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this is the face of the west degeneracy at its finest

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Thread replies: 127
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english culture.jpg
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this is the face of the west

degeneracy at its finest
Why is England so trashy? I went to London expecting it to be all tea and fine gentlemen and it was literally all lower class people everywhere. Even the rich people seemed like lower class that had just won the lottery.

Came to say this.

English women are disgusting slags. 99% of English women are 4s or below with about .9% being 5s and 6s and .1% being anything higher than a 6.
inferior weather
inferior location
inferior culture
inferior genes
inferior people
God save the queen
Centuries of inbreeding will do that
It will never even come close to your degeneracy.
It's infantile
These are idiots who were raised by tv or jammed into childcare from birth
Having to compete agains fifty other kids turns them into attention seekers
Attention seekers with arrested development
' Oooo eeee. Bums are norty. Look at my norty bum '
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oi what the fuck you chatting?
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looks like the muslim internet defense force (MIDF) has arrived. fuck off mohammed, every nation that rallies behind your name is complete shit.
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you know it's true
>horrible skin condition
>cellulite cottage cheese ass
>primark discount granny panties
>tramp stamp

bin that slag.
Put a burka on it.
muslims love british women

London is a lost cause, lived here all my life and I'm going to move north away from this slum
They right though
Ok kid, great contributing to the discussion of politics
fuck off leftypol tripfag
Fuck, I love me some brittish cheese cottage slag
women with cellulites. burn them like roaches

It's a kike trying to convince you LARPing faggots that Sharia law would be better than our current culture.

>Oy vey let the savages impose their laws because you dont like what I like

Disgusting. You, and OP are both fucking disgusting.

London has always been a dangerous place. It's famously dangerous for it's serial killers, now it's famously dangerous for it's degeneracy.

However, every many non majority white major cities are like this, can't toss the whole country cause of one liverspot.

I remember I got banned for what you just posted because "/pol/ is for thoughtful comments about politics"

I just about died laughing
Why do anglos look so similar to slavs?
All the good ones left for the US sooner or later, for academics, for career, for faith, or for wealth.

We are literally the last remnants of the anglos

and we're interbreeding with the jews and east asians on the high end and spics and niggers on the low end

RIP anglos
Fuck off with that bro-science shite.
If all the good ones left for the US, the British Empire wouldn't have become the largest in history.
You probably have mongrel Anglo-Irish-Italian-German ancestry or whatever the fuck your heritage is.
These people are our chavs, like your rednecks. They don't reflect everybody in this country.
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>We are literally the last remnants of the anglos
>RIP anglos
Well said burger
England is lost (don't act like you, OP, aren't a reason for that), but it's women are trashy as hell. I don't see how Britbongs can makefun of burgers because this pic is pretty close to most of your women. They're almost all chubby slags who are fucking crass. I suspect the Kate Middletons and the Kiera Knightleys are just genetic defects in the UK at this point.
I visited England quite recently and most of the women were not like this. The only women who are like this are the underclass of England; the middle class-upper class women of England are usually at least presentable.
It was a fucking breath of fresh air, though. Literally no niggers or Mudslimes. There's more to England than London and Birmingham.
London is nothing like the rest of the UK. It's a fucking shithole.
Word? damn and here I was down to fuck some english cunts.
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This. It's unfortunate that the best places (i.e. no shitskins and actual culture is still present) are usually multicultural-supporting areas like the Cotswolds.
The Cotswolds are overrated like fuck, though.
Christ dude, I'm obviously generalizing here but the problem is that England's women are *disproportionately* slags. Canada are *disproportionately* SJWs and Asians, but at the very least they tend to be presentable (aside from the Big Reds and huge fatasses with blue hair). You're overrun with these, it's fucking gross.
>almost all chubby slags
I disagree. I'm not an Anglo, but outside of London, I have never seen many women like this in the places I have personally been to.
That's horseshit. I admittedly have spent most of my time in London (and Bristol), but surely that's got to be your best? I just don't think you are cognizant of what's better out there. Been there probably five times visiting family, rarely do I see anything fuckable. GTFO of England, head over to Dutch-land where the women are actually fucking hot.
London and Bristol are not England's best.
Go to a semi-rural part of England/small city/town and most women will be at least presentable. It's just the urban-dwellers that look like ogres, in my experience.
Says the faggot from the country that lost to us twice. How are those little migrant refugees doing by the way?
Nope. British women are hideous. Sorry. I'd say 50% are 4s or below (lots of hairy Indians in there), 30% are 5s and 6s, and 20% are 7 and above, and I'm being generous. Just accept it. The ONLY place in old land that has uglier women is Portugal
You mean America.
>inb4 Brittonk Stronk... resistance
Hiding on an island isn't a military achievement
>adidas everywhere
It will only get worse from here
English women maybe, but British? Nah. I think Welsh women are usually quite attractive (outside of the Valleys). Lots of Scottish women are attractive too. Southern English women are usually at least somewhat attractive.
That's a jewish chick *imagine my shock*
Okay, I'll settle with you that it's English women. I don't think I know any real Welsh and I HAVE met fuckable Scottish.
>be on vacation in bongland
>see Arya Stark gliding down the sidewalk
>like a graceful penguin with gout
>follow her for a block
>working up courage
>gently touch her shoulder
“H-hello, I’m Anon. Y-you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen all day! W-would you join me for dinner?”
>she spins around nearly smashing me in the balls with an Abercrombie bag
>stares intently for a few moments
>then breaks into a grin that looks like she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>quickly grab her hand and go into the first restaurant I see that has tablecloths
>she lets out a little giggle that sounds like a horse with it’s leg caught in a wood chipper
>head waiter gives me the stinkeye but leads us to a table
>Arya cocks her head and squints at the menu
>look at the menu. It’s in English, just a fancy script
>she shoves her menu at the waiter
“I’m sorry, madam, we don-“
>he slinks away without even taking my order
>Arya pulls a pack of Mayfairs from her cleavage and sparks up, ashing in the bread basket
>starts rubbing at her crotch
>brings her fingers up and licks them then cackles
>look over my shoulder and franticly signal the waiter for the check
>turn around
>Arya is slumped over the table
>protesting Charlie Gard's treatment.
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I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times more, Christianity is the only way out of this mess.
>this is the face of the west
how do you figure?
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ffs UK. You have a dedicated fucking porn category for your garbage women.
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Amazing mate
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Noice copy pasta.
I've always seen the UK as a dystopia.

A place where language is regulated. Cameras on the street monitor where you are 24/7. You need to pay a license to watch fucking TV. You need a permit to purchase certain items like silverware. Now they're gonna start regulating porn and the police has special units assigned to moderate twitter because people offend muslims there.

Honest question Brits, do you feel like you have freedom? To me it seems you have the illusion of freedom.
Most of us are just blind or apathetic to the reality we live in. Most of Europe is in a similar situation, but we take it to a whole other level.
Women's liberation is the main cause of decay in the west. It was done for profit because women are infantile and inject the overwhelming majority of shekels into the hands of corporations. They bankrupt white men one way or another by wasting the family income or divorce raping him and ensuring she has a monthly allowance of shekels to waste. Women have become nothing more than crypto kikes used as tools to destroy their nations all the while profiting the international Jew.
Yeah, but christ fags get to be a different type of degenerate. If everyone was culturally a Christian, then I could see some great things.
Yeah, things in Germany seem crazy, but you guys are batshit insane compared to them.
Never laid claim to it. Just providing a service.

>he hasn't got little nuggets like this saved for just the right time....
>Why is England so trashy?
>I went to London

There's your problem. That shit is only England in name.
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That is a disgusting ass. I bet it smells like breakfast beans and eggs.
Why don't the Brits ever workout?
I never claimed you claimed it.
What the fuck is that thing

Kubrick was right all along.
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Christians aren't allowed to sin.

She's exposing her body.

See Jana her? She's dressed like a proper Christian while in public.

The bible enforces for Christians to be modest in their dress, if someone dresses immodestly and claims to be a Christian, they're a liar.
I'm claiming that you claimed that I claimed it as my own.
That's my claim.
get the gas.jpg
Huh, and here I jacked it to her last night too.
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>UK Bandana
Not surprised at all.
Please destroy them quickly, OP.

>TFW used to unironically push "anglosphere" vs. Germany memes until you realized how degenerate UK is (Pic related)
you can see her ankles and her chest you filthy heathen
Nigger flag
Went to yorkshire last year with GF, fucking loved it, want to retire there DESU. Why cant the rest of England be like that? White and full of nice people
watch your tounge plebian.
Bow and beg mercy from the mighty and glorious Jahans.
Leader of the gyno men, lord of the council estate spergs and King of the shut in commies. And he will has his revenge in this life or the next!
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>Socialist Healthcare
>Can't use weapons - getting jacked will just make you a larger target

Literally no reason for them to.
Damn, Look at all the yummy cheese. Cottage style.
And yet they beat you in a war TWICE. Your comment was so retarded that you made me defend the fucking eternal Anglo.

By the way, your genes are pretty much the same as theirs (Germanic mixed with Celt)except they don't have the Slavic admixture from post WW2 rape that you guys have.
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>Lost to us
The only things that were lost here are your colonies and dignity
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Hahahahaha cheers m8
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fuck off cuck
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Does this trigger you little piggie?

She has cellulite
At least the kraut migrants are refugees, and will leave at some point.

You stupid bongs naturalized all your paki niggers so they could cuck you, fuck your wives, and your kids
Half of this country's population needs to be wiped out.

The working class are especially vile.
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>We are literally the last remnants of the anglos

t. Jamal el Paco
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go back to your sandnigger heaven then
>"will leave at some point"
>RIP civilisation

Fixed it for you. We invented it and it shall die with us too.
They became that due the shitty propoganda of the jew aristocrats freemasons...

weather and location are pretty interesting actually.
fuck you op ali
If that fat fuck did a few push ups a day he wouldnt have gyno.
>stay away from GMO.
have you siinned and repented today?
>At least the kraut migrants are refugees, and will leave at some point.
And go where?

Fuck! the naivety on this board sometimes really reinforces my view that humanity's stupidity will be it's undoing....
>Mooning is degeneracy
kek, get real
lol you can tell she's the type that'll shelter her kids so much, they won't know what sex is and fuck each other.
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>Fat bitch with a gross ass wearing cow print panties.
How fucking ironic is that. That thing is disgusting.
sooka blyat
You are one to talk, Swed.
I don't think you can afford to rate people when you are a fat ameriburg
Aus: 63%
US: 74%
Careful there, kangaroo-fucker.
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The bible talks about sex plenty.

I'm sure she'll do a fine job at communicating to her children the horrors of the LGBBQ community.
>not a soviet flag

Nothing says slag like cow-print underwear.
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Hitler analyzed it very well.

While the English upper class basically did Eugenics on themselves through tough breeding requirements the lower class are basically the result of hundreds of years of pleb miscegenation.

This is why Britain is so unhealthy and lost all of its manufacturing sectors: they lack a big and healthy middle class.

>tfw Britcucks should have listened to Hitler more and would have been literally better off in every way
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bro it's a meme at this point.
true still
>like a graceful penguin with gout

I kek'd.
I'm 99% sure I know one of those women, sauce?
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>flat yet still cottage cheese fat
But it was the Russians that defeated the nazicucks. Anglo faggots were too weak and afraid, so they got America in to try to protect the Suez and all their colonies, wasting valuable time and resources in Africa that could have been spent stomping germany once and for all. All that and in the end relinquishing power of the Europe Union to the same barbarians it was supposed to keep in check.
You don't SERIOUSLY consider that a 10, do you? In America: That is a 6 at best.
Britain is a meme
Only hentai can save us
>Anglo faggots

Over the wall with you, Pedro.
Sad what happened to the brits ... you won the war guys! Yay
Inferior cultures and countries jelly of anglo supremacy over hundreds of years

Geeett yuuur tiiits out, geeeet yuuuur tiiiits out, get yuur tits out for the laaaaads!!!!
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( And no photoshop this time)
are those trannies?
This is like going to Chicago and then thinking all Americans were like that. It's fucking stupid. It's not difficult to find out which parts of a country are nice before you go there.
>everybody walk the dinosaur
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Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

London white voter here. Voting for May was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst prime minister we've had in the last 2000 years. We must impeach her now and lock up her most fervent supporters. The snoopers charter is racist and 10 Downing is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of her blatant racism, now she is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising asian lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your mp and set things right.
Most people just want to get shitfaced and watch the footy.
>not wanting to get shitfaced and watch the footy
You some kind of puff lad?
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The kikes will do the same to you if you don't kill them before you get swallowed up by their machine.
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