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My family is retarded

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I am about to lose my mind over the complete and utter brainwashing of my parents and extended family.
I have shown them countless ways the media lies to them and they always have an excuse.
When viewing the CNN split-screen lie where they act like they're on satellite but they're sitting like 4ft away from each other, my dad says "well I'm sure they weren't lying about the actual story".
Just one example of many.
It's like watching my family eat poison and talk about how fucking delicious it is. It's killing me.
I don't even know what I want from /pol/ at this point except maybe hugs.
Oh fabulous, now I have Satan laughing at me too
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Come closer. I'll give you a hug.
Are they Bernouts? Show how they colluded with Hillary.

Introduce them to Fox News, the only news that isn't "fake news" by Emperor Trump XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
If I wanted an acid-bath hug I'd move to Britain
Funny thing is my mom swore up and down that she would never vote for evil Hillary, but when Bernie was no longer available that's exactly what she did and denied ever saying such a thing.
so just another day in the life of a 27 year old virgin basement dweller?
you cannot redpill idiots. my own fucking brother deleted comments from me on his fb page, that contained nothing but facts about hillary and trump.
i gave up at some point.
Boomers and boomer-lites are useless television casualties...trading unfortunately unsavoury reality for head-in-the-sand "stability" at the drop of a stone with zero impact awareness.
>mfw my mom is 100% redpilled on everything including Jews

I don't know that feel senpai.

Except my social network are 100% brainwashed degenerates

keep in mind that mayne street meteor is all they've ever known their whole lives op, you're fucking with their established and ingrained world view and very concept of reality
>Watching the ((MSM))

Just accept the fact that you're family will be forever retarted
I showed them this:
and they said " I noticed several of the repeated scripted news stories were Fox News. I do believe that because they don't hire enough reporters to do investigative work and thus rely on things from corporate"
I told him I'm not partisan and I think Fox is just as much shit as the rest of the msm, and he comes back with, "No you can't allow the fuck ups by fox to dictate what other proper news organizations do"
My parents are somewhat the same way. Thankfully they know all the bias against Trump but also give Tradue a pass also for whatever reason. They also believe in censorship to the highest degree.
Nah man I'm 32 with my own home and family
Right after the election I was talking to my friends abouy Hillary's canceled fireworks and her "glass ceiling" stunt that was canceled and a friend (male) of mine got pretty heated and called me a sore winner. I didn't make fun of her policies or even her personally. Just her stupid campaign's prideful fall. That's when I knew it wasn't worth it.
Yeah, I've had fights with them before and I keep having to talk myself out of fighting more because of this.
I try to put myself in their shoes and think of what they must feel, but fuck, at some point you have to take responsibility for your own actions and own up to the fact that you don't actually research shit and you just vomit msm.
It just really fucking sucks to see them this way
Your family is brainwashed, that's all there is to it. You can't do anything about it. They're genetically retarded. Somehow you escaped their fate.
Well I'm glad that's when you realized it wasn't worth it cause damn I wish I could stick to that conclusion.
I just keep coming back to them hoping that maybe this time they'll open their eyes, but it's a stupid move on my part
I escaped once I left that environment and saw the real world for myself.
They certainly did a good job of keeping me confused and angry about politics, so I actually have a deep insider view of how liberals work, but it doesn't help the depression over how they can't get out of it like I did.
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At least I have this, maybe they will...... fuck there's that spark of hope again
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Sorry your family is braindead. I gave up on my family a long time ago. They never questioned 9/11 when it happened. Believed the weapons of mass destruction story. They fall for every false flag shooting and make a big fucking deal about how we need to ban guns because of them. Last year they started yelling about how anyone that didn't support Hillary was sexist and racist. Now they're sipping the Russia conspiracy about Trump.
I've been slowly moving a few items at a time out of their house every time I visit. Asshole dad has been going slowly senile, I'm going to let my bitch mother deal with it.
They never remembered my birthdays as a kid and spent most of their time watching MSM talking heads and reality TV. Miserable fucks, they're literal cancer to be around. I've already been written out of the will, so fuck them.

>the fact that you don't actually research shit and you just vomit msm.

welcome to normie land, enjoy your stay. if its any consolation theirs will be the last generation that relies solely on, gets exposed solely to, or only has the inclination to get the news from established tv media.

Also like the germananon said, some people are just too dumb. No critical thinking skills. Sad but true. This applies to young people as well.

Your parents are older, probably at a point where they are thinking about retirement. They might see their "work" is done and all they want to do is wind down and relax with the rest of their lives ibstead of having their worldview turned upside down. At the backs of their minds though, they would know its all bullshit. But thats a hard truth to face if its all you've ever known. Some people have the inclination to always keep learning, some don't. Dont judge them too harshly anon, red pills never go down easy
Damn dude, don't even remember your birthday? Thanks for sharing your misery, cause at least I had that
>miserable fist bump
Thanks anon, I'm trying so hard. It's funny that you talk of retirement though because my dad has personally gone through Obongo's failed economy and has to keep jumping from job to job, so I doubt he can retire peacefully any time soon
Both of my parents are the same. My dad gets pissed off too all hell about the CNN stories on trump. One time my mom scoffed at how trump called CNN fake news and I said "it is fake news" and provided a bunch of examples of how it is and she looked at me like I should be put in a mental institution
Meant to add that even though he's experienced it, he still thinks that ape did nothing wrong and that somehow the conservatives are behind everything
>miserable fist bump for you too
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That's what happens when your parents spend all their time working and watching TV. You reap what you sow; they better hope that TV takes care of their frail aging bodies.
I've had my mother hold a knife at me, they would snoop through my shit, stalk me around town, but it's funny I hate them the most for forgetting my birthday as a kid. That's unforgivable.
I keep feeding this hope as well.
I have a braindead wife, zombie friends, cuckold work colleagues...
I think they will soon be redpilled by some news, but no, it never happens.
I'm tired of them, I wish they all could just leave my life.
>t. child
You sound like a fucking child mate
I'm sorry anon, I hope it gets better for you.
Happy Birthday
Jesus that is cucked
Ever think of moving to Murrica?
At least it's like the other anon said, our boomers are going to die out and we'll be dealing with a lot less of that shit as time goes on
Nice quads faggot
I need to man up and dump all of them one of these days.
Be committed t what I believe in.
I imagine it's bretty hard to not be surrounded by them over there though, glad I don't live in commiefornia for the same reasons
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>I think they will soon be redpilled by some news, but no, it never happens.
>I'm tired of them, I wish they all could just leave my life.
Eh, in the future they will all be dead along with you. None of it will matter then, it's fine, just enjoy the flames. Praise Kali.
Your family is right, and you're taking pol seriously. Sort your fucking life out, kiddo.
Thanks for the advice, sweetie
They will be dead exactly because their stupid choices and opinions will lead us all to death and enslavement.
Europe will be taken by Islam, and all those cucks will bend over to be fucked by Allah.
I will be fucked too, and it pisses me off.
I feel your pain, man, I just found out this thread out of nowhere.
The same feeling of disappointment with zombies bothers me.
Maybe September 23rd isn't a meme and we will get some sweet relief.
Personally I'm convinced the eclipse here on August 21st is going to be the signal for all local terror camps to start jihading the fuck out of us
This nigga woke af.
>They will be dead exactly because their stupid choices and opinions will lead us all
Naw, we will all be dead later on because time kills all things, which it also gives birth to. The pointless degradation first sucks, but that's what feeling guilty about things you didn't do will get you.
We are living in a real zombie apocalypse.
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Thanks anon. Hope my tales make you like your family more, because it could be worse.
The ai has been switched on.
They no longer can think for themselves
Sure little things like what's for dinner is still within their grasp.

Politics, no.

Don't even get me started on spirituality or consciousness . The esoteric or the colour grey.
Yeah for real, if you were my neighbor I'd give you a hug and a birthday cake.
I'll try to think of this when things get depressing
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Oh yeah, life is a lot better. In my 30s now, married with kids. Own a multi-million business in the cannabis industry in California. I love ignoring phone calls from family, nothing makes me happier.
Dad: "So, how is school?"
You: "Interesting actually. We're reading about the rise of Communist Russia, and the role of Bolsheviks in toppling the government."
Dad: "...meh, sounds kinda boring."
You: "Well, yes and no. Today we talked state-sponsored propaganda and how Communist Russia would designate one channel for propaganda, and show some pretty uninteresting reruns on the other channels. Neighbors didn't talk too much because there was no trust; so they all just watched television. Here's where it gets interesting; Russians finally had enough. They did something revolutionary; they shut their televisions and began having face-to-face conversations with family and neighbors.The Iron curtain had fallen long before President Reagan urging Gorbachev to 'tear down the wall'

(crickets) plant the seed in their minds that TV is eroding them from the inside-out.
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Once that result is evident, the USA will reclaim our birthland. The monuments and buildings may fall, but we will push onward from there.
Luckily these little gen Z shits think all of it is hilarious and can see through the shooped pics, the msm has no hold on the Internet warriors.
Well damn, now you've all made me start thinking positive.
What a nice african rock-tumbling board this is
Kekkles good for you
Try to change other aspect of your parents. Like ideology, politic, phylosophy, history etc. I guess your parents don't change their opinion about this subject because alot of wrong thought they have.

Change the edge items before change the center item.
I hope I will survive the jihadist attacks, then I will move to the US.
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>When viewing the CNN split-screen lie where they act like they're on satellite but they're sitting like 4ft away from each other

Kek, video?
50/50 want to/don't want to be disappointed again
Guess I need to buckle in for the long haul cause that's gonna take patience
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>The ai has been switched on.
>They no longer can think for themselves

I'd believe it.

But you know what the reality is? Baby boomers and older Gen X living in their romantic multicultural fantasy before they die. They wanted to see the world come together as one and live in harmony, so they spoiled their kids with all of the easy money they gained (and some oddly, have goofy child-spoiling fetishes), and told their children that they could be whatever they wanted to be. They want to live through the "end of the world" or see it become a utopia because they're completely afraid of death.

Feel bad now?
You have /pol/ at least
I showed them this one because I know how much they love their comedian politicians. It's how they get a lot of their bullshit news
Try to buy some redpilled books (not too scandalous) to yourself (or to them) and show this books to them.

Because authors have more intellectual authority than son and daughters. By my own experience, parents guess they are more smart than yours sons.
Bahahaha I found this one attached to the one I linked, way better
Got any ideas on which?
Cause whenever I suggest something they run off to snopes or where ever and copypasta a wall of text telling me some "expert" has debunked them on every point I was trying to make.
Those that see are either a part of it or immune.
I am immune you are a part of it. A lowly cog if you will.
Dont blame a generation. They only did what they thought best. Boomers had a very narrow view of the world. Only what tele told them.
Ignorance has life and death consequences.
This is the reason (((they))) always win,
and when they finally get thier war, we're all dead.
Just praying all these anons are right about things getting better after the boomers are gone, there's only so many Jews and we've caught on to their Jewry
>got any ideas on which?
Well, do they really know about communism? The Clinton scandal? American history? Any studies against global warming? They read something?

About "expert", rightwing argument is always better than CNN argument. The left always uses fallacy and shallow arguments. If your parent have some brain, they will notice the differences.
The left always uses fallacy and shallow arguments. If your parent have some brain, they will notice the differences.

That's the thing: people don't have brains anymore, they're zombies.
There's so much information around to be redpilled, but most people still insist on being leftist dumbfucks.
The only way they will look into anything truthful is if it looks lefty on the surface, and I'm so gorged on redpills that I have no idea what the msm is feeding them anymore.
I'd have to become the Jew to subvert the Jews. They do a lot of novel reading or the occasional liberal politics book
So much TRASH information. Redpill information highlights because of this, they are authentic.
>people don't have brains anymore
More or less...
I like you germanbro, please move here and go innawoods with me (no homo)
I'm trying to remember what that KGB guy said, something like facts just bounce off them until they are literally in fear for their lives
I have been redpilled a few years. So I know a few books. I think this one, or this subject, is a good point to start. This author show relation between american elite and totalitarian regimes. I think it is not scandalous one.

Are you me? I've had the same problems, but I think it might be to a greater degree. My family apply the fallacies fed to them by MSM to all other aspects of their lives, and make major fuckups and still don't realize they're wrong, but blame it on someone or something else. Sometimes this has a negative effect on me and I'm not sure what to do. I could handle the problems thrown my way, but I haven't figured out how to deal with with my own anger and frustration towards them.
pack up and leave the country. don't stay in contact anyone. live a new life.
I had a very extensive fight with my Mother last night about Islam. It ended in a shouting match and needless to say, she slapped me in the face and called me a schizophrenic racist when I asked her if she had white guilt. Boomers are a lost cause my dude, they were conditioned in an era of relative peace of prosperity built on consumerism and wealth (Why do you think so many of them are fat?) My dad believes many of the same things as my mother does, despite voting for Reagan in 85 and fighting in Vietnam.
>misery fist bump
I dunno man, we both got green IDs with caps /no caps / caps pattern, are you also autistic enough to have seen that one lol
Wew lad
It took months to red pill my boomer parents. I had to give up on arguing the cnn narrative. What worked was having in depth knowledge of major happenings they weren't aware of. Eventually my dad got interested in what was going on and took to the Internet with interest. Now both my parents are woke.

Everyone loves habbenings
I should send them habbenings, just gotta wait a bit cause we're still fresh off some arguments.
Good on you for doing the impossible anon
Kill them
just go into trumps twitter, look up CNN Fake News, and research that article.
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