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Show your love for the greatest, richest and most prosperous nation in South America!

Founded by the European settlers, their blood still lives on and we are proud to have come from them.

We are eternally grateful for Dom Pedro to have declared our independence, long live the king.
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Brazil is ok I guess.

In other news, things really are happening today
>larger than Europe
>europe kills 16 million of their own over land that is smaller than Alagoas

Are you from northwest? If so kill yourself. Brazil hope lies in the whites of the south. Anything else is hopeless and degenerate.
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Delightful country
I'm from the south, and it's true.
Most are white and it's the best place in the country. But not everything is lost, I believe we can help our white brothers fight and make Brazil great again.
That was in Angola

gr8 b8 m8
What a relief. There is no hope for the rest of the nation, the government is too corrupt, the south should be independent and the new government Constitution similar to USA or else we would fail again...
Oh ok. I went to Rio once it the mountain and beaches made it one of the most beautiful places I've seen. But filled with utter nig nog degeneracy. I remember seeing a 300lbs nigress on the beach and her anorexic nignog was standing over her pouring water from a bucket to keep her cool. Reminded me of when a blue whale beaches. Lapa was degenerate outside of the stairs. Lake Botagago would be beautiful if clean. Heavy police presence in the day but by night drug addicts are walking the avenue in Copacabana. Major white flight from there. Sad
Are you talking abour Uruguay, nigger?
Forget about Rio. When you visit again go to the south, like Santa Catarina or Rio Grande do sul. You will find white people and the nature and beaches are still beautiful.
Keep going south and you see no niggers.
Damn. Isn't it kind of sad how many beautiful places in the world would be great to live in if you just removed non-whites from them?
might just go to mediterranean beaches if thats only what one seeks
I'm sorry that you had to go to Rio.
It's the California of Brazil, but worse. It's filled with "diversity" and communist cucks.
I know right wings from there but they are very oppressed by the city's government and the cucked population.

If you ever come here again, go to São Paulo or the Southern States.

Bahia is good too, but don't expect white people, they are mostly mixed but are not bad people when compared to the other nigs.

São Paulo represents Brazil pretty well seeing as how a lot of people are from there, but the South has a bigger land area.

I'm from Santa Catarina and I have nothing besides the federal government to complain about.
Uruguay is a fake nation.

*sees flag*
I'm sorry man :(
Only with a civil war my friend.

Our best hope is to bring some folks to south and continue with the separatist movement.
sweden is a very beautiful country, a shame it is filled with muslims.
That's a great idea. Almost our entire population here in the south supports the movement, I'd say 90% from what polls show.
>I'm sorry man :(
It's ok, civil war is approaching with thunderous speed anyway. Are there many blonde, blue eyed Brazilians? My ex-gf was from Sao Paolo but she looked like a typical mediterranean.
The British had to keep north niggers like you from taking the biggest deep water port in South America. Turned out to be great for us.
My family is mostly that. Skinny, tall, blue eyes, blonde and some speak German or Italian.

I've seen girls like that, they look like Mia Khalifa or something, I'm not into it desu
No there aren't. They are extremely rare.
That's what race mixing does to a society, and if the remaining ones ever mix you can say bye to those too.
fb.com / londres24horas/ videos / 1740798086222950/

Robber gets beat down by a brazilian and a portuga.
São Paulo is very mixed. But further south is A-OK.
in london*
You know I'm not.
Spanish speakers are though, it's just natural. It's like you guys grabbed a bunch of negros and bred the white spanish speakers out.
How the fuck do you manage to be so dark Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona?

In the south there are though.
Not in all of it, but the interior of Santa Catarina has a bunch. Towns like Pomerode, Orleans and Blumenau are filled with them.

Will keep in mind. To be honest it was not a bad trip. Just like it is nice to visit Los Angeles or other parts of California. But to live there would be hell. I met a Brazillian nignog who rented stand up paddle boards. He lived in New York but came every summer to open his stall and make money he told me he would never live in Rio.

How likely would it be for a secession to really happen there? Isn't there a lot of gas reserves in the south? Makes it hard to believe the Brazillian government would let you seceed.
Are tall blonde blue eyed ubermensch treated better or worse than let's say niggers, in general? What if you go to a majority black-area? Will you still be worshipped or just shot/robbed?
Chile is much more developped HDI 0.82 for Chile 0.75 for Brazil

Don't they murder gringos in some places there? I saw a video of some white dude being burned alive by a bunch of frenzied monkeys.
The government is a mess right now. So there's hope.
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It's time for your daily mango. You're not making sense.
Treated better. But heavily targetted by niggers in dangerous areas for presumely "being rich" and hotter to women than the monkey faced monsters are.
Interesting. Do you think there is any possibility of establishing a White-Brazilian ethnostate in the future? Do people even want it? If not, what do you propose for your country's future?
I am Italian descendent. Not blue eyed (got unlucky with the genes) they will call you German(alemão), If you are tall they fear you, else prepare to suffer.
Hasn't your government removed another corrupt politician today/yesterday?
Is the cleansing going on well?
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>You know I'm not.
Alright then.
It is impossible. To even have the possibility to do so, there'd be needed heavy structural changes.
Anyone would like it, although I doubt the nowaday mongrels even think about it.
No proposal to the country's future other than a nuke. Brazil is the jewish endgame. The south should separate and save the few pure whites it has, because even there many of the "whites" are lighter skinned mongrels.

I don't follow bro.
It would be better if they removed the entire system.
95% of politicians are corrupt here.
Who are they? The niggers? What is the admixture of the average mongrel in Brazil, is it more native/indian or more leaning towards afro/carribean slave descendants? I'm around 190cm and quite strong but I feel like if I went to Rio or something I would still just get shot for being blonde/white.
Hmm sorry mate but to me there is no difference between Uruguay and Brazil from a racial viewpoint.
There are no black only areas where I live, but the places that do have blacks are usually more dangerous.

And it depends where you go, on private owned places they will most likely treat you better but they gave priority to niggers on things like healthcare because "muh white guilt". This is not directly our fault though, it's just what happens when your government was filled with commies for 13 years, this will go away though, with the rising right wing.

Chile doesn't have any niggers or welfare suckers, it's the only reason why our numbers are lower. The poor areas make the statistics not represent the good part of the country too well. It's like if you took the crime rate from Detroid and said that that was the american average.

Probably in the northeast/north.
Below that gringos are welcome and help our economy a lot.

White by your definition of white, kek.

Maybe. The people sure want it, it's no doubt, but the Brazilian government hates that idea because that would kill Brazil.

Right now, there isn't much we can do, people are just waiting to see what happens with all these scandals and who wins in 2018. I'm sure something will happen though, it's a matter of time.

That happens so often that I stopped following the news. It's going well though, even the biggest commie of them all is under severe danger of going to prison ( Lula ).


Dude, stop.
We get it, we fucked you up in the past, but it's time to move on. How about you try to fix your country instead of trying to prove that somehow all brazilians are negros like you?

Start by banning weed then we'll talk.
uruguay is the whitest south american country. the thing is, brazil is big and diverse, but the southern region is almost identical to uruguay

the southernmost state shares culture with uruguay and argentina
>No proposal to the country's future other than a nuke. Brazil is the jewish endgame.

Fuck, that's depressing. Are there any active white separatist groups? Is anyone even trying? I really fear that Europe will end up like this too if we don't do something soon, just a big brown mess.
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>w-we are white believe me

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You haven't been here, i understand. We are a white country. Probably the only one in south America. Argies are mostly white, but they have a lot of inmigration.
all the degenerate drugies im acquainted with want to move to your country why dont you take them all
You were Portugal's biggest mistake and one of the main sources for Western degenerate behaviour. You should be split into half a dozen countries.
this man will save brazil!
he will crush the gommies.
and will forbid monkey dishes (not uma delicia!).
My country is ok bro, honestly.

You're right about the weed though. Also, our govt is pro faggots and shit.
Aren't you mixed with natives though? How can you still call yourself white after such an unholy union? Or are you guys like the Argentinians who mostly descend from Italian/spanish/german settlers?
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forgot pic !
Brasil is White!!! WE ARE WHITE!!!!

I know i know... that's fucked up.
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well ... wiki says otherwise :
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost stateRio Grande do Sul is Brazil's southernmost state
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If it wasn't for the south that's what we would be.
And there are a lot, but the main one is "O Sul é meu país", which carry out polls all the time and interact with the masses a lot.
They have been going for decades and have made a lot of noise. You see the three star sticker on a lot of cars, which is their symbol.

So isn't Rio.

Do you mean Angola? Man, look at that place.
I can assure you, we have not influenced western society too much because we've been cut off until recently.
Blame the degenerate liberals, not us. We are all up for saving western society and fighting for it.
brazilian degerancy doesnt influence shit
isso não invalida o que ele disse
I work for Jair Messias Bolsonaro and I have great plans to bring back the Monroe Doctrine after he is elected. It will obviously be a new version, suited for the problems and challenges of our time, mainly globalism, but it will be huge. The first time he will speak about it will be in an interview for Alex Jones sometime soon.
I'd like to visit Brazil one day, where do I go?
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Honest opinion. I want to move to South America. I am 90% German blooded American. Don't want to make life decisions based on Brazilian booty meme that lured me before. So have been eye-ing the whitest countries in South America, but this looks degenerate as fuck...

I know these crazy feminists are the outlier but they represent a mind virus in the community. It's why I don't return to America...
There were basically no natives here and spanish and italians killed the few that actually lived here.

We are sons of Italians, Spanish, English and French mostly. Most of us have european pasports and family still in europe.

This country is 85% pure euro descent. Also, Montevideo was the first colony in the south, Buenos Aires spawnd off of us.

Brazil is first world.

We superpower by 2030.

Bolsonaro gonna make brazil into singapore.

We have a lot of resources.

Brazil is white.
South. Anything below Curitiba.
Why do you prioritize football than food?
Balneário Camboriú in Santa Catarina.
"white" in brazil is the biggest meme
being brazilian means that somewhere in you genealogical tree there's a baby who was born from either a senzala-rape or a "consensual"-mucama intercourse
Those are the commies, they are non-existent in the south, really rare breed.
It's like I said, those places are the Cali of Brazil. No one besides themselves likes them.
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At least you remove the corrupt from your land
We can't remove a single corrupt delegate from the Congress without having the remaining of the previous government chimping out
Pic related

We put estrogen in our water here in sao paulo.

We do this because we are kangz.
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Those are Argentinean feminists. And Argentina is not the whitest country, we are.

Also, we have clean air, food, water and only 3.4 million people.
Lived there, great place.

You're fake news. My family came here just two generations ago, it's impossible for that to have happened.

outside porto alegre people don't even know proper portuguese lol
Lemme explain brazil :
Northeast :
very poor people most violent states.
Amazonia (north) :
central and east :
Southest :
The engine of this shithole, we have here Sao Paulo the only state that could survive withtout the rest of brazil.
Rio - Brazil paradise lost. It looks great but we cant have beeutiful things therefore its violent as fuck.
South :
Most immigrants. we took them with open hearts, now they want to take the land we offered to them. Its like you let your friend use a room, then your friend starts to disagree on how your house should be and block the door and call the room a house of his own. I guess i would not mind if they secced right now. but do they have to be such bitches about it ? i mean they are immigrants trying to steal land.
>killed the few that actually lived here.
Very nice. Just googled and saw Uruguay has an average IQ of 96, not bad. In a few years once the Somalis have spread in my country we'll be below that.
But why many Brazilians looks so black eg. Ronaldinho, Neymar?
What a coincidence, the whitest countries are the most developed.
We need to cull non whites.
>thread about Brazil love
>spics infesting the threads with their jealously
Why do you even bother to post? I give you money every December when I go shopping in Uruguay/Argentina because things there are just cheaper.

You're not "all white" like you're claiming. You're similar to the population of major cities in southern Brazil; nothing new here.
as a gaucho id rather be annexed by argentina and uruguay desu. our culture is much more similar than that of parana and santa catarina
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Lol. They are white. Are you colorblind or something????
as a gaucho you should leave brazil, and stop saying things that will never happen.
We're unique. I prefer to be independent.
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>once the Somalis have spread in my country
You are very weolcomed here. Don't bring your somalis though.

recife, fortaleza, manaus, são luiz do maranhão, rio de janeiro, ouro preto, foz do iguaçu
are you for real ? does he know that /pol/ can back him up if he stop backing Israel ?
Rio Grande do Sul is the poorest country in the south, it's also the blackest and the one which has been most impacted by black culture. The "centro espíritas" speak for itself.
>big city
>not filled with niggers
I've considered emigrating to either Argentina ( Patagonia) or Iceland before. Eventually I realized that it will do no good in the end, I can't outrun the Jew forever. I think I'm just gonna stay and try to fight it out, I know many Swedes my age who will do the same. In 30 years, if it all fails, then maybe I'll consider leaving again. But then again if I run away and leave my country then that makes me no better than a spineless kike or one of those syrian "refugees".
Wait, you tell me bolsonaro is going to be in Infowars?
Hope it works out, I heard he wants to bring the american 2nd amendment to Brazil.
Tell him that backing israel is a huge mistake.
yeah, but problem is : he is a jew cocksucker.

Last year we tried again without success

Bolsonaro tries so hard to look American. I can't believe most of us take him seriously. And he's a tremendous christcuck.
I ran it through archive
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Trash country. Can't wait to leave
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Would the locals oppose me assimilating and breeding with their women?
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Unfortunately, he cannot stop backing Israel for strategical reasons. He will use the actions of Likud as the gold standard when it comes to nationalism. He will use Israel's wall and other clearly ethno-nationalist policies as an example, since it's better accepted in Brazil than Trump's or Duterte's actions. But we are studying the entire neo-nationalist phenomena, and will soon hold rounds of talks with Matteo Salvini (Bolsonaro is of Italian heritage), Benoist, Wilders and several others.


either a 15-year-old or someone really dumb
Brazil is a 50/50. Remember that.
We have Gisele Bündchen, so that's something ;)

Yeah, gay just like them.

Not really true, but Curitiba does have a lot, so does Porto Alegre. Floripa is fine, so is Joinville, Blumenau, Balneário Camboriú, etc.

I kinda hope that's true too.

At least the jews don't influence us as much as they influence the US.

He's not trying to look American, he's the biggest patriot this country has seen in years.
The edgy atheist faggot has arrived, guys! Brace yourselves.

Traitor has arrived too.

Is that you? I really like this angle.
and the small cities don't have jobs anon
i have to go to joinville every fucking day to work then go to college
atleast it's still fairly "white" compared to my old town in paraná.
He doesn't back the Jews, and he is well aware about (((them))), but he will back Likud, Netanyahu's party, as the benchmark of nationalism. Which is great, cause Zionism is actually ethno-nationalism.
a secession could spark a secessionist movement all around brazil. witch could be great for brazilian people.
an independent gaucho country?
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puta vergolha alheia dessa thread
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This is a real flag you faggot

He will. I'm preparing his talking points. It's the first time the guy will prepare for an interview, but Alex Jones wants to know his foreign policy view and how he pretends to work with Trump's America. It will be huge.
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think again! when you recognize everyone in this picture you will tell bolsonaro to forget about the jews.
fuck off gringo
I'm not an atheist. I'm interested in the occult arts.

Unfortunately. If you're an IT guy like me you have no choice but to work in big cities.

I'm Pro-Trump though...
Gas the jews.

I'm voting Bolsonaro and would kill communists if I had the chance.

Outro cuckzinho que se acha engraçadão contrariando os outros.
this pic proves that everyone in brazil hears the jew.
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I think you are right. Your community is the most important right after your family, you should fight the jew. It's coming here to, there's no hiding from the nose.
Engraçado são esses pardos se achando brancos
>american 2nd amendment to Brazil.

I want this too!!!!
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"According to The World Factbook, Argentina is the “whitest” country in Latin America, with 97% of its population being white. Second place is Uruguay (88%), third is Cuba (64.1%) and fourth is Brazil (47.7%). You can read more about this, and see charts from other sources in the link below."


(Just quick google, and only Quora, not deep research.)

Are these false stats like how America lists Mexican spics as white to avoid uncomfortable statistics about crime? Or how China gives false data on IQ tests and human rights violations? Do you have links to prove that Uruguay is the whitest?
Why does your degenerate funk keep making its way here? Brazil please this is not how we raised you, Bacalhau and Pimba not Bundas and Funk pls.
e mesmo engraçado. assim que pisarem na europa serao confundidos com mexicanos.
The Brazilian left was not born our of Jewish influence. Henry Sobel was never even recognized by the Jew Community in Brazil. The blood is on the hands of the Catholic Church and Geo-Nationalists from São Paulo. The Jews always backed PSDB, who have cucked PFL which was the home party of our true national elite. We will change all of that.
>Não tenho argumento, vou chamar ele de pardo HUEHEUHEUHEU

Cala a boca ai pretão

Sorry, we don't really like it either though.

Say that for yourself. Jealous aren't you? That the 13 years of free shit the commies gave you is over and now you have to find a job.
its your own fault, you could not stop fucking the niggers now you will have to pay listening to this degenerate music.
Você é uma bicha gaúcha que procura validação de gringo. Quer provar pros gringos que é branco também. Acorda, eles nunca vão te aceitar seu pardo fedido.
The "whitest" are Uruguay and Argentina, Cuba has a shit ton of niggers just like Brazil, we aren't white.
this is not 55chan. go back to cancro pseudo-white-wannabe.
really? we literally never listen to portuguese music down here.
how the fuck are portuguese people listening to funk?
>Those are the commies, they are non-existent in the south, really rare breed.
Puta mentira, o Sul é o maior reduto de votadores do PSOL e da Luciana Genro

I have some govt. statistics from the last census, all in spanish of course, but they say about 86% so what you've read is not wrong... I'm a bit surprised about 97% in Argentina, it seems very very impossible.

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Kek it always gets me
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Boy, what a thread. Truly, the greatest way to achieve our autarkic utopia is to constantly embarrass ourselves before an international forum, over and over. It's a brilliant plan: you don't have to worry about foreign influence when nobody wants to have anything to do with you.

that's right. rio grande do sul votes PT 13 everytime

Eu não sou gaúcho, bahiano.

Let's keep LARPing anon.
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"raza blanca -- 96.6%" more than i expected.
Brazil is weird as fuck, most of South America, especially southern South America is. It's like the Portuguese really didn't want to colonize it that much and just fucked around for two hundred years, fucking Indians and trading for exotic woods

Portuguese wasn't even the lingua franca of trade and colonization; Lingua geral was. I mean what the fuck was all of that about? Anglo colonization was better in every way
Pardos which are that fucked up black, amerindian and portuguese mix are what comprise half of Brazil's population and responsible for the degeneracy in every part of the country they inhabit.
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> Be hue
> Go to college
> Take part on protest against cops patrolling our PUBLIC COLLEGE that is FREE
> Try to get back home
> Car had it's wheels stolen
> Try to get subway home
> Subway crew is on strike again
> Get bus home
> Stands 2 hours waiting for bus to arrive at poorly lit bus stop
> Get robbed behind bus stop
> Finally take bus
> Bus gets robbed
> Get home
> Thief managed to jump the wall I built around my house, despite the electric fence, and stole everything I own
> Poisoned my dog
> At least he left my whisky bottles intact
> They are full of piss
The best part is, every single one of those things are real and happened to people I know, one time or another
I want to take my family there for holiday.

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Hmmm. But the real question is does that mean Uruguay and Argentina are lacking in booty?
Race =/= Nationality you morons

Sulista comuna de bosta. Cadê os argumentos?
They have some good looking girls in argie land.
Quando fui pra Alemanha eu fui confundido com pessoas do meio Oriente e Índia, eu tive que andar com um terço no braço pra garantir que ninguém pensaria que sou mulçumano.

Foi uma boa viagem, consegui comer umas 3 com olho azul e teve ao menos umas 15 crianças(12-16) que ficavam dando encima de mim.

Germany yes desu
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they might be rarer than in europe, but they're around
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Brazil's chill
Nice breaches and black goddesses too
i remember my old teacher went vacate in recife, they stole his truck and used it to carry the furniture from his home HEUHEUHEUHEUH this country is a joke.
lol that woman married a jew. I kid you not look up luciano hulk
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brazil will conquer the world with racemixing and sex. pic related is half nip.
Eleição de 2014.
Onde caralhos sul é comuna cara? A pessoa estereotípica daqui são os tiozões caminhoneiros que odeiam o Lula e o PT.
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Alright. That's enough internet for today.
>in south america

that's not a hard feat, faggot
Shut up nigger
Our cuckolds are going to emmigrate to your land any day now and you will become spic clay
Fair enough não muda o fato de vocês terem o maior índice de AIDS seus dadeiros de cu
Brazil is a good country, but, in 2018 we are fucked, Lula want to destroy this country
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>richest and most prosperous
But that's wrong.
The richest is either Argentina or Chile.
(Depending on whether you use nominal GDP per capita or PPP GDP per capita)
Uruguayan women are cold whores.
When is the best time of the year to visit Brazil? February? What's the best city? Sao Paulo?

Some other concerns I have before I visit:

Will I get murdered by favelados?
Will I get stabbed by a rival lover if I hook up with a chick?

100% acurado
fui pra alemanha qnd tinha 16 anos, fiquei 1 ano pra fazer gymnasium
tinha uns muleque que me chamavam de macaco semanalmente, eu achava top kek (no brasil ngm acharia q eu sou negro/pardo)
as meninas caiam matando, nem na faculdade eu transei tanto
germany yes desu
The level of delusion from Brazilians never ceases to amaze me.
You have literally more niggers in your country than Uruguay+Chile+Paraguay populations combined.

And here comes the tales of
>"when we coquered Buenos Aires and you cry for us to leave huehuehue"
>"you were our vassanls huehuehue"
>"we never lost a war"
>"Europeans feared us"
>"Brazil helped big time to win WW2"
I ran a ftp Battlefield server for years, it was universally known that Brazilians were by far the most likely cunt-tree to use aimbot style cheats. Any visit to a Br server was an insane hackfest. To the point where they we banned the entire country from my server through key word automated tricks etc. Shitty people.

it seems (((you))) are trying to trick us

São Paulo? No. Dont go in Rio de Janeiro, is so fucking dangerous now. Rio Grande do Sul is a good choice, if you want sun, bahia is good.


Btw, i'm a decent looking guy, average i would say. I had my share of women here, they are cold bitches. The most loving beautiful woman i've ever been... -may god forgive me for this-, was an jewish american girl.

Não estudou história? Prestes, does It ring a bell?
>When is the best time of the year to visit Brazil?
december to february are the hottest months, it's summer here during these months.
>What's the best city? Sao Paulo?
HAHAHA no. depends on what you're planning to do. also avoid Rio at all cost and be careful in the north. actually be careful everywhere, it's a 3rd world country, respect that fact.
>Will I get murdered by favelados?
yes you will, that's why you avoid them.
>Will I get stabbed by a rival lover if I hook up with a chick?
maybe if you're in a favela yes. other than that just wave you green card/EU passport in the air, you'll get pussy.
Count Dracula is our president.
Large groups of school age Brazilians are a notorious problem at Disney World. They are famously rude and pushy to the point where Disney has had to change many rules to work around them. Hot looking sluts though.
Brazilians don't understand the concept of "honor" or "fairness", it's all about winning no matter the cost. Around here, people are taught to take advantage of each other at a very early age, so much that I can assure you that most of those players you've encountered are probably no older than 15. It's a sick, degenerate culture, but don't you dare point it out, lest you be labeled an "otario" (sucker).
I understand that Rio's dangerous. But what's off with Sao Paulo? It looks cool for going out and stuff. Is Belo Horizonte better?
A Brazilian girl I'm interested in I was talking to said tchau bello before she went to bed for the night. What does it mean? Think I have a chance with her/is she interested?

For the record she's from Brazil but has Slovenian/Italian ancestry
Não foi aí que descobriu que o Psol tava fazendo maior militância em escolas, o partido foi até multado? Além de que, o sul é o maior exportador de viado.

acho que só em 1 primeiro turno até hoje (2006) o RS não votou PT 13
>Treated better
What are you talking about? Nordic people are treated 100% normally. We just nickname them "alemão" and that's that.
>tramp stamp tattoo
Ugly desu
That's basically "bye cutie", so you might be into something. Be careful before smashing though, Brazilian women are either psychotic or diseased.
Im a 5'9 dude and im a little taller than most people i see on the street,people are not really tall where i live barring the ocasional 6'3 guy you migth see on the street,if you are aryan with 190cm you wont have any problem except nigs carrying guns
By "treated better" I meant "not RIGHTFULLY confused with a thief/stabber".
But yeah, it's more along the lines of being normally seem. Even niggers are treated normally, people just bitch about racism because they are leftycunts.

Thanks for the help man. I hope it works out, she's a great girl, similar interests, and is really traditional. Don't think I have to worry about any diseases since she's a devout catholic and is still in high school. Hopefully I can go out with her
>winning no matter the cost
and yet we are a bunch of losers.
Good luck, mate
Run to the hills, run for your life
são paulo (the city, not the capital with the same name) isn't really interesting. yeah sure it's big, but from a tourist point of view it's nothing special. if you're travelling for business then it's the right place.

say to her: quer rola, cremosa

roughly translated it means "you are as beautiful as the sun"
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Ok now you're talking some seroius shit anon.
Yep, I think you could better of livign in Montevideo (pic related).

>If you like the Medium Big city life (1.380.000 inhabitants) the parties and shit
>Mostly safe (Uru anons confirm this) way more safe than NYC or LA
>You will be in touch, if you want, with other Mericans and Europeans

If not you could choose to live in a small city in Argentina, Uruguay or Chile.
Some I know

Uruguay: is kinda safer than here, many whites.

Argentina Big cities
>Rosario (many mericans and yuros)
>Mendoza (wine I guess)
>Córdoba (yuros and their diaspora)
>La Plata

>Venado Tuerto
>Río Cuarto
>San Luis
>Villa María
>Villa Carlos Paz

And you can google more.

The thing is to find a small (not more than 500.000) city and get a job. Also if you a blondie and somewhat fit, you'll get decent pussy.
I hope it works out for you dude, I really do. But as your fellow Anon I have to be truthful with you: if she's even remotely popular, and has spent her teenage years in Brazil, there is a significant chance she has done things you would be horrified at, and I mean it. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of heartbreaks I've had during my school years from hearing stories about girls who I was into for the same reasons you mentioned, assuming they were all traditional and chilled out, but who in the end turned into absolute degenerated cock-hungry sluts when surrounded by loud music and cheap alcohol.

Brazil is peak neo-marxism combined with the sort of false moralism only catholicism could produce. The only way a woman around here could ever retain any sort of moral purity would be by becoming a social pariah.
only you cannot wait. there are probably lots of men wanting to fuck her already.
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Be careful. Some Brazilian girls here in Portugal are welfare queens or gold diggers - pic related. But if it's probably truly white and hard-working, there's less chance of that to happen.

The Brazilian diaspora coming here is not the same with socialeconomic status and European ancestry that comes to Canada.
What about Santiago de Chile and Valparaiso? Chile is the most prosperous country in Latam right? It's not as white as Uruguay and Argentina and the environmental aspects are kinda scary too (dry and lots of eartquakes)
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I wish I could purge everything disgusting from this land.
SOUTH OF BRASIL: the best place in the world
REST OF BRASIL: a big piece of shit
jokes on you, the government pays my family around R$60 for every child my mother have. that's why she has 11 excluding me.
>t. nordestino


What you say is true. Also, is easy to get a gun, at least for now.

Also, beware, gvt. is pushing centro american inmigration because muhhh birth rates... fuck.
We're getting there, friend. As soon as PT is ousted for good, the left will lose an incredible foothold within our politics, and soon, culturally. If Bolsonaro wins (and he does have a realistic chance once Lula is out of the way), the shift will happen harder than anyone can ever predict.

Salve à Vitória.
are you serious? if so, kill yourself.

Stop LARPing. You know Brazilians in general dont care about politics and the ones who do don't support the movement, they not even know that it exists.

People in Brazil are pretty nationalist (I mean Brazilian nationalists), in the South is the same.
When a brazilian girl go living in other country, theres 2 options: 1- she is gogin for study, is in a college or something. 2 - she simply is in your country for no reason, clearly she wants to be rich, and doesnt matter the way
just a reminder, that girl is considered white in brazil. we really have a different definition of white. would bang btw.
Well Chile is not exactly dry, it sure is almost 50% desert but the centre and south are green as fuck.
The thing with Chile is that it has a better economy than us and Brazil, but the chileans I've met say everything is "expensive" for them there. And here people go there to buy cheaper technology lol!

Santiago is nice, Valparaiso must be expensive cuz of the tourism. But yeh it's ok to live there.
I say it's always both. No wonder they always become huge whores and try to emotionally fish a local retard so they marry and live in the host country.
Chile is a meme, overhyped because of >muh free market economics

Best place in South America to live in is the south of Argentina, that's the most prosperous region with a GDP per capita on par with Australia or New Zealand.

Then comes the north of Argentina, Uruguay or Chile roughly at the same level.

Less than 18 euros/month/child... WTF
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Is there any respectable place only where right-wing Brazilians organize? Even a discord server or something of the sort?
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When are you going to produce more bands like these?

Here I have lost faith on our rock....such a shame!

>Muh Birthrates
Goddamn anon, are they comming for us for real now?
Thanks bro

Wh-why? Are Slovenian girls crazy?

Thanks man I definitely will, either through text or in person when I meet up with her

Thanks for the heads up man I appreciate it. She was born and raised here and her Facebook has less than 200 friends, no pictures of her at all, etc. Just talking with her and seeing her I can usually get a vibe for people but she doesn't seem to be like that at all. Must be because she grew up here. Has a good head on her shoulders, loves kids and wants some of her own, really devout, hates sjw and liberal shit and wonders wtf is going on in society, I could go on.

I know man that's why I want to make her mine asap. I've never thought this before for any 3D but I feel she truly is wife material after getting to know her.

I just hope she is into me too.
I expected more from Chile. Their services suck, airports are a joke.

GTFO kike!
>R$60/month for each child
You know, I'm pretty sure it doesn't come even fucking close to covering the actual monthly cost a child has. Times twelve.
If she grew up in Canada then you're all good to go, disregard what I said and smash that puss.

I'm serious.
>At least you remove the corrupt from your land
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Bolso is just a good goy conservative.
And what about the political climate? Who's the most conservative country?
I see it this way:
Chile has the numbers, they can beat you with muh GDP and muh economy. But IRL things are different, that is why whe have thousands of them studying here for free.

And we are in deep shit whenit comes to numbers, but life here is usually pretty OK. In my town I've only heard of 3 or 4 killing in the last 10 years.
Yeah, so? It's easy to shoot down all candidates and push for some faggot screaming 1488 all over the place and being shunned from politics as a result, but if you actually want to get results, you have to compromise. Trump is also the definition of a shabbos goy, but you can't deny he's serving his purpose -- I know for a fact Bolsonaro will be the same.
Are you guys voting on Bolsonaro in 2017?
I know, I'm not complaining here. May he be the first step in the right direction.

Everybody outside the northeast hellhole is.

>When are you going to produce more bands like these?

Never, idiotic neoliberalism has consumed the minds of the Uruguayans... now we have faggot bands like rombai and marama and shit. I remember the time when Uru/Arg rock nacional was at the peak.

>Goddamn anon, are they comming for us for real now?

They are bro, sit tight... did you think that (((they))) were going to leave our countries alone? I live near the port, we have 2000 dominicans and venezuelans coming every day to fuck this up. Also,mandatory quotas for women and fags in every public office and else.

We are going the european way anon.
the reason why we have a bunch of faggots and commies in RS is because we are the most traditional state.

faggots raised by single mom revolt against our traditional state by being a faggot or a commie
Don't forgot the Tranny Money.

I really hope that a bomb just explodes us.
I really hope you are right, cause i dont see a better way to save brasil from the junk

ahhhhhggg.... don't even mention that or i'll jump off my balcony.

This is such a beautiful land, and now it's fucked up.
Argentine GDP is higher than Chile
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Chile has a socialist government but the country is more conservative historically

Argentina has a conservative government but it's recovering from two terms (8 years) by our version of Hillary Clinton.
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>When a brazilian girl go living in other country,
It probably also depends.
Who's the Brazilian girl to earn less/or the same going to go to Portugal while she can go to one of the countries of pic related? Other factors aside socialeconomic status like language barrier, qualifications, her goals in life, etc.
Look for google images - fernanda miranda pinto da costa for more photos. To see if you consider her still white.
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Well, the only good thing happening is the Sendic thing, that is kinda satisfactory, but still an empty win, that is not really a win, a smokescreen if you will.
>fernanda miranda pinto da costa

Definitely not white. A mongrel if I ever saw one, if she is white then the chimps I see in the zoo are white as well
If your plan is to fuck her and be on your merry way than by all means go for it. Seriously, don't go for the marriage and the kids. This combo will get large, loud, obnoxious and resentful. And you can call yourself lucky if it's not all those things with very in front. Only a matter of time. Slovenes do two things among the best in the world, alcohol and suicides. Mostly because of, yep, you guessed it
>It probably also depends of destination country.
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>Argentina targett of (((them)))
>Confirmed whites

Nah I was a kid back in 1999-2007 that time frame when all the Big bands were still playing and the new good ones where exploding.
>La Renga
>Los Piojos
>NTVG (primeros álbumes)
>Cuarteto De Nos
>Las Pelotas
>Ataque 77
>Bersuit Vergarabat
>Rata Blanca
>Los Pericos
>Autenticos Decadentes

Fuck! That will never come back...
well, looking for another angle, may she is white in rio or in the north. would still bang that latina/mulato ass of her anyday though.

I just made a quick search and Jesus... you are damn white
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Horrible economy and full of chimps. I'm not proud of being a Brazilian until someone fixes this shit.
>Cuarteto de Nos
>Not the casa de Damian over and over.
"average" skew higher than the median
Please, that's nothing.

Also note... Tabare is quite conservative, but he's scared of losgin power so he does not say it. Him and Nin wanted Germans to inmigrate here, it was the bolches who brought the fiucking nigs. Also, read Tabare's son -Alvaro- opinion about abortion and feminism... there is a conservative left still that is very much aligned with the new right -Amado for example-.

We need mandatory military service for men. It's imperative for a country like ours -3.4 million- and also will erase the rampant drug addiction problems.
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What is it with leftists and big noses?
im way more pessimistic.

the youth is already completely brainwashed. they'll end up raising more brainwashed kids

this has never happened in any other country

the youth is 95% leftist/liberal (american wise). not even in france there is such hegemony (perhaps in sweden but idk)

it's over. they have outnumbered us and they are far more loud
The only no Tommie options are:
Bolsomeme to stop the violence and for the guns and no economic plan whatsoever.

João Dória - for the economic growth and pro labor strategy.

It's a conservative or a market guy.
>Fuck! That will never come back...

Never boi... now we have genderfluid teens playing pop. Get used to it.
Why the fuck are you obsessed with white skin ?
They are ok anon, come on!

Also, this

Was the most KEK moment of our lives. That song represented how everyone flet about everything back then.....and wht did they do?

So much for the "Que se vallan todos" shit, bunch of coward cucks....

Tabare is no conservative, Or liberal, he is an empty void of nothing that wants money and only money.
I mean you know about how he basically owns radiotherapy in Uruguay and destroyed his competition, The Leborne Familiy, with presidential orders.

Amado is kind of a retard and the Colorado party is left or "Batallista" As any other party tries to be.

If anything the Right in this country is the National Party, which is filled to the brim with incompetent people that do no know how to talk.

And then there is Novick, which is kinda like... Ehhhhhhhh.
The right wing either died, or never appeared again after democracy was put back in place.
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Fuck I got in too late, Brazil is Somalia level sage
Don't give it up so easily, man. Even as far back as 2014, PSDB (which admittedly is just another brand of shitlibs) almost won, and especially now, after years of Lava Jato, the left's outlook has never looked worse thanks to PT's name being dragged down the mud.

Even then, just look at history: Hitler managed to turn the motherfucking Weimar Republic, one of the most disgusting states of humanity, the European Sodom and Gomorrah, into the most right-wing nation on the planet. It's happened once, it can happen again. Ride the tiger, my friend.
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that's literally me rn
except i'm 100% european white with blue eyes
pic related. me when i was young.
>D. Pedro
>lived for Brazil
>died for Portugal

Is there anything more literal "Brazil was a mistake" than this?
Any advice for a non-português speaker heading to central Brazil in December? My gf is a huemonkey

Break up with her. Or bring qts.
>be australian
>country is filled with beautiful and clean beaches
>almost zero non-whites
why would you even visit another tropical place, specially a shitty one like brazil? go ski in europe or something.
>tricking the leaf
What does it actually mean?

Yes i know about Tabare making money off dying people... (i meant he's more conservative than the rest of the left, but you're kind of right)

The National Party is mainly globalist and neoliberal... so much for National, they wanted the TTP sooo sooo bad.

It's true the right is dead. And Novik is fat imbesilic degenerate, i wouldn't trust 20 pesos to him.
So what would be the most redpilled vote? Voto en blanco?
Voto en Blanco,
The most redpilled vote is shitting on the envelope.
Tfw half Brazilian and born and raised in Rio
Tfw I am destined to become the next Brazilian dictator and make Brazil great again
It feels like a waste desu


My grandma puts toilet paper. Jew hater 90yo woman... such a sweet lady.
Think about that this way.

When you Vote en blanco, you are actually helping one of the parties.
When you Null the vote, it means that the parties need more votes to fill a seat in senate and (Diputados)
Or you could vote Peri. I mean if you want to fuck the country more, why not put a cow fucker in power.
Grandfather was a colonel/engineer during Dictatorship in Brazil and used to literally torture commies.
Probably the person I admire the most in my family
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Tfw half-portuguese.
I dislike being a mongrel, though I look white even in Europe.
I don't know if I want to be dictator to a bunch of brazilians. It's like being king of hell.
i love your shitposts
there are around 150,000 danes living in brazil
wtf are you guys even doing here? i didn't knew a scandinavian country emigrated so much here. it's always german, poles and italians we hear about.
There is a peri headquarters ( I don't know the English word for it), next to my house lol Fucking eco retards
It's not that bad desu.
One thing I admire about Brazilians is ironically their work ethic
A poor Brazilian maid will wake up at 4am take 3 hours of public transport to earn jack shit
It's rare to find that kind of dedication.
If that kind of dedication was used correctly it would have tremendous results.
People in Denmark will be horrified at the idea of having to take 1 hour of transport
I know some Swedes from your country Joao, is not new.
My dad went there to open a business, idk about the rest

What do you think would happen if we have NatSoc party in Uruguay? I think it's a privileged country for something like that.
Talk about rose tinted glasses! People only do that because there's no other way. It's either that or having no job and living on the streets. Were there another way, even ones excessively harmful to other people, they would do it without hesitation despite the immorality.
It's akin to admire slaves for being hardworking. Nothing comes from the goodness of their hearts. And brazilian work ethic is shit for a number of other reasons.
theres no other way. they either work under those conditions or die of starvation

it's not like in some european countries where the govt gives free money to unemployed people

from your mother's side, yes?
I hate socialism but even I would vote a natsoc party, the thing is braian and jeny wouldn't

NatSoc would be a thousand times better than this center left shit
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completely BTFO
Please stop Joao, I don't need this right now

You know that kind of socialism is much diffrent.

I know what you mean...

Brian "don take away my weed"
Jeni "muhh machist fascist killers"

I can dream... ahhah
The only way I see a NatSoc Party appearing is basically the FA to fuck up so badly in the next 2 years that the country is destroyed, and not only that. If they win and fuck the next 5 years.
As much as I like the idea, its not going to happen.
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I didn't want it to be this way either, my fellow "white" brother.
That is not Jeni, That is the sociology student that because she haves a diploma she thinks she totally understands all types of people.
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>Tfw I have brown hair because of Brazilian genetics
>Mfw I will never be fully aryan

True. "Liberated" University feminists.

You have no idea the shit that comes out of womens mouth in law school.

"the constitution is patriarcal..." aaaayyy.

They have already ficked up, but everybody is too busy smoking weed and watching Netflix.
Yeah I know it's different it's just that I'm tired of seeing people always tricking the system for their advantage, example 70% of my high school classmates were there only attending classes so their mother / father could cash in the family pension.

And its full of shit like that, I'm more of a libertarian myself I hate taxes because they end up benefiting the scum of society, I wish I could pay taxes and the money be used in real hard working people that need it but thats not the reality.

And then there is the whole cultural issue, most women are brainless whores and most men are sex addicted retards that only think about all the bitches they'll trick into Fucking on the weekend
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And I have dark brown poo-poo eyes. My hair is a weird color that people call dark blond but looks boring brown most of the time. No way middle and up north people would call that greenish brown mess blond.
My face has a slightly weird bone structure too.
Well, a-at least I"m fair skinned and tall...
Why?! I want to be masterrace like Dolph Lundgren! It's not FAIR!

Well, at least i know there's one smart adolescent in this country.

Advice: Don't drink or smoke, easy on the smartphone, don't study law.

You are the future.
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I'm studying engineering at UDELAR, most people there are pretty decent except for the commies but they are fewer every day, weed is a real problem, I'm not gonna lie, I enjoy smoking every once in a while but only in special occasions
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Is Argentina really whiter than canada!?
Engi is ok, I don't think anything wrong is happening there, I am a Medicine student, the only bad thing is that the commies have control and we have to remember the horrors of the dictatorship all the time, Like dude it was 30 years ago, let me live.

That is what they want to tell themselves, don't worry Canada, they aren't white.
I think the biggest problem is the smartphones... start paying attention to how much people use it, it's fucking amazing, they walk the street bumping into each other. Also, read on the long term effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body -protip: 400% increase in testicle cancer since 2001, where do you carry youyr phone?-

you'll have to take care of me when i'm 65 and older so i need you not to be braindead XD
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Yeah, the future is dead.
>dont smoke dont use smartphones

it's like you're shilling for free

The Absolute State of Uruguay.
>shilling for free

Yeah nigger, i get 2 dollars every time a kid stops smoking and usin whatsapp.

It does not work on nigger cunts though.
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Are they pushing 6% hard at med too?
neither is our country

so much delusion in this thread

brown poor people that didn't even finish high school have 10 kids and white people that has university degree has 1 or 0, and most of the time just leaves the country

in 20 years we're gonna look like Colombia
Man... that bulding. Looks like the US embassy.
Pushing for the magical 6% that will totally fix education and make everyone shit diplomas and happiness everywhere has been a FA promise for the last 15 years, so you better believe they do that.

If that is sarcasm, you should know better, being a med student.

If it's not sarcasm. Don't be a depressive cunt.
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