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We know CNN and other media outlets are browsing /pol/ and finding

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Thread replies: 93
Thread images: 54

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We know CNN and other media outlets are browsing /pol/ and finding racist comments to make us look bad. If you want to make your racist comments go back to stormfront, seriously.

We need to MAGA, and having racist cucks on our board only hurts our movement. When you say something racist, you scare away potential Trump supporters, so cut it out.

We need to stop the racism and focus on dropping those redpills so the number of Trump's supporters can continue to grow. I recommend aharing PJW, Alex Jones, and Stefan Molyneux videos to help ease people into our movement.
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Karen thread
Kill yourself nigger
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Fuck off, seriously. Fucking cuck
holy shit epic banter lad
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/pol/ is definitely not racist
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Why did it chamge cuck to kek
>being this new
Please off yourself, seriously.
Nazi punks fuck off!
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You have a problem with people voicing their opinion openly and unfiltered? This is the only place where true diversity of opinion exists and trying to morally shame anyone to cause them to self center is not the point of this place
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welcome, friend.
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fuck of to r_the donald this place isnt youre personal safe space where iki wacists arent allowed to share "hate" facts and redpils.
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I can't believe I agree with a (((leaf))).
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Shut up and post more karen faggot.
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moar karen, sending this shit to page 1
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on it, chief.
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why wont nu /pol/ accept literal facts?
Just when I thought op could not possibly be more of a faggot he proves me wrong.
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Hitler did nothing wrong
Fuck off you stupid civic nationalist censor
This isn't reddit so fuck off and hang yourself
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>he thought there was a limit to OP's faggotry
lurk moar
I wish we could ban nazis from using the Internet...
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Karen is surprise aswell!
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I also wish I could ban people that didn't agree with my opinion.
Stop defending nazis
Don't care if bait or not, but please summerfags, get back to your safe-space on reddit or whatever shithole you came from.
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I wish we could ban people who don't post karen
If CNN actually browsed /pol/ they wouldn't be dying.

Take a look at John Oliver. That limey faggot stole over a year's worth of our own memes to produce a hit episode on Alex Jones. And then mysteriously a boatload of shills came here to tell us how awesome John Oliver was for trashing Alex Jones by using our fucking memes--for free.

I don't expect it will change anything. But you never know. The meme war is being fought largely on an ummapable battlefield.
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>he doesn't understand that Aryans are a work of art.
Learn from karen, faggot.
Stop being a little bitch.
fuck off.
these >>135796173 >>135796539 or gtfo
in all seriousness, there's more going on here than you understand, faggot.
Pls go back.
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Solve the case, Anon!
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My karen memes are ready
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>Just when I thought op could not possibly be more of a faggot he proves me wrong.

inpling theres a limit to ((civic nationalist)) faggotry.

stop defending the kikes that rule the goverment.
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Joos win.
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Stormfags can fuck right off
Fuck off anime cuck nigger lover. Pls kys you sissy trap beta nu male hipster cuckboi
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>literally MUH PAR
>No one posts muh PR
uhhh... did the entire userbase of this board turn over in the last year or something? is there really that little old blood here? In any case, posters like OP are some of the worst board destroying cancer in existence and should be vigorously encouraged to leave and never come back.
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U wot m8?
>Trying to make /pol/ a safe space
>calls dissenters cucks
Fuck you cunt, you're a fucking shill. No one fucking cares what we say on the internet.
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activates my almonds
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>Stormfags can fuck right off

>le civic nationalism right ebin based blacksXDXD

its just nu pol being nu pol.
this is obviously a bait thread
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Trump pushes CNN.gif
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Hope they see this then

Also this place is for free speech short of illegal things
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>comes to a P2P mongolian hentai doujin sharing service
>complains about non-whites
pick one faggot
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>>comes to a P2P mongolian hentai doujin sharing service
>>complains about non-whites
>pick one faggot

fucking faggot you torpedod youre own argument.
by youre own words faggot.
>Stormfags can fuck right off

muh muh stormfags.
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stormfags can't karenpost
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This is a karen thread.
This is /pol/, shithead
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a magical place, indeed
>make us look bad.
If you care about this you don't belong here.
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still on page 1; best slide thread yet
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>So much karen and it's not even brit/pol/
I've never been this happy
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You ain't seen nothing
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post rare Karens
Hmmm seems you don't quite understand the value of hiding in plain sight under a layer of static. First while /pol is brutal in its honesty there is value in having racial discussions that arn't instantly marred by call of racism, our races are different in more ways than just appearance and having candid discussions is a balm in today's PC world.

Second and possibly more vital is that when something of value is being researched or discussed that the function of those threads not be overly clogged and having more "normal" people here will certainly do that to the point that our investigation and curating of data is wholly lost.

Let the normal ones and those afraid of the truth glass here and condemn it a den of bigots nonsense shit posting, this perception allows the good work to continue in peace.

Lurk more anon...
Your movement is literal Cancer, fuck your gay Animes niggers.

Making America great again is not the fucking Point of the right-wing worldwide,it is just your jingoistic egoism.

Now Polacks,MAGAPEDES and Bongs runeveverything and the rest is just some fake-Nazis and BLM--LEGBT-fans+Balkanshit, this is a literal YouTube comment section.

Germans are the enemy of humanity and the Point is beeing edgy in discussions.

Any based Nationalist should see the United States are the bringer and supporter of Degeneracy by making shitty Food,films,media etc. and spreading it after WW2, you are the Problem and Trump is only an opportunity for Europeans to break chains by using Trumps idiotism(Abandoning NATO,friendlyness towards Russia,perfect for us but bad for the US, which isd really just Neoliberalists home) and get some Nationalists to power before Socialists come back to the US.

Trump is a Populist, you should know he will not fix any of your Problems, this is a cringy Hype, your congress is full of Cucks who will never allow his Goals to happen and after 4-8 yeears all his acvhievements will be eradicated.
He won't fix Migration,relations with Russia,debt or the Middle-East, he just is an Industrial Capitalist with lots of Money, typical American bastard.

Europe has the refugee crisis, your biggest Problem are SJW,society,"culture" and obesity.

America has no history and just lives of feeding minorities,having some too crazy People,steal others inventions, destroying all cultures in there and making them all uneducated Consumerist Anglos, intervening in every fucking war that could have made the world better.

This board is filled with normie idiots and you all suck dick in hell for sure.

You are useless and pathetic and won't achieve shit
If I would say Deutschland über alles now and leave it by that you would screach at me and want to continue your safespace.

Now some really intelligent guy will come and say my post is too Long,or 1st sentence sucks.
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Sage this nigger.
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Nice Karen thread. Also fuck you OP
>Me beeing a troll because yeah that sre is right.
Wtf People can't you see me like every where?
I am the edgy namefag Generalphilip81,living in Rhineland and beeing German/Serb.
Yeah because I was so fucking funny at saying you what I think, I must be a troll.

I sure read the Talmud and am not serious and send by CNN to annoy you, believe it or not I actually am just some average lad with intelligence thinking you are Cancer.

For sure you will MAGA.

What do you want me to be called Shekelstein to make your "hard decision" easier.

You just want to hear what you like don't you.
Yeah next you claim I am a Mongolian CNN bot or so.
Feed my fucking ass with Donuts if you like, faggot, but shut up.
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t. Ahmed
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Try harder faggot
Thread is dead, yup it is dead.
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>implying the kikes cant just post comments here themselves and take screencaps of it and blaming iton MUH GOYIMS
It's an anonymous board. It's the easiest thing in the world to flood it with degenerate material that can then be pointed out as reasons why /pol/ is guilty.

Maybe your PSA hugs can dissuade one or two trolls from triggerbaiting but ultimately shills can create whatever content of which they want /pol/ to be guilty.
Ukraine: 80% of parliament is jewish, Ukranian crest is same as khazar one.
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Nice try leftist cuck weeb faggot
>libertarian thinks shitskins are human

Of course, you guys are so autistic
Fucks for cucks! OP's running a deal: if you give two fucks, he'll give you a cuck. Win, win.
Choke on a bag of clocks Jew faggot.
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>republican flag
stop false flagging with anime and go back to The_Donald faggot
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Get a load of this kike. Go kvetch on plebbit.
Go be gay on plebbit, you cuck.
Thread posts: 93
Thread images: 54

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