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/pol/tards What we need too end this censorship is a /pol/tards

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Thread replies: 223
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What we need too end this censorship is a /pol/tards owned video stream site which /pol/tards control and own.

What are your thoughts?
Who are the anons willing too work on this?
having our own hugbox video platform does nothing to spread the information

publishing videos on the most widely used normie platform is important
You can start sending money to me, anons
I understand your point still some guys could use both platforms and help some poltards too migrate this /pol/tube still censorship is the problem. I cannot say destroy zionism unless I am like brother nathanael christian and jew which is not my case so...

A new plattform need too rise and now is a video streamming site.
This is not about money this about spreading truth... this is what shills and e celebs most fear, for celebs their rebel status going down
for kike shills total obliteration.
also this will lead too the "survival of the fittest" or the honest and treu ones

with new aryan faces leading the ultimate redpill revolution
if you build it... they will come.
found a few more.
I bet those sites are half kikery and if not are against hate speech etc...

I want a place where people can freely speak about politics and their thoughts with any "problem".
and I mean a rooted natsoc /pol/
you are antifa anyway wtf?!
the normies follow the good and interesting content. YouTube will be the hugbox.
/pol/tuber can have two or more accounts one which lead for example from youtube too /pol/tube for those able too heara harsher truth,
not too patreon donations if you get what I mean...
NO i'm not fucking antifa! "Anarchist" actual not kike-archist. sheesh. and you're supposed to "roll your own" did you even check them out. YOU BUILD IT!
You are anarchist you are part of the good goim according too some good goy kikes plan from 33 degree... grow in here on /pol/
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
do you think enough normies miss the old wild west internet to get something like this off the ground?
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>Who are the anons willing too work on this?
No they don't even remember it. They won't remember what the internet was like now 2 years from now. That is the reality.
If this actually got off the ground I would work on it.
Call it Democracy Tube so they can't shut you down without shutting down the word democracy.
it would just get spammed with child porn and gore
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This you need to be fascist about how it is run somehow
> too end
Try not ending your education, retard.
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that won't matter. you might as well register the domain poltube.com or whatever and focus on a distrubuted peer-to-peer system. something NON-centralized, similar to TOR , kinda, but still accessable from clearnet. hopefully you get a dummy app made , if you can keep the interface simple and open standards complient. nothing proprietary. I'd say check out jupiter broadcasting for a template of EASY ACCESSABLE content delivery. if you could reproduce his setup you'd be golden. that's my 2 cents on this anyway.

poltube would get ddosed. You must go to cloud to survive it. This is also expensive.
why not just allow audio on webms on /pol/
I think the name is important as words alone act as a defence. /pol/ people may encourage the shut-down of, normies are going to see 'freedomtube' being shut down and at least get seeds of discontent sown subconsciously.
Democracy is a subverted word at this moment. and I understand "the shut it down" problem too avoid this will and other measures.. Here is my point of view we need to accept other content beside natsoc even if the moderators and creators are Natsoc.
In the name of democracy and free speech.

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Guys...can we meme socializing youtube in existence?
I mean it can't be right that a free market company can decide what they want to show or not, this is like everything pol always stood up against.
Yes it is just open for ideas and 'constitutionally' against censorship
Ask Notch.
We will use Democracy as our shield.
Still we have better plans for this planet
Nothing is beyond our reach.
I think everything will work out in our benfit if we let the left keep doing this. It makes people go further right and then into radicalization
This, just let them ostracize people until the groundswell rises up.
ok, point taken. 'freedomtube' don't sound halfbad.
yep. and the "mods" are going to have to come correct with strict filters and no-no's. probably have to study every dirty trick and work around. drop a few banhammers to be sure. but "freedom ain't free" and you're in the 22 century "cyber-war" nao goys.
I've read about a type of "blockchain" file system project on and off. I say try bit chute to start as they are up and running but funding is gonna be need to keep servers up. if enough annons can pool cloud resources, maybe a type of "psuedo pirate bay " type thing might be possible? distrubution of content should be spread across various seedboxes for sure. the imageboard thing is gonna be a bit tricky to distribute unless this multiple server/1 website thing is hashed out. I know it's being worked on as we speak.
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There are already better solutions, they just need promotion. Like LBRY (Library). It's a decentralized, open source YouTube alternative.
is it full of pedos?

No, what we need to do is get the supreme court to decide that social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook aren't allowed to censor people. The supreme court has already ruled that social media sites are public forums. They've also ruled that the first amendment applies in public forums. If Twitter was to suddenly ban Donald Trump for hate speech in no time at all there would be no censorship on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. They're scared to ban public figures, though, because they know they would lose their right to censor people quickly. When the President of the United States is using your site, it's no longer just a private forum that you can do whatever the hell you want with.

This is for improvement for better change not for worst.
Our times are more and more strange censorship is comming ahead not only in USA but EU was discussed various times
4chan even had adds against the censorship of trump.
Trump call us idiots.
And I call him a pathetic fool.
back on /pol/tube this is platform alternative of 4 chan imagine this is a different stimulation for the normies and already awakened ones... some censored youtube creators could move and share accounts where truly free speech even shit post videos would be aloud to coexist along self improvement and all that /pol/ stands for. I am trying too put this thoughts in a nutshell
Sorry for my english
Yeah, this really has a lot of promise when it comes to monetization and copyright, huh?
THIS! and do it NOW while repubs in office. cuz once dems slink back in *shudder* then it's all coming DOWN.
its coming
hold the line
we are anons the guys building this paltform need to be trustful anons too we need too be trustful. and I know that some kikes agents might be alreday lurk in here...

it need too star from new we cannot invade an already made site we need too know who runs it...>>135852657

This is the end of this e celeb shit and alt lite..
The true redpilling is about too start censorship only will help in giving us credit
I agree! but when it will start?
still that is where the anarchist was right doing our own
4 chan is somewhat doomed full of shills and kikes and we know it... and we all like this format old school imageboard
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Send me some LBRY coins (LTC):

So I can watch The Shack (2017)
>Into my heart an air that kills
>From yon far country blows:
>What are those blue remembered hills,
>What spires, what farms are those?
>That is the land of lost content,
>I see it shining plain,
>The happy highways where I went
>And cannot come again.

Thank you for introducing me too A. E. Housman
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It's not fancy but it has the essentials and massive potential, like the early version of Facebook.
sounds like jumping in now and keeping backups to redeply should a major change occur would be a purdent course fo action then? might even be something worht tossing $$'s into rather than some other sheckle grabs. I figure this'll be the next "bittorrent" type thing?
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Another screenshot. It uses torrents and a client-side application with a layout similar to a bare-bones YouTube. Quality varies, but that's what you get when anyone can upload anything.
But seems that the site is not entirely -free- it requires credits
(Almost all) Youtube content and 4 chan content is entirely free.
I can express my views on holohoax in liveleak? can I troll jews and shit post videocam their njwo.
without being banned?
ok so, what parts require credits? specifically. we need to know the limits of the free-parts. especially since it's basically using torrents for distribution. Might have to fork it and modify the code to customize it, possibly.
vid me is njwo perhaps worst than youtube
Watching is free unless you charge for your videos. But uploading uses the blockchain, so it requires a mining fee like BitCoin, that's just how it functions and ensures its own security. You never have to buy anything though, like YouTube, most content is free. The only difference is uploads cost the default mining fee to add it to the blockchain, as opposed to YouTube which uses central servers and eats the cost.
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I'm sure we're already working on it.
We got a crack Squadron of /pol/ tards up to the task right now.
If they could just break away from gaming, porn and memes.
So it may take a while
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Do you have any idea how much money something like that would cost?
thanks for the heads up, anon. ;)
Since you have to serve niggers in your store, bake queers their dick cake for their wedding, and hire everyone in a quota, it's time at the very least, to force companies to let you say heil hitler.
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>Content that is pornographic or promotes or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
>racism, bigotry
>any group
Fuck off, kike
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Best way to describe LBRY is 4chan the Video Platform using Blockchain. The "Show NSFW content filter" is set to off by default for good reason.
im not clicking that
no that site no.. something similar too youtube but without censorship pro free speech.
this is DIY no doubt one cannot rely on other pre existing sites.
God fucking damnit.
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hello r.eddit
we use adds like 4 chan uses tiny ones
>No, what we need to do is get the supreme court to decide that social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook aren't allowed to censor people. The supreme court has already ruled that social media sites are public forums. They've also ruled that the first amendment applies in public forums. If Twitter was to suddenly ban Donald Trump for hate speech in no time at all there would be no censorship on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. They're scared to ban public figures, though, because they know they would lose their right to censor people quickly. When the President of the United States is using your site, it's no longer just a private forum that you can do whatever the hell you want with.
There needs to be an all out assault against the large tech companies, demand they be classed as a public forum, considered utilities and demand google + facebook be broken up for anti-trust. It has to be organized, you would need to hold rallies and protests.
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it's a rant by stixhexanhammer666 about this tpoic and youtube and yadda yadda yadda. is all. no biggie.
maybe try this one. the other one is just the actual video direct link because the site is acting up in my browser for some fucking reason, but i can still play the vidz directly.
Oh yea i watched his videos today, thanks
you have to pay to upload? how do you get the credits, credit card / bitcoin?
I bet if we forked the code and cut that shit out it'd work just fine. ;)
Except they are a corporation and corporations can have their own rules if you use their product. Whether you like it or not, 4chan has rules too. You cant spam 4chan with whatever content you want, even if its legal. If i own a resturaunt i can make it a rule to kick people out if they arent wearing sandals or whatever else i want my dress code to be.
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or support and help build an open platform that can just do it's own damn thing and fuck the kikes in the keister. I mean instead of pleading to 'Please let meh be ebil nazis on teh interwebz"
No it's not a code. It's because it uses a blockchain, like I said, that's just how it functions to maintain the ledger via mining. And you'd get it the same way you'd get Bitcoin, mining or purchase from other owners.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lik9aaFIsl4
It would be great for cataloging the videos that get taken down by youtube. That's what it really should be, not a /pol/ only youtube, but a site that hosts and catalogs the videos made by controversial channels.
This is also a surprisingly educational song about crypto hah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdrSP0V-KLg
See ya tommorrow warriors...
Please continue this development of another plattform video streaming similar too and better than youtube.

This is a selfless work in the name of the Greater future..
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Another website that can be shutdown or censored is futile, it needs to be decentralized client-side launcher application that uses a blockchain and torrents. That's why I recommended LBRY. It is the most indestructible infrastructure. Other functions such as comments are separate addons to the framework and can be done through IRC or other means.

Think of it like this. If the structure of LBRY is used, you could use custom launchers based on your preferences like Unfiltered if you want to see all the Furry Porn, or custom Filters the same way open source Adblocks work with varying levels of strictness.
>or support and help build an open platform that can just do it's own damn thing and fuck the kikes in the keister. I mean instead of pleading to 'Please let meh be ebil nazis on teh interwebz"
It's not feasible for anyone to compete with those large tech companies. Anyone thinking they can beat monopolies is delusional.
Like other people pointed out, it's pointless and even counterproductive to wall yourself off on the internet. How fun is Gab where literally the entire userbase is of the same cloth. Who do they win over and what do they achieve. Nobody and nothing.
What if Facebook was designated a utility? They weaseled their way into getting so much power you could now argue that social media is an essential requirement. Would /pol/ support nationalizing them and forcing them to go nonprofit?
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If you want free LBC just mine it.
I used vid.me as a backup for some random videos. Nothing pornographic or breaking any rules. Check on them months later: deleted.
Thats called corporate fascism and im not in favor of that. "Im not sure if you were genuinely asking for my opinion and brainstorming or the opposite, but when you start pushing that narrative against facebook, one affect would be restricting other innovative businesses from expanding or pursuing other opportunity. What about search engines? That could be claimed a necessity as well. In that case, if Google became non-profit, it would hinder their R&D or other advancements. They have Google fiber now which wouldnt have been possible as a non-profit. Im not a fan of google at all and i dont want them to grow anymore, but i used them as an example. On the other side of the spectrum, it would prevent smaller tech companies from rising. It would create an environment where a product would be considered a utility and in that case be forced into non-profit. How can a smaller yet innovative business grow? They are competing with the big boys who actually have capital and they would just buy out the patent or spend million in court to get their way.
The real solution is federated social networks like https://mastodon.social/

More on federated social networks:
baby steps here , anon. just looking for an anchor point. set roots and then grow. "we" aint trying to compete, just get stable footing and move to the next handhold, while we climb.
More on mastodon social (a federated social network) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfp3I6ZTZT8

And predecessors like GNU social explaining federated social networks:
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How about stop being cringey meme fucks on youtube and elsewhere and just make simple educational videos with no clear political views stuck to them or make videos pretending to be the "alt-right".
/pol/ doesn't need ANY attention and it can't have attention from outside because then it simply goes to shit. You have seen it for yourself.
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shitposter.club is good too.

Unlike Twitter or Facebook, it's not about the website, it's about the infrastructure underpinning the federated social networks.
So its a shitty website and the sole attraction is to not use the more popular ones? Thats like eating sand so that you dont give mcdonalds money since theyre rich and giving kids autism
seems a bit more feesable. definately sounds good, but whow does it behave? I saw a lot of "full" servers, so either you need a BIG one or various clones to copy content? or jsut /pol1 /pol2 /pol3 etc. to connect all of /pol ?
Isnt that pretty much discord?
i'm liking what i'm hearing in this guys video especially rss feeds. but I'd need to see it in operation. the federated thing seems to give "normie control"? hmm. interesting ddos a segment and the rest of the centipede keeps running ;)
No, it's a decentralized structure.
Here's a long detailed tech explanation.
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Types of networks.

Twitter : Centralized
Mastodon Social : Decentralized
Torrents : P2P Distributed
thanks for the clarification, anon. ;)
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All of this.
But this requires actual action from a significant part of the userbase. And honestly, while /pol/ as a whole does occasionally accomplish impressive things, too many are too lazy (mentally and physically) to pull something like this off.

It would require month and years of work, work that very often will be dull and hard and not the glorius meme-warfare that so many like.

It would start by getting at least a reasonable understanding of computers and programming (above the level of just being able to design logos for a chat application like most of /g/ did for Tox). Then there would be the submitting patches to an existing project or creating one from the ground up. Then there would be marketing it in such a way that neither normies nor /pol/ is scared away. Two goals that can be quite contradictory.

Lets face it, we need the normies on board. No matter how many people protest against antifa on the street, it will be grannies and stay at home mome that share lame memes on Facebook that will spread the information to the general population. This means hiding your powerlevel.
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Or just utilize Kekistan.
ok, looks like someone from pol is already involved in mastodon

What about Redtube?
ok, but what kind of content can be on this mastodon platform. where can "I" host a "chan" on there. or either of these?
or what? do"we" keep a imageboard? or move to something else? I remember seeing a chan strictly natsoc pol imageboard. nothing else.then it disapeared.
We need Urbit so everyone has personal servers and can serve their own content and don't need to rely on giant client-server data silos controlled by communist faggots in Silicon Valley, but Urbit is still like 5 years away from being good enough so we're basically screwed until then.
yeah well if you want to create a distributed chan, thats a whole different beast of course.
There are some (not really) working prototype of that, some based on IPFS, some on the usenet protocol, but none really works in a well lubed, polished way.

Better get coding.

Also purely natsoc is garbage. It will become just an echo chamber for the ultra-right. And we know what echo chambers have done for the ultra-left
We have to find a way to keep these companies under control. The days of rapid innovation were fun but these companies are amassing too much power and influence and need to be regulated differently now. startups can be subject to different rules.
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I signed up on the awoo.space instance.
@dkfjdslfsn is my handle.

We should give mastodon a test run, lets see if it suits our needs maybe.
This. Decentralization is most survivable and uncontrollable system. Example: all pirate download links from 2010 are dead already. But many obscure torrents of this time still can be downloaded. Trackers where they were uploaded are long dead too but DHT still brings seeds. Should continue to use normal platforms for exposure Everything needs to be backed up in the decentralized system.
Same. awoo.space too, @OatmealEngineer

User #pol for tweets
Hope this is not right
We should combine both however because most people are just extremely unlikely to know, much less use, DHT, diaspora or IPFS.

Lets view those techs as the backstage and the "normal" internet as the front stage. The important things are done backstage, but presented on the front stage.
With open invitations to the backstage area of course.

It think those are meant ironically.
probably better to start just sharing other streaming sites
support other companies otherwise you end up with monopolies
the only way to change things is to change your behaviours

we should be petitioning hiro to allow embedded video from places other than youtube

this place could make or break competitors
What are you thought
Archive the shit out of youtube

>20TB reporting in
I need a list with the most targeted youtubers.
I don't think that my current list is really the burner. Suggestions (please with reason why and example) are appreciated
>Jordan B Peterson [Partially]
>Mark Dice,
>Steven Crowder,
>Rebel Media,
>Daily Liberty,
>Daily Wire,
>Project Veritas [Checked]
>brother nathanael
>Mister Metokur
>Harmful Opinions
>Sargon of Akaad [partially]
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Alex Linder
>Computing Forever
>Black Pigeon
>Sellner [Checked]
>DVA [Checked]
>LangeR [Checked]

Also for those who like to join the archive squad
For any help just reply to the post I do my best to help.
good idea, even though youtube is honestly pretty much garbabe, especially Pewdiepie, (yes he has been bullied unjustly but that does not suddenly gold-plate his turds).

Even better: put this all on IPFS and post the hashes.
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Even if it's legit, it's for the awoo.space instance only. Just the first one we came across. There are more instances on mastodon, I think we can create our own, and there's also other sites like shitposters.club that is also a federated network.
>pretty much garbage
Entry level red pilling is still the most important red pilling.
>Especially pewdiepie
I don't get it either but seems like the sven drops the one or the other red pill. But yeah, I'm not looking forward to archive his whole channel, certain important videos would be enough I guess

Will look into it. Now Sargon will be archived. 680K subscribers, mostly fanatic Kekistanis and reddit seems like a great ally to get onto board for a brute force on jewtube
for mainstream redpills, you could also check out Quora, particularly on the topic of SJWs, muslims and "white priviledge".

Beware however that 30% of the sites users are poos (which explains why mudslime redpills are not downvoted into oblivion).

Aside from that it can be a very informative site. Like Yahoo answers minus the suck.
I'm in. Where is the /pol/ group?
there is no group I think (then again Ive been on mastodon for less than an hour)

post your nick, I will add you
>Content illegal in Germany and/or France
Damn. Any one please link me to IMPORTANT video illegal in my country.
Don't exactly get what you try to say. I have planned on downloading and uploading the broader right wing video content producers targeted by jewgles algo and SJW/Islam moderators. Has Quora video or does it link to important channels which might be targeted?
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Mastodon is a lost cause, worse than Twitter.

Shitposter Club is pretty much tailored to 4chan. It's not really a complete substitute for Twitter, but it works as a launching point more like a 4chan social network rather than Gab.ai boomer conservatives.
No but it has questions and anwers.
Granted, that was a bit non-sequitur.
I meant that as an interesting place that is surprisingly red-pilled despite being mainstream.

What is mastodon.social?

>mastodon.social is the "flagship" instance, belonging to the Mastodon project. It is not focused on any particular niche interest.

There is your problem:
[ ] I have understood what the DISTRIBUTED past of "distributed social networks" emans
[x] I still think that every social network is like Facebook
Will look at it, not sure what to do with Q&A sites but everything not Alphabet is already good
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There are other federated social networks, Mastodon is explicitly cucked. Makes sense that it's the most popular one.

Look for others.
you just dont get it, do you?

mastodon.social, the site you complained about is just ONE instance out of the whole network.
Its like saying that because one website has SJW-policiies, the whole web is cucked.

You could actually set up your own instance on ShillaryKillton.die and rule that no one may post unless they send in a video of burning a quran, and no one could do anything about it.

This is the whole point of the "distributed" in distributed social network
That's why /pol/, faggit and kekistan should go brute force lefty content on jewtube. But well not gone get lefty shit on my HDD, they should get their own archiver
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Decentralized Microblogging
>GNU social - Nerds (leet haxors + /g/entoo)
>Mastodon Social - Commies (Tumblr + /leftypol/)
>Minds - Libertarians (Skepticâ„¢ Communityâ„¢)
>Diaspora - Jews (((ADL)))
>Shitposter Club - Autists (4chan)
The problem with vidme is that it's run by a bunch of redditors, they will not allow their site to be overrun by a bunch of alt-righters.
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I know I don't need to reinvent the wheel or jump from the frying pan into the fire. Out of all the ones I see, it looks like shitposters.club is the best one so far for microblogging/Twitter substitute. It's an active userbase that was already colonized by general chan culture.
Awoo looks cucked. This was on their guidelines, as things that "would get you to be in the wrong"
>Microaggressions ("not all men", white/man/cis-splaining, using the wrong pronouns to address someone after being corrected, etc)
>Ableism, such as by calling out names regarding their mental capacity,
I have some 1000+ videos on there and youtube and youtube gates the fuck out of me and so far vidme hasnt done shit to me.
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>lurking e-celeb detected
Styx, are you waking up now? You were nearly in tears at the end of your video; are you on suicide watch.
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I think the problem will be, particularly for videos, the lack of storage space.
Using IPFS would solve that if enough people here colaborate and pin the files. That would also provide redundancy for files that are viewed often if the viewing is also done through IPFS as this automatically (temporarily) pins them.

Im pretty sure this is meant ironically. No one calls his mastodon Awoo and comes up with such rules.
>I have some 1000+ videos on there and youtube and youtube gates the fuck out of me and so far vidme hasnt done shit to me.
Vidme hasn't done shit to you because it's currently not big enough to police that sort of thing. They are already preventing the politics category from trending on the main page, this was done to prevent the alt-right taking over their platform. Vidme is okay as a secondary option, but it's not completely safe.
Out of curiosity, what's your channel?
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The guy "robek world" who made shitposter.club made a better explanation of it.

But you could make your own with the open source software StatusNet.
>Im pretty sure this is meant ironically. No one calls his mastodon Awoo and comes up with such rules.
Don't think so, most of the instances look pretty cucked. Most of them seem like sjw havens. Once we can create our own, then, that's another story. There is a lot of potential in mastodon.
It's not ironic.
see image >
It's like Twitter but unpopular and controlled by cucked Germans.
>It's like Twitter but unpopular and controlled by cucked Germans.
Like some other anon said, that is only one instance. Once we gain the ability to make our own instance, we can set our own guidelines.
What's the point? The e-celebs will avoid the JQ altogether. Fuck 'em.
Get someone from /g/ in here, I'm sure someone has extra server space, use this:
/g/ knows as much about technology as /mlp/ knows about equitation

Try lain chan instead, they might know a tad bit more.
just slam a lot of green frog memes on it, and it will become normie platform
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/pol/ack.space domain name is available super cheap, similar to awoo.space
((((Rebel Media)))?
seems simple enough.

buy a basic server from something like chunkhost

register the domain name

download and upload the files to the server, follow those few instructions, and continue with the wizard, shouldn't take more than an hour.

It should show up automatically on mastodon's server list.
wait what
Do I read correctly, 0.88/year
Where is the scam?
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filezilla for the FTP to upload the files to the web host
It's not a scam, it's an uncommon top-level domain ".space". I purchased domains from namecheap many times over the years.
I know.Currently going per subscriber.
Like doing some leg work for the jew, so they might put the word out to their good goyim follower, that it is time to consider abandoning ship. One yid at a time. And Jewtube would be like stealing google an eye and an arm
Also, Mastodon is part of GNU social.

Off to room 101 we go
why are GNU's naming conventions so bad? nearly every piece of GNU software just induces cringe from the name, even though I use them everyday
hacker humor.
(i.e. stuff that was funny from 1960-185)

read the non-ecr jargon files to get it
Call it Frontier. We are departing civilization as we know it to build our own society, as the americans did
Mr. Bond just got shut down from there so they're faggots too. I read he went to minds.com but i have no idea what that is
Archived the shit out of Mr. Bond, he's getting deleted all the time. I already have his best videos downloaded.
This one, "Fascist", "Smoke a Schlomo" and "Sieg Heil" are his best i reckon
ops i meant to say archive, as in add him to your list
Metokur uses Minds too. I just had a look at it. Reminds me of Twitter.
We need a wealthy backer (like Thiel did for the gawker suit) to take this shit to the Supreme Court.

In the mean time we should document as much evidence of /leftypol/ faggotry (flagging, reporting, deleting, demonetising etc) as we can to start building a cogent case.
Murdoch Murdoch
Normies follow what's popular regardless of quality
Who's metokur?
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Ian and Joji def will be struck in the fucking nuts after YT rolls out their faggotry.
How about going through this list and posting what you think could be interesting:


quite interesting this one

no, the problem will be that they claim that they are just private buisnesses and can do what they want.

They would have to be declared common carriers first, but considering the troubles there was with just ISPs being CC, I cant imagine that happeining any time soon
Honestly, the most practical and likely solution was for the Daily Stormer to just launch a video site (if the lawsuit doesn't ruin them). They'd need to distance themselves from DS of course, and we could make that clear by allowing leftypol to post "violent" and "offensive" commie shitmemes.

Obviously people would be able to figure out who was behind it in time, and then they could just reply "yeah, the daily stormer supports free speech, faggot".

I know I seem like a shill but I just don't see an anon with no connections/following being able to build a video hosting site
minds.com is a pain for video sharing. Its a good replacement for twitter or tumblr, but not for YouTube.

The video sharing replacement needs to have a .com domain, that should be the biggest thing as normies instantly think of ".com" when they think of internet addresses. Its likely the owners of the website that people move to will make it more user friendly once they get shit loads of more traffic
If anyone cares, i just installed Retroshare and created an Identity:


Well, at least it looks secure.
Apparently you can add me if you paste that chunk of data into your Retroshare.
Actually been working on precisely what everyone in this thread is talking about. Stay tuned cunts
Better have a .com domain faggot
If I had all my pro European media in poltube with ads and such I wouldnt ever watch goytube.
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We need to identify how to attract normies, only then will we know the correct course of action. Let's make a new thread - share your stories of how you became enlightened faggots
I have no reason to be in goyimtube to be bombarded by ebemy propaganda qnd anti nationalists.
Already own the .com domain. Got some database shit to sort before it's live
Gamergate, but it does not count since I was on 4chan since 2007 and I still refuse to become a racist or hate every Jew.

Keep in Mind that webservers are inherently centralized. Anyone who takes out your server or just the DNS entry to it, takes out all of your data.

In the meantime I created a test forum on Retroshare:
content and creators. Once more and more creators start posting their content on the new website normies already hate jewtube they will move across. then creating gamergate 2.0 like >>135879045 says making it a "movement" it will be trendy and "rebellious' to move across.
>Trendy and Rebellious
Not necessarily anon. Normies are lazy fags who want garbage spoon fed. they'll default on the most convenient environment. Odds are, there won't be enough of a movement to transition normies
If there is enough content and the new video sharing website is easy enough to use they will come
Pointless if it gets censored.
Youtube is our own hugbox at the moment anyway. There are few to no leftist youtubers
Does anybody here even know how much space is required for a centralized service is required? Around 800 MB to 1.2 GB is uploaded to youtube every second.
One month has 2,592,000 seconds.
So let's say 1GB is uploaded per second. So you would need 2,592 TB of storage per month.
Now Amazon S3 will cost you roughly $95 per 1TB of storage in the cloud. Thats $246,240 per month.
And I am not even mentioning the difficulties of expanding the space when you run out.
These are just off the shelf calculations I made here. Actual costs may wary.

A decentralized network might be the only solution here unless you are filthy rich.
What are you even on about? the politics section of youtube is TINY compared to all the geek shit / make up tutorials.
Except the advantage of YouTube is that links are easily inserted in normie news feeds - you're concerned about migrating from YouTube to /pol/ - I'm concerned with migrating normies from their Jew social media to our new selected platform, and we can't create our own bc we don't have sufficient PR levels
Nationalize youtube and twitter, kick zuckerberg => win.
I was just talking about politics youtubers though.
Well I turned from a standard normie Dutch center leftist teenager looking up gaming videos to far right & more productive hobbies precisely because it was on the same platform.
Fuck. YouTube really has us by the balls.
Yeah I am concerned with integrating [newplatform] to normies too. Thats why I think a major thing would be the address, the dashboard, usability and shit like that. If this new platform arises, zuckerjew will be forced to integrate it into normiebook.
you are not thinking clearly. No one needs to have this kind of space immediately, or ever (probably).

Start small. With time either more adbux will come in or more space will come in (if you set it up as distributed platform where users can contribute space and bandwith)
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>finally finish video I've been working on all summer
>this shit happens
>My vid says 'jew' once.
Do you think it's safe /pol/?
I have been working on something similar. Need to figure out video thumbnails though..
Advertisers aren't likely to come to a place that openly says nigger nigger nigger and has evalion and stuff
well, distributed storage it is then.

or less niggers
If there is a way to do distributed storage but for normies that will be good, but this is out of my depth now, I don't know much about making websites.
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Good one bro, I support it.
Please don't register a political name that makes it pretty obvious its being run by a channer
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>Seth Rich is blowing up
>High level Dems are going down
>when it happens liberals are going to lose their minds, and question themselves
>(((they))) don't want anyone to get converted when this happens
>Peterson is shutdown, many more everyday
>they even have a group to monitor for (((hate))) speech, they are going to shut it all down
>no one has the money to make and monitor and alternative w/o massive raids from (((them)))
>$95 per 1TB
fuck that is expansive compared to 10 TB HDD going for around $300 and an unlimited Internet contract for some $25/month
btw, any thoughts on Bitmessage?
all it would take is a nice CHARLIE HEBDO style sting on google, jewbook etc to put them on track
>no one has the money to make and monitor and alternative w/o massive raids from (((them)))
Because it seems that jewtube is a money grave and no one is yet ready to invest larger regular sums in the "new" right, especially not without a well thought and creative concept that is monkey friendly and which MIGHT someday bring a ROI. Till then it is guerillia
Why don't we start a go fund me or something
Just got an idea from another thread - insert gore into mock toy review/ makeup tutorial channels to fuck with advertisers and give YouTube more hell
I'm a humble archiver. I can't really write, organize or program. At most give anons some tips they rather shouldn't take too serious without reading up on them before using them.
Does it costs something to open a go fund me or rather Hatreon account and beg for shekel

You can assume that this goes down significantly if you become a big enough customer.
But even cheaper would be to buy the disk yourself, which would be just a one-time up front cost and then whatever rent you pay for your server housing. 1TB disk is like what, 30 bucks maybe. 50 for an enterprise grade one.

I really hate this e-begging.

people can improve and change, you know. Grab a book and start reading.

I dont get what you are trying to say.
>buy the disk yourself
Already did. After Sargon (without sound) and Peterson (half) taking up roughly 150GB and looking at the provisional list, I got myself an 8 Terra external HDD, with the USBs and internal HDD I'm at 12Terra
>mfw storage devices are worth more than my rig
>Server housing
cheap austrian water powered electricity

Buts that's still more of a personal solution. No way I can host 24/7 with the shitty Upstream between 9:00 and 2:00
if you have the hardware, colocation could be interesting for you. Usually cheaper than a full root-server and it fixes the bottleneck of bad internet connection.
Bitmessage seems fine but I'd have to spend a bit more time to fully comprehend the whitepaper. The only problem with decentralized networks is child pornography. Nobody wants to host that on their machines.
Plus there is already minds com that allows monetization. They also seem to have the necessary infrastructure to support this.
So realistically spoken
First, get the content, second contact the uploader and ask if they are o.k with re uploading and third find somebody hosting my hard drive. Seems doable
>minds com
Looks more like a twitter/facebook clone. Not exactly the best video hosting concept. Just think about those uploading content every day on several occasion seems like a pain in the ass to search or click through channels
The cost of such an operation is huge
Much more than the average joe can afford
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I like this idea.
Hire me faggot
it would be good as an archive seeing as a lot of videos get taken down on youtube
What about LBRY? https://lbry.io/
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We have an awesome plan come join us >>135899143
not gone teach the ai or help lefties burn books
Btw teaching AI isn't the point, it's to cause the most chaos that will get people's attention and help them draw a conclusion about this retarded YouTube policy

>Oy Vey Goy report them, burn the books
>we can writ 4chan turned against right wing youtube
>BIG WAR, Left united
>They went away themselves
>No PR backlash
Jewgle, go an fuck yourself
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