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White House floats 44 percent tax rate on the super rich

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>White House senior strategist and former Goldman Sacks investment banker Steve Bannon is calling for a 10% federal tax increase on those making more than $5 million a year, The Intercept reports.

>Trump’s previous tax plan would have lowered the top tax bracket from 39.6% to 35%, but now Bannon is floating a trial ballon of instead raising the top rate to 44%.

>Bannon was head of Breitbart News before being appointed chief executive of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

>If Congress were to pass such a bill, it would only effect the 43,000 Americans who make more than $5 million per year. Such a proposal would decrease the federal deficit by raising $180 billion in new revenue over the next decade.

What's going to happen first /pol/? Republicans defending high tax rates for richfags or Democrats denouncing it?
Get this Goldman Sachs democrat out of there.
Cut the loop holes, tax a low but fair rate, enough bullshit. And yes the Democucks will most likely be against it just because.
>Cut the loop holes, tax a low but fair rate, enough bullshit. And yes the Democucks will most likely be against it just because
Now that's what I call sliding the media yet again. 3 times in one day
>And yes the Democucks will most likely be against it just because.

Oh of course.
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Its all worthless unless its a land value tax
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>$180 billion over a decade
>$18 billion a year
>federal budget is $4 trillion a year
I don't give a fuck if millionaire Jews get taxed 44%

So long as the Democrats don't get their way and tax people making 50k-100k 60%.

Besides, wasn't it the celebrities and tech giants who were asking for a tax increase?

problem is its impossible to cut all the loopholes, because many of them are caused by the kind of world we live in. Free trade, free movement of money around the globe, corporations being treated as people, etc. these are all the biggest loopholes. and they cant be closed without a complete topdown revolution of politics.

But you cant do it all quick either, or you get the cuba scenario, where all the rich simply leave, and all the global corporations abandon their American operations as they relocate their HQ to ireland or China
Trump could find the cure for cancer and then leave it in pill form at the door step of every citizens. The Huffpost article titles would be.

>10 Ways Donald Trumps cancer curing method can hurt women and minorities.
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I have not met a single person who can tell me why they hate Steve Bannon. All of the liberals I know talk about him as if he's pure evil, but when I ask them they just say "B-b-b-breitbart"
3 times?
the democrats are actually the finance/bank party much more so than the GOP so there's no question that they would be against this tax increase
this would completely devastate the democrats if they voted this down
bannon is such a fucking shit disturber lmao
>but now Bannon is floating a
lel, fake news
>transfags btfo
>one nation UNDER GOD
>now this
Going all out with the transdimensional chess.
"White House floats 44"
No, Bannon made the suggestion, and even that to the best of my knowledge is only rumored, and unconfirmed.
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This is a tax on the Power-Elite. Those who dont even consider themselves Americans but "Global Citizens"

These are the faggots with Gulfstream jets who fly to Aspen to laugh at the poor people.

Bannon is right. Fuck these people. Fuck these jews.
>White House senior strategist and former Goldman Sacks investment banker Steve Bannon is calling for
lol the kikes really think this is good divide and conquer? a source familiar with his thinking
Hahahahaa jews BTFO
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>Trump could find the cure for cancer and then leave it in pill form at the door step of every citizens.

AHAHAHAHA Bernie's fucked, regardless what position he takes. He should keep his mouth shut or he'll get burned.
Bannon is definitely playing 4D chess here.
wtf i love bannon now.
>pol now wants higher taxes (that won't get paid cause lol rich don't pay taxes)
That's peanuts
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This is how stupid Trumpfags are.
we need to tax luxury cars more so cars can become more affordable to the working class anything over 40k taxed and increases along with the cars price so car manufacturers can sell cars like darts for 12k

Purchased goods tax, only one you can't escape unless your smuggling goods.
so we just tax the shit out of the things they buy
Its enough to pay for a pretty nice wall.
Read the Mussolini's fascist manifesto. Fascists were proworker
>so we just tax the shit out of the things they buy

You know 90% of the US population has no say over what Congress passes. Unless you are in the top 10% income bracket, your opinion is moot.

This is why we need to abolish government, it does the bidding of the rich.
>Read the Mussolini's fascist manifesto. Fascists were proworker

LOL you are fucking insane. Fascism was state corporatism. Hitler went so far as to ban unions.
tax bicycles over 500usd and high end hotels
>tax bicycles over 500usd and high end hotels

You read my post?
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Our fuckin guy
And what percent of that 43,000 are jews?
Corporations don't pay any taxes, PERIOD

Simple as that. They never will no matter how much you want it to happen.
>this is how stupid liberals are
It doesn't really matter

anyone making more than 2 mil has most of their money in stocks and the ilk. This would not effect that just make managing your money more tedious
You are the liberal if you want HIGHER taxes faggot
then we tax the shit out things corporations buy
>Republicans defending high tax rates for richfags or Democrats denouncing it?
Democrats denouncing it.
Tax the shit out of Jew celebrities and nigger athletes, those are the majority of people with annual incomes of $5 million or more.
How do you spin a tax hike on the super rich into something about it being a Nazi trick?

Because that's the only characterizaton that gave on Bannon for all these months.
>then we tax the shit out things corporations buy


Corporations run Congress so Congress will tax corporations who don't pay taxes.
by creating taxes on non us made goods
It's 44% actually. But even then that's ridiculous for being 2% of the population.
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I'm with this guy.
2 tru
>by creating taxes on non us made goods

And Congress will pass this why?

Did you forget that 90% of the US population in the lowest tax bracket has no say on policy.

Yes all those loopholes that the rich didn't pay!
because they dont want trump to tweet how weak and pathetic they are
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consolidating our prole power. the democrats have pseudo intellectuals and cable news. butt fucking nothing. we have poor fags, and in america that's a big demographic.
>because they dont want trump to tweet how weak and pathetic they are

And Trump will want to raise taxes on himself why?
because hes already rich
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Oy vey... Send someone to go after this filthy goy!
>because hes already rich

WOW SO I GUESS THAT MEANS EVERY RICH PERSON WANTS TO PAY TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
the ones that love america do
Kochs run congress, Kochs run the white house

Kochs say no to taxes

Get fucked liberals.
he already said he agrees to raise taxes on the rich if that means lowering them on the middle class .
hear hear
>Koch's run the white house
>Koch's supported Hillary instead of Trump
lol Kochs are on the outs and they support the neoliberal Democrat order anyways, that bogeyman is now on the left side, enjoy them!
>he already said he agrees to raise taxes on the rich

Which he later backtracked on, did you forget that silly?
>Raising taxes on the very rich has been a rare policy that President Donald Trump has publicly espoused throughout much of his life. On Tuesday, he told the Wall Street Journal, “if there’s upward revision it’s going to be on high-income people.”

>“I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,’” he said. White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders was pressed on Trump’s comment at a televised briefing Wednesday, and said that further specifics of the plan would be released shortly, with an emphasis on tax cuts for the middle class.
The boomers are shitting their pants right now.

They got fooled into voting for Trump who is completely against his own generation.

It's good that we have another 3 years before the election, we need to keep red pilling young because the old boomer generation will likely go 80% or more with democrats next time around.

> takes hikes on the rich; mostly boomers
> medical insurance up to five times higher for people over 65
> closing the borders and illegals being deported at record highs; boomers are the main employers of them, benefiting off of cheap slave labor.

Trump is doing what's best for the country and the future generations. I think its going to be a tight election next time around.

Right wing cuck boomers thought Trump was going to give them cheese and shekelz but it turns out no so.
no read my other post .
Again he back tracked and said everyone should get a tax cut.

And he sure as hell isn't talking about Donald Trump, Trump doesn't want to pay more taxes.
>Koch's supported Hillary

Bullshit detector is going off right here.
>no read my other post .

>think of all the poor black millionaires
>oy vey why not the 1%???
y not.... spend less money?
I thought that's what republicans were supposed to do...
Stop taxing income. Earning wages should be encouraged and rewarded, not reduced to pay for a bloated government. Instead tax property and purchases.
His base are richer than most Americans, you are telling me TRump will tax his own VOTING BASE?
I like it.

I nor anyone ITT makes $5 mil a year.

And even if did make 5 mil a year, i assure you that a 10℅ tax increase wouldn't mean shit to me. Im stilo buying that 5th beach house EZ.

Is it "fair"
Not in principle.

Does that mean anything?
Nope. Life isnt fair. From a utilitarian point of view, it makes sense although unfair.

And no this isn't an endorsement of socialism. That doesn't make sense and has proven to fail. Anyone ne who jumps to that extreme as a counter to this sensical proposal, go fuck yourself.
Why would I be against Jews getting taxed at 44%

Tax the fuck out of the personal income of the rich but lower all business taxes so they're competitive with Ireland etc
Bannon got PISSED during the recession and got some heretical ideas (for the establishment GOP). So i believe it 100%
Anyone who thinks this is a bad idea should read this:

Fuck yes. Tax the super wealthy. Finally some news for the fucking middle class!

Hail Bannon!
>his base
his base is poor as fuck rural voters who voted for him because MUH GOD.

as long as he keeps going MUH GOD they will vote for him regardless.

Good. Time to start cutting into the pocket book of the parasite class.
Nah, what we really need is an annual asset tax. The old money has no income or capital gains, but they own everything.

>his base is poor as fuck



Good joke anon.
enjoy losing in 2020 again you retard
its the cities where you have families of 5 living in 1 bedroom apartments but youre sheltered from that in the bubble you live in from living in your moms basement
also he wants to TAX the rich and lower corporate taxes to balance things that s different . he is against FLAT TAX AS WELL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6mg4hNIxVs
>enjoy losing in 2020 again you retard

Trump's base are all poor. They are white and mostly middle to upper middle class. Yeah SOME white poor people voted for him, not a lot, most poor don't vote at all.
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This entirely. The Dems would be against it because Reps are for it, if not, then to please the demons that Hillary hides in her oversized pants. If they don't, then she'll sick her snatch demons on them.
Oh and his base would be pissed as fuck if you raised taxes on them. but hey I thought democrats were the ones wanting to RAISE taxes all the time like socialist Bill Clinton and Obama?
They should tax Soros 100%
When private citizens become rulers through the favor of their fellow citizens, these may be called civil principalities. One can reach this position through the favor of either the common citizens or the nobles, because the two classes are found in every city. The nobles want only to oppress the people, and the people want only to avoid oppression. From these opposing impulses can come three results: a principality, a republic, or anarchy. When the nobles feel pressure from the people, they try to make one of their own the prince in order to protect their privileges. When the people feel they cannot resist the nobles, they try to make a fellow citizen prince in order to protect their rights. You can never satisfy the nobles by acting honorably, but you can satisfy the people.
but i like my porsche :|
Surely that was only because they were no longer relevant with the state actually ensuring workers good treatment.
Shhhhhhhhhh. The rural areas are full of dangerous hillbillies and snakes you don't want to live here its a nightmare
buy a corvette
>Introduce tax hikes
>And more loopholes
>Try to straddle that line
>Get cut in half as both sides pull you down for all the stupid

Trump's future is looking pretty bleak.

It's enjoyable.
Democuck here, I'm for it.
Remember when Reagan and GHWB raises taxes on the poor and middle class, after cutting it for the rich? That was a fucking disaster. Let's not do it again.
>Republicans defending high tax rates for richfags

Didn't this already happen when the Senate cuckservatives failed to repeal the additional 0.9% medicare tax on people making over $250,000?
>he believes this

ayyy lmao , go see norway taxes on expensive cars , not only they COST a lot and the taxes for possesion are huge , but " shitboxes " still cost the same .
If my ID is purple there's a major happening tomorrow
If it's yellow your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
it s neither so you are a faggot
>Didn't this already happen when the Senate cuckservatives failed to repeal the additional 0.9% medicare tax on people making over $250,000?

Or 2013 when they allowed taxes to go up?
You can see impressionable retard 18/9 year old conservashit ideologues struggle ITT. You guys are tiptoeing extra careful i see. Just look at these posts.

These are the ben shapiro, steven crowder retards itt who are having a hard time forming an opinion. You probably told yourself, "i'll wait for ben shapiros next video to tell me what to think."

This is great. Hopefully coupled with smart budget cuts, and tax cuts on businesses and the middle class.

If you're waiting for your jew idol shapiro to tell you what to think, dont waste your time. Hes gonna throw a fit that his shekels are being taken away and oreach about muh constitution. Muh capitalism. Muh free market. Muh family worked hard i swear i wasn't handed this on a silver platter.
I keep hearing about an advertising tax. I like it.
Koch's are one of the last real bastions of private wealth.
they tax every car because theyre too green just like gas in holland is more expensive in germany because theyre greener than germany and want people to ride bicycles norwegians have high salaries and can afford the taxes but not every american has a high salary so just tax the goods that people with high salaries buy then theyll be like their more humble predecessors driving lasabres like warren buffet instead of buying a silverado for their stupid kids
It has nothing to do with them, everything to do with tax loopholes that rich use to exploit the middle class and poor.

The loopholes exist to this extent because of globalism.

Major US companies are now based out of Ireland because they only have to pay 15% corporate taxes.
We're going to have to get more revenue somewhere. Can't run half trillion plus deficits every year forever.
Inb4 cut spending, we absolutely should where we can but there is a shitload of mandatory spending that's only going to get worse as the boomers start getting SS and medicare.
>Major US companies are now based out of Ireland because they only have to pay 15% corporate taxes.

Hmm maybe cause they got the lowest taxes in EU?

Yet US corporate tax rate is highest in the world and GASP THEY DON'T PAY IT
>Can't run half trillion plus deficits every year forever.

It's to late to stop it, private debate will fuck us over before public debt. Get fucking ready boys.
How the fuck does raising the price of cars through taxation make them more affordable?
*debt not debate
Yeah! Increase the price of expensive things to make sure the peasants can't afford them!
it'd be great if Republicans stop fetishizing taxes and always wanting them lower. They should use taxes strategically.
GOP would have an almost permanent majority if they raised taxes on the very wealthy.

Democrats talk a good game but don't deliver.

If GOP raises taxes on the super wealthy it would kneecap any Dem plans on financial issues
I'm all for it desu

Nobody will be suffering if he 43,000 richest Americans pay 10% more, not even them.
>but but but but but muh ceo won't be able to afford his 6th boat

>muhh small business owners
Five million dollars per year. This is not a small business owner. And even so, they're taking this in as profit, not company revenue, so they do have wiggle room.
>Yeah! Increase the price of expensive things to make sure the peasants can't afford them!

As if super rich pay taxes kek
Tax increase for the rich is only there so people will not make the jump into the circles of the super rich
Read the manifesto. Fascists managed to gain power in Italy and Germany by explicitly appealing to workers. Strasserism was an influential wing of the Nazi Party until Hitler purged them (after he gained power of course)
Yup, let's make sure the peasants can never buy the things we buy!
>GOP would have an almost permanent majority if they raised taxes on the very wealthy.

In fairy tale land, GOP want tax cuts. Every Republican I meet says the same. I live in a very rich county.
>Fascists managed to gain power in Italy and Germany by explicitly appealing to workers.

They were put in power by the corporations who feared communist revolt. Simple as that.

If boomers could get to grips with the fact that the Republican party has changed then they wouldn't be voting Republican in the first place.
>Democrats talk a good game but don't deliver.

Clinton raises taxes, Bush lowered them, Obama raised them.
You understand that corporations have either one of two responses to that right?
1. They move out of the country, taking jobs and tax revenue with them.
2. They have the money already budgeted, unlike smaller companies, which gives the corporations essentially a monopoly.

This will even out the tax cuts for the middle class and the normal rich.

Based Bannon working the "Socialists" into hyprocracy
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>advertising tax.
good they can fuck off and some other corportion will fill in the demands from the market
>taxation is socialism

Sure is summer in here.
by some miracle obama raised taxes and put us even more in debt than before.

the old nigger trick of higher taxes and even higher spending.
>good they can fuck off and some other corportion will fill in the demands from the market

it's called a tariff bud
>it's called a tariff bud

You keep bringing up shit that's the complete opposite of everything the GOP has stood for since forever basically.
thats half a million a year for jack shit in return. not even that much revenue considered the military will swallow it.
its already getting there with you globalists trying to make america a 3rd world nation
>Democrats talk a good game
>"I'm with her."
What planet do you live on?
Reminder that Roy Cohn, Trump's political mentor, hated the Jewish establishment. He was Jewish but was of poor Russian stock whereas the rich Pole/Germans who had all the money actively made that community poor.

Trump is going to bankrupt the old kikes
>its already getting there with you globalists trying to make america a 3rd world nation

If the corporations go, this country will be a bum fuck shit hole. Nobody would support that.

You either have globalism or you turn into North Korea.

There is no in between.
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I'm convinced. Something is coming down the pipeline. Too much in one day to say it's all coincidence. This is the early shelling before you see the tanks rolling over the hills.

I'm fucking excited. Please Kek, don't let Trump let us down.
But you're not doing the simple math

Apple makes x amount while Ireland has 4.6 million people divide x by population of Ireland then divide x by 360 million

They can just lower and lower and lower their rate and get a huge tax income per capita....WE CAN NEVER COMPETE WITH THAT
Republicans used to love tariffs. Tariffs were very good for this country in the 19th century.
Throw away your iPhone, it's a product of "evil" globalism.
the ones that want to leave can do so just dont expect their marketshare to be left without competition from a corporation that doesnt want to rape and pillage america for profit
>Republicans used to love tariffs. Tariffs were very good for this country in the 19th century.

Yeah that was a LONG time ago. Enacting tariffs in 2017 would probably destroy the economy of the planet and kill 100s of millions of people.
>cut the loop holes
I wish it were that easy but whenever loopholes are cut, new loop holes are found.
>2 posts by my ID

Trump has wanted tariffs on Chinese goods for a while now.
There is a reason developed nations like South Kore become less protectionist over time as they develop.
>Enacting tariffs in 2017 would probably destroy the economy of the planet and kill 100s of millions of people.
we want this.
>Trump has wanted tariffs on Chinese goods for a while now.

And hasn't done shit cause he knows they are stupid as fuck. He would never do that to China we get our goods from there.
Trumpfags are simply berniefags.
>the ones that want to leave can do so just dont expect their marketshare to be left without competition from a corporation that doesnt want to rape and pillage america for profit

Again Americans will never accept that. You guys always talk about HURRR BUY AMERICAN

but when asked Do you want to pay more to buy american, they always say no.
This would be very good. Please get it done before Trump is in hand cuffs.
if american made goods are cheaper than foreign made slapped with tariffs the answer is easy. the days of exploiting the american worker are over
What have we learned about policies?

Look how the media and elite react.

That's your answer.
its still too low.

pic related
Since neo-cons
Fuck NeoCons
>if american made goods are cheaper than foreign made slapped with tariffs the answer is easy.

Yes Americans can compete with Vietnamese who work for like 0.25 cents and hour! Lolololololololololol

>the days of exploiting the american worker are over


You are killing me please stop!

>This is a tax on the Power-Elite.

Fucking this, I can't understand why people are against it? Fuck the rich!
Don't forget racism and the klan and bears. If you're a woman, the bears will be attracted to your period. Don't come here.
thats why tariffs are needed because even 3rd worlders should earn more than 25 cents a fucking day for making goods to sell in the west
>Fuck the rich!

Yes fuck all those rich like Trump and his cabinet!
nah just the assholes like you who want to sell chinese made fidget spinners
No one that rich just pays their taxes like us plebs do.

No one will be paying 44% no matter what the law says.
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>thats why tariffs are needed because even 3rd worlders should earn more than 25 cents a fucking day for making goods to sell in the west

Lol if you seriously believe this. Corporations will ALWAYS GO TO WHERE IT'S THE LOWEST YOU FUCKTARD

Unless you literally turned America into the same living standards as vietnam those fucking jobs aren't coming back friendo. All those jobs that left my state are never coming back. All you are doing it making it worse for the people already here.
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some of them are and its obvious you're just a jew afraid of losing his shekels.
I've never understood the hatred of the rich for being rich. Them or their ancestors did something to unsure them and their children had a bright future. So fuck them right?
Trump is a fag and an ineffective one too
>No one will be paying 44% no matter what the law says.

THank you anon.
then let them go and let their goods be slapped with tariffs
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>BASED Bannon
Nope I just know economics. You can talk all you want, you will never tax the jews you hate.
Trump is going to war to boost his low approval rating
The American government controls the borders. Those goods are coming here if we don't want them here. Regardless of the price.

We have reason to play nice, but we obviously opened up too much and we don't have enough jobs here.
>then let them go

Dumbest comment ever
Until you tax the shit out of them and then they move too. Literally running anyone more successful than you out of the country.
Ok so you want to pay 2,000 dollars for your iphone now?
plus tax so like 3,000?
>Don't forget racism
How could I? I watched some racist hillbilly in confederate suspenders just blow some black guys head of in the middle of the street....When the cops showed up they just laughed and laughed. 10 minutes later a cement truck shows up and now that poor minority is the new speed bump in town. DON'T EVER COME TO RURAL AMERICA
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Too late, fatso...

There are personal income taxes and then there are corporate taxes. What you might do is raise personal income tax to 44% while drastically cutting corporate taxes or allowing for ways to not classify your income as personal income (for example: capital gains).
like another corporation or business cant fill in their role?
And the unfilled graves of hippies. Why do you think they call them "potholes"?
You're a faggot republicuck. The rich should already be helping to restore this country, we shouldn't have to funnel their money through an inefficient bureaucracy. But real national pride doesn't exist in these material parasites. They're content in racking up fiat money and creature comforts while their nation and members of their race live in a state of decay. They need to use their wealth to help their brethren and build this country back up, or the state will for them, albeit poorly.
>You're a faggot republicuck.

Yup and we are running Congress, get used to it.


This has been our pledge since Reagan.

We will not ever accept this
Stop copy pasting from shitheap news sources and goto the original.
we need to revamp patent laws in this country too
Until they eventually leave due to increasing tax rates or regulations? All this does is keep running the next generation of business out. That, or the corporations they're aimed at take more control since the smaller companies can't afford all the required taxes to compete, essentially giving large corporations a monopoly.
The latter almost certainly. In fact you'll see bipartisan support against it and then the lefties and lifestyle commies will hate it too becaue BANNON IS EVIL.
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This entire conversation has already gone retarded.
>In fact you'll see bipartisan support against it and then the lefties and lifestyle commies will hate it too becaue BANNON IS EVIL.

Probably zero cause GOP congress wants LOWER TAXES, not higher.
Nobody making under 200k should be taxed at all, period. And (((people))) making more should be taxed far harder than they are right now, and these elites and their money should be used to make a national universal healthcare system for CITIZENS ONLY.
Keep your mouth shut.
>t. Landowner
who said anything about taxing businesses? their foreign made goods slapped with tarriffs will have to compete fairly with american made goods that dont have tarriffs is it fair that foreign made goods are produce using slave wage 3rd world labor while running american businesses out of work because they wanted to employ americans and pay a working 1st world wage?
Go suck Ben Shapiro's dick.
Tea party cuck.
We are not in the 80s anymore. Move on.
Property tax and business tax are the taxes that influence the super rich the most. Some of them don't even earn a salary, they just live of other income which is taxed lower.
Absolutely this, our patent system is a joke overrun by litigation happy patent trolls. We actually came close to dealing with this issue a few years back, buy some NeoCon cuckservative fuck prevented debate on the bill from even being heard and it died. Forgot who it was that did it, might have been Lamar Smith
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>Tea party cuck.

>tea party is now the establishment

What a time to be alive!
>hurf durf we control congress
Yeah, and AIPAC controls congress. Have fun with your lowered taxes while the nation falls apart, and the jews continue to rape this country and steal any future your children might have had. But at least you'll have nice stuff right? What a fool.
>Steve Bannon
Pick exactly one.
Higher taxes is the definition of liberal.
>Property tax

Then why does every Property tax end up being a land grab for the rich?

The only thing the death tax did was take family farms from middle America and put it in the hands of the rich

Also in a global economy we cant compete with the tax rates a small country like Holland can set for businesses so again the only businesses that will be affected are middle income small businesses
The Rothschilds don't pay these taxes, the Donald Trumps do. Taxes are killing our fucking heroes before they're even born. Just give up this welfare state already, it's our ultimate doom.
if you dont want to pay taxes go live in somalia
Maybe when its only the rich paying personal income tax they'll finally care about migrants and the welfare state
>if you dont want to pay taxes go live in somalia

Lol now you are using left wing talking points.
Some republicucks should ask themselves why Romney and Mccain got destroyed.
The answer is simple.
None sane votes for jew wealth apologists.
You're a fucking idiot Somalia is Somalia because of Muslim niggers. Arguments like this only work on places like reddit
>Some republicucks should ask themselves why Romney and Mccain got destroyed.

Again do you know, of course you don't, Trump's base are weather than Hilary's. You are literally saying tax trump's base to win elections. It's insane thinking.

Bannon is no liberal.
you obviously dont like taxes so youre incompatible to live in a 1st world nation somalia would be a better fit for you
No, it's not. It's a policy associated with a lot of liberals, not the whole fucking definition. Plenty of conservatives have raised taxes.
The tax only affects 43,000 people. Trump can afford to lose a few votes.
Guess who gave him the win moron.
Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan - Basically the white working class...
Our current property and death tax is designed to drain the middle class, it's because the current system is failing. Middle class property shouldn't be taxed as high as mansions and the first few millions you inherit shouldn't be taxed either.

They fucked it up on purpose
>Bannon is no liberal.

He's criticized Putin, Paul Ryan, Heritage Foundation, and pretty much anyone advocating fiscal conservatism. Again I'm a fiscal conservative, I don't want higher taxes on me or my family, cause that's the taxes you are talking bout, the middle class taxes.
You don't even have an argument. You're a walking stereotype of a low IQ blue collar worker, or some preppy fag who hides from reality with booze, pussy, and man toys.
Bannon is secret member of Nazbol Gang.
>Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan - Basically the white working class...

Yes and you raise taxes on them you are fucking DONE next election

Trump ran on TAX CUTS
Watch the edge with the Nazi flag bro. Sorry some of us take politics seriously and not a fucking game.
This so much all the "professional" rban libs in Seattle are like income tax nao. I wanna pay my fair share. Well make them pay.
A tax increase would be the worst thing GOP could ever do in 2018 and 2020

The tea party would revolt caue they would get Democrats to vote with them.
You dont tax the workers...
Why am I responding to brainwashed libertarian retards again ?
Fuck off with your who ideology, geofag
No taxes on people who make less than 100k a year. No property tax no income tax

but it should always be pointed out that the rich found loopholes for the inheritance tax overseas while the only people who had 3million and couldn't pay were people inheriting family farms. Not one democrat said a word
>You dont tax the workers...


They don't pay the taxes no matter what you or bernie dumbass sanders or bannon say.
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>Nope I just know economics.
confirmed jew
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Trump one because native labor unions in the Rust Belt (who normally vote Dem) voted for him last year.

The Democrats have become globalist to the point that they supported globalist capitalism (TPP, mass-immigration), because it helped shit on the native white conservative workers. Trump however, opposed TPP, immigration, and vowed to create new tariffs and trade regulations.

I've been telling people this for months, but normies are still too retarded to get it. They think all (R)s have to be Jeb-tier neocons, and all (D)s always support "the workers".
then enjoy federal prison
>Trump one because native labor unions in the Rust Belt (who normally vote Dem) voted for him last year.

The lies never cease to amaze me. This is totally untrue. The same people who voted for Romeny and Mcain voted for GASP another Republican! A slight increase in Obama to Trump voters and slight decrease in Obama to Clinton voters is what did it for Trump in certain key states, which he barley won.
>They don't pay the taxes no matter what you or bernie dumbass sanders or bannon say.

So what's the problem then? It looks good politically, the middle class and the working class get a huge tax break and the rich won't even be taxed according to you.
>then enjoy federal prison

I'm not rich middle class, so I'm the one getting taxes faggot.
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>watch the edge
Nice non argument, faggot. You're just like the rest of the republicucks, you'll talk about taxes and spending and then cash in on social security and medicaid like the rest of them. You have no principles other than holding onto your shekels. If you took politocs seriously, you'd realize your kind are dying and the only serious revival of a conservative traditional philosophy comes through the far right. If you're lucky, you'll wake up before it's too late.
Every fucking nation in history is based on taxes.
Shapirocucks in this thread are brainwashed to the core.
>former Goldman Sacks

sounds like a really credible source
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I'm gonna take it you don't take politics seriously. COme back to me when you leave your basement and are making a living kid.
/pol/ won't defend this. They like their Jew overlords from Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc.
The shills are here to derail a nice conversation
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>labor unions voted for McCain and Romney
>labor unions voted for McCain and Romney

If you think unions voted for Trump in a massive number you are seriously mistaken
>any thread that isn't about that one subject I'm most interested in is a slide thread

Autism. You have it.
Read some books besides Milton Friedman autistic retard.
Yes did I not just say that? The Dems will come out against it because MUH BANNON IS EBUL and their general whiny contrarian nature; not to mention how the Dems are the party of Wall Street. The GOPe will come out against it because MUH JOB CREATORS MUH TAX CUTS. The bourgeoisie commie LARPers and other Resist types will come out against it because FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE even though taxing the rich is something they've spent years railing against but ideological consistency is not a hallmark of that group.
You don't even know what Globalism is do you?
The rich aren't going to flee. What makes you think they'll go so some 3rd world shithole like Africa or the Middle East where there's a bigger threat of getting blown up? Businesses don't like going to places with high crime. It's why cities like Detroit and Flint in Michigan are Africa tier whereas places like low crime Utah are fast growing. In Lousiana during the reign of Huey Long they levied a corporate wealth tax against giants like Standard Oil and they didn't leave, in fact during the Great Depression Louisiana was one of the best off states. They could afford textbooks for all schoolchildren, established a private jet for the LSU football team, built their highway system to end rural isolation and create jobs, etc. while lowering other taxes that burdened people.
What is a good fucking reason that Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc cannot fund UBI and still make shitloads of money? Corporations need to be dehumanized, no longer be considered people and taxed to hell.
>Read some books besides Milton Friedman autistic retard.

Yeah read real economics like Hitler!
Holy fuck I love Bannon
That wall isn't going to pay for itself, and I don't give a damn who does
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Keep ignoring my points, it only reinforces the idea that you have subhuman IQ, or you're too weak to acknowledge what I've said because deep down yoy know it to be true. You argue like a woman for Christ's sake
>The GOPe will come out against it because MUH JOB CREATORS MUH TAX CUTS.

How can they do that when they're getting a huge business tax cut?
>You don't even know what Globalism is do you?

destroy your iphone, it's a product of glboalism, in fact get off your laptop.
Some people here are only red pilled on race no economics.
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taxes are for mental retarded bluepilled normalfags. the true redpill is having a max wealth cap. it allows for the fastest possible growth of the lower class, the rich would still be rich because of the infinite money stream coming from their investments, and when the people from the bottom reach the top you'll have exponential economic growth.
Based. The super rich should be taxed more. Besides, you need to pay for all the other spending programs somehow.
My points were made a thousand times you Bernie sanders supporting retards.
ok, as soon as we put those tariffs on china.
Fuck you
The IPhone would exist if it was manufactured in Ohio instead of the third world
No seriously, what do you think globalism is? because you seem pretty fucking confused especially in your last post.

What does Trump hotels have to do with Globalism? Do you think Globalism is just Global Capitalism?
anything with artificial intelligence needs to be given human rights so its not treated as slave labor so it earns a wage even if it doesnt need to that can be taxed by the govt and fund ubi
I've realized you're just a shitty D&C troll. Neck yourself, parasite.
The entire planet follows Bernie's policies and you are still in denial.
At least Bannon gets it.
>just because

Just because they're not absolutely fucking retarded?
I imagine he's saying that to get it to be more revenue-neutral. Tax reform will have to be revenue-neutral unless you want to find 8 Democrats willing to vote with Republicans
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Nice argument.

Tell me again how much Pennsylvania steel unions loved the TPP bill that Hillary, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi all shilled for.
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I always knew comrade Bannon was one of us. He did call himself a "Leninist" after all.
We Nazbol now.
No, it wouldn't. The demand for it would be so low because of the high price for it that it'd cease to be manufactured. Protectionism doesn't work.
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"hur dur nobody is gonna pay 44%"

well then we'll have to fix that too. fakin fgts
>he's never heard of paleoconservatism
The Republican party existed long before Buckley jewed it up.
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My comrade.
>moronic pinko opinions
He called himself a Leninist in his philosophy on seizing power, not for their economics.
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Thee= RED pill.
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>Enacting tariffs in 2017 would probably destroy the economy of the planet and kill 100s of millions of people.
Oh no, those poor third world sweatshop workers and the Jews who exploit them!
Yeah but he's still read Lenin, I can tell by what he said since I've also read Lenin. This makes him better read than the majority of /pol/ and I can respect that.
>because of the high price for it

HAHAHAHA dude those iphones cost like 20$ to make and apple charges liek 900$ because they can

it has nothing to do with prices the only price they get to keep is all the extra infflated bullshit they steal from americans
The way to get the kikes is through business taxes.
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>Tell me again how much Pennsylvania steel unions loved the TPP bill that Hillary, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi all shilled for.

I think you may seriously have a mental disorder. Look at the actual break down of the vote.
If you don't support everything Bannon proposes, you literally have no idea why Trump won.

I would rather have president Bannon than president Trump but he knows his thyroid is about to blow up.
As some others have said here
>God's (((chosen people))) make up 2% of the US
>BUT 44% of super wealthy
Some people on pol are upset about higher taxes for billionaires. Wew.
create a tax that encourages long term investment. move the rate lower.

if people feel safer investing in long term, more would do so.. accept the fact that people no longer feel comfortable buying equities and investments because of 2008.. let along the dot com bubble in 98..

raising taxes does nothing. fixing govt. that costs tooo much is the problem. why should we pay so much to supprt other countries? no more aid. america first. fuck israel.. fuck africa.. sweeds? reallly shoul i even mention you cucked faggots.. europe? should i continue?
Congratulations, you're a neoliberal. Enjoy your bumper stickers and overpriced coffee, you fucking moron.
Those are not the stats of the battleground states you fucking retard.
>If you don't support everything Bannon proposes, you literally have no idea why Trump won.

Trump ran on lowering taxes you fucking idiot.
I really hope you're a Jew and not a traitor, you filthy shekel-worshiper.
Well, working on that would help with the rustbelt strategy. The more white working class votes the R's get the better
Then you seize their assets and bar them from doing business in the US if they leave.
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>2% difference
>doesn't specify which states/unions

Oh wow, you sure showed me, cuck.
for the poor/middle class.The rich tax cuts trump was like "fuck it why not."
America is the largest consumer market in the world. Corporations will take a loss of profits over a loss to that market.
>muh 401k
>muh cheap gadgets and creature comforts
He ran on tariffs, taxes and immigration all of which was targeting middle white America
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>hurrr show proof
>shows proof
>you are wrong!

The tax shit is literally baseline the Conservative mandatory platform. Of course they were going to say that shit then back off on it.

It's not 4D chess if you understand every move.
>He ran on tariffs, taxes and immigration all of which was targeting middle white America

And he hasn't delivered for different reason. Either way he's super unpopular with his base now and probably won't get reelected if he even runs.
>So long as the Democrats don't get their way and tax people making 50k-100k 60%.

In what universe are any liberals anywhere trying to do this? Liberals are always trying *lower* taxes on poorfags, and hike 'em on the rich, dumbass. This is absurd.

>ITT people think incomes below a mil aren't poorfags
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You're a faggot
He'll get reelected if the Dems run some crypto-marxist like Watters or Warren.
This. Show these fuckers who's boss.
well thank god donald trump is the last trump of the bible because there wont be another election
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They have to finish the health care shit before they can get to work on tax reform. So far it's gone immigration > health care > tax code, with varying degrees of success.

Bannon is the only one up there who actually worked his way up from poverty. He knows what has to get done.
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>Libshit Colorado
I miss the old days
>cuckservative cruzmissiles actually believe this (again)

Nobody cares about digits anymore?
>he hasn't delivered

Umm, TPP is canceled, Muslim ban went through, companies are scared shitless and canceling their plans to build foreign plants, ICE got kicked into overdrive, Mexicans are fleeing/getting caught in record numbers, sanctuary cities are getting sued/outlawed, NAFTA is being re-negotiated.

Hold on, I need to fap after thinking about it.
Some redditor republicucks in here will consider repealing obamacare and keeping 10 bucks more per month a win for freedome. I am done with these retards.
its only lowbecause of sessions get rid of him or at least make him stfu with the nti weed rhetoric and colorado would have a higher approval of trump
It's because he's a stupid faggot who used a dumb strawman. We don't hate the rich, we don't think 'they should pay their fair share', we want them to take an active interest in this country. The faggot said 'gg'. He's a young republicuck who uses vidya terms in an argument. He's blind to the decay of this country or insulated from it. His digits were simply a marker of his own retardation. Also, nice spacing fag
Those swing state numbers are laughably bad.
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>Some redditor republicucks in here will consider repealing obamacare and keeping 10 bucks more per month a win for freedome. I am done with these retards.

National Socialists don't hate the rich, unless those rich are nation destroying parasites or their pawns.
>Umm, TPP is canceled,

He's passing a new TPP via NAFTA

> Muslim ban went through

He banned MUSLIMS coming to America? All 1 billion?

>companies are scared shitless and canceling their plans to build foreign plants,


> NAFTA is being re-negotiated.

Yeah it's TPP 2.0
>National Socialists don't hate the rich, unless those rich are nation destroying parasites or their pawns.

So why were jews depicted as rich and capitalists?
>uses nu /pol/ meme
>uses reddit spacing
I can't figure out if you're retarded, or a shill, but it's hilarious either way
>So far it's gone immigration

DACA and that other program remain.
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You know a lot about that place. Maybe go back?
They are. There have to be social classes in a nationalist society, but not the hoarding of resources and exploitation of (((unrestricted capitalism))).
They were described as a number of things. Which you would know if you put down the Xbox controller and did some research
Jews are capitalists != capitalists are jews

It's like square rectangle thing.
>being this much of a newfag
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When people frame pro globalization arguments we get shit like the 3000 dollar iPhone spiel.
Cheap consumer goods have cost this country a good chunk of its middle class, I'm old enough to remember what this country was like before globalization started kicking in, and I can assure you from an economic perspective it was night and day better.
Keep singing those songs about how awesome cheap slave made disposable crap is, it's only costing you your country.
You got called out. Sorry, you're a little bitch.
Nazism isn't an actual ideology, it's just a meme in the 21st century. Stop acting like you are an actual electoral movement.
>You got called out. Sorry, you're a little bitch.

Get fucked nigger
>When people frame pro globalization arguments we get shit like the 3000 dollar iPhone spiel.

Yeah cause it's reality

Americans love their goodies but not the paying part.
>moving the goalpost

Tell me what Hillary would have done.
Nice reddit spacing newfag
>niggers love their goodies but not the paying part.
this guy again
(((nazi poster)))

use flag
nice reddit meme image fag
>be leftist
>shit on native labor
>support foreign sweatshops

Democrats are just a meme. You're not even working class, just Starbucks Marxists. I can't wait to send you to our Nazbol gulags.
>Tell me what Hillary would have done.

SO moving the goal posts Trump already moved?
I'll flag as I please, cunt
*Useful Idiots. The elitist democrats are exploiters.
I get it bro you love bernie sanders.
>doesn't know where that image name originates from
Okay, pretty good D&C shilling. 6/10
They're the same as they were in the election
He's lost literally no ground
democrats will latch onto anything if they make money off of it but virtue signal how morally wrong it is
Bernie voted against nearly every border wall and border security bill.
>They're the same as they were in the election

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