three recess
what does that even mean?
>most likely a flat fee
In the ZOG? For a criminal trial? no. He's already fucked, he lost the case so next big trial like this he's a nobody. God how much it probably cost over one cuckold offing himself.
What country do you live in?
What time is it where you are?

Jesus our education system is a mess.
>victim blaming
verdict in 10 minutes
>live in america
>can't figure out which time zone is something based on looking at your own time

really dude
You should know no one on /pol/ does any actual research anymore and takes everything for face value. Just look at the amount of "she just told him to kys" replies.
if you read the text transcript they talk like they were both fucking loonies
I'm saying there's 4 timezones here and I don't know which one the trial is in.

He clearly had mental issues, dealt with people like him before.

Probably a chemical imbalance or something and death is scary, not all suicides attempts or plans typically end up going through, death is typically a scary thing.
przerwa do za dziesięć trzeciej
IMO victims dad/brother raping the bitch would be enough justice for no jail time, she really dindu nuffin.
The judge is out of the courtroom making his decision until ten minutes to three o'clock
I've never met anyone who thinks Manson should be in prison, so yeah.
it's east coast

the retard on the detroit stream got it wrong it's like 5 bings
But it isn't though? Go tell the cops you've attempted suicide, you will not be prosecuted.
New thread?
Honestly he's a fag but I want her to get the maximum
>be a horrible person
>will probably get off
>your gigantic forehead and balding at 16 hairline make you ultra recognizable and your life will never be happy because of this

at least there's some justice. she's getting off with nothing though.
they're both fucking loonies my man
It's in the Eastern time zone. Not sure so many people are confused by the recess until 10 minutes to 3PM
Thank god he's dead. What a faggot
She was cute but for the forehead. Why was she hanging out with such trash? Also, mentally ill girls like that with eating issues go off like a fucking fire alarm in bed.
the guy on the detroit stream said 3:50 but he's wrong
/pol/ is split on this one.

Side A.
White knight virgins who put pussy on a pedestal want her to get a deferred or suspended sentence.

Side B.
Men who know women are snakes and want this roastie to be taken to task for ruining a guys life.
She'll get 2 years incarceration
5+ probation
This guy sounds like the type that has had everything given to him
>Parents with money
>has a boating licence
>still managed to get a 3.88 GPA
I would not have suicidal thoughts if that was my case
yeah. That's why 5 years with probation and electroshocks sounds fair. If she'll be evaluated dangerous, she will end in psychic ward.
this could've been me a decade ago when I was an edgy kid
scary stuff
No dude will ever want to date her now. That's perfect, she's all mine now

this fucking evil nasty bitch. LOCK THIS BITCH UP
>detroit stream
Go to the fox phoenix one, detroit is all niggers.
kill yourself
there, are you going to sue me?
>suicide is cowardice meme

IDK it seems like it would require a lot of balls to kill yourself even if he did it the "easy" way in the method he used. I don't see why you couldn't choose to end your life on your own. She didn't convince him of shit, he genuinely wanted to die and was looking for any extra reason to go through with it

Man she really wanted him dead.
recess mnie zmyliło. Co za chujowy kraj, w którym nigdy nie wiadomo, ktora godzina
let me fix that for you...

Side A.
who gives a fuck about some faggot

Side B.
There was already a precedent for this case, 55 year old male would go on anon suicide message boards pretending to be a chinese female nurse in her 20s, told people to kill themselves and gave them advice how to do it. Had no way of knowing if they actually went through with it or if they just stopped replying to his messages. Got 3 years anyway. idk why this chick should get anything different

Also Im from russia and she looks like the typical providential girl you can find in any grocery store
I don't know which one I want desu. A long sentence or probation.
C: people who don't care and are baffled that you fags make such a big deal out of this as if this was the first time someone talked someone into suicide and was guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
Lol so many people are confused by time zones all of a sudden. Someone tell California that there are other times zones besides Pacific.

She sounds like a /pol/ veteran
0/10 norway. Get out of this thread, no one wants your shitty backwards input. You lack sympathy for the dead guy and thats not going to get anybody here to agree with anything your saying. Most people here are depressed and would hate to hear the very words she spoke. Regardless of how you feel, coercing someone into ending their life is illegal (even abortion is a hot debate). In america we value life. Shes alive. Hes not, logically this shouldnt have happened. Im sure this is the gist of how most people feel.
>ungrateful have it all pussy who killed himself
>his gf who supported him
wow, he had a gf. that means a lot, doesn't it.

>people can't be depressed or suicidal if they have things
depression is a disease not a state of being you fucking retard
I recognise this pasta from /mu/ when this limp billig guy offed himself.

If your serious, you're a fag
you told someone that loved you to kill themselves several times a day until the person actually did it?

This isnt a case where she told some random guy to off himself. She manipulated the shit out of this guy and made damn sure he went through with it.
For the confused faggots.

Are they back yet?
It's harder than that. Honestly this guys a huge faggot but she had some power over him since she was his gf, and she used it so that he kills himself.
>waaaaaahhhhh s totally is not guilty
Guilty right there what are you rags even crying about
Sad an immigrant knows more about our laws than /pol/
>join with us, Russia
>join with us
Side A: People who think that grown ass men have agency and the right to weigh input and make their own decisions

Side B: Life cultists who think telling someone to do something is somehow mind control

Do the people who believe a woman convincing a man to kill himself is murder also believe that seduction is rape?
>White knight virgins
That's where you're wrong. No one thinks he's going to fuck her, but you have to go through the line up to be able to spot a wild fuck like that. He didn't give it to her hard enough.

also, the jews will use this as another excuse to crack down on free speech.
I think this can only happen in America. Hey I'll sue Mc Donalds for letting me eat myself to obesity. Hey Lets sue this girl for letting a guy kill himself.
I don't think she's dangerous though
Any moment now
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someone please post the infographic on how to make cool crystals by blowing air through a straw into bleach
stream is back, judge will come back from the swing set from recess in a bit.
It's funny how most of faggots here tell other people to kill themselves, not knowing if it could actually push them over the edge, yet they're so quick to judge this loony girl for doing basically the same
>Mixing up civil cases with criminal
You're a retard
>Depression is a disease
>depression is a symptom not a virus dumbass
the clock on the wall is 2:50
guys...what if she was just joking around but then the madman actually did it and she actually felt bad but was too embarrassed to say it in court?
this thread is about to 404, migrate to the other one
Judge is taking a good long consideration because he wants to protect stiff sentence from Appeal
>3 years incarceration
>7 years supervised probation
she wanted the town to feel bad for her .. that her boyfriend killed herself. it was all a ploy to be the victim
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>You lack sympathy for the dead guy

An evil and psycopathic jerk who manipulated his girlfriend and was so egotistic that he killed himself? Sympathy for someone who does evil like that to his family, friends and his girlfriend?

>Most people here are depressed and would hate to hear the very words she spoke.

Then don't manipulate your girlfriend into supporting you, when she says "get help" then get help instead of manipulating and coercing some woman that has lowered herself for you.

>Shes alive. Hes not, logically this shouldnt have happened.

Yeah, that guy was an asshole who ruined a lot of lives with his egotistic behaviour. Good thing that I hear people who kill themselves will get eternity in hell because he sure deserves it.
>she's dangerous
She's a borderline personality. The eating issues, attention seeking, it all adds up. I still don't think she should be in jail.
The difference is that we're faceless fucknuggets on an anonymous anime board where everyone tells the other to kill themselves on a regular basis

She was his flesh and blood gf in real world
What is involuntary manslaughter?
yup. Faggots go for Side A. because "muh white pride waifu five head"
I love how the area behind the Judge has all of those books on the shelf that not one person reads.
I feel like somewhere out there, one of you has already shopped Brendan Fraser hair on her in anticipation of getting potentially BTFOed by judge.
Depression is a meme. It's just low testosterone combined with not knowing the human condition.

Human condition being that we always return to baseline happiness. Win the lottery and after a few years you will be back to the same happiness you are now.
I hope she gets at least a few years and her cell mate Shaniqua violates her every night
Thats deep.
Everyone defending the cunt is avoiding this like the plague. My sides /pol/ you never cease to amaze me
But it can have the same effect. And given that there's millions of kys on this board, even if it got to someone in 0,1% of cases, that would be several thousand that worked. It's simple statistics
The worst was that he never even got to fuck her. They met briefly while he was on vacation and exchanged social media info. That was as intimate as they had ever been.

She was his fake internet girlfriend, the kind that normally just prey on lonely guys and bully and nag them to get them to send cash every month. She didn't need his cash though, she just needed him to die to fulfill her plans.
To me this is mostly a free speech issue.

She was probably resentful he was going to leave her, like she wasn't adding to his life even if she loved him. Imagine you're a hormonal depressed teenager with a crazy suicidal boyfriend who has already gone through treatment. I would have got him help but she might know more about him than we do, maybe she thought she was helping him and sympathized with his feelings being depressed herself. She was on SSRIs too and they can make you unfeeling and impulsive.
>But it can have the same effect. And given that there's millions of kys on this board, even if it got to someone in 0,1% of cases, that would be several thousand that worked. It's simple statistics

Then give me one millionth of her sentence when you eventually kill your self faggot.
Seems weird how she was that diabolical and yet didn't know that her texts would obviously be investigated.

>An evil and psycopathic jerk who manipulated his girlfriend and was so egotistic that he killed himself?

In absolute fairness, through the texts she would bring it up in damn near all situations.

At one point he even stated to have second thoughts of it as it would effect his family greatly and she proceeded to tell him to forget about his family because she'll be there.

I'm sure you can put up some decent defenses for her as this is a complicated situation but I wouldn't say his actions merit "EVIL". By a technical standpoint it could've begun with manipulation though as the evidence shows she eventually became more interested in the idea than he himself, even in the very end when he was clearly scared. An evil manipulation would merit some kind of gain, this clearly ill dude had nothing to gain.
Leafs own this thread for logic and normality. Amazing. Pol is trash
I'd give her 5-10 years
this judge though

uh oh
so was she basically convicted of being an insensitive cunt?
>But it can have the same effect
>real life gf < online anon kys
Sorry... But are you literally fucking stupid?
You're stupid, because you can't comprehend few simple sentences.
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it's kinda hot what she did

murdering some fag with her words
>In absolute fairness, through the texts she would bring it up in damn near all situations.

My wife also reminds me to follow my dreams and gives me support when I think that I can't do it. It's a good thing that women do it.

>At one point he even stated to have second thoughts of it as it would effect his family greatly and she proceeded to tell him to forget about his family because she'll be there.

She was manipulated by him and she wanted to make him happy by following his dreams. She just said it to give him support from people who "did not understand him" and so on.

>but I wouldn't say his actions merit "EVIL".

His actions ARE evil.

>this clearly ill dude had nothing to gain.

It satisfied his evil lusts.
Lmao how's it gonna make a difference if a dude just randomly tells you to kill yourself on 4chan ? It has literally no impact. 'Kys' doesn't even mean you know the guy who's reading has suicidal intentions.

It's obvious that this bitch had influence over the faggot, and played a role in his suicide. He wouldn't have killed himself if she told him not to do it, if she told his parents, if she did everything she needed to do in order to keep him alive. In my country, she would have been condemned even if she would have told him "don't do it", because it would have been her duty as a citizen of the country to help a fellow citizen in danger.
nice grammar
Why don't you read about the case just a little bit. I think the people defending her are too fucking lazy to read anything about it. They assume she just told the guy to kill himself a couple times and that was it.
>muricans sacred free speach bout to get BTFO
Why do people want to giver her over 10 years so bad? If anyone replies to this post telling me to commit suicide, my mother will report you to police and you will be sent to jail for over 10 years
Nooo you cant use LOGIC NOOOO MUH STATS
He's going to give her a slap on the wrist.
The Jews are gonna make sure she gets jail or else the niggers will howl "muh White privilege."
Powiedz, co było źle i nie pierdol
tldr judge
2.5 years!
Slap on wrist confirmed.

I'm behind 7 proxies, kys
For once I totally agree with the leaf, she's a bitch, but holy shit since when did /pol/ want beta fucks to have safe zones like this? There are a ton of people who suicide themselves in order to "get back" on their boyfriends/families all the time. Should they be put in prison for life for telling someone to go kill themselves? Holy fuck. She's a bitch, sure, but he was an even greater bitch. Holy fuck /pol/, you're fucking SJW's in disguise, "Baaaaah, baaaaah, she told be to kill myself so now she has to go to jail for life". Weak minded faggots all of you.

I knew a guy who kept his girlfriend in a relationship for a year, threatening her that he would take his own life if she left her. She should've left him and let him suicide his beta faggot ass.
>It's obvious that this bitch had influence over the faggot, and played a role in his suicide.
I thought /pol/ was about real shit like strengthening the white race and genociding people... wtf is this soft shit?
few = mało (niedomiar)
a few = kilka

Is that 2.5 years jail time no questions asked in America?

Over here if you get sentenced to 2.5 years you'd do half then the other half on parole
with time served.
>convicted on 7 counts of murder
>didn't kill anyone
like you had any to begin with
Women can do nothing wrong
Life isn't about showing muscles and pretending you don't care about anyone cuz you're tough. When you're part of a community, you got to defend its weak elements. You can't look away, or eliminate them.
2.5 years, with 15 months already served. Probation until 2022.

slap on the wrist.
>zrób anglistyke
>nie miej żadnej pracy
>swiruj filozofa na 4chanie

its 15 mos with 15 mos suspended
she wont serve the full 2.5
>2.5 years!
time served and suspended. She walks today.
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