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/vg/ Venezuela General #2 - Muh 99% voted Edition

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Thread replies: 354
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It's happening lads! Civil War is about to start in Venezuela. Today the "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" set up by Nicolás Maduro is to be elected and violence has begun within the country.

>Bomb goes off in Plaza Francia on Altamira against the Regime's Police Forces.
>Venezuelan officials killed as the Constituyente's voting process starts.
>Clashes reported on El Paraíso, Caracas
>Snipers being deployed on Vegas de Tariba, Táchira.
>Venezuelan anon reports paramilitary forces near his house
>European Union, Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay and Perú will not recognize this election.
>"El Pais" reports that only 7% of the Venezuelans registered to vote went to exercise it.
>13 yo and 17 yo shot dead by government's forces.
>Pro Maduro Soldier shot dead during a protest.
>Tibisay Lucena, CNE's president, just stated that 99% of the population has voted.
>ANC's candidate José Félix Pineda killed at his home.
>Famous Violinist Protester, Wuilly Arteaga, brutally beaten.
>US to impose sanctions against Venezuelan oil industry.
>Video from protests at El Paraíso.

God bless Venezuela and its people!
oh boi have a bump
>Mass Immigration to US and Canada
I know a former Venezuela H1B guy in the US, and because of his behavior, I have 0 sympathy for Venezuela or Venezuelans in general.
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My dude, it's already happening
So it has begun.
Now which sides are you on, /vg/?
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Why didn't they try REAL socialism?
results when
Many rioters have Crusader symbolism on their shields and gear, so definitely them
Whoever kills the most communists
>Tibisay Lucena, CNE's president, just stated that 99% of the population has voted.

seems legit
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We need for /vg/:
>some kind of livemaps
>any kind of (live)streams
>memeworthy persons / factions
>lots & lots of media material, pics / vids, anything, lets hunt for footage of any kind.
Learn from Arab Spring..
I Stand with Legitimate Gov't
Stupid post
Everything is some sort of a meme to you guys. Let's just see what happens. All of that will eventually come if this actually goes anywhere.
Is the guy with paramilitaries at his place okay?
If you're expecting this to become syria general 2.0 you're in for disapointment
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>Even considering rooting for the commies
fucking kys
why are they still voting? it's suposed to be already finished.
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You know what you must do, Venezuela.
>muh food shortages
Is a government that doesn't follow the constitution still hold legitimacy?
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Maduro fags already out in force
So, when are you starting to fund the Venezuelan opposition, burger?
When I get home I can start posting highlights from the Do/k/ument for our Venezuela friends.
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wtf, I love Maduro now
That basically only happens in Muslim countries, basically everyone but goatfuckers can handle a change in government without stoning their own daughter.
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So they can add more votes and inflate them. They're not letting media & observers nowhere near the polling stations.


Don't ever reply to me again, kiddo.
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>Mass Migration of Kangz and Spics to your land
Calling over 80% for Maduro. Hopefully shit will trigger when that happens.
>So they can add more votes and inflate them
Is there an estimated number of how many people voted?
Live ua map has a venezuela section
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Boring general t b h

just let me know when the massacres start
>thicc oily women
I think Houston has the biggest population of Venezuelan refugees now. I guess it beats the dumb Mexicans.
what the fuck Venezuela, are you repeating maidan?
Just spicks actually, america actually has way more asian immigration than african.
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Uhoh, chopper guy is mad & tries to use reverse psychology. No (You) for you, kek

Nice! Good hint, thanks. OP & bakers, include http://venezuela.liveuamap.com/ in the next /vg/s pls
The regime has entered in final stage. Riots wont end. And they can't declare that the referendum has been a complete failure.

So, they will play cool for some time. As violence erupts Maduro will go full dictator mode. I give it two months.
are there any livestreams?
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Colorful fronts when?
No commies.
Funny video. I turned it off when some blonde started lecturing about toilet paper cartels.
There might be some, but havent seen any so far. The videos I've seen gave me a very strong similar feeling to that when I was watching footage from Ukraine.
or run away like Yanukovych
is he gonna run to Russia if that happens?
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and Kangz from South & Central America and Larp as Venezuelan will come to your land
Look at that map, the Netherlands has territory just off the cast of the country, refugees can just go there and claim asylum they are technically in the EU there. Fuck more refugees incoming, the EU just can't catch a break.
>All that land in the south east
Cant these people live off the land or something? Don't jungles provide the best resources from fruits and stuff?
>Why didn't they try REAL socialism

they did. that is why they're starving
Maduro has stated that he wont go anywhere (to Cuba, obviously). So maybe we have a nice photo.
I'm not sure Putin would try to support the Commie Short Bus driver.. he's not Chavez.
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Opposition is just now saying 12% turnout out of 19 million Venezuelans. https://twitter.com/puzkas/status/891800810262327297

They're trying but you guys were much more hardcore.
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Here in Brazil, our liberals and leftists are openly supporting Maduro, the violent suppression he is doing and the socialsm he is implementing, saying that the hunger and deaths are literally OK.

Our two main political parties: PT and PSOL are openly supporting them, encouraging their electors to support them and sending them money, also saying that they wish the same to be done to Brazil.

We are fucked.

What are your lefties and liberals commenting on this, /pol/?
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This is part of a Domino Destabilization plan to implode South America to flood North America.

[KB Threads: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge%20Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

The eventually goal is a NAU(North American Union) & SAU(South American Union).

It will be interesting to see if the US starts funding "Rebels". Something to note is that Terror Groups have Networks in South America & Mexico.
Some are outright fascist. Like the national revival party.
How much longer can this go on before a civil war kicks off? Why aren't we flooding the pro-democracy and capitalist opposition with as many rifles as they can carry? Colombia is right next door, we should have no trouble at all getting the weapons into the country.
Frank shut the fuck up and stop shitting up every single thread on this god damn board.
Holy shit you are a faggot.
so should the US start sending the rebels guns and money?
I'm extremely scared lads, I don't want to live here forever. My most family is still there on the epicenter.
Your liberals are like the American liberals and not actual ones?
Over here in Europe (or at least Eastern Europe) liberals hate socialism because that literally goes against the whole ideology of liberalism.
Flag related or as close to that as a political group is.
like 12% last time I checked. These elections aren't to decide if the assembly Maduro wants goes or not, he already forced it in place and today's elections are to decide who takes part in it which is pretty much all pro government candidates so this crazy abstention is natural and they're trying to inflate the votes to make it look like the people are sided with them when actually nobody wants this shit.

i'm pretty sure most of the people who voted today have their jobs and pension held hostage over their vote.
sure, with proper policies, that have been non existent in the last 50 years or so, and only made worse by the fact that oil production has been in steady decline for the last 15 years.
Our lefties have become suspiciously silent on Venezuela ever since they predictably ran out of other people's money.
Aren't the protestors commies as well?
>they're trying to inflate the votes to make it look like the people are sided with them
¿Por eso todavía están votando? Tenía entendido que duraba hasta las 19hs.
Socialist tainted liberalism in all of the Americas.
Absolutely. Another possible plan is to have Colombia invade and annex it to insure a friendly government is always in control of America's oil there.
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When you have Oil and don't give in to Uncle Sam then he will fuck you whatever you do.
in spain there is a big problem, becouse our main political party has been using this to fuel attacks to the commie party of spain that got a lot of representation
(they used to say they wanted implement veneuelan system)

So now, leftish and commies defend maduro and said he is the righteus president through elections, and all is right propaganda
And the "rigth" party say that he is a dictator he is crazy and many people is suffering becouse its fault
>he is the righteus president through elections
That's true, tho.
>Communism is fully imposed after TODAY
>massive flight of people: Those who could afford a western-middle-class lifestyle already flew, those who could afford a third-world-middle-class lifestyle also already flew, those who belong to the top-of-the-barrel poors are going to flee to Brazil, Colombia, Panamá, Perú and Chile
>Communism will last decades

>Communism is imposed after TODAY
>USA acts with more sanctions, going even to stop buying venezuelan oil
>currency crashes, inflation skyrockets even more, massive flight of people
>The Maduro faction cannot keep the pace and cannot keep happy the military
>negotiations with USA

>Communism is imposed after TODAY
>Some civilians and some of the military rebel
>Maduro's gang goes apeshit and starts killing even more people
Here it splits in other two scenarios:
>Maduro's faction succesfully crush the rebellion
>Full communism and sanctions
>Maduro's faction unsuccesfully deals with the rebellion
>enter the colombian marxist guerrillas who have woved support and allegiance to the chavismo
>maybe Syria 2.0

>Communism is imposed after TODAY
>it fuels a military intervention from the USA just like it happened with Noriega, maybe there will be rebels from the military, maybe there will be support from guerrillas in Colombia who pose as being demobilized
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The leader of our second biggest party says this
Speak English
Funny thing is shit's going down hard and government officials are all
>haha what? it's all okay nothing's happening what are you people talking about?
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You think they will ship all those fugees to Europe / fly them in? I don't think so. They will probably seal off those islands in case of widescale civil unrest in Venezuela.
latin america politics tends to work like this: the two biggest political parties usually are one far left and other center left
Argie said that it's strange that they gave more time until polls close
Military rebel fits in all those scenarios.
The opposition is mostly leftist but the tides are turning quickly.

this is accurate
So much this
>Communism is fully imposed after TODAY
Are you suggesting Venezuela has been attempting something other than communism up until now?
It's the current year negro
Nobody anexes territory anymore
Unless you're Russia
>enter the colombian marxist guerrillas who have woved support and allegiance to the chavismo
Is all of South America about to explode into infighting? If so, this is going to be /comfy/.
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Yes they extended it for two hours so they try to get more votes in. No matter the vote, the new constitution is still going through because dictatorship.
How come Venezuela doesn't have Right-wing Parliamentary Deathsquads like the rest of Latin America?
>Is all of South America about to explode into infighting
Nah, the southern cone will always be a peacefull place.
Maybe between Colombia and Venezuela.
It happens every election. They say it ends at 6pm but always keep the centers open because "the people are still voting in droves" Then at around 1am they announce the results after adding every living and dead person and their pets as votes for them.

Most polling centers were dead as fuck today so everyone here knows they're just stalling for time to make it look less devastating.
yup thats their main argument, like since he got elected throw elections it seems he can do whatever he want to do

Am I the only one here who thinks that the Bolivarian Chavista woman at 13:32 in this video wearing pink blouse is one of the finest, most beautiful, godly body looking women I've ever seen? I can't be the only one right?

Wish I knew her Instagram desu.

I want to slide into her DM's and find out if she's single and willing to mingle.
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meant for
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BTW, any chances for this guy to come back and lead the riot?
They still had elections, their constitution was not fully communist, different from the one "voted" today
Thanks Colombro
I posted these numbers before but I want to post them again because I went and looked at Ukraine as well.
>Time it took Syria to go from protest to war: 136 Days
Time it took Ukriane to go from protests to war... 135 Days
>It has been 120 Days since protests started in Venezuela, with today being the deadliest so far.
I think the Venezuelans have proven that they should not be allowed to govern themselves. It would be for their own good.
The comunal state would be established in the constitution. Our current Constitution is liberal (in the classical sense) and Maduro's republic doesn't fit in there, the new one would be full blown commie constitution.
Hey, I've been keeping /sg/ updated on Venezuela for a while and last week made a pastebin basically explaining how we got to where we are now. it's mostly useful for newfriends who need a quick primer on the situation. it might be useful in the OP now that there's a Venezuela general

hace 8 mesesque NO me masturbo
Yeah sham elections. They've been full commie for awhile now for all intents and purposes.
q paso
>I can't larp in the streets with shields n' shit fighting commies
One of the best rundowns out there, not made by any western country (maybe)
>no explanation of Chavez' seizure of all oil industry, and subsequent degradation of said infrastructure
It's shit. We are in like Act 3 of this fiasco, so why go and leave out the first bits?
es la tecnica de la retencion seminal

Also how the FUCK do Argentinians drink the first serving of yerba mate? I honestly just waste the first cup because I don't feel like drinking a tree. the second cup and beyond are much better.
When the civil war kicks off hop on a plane and volunteer for the resistance.
plebian, you should drink terere
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viva la revolución bolivariana
first one is my favorite desu stop being such a pussy
It's missing the recall referendum that was stopped by some courts courts on some bogus charges and that had no jurisdiction over the matter.
This is a much better explanation.

Because the state nationalizing the oil was seen as rudimentary knowledge? I'm not pretending my shit is high level but it also isn't assuming people are retarded.
Venezueleans what do you think about the opposition burning chavistas alive and being violent in general?
Never knew free stuff cost so much.
Si estás en /pol/ es normal que no te guste la democracia.
A few years ago.
Please answer this. This is the main argument of chavistas nowdays against the opposition.

Look at this account

>Maduro calls on Pope to intervene
Is this even more confirmation that the Pope is apart of the Socialist agenda?
What did the Pope say?
Not a Venezuelan but that's the appropriate way to deal with communists when helicopters aren't immediately available.
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>had a flight booked for September to visit my brother on his birthday
>he paid for it so I could spend some time in Europe with him away from this madness
>Air France has halted operations until Tuesday
>Scared that they may extend it
I'm stuck here forever
Is a shitty government but they make god tier songs to be honest.

You're looking at the national equivalent of putting all your eggs in one basket, coupled with public spending assuming the price of oil would never collapse. If the US hadnt wrecked Libya it's very possible you would see the exact same thing happening there. "Rich" nations reliant on a single export are susceptible to market changes.
Solo necesitas 3 semanas gil
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and criminals steal diapers
Who was the guy that said after 9/11 we would first move into iraq then venezuala? I bet we have boots on the ground there soon. If we dont already.
For months he's refraining from saying something
More likely to Brazil
¿ Es ésta la inmigración de calidad de sudamérica ?
Se necesitan varios meses.
>sobretodo cuando sos un adicto recuperado como yo
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I side with ORDEN.

Responde, por favor. Quiero saber la opinión de ustedes.
¿ Por qué os cuesta tanto comunicaros en español ?
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>mfw have a buddy who I play games with who lives in Venezuela
I know you lurk /pol/ you wanker I wish you the absolute best
One guy was burned because people thought he was robbing people. This is actually a somewhat normal occurrence. The government said it was because he was chavista and then the investigation by the Ministerio Público ruled that the man was not killed because of his political stance. That's what happened.
The government has been violent from many years back, remember those riots in 2014 and let's not forget how they mismanaged the economy and the huge corruption within the chavismo
Maduro's supporters are really Chavez's supporters, and in many ways the crisis is a product of Chavez as well.
After the conflict is settled, socialist interest will try to paint Chavez as a saint and pin all crimes on Maduro. They are already doing this now, and it is all for the purpose of trying again later down the road.

So an accurate writing of the history is very important in regards to this whole situation. They don't like losing, and they especially don't like it when history shows they lost.
Manolo, tu encargate de evitar la expansion del Islam radical en tus tierras y luegos me vienes a criticar los modismos,vale?
>traduccion latino de anime<traduccion españoña
Would all the assorted types of Mexicans ITT mind sticking to English so that the read of us can follow the happenings?
t. Mossad Shekelsberg FreeMason

this is not hispachan, you nigger
Are you implying that such things didn't happen or what?
Typical of those types. They think if they ignore the fire they will be spared. Maybe time to do some more digging into European/Latin American political relationships. There are a lot of interesting things to be found.

Como en la biblia señores.
No sabes ni utilizar bien los signos de ''mayor/menor que''. ¿ Cómo puedo tomarte en serio ? Encima me hablas de anime. En fin...supongo que ahí no dais para más.
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why do venezuelan criminals love light blue walls so much?
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Did somebody say Venezuela?
Quien dijo que no? Que no te guste lo que puse es otro tema.

Maduro's only real crime was continuing chavez' policies in the face of oil prices crashing. No one was complaining about a thing when oil was >100$ per barrel. There's no way people will believe that all of this is maduro's fault, or at least I can't stomach the idea that they'll believe that.
You mean Forocoches. Hispachan doesnt exist as long as i know.
I saw in the news that the opposition put a bomb to some antiriot squads, and killed some cops.

That's just wrong..
Venezuelan (((moderate opposition)))

maybe im retard but dont get your point
I'm all for it, they are being forced to eat shit and willingly defend their captors out of resentment.
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Good, they've killed over 120+ people ever since this shit started and they won't stop. Eye for an eye.
There are much out there regarding to the new left and to the pope
Spanish bants are great.
Does this kind of exchange happen often? I thought it was common knowledge Latin Spanish is a bit different than Euro Spanish.
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the last handful of spanish posts were mainly the same as australian-american-british "no ur rong, u spel/sai it lik dis"
>not knowing hispachan

You are new here dont you?
me too
I repeat
Are you implying that the things I stated in >>135576035 did not happen?

Even more, the army and police are the ones who sport the lethal weaponry, they're the ones to be blamed for the 100+ dead people

Stop hiding in that ugly flag and show from where you are.
You mean they killed the footsoldiers of a totalitarian, communist, dictatorship? Good.

Does this mean Mercs 2 is happening for real?
He could've turned the boat around but he didn't he did as much damage as Chávez.

They are not antiriot, they shoot to kill. Having been shot at by them that video gave me great pleasure.
Why four stars and why are they green?

maybe maduro shitposts on /pol/
banter is a basic part of argie culture.
politics is based on bantering the other opponent's shortcomings basically.

>also evita's corpse was raped and this is historically documented
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Make it SEVEN white stars and you're good.
>or at least I can't stomach the idea that they'll believe that.
People forget very easily, especially when the atmosphere under Chavez was easily more peaceful than it is now.
Maduro's biggest mistake was being an idiot and taking the cross from Chavez. Of course his current decisions and general greed for power will not reflect greatly on him in the future.

Overall the lesson here should be that a single administration can fuck up the future, yet still have things look decent under their tenure. A lot of people don't understand how this works.
People have trouble distinguishing time's effect on all things, really.
>having been shot at by them

Recently? Were you part of a protest or were you one of the people with shields and fighting?
Every ruler has his/her shills
happens all the time. To be honest i exoected it to start sooner.
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Fuck you Zionist cuck

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela stands with the Axis of Resistance!

God is Great.
Death to America.
Death to Israel.
Curse upon the Zionists.
Victory to Islam.
>Seven white stars
Fairly important if you want it to be official.
Anyone care to tell the story of the illegitimate 8th star? What the fuck is it suppose to represent.
If he does, i'm surprised i haven't seen another "majority half" sort of sentence here... In his style, i mean.
I've not reached such level of degeneracy yet. Sorry.
get out newfag
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Ask yourself this: on what website are you right now?
It was added while Chavez was in power, and people's despise for him made it illegitimate.
>I think i heard somewhere it was supposed to be added before, but just got delayed until he did it

This is amazing and it makes me fucking mad that the comments are full of faggots saying this is anti Maduro propaganda when it's the absolute truth. I could afford more things as a 12 year old saving my lunch money than as an adult earning 3 minimum wages.
TBQH i would stay at home if I lived in Venezuela right now.
Enjoy your refugees.
there has to be a livestream of what's going on

where is it lads
>>Legitimate government
>>Government doesn't follow his own laws and constitution

Also implying that Venezuelans are the same as sandniggers.
Can you even imagine it? Maduro and Trump performing glorious bants on /pol/.
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As a Venezuelan I don't even know. Chavez fucked up everything, he changed our flag for some fucking reason and made our liberator Simon Bolivar black. Fuck him.
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WHAT is the relatinship between GNV and colectivos?
allies? rivals?
A month ago, a couple of days before I came here. We were ambushed and shot tear gas canisters horizontally from like 6 meters, I was on a overpass and they came over to shoot the march from above.
Enjoy your lack of basic products, because you have to get in a line at 5AM to get them, otherwise you'll enter an empty store.

A lot of venezuelan livestreams are on periscope, i think.
Son aliados, morisco.
I was defenseless, no shield, no rocks, nothing.
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Make it 7 stars and use this coat of arms (horse looks to the right).
>government breaks every law conceivable to seize all the power for themselves
>It was added while Chavez was in power, and people's despise for him made it illegitimate.
The story seems a bit shoehorned, eh?
>Seven Stars to represent seven signatories to Venezuelan declaration of independence, being the provinces of Caracas, Cumaná, Barcelona, Barinas, Margarita, Mérida, and Trujillo.
>8th star added after the campaign in Guayana; later fufilled by Chavez
I dunno, seems strange.
Typical sandnigger.
what do Argentinians/Chileans think of white tourists who come for climbing
define basic products.
i can and could ,did, live without internet and without gas/electricity, having a RAW meat and fruits diet.
Water is easy to obtain.
medicine?havent gotten sick in year.
;__; apoyo a maduro. nose, lo veo como una version adicta al paco de Hitler.
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Hope you get JDAM'd Muhammad.
food and hygiene products
we welcome the money
que vas a votar en las paso?
the stars were originally meant to signify the seven provinces that signed the independence act.

the 8th one is meant to add a province that didn't actually sign it, but the excuse used is that it was mentioned on some decree back in the 1820s (im not quite sure what was it). its just one more of the many populist policies made to change everything that had happened before the chavez government
What about the burnings of people?
nunca fui ni ire a votar
rice and noodles can be stored and i WOULD have stored a lot previously.
soap and shampoo are jewish artifacts that damage segregation of Pheromones.
Venezuela is on the previous stage of a civil war. Reminds me to Spain in the mid 30s.
Stay safe Venezuela anons.
Oh we've got a fuckload of them in South Florida. They aren't recent refugees though, they're the elite who fled the country when Chavez first came to power.
>tfw I'm nailing one
This is a translation of Bolivar's supposed decree
>Simón Bolívar. Supreme Leader of the Republic and Captain-in-chief of the Armies of Venezuela and Nueva Granada. Since the number of provinces that compose the Republic of Venezuela has increased with the number of stars on that the Venezuelan national flag has one more star as a symbol of the province of Guayana, in this way, from now on there will be eight stars on the flag. Signed by me, and stamped with the country's official stamp in the government palace in the city of Angostura, November 20, 1817. Simón Bolívar.
I'm not all to familiar with Bolivar's writings, but the wording seems weird to me. Maybe its due to translation.

Also, whats the deal with the horse going left instead of right? Purely political "side"?
I answered that here: >>135575842
>rice and noodlesmcan be stored
not when they give you about a meal worth of food a day, of which only a fraction is made of rice and noodles
Venezuela recieved many Colombians when the our war was in the highest moment. I hope that all Venezueleans coming here feel wellcome and find a job soon.
>Tfw leftist faggot kills people a civil war happens but when Pinochet does everyone surrender

Proof lefties dont know how2dictatorship
This is the source. Not really sure what to make of it. I imagine the academia would be pro-socialist.
Is actually very sad, I left Venezuela 3 years ago, you cannot imagine how many people actually support Chavez and Maduro regime here in Australia, specially arabs, indians and africans.

Aussies usually don't give a fuck, only the millennials in universities supporting socialist shit.
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Thanks Colombro.
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New version.
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The Communists must be obliterated
yeah, the horse is going left because its a leftist government
stored previously with my own money.
I eat twice a days anyway
Why do you guys and the Colombians seem to be the only type of Mexicans that understand that communism is shit?
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Shut up chamo. Colombian economy is not up for refugees, this will literally fuck us all over. I'd rather send them all to bolivia.
Chavez died too soon. That's why the people claiming CIA killed him are silly. If the CIA had a choice, it'd want him alive now so he could own this trainwreck. Because this disaster was completely predictable and inevitable based on Chavez's policies. Instead Chavez got to die a hero and Maduro is the fall guy who will be blamed for everything so "Chavismo" remains a pure unspoiled ideal.
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Estás meando fuera del tarro, Morisco. Venezuela es un desastre inflacionario, imposible comprar mucho de eso sin gastar como la mitad del sueldo.
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can anybody explain this exotic custom to me?
>>Years with a massive shortage of products

>>Argentinian stupidity: "Having raw meets and fruit diet", "having any food"
Colombians fought the commie guerrilla for decades. They know what they really stand for.
IF AND ONLY IF they do not become a burden
I do not mind about those educated venezuelans (i include here those who are just technicians and liberal arts educated in the classical sense) but I worry about those who rant about "the empire" and how we colombians are "the empire's cocksuckers" while fleeing their country because there were no more CLAP bags for them
Same idiocy that infests Argentina with Peronism.
I am Colombian. Kys, Venezueleans Welcome
>understanding that communism is shit

They are already a burden..
>Wearing sunglasses inside

Top fucking kek.
I know.
It's like he thinks that he can just store 5 years worth of food in a backpack or something
Guerrillas. We've learnt how bloody are they.
I know. I just can't understand why the rest of LatAm seems to want nothing more than to open their buttholes for those rats. I know the IQ of Hispanics is not where it should be in a lot of cases but after trying to same thing dozens of times and failing every single time you'd think more than just two countries would have accepted reality.
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Nice bubble you live in kid. Go outside and see how fucked is the job market due to veneshits doing it for the cheap. This country is not up to deal with this commie refugee shit.
>IF AND ONLY IF they do not become a burden
>I do not mind about those educated venezuelans (i include here those who are just technicians and liberal arts educated in the classical sense)

Please... don't you know that millions of uneducated Colombias have migrated to the world in decades...and have expanded like a fucking cancer? We have no moral authority to complain
Es el mismo que Nuevo Orden? O partido diferente?
I thought by South American standards Chile was always fairly capitalist ever since Pinochet.
They are likely to come back when Venezuela gets better... Maybe in 5 years. We can help until then..
Uruguay here. The left is having a hard time now, they know that if they openly support them they'll lose the next election. But, even though some of them openly opposed him, they hasn't been many strong statements against Venezuela.

Great times. It's awesome to watch .
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You are woke as fuck. Good shit.
I'm assuming that's only speaking relative to the rest of South America.

Captcha was helicopter again. I think Captcha knows something.
America should only let in sexy Venezuelan women. Men should fight for their country.
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So venezuelan anons were are you going to escape?
Some "high-iq" white people like communism too...
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Way ahead of you, anon.
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We actually constantly joke about communism, even mexican underage normies know it doesn't work
>pic related, some people i used to play vidya with send this type of shit every once in a while
It's just that most of our population is very easily bribed.
I challenge you to find one.
They are talking some martial law type shit right now.

You would understand better if your knowledge of LatAm history weren't almost entirely /pol/ memes.
I am in Australia already.
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>defends veneshits for our jobs and even underground economy oportunities
>literally we live in a jungle fighting for pennies and we let get in more hungry animals with a savage mindset of survival too

Sorry i can't. Veneshits can do better than here. VENESHITS RAUS
Understanding the advantages of free markets and free movement of capital needs
1) a special kind of mind (not douchebragging here)
2) LIFE EXPERIENCE regarding to the punishment-reward concepts
3) A decent level of intelligence
Latin americans have troubles with at least one of these aspects
Love you brother
Maduro killed him
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Damn nice pull anon.

Manolo macho, aqui te han pillao en bragas: No.135575893

tfw pillao en bragas
You guys kind of don't count because Mexico would never be allowed to have communism even if the people actually wanted it. The US would coup the government pretty much immediately.
I fucked two Venezuelan prostitutes in London. I feel bad I'm sorry.
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since pinochet gave up power weve only elected leftist presidents with the only anomaly of piñera

they have stolen so much money our economy barely grows anymore
Dude we need a war in this zone, we had have too much peace for a very long time. The pussyfication of the society is only getting worse.
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any good videos of people getting hurt
The PRI ran Mexico unopposed for 70 years
That's the best one you fag
PRI isn't even remotely communist. Mexico has almost no welfare state whatsoever.

It's corrupt as fuck, but not communist.
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Made a screenshot, too bad the stream quality is quite shitty.
Loyalists or coupists? What are they talking about?
Didn't they, for the most part, continue the market reform policies that Pinochet enacted though.
Every free minded thinking nationalist should be on side of Maduro. If the opposition wins they will turn the country into an US puppet state. Venezuela will lose its souveregnity.
Loyalists saying they will deploy on a broader scale to "protect" the democracy.
That haven't happen at all, probably government propaganda being successful.
Can you provide source anyway?
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No we aren't, but the population has been progressively siding with the right since then.
Nowadays chile is like the 33 miners, waiting for piñera to take us out of this hole
They're Socialists, but Mexico doesn't have much wealth to redistribute
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>mfw i have a venezuelan girlfriend
What is that blue package above the tp?
There was an interview with pro-president minister at one of our channeles.

Just saying.
If you wish to replace Maduro that is fine. But since you have no good alterantive to him, you are acting like traitors to your country.
yes and used it to enrich themselves and to fuel their failing policies that are leaving us stagnant in every possible way
menstruation pads
>support a commie dictatorship because muh evil US
And this is why nationalism is retarded.
Why are the males getting pads???
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Uhh... Leopoldo Lopez?
Henrique Capriles?
María Corina Machado?
Literally anyone else.
>we have no moral autority to complain
so you think we deserve some kind of "punishment"? Were you that beta kid who was the teacher's pet or the preacher's pet, then outgrew everything but the concept of "offer the other cheek"?

>maybe in 5 years
that mess won't get solved in at least one decade, look at Cuba, look at Venezuela's economy
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Not so long ago I read about civil war in your country. AUC looks well
That never happen, at most a Molotov bomb could have burn one Police man.

Unless you have a video to confirm it is a lie.
Show your real flag cunt
>not knowing (((Maduro))) himself is a jew
Bit of a stretch there m8. Mexico pumped a lot of oil over the last few decades. If PRI was sincere about socialism there would have been at least some gibs.
>to fuel their failing policies
Would you mind elaborating? What kind of policies?
Military deployment on a broader scale sounds almost like soft implementation of martial law to me (depending on the specific scale, if there are blockades, etc. of course). Could end up much more ugly if they clash with protesters.
You are a shit human being. I hope you die painfully
they're like cigarettes in prison. they barter for shit because they're money is worthless and no one can find anything to wipe they ass or stop up their bleeding vag with.
They can trade it for food or sell it.
Our leftards are either supporting them openly (communists, FARC, ...) or supporting them from the closet (progressives, greens, ...)
Look at this thread. https://twitter.com/_ju1_/status/849492809786806273

He is totally a commie but sometimes he posts pictures of very hard violence against chavistas.

No sé en quién creer, la verdad.

Don't you have FARC to worry about faggot?
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why the hell did i do this?
Don't worry were black.
Someone baking new bread?
Because in Venezuela those pads are gold.
16 deaths so far, according to opposition leader.
That guy was the only based commander there
The rest were just as bad as the guerrilla commanders, hell, many of those "right-wing" vigilantes were just former guerrillas who got fed up of being kept in the bottom of the booty ladder
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thanks for the rundown

It is amazing how the lefties openly demand an ideology and they don't bother a second to research it.

letting lazy people live is the greatest mistake a living person can do.
It's basically the same discussion Europeans and Gringos have. This is not a "punishment", it's just a way to temporary help a group of people like some countries have helped us in the past.

Maduro will be kicked out soon and some right-wing president or dictator will get the power.
>falling easily for the cherrypicking bait
Venezuela is important oil provider for US. Why destroy your supplier? I guess - US just wants free oil - that will be expensive.
Another chavista will get the power
Cuba won't lose the grip, the FARC and the ELN won't lose the bet
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half-assed education reform that is nothing more than a money drain, gibsmedats for haitian and colombian niggers, tax reforms that manage to raise less money than before for some reason, increasing the number of taxpayer-paid legislators and creating useless administrative divisions

all of that while we have an annual growth of barely 1% and decreasing
Disregard this bait gentlemen
Not to sound like a hippy there are no good sides in war. Killing is just bad. AUC had maybe good reasons when they started but they became as bloody (more bloody) than FARC, ELN, etc.

Everything that just happened to us in the 90's was a tragedy and we have to look for peace in the future.
Most of these messages are distorted, really biased, all what he said in that thread isn't even true.
I wasn't aware of this kind of propaganda on Twitter, but shit is heavy, it really impreses me, full of this.
The guy isn't even venezuelan but a españolito using Venezuela's crisis to attack the government in Spain.
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The US is pretty much energy independent these days. The US actually sells light oil to Venezuela and other refined oil products to Venezuela. They could easily go without venezuelan oil.
Of course, we have our issues. I'm just trying to understand both sides in Venezuela.
Didn't you guys have pretty strong growth up until fairly recently? What happened, just because commodities went down?
new thread pls
And you have your issues because you pussied out of the fight and gave your commie terrorists millions not to kill you lmao
This isn't about oil but regional stability.
Venezuela being a failed state can be a disaster for the continent with armed conflict in the continent, not only Venezuela.
It is obvious who is behind this. If you believe it is about oil, you are a fool.
US needs the government of Maduro in power so they can easily take Venezuelan oil from concessions. However they don't want a civil war that could stop the production at all.

US invade other countries because they want to keep their corrupt business with corrupt politicians as usual.

Remember all the "I hate USA" are only words not actions.
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opposition speech

learn another language you lazy fuck, or use Google translate.

So ashamed of my lazy country sometimes.
can you make a quick rundown similar to this about the Bogdanoffs?
>US needs the government of Maduro in power so they can easily take Venezuelan oil from concessions
Do you know that Venezuela supplies just 8% of USA's oil consumption? Did you hear that Trump menaced with stop buying from them i.e. USA can replace that share?

It is not 1973 anymore
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Feels falling.gif
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Yes, but stop ;_;
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bachelet happened

shes arguably one of the worst presidents we've ever had

this clears the ground for piñera to come back again but i dont know if he can fix the mess we're in
make it yourself you lazy piece of shit

nice numbers tho
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A'ight m8, I'm on it.
Wait a sec
Jesus look at that nose dive. It's like everytime she's in office your economy commits sudoku.
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This T B H
You were faster than me. xD
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This is very helpful. Good explanation.

I'll add that Chávez was a socialist leader who constantly was accused of authoritarian by its opposition, but supported by a majority in the majority if the elections he participated.
And that Maduro is also a socialist leader who have self-proclaimed Chávez legacy, meaning he will continue the revolution Chávez left undone. This, then used to continue the same recessive economic policies aimed to destroy the economy, and also the constant authoritarism which is now more obvious.
Maduro have been accelerating the crisis, the state abolition, deepening the crisis he refuses to solve while it continues to provoke more deaths from starvation, and an increasing number of people dying because of medicine shortage.
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Besides that:

> Mercosur is now analyzing the Expulsion of Venezuela based on the Ushuaia Protocol by the country's corrupt democratic pillars
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