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Can /pol/ provide a single argument* as to why trannies/traps

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Can /pol/ provide a single argument* as to why trannies/traps shouldn't be able to serve in the military?

*saying it's "degenerate" is not an argument.
They are mentally ill.
They are mentally ill.
Not an argument.

A lot of people want to set up the straw man that any service member can just "choose" to be one gender or the other. The fact sheet makes clear gender dysphoria must be diagnosed by a medical professional and the transition must be complete before they can be recognized as such.
i want to have sex with Anzu!
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Traps=/=Trannies, don't lump traps in with the freaks

Also, they knowingly take advantage of the hormone therapy to mutilate their genitals

Same, I want to full nelson >her in front of a mirror while >she watches every thrust
You mean "not an argument because it goes against my agenda".

They are, by definition, mentally ill. They shouldn't be allowed access to weapons.
What the fuck? Why should anyone with any illnesses whatsoever be allowed to serve? It's not like we have a shortage of volunteers
Yeah man we should let them serve, and people like the dragon lady, and that kid who thinks he's a wolf, they should serve also. Fuck off leftypol

It's not a straw man that transgenders are mentally ill.
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I would become a degenerate with Anzu.
Straw NonBinary Thankyyyyyouberymuch
>I think I was born into the wrong body and its the single most prominent feature of my personality
>my entire online presence revolves around this one single dimension
>but I'm totally stable enough to endure the structured rigor of military life
>plz pay for my hormones and surgery

Really caboodles the noodles
You should be focusing on the real issues right now. Not this tranny bait bullshit.
A military needs strong and decisive leadership AND following. That's why women shouldn't serve either. They're about emotions.

How can you follow or give orders decisively if you're a transfaggot who can't decide what he likes to be today?
like how a TV Real Estate Mogul is running the goddamn country!
Nobody should join the US military. As soon as you become a soldier, you are the puppet of Big Oil and you fight wars for Schlomo Goldberg and some greasy Texan billionaire, not for your country
How can /pol/ call trannies "mentally ill" but simultaneously want to fuck them?

I don't understand.
They take medicine that impairs the service. They are mentally ill. They are weak. Serving the country is not a privilege it's a duty.
There are different physical requirements for a man and a woman to be accepted into the military. A transgender woman would be allowed in under the female requirements despite that under the male requirements they would be rejected, resulting in an individual who was physically unqualified to serve in the military to get in anyway.
You need soldiers ready to kill the enemy, not themselves.
And they need special medical healthcare, and they will become the wore of platoon, creating confusion and spreading sexual and fecal diseases.
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anzu is depressed rght now
you should proposition her
battlefields are incredibly unsanitary, especially for people with actual open woulds between their legs trying to pass off as vaginas

also traps =/= trannies, don't mix traps with those degenerates
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anzu is a girl retard
Go ahead serve if you're trans. Can't wait to see how long before suicide rates go up even more.
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Anzu is quite literally the peak of performance!
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Of course they should. And they should be guided to the field dressed like this too.

I'm sure puny humans won't be able to defeat those strong anime characters! The enemies are fucked, they'll have to surrender.
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Anzu is getting cutter by day!

War requires a bond and brotherhood that you don't understand. Men don't bond well with trannies.

Also trannies on testosterone suppression therapy are physically weaker than normal men.

Most go into the military not to fight but for free mutilation surgery.

It is not efficient to have to take a break during a patrol so that the platoon tranny can perform her daily dilation or treat her latest infection in her false hole.

The men who fight and die don't want them there.

They have a mental illness that consumes their life to the point of wanting to cut off parts of their body. They are consumed with self and with their illness, and poorly equipped to put mission and country first.

It increases the expense of the military in the form of taxpayer funded medical mutilation and hormone tx, taking funds away from the VA for real medical care. It requires diversity training and policing of bullying behavior and hazing which is essential to training.

How about that for starters?
If it has a penis it's a man you faggot. Even if it is a feminine penis.

Anal penetration, trap masturbation, is a sadomasochistic desire to impose oneself to another. It's a primitive impulses that comes when you see a submissive feminine person
Looks like some roaches ambushed her in an alley
Trump stated it clearly. The medical shit required is too much to handle. Also mentally ill.
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Sodomites are not human
Anzu is literally a cis woman, you got memed on
>don't lump trannies in with freaks.
Yea because men who dress up like women for "entertainment" instead of "muh dysphoria maymay" are so psychologically sound.
Face it you are the exact same thing the memesters are just repressing the fact that all they want is to give straight men boners.
Yes, they are indeed mentally ill. This is a solid argument. I wouldn't want to fight along side a dude who thinks he's a chick and a possible SJW.

Just stay the fuck away from the military
>>135022241If you have overly high blood pressure, you can't serve in the military. If you have color blindness, you can't be an AF pilot.
It makes perfect sense that if you're so upset with your body, that you need to pump yourself full of hormones and need daily therapy, you shouldn't be able to serve either.
Because troops are trained to be as low maintenance as possible. When you're out in the middle of the fucking desert they don't want to take up space on the convoy for "female sex hormones". This doesn't help you fight the enemy. Also male sex hormones are clearly shown to aid in muscle growth as seen when women usually fail to complete the men's training regimen. The only thing that trans people need to be in is a suicide squad.
It's a larger financial burden than people who don't require hormone treatments and reassignment surgeries on the military's dollar.
Its a woman you mong. Don't believe shit just because you read it
You just hurt your own point. Trump isn't banning cross dressing faggots, he's banning diagnosed trannies who are seeking HRT. It's a medical illness, and the military bans other medical issues as well
When men are captured by mudbeards they're tortured.

When women are captured by mudbeards they're raped.

When trans are captured by mudbeards lynched, raped, tortured, burned alive, thrown off a building.

We're just saving them from grim death.
Trannies are mentally ill, would probably kill themselves before going to the Middle East, and would just have rocks thrown at them by regular civilians.
Also, aren't liberals the ones against the military?
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This must be bait

Don't tell me you genuinely think you should put the single demographic with the highest rates of mental illness and suicide in situations of high physical emotional and psychological stress with loaded weapons and other people
The only way I'd let them serve is as minefield clearers.
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Because you are putting other soldiers in life or death situations with people who are statistically proven to be suicidal.

Trump said he discussed this with the Generals. Apparently they had issues.

Stop putting decent American servicemen in danger to placate your Feeels.

Also, that thing in your picture is disgusting and disturbing.
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They're mentally unstable; transsexualism is comorbid with mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, borderline PD, bipolar disorder etc.

These people cannot possibly be relied upon in the heat of battle.
2 arguments for u
didn't need to use degenerate
plenty of other good arguments, too
If your supplies are hit by a mortar and or you run out of hormones that you can't naturally produce on your own, you're a liability.
Reminder that if you have fapped to Anzu you are mentally ill and should be barred from military service.
I think they would be useful in this scenario:

>trans force 6 drops into isis base at night
>firefight ensues, but things take a turn for the worse
>the women soldiers are tied up in a room, as isis takes turn face fucking them senseless
>ahmed rips her pants off to fuck her
>sees a cock
>SURPRISE! those spec ops are actually pre op trannys!
>isis loses it's shit breaking down that they just fucked dudes
>tranny presses button, igniting a hidden charge and blowing them all to kingdom come
So traps aren't gay?
Coz they're a little bitch and should be treated as such
Sure they should, as cannon fodder.
>scenario wherein muzzies don't anally rape men and boys recreationally
They never were.

Homosexuality is allowed, still, anon.
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this is a slide thread
they are making multiples of the same thread to slide

report and sage
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That's what the finds suggest anyways.
They take drugs to make them weaker. QED
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why cant they stop being tranny?
Not if you can give a reason why they should, desu. Are they useful as much as even women? I don't think so, let alone compete with real men.

saying it's necessary for the sake of equal treatment is not an argument, tumblr buzzfeed.
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Obvious bait but I'll follow the rules

Reason 1: A demographic with absurdly high suicide rates should not be allowed to enter into an extremely high stress environment.

Reason 2: The military is under no obligation to fund the medication or surgery that's necessary for someone to transition.

Reason 3: People with gender dysphoria are mentally ill.

Reason 4: Being transgender is degenerate.

>inb4 hurr durr not an argubend

How about you try refuting my claim rather than dodging it?
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shes practically begging for it
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I need final consensus. Can you help me leafbro? Is anzu a girl or a boy? She says she's a girl but everybody keeps calling her a trap.
One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. They will only hold the more capable soldiers back, unless he's one of those butch gays
I read there are 250 service members who fit this category out of 1.3 million total troops or .19%. Are we going to spend billions adding multiple bathrooms to barracks, ships, and the 10's of thousand of military facilities to accommodate them?
good face with angles

body is 3/10 unlesss she gained weight recently, fucking anoxeria is disgusting
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"I had asthma as a kid."
"Sorry we can't take you, you're a medical liability."

"I want to cut off my own dick & deliberately keep the wound from healing by jamming objects into the weeping gash!"
"Dr. Shekelberg says you're healthy enough to serve! Welcome to the (((Army!)))"
Infantryman here. Trannies have numerous physical complications, but first and foremost they aren't as strong as regular men. Secondly, they are dependent on hormones that would have to be supplied in theater. This puts strain on the medical system which already is overloaded with actual casualties. Third is the fact they are mentally ill as it coincides with many other mental disorders. Combine this with the fact that the military already has a mental health problem and it would render most of these individuals unstable very quickly. There's also the infection risk for post op trannies. Not to mention it ruins the only upside of being combat arms which is being able to say fucked up shit without people getting assblasted and reporting you.
mentally ill
high suicide rate
on hormomes which fuck up their brain

yeah, I'd love to go on patrol with that "thing"

too much of a risk for no benefit, someone else can do the job so why pay more for trans who has a high rate of suicide?
No one should, the military only exist to waste tax money, who is not but thievery, to accomplish political goals to the ruling elite trough force. All military personal are welfare queens.
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im sure a good story could be made using these
Fucking traps and liking Lady penis is a joke that has been going on for forever on 4chan. No normal male actually likes that shit. Right now im about to get sarcastic responses from people saying they like that shit, but theyre lying and just trying to be funny by agreeing to some gay shit. The fact that you dont know this worries me.
There's been lots of other articulated reasons as to why. But also, why are you OK with letting ISIS and other radical militant groups having the chance to capture these people alive? Do you have any appreciation what they'll do if they capture a Transgendered person? It's the same reason why women shouldn't be allowed in front line combat roles. It's completely unethical.

It's the military. They exist to kill and do harm. It's not the fucking boy scouts.
dont they not even take people who have had anxiety problems before? A panic attack when you are 13 can make them drop you.

This is just retarded for the medical complications and expense. Fucking dilating your "neo vagina" with a rod for a few hours. etc

it's ridiculous

they take up huge healthcare costs (Im okay if they pay out of pocket) for their illness vanity.
I'm 6ft 4, 238 lbs man serving currently in the military. I've thought about if these freaks were aloud to serve (openly) of what I could do to fuck with the system. I could just say I identify as a woman and get to grow long hair, have easier pt standards, and not shave my face (because females don't have to shave, even if they have nasty peach fuzz, you can't tell a bitch to shave her face cause it's harassment or so!everyone shit.) I wouldn't have to divorce my wife because o could just be a gay trans or whatever. My command would have to jump through hoops to get me my own quarters or room while deployed because the normal females wouldn't want to live with me. Woman and fags shouldn't serve it sets a low standard and makes serving less appealing to people who are smart and aggresive
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nothing wrong with it
>be me
>work really close with others, good communication
>so good we don't even need to speak, we just know
>yeah that fucking good
>new guy joins the squad
>fucking NEET
>takes hormones, tries to look girly, makes everyone uncomfortable
>nobody warms up to him, no nonverbal communications established
>fast forward to deployment
>under fire
>notice I'm shoulder to shoulder with tranny
>lose train of thought, inch away to the side for some reason
>get shot
>die because disgusting mental jackass next to me didn't want to do things our way
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>t. ilbe user
Because transgenderism is a mental disease, and if you are mentally challenged, you cannot serve in the military.

>but! But... but... trannies arent mentally ill!!!

Read any of these red pills before you say somethinf retarded.
You just haven't seen her feminine benis.
are those pokies that I am seeing here?
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Welfare queens who get to kill people and not go to jail. So we're more like legal niggers than welfare queens me thinks
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What difference does it make at this point? You want to be inside whatever hole she has to offer, don't you?
>Can /pol/ provide a single argument* as to why trannies/traps shouldn't be able to serve in the military?

The majority of serving fighting soldiers are heterosexual men who don't want them around.

That's the only reason necessary
Because they have an unhealing flesh wound
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Eat a fucking burger anzu goddamn
>Can /pol/ provide a single argument* as to why trannies/traps shouldn't be able to serve in the military?

They are mentally ill self mutilators.
anzu has a nip slip pic and they are pointy
i thought that was really a girl though
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Well here's one, other than the dilation taking two hours a day and leading to higher risk of infection, mental instability, suicidal risk, not being at peak physical performance due to hormone cocktails, and the countless other reasons?
Pics or it never happened
Anzu is actually a girl.
kys no one gives a shit about you faggot pedos pimping your vile shit on here you have always been cancer and its time for tumor removal
>enlist as 18 year old fresh out of high school
>attached to transgender battalion
>all NCOs are bulldyke lesbians
>get hazed by having dildos shoved up my ass
>forced to dig latrines so hairy bulldykes pretending to be men can shit in them
>if i so much as look at a female or transgender soldier as a straight white male i'll be court martialed

Yes this surely won't make our military less effective. I keep forgetting that SJWs see the military as another form of gibs from the government instead of a tool to fight and win wars.
>investing more in viagra than on based cialis
No wonder they are still investing on that piece of shit that is the F35...
its the tekken character cosplay alyssa
Her cosplay potential is so much higher when she's skinny like that.
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one of these set

1. Mental illness is an argument in this case, since it defines whether or not someone is 'fit for duty'. Soldiers Can be discharged for mental illness, so why would they accept traps?

2. Traps a physically weaker and incapable of handling the weight of a large soldier on the battlefield in a life or death situation.

3. Traps are socially and sexually ambiguous, and therefore add to social tension, which matters when a team must function smoothly such as a wartime scenario.

TL:DR-- traps increase destabilization, are physically weak, and generally increase risk, which is unacceptable in a wartime scenarios
Get back to me when your country's main air force isn't made up of 1950 era F-5's
>i have never felt so TRAPPED

There would be numerous reasons that the DoD hasn't stated. It could be the mentality of the soldier or the extreme medical costs of gender reassignment surgery that they (the transgender soldiers) are offered that takes almost a year to actually complete reassignment surgery, from what I've been told. Knowing the Army, it would probably take like three damn years to actually do.

That's at least 1 deployment and numerous "training" exercises during that time. While some units are bad, and do not train their members to be apart of a team, most units do. And having a person out or debilitated because of hormone treatment, therapy and physical surgery that's more than likely broken up into parts, it basically would remove the guy from the team itself and then there's a whole lot of "WTF is this guy even doing here?" type of questions and mentality. Why even join?

Besides, the person is going to crawl around in mud, dirt, have sweat dripping all over the body, developing possible infections that can be life threatening, etc. Field time would be a huge, "No." He'd just stay in the rear with either light duty or no duty period. Now the guy is getting paid to do nothing- which is already a problem for many service members in the Army. I know, I was in for almost 8 years and their's plenty of shamming pieces of shit in there.

However, that's my best guess and not related to what the DoD stated. I don't have a problem with it, it was tried years ago. If transgenders couldn't make it into National Guard units, then there's no way the could do so while on Active Duty. The only thing I could forsee as a possibility for them would be to reassign after they left. Dunno.
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They'd distract everyone with their feminine penises and soon we'll have a problem with soldiers having sex with each other cumming on their cock and balls regularly.
>made up of 1950
That gets the job done and dont need to be grounded every week or so...
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>My grandfather was denied service to WWII for being flatfooted and nearsighted despite being able to bench 300 and squat 400 in the 40s and being at the peak of human endurance

>These people think that someone who requires hormonal injections to keep them feeling "normal" and that are emotionally unhinged when depraved can serve in the field

There is a physical requirement to be a soldier. Having to have your feeling and sensibilities coddled being transgendered about your identity of something doesn't matter in combat and also needing hormones to stay in balance emotionally and psychologically are not sound to have in the field.

Same reason people diagnosed with body dismorphic or narcissistic disorders by psychologists aren't permitted into the military. Transgenders suffer from Gender Dysphoria. And while they can live relatively stable lives with hormone treatment, they are not fit for active duty given their needs and issues.

t. psychiatry med student
How tall is she?

that wasn't against your rules faggot.
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Well, if the USA ever wants to start a military branch of suicide bombers, they might have a use for suicidal and mentally ill transsexuells.

> can just "choose" to be one gender or the other. The fact sheet makes clear gender dysphoria must be diagnosed by a medical professional and the transition must be complete before they can be recognized as such.

Right. So if I take your definition of all this, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that leads to abnormal or unhealthy behavior.
That's called being mentally ill.
Diagnosed by a medical professional.
I don't think the best way to make women in the military useful is to replace them with men who think they're women. We need to weigh all options.
Oh no, what happened to Anzu-san? I want to give her a hug. :(
High suicide rate
High depression rate
High mental health issue rate

Don’t think it’s too wise arming these people


nearly every trans person doesn’t respond to criticism or authority without playing the transphobia card, so I can’t imagine they’ll take orders well
Ffs why does no one read the bills that get passed. They aren't banned from joining and serving, Trump banned them from using the govt healthcare they get for their trans operation.
>Traps=/=Trannies, don't lump traps in with the freaks
Basically the same. Both are pretending to be what they were not born.
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The military can discriminate on the basis of medical conditions all they want. My good friend was a Marine for ten years and sought help for PTSD after his third deployment. It went into his permanent record that he did that. He was then forced to retire and given a medical discharge. He wanted to stay in for 20 years, but couldn't. That is their discretion. I would suggest you read what actual trans vets think about this, and not just the virtue signaling faggots that want attention (pic related).
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Trannies/traps are mentally defective.

The military doesn't allow those with Down's to serve, so they shouldn't let self-mutilating freaks serve,either.
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Because having a even remotely passable tranny serving in a unit of sex starved young men is a recipe for disaster.
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Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
The first post is the best post.

I'd say it's all because the military wants men. Still. Because men are strong, and big, and aggressive. Because it's supposed to be a bad ass aggressive military.
They don't want men pretending to be women. Hell they really don't even want women. They just HAVE to take them because bullshit. Then the women get raped. That's a message. It's meant to be harsh. Because it's the military.
It's a military. They want men.
So that when it all goes to shit and people are bloody and Kevin is holding his guts, and half the men are crying for their moms, the other half might actually kick some actual ass.
Because it's a military.
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>tfw passable trannies in the military in a unit with sex starved men would make the cases of homosexualism skyrocket

Trump did it the reich thing.
Those wings are on fleek
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Because that's not how they should be used. They should be used to infiltrate other countries & destroy them from the inside, like they're in the west.
I would do obscene things to kalindra.
Klinger went years unable to obtain a section 8 cause of drag. Men who like to dress and drag but still know they're men aren't mental, fruitcake
We frankly shouldn't have women in the military either.
Except it wasn't you bigot.

Does this look like someone with a mental defect to you?
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Anzu can serve my dick
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for a price
She broke a tooth
Except women can serve just as effectively as men?
Search "Enjo Kosai". Enjoy.
If you wont let suicidal people into the army, why in the fuck would you let one of the most suicidal groups into the army
>Reason 1: A demographic with absurdly high suicide rates should not be allowed to enter into an extremely high stress environment.

Transgender suicide rates decrease significantly when you actually treat them like people instead of being autistic about how degenerate you think they are. And by that logic, we should just get rid of all men in the military, as men have higher suicide rates than women.

>Reason 2: The military is under no obligation to fund the medication or surgery that's necessary for someone to transition.

Of course it is. If someone is a capable soldier, and funding their transition keeps them happy and productive, then it's in their best interest to medically treat them. Same logic applies to any issue, whether physical or mental. Otherwise they'd just discharge everyone with any little illness, so they wouldn't need to pay for treatment.

There are multiple studies that show trans soldiers are not a burden to the army. https://www.rand.org/news/press/2016/06/30.html

>Reason 3: People with gender dysphoria are mentally ill.

It's defined as being mentally ill when it causes distress in your daily life. Plenty of trans people who are emotionally fine with themselves.

>Reason 4: Being transgender is degenerate.

Subjective, and considering the military's history in torture and civilian casualties, sexual and physical assault of fellow soldiers, and bloated and costly arms contracts, the personal beliefs about what an individual wants between their legs in far from the worst thing to happen to the military.
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That use of "they're," tho...
Precisely why they've had to drop all the physical standards to allow women to pass, because they're equal?

You're just proving the "mentally ill" part more and more with your shit-tier logic. Keep it up, you're helping our cause.
Their non-employment related medical expenses are too high. It's a money thing.
>Can /pol/ provide a single argument* as to why trannies/traps shouldn't be able to serve in the military?
Negatively impacts unit cohesion and efficacy.
Trannies also won't be able to get their drugs in a wartime situation, making them even more suicidal than they already are.
That's why the the "top of the class" times for women are below failure times for men. Um, sorry sweetie, but the battlefield doesn't give a fuck about your pronouns.
>Does this look like someone with a mental defect to you?
Yes it does
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Gender dysphoria causes loss of control over emotions, not only that the fucking money to pay for their surgeries is bullshit.
Then why did the military have to lower physical requirements so progressives wouldn't cry SEXISM
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Look faggot, vet here, to put it plain and simple we're losing resources catering to your faggotry ways, just realize military life and civilian life are 2 different worlds, and you're not welcomed.
this... is... rather disturbing, weird and freakish
There is no evidence or studies to prove transgender people negatively impact a unit's cohesion in any way.

And we're not in the middle of a world war. Majority of soldiers are in US or other first world borders, where medical hormones aren't scarce. Even active duty soldiers can get McDonald's in Afghanistan, so unless you're pinned in a fox hole for a month, there isn't a risk of not being able to get medical supplies.
>600 billion dollar budget
>bitching about a 2 million dollar expense
>We've a problem
Wtf is this inaccurate shit right here
It looks freakish disgusting and definately like mental ilness.
anzu is not a trap lol thats a meme
Its pretty clear we shouldn't be taking advice from people with a degree in trap dance theory about how the military spends money no matter the size of the budget
To be fair that's a pretty accurate description of the character she's cosplaying.

This is a page for trannies. It's pro-trannie propaganda, trying to sugarcoat it. Let's see what it says.

Vaginal dilation is a term used to describe the process of ensuring that a post-op male-to-female woman's neo-vagina does not lose depth or width.

While most often performed with either no pain management or over the counter drugs, in severe cases it may be performed under sedation or even general anesthesia. This is because the process of stretching the vaginal tissue can cause significant discomfort depending on your level of pain tolerance. (MY NOTE: It also causes bleeding)

Any technique of vaginoplasty performed will require vaginal dilation of the patient for the rest of her life with a set of vaginal stents. This is due to the surrounding tissues, including the PC muscle, trying to move back to their original positions, forcing the neovagina closed.
Keep grasping at straws, you lost bigly for the hundredth time this year.

I was doubting Trump for a while, but no more, the man is making solid decisions.
Army is already pretty gay even without them. No need to boost up.
How about you give some sort of argument why they need to be in the military?

Like what? PT standards? Height/weight? Because other than that the requirements are the same for men and women (background check, drug test, ASVAB etc). Psych screening is a separate issue. That's where a tranny would get axed.
If you can't tell yourself apart from your opposite sex, what's to say you won't tell apart an enemy from an ally.
Because I don't want American tax dollars to pay for hormones, medicine, and surgery for what amounts to an elective procedure.
>grasping at straws

You are the one who made a baseless assertion that trans people hurt the ability of their unit to function, without providing any evidence at all. Give me one fucking study that shows trans participation in the military is a negative, you fucking retard.
Here's a hypothetical with sound logic. So men and women have different physical requirements for combat readiness. Say a man meets the body fat requirements for a combat ready male, but wants to avoid going into combat. He could register himself as a trans gender female and would have to fit the body fat requirements of a female in order to be deployed.
>Because I don't want American tax dollars to pay for hormones, medicine, and surgery for what amounts to an elective procedure.

They don't. And that was never the plan. The plan concerns people who have already transitioned. Why deny them?
wow no one comments on this

good answer.
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People in THE FUCKING MILITARY say it's wrong, stop expecting a fucking taxpayer funded decade-long "study" on everything and start using your fucking head for once.

Oh, you're a liberal, so I guess that isn't possible, my bad.
>They have to shove dildos in their open wound for like 2 hours a day.
>Their open wound often gets infected leading to puss and blood.
>They're more likely to commit suicide.
>They have to constantly take hormones
>They're mentally ill
That sort of high maintenance individual has no place in a combat situation.
I think the biggest thing is the military just doesn't have time for this shit. Think about all the eggshells everyone already has to walk on about trans people. The US military needs to be efficient and direct and get shit done. It can't do that when they have soldiers who can't even decide what bathroom they want to use that day.
>private go man that turret.
> umm sir, I am a woman today and you'll be hearing from your superiors about this.
And if you think someone's sexual confusion is not a big deal, don't ask don't tell. Just imagine if it were another minor mental illness. Like claustrophobia.
>private get in that jeep.
>sir I'm claustrophobic I can't do that
>The fuck did you just say? This is the fucking military, you man up and follow orders or you're out.
>people in the military say it's wrong

And they are basing that it is wrong off of what evidence? Appeal to authority fallacy. "People in the military" could say that it's a good idea to nuke Antarctica to kill off the secret Nazis that live there. Creating policy based on feelings as opposed to actual evidence is retarded.
Not everyone who is trans gets a sex change operation, you know that, right?

Pic related. It's a girl (gender) with a penis (male).
Imagine this: A platoon is requesting supply drops for weeks. They're low on food and ammunition.
In comes air drop and it's just packages of estrogen for the Transgendered soldier
>the military needs to be efficient
>can't kill goatfuckers living in mud huts after 10+ years

Wew, something that effects 0.1% of all soldiers needs to be addressed pronto
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Yeah, the people serving wouldn't know what's best for them.

You are definitely proving that fags and trannies are all mentally ill with your retard logic, but please, keep waiting for those "studies", you thick fuck.
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Because they're mentally ill and shouldn't be trusted in combat. Same goes with women. When you're in a pinch you need balls to proceed. They're a liability.
I say make them serve together, put together a squad of transgender soldiers and arm them with trans weapons (that's bananas that want to identify as guns) and set them loose on the enemy and we will see how they handle it.
I for one would really look forward to the beheadings when ISIS uploads it.
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How tight and pink is Anzu's boipussy?
You have to be trolling. Nobody can be that retarded.
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Anzu's cute black outfit!.jpg
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ANZU DOES NOT HAVE A DICK! Please stop saying that!
Well I'd still fuck one as long as it's penis was small and feminine. Still doesn't belong in combat though. Same with women.
The same reason women shouldn't be able to serve in the military.
Is that a Neferpitou cosplay?
The 'ban' is basically a DADT for transgenders. If you have to 'tell' then there obviously is a strong argument that your condition is disruptive for both yourself and others.

So if it has a penis (male) but is a girl (gender,) how do I fuck this girl's vagina (female) and get her (gender) pregnant?
trannies shouldn't, but traps should be ok
Traps would make good spies
>how do I fuck this girl's vagina (female) and get her (gender) pregnant?

You don't.

But you could fuck her in the ass. It's a warm tight hole, so what the fuck do you care in the end?
You fuck it's boipucci
artificial womb, thats how.
>Yeah, the people serving wouldn't know what's best for them.

Personal feelings do not trump objective evidence. How can you even argue that we should listen to what some military members "feel" what's best for the military, and then ignore what trans soldiers "feel" what's best for them?

We do not buy certain weapons because we "feel" they're good. We don't invade countries because it "feels" right. We do these things because factually, objectively, they are in our interests.

There is no factual of objective evidence that trans soldiers are a burden to their fellow soldiers or the military as a whole. Just because your feelings are hurt doesn't make you right.
because it is the will of the trumpenfuhrer....enough said...
>Mentally ill
>Physically fucked up due to hormones
>Brings about unwanted discussion within groups
>Extra medical costs

And yes it's pure degeneracy.

well aside from the risk of cancer that the chemical treatments they put themselves on cost aside from the mood-altering effects that these chemicals have on them aside from all of the risk of infection the constant care that their new vaginal tracks need aside from the loss and performance that putting them on these medications will have on them I mean what else is there really to say
>Men don't bond well with trannies.

That's right. Men don't bond well with trannies, as they just want to buttfuck them. Especially after being deployed for months in a third world shithole with no decent pussy in a hundred miles radius. Having trannies serving with men would affect unit morale terribly, as everyone would desperately try to get inside the tranny's ass and neglect their task at hand.

Costs aren't the issue, as very few trannies decide go through the expensive surgery needed to chop their dicks off, and the American military is hell bent on wasting billions on stupid bullshit anyway (I.e. railguns, the f-35, the Bradley CFV, etc...).

The real issue is that everyone who has a dick wants to fuck trannies. Check your country's pornhub stats if you don't believe me. Having them in the military would turn it into a bigger buttfucking-fest than it already is.
It is, she used to be a bit chunky and nerdy as fuck looking now she's possibly anorexic but looks like an anime.
Yes. Her cute little virgin pussy smells like flowers and tastes like milk and honey.
I'll just f****** stop it's all the same f****** mental illness
If you think that 2000 trans soldiers in a standing military of 1.5+ million and a 600 billion budget are somehow the most inefficient and important aspect of the military to change, you are deluded.

I want to create babies with my partner.

Not just get a dopamine burst you degenerate.
>I want to make babies

Congratulations. You're literally a slave to your gene's only purpose: reproduction.
Isn't her bf a mongol though
Anzu is a Turkish woman. If you honestly believe that any Turkish male could even look remotely close to that (you cannot buy estrogen in turkey and a doctor wont proscribe it to you either) you're beyond deluded.

Why must you degenerates ruin everything with your shitty faggot fetish?
Post nips

They need ongoing medical care, hormones, etc which doesn't work in combat situations. When does a MtF take the time to stretch out the fake vagina in a combat zone?
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This. Somebody has to have them.
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This is a great explanation. Also the trannies that I have met spend a GREAT deal of time and energy fussing about gender equality, which would be a big problem if they're trying to concentrate on training.
FtM: Still mostly physically female and usually do not have the required strength, mental, and hormonal traits that would be standard/required for military men.
MtF: You make yourself weaker and more emotional, almost guaranteeing you will also fall short of the standards.
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>posting a cute boy jew on /pol/
That isn't my point at all!
And I could use your argument against you. It's only .5% of the population why should we let them in if it causes any problems at all?
Liberalism is also a mental disorder. You shouldn't be allowed in either.
Most trans are angry bitter libtards who hate America anyways. Get them the fuck out of the military, they are only there for free cosmetic surgery.
Am i the only one that fails to see the logic in not letting them fight?
They kill the enemy = win
They die = win
Just make sure to not put other soldiers in a situation where they might get killed as a result as serving with them.
Hell, at the very least just drop them of next to a mind field and tell them free hormone treatment is on the other side of the field, that would save a bit of money on bombdisposal.
>Muh mental illness
Not an argument
90% of /pol/ has autism
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here is one of many such cases
Trannies are fucked in the head. They just are. End of discussion.
who the fuck is the ugly one in the middle?
Because American tax dollars pay for operations and medicine for said trannies.
Oddly sounds better than being called a leaf for once.

but the left one is the ugly one. Are you brown?
Yes. Before it becomes 1.0%. Or 2.0%.
Sex change operations aren't cheap.

Either accept it or suck more dick for the cash needed.
Why does everyone think trannies get sex change operations?

Most of them DON'T get those,.
because people with mental illness shouldn't be around firearms
it's degenerate
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I'd prefer they didn't. Neo vagina scares me more than a feminine benis.
Would you rather lick a feminine penis than fuck a neo-vagina?
Everything you just said is a lie.
pretty much

still pains me to admit anzu is a boi
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So then your saying they are a bunch of people larping as the opposite gender?

>Imagine if my cat started acting like a dog.
>Remember what happened to old yella?

Sounds like a mental illness to me anon
Great post burger bro.
The suicide attempt rate among transitioned individuals approaches 50%.

Do we give them automatic rifles during training scenarios?
Real talk. Why do you care that she's a boy?

Your biologically designed to be attracted to femininity. You want to bust a nut in the warmest, most feminize, tightest hole you can find. So imagine you get >>135028580 in bed, literally ready to fuck her, and you find a dick.

The only thing stopping you at this point are just some bullshit social norms. Who the fuck cares?
>Appeal to authority fallacy.
What's the fallacy here? If you tell me it's a bad idea to use your wife and drive your car and spend your money any way I see fit, would this fallacy still mean anything to you? Because you're saying nobody is allowed to make any judgement they're authorized to make over their own responsibilities. This means I can use your asshole for my personal pleasure because your authority doesn't apply. I mean is there any evidence that I your judgement over your own responsibilities are objectively right? There isn't, so according to you just because I think it's a good idea to rape your dog means I am entitled to do so.

That's because you DO have the authority to decide what happens to whichever you are authorized to assess. The military is just as much as a restricted entity as your house that you get to decide who enters it. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll fucking find you and eat everything in your fridge.

>"People in the military" could say that it's a good idea to nuke Antarctica to kill off the secret Nazis that live there.
Strawman, nobody says this. Reductio ad absurdum, second fallacy in a row, and the only one who makes them is you, anon.

>Creating policy based on feelings as opposed to actual evidence is retarded.
Alright t. buzzfeed always right
SHe literally isn't, though.
[spoiler] she'd be hotter if she were a boy, though [/spoiler]
Mental illness.
LGBT are not human at all it's more like a band of sodomic goat who fuck nigger with pleasure

we should kill them all like the degenerate monkey they are.
90% of /pol/ also doesn't serve in the military either.
>Transgender suicide rates decrease significantly when you actually treat them like people instead of being autistic about how degenerate you think they are.
In other words we should all just fuck trannies, right?
That's what breaks them up the most after all.
Go fuck yourself faggot lover.
The idea of the hairballs inside the neo-vagina and all the other disgusting things about it make me HAVE to go with the feminine benis. You've seen the video's right?
Its for your own safety, you would probably get teamkilled a lot.
only things stopping me is my own principles, "bullshit" social norms and hepatitis B

dirty Turkish boipucci ?
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People have been turned down for less severe mental illnesses. This is really no different. Also the medical costs are just not worth it for a country that is as in debt as America.
Yes, I've seen some of them.
Honestly, can you even get as jaded about them as you can with gore?
They make me want to puke.
>Giving some of the most suicidal people on the planet free firearms

Idk man sounds like a bad idea

>You will ALWAYS demand special privileges
>Your special privileges will ALWAYS come at exorbitant cost

War is life or death. It has no time or resources to appease your petty womanish demands, especially with women already in the armed forces making their own petty womanish demands.
>You want to bust a nut in the warmest, most feminize, tightest hole you can find.

So, one that smells like shit, because "she" has a love truncheon as big as mine?

Or one that smells like a fucking penis because it is one.

>wow, anon, the inside your vagina feels weird.
>that'll be the stubble, don't be a shitlord about it.

Fuck off, I want a WOMAN. I want kids that are a continuation of OUR FUCKING DNA.
Something no transgender person will EVER provide.
I can watch the gore no problem. Like people being shot point blank with a shotgun or having their limbs hacked off with a dull machete. However that SRS surgery videos would appear to be my weakness.
And the results of them.
Looking at some of those """""vaginas""""" makes me ill.
>I have asked for a good reason, but I refuse to accept it when I'm given one. Now you know why I'm a child-raping faggot.

Could you do me a favor and kill yourself? I'd be very grateful.

a subpopulation with a 40% suicide rate doing a job that breaks a lot of those who do it. What could go wrong?
Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
>Fuck off, I want a WOMAN. I want kids that are a continuation of OUR FUCKING DNA.

The only reason you want those things is because your genes code for only one behavior: replication. You're literally a slave to the selfish replicators, at this point.

Emancipate yourself from your DNA's tyranny, and accept that pleasure that is traps.
>what are principles

no wonder you're not a real man
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Kek, how bout dis? Turned out to be mine..
This was a decision made mostly by experienced millitary generals. They allowed trannys in the millitary in 2016 and obviously there was a problem with it. This is a decision based around national defence. But libs are just trying to make this look like trump hating fags for no apparent reason.
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Totally agree. No wonder the suicide rate doesn't improve when they get the surgery. Neo vaginas are disgusting.

First Post Best Post Only Post That Matters ITT Post
>I literally only follow what society tells me.

Wow man so strong! Takes a lot of strength to do what everyone else tells you to do?

You know what takes REAL strength? Accepting that you'd probably bend a cute trap over a table and pound her boipuccel into oblivion.
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Gee I wonder why people don't want the demographic who is most likely to commit suicide around guns.
Yeah that wasn't too bad. Gross surely, but not enough to make me recoil.
Nice digits
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They are mentally ill.
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Thank you, my friend.
For faggots who complain how much how much we spend on the military they should be rejoicing. The liberal mind is somthing
you're one to talk faggot. claiming they're slaves yet you act like an animal and fuck anything with wet hole

typical animal cant understand much more than hedonistic values and put pleasure above all else.
There is no pleasure, anon. Life is not pleasure. It hasn't been over the last 29 years and it won't be. I, like billions more, get up because I have to, never because I want to. You've been sold a hollow lie, stating that it can be different for you.
They are mentally ill and require fucking hormones every 3 hours or something, they are not good soldiers.
No, it would take strength not beating them to pulp whoever set me up like that.
someone posted an imgur link of an entire SRS surgery in some tranny breakdown thread

fucked me right up

The massive suicide rate does not indicate a stable mindset.
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Hmm, well that vid bothered me more than this one, so who can account for taste :/
ad lapidem
For me it doesn't stick with me visually, but when ever I think about it I get these awful feeling in my nuts and feel disgusted that there are doctors that do that to someone.

end your life
Ah yes i also believe psychopaths, sociopaths and people with disassociative disorders should be able to serve in the military
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A study from Boston published earlier this year in the Journal of Adolescent Health, reported that 180 transsexual youth (106 female-to-male; 74 male-to-female) had a two-fold to three-fold increased risk of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, self-harm without lethal intent, and both inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment compared to a control group of youth.
For gods sake someone fucking put that poor old woman out of her misery.
I hope you follow your own advice so that you do not further your genetic line, as it is clearly inferior.

Every man in a your genetic history has done two things, survived the threats the world has thrown at them to make it to a age where they can reproduce and mated with a female, that is thousands of men that has done their part so that you exist today, think about that the next time you deploy a load in your boyfriends asshole!
how can degenerates even compete with fpbp
what the actual fuck
There are many other reasons why certain people cannot join the military. If you are a former felon you cannot join the military as well. Should we just let them join because their feelings were hurt.

Trans people are mentally ill and need help. Its a risk for a unit in the military if they have to wait for one person - if they need medication for their illness while it could have been avoided in the first place.
What the fuck do you mean it's "not an argument"?
Mentally ill people should not serve in the millitary at all. Period.
Nooo, pls don't be sad, Anzu.
>gives argument
>not an argument because it disproves me
please cut off your dick already. I hope your vagin-, I mean wound, gets infected and you die you degenerate faggot fuck
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Yeah, I don't get how people could unironically find the twink in OPs pic "MUH DICK" tier attractive.

>Not tits
>No ass

These people would unironically fuck a 11 year old boy.
Indeed. They need to be used as tests, however, I fear (((they))) may get infiltrated in them.
So just send them to Madagascar

Trannies and homosexuals should be in concentration camps because they spread sexual degeneracy and group interests which reduces the birth rate of a nation leading to the end of that nation. Sexual degenerates should not be in the military because a lack of uniformity harms the overall morale and those who are sexual degenerate and not mentally strong by definition. Mental weakness does not a good soldier make.
Hmmmm, I wonder what kind of business you do
>These people would unironically fuck a 11 year old boy.

No, but I'd fuck a boy cross dressing as girl.
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Anzu is a girl you morons. Interestingly, she looks a lot better without all the anime shit on her face.
Until I see a full nude proving Anzu is a trap, I won't believe it. Not that I have a problem with traps, I just don't believe it this time.
Don't be a retard.
Just send them to an enemy nation.
They classificated as Bio Weapons after all.
I Do Numbers
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>be me
>born into a military family with a service history dating back to the Revolutionary War
>Grandfather was a Marine Pilot and my hero growing
>wanted to be pilot all through childhood
>diagnosed with mild depression as a teenager
>can never join the military
So dickless dudes and titless chicks are allowed to join when I'm not? Fuck that.
I was denied in canada too for a minor birth defect I had a specialist clear. And I was only applying for the reserves. I passed the fitness test and aptitude before they even knew.
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>not an argument
Mental disorder + physical impairment + morale deficient. How much more do you want?
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So, accept tranny feelings but ignore all others!

This is why we're going to destroy the shitty PC culture your kind built over the next 8+ years, it's time to dismantle the rotten foundation that leftism has created.

Once again, your mental gymnastics of "the feels of the few are more important than the safety and feels of the many" are why liberals are a fucking joke now. 100% clown shoes.
This. Anyone who's ever been offended by something they've read online that wasn't a direct attack is not mentally sound.
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