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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 141

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>President Trump's Six Months of America First 7/20/17
>Pres Trump demonstrates 1% of his True Power 7/20/17
>Wounded Warriors Soldier Ride Kicks off @NYC 7/20/17
>USDA Sec Perdue @School Nutrition Assoc Natl Conference 7/20/17
>AG Sessions/Dep AG Rosenstein on Dark Net bust 7/20/17
>Confirmation hearings for NATO, Can and UK Ambassadors 7/20/17
>Pres Trump @The Pentagon 7/20/17
>Pres Trump arrives @The Pentagon to meet SecDef C.H.A.O.S Mattis 7/20/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Mulvaney, audio only) 7/20/17
>State Dept Press Brief 7/20/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>134463316
Are we winning yet?
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I really gotta hand it to you
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patches have arrived! thanks you jew leaf!
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Left continuing to eat their own
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This man needs help.
>The Strategic Studies Institute is the U.S. Army's institute for geostrategic and national security research and analysis

>makes public books for people to read

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Stop giving money to Canadians.
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why can't these people be sued for defamation?
That's a big hand
He needs some serious help.
What's the story?
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>yfw cuckbert gets arrested by the russians
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Virginians, we have a general election on November 7th; Mark that day down and remember to remind your family to vote

Here is what the Democrats want for our old Dominion:

>Northam supports the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.[28] He also supports a federal Medicaid expansion in Virginia.[29][30]

>Northam is pro-choice. He opposes banning late-term abortions after 20 weeks.[30] He believes the Democratic Party should not endorse candidates who are pro-life.[30] Northam's 2017 gubernatorial bid has been endorsed by NARAL.[31]

>Northam has pledged to "stand up against" Immigration and Customs Enforcement.[30]

>Northam has remained neutral on the building of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.[32] He has also avoided taking a firm stance on other pipelines such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline.[33]

>Northam voted against a constitutional amendment to make Virginia a right to work state.[34]

>Northam criticized the repeal of the car tax under former Governor Jim Gilmore, saying Virginia still hasn't "recovered" from its repeal.[29]


I say we use this election to tell them to fuck off


^ Use this to make sure you are registered and ready to vote
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I suppose trump won't do it because not only does it buy into their 'trump is thin skinned' narrative but trump isn't thin skinned
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Reminder this is what his show was like before Trump Derangement Syndrome took hold
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sorry for posting the edited version. here is the original
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Seceding is the same as giving up
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Maybe there's some sudden chechen terror attack aimed at that hotel and it collapses while he's asleep
Trump has been in office for almost half a year so what can we say about it?

Well he has not done most things he wanted to do. Still not started building the wall, still no new healthcare plan. He wanted the unite both parties, but the opposite has happened. The GOP and the DNC are further away from each other than ever before. Moreover, the GOP itself split into pro and anti Trump. The political system is flat on its ass and can't produce anything that is positive for its citizens or the world. Only Trump can do a little bit with executieve orders, but using that power only causes his approval rate to drop more and more.
Polarization is occuring at a rate never seen before in the USA and also in the EU.

This has caused the left to smear the administration with nonsense russian conspiracy theories and the right is denying climate change.

It is objectively a complete disaster when you look at things. Im not even blaming Trump, he will just be the man that western civilization will throw under the bus when China and other upcoming countries will take over. I almost feel sorry for him, because I think he really wants to make the west stronger than the rest of the world.

The only way we can make the west great again is by all supporting green right wing parties. Care about our own land and let savages from other shitholes rot for all we care. If they will pull shit like nukes or destroying the environment only then we will intervene.

Please consider this.
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Dawkins might be a fedoralord, but he is redpilled when it comes to race, gender, eugenics, etc
Prove them wrong in court and they can be.
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Are you guys ready for a ride with ICE?

> On a recent morning in Texas, Fort Worth police arrested a man who threatened to burn down his girlfriend's apartment. The officers also detained two Mexican nationals at the apartment complex because they suspected them of being in the country illegally.
> Then police called ICE Fugitive Operations. Soon men with guns and dark ballistic vests swarmed the parking lot.
> Under former President Barack Obama, Immigration and Customs Enforcement would not have bothered with either of these immigrants. During the previous administration, ICE agents primarily targeted more serious felons and recent arrivals.

> "We would have had to let them go because they did not meet our enforcement priorities at the time"

> said Chuck Winner, the supervisory detention and deportation officer at the scene. Asked if that would have been frustrating, he said:

> "Very."

> Under President Trump, ICE agents are told to arrest anyone in the country illegally. Since Trump's executive order in January calling for more aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, ICE arrests have skyrocketed and the agency plans to hire more agents.
> Immigrants without legal status "should be afraid," according to Thomas Homan, the federal agency's acting director.

> But that tougher stance has put the agency on the hot seat. Immigrant advocates say ICE agents are fearmongering and arresting people who only broke the law to come to the U.S. for a better life. The agents say they're misunderstood and that they simply want to enforce the law.

> "We're not apologizing for what we're doing,"

> said Simona Flores, director of the Dallas ICE field office.

> "We're trying to do the right thing."


[1] [July 20, 2017] Riding With ICE: 'We're Trying To Do The Right Thing' :: http://www.npr.org/2017/07/20/537894936/ice-not-apologizing-for-aggressive-tactics
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The civil war was a mistake. Lincoln was a tyrant who doomed us northerners to live with niggers til the end of time
Why are you posting this again?


Good read.

tl;dr Despite export subsidies and slave labor, Chinese manufacturing is slowing down big time, and the US becomes the cheapest place in the world to manufacture if we reduce taxes.
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>he's always been disturbed by the scoops
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This is a lame pasta tooth paste
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Once Upon a Time in the West is better.
rebuild dixie with white south african refugees
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What does this even mean?
>abusive hurtful words
AKA inconvenient truths
>WASHINGTON — President Trump’s lawyers and aides are scouring the professional and political backgrounds of investigators hired by the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, looking for conflicts of interest they could use to discredit the investigation — or even build a case to fire Mr. Mueller or get some members of his team recused

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There was a point where negros were the majority in South Carolina, so it has come back from worse
I want as many people to read this as possible
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Shut up toothpaste !
These are his accomplishments
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Not an argument
Commie propaganda about how everyone that isn't them are fat faggots or skinheads.


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he's just going to spam hes being very smart by pretending to be retarded
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Praise Kek right?
I'm trying to make a comprehensive list of all of Trump's accomplishments so far. Going to put it all into an infograph later.

The list is pretty long so I'm going to break it up into a few posts. Let me know if I should add/change anything.


>National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been in 16 years)
>Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories
>Jobs being created at a much higher than expected rate (nearly 100,000 extra jobs every month)
>Huge amount of jobs being created in manufacturing, mining, construction, education, business services, etc.
>Pulled out of the Paris Accord (put American industries first by creating and maintaining millions of industrial jobs)
>Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - expanding energy infrastructure and creating 1000s of jobs
>Prevented tens of thousands of jobs from going to Mexico and other countries
>Getting rid of regulations that restrict coal miners - create more mining jobs- opened new coal mine
>Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol
>1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia
>Signed an Executive Order to create more internship programs - create more trade jobs
Finally. I've been saying this for weeks now. Don't fire him, but put him under investigation.
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>Trump is pushing China further towards capitalism
Top kek
Trump didn't accomplish his entire 8 year agenda in 6 months? wtf i shill 4 hill now
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wOw really makes u think
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>They call him:




hence why the syria strike was the right thing to do

makes the world know trump stands by his red lines. also gives him more leverage with iran in this situation than if he had not striked syria
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>Prototype wall beginning construction this summer in San Diego - funds bring appropriated
>Temporary ban on refugees and immigrants from dangerous ISIS countries - starting extreme vetting
>Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals
>No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities if they don't comply with federal immigration law
>Eliminated DAPA and will let DACA expire (might even kill it)
>Deporting thousands of illegal immigrants and criminals all over the country
>Deportations in LA are up 60% alone
>Illegal border crossings down 76% since Trump took office
>Illegal immigration arrests up 38% nationwide - tens of thousands arrested
>Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
>Ending "catch and release" immigration policy
>Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in sanctuary cities
>Creating a Department of Justice task force to fight against violent crimes + cartels
>Creating an office for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes
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>Tax cuts for everyone = only jerking off billionaires
>Writing tax loopholes for massive multinational corporations = True liberty. What the founding fathers really wanted
lol what is that guy doing on the back
You have a very unhealthy obsession with cocks and naked men.
who knows. it's completely ineffectual. the naked guy appears to be aryan brotherhood and the aryan brotherhood is nothing more than a prison gang. it doesn't make sense
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> Agent King Cross used an encrypted cellphone app to run the man's fingerprints.

> "He's got no criminal history in the U.S., no prior immigration contact,"

> Cross said.
> The painter falls into the noncriminal category. The violation for which he will be deported is crossing the border illegally two years ago. Agents ran a record check on the other immigrant and found out that he has been charged several times for re-entering the country after deportation.

> "In days past, if we encountered someone in the house who is not a priority, we would let that person walk,"

> supervisory officer Winner said as he drove a white, government-issue Expedition back to Dallas after the bust. Like many agents, he served in the military and with the Border Patrol.

> "Now if we encounter someone in the house that is illegally in the country, in violation of the law, we will go ahead and arrest that person."

You guys better be helping ICE, reporting or even joining. Sweet gig
It's always piss or shit with them, isn't it?
Goddamn that's crazy. And of course in the US, you're encouraged to automate factories as much as you can, because even if there are only a few people working on the factory floor, the auxiliary employment in janitorial, HVAC, shipping, security, etc. isn't going to get automated any time soon, and the factory still provides a tax base.
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But the Job Creator was drawn ugly, so therefore Drumpf's argument was destroyed!
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Reminder that With drumpf as POTUS.
Numbers in pic will only grow at a rate never seen before.

Europe knows this. We will not fight your stupid wars
they aren't called cucks for nothing
This guy freaks me the fuck out
They've been trending that way for decades but yeah, their basic economic model is not sustainable. ~30% of their domestic businesses are not even profitable but kept afloat by the state to keep GDP and jobs growth high.
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You're so salty. Shia is that you? We're worried about you
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>Stocks are hitting all time highs - trillions of dollars in gains
>Federal debt reduced by $100 billion
>Pulled out of TPP
>Buy American, Hire American executive order - restrict guest worker visas and require more agencies to buy more goods and services from American companies and workers
>Signed an executive order that requires all federal agencies to create task forces to look at and determine which regulations that hurt the economy - cut red tape
>Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
>Reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - might pull out
>Pulling funds from to the UN - billions of dollars
>Beginning to renegotiate all bad trade deals that put America at a disadvantage
>New trade deals with various countries (South Korea, Japan, etc.)
>Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion)
>Resuming trading natural gas and beef with China
>Negotiated new sugar deal with Mexico
>Trading energy with new countries in Europe - end their reliance on Russian energy
>Food stamp usage is down countrywide
>Exports at a 2-year high
>Oil exports at all time high
>Trade deficit falling faster than expected
>Consumer confidence at a 15-year high
>CEO confidence highest since 2009
>US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high
>Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high
>Home builder confidence at 12-year high
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship
trump should stop being so childish and be more mature like colbert
Man, midlife crises sure are ugly
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She REALLY wants to fuck Mucci
This first half reads like shill pasta and the second doesn't really apply to America's 2 party system. I discussed how we should try to get republicans to push for nuclear energy as a green solution, that seems like the most realisable goal
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Fucking kek the nyt interview with Trump is funny. he comments five times about Macron
>Loving to hold his hand
You drumpftards are sucking the cock of Drumpf, and caressing the balls of nazis. You love softly running your hands up and down the rippling racist skinhead muscles of a true alphamale.

I'm not gay by the way, I just love gay porn allegories. That is my favorite kind of politics.
Well maybe the North shouldn't have accepted them?
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This makes me happy.
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I suspect that's why the poo poo pee pee dossier was so effective. It was a lightning bolt arcing between the two centers of their mind - potty humor and Trump hate. They couldn't help but believe it.
think about it :)
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>Then police called ICE Fugitive Operations. Soon men with guns and dark ballistic vests swarmed the parking lot.
so one spic arguing with his gf got the whole apartment complex purged
Jobs marker has been climbing just like it has been for the past 8 years. Stock market is at the end of a bull run created by Obama. Trump want to cut taxes and regulation for the rich. The only way manufacturing comes back is if it is heavily automated. Coal workers are still goingnto suffer. Uneducated will still suffer. Educated will stay wealthy and liberal.
why are these car captcha pics loading in so slowly
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>>National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been in 16 years)

Although you could use this metric Trump really rather using another similar but much more informative: jobs added. It actually mean something, unlike unemployment rate that contains all sorts of trickery to mask the real numbers.
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Wolf girl is crying on the inside.
It's hilarious how they just live in another reality and pretend the tax cuts are only for rich people and not across the board. Also ironically the "rich" will end up paying a similar amount or possibly even more since the loophopes and exceptions will be reduced significantly. Companies like Amazon would much rather pay a 35% rate that can be reduced to less than 10% with loopholes than pay a 15% rate with no loopholes.
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Get a load of this faggot.
The captcha system has been fucked for a week. Captchas take at least 4 times as long to load and complete. Kills posting and thread creation.
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>I'm not gay
>Writes sensually worded gay sex scene in great detail

Okay whatever you say buddy
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1... 2... Annie's comin for you...
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What do you mean?
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How will you explain the election of 2016 and how you helped Trump win for your grandkids?
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>Stock market is at the end of a bull run created by Obama.

>The only way manufacturing comes back is if it is heavily automated
You don't even know what you're talking about. Automation has increased significantly in the manufacturing sector. Better to have the automated factories in the US than China, anyways.
How do you spot illegals?
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Could be worse.
I was joking about that guy and others who constantly come in here and talk about dick sucking and post penises all day.

I mean you are a faggot in the most literal sense. You are in the possession of more gay porn than gay people I know.
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Fuck off we're full.
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Why, Moshie?
Most huge corporations don't pay taxes at all. It's only the ones that have a chance of actually benefiting the US that get fucked by globalist tax policy
Woah really makes me think
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>ISIS losing more and more territory every day - Mosul liberated
>ISIS leader al-Baghdadi presumedly killed
>Encouraging Middle Eastern countries to team up and to exterminate ISIS and terrorism as a whole
>Teaming up with Russia to create a ceasefire in Syria - step in the right direction to end civil war
>Ending the CIA's supplying of weapons to anti-Assad rebels
>Reworking NATO so other countries pay their fair share (Germany) - Many countries have already increased their funding (Canada, Romania, etc.)
>Rebuilding the military (10% budget increase)
>Increasing funds to and modernizing the VA - better service + more accountability (500 employees fired)
>Law to protect whistleblowers
>Afghanistan bomb took out ISIS tunnels and killed 90+ terrorists
>Sanctioned Iran and North Korea for their missile use and Syria for their chemical attack
>Sanctioned Russia for their activity in Ukraine
>Trading missiles to Poland to protect them from Russian aggression
>Negotiating peace between Israel and Palestine
>Barring transgenders from the military
pastebin updated

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #26 7/21/17
>Tribute to President Trump 7/21/17
>WH Press Brief - Scaramooch makes his entrance 7/21/17
>Prse Trump Tribute to Survivors of USS Arizona 7/21/17
>WH Video - Made in America Week @White House 7/21/17
>RIP in Peace Spice Daddy 7/21/17
>VP Pence leads roundtable discussion on American Biz 7/21/17
>AG Sessions talks Sanctuary cities in Phillie 7/21/17
>Dept of Interior All-American Outdoor Experience 7/21/17

anything else?
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>not using a pass
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listening to it right now
Stop trying to give up US clay faggot
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I think I speak for most people in Europe and the rest of the world when I say the following:

I feel betrayed by the american people because they voted for someone who:

- Mocked the disabled,
- Bullied the media,
- Made racists comments,
- Was accused by women of sexual assault,
- Degraded an entire religion
- Was the candidate endorsed by the KKK

I think even if the USA isn't racist, ableist, xenophobic, misogynistic, they apparently think it's fine voting for such a candidate.
This distresses me.

I realize now that the USA never really shared normal values. I believe the world would be better off without the country that places Trumps showmanship over common human decency.

>Immigration and Customs Enforcement "is really instilling this sense of fear within our community. And I think that has disastrous effects," said Michelle Garza Pareja, the Dallas-based associate executive director of RAICES, an immigrant-rights group.
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Thanks, not that I can think of.
I just completed a sexual harassment training module for my job at a university. They actually refer to "harassment" as "abuse." Not verbal abuse, not harmful words, no distinction from actual abuse. They think words are violence.

Fuck this shit.
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isolated US.jpg
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But you already did
Texas will be blue in about a decade?
How come your chart doesn't go back 6 or 7 years? Don't like those trends and numbers?
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Nazi bike.gif
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Its time to get help Shia
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use legacy captcha
>Our community

Goddamn these fucking invaders.
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>not liking /our jew/

>Appointed a super conservative judge to the Supreme Court
>Trump has signed 37 bills into law
>The House has passed 158 bills
>Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
>So far, 16 regulations have been cut for every 1 added - 800 Obama regulations cut (saved $181 billion)
>Fixing lobbying laws
>Cut the White House budget - save taxpayers $22 million
>4 out of 4 special election wins
>Government hiring freeze - shrinking the size of the government
>Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies
>Signed an executive order to reduce operating costs of the federal government
>Investigating voter fraud in the 2016 election
>Appointing 100+ federal judges
>Fired incompetent FBI Director James Comey
>Firing corrupt officials at the State Department
>Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama
>Ending many of Obama's corrupt Executive Orders
also i love timpf
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walls never work.png
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wtf I hate walls now
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Piss/shit/gay sex
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>It was a dark time, kids. Everyone in charge of everything seemed to be trying their best to make things worse. Boys and girls, men and women didn't get along. Almost nobody had any spare money. Then a few of us got together on the internet - it was different back then, before the VR, you know, mostly just text and still pictures and a bit of music and video - and tried to bring magic back into the world. And it worked. Our first try was a cute girl, but very scary, so we let her go away after a while. The second time, we focused on a funny little frog. We took that frog, and teamed up with a silly old steak salesman from a TV show, and we saved the world.

>going to war without the Netherlands

oh my whatever shall we do now
Anti trump anons are weird, they accuse you of being a political purist while getting mad that Trump isn't acting as irrational and partisan. as they thought him to be. I'm lost, is Trump suppose to be worst or better to please them?
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Most of what that Maltese does is come here and shit-talk any official and policy he can.
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>Beginning to scale back Obamacare
>Large crime sweeps all over the country (MS-13)
>Seeking the harshest possible punishments for criminals
>Getting rid of Obama's wasteful environmental policies
>New policies on creating and repairing infrastructure - speed up, larger budget
>Sending the Feds into Chicago to fix their crime epidemic
>Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty executive order
>New and improved policies towards Cuba (fix American tourism and the human rights of Cubans)
>Giving states the option to withdraw taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood
>Defunding international groups that promote/perform abortion
>Getting rid of transgender bathrooms in schools - up to the states
>Trump's EPA gave $100 million to Flint to help with their water crisis
>Overhauling the Department of Education - give power to the States
>Busting pedophile rings all over the country + passing legislation to combat human trafficking
>Increasing the amount of Christian refugees
>Signed an executive order to help out historically black colleges and universities
>Brought home Otto Warmbier and Aya Hijazi, captives from North Korea and Egypt respectively, that Obama ignored
>Signed an executive order to combat drug addiction and the opioid epidemic
>Increasing funds to NASA - Mars mission by 2033
>Brought back the National Space Council
>Taking action on healthcare fraud (412 arrested)
>Privatizing air traffic control
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>tfw all of us here will be called ancientfags when we visit /pol/ in 10 years
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i switch between browsers and see a difference in loading times
firefox was slow so i tried edge
captchas work fast but no native webm support
>donating to the 4chan™ Mexico Fund™
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What to make of this...
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Wasn't that wall fairly effective though?
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Since another Mississippian mentioned this, it has come to my attention that my state's niggers weren't enough to drive illegals away, and that Hattiesburg is overrun with illegals. I haven't seen this personally but any other Anons from MS here to confirm that?
We have your nukes on OUR territory.
Oops we just confiscated them, what will you do now... BITCH!
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trump djia 7-21 5 year.png
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>How come your chart doesn't go back 6 or 7 years?
Because I only wanted to show the 20% gain since Trump got elected, I didn't want to embarrass you too badly. Let's take a look at the 5 year graph shall we?
If Trump lets the Dreamers stay will WaPo stop calling him Hitler? No? Okay, then fuck them all.
>"We have a lead on someone that's in the country illegally or is a criminal alien who's been convicted of a crime and is in this country, we target that person for arrest.
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You hang on to that win in November. I'll enjoy Trump proving his opponents right for 4 years.
What the fuck
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>leftist think shit like this is funny

I almost feel bad for you, almost
Is Trump really being a puppet of the jews or its another paranoid bullshit?
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1MB, 225x249px
>20 years on this website
I'll kill myself first.
>Having windows 10 and using it
Disgusting, also most major broswers seem slow as hell so I don't know what the deal is. Mobile seems largely unaffected.
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>If Trump lets the Dreamers stay

There is zero chance of that
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According to Malta no.
Hi I remember when moot made /b/ this place is a prison there is no escape
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>tfw halfway there
He needs to get off late night Network TV and go back to voice acting for Adult Swim cartoons again.
>tfw 2005 winter
>tfw regret all of it
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You're really bad at this MAT, you identified yourself as a shill from your first posts
>tfw all those concern trolls from early on got BTFO
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CNN: Trumps border policy hurting family owned cartels in Mexico
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ALLAHU AKBAR HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jew has been named by the T-Rex.jpg
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And our Texan Tyrannosaurus also did this.
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It comes out to less than a penny a post. Worth it.
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Kek, wow. What a giant fucking increase. What the hell was Obama doing letting all that in?
Guys we need to liberate the Netherlands. For they have weapons of mass destruction
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> le blue Texas in your lifetime meme
LMAO remember that one guy who was CONVINCED that Trump was in support of this new Dreamer bill because Kelly met with one of the groups that was sponsoring it?
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that guy jerks off to shota porn
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Saves tons of time if you make several hundred posts in a day. Really worth it then.
CNN: New study shows health benefits of cocaine
edge is a piece of shit but the captcha is not affected
you want slow captcha then keep doing whatever the fuck it is youre doing
>mobile seems unaffected
phone posters are fags
>>tfw 2005 winter
>>tfw regret all of it
Dark days. /b/ or some other lesser board?
>acting like you dont know Scaramucci
you have to leave

If you only set one step on our soil we will rek you together woth NATO
This guy.
Obama was literally doing everything within his power to covertly destroy this country
Bernie didn't have a job till he was 40 and took a trip to the USSR once.
>captcha: ratto troutbeck
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I found 4chan when I was 12, was linked by an SAfag
I will be 25 this year. Over 50% of my years on Earth here.
Do you have that comparison of headlines about family leave being good until Trump supports it then it hurts women?
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Nuke Amsterdam.png
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Do that and we'll "let" you have them.
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I still cannot believe this actually happened:
>The heavyset, whiskered 21-year-old was brought to this country illegally by his parents from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, when he was an infant. A couple of hours earlier, ICE had cuffed him and led him out of his house in the Dallas suburb of Mesquite as he told his wife and 15-month-old son goodbye.
You mean the military entity that for all practical purposes, is entirely controlled by the US?


good speech!
Looks like a solid climb since 2012. Has Ttump passed a budget. Has he actually cut any regulations with legislation. It looks like executive orsers arent enough to actually help. Plus whoever comes next can just change them. Embarassed not really my mutual funds have benefited from Trump. I just happen to be a liberal with a degree and money to invest. Bought my second home in 2012 bottom of our regional marker. Rental property is being naturally gentrified by raising rent prices. Doubt Trumpfags will do so well. It's why liberals are elites.
>summer 2004
I don't regret a single goddamn thing.
we are in a sense your parents
>already breeding
They all must go
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>try to satirise alex and make him look racist
>he embraces it and turns it into a meme
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You are only one country of all 30. We will all go against you and you will be dead before you know it.
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Okay this is bait but you do know who's in NATO and who's the big boss of NATO right? Pro-tip: it's the country with 50 stars on the flag.
I stumbled here from Homemadeturbo. Guy had /b/ in his signature.
no worries then
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>tfw been here for 20 years already
>afraid of anything? only of hillary winning the election
>now i sleep great every night
lel gorka is awesome
>anti establishment
>oops I gave all your money to the establishment
>vote for the establishment

>Bernard Sandberg
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Bankfraud Bernie's wife represented to the college that she was a "turn-around artist."
I was laughing about that earlier today. Good times.
If you attack us everyone will be against the USA.
What is hard about that? 1 vs many. You will be gone immediately
If you're trying to steal nukes you'll be the one getting shit on by NATO.
livin on a prayer
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>Looks like a solid climb since 2012.
Then you need to get your eyes checked if you can't see the steep uptick since Trump was elected. Fastest 2000 point gain on the Dow Jones in HISTORY.

>Has Ttump passed a budget
...Yes? Months ago. It was actually the remnants of the budget Obama failed to pass.

>Has he actually cut any regulations with legislation
Regulations are almost all implemented and removed via Executive policy, not legislative. Really showing your ignorance here.

> It looks like executive orsers arent enough to actually help
Based on what? The markets would disagree with you, literally all of them. From the big cap DJIA down to the mid and small cap R2k
ABCs of Donnie Drumpf, why the fuck does ptg even still exist, nobody likes him, NOBODY


Please just fuck off, /pol/, nor the world likes Drumpf anymore
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>Bernie's wife will go to jail
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Yeah right.
>Bankfraud Bernie's wife represented to the college that she was a "turn-around artist."
No, not millennial enough
She was a "directional barista"
not an argument
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>severe thunderstorm watch turned into a warning
>it is now a Tornado watch
I live in a fucking trailer guys.
I hope you have some type of jacket to wear them on and you don't just glue them to your wall
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>We will all go against you
Lol nope. They said the same shit would happen over the Paris accords, but it didn't. Most modern countries are extremely reliant on trade and the protection of the US.

Also, even for argument's sake, even if all of NATO went against us, it wouldn't matter strategically. All of NATO combined would not be a serious threat.
Damn Goebals got reincarnated as a jew.
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the weak should fear the strong.png
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>It's just a ruse that the CIA has basically stated they want him dead and jailed he's actually a traitor
Poor poor toothpaste
Sure nuke the world. Have fun livinf in a fallout 3 world.

It flat lined at the beginning of 2015
i dont ;_;
i need to get a backpack or something, got any recommendations?
Maybe next time you should buy a house that is built into the ground not sheet metal on cinderblocks
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He can fix it!.jpg
156KB, 1500x1112px
>murica ball
>RWSS patch
>POL ICE patch
>Diamond dons

where can I purchase these fine items?
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2MB, 540x460px
>I live in a fucking trailer guys.
t. rural retard. Best of luck Mississippi. Keep us posted.
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Priests have to go back too. No criminal record, in the country since 2002, Obama admin knew about him since 2012 but "not a priority".

Seems like that memo "any agent in contact with any illegal alien must proceed with swift deportation" is paying off. Things are accelerating.
Look on the bright side. You won't be living in that trailer for much longer.
>tfw Miller uses "these united states" expression too
Eh, Trump's brother is tied to Bethesda so it doesn't matter.
Jansport backpacks are the best
>Fallout 3

Fucking pleb taste, everyone knows that New Vegas is superior.
>I live in a fucking trailer

Classic rural and suburban retard. Tornadoes wouldn't be happening under Hillary.
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>there's no point in trying to protect these manufacturing jobs, they're all going to be phased out by automation
>no don't stop importing people, the economy needs it, we need them for cheap labor
Update for Trump Voters

1. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked 22 million off health insurance, including many of you.)

2. He told you he’d cut your taxes. You bought it. But tax “reform” is stalled. And if it ever moves, the only ones whose taxes will be cut are the wealthy.

3. He told you he’d invest $1 billion in our nation’ crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But his infrastructure plan, which was really a giveaway to rich investors, is also stalled.

4. He said he’d clean the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he's brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, along with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.

5. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he created the most chaotic, dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, in which no one is in charge.
>i need to get a backpack or something, got any recommendations?

Skip the backpack, save up a bit, and buy a real flight jacket from here

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what state?
Who here /remember 9/11/

I was 11 years old so I really do remember it
Gotta be honest, considered getting a cheap spot like that as a student because of how absurdly cheap it is. Just too inconvenient and hard to sell.
patch dynamics for the patches
countryball plushies for ameriball
>soon we will be together
little do they know
That is my point, that is how shitty the world will be
6. He said he’d close “special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers." You bought it. But he picked a Wall Street financier Stephen Schwarzman to run his strategic and policy forum, who compares closing those loopholes to Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

7. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by making deals with drug companies. You bought it. But now the White House says that promise is “inoperative.”

8. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he met with China’s president and declared "China is not a currency manipulator."

9. He said he wouldn’t bomb Syria. You bought it. But then he bombed Syria.

10. He called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief” and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, not when there was so much important work to be done. You bought it. But in his first 6 months he has spent more taxpayer money on vacations than Obama did in the first 3 years of his presidency. Not to mention all the money taxpayers are spending protecting his family, including his two sons who travel all over the world on Trump business.

11. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America. You believed him. But despite their promises, Carrier, Ford, GM, and the rest are shipping jobs to Mexico and China.

12. He said he’d create coal jobs. You believe him. He hasn’t. But here's what he has done: Since 1965 a federal program called the Appalachian Regional Commission has spent $23 billion helping communities in coal states fund job retraining, reclaim land, and provide desperately needed social services. A.R.C. helped cut poverty rates almost in half, double the percentage of high-school graduates, and reduce infant mortality by two-thirds. Trump’s first proposed budget eliminates A.R.C
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>Holocaust Center

spicer was a mess

>babies first time trying to learn geopolitics

Your not even on the right track either.
Kek they replayed the holocaust center thing
South American Christians are apparently just Communists. Can we deport the Pope too?
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The swamp.jpg
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I fucking hate liberals
I would kill you if given the chance

Thank god. Send them all back.
>a bloo bloo europe doesn't want you to do this thing
Do you have ANY fucking idea what america is about? Hang yourself, Merkel.
I hope these ICE guys are making tons of overtime pay

I was 32 AMA
Trump didn't fulfill his entire agenda in 6 months? Wtf i love communism now

Seriously all jokes aside, is this now your argument? That he isn't a dictator and can't magically change the entire direction of a country in 6 months? That representative democracy is a slow process by design, that's your argument?
Lel, those numbers of your army are higly exagerated. Do you know anyone in your social habitat who has even been in the army. Guess not huh?
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coal burner.jpg
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>12. He said he’d create coal jobs.
And he did.
>9. He said he wouldn’t bomb Syria.
Bombs in Syria have to be dropped to kill ISIS.
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The "drain the swamp" one is the most hilarious. He did the exact fucking opposite yet his braindead followers are so partisan they just ignore it completely.
>I know you don't hear enough democratic talking points let me literally copy and paste my script into the thread
Fuck off retard
>Trump so bad Spicer resigned
I thought you guys liked Spicy Spice?
When will we be given the green light to do so?
he's not a northern virginia pastor, he's a peru pastor
they should pray his family goes with him
>You get to shoot dirty Raiders with rifles instead of letting them in and let them fuck up your way of living

I don't see the downside yet.
He was good for memes and loyal, but Trump's entire communications team needs a major kick in the ass, their messaging is barely getting out there
Republicans in general suck at messaging and Spicer was a Priebus guy
>>tfw Miller uses "these united states" expression too
I noticed your interest. It helps to mark the country as the union of semi sovereign states it is, with all these united states instead of one solid mass called "the United States".
Pic related is my jacket and I have a tasmanian tiger backpack
It's not that big but it's good for weekend trips or hiking and similar things
The jacket is softshell and has nice areas for patches on the sleeves and chest, feels pretty good to actually wear them and show them off
Once I triggered an antifaggot who sat next to me in the metro and saw my german eagle patch, unfortunately he didn't get violent
That's pasta from the during the campaign
>a man elected to a 4 year term didn't deliver all his biggest promises within the first 6 months

You're right. IMPEACH NOW!!! ITS HER TURN!!!!!!!
See >>134471842
>swamp=rich guys
So Comey wasn't swamp?
Trump is doing this to set the precident on his terms.
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forgot pic damn
Business man buy their way in.

Elected oficials have to be chosen by the people

How dumb are you people?
You gotta understand that "liberals" in this context means non-whites
And non-whites believe in some fictitious white "system" working behind the scenes to oppress them
>Lel, those numbers of your army are higly exagerated.
What numbers you fool? Are you implying it's possible to lie about the number of ships we have?

>Do you know anyone in your social habitat who has even been in the army. Guess not huh?
I do but I don't see how that's relevant, especially considering I posted a picture of navy vessels which doesn't has little to do with the army.
wow good job giving him a (You) that sure showed him!!!
>The swamp is whatever shills define it as
Glad you agree the people chose Trump, gday.

Worry not

We did like Spicy, I don't know why he resigned over the greaseball but whatever.

Kek, I meant you were from there, mr. Weather update MS. Love you m8.
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And you gave one to me. Congratulations
That's one happy Hungarian
>Business man buy their way in.
Really, then why did Hillary spend 6 times as much as Trump, and still lose?
Looks comfy
Lots of zippers tho
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>Yeah, everybody will join the right side of history and go against the strongest military in the world that also controls half of our own militaries, because the president says mean things to career politicians and washed up actors!
Good luck
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>Illegals in NOVA are being deported now


"swamp" is anything and anyone you don't like. it means completely different things to different people. It has no definition and nobody knows exactly what it is or how one would "drain" it. Of all his simple and clear campaign promises, it is by far the most vague and stupid.
>dem prices tho
No that is not what I meant...

HE LOST THE POPULAR VOTE!!!!!!! This has nothing to do with democacy!!!!!!!
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Well I done goofed.
I don't get the big deal with anons being so thin skin here. Are you guys seriously saying no one is allowed to have a different opinion than yours especially if it's NOT affecting policy changes? It's really telling how many of you guys will hire people based on how much they lick your boots as oppose to whether they fit the role.
yeeeahhh! lets go shoot that paper hanging son of a bitch all over again.

Yeah, that was the point, I wanted to grab your attention and alert you to stop feeding the trolls
I mean that your army isnt nearly as powerful as you claim it to be.
Okay name one
>inb4 this person is rich that means they are swamp
yeah call me a shill. Keep ignoring that he didn't drain it. Everything will be okay if you mock others for pointing that out.
>unfortunately he didn't get violent
that's a good looking jacket, how much was it?
He won the popular vote in more states. Thank you for playing.
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The equivalent of
> anything I don't like is the swamp

Here is how Trump himself defined very clearly what "drain the swamp" means:
> - October 18, 2016 -
> Trump Pledges To Drain The Swamp And Impose Congressional Term Limits
> https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/trump-pledges-to-drain-the-swamp (http://archive.is/AH4ps)
> There is another major announcement I am going to make today as part of our pledge to drain the swamp in Washington. If I am elected President, I will push for a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress
> Decades of failure in Washington, and decades of special interest dealing, must come to an end. We have to break the cycle of corruption, and we have to give new voices a chance to go into government service. The time for Congressional term limits has arrived
> If we let the Clinton Cartel run this government, history will record that 2017 was the year America lost its independence
> We will not let that happen
> It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C
> That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again
> First: I am going to institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government after they leave government service
> Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs
> Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists
> Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government
> Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections
Yeah it's great if you want to have a bunch of stuff on you
I'm in the military so it's extra useful if you have to carry noteblocks and flashlights etc
Also it keeps you warm even in temperatures close to 0 degree celsius and you really don't feel any wind beneath it
Around 70 eurobucks, I got it from amazon
And NATO is as powerful as you claim?
Trump is the first president in my life time that didn't need to raise a billion dollars to get elected. The first guy in the office who is not bought and paid for

Again I hate you and wish you harm
thanks hans, price is good
Np m8
I was 6 when it happened, and I remember it vividly. Something like that you don't forget.

Na I don't remember, I was 4 at the time.

19 now.
I can see the CNN headline now,
>Trump hurts minority owned family run businesses!
File: BluesBrothers_249Pyxurz.jpg.cf.jpg (34KB, 531x399px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 531x399px

so that's what typical Canadian looks like?
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