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Thread replies: 114
Thread images: 55

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Let's get fucking hyped for the happening tomorrow with a good ol' fashion redpill thread. I haven't seen one in a while.
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The day pol turned into x
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Fucking god save us all
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fucking beautiful. i remember that.
wait where is this?
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Google scrub their latest maps of anything interesting
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The 'happening' is nothing more than a deep state psyop to demoralize /pol/. Hope for the best, expect the worse!
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Repeating diigits and it will happen

Look at them..
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>/pol/ not celebrating a happening
Couldnt take another wikileaks let down.
Greeks were white.
"Paint Ghosts" is my new favorite term
I just woke up but I'm so fucking tired, i think I should Take a nap. I reccomend everyone else do the same
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(Revelation 6:15 KJV) And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
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Visible gravity shifting on the Santa doll and the middle guy makes sure to grab the Christmas tree ASAP because he notices it. These people have the wierdest facial expressions. Like they're all hiding a big shit eating grin.
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The Finders.jpg
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(Ephesians 6:12 KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
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That's a good one
Reminds me of exCIA guy saying cold war was fake on both sides and the reason Russia was given nukes was to help along huge profiteering in the nuke industry. Same principle like in War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.
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can someone explain this
lol the whole building(airplane) shakes
the guy grabs his wire harness by his pockets
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Worldcorp has been posting new videos on Podesta...


This documentary goes into the elites weird fetish for grotesque "art" like in your picture.

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Connecting the Dots (FULL) - How the Financial World Will Collapse (1991 Lecture at USC)

(Revelation 13:16-18 KJV) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
noobs returds bobs
i see here only shit
i think here need all a worldpill
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The scenes where they move around are noisy due to the jet engines of the plane. While the stationary scenes are quiet. It's all staged.
what is this?
what is the happening?
Don't listen to the leaf , he is a jew.
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Australia Google Maps.jpg
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The ocean floor has lots of wierd 90 degree angles shit on the floor when you look at it in Google Maps. Always wondered what it was. Look around south Australia. What are these(pic related)?
Wtf is this?
wait so is this just a few americans getting butthurt about something?
not going to watch that nine hour video
so europe can't space?
I really wish I hadn't seen these. Can I have some more info? What's the search term? Just ISS wires? How far does it go? Why? What's the point? Just to make us believe?

Fractures from seafloor spreading, but everyone ignores answers they think are boring.
i timestamped it at the critical point , watch it for 7 mins and report back
1.Vid needs to be lightened up and sound needs to be clarified.
2.That's not art, that's legit.
"1) ["UFO's"]

Most of the "UFO's" that are seen are just advanced military aircraft using reverse engineered tech(Which are significantly outmatched & outnumbered compared to what Aliens have). The ones that aren't are Drones(used for observing) & unmanned Older Model Craft/Ships that the Aliens crash and/or allow to be shot down inorder to see what we would do with the Tech.(They even occasionally put "Aliens" inside them to see what we would do).

"BlueBeam" is an overly complicated/theatrical plan. Also sometimes countries "UFO's" are shot down by other countries & there own.

2) [MIB]

Much like how the SS(Secret Service) also handles counterfeiting, the MIB(Men In Black) doesn't just handle UFO's(Nowadays its less "knock on the door" & more CGI/fake footage).

MIB also handles FEM(Free Energy Machines), but they are just one out of many different groups/agency's/organizations that deal with both FEM's & UFO related stuff around the world.

3) [Black Budget Projects]

If the Deep State is the IC, the MIC is the Military, then Black Budget is the R&D. BBP's consist of Experimental/Reverse Engineered Aircraft/Weapons/Tech, FEM's & Anti-Grav. Also things like Genetic Experiments(Clones,Chimera's,Super Soldiers, etc).

BBP(along with Globalists Loans) are big reasons why certain countries have tons of Debt. BBP's are more of a circlejerk between manufacturers/company's then the F-35 was, to a point of hurting/limiting/stunting project development.

NASA & ISS are just PR compared to the BBP. Crop Circles, Abductions & Mutilations are done by government/corporate experiments and/or psy-op's. Area 51 is just a testing base for Aircraft, the "alien" myth was made to encourage tourism to the state/surrounding places."
umm looks like a roasted human to me. im about to bleach my eyes i feel really weird now
that kid looks "seasoned" excuse the kid cannibal pun
heres another great timestamp moment. nig tier senator frantically trying to act ghetto and funny to diffuse the insane tension in the room and failing miserably.

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It's a good thing we already got brain tumors and awan arrest this week.
Can't be too let down from that.
why the fuck arent my timestamps loading? Skip to 8:18:38
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Interesting, this documentary says Reagan merged our education system with the Soviets to prevent a global war. Turning Russia, America, and China into the same pool of serfs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr-aEtJVVdk Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. Exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.
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Nasa hoax, nasa wires, nasa fake, nasa airbubbles

And watch this Apollo docu

He doesn't look like it's his first "cookout" scared or surprised
because thats how green screens react u fking idiot
lil1 probaby helped with the stuffing looks like he's telling about it now... mid story "my whole arm went in..." *so gross*
>what is video compression
packet loss in data
so they're acting like they're surprised the us interferes in foreign elections?
i mean any idiot with half a brain could have figured that out ages ago. it's just another application of soft power
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That pic is from a movie called Thanksgiving from 2007. Not sure where your first came form.
him and the other kid cannibal are tied up ive come 2 notice. what could this mean?
this channel on YT and my book is all you need to know everything

that doesnt mean the satanic fucks in hollywood didnt actually use a real cooked human.
Bullshit. What about the snaking 90* lines i highlighted? Some reverse back on each other and zig zag in parallel. What's with that?
in fact, they GET OFF on this sort of shit.
I really never knew that. I just remembered I had a pic which seemed to fit the description.
Please, not another A=432 idiot
link to original website?
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Australia Google Maps(1).jpg
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Look here. These lines snake back on themselves. Like some kind of automated machine is doing it.
Yeah you shouldn't use that particular gif as proof, that's just normal video encoding errors, it happens on all types of video. I've got a porno that I've looked everywhere for a clean version of that doesn't have those same kind of pixelation but no luck. Also green screen effects don't affect foreground objects, green screens are for transplanting multiple, intact objects into a single frame, ie make the background all green that way a computer can single it out and paste the remaining non-green objects onto a different video.
how long have these been around?
you did not.
give us the minute.
Okay, I'm completely uninformed after a long night shift, what's happening tomorrow?
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its comig
7:00:00. Check these digits. And the blonde angel reading it. This moment in the video might very well be regarded by future historians as the dawn of a new era.

Based house committee clerk of justice pls be my waifu
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Transcript 1
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Transcript 2
wtf mencia knockoff brings up slick willy
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Transcript 3
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Transcript 4
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Transcript 5
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how do you explain this then

Just found out mine wasn't legit and from a movie. Not sure about the other, 1st i've seen of it.
lets stay focused on earthly politics for the time being. i promise you, the space shit is coming next.
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Look at their body language before our angel based goddess of truth reads the rest.
The bottom of this video is cut out, in the original you can see that the guy on the right just grabs him by the pocket, you can kinda see it in this video if you look closely
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agreed, surprised there isn't one already, we need an anon good at rundown skills on it
trying to salt hard proof of nasa fakery with ufo bullshit. have any flat earth memes for us?

zero hour?

>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”


>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"

No one respond to this guy, this thread is no longer about space. that disclosure will come later.
help spread these threads. this is our finest hour.
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Why is this news to anyone? Henry Ford wrote a book about it 100 years ago ffs
Yeah, now that you said it you can see he catches him with the tip of his little finger.
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Thread posts: 114
Thread images: 55

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