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Hollywood Pedophilia and child grooming

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Thread replies: 145
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Continued from >>135704281
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This isnt normal.

And all that I am about to post sure isnt either.
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Guess which child is a male.
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This kid might turn into the next Milo.
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What a loving father.
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how do we know the kid with the scooter is Liev's kid?
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Yes he is gay and fucks his own kids.
Why keep making these threads?
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The one on the far right..
Why are you leftist shills posting pictures of Liev's Schreiber's kids on 4chan?
Fuck it. Let's let the fbi ask you themselves.
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Do you have a thing for this little boy? You wish you could be is age again so you can be his friend right?
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12chan confirmed.
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extreme hoverhand edition
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>You will never be a little boy again and live out your /ss/ fantasy
Feels bad man
How can you all be against this when you watch anime?
i laffed
would read again
anime is for degenerates
What the fuck... How is any reasonable person denying that there are high level pedo rings at this point?
>it's a pizzagate episode
Wtf is this????

Why the fuck are you spamming pictures of this child?

Who has the pedo problem again /pol/???
Mods cut this shit down

About to throw up. I barely just made it to "Renegade Films" and I feel nauseous.
pizzagate and an open secret are nothing new.

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green's two oldest sons in dresses. Hollywood is sick.
I wish my dad had ever shown me even nearly this level of affection.
More Hollywood sickness - Charlize Theron dresses her adopted son as a girl.
Pedo Ring isn't small and afraid to be doxxed like you think..
They was so Powerful, more Powerful than Mason and other Secret Society n shiet..
and Enjoy that, because they prefer White boy & girl than other races..
They not only in Hollywood & US but they exist in around the world and linked to each other
Something will come of all this pedophocracy revelation to the world. Too many people are waking up to this shit.
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Honestly, is Trump in charge of all of this? I've heard that Epstein is one of his closest buddies.
A few weeks ago Tim Franks from BBC World Service said seeing little boys at their birthday party in princess dresses was a sign of progress.
Thanks God, my people aren't white, so, not on Pedo prey and can't be..
Yes. He molests his daughter and flies on the Lolita Express.
his son is pretty hot. no homo tho.
Are you kidding? Demons are taking over. This is getting way out of control. These are not humans, they can't be. Sickening.
Why so you could turn into a little faggot?
>He molests his daughter
It definitely looks that way. Does anyone else find this distasteful?
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Ernst Hanfstaengl?
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isn't molestation if she wants it lel
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Can she still consent, even when she's underage? I think it might have been rape.
Because I grew up very sad and lonely because of it and I am still sad and lonely
Fucking pedos. Things are different now. We will hunt you fucking pedos down.
There's nothing wrong with a father loving his child
I personally don't think he is raping his son like y'all really believe he is fucking his son
He pimped her out to some modeling agency at 13. She's a high-powered MKultra whore passed around the UN.
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>She's a high-powered MKultra whore passed around the UN.
That's really interesting, anon. Do you know any powerful UN people or affiliates who actually fucked her? I wonder if they just passed her around at parties or if you had to go to Epstein's island to access her young pussy...
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News says him and wife breaking up. Significant?
He keeps the kids...
god that's fucked
You know, a lot of male serial killers were dressed as girls by their mums when they were little. It is hard to find any info now on it, all I could find was this one article, and she does not even name all of them, such as Ted Bundy.

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Nice. I want to know what really happened. Obviously it's something. The pictures are not normal father-daughter stuff.
That is so vile.
Please tell me he is just retarded...
This was just snapped at the wrong time she was prolly getting up
>small child sticks thing in mouth
>groomed by pedophiles
Ever wonder why they got age ratings on toys?
I doubt it. Most Hollywood marriages last a few years and then off to the next actor/actress. And most sleep around on each other. They are so degenerate in Hollywood.
Because your mind is a sewer.
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Nah, she's grinding and dancing on his knee. Looks like direct clit-to-knee contact. They're so confident and brazen that they think they can just get away with that in public, but the guy to the right knows. He's watching carefully. He can probably smell the pussy juice from there.
>Acting like you don't

This article has a lot about him.

>kidnapped by his mother and lived in a commune
>trains with Hugh Jackman
>has memory blackout from childhood supposedly due to his grandfather's death
>stars in a show about a molestation victim
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Daily Dose:
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not to mention
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don't watch my little pony movie
my little pony = child pedophilia
Alright, Mr. Garrison.
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Did anyone figure out what HLAE means? Could it possibly be related to pizzagate?
W-what the fuck?

This is why hitler should have won
Hot Little Anal Eunuchs
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funny how much shilling is going on in this thread, it's laughable.
I hope you all burn in hell.
You've got problems anon
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Why is it okay for girls to be dressed as boys, but boys can't be dressed as girls? Men used to wear skirts and dresses in the past. This obsession with "masculinity" is retarded.
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what's with people's obsession with dressing like a woman, what are you, a faggot?
because girls dressing like boys is them putting on more clothes and playing baseball. boys dressing like girls is taking off their clothes and licking a baseball bat like a whore, fuck off pedo
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>You've got problems anon
What sort of problems? Problems with pedophiles?

Also, lovely digits.
well man. he popped on a republican "flag" and is trying to trump bash. Pretty easy to spot "false flag" if ive ever seen one.

0/10 on his part.
kek, I like that analogy
Oh no, a father is affectionate with his kids and lets one dress up for comicon. Right wing SJWs are just as retarded and ridiculous as the left wing equivalent.
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>its not a slippery slope they said
>this is completely normal they said
So when will the left embrace pedophilia rights? OR is pedophilia a line they won't cross?
they've been trying since the 80s
the question isn't when they'll try, the question is when we'll give up on stopping them
they tried it in europe with all their pedo movies, guess it worked but only for brown people
There not an anon. If this is the one we got, this is peter.

Peter...did you, and your family get the message yet?
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children kissing each other and the parents, wow this must be some really sick stuff for the US.
have a you m8
Take charge in your life for once.
>larps as a nazi online
>tries to talk shit on the USA
>posts a pic of kids actually doing something irl unlike him, who posts on 4chan under a hidden flag
>is ok with pedos

let's play guess that country! i say canada
That kid is well past the "puts everything in his mouth for innocent dumb kid reasons" age.

lol I don't.

Anime is for pedos and betas. Most of it anyway.
Okay Folks, are you ever wondered ?
Kid with muscle get muh attention, even now Hollywood recruit child who was have a athletic/sport record to be actor/actress, why actress from hollywood enrolled his child to sport then post his shirtless child with "muh muscle child" etc.

It Start with make people & child fat
>look goy, you fat now, you must be healthy
Then people & child becoming muscular and muscularity becoming Cult, muscular people becoming narcissistic
>good goy, LGBT & Ped* love you know.
how many scandal in world of sports because of this, athlete was raped & molested when they was young and many of them to scary to talk about that
Majority of Faggot was Pedo, thats why they want adopt children

Hollywood is one big Luciferian tranny cult, and always has been.
How much of a faggot do you have to be to think that's how you're supposed to play with a scooter.
Hey will you make a video about trump being a pedo? Look at the pictures of him with his daughter.

Makes you wonder if Kai and Sasha would be aryan posterchildren if Liev didnt turn them into jew abused fags.
Kill them kill them all the slaves gypsies jews spics and niggers
>ywn be his black babysitter and teach him how to suck a mean bbc behind closed doors
>his father will never be secretly videotaping you two and jack off to it later rather than report you to the police
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Stop this gay ass shit faggot
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what a champ

Redpill me on the celebrity dimension travelling vampires pls
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yeah you would like that rock you faggot
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Pedo in Arab Land
hardly man, he's literally just alpha
>middle east
>punishment for pedos

If only
Cant be surprised with a name like (((Schreiber)))
IMO they had a social relationship and Trump undoubtedly knew Epstein and his guests fucked underage girls regularly. As a fellow elite, he turned a blind eye. Thing is, everybody knew, which is why Dem efforts to tarnish Trump during the campaign fell flat; exposing him would have exposed them. For example, famous liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz was a huge Epstein customer. Epstein had a "black book" of phone numbers--thousands of them--for all his social contacts, both those who shared his girls and those who didn't. Trump was in there but so was most of the upper crust of Palm Beach, Washington DC, NYC etc.

Epstein also kept flight manifests for his Lolita Express; but there were sex flights AND ordinary flights. Trump is listed on at least one flight but it appears to have been a normal one and he has no recorded visits to Epstein's island. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, went twenty-something times. Hillary went nine times. Prince Andrew went often too--which is why you never see or hear about him anymore. Ivanka went to Europe once on Epstein's plane--BUT with her mother and uncle, not alone, to a fashion show.

Also, this:http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/national-govt--politics/will-president-trump-used-witness-sex-offender-epstein-case/YijRjaz87dDMiV18TGeDAN/

One of Epstein’s longtime servants...house manager Juan Alessi acknowledged in a sworn deposition that...Trump visited Epstein’s home when both were in Palm Beach. “He would come, have dinner. He never sat at the table,” said Alessi, who described himself as Epstein’s majordomo. “He eat with me in the kitchen.”

But, Alessi said, unlike other visitors, Trump didn’t avail himself of massages. “No,” he said. “Because he’s got his own spa.”
Yeah right, they rape little boys and girls all the time. If they get caught raping a little girl they have to marry her, so they have boys follow them around. I saw the documentary Ahmed, just give up.
My opinion is that what Trump saw going on with Epstein and Clinton is what convinced him to run when the white hats recruited him several years ago. He doesn't have a time machine -- he has insider information and they've been working on this for at least a decade, maybe more.
As a psychographologist, I can tell you one thing - the person who wrote this suffers from severe depression. Also could be taking some "happy pills" already.
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What did he mean by this?
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Nah, he rape little girl

Gunshot is too quick. Why didnt they torture him?

Are your for real ?I mean, everybody knows how it work in ME, especially when the fat Saudi princes travel. supply can barely provide demand
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A lot of people are saying Shadman, but I think there is another eerie comparison to be made.

It's better law than law in burgerland
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>Part of Elites
You want catch & arrest princes when you can't catch & arrest elites pedo rings in your country, joke !
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