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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 91

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>Pres Trump Weekly Address #27 7/28/17
>Pres Trump rinses penis 7/28/17
>Pres Trump/ICE Dir Homan/Rep King speech on MS-13 7/28/17
>This Week @State Dept 7/28/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence honoring First responders 7/27/17
>AG Sessions in El Salvador 7/27/17
>VP Pence swears in US Amb to Japan Hagerty 7/27/17
>VP Pence @ Natl Fed of Ind Biz 7/27/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, ICE Act Dir Homan, DoJ) 7/27/17
>Pres Trump &others speech on Foxconn Jobs 7/26/17
>Pres Trump speech to American Legion Boys&Girls Nation 7/26/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>135600181
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and how long will that last?
How long before we can intercept short range missiles?...
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Here's the best part. Assuming a 100% nuke-proof defense system was created and deployed, the arms race would just shift to ways to disable it. Whether through electronic warfare or through MKULTRA/Manchurian Candidate-tier infiltrators.
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I better see some major happenings with the DWS Awan scandal in the morning.

Sessions is on thin fucking ice when it comes to holding Democrats accountable. It's unacceptable.
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>surely this will bring people over to our side
kristol just wants some ommerosa ass
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Why do black people smell the way they do?
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>blue dress + red shoes

grape soda
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Would you rather die edition: McCain or Ginsburg?
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A reminder that /ptg/ supports Bashar

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Glad we're done pretending to tolerate each other
Because they're apes, seriously they smell like cow dung
Oh please pick a fight with the mooch i wanna see this
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Just when I thought they'd dropped that narrative too.
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Ginsburg, would secure a far right SCOTUS for 40 years
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Just when I was thinking, "Hey, what happened to that Russia story," I see this. The media never fails to provide.

why hasnt anyone shooped the dudes giving a BJ, the bear, manafort in the background, or the penis we all know onto omarosa?
Well of course he does
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Didn't CNN get threatened a lawsuit over this crapola and had to capitulate?
Anthony won't be so nice this time

is that a real tweet?
Sure I guess. I honestly was against Asasd until MaCain went against them. Made the stuff from /sg/ a lot more believable, since MaCain is in (((GS)))s pockets. This, and OAN made a report calling into question some of the allegations against him.
Well he's a snappy dresser
I'm sure he has ties from places all over the world

What's this with everyone having Russian ties?
Are they like the GOAT in tie production and manufacturing?
There is a strange part of weapon development where offense improves before defense.
there's a reason why armor hasn't increased that much compared to ballistics
coreys back ?
whats the best book to buy in regards to nukes or nuke warfare ?

i was thinking about getting 'on thermonuclear war'
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The vast majority of us DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the middle east
5'10" should be considered 6" because decimal divisions make more scientific sense

I approve of your capitalization choices
I'm fairly indifferent toward him. He seems nice I guess though. It's a cliche at this point but removing him would be a mistake ala Saddam and Gaddafi.
No but Poe's law is real when it comes to the Dems.
You should consider killing yourself, manlet scum.
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Manlets, when will they learn?
We must never fall for the metric jew
posted a list of books in the last thread >>135607948 , depends what your specific interest is (historical, contemporary etc)
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>day of the shit-tearing WHEN?
Take that coservatards.
Why do gay people 'look gay'

Is it the principal of 'as above so below'?
>Sodomizing a kid isn't painful
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>NPR liked
Why hasn't NPR been defunded yet?
Republicans are do nothings. They are playing stupid game with us.
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>people on /pol/ unironically defending maduro and blaming the USA for venezuela imploding
This board is lost
Leftypol visitors and trolls.
There is no L, G, or B in "America first".
i'm assuming the posts are centered around some sort of state bank conspiracy?
is the t for traps and c for cute?
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Cenk says he is 5'11.
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noones defending anything

we will take their oil because they need toilet paper

China make TP> sells to USA> resells to Venezuela for oil

The Ozzie Guillen Way
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Not learning how to hold a baby at 7
anything special to look out for tomorrow? daily schedule looks slim
>Pakistan's traditional third gender.
Huh... Well you learn something everyday.
maybe they should all start having nice children instead
>United States - Russia relationship is worse now than it was under Obama.
Bravo Trumo.
lots of asian and native cultures have had "multiple genders" i've never bothered to really learn about them, but they're not at all tranny bullshit
it's usually connected to some mystical shit
Then why isn't this reflected in the youth? Why is the youth more and more extremely liberal?
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6'0 vs 5'11
Dont shower
B-b-b-b-but muh Russian collusion...
Reminder obongo did this to Putin
>Kid Rock is now running to be the face of the Republican Party after Reality TV Star Donald Trump took the presidency

So when will I be able to cast my vote for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?
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This does not include blacks or mexicans or any illegal

Only White people
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The majority of white millennials vote Trump
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That sure didn't take long
Well it's a free country, you could even vote for yourself if you wished.
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well breitbart has been going after him hard for days now too, although i really don't know why bannon doesn't like him
never learn
>So when will I be able to cast my vote for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?
nothing legally preventing you from doing it as a write-in, Mickey Moue got 11 votes in the last election
*Mickey Mouse
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Yeah, the FBI has never once acted in their own interests before. They also never fumble anything...
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>white guilt
These dumbass niggers can afford hbo? Also, change the channel if you don't fucking like it.
is it possible to meme liberals praising the FBI for killing MLK?
Oh look the free market people are making fun of us.
Kek, that story shows the absolute autism of imperial system retards and know nothing about culture.
>making fun of working class white americans
because it worked so well for hillary
If they fall for it they deserve to die
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this show is going to be nothing but massive pandering to the liberal crowd, but liberals don't even want it to air
meanwhile the right wing wants the show made, for some reason coming to the conclusion that HBO is making a TV that will show the confederacy in a positive light
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This narrative frustrates me the fucking most I want to burn all who believe this in an oven or hand them over to isis.
This, with a sprinkling of Colombian commies butt hurt that their insurrection funding is going to get cut off when Maduro is ousted.
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Friendly reminder the leftists and congress who push it are now destroying international relations
We will.
why? it's bs and everyone knows it. it just makes leftists look like tinfoil hat retards. I hope they keep using it, they're the ones with ties to russia, it will bury the in the end

you bring up obama telling kislyak that we'll have more flexibility after the election
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>you bring up obama telling kislyak that we'll have more flexibility after the election
he was talking to then-Russian President Medvedev
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People with jobs. I misspoke.
These threads are really becoming very slow.

Good to see how this movement is failing.
I wanna breed her so that my children will be tall and strong
Isn't it always slow friday-sunday?

whoever it was just bring it up

you have to bring it back to the clintons and the dnc

remind them of that stupid plastic button that read "overload"
I fucking hate this parasitic worm.
what's the actual story?
inb4 a million dumbasses reply to the toothpaste
like every other fucking night
goddamn i hate reddit
goddamn i want someone to corner him on venezuela so fucking bad
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>replaying to toothpaste
I wonder what the left will say when few- if ANY- Democrats vote for it.
University decided it was easier to use goats to remove weeds.
are there ANY pro-Trump people running in 2018 beside Kid Rock??

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He doesn't even give a fuck. He's a scammer and a leech. Always has been.

Fucking steals his neighbor's paper. That's how much of a Jew he is.
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Caitlyn Jenner might in California.
Laura Ingraham I think is still considering a run in Virginia
>Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace
It's a complete shit on Trump show--Pelosi, Kasich, dems praising the new shakeup. WH is in chaos. McCain RINO. God fucking damn.
I know who he is. I didn't think my question would provoke him though.
wow it's fucking nothing
Muslim here again.

Do you see that since ISIS has been defeated no terrorrist attacks have occured in the West?
ISIS has nothing to do with my religion. There are still as many muslims living in Europe (more every day actually) and since ISIS has been defeated there have been no attacks.

Im glad the majority of the country still sees and knows this, but I have the feeling that this is changing. Many predominantly low income households are picking muslims as the scapegoat in order to put the blame of their failures not on themselves but on muslims.

The terrorists that killed here in the west, mostly were mentally ill or gays with issues. Just like how single white men that have issues are radicalizing on the internet. Yes I'm talking about sites like these.

Go outside and get a job, meet some people. You don't have to hate us. My imam says the same to us.
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You're surprised?
>I know who he is.
that makes you even dumber
gd this neocon failure is salty

does he realize what his ilks policy did to the US moral authority?

It's always dark before the dawn.

You gotta have some low moments to get good highs.
>when you're so fat your face turns red and veins pop out when you bend over

If that guy had any balls he would have ate one of his nachos
are they fat shaming? ugh thats problematic
Yes? I usually don't watch Fox on the weekends. I knew Wallace was a dem but I didn't know he stopped pretending. Karl Rove literally just said average Americans are tired of Trump...the fuck?

>For You

>eats nacho
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Has portubro been on recently or have I just been missing him?

>watching weekend FOX outside Watters/Judge/Gutfield

Watch em or replays on Saturday, watch How It's Made(THE most redpilled show on TV) on Sunday

may as well watch MSNBC
He hasn't even replied who cares
NPR liked

....... smmfh
you're right anon, keep being a dumbass and feeding the trolls, you're doing god's work, don't let anybody try and stop you
It's the lefty double standard "we may do it to you people, but you people may not do it to us"
Last night
that's 100% deranged dems and RINO lackeys, you realize this surely?
It's really entertaining to me that this is the best nwo can come up with

I hope we start seeing some real progress soon, I want these cunts scared out of their minds
We already know what his answer would be
>Patrick deniessocialism.gif
Half the shows on Fox are just shilling. The only neutral one I can think of is Bret Baeir (sp?).

Shepard Smith is the absolute worst.
Glad we understand one another.
Republicans honestly believe if they do whatever liberals say, eventually NPR will start praising them. No joke.
i'd just love to have him live in studio denying it for a full 5 to 10 minute segment
come at me


>I want these cunts scared out of their minds

You are.
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>McDaniel, speaking in an phone call with IJR, says the entire charade “reads like a spy novel.”
>“He took a hammer to a hard drive, wired $300,000 to Pakistan and then tried to flee the country?" McDaniel said, exacerbated, wondering aloud why Democrats are silent on Awan, ”[Democrats] ring the bells whenever they want Republicans investigated. Here is a national security threat actually worth investigating."
>McDaniel says the lack of coverage demonstrates a double standard in the media landscape, noting the “ad nauseam” coverage of the FBI's special counsel probe into potential Trump-Russia connections.

“This shows why the public has such a low opinion of the media," McDaniel laments. "If this were a Republican staffer smashing servers and fleeing the country, this would be an all day, 24/7 news story. It just does not fit [the media] narrative right now, so it gets no coverage.”


Oh Lord PLEASE have the RNC do something about this in the midterms. All of this Democrats corruption is a godsend for an ad campaign.
Bernie Sanders was pro Venezuela socialist government

This alone would kill him if he somehow became the Democratic 2020 nominee

Russians have dankest ties everybody knows that
I still wonder if he ever found Fred.
It's falling apart for them. We need to keep this alive until the 2018 re elections, people need to remember that democrats are a party of corruption and against progress
>wondering aloud why Democrats are silent on Awan

Nothing new about this
Dems are not a first world white western party, they are a party of shitskins & communists, ruled over by jews
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that rally was amazing, i don't think i'll forget those threads as long as i live
Horsey should just draw porn
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>I'm gonna bag me a nigger and put him in the back of my pickup truck
The shitposting that night was too goddamn funny.
So blind people can hate them too
I fell asleep at 6 pm on the 9th so this was the last time I saw Trump before I woke up to find out Hillary wasn't conceding some time around 1 AM.
He'll say you took his words out of context and won't explain why he is saying that. Our commie guy does the fucking same, dodge the question and ask you back another question that not so subtly implies that you are a capitalistic fascist oppressor
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Why are americans so afraid of mexican immigrants?

Are you afraid some are more capable than you and work for lower wages?
Is it not more than fair that lazy rednecks get some competition.
Is prof. Dickpics talking about DWS?
McDaniel is smart to keep this fire burning. If this explodes in the dnc's face before 2018 she will have the mid terms on a silver platter.
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So aquafresh is a muslim today and not a woman?
Who is this faggot even talking to?
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Oh no that sucks
(What the HEEEELLLL?)
Gen Z is the most conservative generation since WW2
the thread splitters have started up again
slide thread

sage and hide

Did Eva fucking split again or some shit?
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>I can't live without my popculture!
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/oursleeperagent/, she's missed
I'm not convinced at all.. all I've seen is a few meme polls saying they are FISCALLY more conservative.

We will see and I hope so, but I truly doubt it.
no this is leftypol or TRS, hard to tell as they're practically the same now
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My succubusfu
the media/news is based a few liberal urban areas. over the years they have gotten even lazier and now never consider going any distance to get perspectives/news. the picture most have of society is that which the media portrays. end result is a public that thinks the rest america is like the liberal coastal regions, primarily California and New York with some Austin and whatever canadians are
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But TRS is fucking BASED!
yeah, sage and report, bake and igore when the time comes. both sides are literal retards, can get triggered over just being ignored after a while
They are. TRS is controlled opposition. Don't go to any Eva threads because he'll just fuck it all up again.
>Don't go to any Eva threads because he'll just fuck it all up again.
at this point it feels like people are trying to start drama with him more than he organically does it himself
>Why would you oppose the presence of people who brake the law, bring crime everywhere they go, drive down wages and drain the government of your tax dollars

Old Worlders are literally retarded
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>Stop being a nationalist
I just triggered some redditors. Ignore them, they are a free ego boost in every thread, they remind me that my funposting has...effects
and yesterday was 100% justifiable, OP said he was stepping down, why the fuck would he say that if there was a thread to recycle already?
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You realize robots are taking over agriculture and such, right? The cheap labor meme is no longer valid at this point.
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People hate him because he's a complete asshole and he fucks threads up to boot.
Those same polls show they're twice as religious so...
i really don't care, just please don't do that thing where you reply to everybody who criticizes you, just ignore them and stay on topic
Oh well you're clearly just a redditor.
Something about tall good looking women make me want to impregnate them
>he's a complete asshole
yeah welcome to 4chan buddy
eva has some pretty unrivaled autism, this is only news if you're completely new, and your newfaggotry is starting to seem more and more likely
Oy vey you don't say
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Yeah, nothing attracts those rural voters more then a bunch of non-whites wearing $1000 clothes
n e updates on finland?
last i saw you were telling everyone about the australians mining your wealth away
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As expected
>yeah welcome to 4chan buddy

All of 4chan is not /b/.

>this is only news if you're completely new, and your newfaggotry is starting to seem more and more likely

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>he hurt my fee fees!
Did I accidentaly enter reddit?
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Shouldn't we all move to D.C. and take it over? Why are we letting it be 95% Democrat? They feel too safe there
i've been replying to leftypol haven't i?
watch, it's the same butthurt redditor who will post my id every thread and beg people to filter me. I got someone good and that gives me a major ego boost every thread
You sure anon?
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And here we go again.
DC should be turned into rubble and have their voting rights forever stripped away
the progressives have ruined FUCKING EVERYTHING
If someone has been Senate confirmed in an administration, can they be moved to another job within the Admin without being re-confirmed?

Answer me now, Burgers!
I don't filter anyone. I don't even filter spammers.

>that gives me a major ego boost

Fucking lol.
I've telling some stories to people around here of what the left is doing in the us. They can't believe any of it, it's like a different world to them

Stupid fucks are going to lose their entire base by 2020 at this rate, they stand no chance
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aaaaaand filtered.jpg
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at least the thread's almost over
but watch this fucker try to start shit in the next thread too
>Scott Dworkin

isn't he a Shareblue guy?

>asking /pol/
>not asking jeeves
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Sessions better do something about the Awan shit today.

The time for cuckery is over. This is the true test of character.
Most of the mexicans are law abiding people. Only a very small percentage is criminal. That argument doesn't hold up.

Sure agriculture is taken over by machines, but there a plenty of fields where they can still work
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>the filterer got filtered
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Cut the shit
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No new narratives for the week? Just recycled stuff?

He cant because he recused himself of anything regarding Russia

He has to go to DHS, Kobach for DOJ
Omarosa is THICC
What does it matter when he is full populist now
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>but watch this fucker try to start shit in the next thread too

"Start shit" = pointing out how Eva starts shit. Right.

Feels good having enough manhood to filter literally no one. I don't even filter the Obamaleaf. Beta faggot.
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>google "Trump"
>this woman has opened her word hole with an article called "plague or cholera, Donald Trump?"
Nothing special dude
>Most of the mexicans are law abiding people

Literally every single one is by definition a criminal, and amongst illegals even if you ignore the inherent illegality of their presence most of them commit other crimes, and a significant amount commit serious, violent crimes.

The argument not only does hold up, it requires outright lying to pretend otherwise.

And no, agriculture doesn't need them. Literally no industry is dependent on them. There have been studies on this. You're literally stating that universities are wrong in their investigation on the matter. I thought you leftists loved what universities had to say about shit.
Awan case has absolutely NOTHING to do with Russia.
Sessions isn't going to do jack fucking shit except bitch about illegals and drugs.
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Has the United States or NATO done a study on possible UFOs and their threat to security of the Earth and what was the result
thats where you're wrong sweetie, awan is a good boy who was framed by the russians
>But his authoritarianism is strikingly republican
>"H-he was a democrat guys!"
>"except the parts I made up to hate about him!!"
all we need to do is keep the story in circulation. people need to know about this, and we can't let them forget about this. I'm sure the trump admin will do whatever is in their power, it will go a lot smolther if there is public outrage about it
Jeb! Sessions wont do anything.
Is this a Pink Floyd reference?
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>literally break national law by illegally crossing the border
And there aren't many left, m8. Robots are the future, and they don't break the law to work for us. We don't need these spics anymore.
Winning the narrative game is great and all but without legal consequences it is unacceptable.

Sessions is a failure if he does not act immediately on this. Trump should definitely fire him if refuses to get his ass in gear.
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Have you seen this shit yet?

>the clapping
oh shit it's fucking on
Move Sessions to DHS, put Soarin' Ted or Christie in his place at AG
University studies say that immigration increases the GDP (per capita). So apparently it works.

You are the one lying or just mistaking
Thinking back on the election, I honestly don't understand how anyone who wasn't waving a blue donkey flag and blowing airhorns in their brains to prevent themselves from thinking thoughts that might separate them from the cozy security of their tribal blanket could look at Hilary and think "Hilary is the best person to lead this country". Every single thing that came out of her mouth felt like exactly the sort of robotic, disingenuous statement that people talk about when they rightfully criticize politicians as a class... and given that she believes that politicians ought to hold a public and a private position, that's most likely because that's exactly what they were.

We'll never know what sort of leader Madame President Clinton would have been for sure (thank fuck), but from her campaign, she appeared to be distilled essence of the corruption of the current order. She will never talk straight to the American public (and unlike the far more charismatic Obama, she's really bad at hiding it), she's in the pockets of several groups who work against the national interest, she colluded with the DNC to undermine democracy, she has nothing resembling morals, and the rhetoric of her machine seeks to break the will of the American people by replacing a sense of national identity and purpose with self-loathing and postmodernism. If you like feeling like the disposable pawn of a corrupt, out-of-reach monolith who seems to approach your concerns with all of the seriousness of an apathetic parent and none of the investment in your well-being, Hilary couldn't represent that to a greater degree if she tried.
Well said, Canada.
that's a nice thought, but do we remember anything happening to seth rich investigation? that's what I thought

the swamp is too deep right now. first, we need to let the people see how deep it is for themselves, and then, we need to get them riled up about it at least half as much as leftists are about russia. we can't do this quietly, we need to keep a constant media coverage, or the story dies
She got so unimaginably fucking owned by that Tranny ban I don't know why she's still in D.C. and hasn't fucked off back to New York.
>people need to know about this

What's the fucking point if the DOJ doesn't do shit?

Oh so you didn't filter me
Seth Rick was a fucking joke, lmao the evidence /pol/ had was literally their own fucking posts and larpers.

awan has alot about the DNC and dems, he also has alot more than that
>or Christie in his place at AG

HELL no. That fat fuck is beyond corrupt.
Sessions will be removed then. A military lawyer will be appointed in his place and hammer comes down.

Still no reason for Sessions to recuse himself.
>Bring in a surplus of low skill labor into the country
Surely this will help poor people and raise their wages.
Yes and they didn't publish it because like most such studies it was for the sake of keeping those who make plans on their toes instead of for serious applicability reasons.
They'd never share that information
>University studies say that immigration increases the GDP (per capita)

No, those studies was GDP period, not per capita.
what does this post say, i can't read it due to the filter encryption
>first, we need to let the people see how deep it is for themselves

Who fucking gives a shit what average dipshits think? A public trial would bring all the goddamn evidence out.

"Oh no wait. We can't prosecute these criminals yet. We have to wait for Joe the Plumber to give a fuck first."
it's a nice dream you have. nothing will happen, because the dnc is too big to fall at the moment. we need to plant a seed in people's minds and water it until the votes starts trickling down. no votes no power, people need to remember this incident, and every other incident like this in the future. Sessions might try to do something, but I won't hold my breath. Not sure about trump, I thonk he wants him to go ahead but I doubt he will fire him if he won't
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As stated before, automation destroys any use illegal immigrants have for cheap labor. They can do anything immigrants can do better. The future is now, Aquafresh.
*record scratch
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You stupid ass.
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Does anybody have good crowd video of the moment Florida was called in a Hillary HQ?
There was Project Blue Book and the Majestic-12, but that was 70 years ago.
>Still no reason for Sessions to recuse himself.

it obviously involves Russia

Russia has information that leads to Hillary Clintons arrest...

Why do you think they hate russia so much???

Im not going to claim in an expert in economics.

But I know experts say immigration increases GDP per capita. Therefore I know that the economy will grow.

That is why in europe most people embrace these immigrants
>we need to plant a seed in people's minds and water it until the votes starts trickling down

You have no idea what you're even talking about. You're trying to sound like some wise sage and it isn't working.
The fucking madman flew into Michigan on Election Day for a late night/early morning final unplanned rally. Absolutely crushed it.
damn encryption, i can't read these posts i don't have a 4chan elite pass, what do they say?
http://www.heritage.org/immigration/report/the-fiscal-cost-unlawful-immigrants-and-amnesty-the-us-taxpayer Immigration here wrecks the economy
Then Sessions has to be fired. If he's going to be a useless AG then he has no place in Trump's administration.
>he doesn't know about 4d chess
what do you know, the guy who is obssesed with me is a dipshit and a newfag
>New Donk City
my sides!



That shit was at like 2 in the morning too. The final days leading up to election night, he was doing like 3 or 4 rallies in a fucking day. And he still didn't lose energy.

Trump isn't fucking human.
Nope, nice try though. I specifically said GDP per capita because that is what the studirs say.
>4d chess

Fucking lol. You actually think the mindless public needs to care first before a public trial IN WHICH EVIDENCE WOULD COME OUT can begin. People would be infatuated with the trial.

You are the dipshit who's trying to sound like some wise sage. That's called a pseudo intellectual.
Who'd you'd prefer then?
In a perfect world we'd get Rowdy Gowdy but he already declined.
Kellyanne Conway
Know "what"?
A person with a military background with rigid discipline when it comes to law.

No Senators, no Representatives. No fucking swamp creatures.

Gowdy would just be another Sessions.
See that's the problem: you're saying it was per capita when it was only GDP.

Though even if it where true I'd be surprised a leftist would argue that the rich gaining more then the poor loose is a good thing given that's the only way it could be true.
>A person with a military background with rigid discipline when it comes to law.
>No Senators, no Representatives.

Then who?

>Gowdy would just be another Sessions.

How so?
T.B.H Cut the shit poster is the best poster in the general
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What did Spicer mean by this?
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What do y'all make of this? WW3 incoming?
>Then who?
I'm sure Trump has a list of people.

>How so?
Congressmen don't attack their own. Gowdy would hold back if any Democrats were caught red handed (like the Awan case). They cannot be trusted to enforce the law.
An increase in GDP does not naturally have to mean that the rich are getting more richer than the poor. Even if that would be the case the government should implement higher taxes for the rich people.

Here in the NL you pay 52% so 0,52 cents on every euro you earn after 66k.
That is why we have almost nog beggars
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What if Pence and Don Jr both run in 2024? Or Pence chooses Don as his VP?
North Korea vs the rest of the world ain't WWIII
And Trump would only go to war with NK if China and Russia vowed to stay out of it.
i smell jewry even with the drawn caricature

>Pence running in 2024
>Not Mattis

So her monkey instinct kicked in and accepted defeat?
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Hmm, doubt it.
>Iran being included in reference to national security

How the hell is Iran threatening our national security? The media is so worthless they will never question this.
I dont see pence as a president tbqh familia, hes to passive and comfy, hes VP material through and through
>Gowdy would hold back if any Democrats were caught red handed

What in the bull fucking hell gives you THAT impression?
She's a kike.
new thread



>hes to passive and comfy

The media is Jewish and Iran threatens Israeli regional dominance.
>An increase in GDP does not naturally have to mean that the rich are getting more richer than the poor

You're right, it's just that in this specific situation the only mathmatically possible way for GDP per capita to increase would be in the rich gain more then the poor loose because there is no way for the poor or middle class to gain anything without defying every theory of economics that currently exists.
What happened to the video?
Their nukes are getting better. And china is on the verge of war with India right now they might just say fuck it and go all in
What's the point of all our toys if we never get to use them?
I miss the spicings.
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