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Mexican Cartels

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Do you guys know how bad it really is?

I've lived in Texas my whole life. My parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were all from Texas. The cartels are literally destroying city after city all throughout the state, and I don't mean
>muh immigrants

The drug trade in small towns is outrageous. My hometown is small and near Oklahoma, but the murder rate is around 2.5x higher than the average city its size in the US. Why? Mexican gangbangers have been importing large amounts of crystal meth for the last two decades and have been engaged in turf wars ever since. A large portion of the town is now uninhabitable ghettos.

There are certain cities in Texas you can no longer live in if you're white. This includes Laredo, El Paso, and any city within 100 miles of the border. The media downplays the violence on US soil. The truth is dozens of people are killed every day in these cities. Kidnap, torture, and shootings all occur regularly. I'm not sure why the media doesn't cover it, maybe people would panic if they knew how bad it really was.

I don't know the solution. The cartels are used to tangling with military. They're literal terrorists and every year they encroach further across the border. They're already in Texas. I've had friends literally killed for no reason - because they made a mistake of stopping at a stoplight in a shitty border town at night. Shot through their door by a gangbanger. Why the fuck doesn't the federal government help us?
That's absolutely fucked man.
have you tried calling 911?
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fucking animals
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just go full on clint eastwood on their illegal asses.
They'll kill you for a lot less than that. We need actual US military near the border. The DEA does nothing, it wouldn't surprise me if most of them are crooked. The FBI does nothing. Border patrol does nothing, cartels easily pay them off and circumvent them. The situation is so totally fucked that I'm amazed no one seems to care. There's plenty of coverage on the atrocities in Mexico but no one seems to care that THE SAME THING IS HAPPENING IN THE UNITED STATES EVERY DAY.
The government knows that deportations/building a wall won't actually solve anything.

Pharmaceuticals and Big Prisons make too much money off the drug war to let any real legislation change on drugs.

Ultimately the violence and mental torture the cartels inflict is a means to an end, and that end is power. They murder and commit literal terrorism in order to keep the general populace too scared to stand up, and in doing so gain more authority than the government/law enforcement.

This video sums it up greatly, however doesn't provide too much in actual solutions.

Also, I'm an anchor baby. Both parents moved here from Mexico, and while I've seen many of the beautiful safe cities of Mexico, some other regions are absolute nightmares and need to be avoided like the plague. It really is a big matter of perspective, and context.

>see news reports of Juarez, Sinaloa, and Monterrey violence
>Americans think Mexico is literally Afghanistan
>foreigners think news reports of Detroit, Chicago, and Ferguson
>foreigners think USA is literally Afghanistan

Mexico is truly a beautiful country with strong, hardworking people. Unfortunately some regions are plagued with incidents like this https://www.propublica.org/article/allende-zetas-cartel-massacre-and-the-us-dea
And so there seems to be very little in the way of solutions unless USA completely reevaluates the drug situation.

>building wall won't work
>deportations won't work
>cartels use murder and terrorism to terrify general population
Martial Law and tanks
Their government is more corrupt than ours. They already have tanks rolling down the streets. It's only made it worse.

fucking heisenberg that guy never has enough
i didn't mean martial law on mexican soil, i meant martial law from the american government on american soil. if your ennemy is ruthless then show him you are 10 times worst. this should be the same done here in France in the shit cities like Marseille or some places near Paris but from what i see the situation is much more dire in the Southern US
We really need a straight up military coup at this point. The Constitution meme is no longer useful.
I see. Haven't give too much thought to Martial Law in some of those cities so can't comment if it could be more effective over enforcing our existing laws yet.
Legalize recreational drugs. When drugs are illegal, gangs settle their disputes on the streets with guns. When drugs are legal, dispensaries settle their disputes in the courts with lawyers.
Arm yourselves, start banding together, and create safety squads. Spread community awareness through pamphlets or mass email or white pages. There's nothing more dangerous to them than people who fight and hunt them back. It's why criminal enterprises are not the strongest in well-armed communities, but in those without the means to protect themselves and each other against terror.
That's a good point. People who become degenerate addicts end up weeding themselves out anyways. Add that on top of research that proves when you live a life of excess, you die young and it scares people away from it. Kind of like how cigarettes have become, except you'll die a lot faster if you use drugs in excess.
Yes exactly. And I'm open to the argument that drugs have negative externalities, but even then you can just tax them, and use the revenue generated from the drug taxes to lower the taxes on normal sober citizens.
The only solution is to genocide every spic. It's the only way to save America.
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Here's the truth, hard for a dumb faggot like you to swallow but I don't care about your feelings.


2015 ATF report found that 70% of cartels' equipment (AR15s, Grenades, etc) comes from USA.

>cleetus sells muh guns to cartels for money and the drugs/opiates he like.

Cartels shit up Mexico. In return, the USA gets about 50,000 "modern slaves" through the border. And the money and drugs I already mentioned.

(thanks to cleetus now Mexico is the most dangerous country to visit, even more dangerous than Israel and north Korea),

> can't go if you're white

Lol you're full of shit.

MS13 divisions have alliances with the Aryan brotherhood, the rival gangs only have alliances with blacks.

Mexicans are too busy praying in churches, taking oaths of poverty, being good neighbours to USA, and giving all their money to churches headquarted in Europe to fix their own country.

> ok thanks Cletus

This is exactly why pro-Asian sentiment and anti-western-European sentimentis growing worldwide.

I wish Mexico would be China's next Africa. Then we'd have stability, high speed rails, and not have to worry about criminals with Berett .50 cals shooting down military helicopters.

Chinks, I am at your service. Our bodies are ready for you, China. Restore your ancient glory in all our bums and over our faces
>50k "modern slaves" a year
beaners are filthy niggers. Stink like shit, ugly, obese, degenerate loud and aggressive as fuck, not a threat on their own hence why they stick to gangs. I want them all to drop dead, even if it means losing mexican food.
If only you weren't too lazy a nigger to work they'd be gone

lawl, you can't even take responsibility for your own country and you think you're ready to run the united states? nigga pls.
Shut the fuck up, pedro. You filth are the laziest and fattest scum out there. Used to work with beaners, you half ass everything and can't even learn english properly. We don't need you for shit, how about instead of picking fruit you pick a noose to hang off from.
Mexicans are a lot different than the border hopping spics here. They're the ones trying to save their country instead of running away to be an obese, welfare queen. They're also the ones that will help keep Mexicans in Mexico. You'd realize that if you could at least try to raise your IQ by a few points.
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> developing nation fixes it's problems

> NATO calls it run by brutal dictator

No wonder Philippines ran back to China a few days ago.

Same reason all-white nations like Ukraine are even less developed than Mexico kek
Only thing that can save mexico is by gassing mexicans.
>Legalize recreational drugs.

I've yet to hear any mainstream politician come out for this.
>2015 ATF report found that 70% of cartels' equipment (AR15s, Grenades, etc) comes from USA.
>>cleetus sells muh guns to cartels for money and the drugs/opiates he like.

You forget Fast & Furious?

I doubt the dopeheads you talk about have a clean enough record to buy any guns, let alone live on a border town.

mexico is a developed nation pretty much, yet it can't get it's shit together due to gross incompetence while ukraine recently fought a war with russia and won.
What's our solution? I don't see mobs of white men running around gassing Jews or doing anything to fix the nigger problem. Your response is a meme.

Indeed. Can't help those kind of 'people'. Only hope is that Karma inflicts upon them that they inflict on others.
trump must invade mexico

haha, yeah right. that's why most would rather live in enclaves and avoid reality rather than solving it. most mexicans who are well off act like they're somehow different than the rest of the mexicans and are jealous of latinos in the usa. that's why the biggest and most vocal people against chicanos come from mexicans in mexico. all i've seen from well off mexicans is constant bitching how it's poor people's faults that the nation is fucked up and ignorant, while they themselves don't contribute to anything other than seclude themselves from everyone else and grow bitter against immigrants in the usa.
Spics are far more violent than nogs
Kind of like whites in America?
i bet its just beaners killing beaners
if they start killing whites, especially raping and killing qt white girls then the fucking army is gonna nuke the shit outta us
and like this guy said >>135476931
report all the illegals to la migra or if you have enough balls do some vigilante justice

I've been wanting to raise awareness of this for a while, anon. Would you be willing to help tell your stories, and find others to tell theirs? Anonymously, of course. I'm setting up a wordpress website as a daily story style guerrilla news page. Not a money making thing but if we do have to put ads on for bandwith, I'll split everything beyond expense covering with people who write for it.

It's going to be called www.NarcoPolo.co

Kind of like Borderland Beat but turned up to 11. I want to really put it in people's faces, show them what we are dealing with, the cost we are paying and the monsters we risk letting in, that we have LET in.

Also check out Borderland Beat.
I wish just one billionaire was a bad ass who would hire the most elite team of operators from the US and Europe and simply eradicate all the cartel lords.
>muh aztec heritage
Does this include stories of family or inlaws that live in Mexico? Or are you going for American run ins with the cartels?

Pretty much focusing on American run ins but the problems in Mexico are important too. I noticed the "drugged alcohol" thing hit the news for half a second.

It's actually a HUGE problem for American tourists in Mexico. Most women who get drugged and raped don't even report it or want it to be public knowledge.. they just want to go home and not be in the media.

Often it's the local cops doing the raping. I have a first hand story of mexican cops gangraping a friends wife on the beach in Cancun after she was drugged. He is not a liar, and she has never been the same since.

Call it yellow journalism, call it sensationalism, but I know what will grab people's attention and outrage.
So let me get this straight

>Texas a state renowned for gun rights has a problem with violence
>Guns make us safer
>However, a state with an almost 1:1 gun-to-resident ratio has a problem with gang because it's a border state
>But guns make us safer

Huh. This doesn't make sense. See, why would Texas need guns to be safer if it wasn't bordered by a violent, drug-addled place like Mexico? And if it wasn't, why would they need guns? But since it is and they have guns, why is violence a problem if more guns makes a place more safe? Is this just an outlier in the data?
>Texas a state renowned for gun rights

Not as much as you'd think

Bump. Come back OP!
Here you go
>be Liberal retard that grew up in white area
>marry a spic that was granted amnesty by Bill Clinton because retard
>move to spic neighborhood because retard
>spic's uncle living in Mexico gets kidnapped by cartel
>beaten for days and has to disclose information so family won't get killed
>kidnappers interested in their American relatives (be me)
>spic's uncle has to pay ransom every month so his family doesn't get killed
>find out the kidnappers are dead
>cartel says they don't do this and condemn this kind of behavior
>find out the cartels killed the kidnappers for being posers
>everything goes back to "normal"
>white liberal retard gets red pilled and laughs at 1488 memes

What do I need to clean up?
Oh, so for me to go to certain towns in TX I only have to be a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and have connections with MS13? That's no big deal right, you fucking idiot? If you lived here you would feel differently.
lol he tried to grab his neck but he didnt realize his hands were gone.... what a dumbass.
Sure. I know many who would be interested. The Zeta cartel has made a mockery of TX, half the family members live in Dallas for God's sake. Go out at night anywhere in the city and you'll see skull-boot wearing fucks living it up after moving drugs across the border.

Telling that it's so difficult to find articles on cartel activity in the US. It's not even a well kept secret.



What would be a good way for people to - and I stress anonymously since we're going to be literally pointing out drug activity probably a lot of the time - get in touch with me? I don't trust Discord.

I can set up an anonymous email I guess
> ukraine recently fought a war with russia and won.
It should be illegal to be this ignorant while being here.

what do you think a war is, kiddo.
>while ukraine recently fought a war with russia and won
er, what's that again?

My skype is: cantkill.me

Add me, anyone interested in the narcopoloco project


Add my skype guys: cantkill.me

Blogzine will be www.narcopolo.co
You're getting on point to corruption to tell you the truth i remember living in mexico as a child later on became legal in united states. The cartels over there they love corruption because they want to keep going on operations drug trade. From what i remember i keep on seeing the same brown truck delivering weed i saw it twice when went for a walk at evening and night. Its itching me that something big is happening behind the scenes. I wish i can dig deep but i don't want to get involved in sketchy stuff in a small town i live in.
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