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What do you hate about islam all of it or parts of it

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Parts of it.
What part
The part that justifies killing anyone who isnt muslim
>Condones lying
>Rapes everyone even the livestock we eat
>Expects me to be religious to a pedophile war criminal
>Make me adhere to backwards ass shitskin ideology.

aLL*H is a subhuman for not giving me 25 cm penis and 190 cm height fuck aLL*H
If there was not a single Muslim in the West allahu ackbaring innocent people all the time, I wouldn't really have a problem with them.
They would just be backwards sand people doing backwards sand people things somewhere in the desert, far, far away from Western Civilization. But no, they are here and turning everything they come across into shit.
Should have been kept to the Arabian Peninsula.
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There is no part that justify killing non Muslims there are part that justify killing any hostile threat to islam the main issue that imams can choose the threat and order people to jihad it that ehy you see isis killing many Muslims because the identify them as "a threat to islam" and don't consider them part of islam
and christianism/judaism to the levant.
>Doesn't know that bestiality is actually worse than homosexuality in Islam
>Doesn't know that you aren't allowed to have sex before marriage in Islam
>Doesn't know that basic math disproves the pedophile myth ( Aisha's sister was 10 years older than her and it was written that 1 year before she married her sister was 28. 28-10+1=19)
Now aren't you well read on the religion your'e criticizing.
I just don't like the Arabs tb.h
White Islam would be based. Traditional Christianity would be better, though.
Lies are forbidden
Rape punishment is death
And following a religion made by some how isn't part of you group is wrong you follow tthe Christ how is a non white
îsa like all middle eastern and north africa is white according to the us law.

only autists here argue about that legal fact
Traditional Christianity is dead islam is the way to go
why the fuck are promoting islam here, do you want the autists here to join the paradize? Their place is in hell

I would be fucking mad if westerner became muslims, they doesn't deserve it.

let koufar be koufar, not our problem
that i have to hear about that bullcrap every day
just leave us alone, we have work to do. i don't care about it, and i fucking shouldn't. but i have it rubbed on my face on a daily basis, why are muslims trying to convert everybody
White Islam is far less 'alive' than traditional Christianity. The only reason for this high surge of Islam in white countries, is because there's a high surge of shitskins in white countries.
i'm not, I would rather die and go to hell than convert an european/american.

I really love to see euros go full kafir and degenerate, I don't want a single one of them in my paradise.
I absolutly support LGBT in europe and anything that can send euros to hell.
enjoy life
islam is against tribalism you stupid nationalist shit
>Lies are forbidden
Taqiyya on full display.
Sunjugation of nonbelievers
Sexxual perversion while feinimg modesty
The koran does not contain science and prevents learning
Rules rules rules
Limb dismemberment for small crimes
Wiping ass with hand
It is wrong.
Worship of a long dead pedophile
I like how you keep your women in check and respect the nuclear family. That's about it. The rest of Islam is shit-tier. You people will never progress unless you reform or abandon it entirely.
I don't hate Islam. I hate the extremists who have taken the islamic teaching and twisted it to justify their barbaric actions.
Well the end goal of islam and Christianity is to make every human on the planet follow them because they are "righteous and everything else is false" argument they want to Unite humanity under God banner and save them from satan and his minions in short they want to save you from corruption and entral hell
Yes I know whites are the least religious people on the planet by islam standard you are all liberals even nazis rightists are liberals
Taqqyia is hiding faith(kitman) to save yourself from persecution or bad treatment
Muslims = terrorist.
It's simple as that
You have to find another sadan hussein and destroy israel
I honestly believe that Muhammed, who would have grow up around Jewish communities businessmen and statesmen, developed an admiration of Jewish Law and religion throughout his life, and his religion is founded on the premise of being the next Prophet of Judaism.

Moreover, Islam appears to be incombatible with Western Society, so as long as there is a Hard Border (with a capital B) between the Muslim world and the Western (Christian) world I don't have any issue with it. It is in their faith however to achieve total submission to Islam, and we will always be at war with them as a result.

If that doesn't spook ye lot I don't know what will.
All ((religions)) are just a scam to steal your monies.
Put all religions at the same basket. Classic liberal attitude.
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The part where it says I have to die, convert, or pay them money to be left alone.
Islam is the total opposite to all of these things you said
Pic related is what's happening to most people hating on Islam
The same thing I hate about Christianity and Judaism, it's followers.
You can defend your shitty religion as much as you want but the fact is that all countries where majority are muslims, are shitty fucking countries and are flooding the civilized countries with inbred, violent, low IQ retards that do not contribute to the society and instead rape and destroy everything they see.

Your religion is shit, your people are shit and you should just an hero yourself.
I wonder why all terrorists are muslim Or why muslims are so backward and never invented anything.
Or full of rape and pedophilia.
>it's that Ir*nian Immigrant

Fuck off you cuck
Then why are those the main characteristics of almost every single major Islamic country? Fucking idiot
why is there no flag on /po/ for classical liberals?
Actually we should consider it's as our fault.
Our fault for not destroying muslims/islam.
Taqiyya Assholes.


I fucking know.
The blood soaked history that has not adapted over time. Islam is still neck deep in violence and yet the "moderate" muslim tries to speak with lies telling us otherwise knowing full well the truth of Islam.
Nothing. The problem is it's practiced by blacks and Arabs. I guarantee if it were native to Europe you'd already have women and fag imams.

>genetics is the root, culture the flower
Some terrorists have been Catholic like the IRA but Christianity doesn't promote violence like Islam.
I hate the salafi and wahhabi ideas and political Islam, I dont have a tiny problem with REAL moderate muslims
No No, islam is religion of peace.
The fault is in the people not the religion/islam.
- Typical muslim terrorist filth.
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>Doesn't know that bestiality
Most of it.
The pedphilia
The "prophet"
The blatant disrespect to fenales
It's dogmatism.
>REAL moderate muslims
"Modern" is a non-concept for me, you either follow the religion or you don't, right?
Go back to your sand nigger land you fucking leech.
According to muslims, all of islam is perfect and you're not allowed to pick not to practice any parts of it.

So by hating any part of it, we hate all of it, and by hating all of it, we hate all parts of it. There is nothing good about islam.
i dont think i m bothered with islam more than with christianity in principle. i m more bothered with social customs in many parts of the middle east, like gender separation or mandatory hijab. i wouldnt want my daughter to grow up in most MENA countries or Pakistan.
Indonesians are cool and they re mostly muslims. I like Turks as well.
No problem if you stay confined to your corner of the world and stay out of the west. I am against invading your lands also fwiw. Too costly of white lives.
real moderate muslims, follow the religion for themselves only they dont try to push it in people around them because muh feelings got hurt, they just keep their own business
There is muslims or non-muslim.
There is no moderate-muslim.
Just to go out on a limb, perhaps "moderate" isn't a good word because it sounds apologist and evasive, maybe anti-violence would help with Western audiences?
I hate parts of it--specifically the no alcohol part, the "convert or be killed/condemned to eternal damnation" part, and the no pork part. Outside of that, it seems alright from an objective standpoint compared to other religions but I'm not one to follow one. I just can't suspend belief enough to worship a sky-daddy.
Is this Matrix 4chan?
The fact that Islam has been trying to silence and oppress us and is now in league with Normistan and Cuckistan and The Sarkessianites, We will never accept your pederast warlord prophet. Fuck Allah. Kek is the one True God. Shadilay!
That's a Shiite. I'm a Sunni. Smart.
"moderate" muslims are also blindly accepting of organizations that speak with violence over words. "Moderate" muslims quietly lay their heads down while wars are fought letting people from both sides be brutally killed and then when questioned you fucks raise your head in response to say it's not you, it's them over there. Despite doing absolutely nothing against them over there. You let them walk all over your god and your name, distort and tarnish whatever the fuck you claim "moderate" muslim is then do nothing about it. At best you are a bunch of cowards.
>implying there are meaningful differences.
Let me ask you something faggot: the Christian Bible starts off with a fucking talking snake.

Rationalize that.
We Kekistanis have an answer for that. Yes. Absolutely. You have seen our work lately, no?
If you read the definition of terrorism you will realize that much of what you call terrorism isn't even terrorism and the counter terrorism is terrorism Muslims aren't people they are a religious group inventions depends of what group yiu are talking about Persians arabs or barbars
It's all allegorical. Ever notice the AMA symbol with the two snakes twisting and the uncanny resemblance to the DNA strand?
No I'm just a /pol/ack but I'd be happy to see it.
The Question is :
Why aren't we taking steps to completely destroy Islam?
Brexit happen because of muslims.
Trump won because of nigger & muslims.
Niggers gonna convert to islam.
9 fucking 11
monthly terrorist attacks.
so on and on......
Islam don't creat these things they exist in every society some societies have them more than others sometime it just imams use the religion to eliminate a political threat imams are power hungry and will try to control you
Europeans are not weak men. The European male is the most ruthless being on the planet, smart and resilient. 70 years of relative peace has resulted in a long nap of their natural instincts. You will awaken a sleeping giant.
funny how you didn't debunk the lying argument, and proceed to write a lot of bulshit
Wrong, I am sure I know way more muslims than u, I live with them and I know their types pretty well
yes this word can work
I understand ur point, but what average powerless muslim can do for ISIS even if he hates them?
We have used our meme Magick to fight against Normistan for ages. We have pushed for God Empoeror Trump, agent of Kek to the White House. We have trolled the disgusting parasites of CNN. We have delivered nothing but the dankest memes and we have obliterated them, now they are subject to ridicule all over the internet.
A zombie and a 900 year old man?

Oh it's just a metaphor,amiright?
>hes scared of hell

lol little baby cowards


Hell is nothing.
Parts about vodka and prayers.
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better hope you dont end up in hell shitskins (you will)

ill be waiting for you.

Im demonically enhanced.
The goatfucking and kiddyfiddling is pretty repulsive, but what gets me the most is how determined it is to follow the example of the shittiest human being of the period. It's like mormonism, but violent and sexually depraved.
Unfortunately ms is getting rid of paint.
Don't know what life in antideluvian times was like or where we came from. I think there is a sliver of truth shrouded in a story though.
Fight the good fight in the underworld. we will be sure you are immortalized by kek

Muslim = quran follower.

Quran = anti-science, rape, pedophilia, terrorism...etc.

Equation (1) + Equation (2) ==> Muslim = terrorist.

e.i., whatever you call yourself, as long as you follow islam You are a pedophile terrorist.
ISIS is just the biggest name in town. You know full well there are many other extremist organizations out there promoting violence and demanding bloodshed. What can the average powerless muslim do? Realize your voice matters and that you must fight to separate yourself from these extremist groups. When I say fight, I do not necessarily mean violence.
There are other softwares that are just as cheap and available to use, and better quality than MS paint. We won't be dissuaded by the normies at microsoft so easily
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Because they won't accept me being a transgender muslim woman
That's good but it's going to be a pain with ms as usual.
They just released FireAlpaca. Trust me I believe this can suffice us just fine and we can make even more powerful memes

Sage all Islam threads. You're a fucking blight on this world.
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Claiming ownership to various scientific and civilisation advances as a way of justifying medieval crusades in modern times
the praying 5 times a day on your doormat part
and not being able to eat bacon part, rest is fine
Most of these people are poor uneducated easy to be manipulate and have nothing to lose basically society scums and the states are broken because they are lead by idiots and horrible politicians
did you read my message before quote you low is swede slave rapebaby finnish nigger? It's the opposite.
I am not muslim I am agnostic from Coptic background, I say my experience of dealing with so many muslims, some muslims just need to get shot in head and other muslims are very kind trusted people
Yeah,that's how a con works. Little bit of truth and a bunch of lies.
the normalization of sexual deviance.
Its made up bollocks believed by credulous inbred morons
Just tried it, I like it, you're alright.
Thank You, I always help assist in making the dankest of memes
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your are all flesh for consumption.

Only my kind will survive, because we have tasted demon blood.

your time will come meatbags.
>According to liberal cuck-tier interpretation.

You're doing it in this very thread, you dog.
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I hate the violence, antisemitism, and backwardness.

I respect keeping women in their place and family values.
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This is why Islam is shit. You were given permission to lie. That's it. There's no reason to believe anything after that. Because you can lie your ass off to avoid 'persecution or bad treament."
/pol/ would probably like islam, if there only wasn't so much muslim immigration.

i even suspect /pol/ would be an islam fan club.
REEEEEEEE! I refuse to be in the same thread as that normie religion
It's illogical as fuck, but yet hip for self-hating liberals to pander to to feel good about. Sure, Christianity is horrible and illogical, but somehow Islam should be welcomed. They are so fucking reactionary it's ridiculous. They think they're doing good but really they have no moral fibre. Either both are fucked or grow up and look at yourself. srs
I judge things based on their outcome. From 1400 years of history I've learned that there is nothing more destructive, more backwards, more degenerate, more foul, more disgusting than islam. It is socital cancer of the highest order. Everyone and everything that has been tainted by its presence must burn.
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There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

Fuck Allah and Muhammad.
Fuck Islam. I reject Islam, I love christ.

Whats my penalty now?
>pro tip: is death.
Fuck Allah. Fuck Muhammad. praise Kek!
This. I can feel it inside me. people will suddently turn their back on their gov. And start doing business.
you'll get a death penality for homosexuality because you've the cock of rabbi yeshua the hebrew jew that you consider as a god very deep in your ass.

He wouldnt even speak to you goyim piece of shit, read the bible.

>rabbi yeshua the hebrew jew

Excuse me, Mohammed, but that line is very offensive to Jewish people please fuck off.
Parts of it at its core but its inability to tackle these parts where some followers also believe these parts are bad makes me wary of it in its totality because Islam sells itself as an all or nothing deal
John 18:33-37
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”

35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”

36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
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Thanks for that. It's good that you're reading the Bible even though you're a Muslim, that's a good thing.
there's a whole wikipage about that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus,_King_of_the_Jews
I read St Augustin and he really seem like a nice person, St thomas Aquin is pretty nice too even if I prefear Averroes.

if you're polish jew you should read Nietzche, his analyse of christianism is pretty interesting, the slave - master moral concept about christianity is quit fascinating.

go down to the section labeled "Differences"
You know guys, he may be right. All Muslims can't be terrorists. While i hate shitskins, i think there are some of them who are alright, but ofc they are minority.

And you forget that Christianity is also was used to manipulate the people, just like Islam.
The most recent example: there is a new edition of bible that came out here in Russia, that included new set of sins. One of them is "you can't judge doings of the government they know better than you they care for you". I'm dead fucking serious. Putin controls church to brainwash dumb ultrapatriotic religions bydlo. This is why we will never have revolution. This is why we will forever remain his slaves.

His plan is simple:
1.Make education system fucking retarded(already done) so it would be harder to gain knowledge.

Both are good writers. Also highly recommend C.S. Lewis for introductory Christianity.
Yeah they're both full of shit, to be honest I really feel bad for you, but i sure as hell do not want to go to war with your nation.

I love that painting.
It believes in the "God of Abraham" which is a false one.

Lack of rights for women.

Lack of rights for LGBTQ.

They'll try to shoot me or blow me up if I don't believe in their fairy tale book.
Im Sikh so I kind of have to.
If the worst we can say about Muslims is that they hate Jews and gays, and won't let women drive, then I've no problem with them.
>They'll try to shoot me or blow me up if I don't believe in their fairy tale book.

Harry Potter fans are not much better.
Unless we're in mortal danger, lying is a sin.
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It went too mainstream it was cool with stuff like

>15:2-3 Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge undeceive them."

It was our little cult of laughing at western cuckoldry and faggotry

But Now thanks to wahabi scum forcing every idiot to islam we have to deal with drugies,goatfuckers,homos,feminists and leftie faggots

What makes it worse is that they cant even leave
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