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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 79

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This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking human trafficking networks. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc. We are especially looking for people who are good at making maps that we can use to analyze shipping routes, suspected trafficking hubs and routes, and the whole nine yards. Anyone who knows how to make these and is willing to do so would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Why human trafficking is a big deal:



>archives of past threads

Past threads of interest:

>full of google maps investigation; Port Angeles, Anacortes, Bellingham

>alleged member of human trafficking operation for South America to US/Canada shared info

>data dump of a lot of compiled info

>compiled info

Thread's attempted focus for today is to find these damned ghost fleets. One of our leads is that Tyson is involved in moving paid protesters and human trafficking so it's likely they have some nearby. Reminder that all info is being compiled into a list.

Some current leads:
>Mayo Clinic
>Fort Wayne, IN
>Avalon Apartments
>Bothell Pediatric & Hand Therapy
>City of Palatka, FL
>Bellingham, WA
>Anacortes, WA
>Port Angeles, WA
>Golden Dragon Exotic Club in Portland
>Tyson Foods Inc. & their connections
>Triads and other Asian organized crime groups
>Wichita KS
>Richard Branson
>San Juan Islands
>D.C. General Hospital
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Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and end points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to midpoints and end points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the end points will help to further validate them.

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Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks and may not be used for relocating people.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and end points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their respective ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden or non-suspect, and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.

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End Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices.

They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices. Group indoctrination, hazing ceremonies, and blackmail can also occur at these places.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain end points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or are within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.

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Daily Dose:
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Look for these kinds of things to map out the trafficking networks (courtesy of Anon5):

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Another thing to note is the use of trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).

Dumping Human Trafficking info


>"I know lots of pros and have not met one trafficked woman. I remember the Ukranian girl whose husband "rescued" her on in a TV special. Happy ending? Three months later she was back hoeing again"

>"I've noticed that many, not all of the so-called "sex slaves" were actually prostitutes in the country where they came from. In many cases prostitutes from South Korea and Thailand make arrangements with alien smugglers as well as illegal brothel owners in the US to be transported to the US specifically for the purpose of working as a prostitute. They agree to work off the transportation which usually involves the smuggler providing the prostitute with a Thai or South Korean passport of a person that looks like the prostitute (some passports are stolen and some are "purchased" from the owners) and the smugglers assist the prostitute in going to the US Embassy or Consulate and applying for a genuine B2 visitors visa. If they are caught in the US they tell the police or federal authorities that they were tricked into coming to the US under the pretense that they were coming to the US to be a maid or a house keeper (common made up story)."

>"DOJ knows about all of this and looks the other way when evidence comes out about the "sex slave" actually being a prostitute who made arrangements to come to the US as a prostitute (making them a criminal co-conspirator with the smugglers) because they want to make stats even if those stats are false. DOJ will give the prostitute an S or T visa with the pathway to permanent residence status because they are "helping" an innocent victim of sex slave trafficking. Not all of these people are prostitutes, but, a huge number of them are and the DOJ turns them into victims."
>paranoid schizophrenia general
"ghost fleets". good one.
>"The largest section of the illegal prostitution business is from Thailand and South Korea. Prostitution is big business in both countries. Many of those prostitutes want to come to the US to make bigger money in the lucrative US markets. They are the biggest number of ones that are Voluntarily smuggled into the US to work as prostitutes here. They don't care whether or not the business is legal (like maybe in Nevada) or illegal (as in the rest of the US). They pay off their debt for the smuggling (documents provided by smugglers and B2 visas provided by the US embassy or consulate) and then they work as free lancers making the big money. They travel in circuits working at various illegal brothels across the country. The majority of these brothels are owned/operated by Korean-Americans and Thai-Americans who use spas/massage parlors/nude modeling studios as fronts for the illegal prostitution.

>The biggest draws for these businesses are prostitutes who are still minors."
One of those locations posted in the last thread must have been legit, because you can time the point at which the shills started coming into the thread.
>"The majority of these businesses are operated by Asian-Americans who don't want to pay taxes and will never pay their legitimate taxes that they owe. They'd rather keep running the illicit, underground prostitution business so they don't have to pay the taxes. If they did pay taxes they'd owe billions. Many of the prostitutes that we "rescued" (and I'm using that word lightly here) were earning $25,000-$35,000 in just two months (for each prostitute). Image the taxes for that they would have to pay. Even the prostitutes would not want to pay a cent in taxes and they don't have to because they are illegal aliens (entered by fraud using someone else's passport), have no legitimate address (move from brothel to brothel in all 50 states), and their true identities are not even known by anyone in our government. When encountered by police or federal officials the prostitutes falsely claim that they were trafficked against their will. But, once you rescue them and set them up in a shelter, they promptly run off and start working on their own as prostitutes. They're only interested in the money they can make. All of the sex slaves that we've rescued were all prostitutes and had cover stories that they told us so that we'd accept them as victims."
Statistics on trafficking are contaminated:


>Every day I could bring you another example of how "human trafficking operation" and "sex trafficking sting" are simply police code for "prostitution bust." The story never changes: Police arrest sex workers or their clients, slap a catchy title on their efforts, call it a win against "modern slavery," and blast it out to local reporters, who faithfully frame the whole thing exactly how cops want. To the casual reader, it must seem like law enforcement is doing a seriously good job at stopping sexual exploitation. But all they're really doing is wasting tons of time and taxpayers' money to stop consenting adults from having sex.

>Here's a stellar new example out of San Diego. "13 Arrested in Human Trafficking Operation," the local NBC headline declares. What the headline fails to make at all clear is that not a single one of the arrests were on human trafficking charges, nor was a single trafficking victim recovered. Police simply posed as adult women selling sex and then arrested men who wanted to pay them.
fuck off to /x/.

this isn't politics.

A gift for you, this will make you feel better.
Thank you for your contribution, I'll make sure to compile all of that.
Some ar15.com digging into trafficking:


>"So I got an inner city condo recently and I have a next door neighbor. Actually the unit still has the lockbox on it, but a bunch of women seem to live there. They walk in and out in groups of 2-3. They are all very hot, like models. I would guess they are Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, etc. by the accent when they said hi to me. And when I say they, I mean only one woman talks to me. She walks in front of the others and appears to be in charge, yet she is about the same age and is also very good-looking. They are dressed in form-fitting business skirts and dresses, or else wear tight gym clothes. In other words, they wear their sexual appeal like a badge. The other women walk behind her and is quiet, one with her head down even, like she's being lead. Also, they seem to go places together and the vehicle is a late-model Maserati sedan. "
>"Any guesses on what the situation is?"

>"Paid to be smuggled here and are "working" off the debt...... "


>"We had one shut down recently. According to the article the police had been "investigating" for a couple of years . Area to the NE at the junction of three counties is subject of a Fed/State/local effort to stamp out meth trafficing"
you already have a thread up. And half the shit you're looking for is /x/ conspiracy theory bullshit.
I think someone should look into Ocean City, Maryland.

Lots of Eastern Euro women there who are here on temporary work visas and will have no means of legal immigration but also will not want to go home. Makes them very vulnerable to exploitation.
Always slightly demoralizing when the law enforcement is caught doing something like this

That thread is about to be archived. Here's something that make you feel better though.
Remember to be smart with statistics. The missing reported children number is SPOOPY.

A lot of people don't really care about facts or solving anything. They want the spoop. So they're not going to ever ever check that missing and REPORTED number, against the ones who turn back up, or were out doing teenager shit, or were part of a divorce battle, or..

>The likelihood of finding an abducted child has sharply increased in recent years due to technological advances in the way searches are conducted and a greater awareness that fast action saves lives, said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

>That has boosted the recovery rate for missing children involved in the most dangerous cases in America to 97 percent in 2011 from 62 percent in 1990, according to the center's statistics. That rate is even higher when it includes all missing children, not just the highest-risk cases, which include abductions by a stranger or a family member wanted on a felony arrest warrant, Allen said.

>"More than 99 percent of children reported missing in America in recent years have come home alive," Allen told Reuters.
There's lots of cities we should look into. Very broad. Got any company names that are hiring people who stay past their visa?

Do you mean this organization? If so, we've already established that they are in on the trafficking too.
>If so, we've already established that they are in on the trafficking too.
fuckola, you guys are nuts.
Yeah one of the big problems is that it's not just kids going missing in the US, it's also people being brought here from many other countries.
If it's easier/cheaper to get your hands on some brown kids from a shit city in Mexico who were brought up across the border, I would think that if you're producing CP then you'll probably just go with those rather than trying to take local citizens away from their parents.
Amanda Curtis
Jay Bostrom
Mary Poole

Get the kingpins.

IWW does the dirty work in your source areas in Montana.

Missoula Wobbly, Frank Little, was lynched in Butte nearly one hundred years ago. Let's not just bash the fash, let's have a bash!



Moar links about the modern IWW and their idpol bretheren QIU & AIP.


























Well, that's one of those things that I can't prove or disprove. BUT!

We can dig into statistics, and either find out that they are legit, or false, or contaminated in some way (asian hookers getting treated as trafficked women even though they run off to go back to work as soon as they can, kind of poisons the stats)

So, do you think that this is correct or false:

> 97 percent in 2011 from 62 percent in 1990
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Tech companies come to mind.
This man is taking all media attention.






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If IWW is anything like BAMN they're involved with this shit.
The statistic is coming from somewhere that I believe is not a valid source because I believe they have reason to not factually report on the problem itself.
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This guy shows up a lot.

So many of these things work better as movie plots than things people would actually do. I have a criminal background. People try to avoid risk as much as possible, and make money. Some people do better or worse depending on skill and sociopathy.

If someone is taking the extra work to import children for CP production, instead of just going to their third world country where it's easier to bribe cops, easier to avoid scrutiny, and easier to get away with the whole option, you can logically conclude one thing: they're not doing it for the money.

If people are bringing kids into the country for sex, it would be for setting up politicians / wealthy people and blackmailing them, or weirdo child sacrifice shit.
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But we can crunch the stats on our own if we don't trust theirs.
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August 1, 1917 centennial soon.

(Or for some other, non-profitable activity- blackmail is the only profitable one I can think of. Even organ harvesting would be easier if you just brought the organs in on ice)
Do you really believe 97% of people return home? That 99% of people return home? Have you looked into the DHS's recent campaign? Would that exist if the problem was actually within those statistics?
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IWW traffickers are emotionally vulnerable. Now is the time to strike.

Curtis, Poole, Bostrom, Gerheart.

Like I said, we can crunch the stats ourselves. If you don't trust theirs, we'd want to do that ASAP, right?

Dude...that will take such a long time. If you want to do that it's fine, But that organization you listed I know has some dirt on it so I much rather focus on the objective in the OP. So many people are trying to get us to do ANYTHING but look at that angle.
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Top kek.

>Southeast: negroes
>Southwest, Texas and Washington state: mexicans
>Coastal areas: white liberals
>Midwest: Injuns voting for gibs

Autism, man...
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>On average, 90,000 people are missing in the USA at any given time, according to Todd Matthews from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, or NamUs, a national database for missing people.

Okay, here's an interview from 2013- not a lot of information, but I'm going to bed soon and I haven't looked up the full stats for the last 10 years yet.


>MATTHEWS: You know, the missing touches everybody, I think. In 2012, we had 661,000 cases of missing persons; and that's just from that one year. Very quickly, 659,000 of those were canceled. So that means those persons either come back; in some cases, located as deceased persons, maybe never an unidentified person; or just a total misunderstanding. So at the end of 2012, of those 661,000 minus the canceled, we had 2,079 cases that remained at the end of the year as unresolved.

the rate, in 2012, of a missing persons case remaining unresolved: 0.31452%

Now unless we don't trust Namus.gov as well, then..
Any of you ever read the Missing 411 series? Spooky stuff.
This has nothing to do with the ghost fleets mentioned in the OP, so what point are you even trying to make?
>Dude...that will take such a long time. If you want to do that it's fine, But that organization you listed I know has some dirt on it so I much rather focus on the objective in the OP. So many people are trying to get us to do ANYTHING but look at that angle.

Okay looking at the stuff in the OP posts:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

aaand it's /x/
We used some of the information in the OP map

Don't get them on that or they'll start scrolling all over the continental US from satellite view looking for rock formations and berry bushes
So you just deflected right here, that should show everyone that you're being dishonest and are shilling.
>We used some of the information in the OP map

Oh my fucking god
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If you keep trying to reason with Shills, you will just fill up another thread with nonsense.

Filter and ignore
You're right, I just want to make sure everyone gets that they are shills. At this point I think they do though.

No, I thought this was actually shit digging into trafficking of missing / sex slaved children, not /x/ larping.

BTW, most trafficking that takes place in the US is niggers drugging teenagers and turning them out in dope houses, then moving them from place to place and pimping them. They're often not even reported missing because their family doesn't know. When the gangs do this with underage girls, then the cops at least can do something about it if they catch them.
What can I do if I live in the Seattle area? Any places to look around?
I declare this thread is now a shill general.

I'm getting paid $20 an hour on my end. How much are you guys making?

I'm looking at that bounty personally. I'm getting $10,000 for every one of these guys I turn in.
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The baby trafficking occurs in affluent, low-crime areas, however.
Likely, which groups are involved with organized crime in your city?

Your playbook suggests that your employers are not paying you that much per hour.
Anyone who wants to keep /x/ out of /pol/ is now a shill, because there's no way anyone would want that normally. Why, that's so crazy, you'd have to PAY some guys to have that opinion!

Either that or we're actual members of a shadowy conspiracy to move fleets of trafficked people around in semi trucks in defiance of all conventions of efficient logistics and fuel economy. And we're only shilling against this out of fear for our own hides. You're close, too close. And when you see this clear evidence of shills fighting you, you feel validated. Your life has meaning. You're really doing something!
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If you don't like the thread you can leave.
>Your playbook suggests that your employers are not paying you that much per hour.
I'm with a different company. We're not the pizza people. I'm selling you guys to some sort of cannibal cult or something. It's gruesome, but hey at least it's not me!
>p-please stop!
naw, the payday is too big. We're totally after you guys now. You know too much. Not that I care.

Again, you guys get taken by the cannibals, and I buy mudding tires or something. Maybe a new watch, something nice. . .
Reminder that the Port Angeles, Bellingham, and Anacortes were places where we found a lot of clues in the past. There's got to be at least one ghost fleet within that area.
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>tfw you know the autists are onto it this time
Shill after shill after shill.
do you live around there? we can arrange for a pick up.
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>There's got to be at least one ghost fleet within that area.

I'm starting to suspect that you guys are actually pretending to be serious for (You)s

>There's gotta be an entire fleet of semi trucks hauling around human cargo within this area!
Bellingham is an end point so a fleet wouldn't be around there.

>but hey at least it's not me!

Dont be so sure. Top head says you're becoming a liability. dont run.
I think that it's kind of amusing you have to resort to death threats now.
>t. shill
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Arrange my dick in your ass, Randy.
>Bellingham is an end point so a fleet wouldn't be around there.

It's an end point based on WHAT? Why wouldn't a ghost fleet hang out at the end point? Since all of these meanings are totally made up and don't obey any rule of logistics..
What about Port Angeles and Anacortes though? You also have Seattle too which has been mentioned previously.
I'm just paid to make claims and give information. I don't deal with the meat processing division. those guys are weird.

But seriously, where are you? The people in charge want to know. You got their attention.
We could try to see if any sanctuary cities correlate with those areas too. I know Washington definitely has some sanctuary cities in it.
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>tfw you will never be cool enough to get kidnapped by cannibals
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-2/10, try harder next time.

So. I heard that you shills might like Pokémon. Can you tell me which is your preferred Pokémon?
Never forget
It sounds crazy but they actually are on to something this time. That's why we're arranging for a pick up as soon as possible.
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bumping because last thread had shills fucking
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>tfw law enforcement will not pay us a bonus for turning anyone in

Why even live?

You don't shit where you eat.

Those are possible, it's worth a look around

oy vey
also dont forget tacoma

Basiclly you should map out the whole WA state, but look at each city, and from there we should see some patterns
I'm in your ass, come get me big boy.
It's not romantic. They just process and eat you anon. It's some newage diet to these clients. The rituals are just for show really.
You're a little out of the way. We'll be there soon though.

Sleep tight.
the era of satanic pedophiles is coming to an end - we can cause mass awakening! DO IT WITH THE POWER OF YOUR MIND!
This. We need to get a list of sanctuary cities and get a list of chains that have businesses in all or most of them.
Posts like these are why I'm actually kind of comforted that the IC reads these threads.

Wait, so they also pay you to describe to everybody here exactly what you're doing in an obviously theatrical and intimidating way? Are super villains also real?
Whoa there, buddy. We're going to need a pick up for you too. You're getting way to close.

I'm supposed to determine if you have "marbling" or not for the clients. Do you have a high-fat diet?
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Humans don't marble. We store fat like pigs.
Please, don't kid with me now. Either way I won't stop no matter what they say to me.
Sounds too hard. I think I'll watch a movie instead. K bye.
Are we still looking into Best Buy? What can we do to ""look into it"?
You uncovered a vast network of human traffickers who kill people and rape them and you couldn't image they would be casual about it? They do this all the time. This information is already out there so I just have to make you guys looks crazy and file my reports.

They pick you up and I go "fishing" again. It's pretty straight forward. You don't think these people are organized? You've proven they are.

How long are you going to be at your current location btw?
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>Describing what I'm doing in a theatrical and intimidating way.......
Either way they want the fat content. Can you do a BMI test for me?

Can you look into Comcast? I fucking hate them, they're double billing me. If any company is EVIL, it's Comcast
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Well, I'm going to sleep. Stay mad, though.
Do you think theyve made any busts from our leads yet? Did anyone check the Juarez airport?
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I remember that this area was pointed out in previous threads. It's possible that a ghost fleet might not be too far from there.
Goodnight, new thread will be tomorrow.
Excellent. I'll arrange for that pick up.
do you have any cool stories?

where can i go to get processed, it is my fetish
So you're in Washington?
I'm just in receiving and data input.
This anon is pretty close to one of the facilities, which is why he'll be picked up soon.

>You uncovered a vast network of human traffickers who kill people and rape them and you couldn't image they would be casual about it? They do this all the time. This information is already out there so I just have to make you guys looks crazy and file my reports.

Maybe being too casual is how it's going to get found out. Isn't that always how it is? Complacency, carelessness.

>How long are you going to be at your current location btw?

Dunno, but the trap is already set so any time is fine. Hope your boys like a taste of their own medicine! Maybe they'll rat you out, too.
Better make the best of it then until RIP then. Anyone want to ask me anything before I get sacrificed to Moloch?
I will dude, don't worry. Gonna sleep well, it's been a long night. How's your shift going? Not long started I see.

What's your preferred Pokémon?
how do you like your steak
Medium rare, every time
Agreed, Comcast is very evil. I found their board of directors here http://cmcsa.com/directors.cfm

And I see they have 1.2 million employees and operate in 41 states if you count Utah, where they're only 84% of the state. I think we should narrow this down and find areas of focus, any ideas?
are you hiring i need a new job
Mate. They're not going to bust anything from our leads. I see you're slow to the party here, so I'll make it simple.

It's most likley they are highly involved, if not running, this show. The big, bad part that runs drugs. If you see who I mean. Osama's friends. The fucking CIA.
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RIP in piece medium-rare anon, I support your steak choice. I'll remember you, buddy. Take as many of them with you as you can.
There are other agencies than just the CIA though, and their not all on the same page.
I'm afraid the interview is pretty intense. You have to do a lot of bad things, but it's just for liability purposes. They take pictures, you sign the contract in blood (not yours, so it's okay) and they really insist on kissing the phallus of this Baphomet idol, but it's not so bad.

The recruitment bonus is pretty sweet though. They need dependable people. You just can't have those "moral" things people are always talking about.
I think he's a shill. This just means we're getting closer...
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I appreciate your sweet farewells, but let's not be too grim dude. I plan on keeping this investigation going.
Doing god work anons.
Good enough that now they're just straight up threatening to eat us. Pretty fucking edgy if I do say so myself.
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Once you have determined what attracts the shill you can dispose of them. They serve no value beyond identifying your pursuit.
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This isn't ghost fleet related, just an oddity I remembered while combing some satellite footage to look around for back roads in the hills north of LA where boats drop drugs and people off on the coast at night.

So, if you follow this link:


The property in pic related is incredibly strange - covered in a lot of trees to block views of this hill, some of them not native to California and definitely that area (implying there was some kind of underground irrigation too since some of them needed more water than they'd naturally get). The hill has some natural rock outcroppings, but someone has also built some structures that they've covered with fake rock to conceal it from side and aerial view. There is some kind of building on top as well, but it too has some camouflage. It's purposefully concealed for some reason.

The gate is fitted with a massive chain and a camera with an alarm/speaker on it.

Did some casual personal reconnaissance many, many years ago because I drove past it and was curious. Only seen one person on the property ever.
do i have to do any gay shit? its a bit of a dealbreaker
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What's your favourite Pokémon, buddy? You know. The internet hate machine has been here a while. You LARPing bitches don't actually think we buy this shit? It ain't real until the partyvan shows up.

I require some... Proofs. Picture of said statue, with your cock in shot, and "hi /pol/" paper sign.
Exactly, what about Best Buy? Juarez airport? Washington State? We should focus in on smaller players like these and then maybe the feds can use our insights.
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>Baphomet idol

Boooooooooooooooooooo man you were doing kinda good for a while but this really killed it.
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Very interesting. Why the underground irrigation though? Why would they need the trees not from that area? Could be an underground lab or something but I'm honestly not sure.
How can I identify this?
Get back there homie. Camera with telephoto lens. Take tent, sleeping bag, rat packs. Observe for a few days. Read up on Special Forces survielance ops, it's fairly useful and easy to conduct.

Could answer your questions. And maybe, alot more. Vehicles leaving/going etc. Log licenses, details.
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Repost finds from the thread. Whichever find gets the most "sleepy posts" or "nothingburger" replies. Once that occurs get the shills out however you can. Gore is a common weapon against them.
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The Baphomet dick sucking cult might snatch him up for dinner tho. I don't know if I could handle something so spooky.
>only one person

It sounded like you were onto something until the end.

If theres only ONE person, how there be any trafficking there?
I'm just guessing they didn't have irrigation based on the fact that none of the trees ever died, even though summer could get quite hot in that area. Whoever owned it definitely did not want people to see what was going on there.

It could just be some weirdo in the hills, but maybe not. Too bad there are no spookanons posting right now we could ask.

Don't live there anymore and don't have a camera/telephoto lens. Would be a good idea though.
It'll be fine. Why I advised him to read up on Special forces recon ops. Shit in bags, camouflaging your hide, etc.

He's here, he's autistic, he's already scoped it before. Stop worrying. If he does, he can livestream his abduction, and we'll log it for future use as evidence against them.

To be on the righteous side of history and to fall is a great honor my friend. I mean just think that could possibly be your mother, sister or wife that gets taken to be used for god knows what purpose.
Gee anon you're right, it's so common for traffickers to leave their product right out in the open for people to see. Also it's just a point of interest, I have no idea if it is for trafficking.

The person I saw on the property was moving on the peak of the hill. The only way to observe it was from a ways away. It was not visually accessible by design.
I live on the Oregon/Washington border. What am I needed to do?
Kek, this.

Traffic will likely be at quiet hours when no-one is about, moved inside and kept until further distribution/collection maybe. Or its a processing centre, though is very small for that.
>Once that occurs get the shills out however you can.
NI'm t sure they will be devasted by that Hank Hill gore but once we get them out, then how do we move forward from there to getting the traffickers arrested? how many of the ones we identified so far have been taken in, and why dont we focus ou energy on the ones we've found that are still on the loose?
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You're right anons, I don't want the moloch boys to roll up on my house and turn me into chowder.
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Why are all of you guys implying that I'm actually going to get killed? Can't we think a little bit more positively about this?
He was a shill. Don't worry.

Have a fap instead.
Just be on the look out mainly. Heard any weird stories around there that might relate to this stuff?
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Go get 'em.
The road itself is not heavily trafficked at all as it is out of the way. And the coastline it leads to has confirmed cases of trafficking by boat. Would make sense to have a place nearby to use as a safe house.

If I still lived within driving distance I would go get everyone better pictures.
But who can be trafficked, of theres only one person? Dont you see what we mean? Do we have any evidencce we can show the authorities? Because there might be another one, inside of the building.
It's not even implying. If we actually find something big, like the smoking gun, they may come for us. Make over 9000 copies and distribute them to everyone. Hard copies, on USB or dvd or cd whatever. They'll try to limit the damage, big time. Think about it - it'll bring the system crashing down. Riots. Murder of those involved. It's us, or them, if it happens.

Don't mind the LARPfag shills though. The IC - you won't know they're coming.
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toplel, notice how he's disappeared for some reason.
I still have some faith in the FBI at least, some anyway.
I'm late to this thread, but these traffickers do this out in the open. They do it 'legally' sometimes. They bring these kids in by adoption, some go missing in state care. This gives them an 'out' for accountability.
You wouldn't happen to be a spook anon would you?
Well there are a few cold cases along north Oregon coast, but most of them are from the 70s and 80s. The Joan Hall cold case stands out most, but it's quite unlikely it has anything to do with human trafficking. It happened in Warrenton, Oregon, right where I live. There's also been talk that a serial killer was in and around Warrenton in the 80s. But again, unrelated to human trafficking. Can't say I can think of much else. It's the Pacific Northwest after all, lots of shit can have a weird vibe up here. I'll say this, coastal highway 101, especially from Longbeach Washington going all the way north to Port Angeles is very sparsely populated while driving through. Podunk creepy coastal towns, almost looks straight out of True Detective S1, if you've seen it. Would be a mighty fine place to operate through if I do say so myself.
Try harder man. That's why you watch it for a week and log of anything happens. If it doesn't, it's a lonely old man. If trucks and vans show up, unload multiple people inside at 2am, which then leave later, maybe in separate vanloads of 5, something's up.

A real person can figure that themselves. You are a crap shill. Hang your fucking self by your scrotum from an mi-26 and ask the pilot for a ride to Siberia please.
Do you think refugee resettlement is to help peaceful Muslims?
Interesting, I'll jot that coastal highway you mentioned down.
I have studied this for a long time. Look at the Franklin Cover up. It was all done out in the open.
DIdn't anon5 say Podesta was framed? And Alefantis too? Maybe they have some leads that could help, you never know, sometimes all it takes is an email... I knnon5 said it's a waste of time but maybe they know something or know someone who does, even if they weren't actually involved, podesta and alefantis I mean.
Ah I see, what places would you suggest looking at then that are out in the open?
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I did, I'm dead from laughing at him now. I bet he's smoking outside. Wondering how why I asked him that, of all things.
Private adoption agencies. Agencies, that bring foreign children to the US. Also, we need to start looking at children that go missing in state care.
Also probably unrelated, but still creepy, is Olympic National Park. I'd almost bet there are a lot of disappearances there..Missing 411 style. It's got an odd feel to it, from the times I've been there. And the park is really finicky about people going off the trails. Locals that live around there that I've talked to say that the government operates a facility deep in the park and does who knows what else there. Make of that what you will, could very likely be BS but it stuck in my mind, and wouldn't be too unlikely considering how stringent they are on keeping you on the pathways so you don't go trekking through the woods. Strange place.
Podesta is a pedophile, Alefantis is totally unknown. Someone even mentioned recently that no one even bothered to wonder if James even ran that CPP instagram.
>Blah blah blah
>ID: rPw83zZZ

It's a sleepy shill! Aaaaaaaahhhh!
Nah you're right though, those are both known leads though buddy. You're not actually giving us anything new there. They're doing both man, don't think small.
You got the wrong idea, I'm on your side, I'm not pushing pizzagate or any debunked theory, I'm here to help stop the actual trffickers. How can we go after the ones we've identified in the previous threads? What are their jobs and locations? How do they tie into the HT rings?
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So places like this then? I for the life of me could not zoom in on the place any more than that.
Have you done anything? Probably not. Did you know you can volunteer to help these victims?
Just another pol armchair warrior who will not leave his house
So how can we help WaPo and co. clear Alefantis' name? He's still getting threats. If we spread the word like A5 always says, do you think James would reciprocate and give us some intel?
ANYTHING TO GET US TO NOT LOOK FOR THESE DAMN THINGS, it's getting rediculous I swear.
It's a start.
Dude I don't think that's where the bulk of the transport is. That's what we're looking for right now okay?
Read my post fucking hell. I'm.not a burger, I can only do stuff my end, and we aren't investigating that actively anymore.

Observe movements, locations, people involved. Watch. Closely, but not obtrusively. Document it. You'll know if you find a smoking gun. Then make over 9000 copies to distribute manually and upload it online.
That is an interesting idea. I don't know, he might not want to jeopardize the role he plays as a middleman. He's certainly done well just running his little meeting place and maybe he wouldn't wanna rock that boat after he was warned.
Ok time to actually contribute, The Temple of Oculus Anubis was mentioned in a pizzagate thread a long time ago and it stuck with me.

1700 SE Forest Hill Dr, Damascus, OR 97089
If you want to google map it. Notably there is a statue of Anubis and reportedly it has tunnels and a underground complex. These guys seem to like Egyptian mythology but who knows if it is related
Nobody would expect us to actually reach out to him either, could be an interesting idea.
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Hey aren't you tired? Shouldn't you take a nap? Oh wait, that was last month.
Right on anon, dont be discouraged by >>135497629
we should look into these agencies. Ho many of the are there? Which should we focus our efforts on? Like I said I'm not sure how many there are, but if we can eliminate all but 4 or 5, then we could make further progress.

For state care we should focus on WA IMO since we know so much about it already.
Bulk transport comes from the border, and women who think they are getting jobs in the US, and end up slaves.
Is that a Temple of Set thing? Kind of sounds like it.

I didnt mean actually killed. Its nice for a change that people care about others just vanishing out of thin air. I mean who else besides /pol/ even thinks about this type of shit.
Great I'll do that. What did we learn from the active investigations and why did we stop doing them?
Just let us look for these things for one damn day for fucking chris's sake. How do you know if they're not real if you constantly keep distracting us from looking for them.
Could very well be, there is some scattered information available on the web and if you search the archives there are a handful of posts
It's worth trying, simply because it will throw them a curve ball. If he's innocent, great ally. If he isn't, we treat him like we think he is and exploit them, as they will use him to feed us false info/entrap us.

And, it'll be lulzy, either way.
Ah, I see. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement and I definitely think that it's time that the people care about protecting themselves and their loved ones from people like this.

Why use the confederate flag if youre not American?
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Please post some pics. I looked at it, but I think I missed what you saw.
Damn man, as a trained intelligence analyst I'm all for this but I work so much I wouldn't have the time to dig into this and produce any useful info. If the fight still rages when I get some time off of work I'm definitely going to try and help out.
Based Virgo Leader. A true Virgo is unbeatable.
Is this the adoption program in asia? Why do yu think it's more likely than the one of europe or africa to have trafficking, what about it stnds out to you?
We already found alot of these places during the /EWO/ threads. Go look back, save the legwork on alot of this.

For state care bear in mind they can move victims through legit facilities also, making the trail alot harder to follow.
I'm pretty stimulated right now since it seems shill are seriously starting to get worried now. I could be up all night looking for this stuff now. Anytime you can drop in to help will be great appreciated.
Would be pretty funny if he actually did talk to us. I'm just guessing he's paranoid now and wouldn't play ball.

Checked, how do you know that it has tunnels and stuff, post sauce
We'd appreciate the help whenever you can contribute. We need some people who can really help us break down the process of understanding these networks.
Agreed, we need to find some way to narrow down the list of possible locations in these areas.
Yeah they want us to do anything except follow and analyse the data, huh?

And I support the ideology. It was the last truly free America. Lincoln was a bad thing, for many reasons but mostly
>muh state rights
I know looking for abandoned places is one.
Look here: http://disinfo.com/2015/05/temple-oculus-anubis-arch-weirdness-oregon/

Some kids also made a couple youtube vids with better views:
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He's also a massive attention-whore drama queen faggot, so may bite the bait easily.

Ironic isnt it if the guy that the NYT and WaPo, Snopes, CNN and literally everyone we hate on this site were protecting turns out to be the good guy, and they were just telling the truth the whole time.

Maybe theyre all the good guys and we've been fooled all along? if so how can we redpill the other threads about it?
>Checked, how do you know that it has tunnels and stuff, post sauce

check this timestamp
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Why is your link from a website named disinfo.com anon?
Any large agency should be looked into. Follow the trails of donations/who and the names involved. It's not that an entire agency would be trafficking, obviously. But they have to have a way in 'legally.' I am keeping my eyes locally.
Also, first hand accounts. Victim interviews. If you can get them.
So, what/who did you ID?

Truth and if there is something there the easy way to get this type of information out is by sending it to stefan, infowars, truth factory etc. Normal people have to see it. Good luck my friend.
Wasn't that tied in with the jonbenet Ramsey MURDER mystery? Affluent pedo cult in colorado
it was convenient to link instead of manually posting pictures, i found it when i searched the name. it has the 3 pictures i would have had too post. like i said i don't know if it is related it just stuck with me because of the symbolism and all that
No, we weren't wrong. Nice try, but no. He might just be a useful idiot to them (think how the president is just a face for TV). He's the face of comet ping-pong, which is a front. Maybe he's a front too. Maybe he don't fuck kids. Maybe he does. He is connected to alot of trafficking/paedos, but he may be stupid and ignorant.

I'll grant you it shill, you try. But no banana. We're in the rabbit burrows now. You can't just push us back out. Derpderpderpderp
It's cool, I just thought it was funny. That is quite the strange place there you've showed us. Worth considering perhaps.
But there are many large agencies, I suspect. Which ones to look into? EVERY large agency? Because it'ss large?

We need to start posting the first hand accounts and interview transcipts fresh on every thread.

Because he's a SHILLL
We just need someone to help us start really knowing what to look for so we're not stabbing in the dark.

Would make sense that they would bait an guy who wasn't involved, especially since he he's in the position he is in DC. It was naturally good bait for people here to get everyone off of Silsby. No one even followed up where the kids were going from that because they got distracted onto CPP.

that's kind of odd
If there was something going on there, it would be another end destination.
Your shill is showing. You didn't do what I said, or you would know.
Go look into some shill, report back. Do something useful while you shitpost. To save time, just post "derpderpderpderp" instead of nothongburgers.
There are many large agencies. Can we find a trail online? Not my strong point. I strongly believe we need adult victims to speak. These pedos use an agency to get these children. I' volunteering locally. Hopefully I can get someone to talk. It's not easy.
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Echoing HLI:

The FBI isn't being allowed to investigate this. They want to, but the top levels won't let them, because the country is currently run by dark occultists that cover up for each other. These blackmail rings are how they keep each other in line.

What kinds of activites are legal and illegal for private investigators? (surveillance is not illegal if you do it right)


> I've seen pinhole cams for <10$



others: drones, thermal imaging cams...
What I was thinking too. Wondering how far away the people they'd be getting would be. I don't think they'd be transporting people longer than 3 days but I really don't know.
But literally every single one of them said Alefantis was the wrong guy, and Podesta, too, and they were riight it turns out! Dont you think this changes everything? Maybe the rest of the board, outside of htg and KB are all shills, or like anon5 says, they work for the non-jew globalists who want to make the jews look guilty?

Maybe WaPo/CNN, NYT and /htg/ are the good guys after all?
Pizzagate was sensationalized news, however disgusting Podoesta and his circle is. They made us the laughing stock of the internet, but we ALL know Podesta likes to touch kids. Period. He will never be held accountable.
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No. "Maybe" alefantis is innocent. Podesta is not. Everything else still stands.

Go have a nap, Skippy. ;)
So what youre saying is, you've ID'd NOBODY AT ALL after all the good work in these threads? Thats hard to believe anon but at least we helped stop pizzagate, what a waste of time.

Hey bong you never answered me, why do you use confederate flag if youre brit? I think youre a shil!
Basically reddit ruins everything.
Youre a shill if you dont defend Alefantis and Pedosta 100%
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>white knighting for HLI
Go read some /ewo/ threads again. Also read where I answered you here:
And gb2/shillschool/ and become better.
They spend too much time on trivial shit.
If you want answers, you may have to go on foot.
Scary. My spouse stopped me from going to interview someone (I will not mention) because of safety.
This map is a joke. There is nothing in northern washoe county yet you keep drawing into the very rural part of Nevada.
Apostrophe between 'you' and 're'.
Nice digits but I can tell youre a shill, anon5 said Alefantis was framed by Brock, if Podesta was guilty he would be too, how can you say the one but not the other?
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3 days will take you roughly half way across the US.

Podesta is definitely guilty though
The Podesta brothers are both collectors of "art" depicting the physical and sexual abuse of children. No one made them do that. This is a matter of public record. Alefantis notwithstanding the Podestas are guilty as shit.
The confederate anon is not a Shill, you should familiarize yourself with their playbook and maybe read Rules for Radicals.
Yeah. On one operation I had a guy trying to get me to dox others, give him any bit of info. Had me in a corner, thankfully my buddy reappeared. He's was breddy nuts too, didn't want to knife him tho. Probably had HIV.
Can you read? I wrote 'Podesta ans his circle.'
I don't know why you're accusing me of shilling. I really don't care. If someone is motivated to stop child/adult trafficking I support them. It's a currency now. It's a large problem, if you're paying attention.
Of course he is
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Take note that this author gave a shout out to Satan in his personal acknowledgements.

Already got you covered pham (also checked).
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Don't get baited, bro. Observe his ID.

Digits confirm Rules for Radical is the key, Pizzagate was debunked and the CNN is good.

But how can Podesta be guilty, if WaPo is based? He works for WaPo.
You know researching this gave me nightmares for a long time. I couldn't sleep for weeks, so I thought volunteering would help me feel less hopeless about it.
Can I ask you, where were you born and raised?
>Alefantis notwithstanding
We need to get some threads up and share our research on Alefantis with the rest of /pol/, link anon5's threads and get the word out.

Maybe Alefantis is a /pol/ack.
It was never debunked. It was ignored until someone shot up Comet Pizza.
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fucked around and got a triple double
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What did Kek mean by this?
Nah. Alot of the same feels doing that mate, they're just as powerless. But you see the ruined people first ha.d and get emotional. Or, you stop having feels. Stay here, keep your hate for them burning, but controlled, so when the time comes we can act with clarity. I've done my vomiting and crying over this already now.
He means
Is BTFO is he doesnt answer
It's pure evil. I hope this country can get a grip on this. It appears law enforcement is making some progress.
It *was* debunked, by Anon5.

Glad to see the lack of research will continue, they'll end /pol/ if you keep turning up good evidence like this

>Apostrophe between 'you' and 're'.
You got me CIAanon, I'm Frank
Don't give up. They can 'debunk' all day. It's not stopping us.
But anon5 said it was fake
You better think twice. Your newfag is showing...
>And I'm FSB
Also I'd just like to say, using Anon5 as a source is a bit like saying you heard it off that tramp who smells a bit like wee in town.
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>cnn and wapo are based
>podesta is innocent

Get the fuck out of here shlohmo
But if you're Frank, then who am I?
But the jews didn't do anything, haven't you read anon5's threads?
Can you guys go have this conversation somewhere else please? You're not really helping us at all right now and you're basically just repeating the same shit over and over again.
Good question, cianigger
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>Minimalist merchant

I'm dead. And I'm out. Well this was shill city. Maybe more can be done tomorrow night. Night buddy.
Sorry man, I think that it means that we really are getting close though. New thread will be tomorrow as usual. Goodnight.
Don't you know? Everyone is Frank, he's here in these threads bumping with a gorillion proxies

you went for the long game but finally overplayed your hand
>You're not really helping us at all right now

>and you're basically just repeating the same shit over and over again.
>as opposed to these threads
Keep up the good work, /htg/ disinfo nigger.
If so many people don't like the way I run /htg/ why don't they make their own threads. I don't own the /htg/ license for christ's sake, and if I did I'm seriously getting fucked out of my royalties.
I'm Frank, read my threads
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Night. We're very close. We need to be allowed to post /mlp/porn. That furry shit actually repels shills. That or old days /i/ gore. I'll be back. Possibly on UK flag if I clear my cache.
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This is probably the same Pedophile who has been following these threads for several days now.
it's like running a BASED MSM GENERAL thread, or a JEWS DINDUIT GENERAL (sound familiar?), there is no good way to make a thread like this because it's a DISTRACTION THREAD. You're literally righting down types of businesses,which ones kindof sound sketchy and hoping the faggot James Comey will show up and tell you what it means. Well those of you who arent in on the ruse.

Fuck off nigger I know your agenda.
Stop touching kids
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Come back when you have some actual criticisms of the threads.
You're literally right where you started, nowhere, Tomorrow you'll make a new thread and talk about wisconsin home depots. Good thing you're not "circlejerking around the jews", as anon5 would say.
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Thanks Jake.
there is a strip club in salem oregon called cheetahs that had a history of underaged girls working there as strippers. idk if that can help with wht ever you guys are doing. just a lil bump a guess
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I'm still not sure how many vehicles are supposed to be parked around the ghost fleet areas. Like I found this place near Anacortes. It's secluded and has a bunch of white trucks parked near, but I don't know if it would count as one. Not really at a distribution center or anything but perhaps it's close to one? I don't know.
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I'll take note of it, thank you for your contribution.
Got an address/coordinates?
glad i can help desu
Not sure how to fetch coordinates, but I can tell you it's at Mt Erie Park. If you go there it should stick out at you.
Tell your (((messiah))) its funny, the day after someone linked his dad, his link edin goes private.

If anyone missed it you can ask me about the details. Frank is taking you faggots for a ride but if you disagree, show me what your "investigations" have uncovered.
Only shills, jews and idiots frequent these threads.
heres the link
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Nah. You dead, motherfucker.
Jesus this thread filled up fast, considering whether I should make another one tonight or not.
What have you found, in all your /htg/ and hollywood threads put together?
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Motherfucker, I did not make any Hollywood threads and read the fucking compiled info you lazy nigger.
>a strip club with underaged girls
Ad the thousands of others with it
They're mad about the Oakwood investigation still because it uncovered a celeb grooming location.

I wouldn't bother, I'm about to check out
Kek that's true. It is getting late. Today was good I think because the shills going ape shit like this shows this really scares them. They sent their smarter (if you can call them that) shills today too. Really makes you think.
>read the fucking compiled info you lazy nigger.
Theres nothing to read. You compile lists of places, organizations and categories that soud vaguely suspicious, your copypasta grows and the next thread you move on and never come back to them again.
I bring up information from them fairly often, but hey I'm not the one who shills for pedo's so what do I care?
Dont you mean, someone else told you about them, you looked at it and didnt do anything? One anon drove over and took some photos and such, that was the only development and there was on follow up.

Pedogate and htg are nothing but fake threads to occupy your mind on something other than pizzagate.
>shills for the pedo Alefantis
>((((i'm not the one who shills for pedos muh)))
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You shills seriously do not deserve the digits you've been getting tonight, this is total bullshit.
This is the same Pedophile who did/does try to touch kids in bathrooms.
You can tell?
He attacks these threads especially intensely. His playbook strategies are all very predictable if you watch him each time he shows up
Interesting, I'll have to pay more attention to the shills then (just not respond too much to them of course).
But maybe your're right
Maybe CNN and NTY were right all along
Mossad tried to save the day on 911
And the jews who appear to dominatte banking and finance, media, entertainment, eduction, law, business, real estate and half of every dollar in actual circulation, are all part of an elaborate ruse to protect the globalist goyim from the public, like Frank says.
Pay attention to which topics he attacks as well.
I thought I was frank, why can't you decide already?

Will do, could lead to something potentially.
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>His playbook strategies are all very predictable if you watch him each time he shows up
>are all very predictable
>all very predictable
You're a shill, Frank.
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Breaking out the CP I see
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Those arent digits newfag
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But numbers are digits tho? I've been here longer than one year.
>a year later
>doesnt know what digits are
>still buys what frank is selling
Okay tell me, what are digits on 4chan then if they're not numbers like they are IRL?
Topkek you are so new, you don't even know that meme.

Lurk more faggot
I'm so confused by this, if they're not numbers then what could they possibly be?

>Frank H. Slaunwhite, 42, of 66 Houghton St., Woburn. Arrested on a charge of sexual conduct for a fee.
God you shills are so obsessed over that kid, it's fucking sad.
>the favorite jew tactic, accuses opponents of that whih you are guilty of
>works on people who dont think for themselves
>read (((alinsky))) rules to know the shill muh
looks like (((you))) read them well.

There's a lot of money going into these threads isn't there, shills.
Dude I wish I was actually getting paid to make these threads.
I cant telll if youre young, dumb or shill, like the rest of us I can only guess.

But youre supporting someone who disputes the most widely held beliefs on /pol/.
You've been here for a year and you dont know what digits are? Or you want a couple more shekels when I respond to you.
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