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For those who care, I'm that French guy in the Baron Tr

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For those who care, I'm that French guy in the Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Adventures threads who spoke about The Coming Race, Marie-Julie Jahenny, the Great Monarch and a few other things.

The threads are here :
Pt. 1: deleted
Pt. 2: >>133585460
Pt. 3: >>133597189
Pt. 4: >>133598707
Pt. 5: >>133617353
Pt. 6: >>133632310

And the books are here :
Baron Trump's marvellous underground journey (Ingersoll Lockwood, 1893): https://archive.org/details/barontrumpsmarve00lock
1900; or, The last President (Ingersoll Lockwood, 1896) : https://archive.org/details/1900orlastpresid00lock
The Coming Race (Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1871) : http://www.gasl.org/refbib/Bulwer__Coming_Race.pdf

There's some meme magic mining to do with these books. Pic is an excerpt of The Coming Race.
I won't say a lot about Lockwood's books, because other anons already did the job about this.
My point is that France (and French popular culture, as you'll see) seems to be linked to the Trump/Kek/Happening meme magic. Or perhaps it's just a bias : as a french, it's easier for me to notice coincidences in my culture than in another. Check about your own country, that's all I can say.
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1/9 First, the obvious.
We french are nicknammed "frogs" or "froggies" since ... I fucking don't know when my ancestors had the idea to eat frogs (srsly, wtf dudes ?)
You must have noticed all the "Is Macron /ourguy/ ?" threads, given that recently there isn't a day without one. So you probably have noticed, too, the coincidences linking Macron and Napoleon : his age, his wife way older than him, his speech in front of a pyramid and of course his politics (a young leader fastly rising, winning by pretending to be a progressive defender of the French Republic while being each day more monarchical in words and acts).
2/9 French monarchy, part one.
This is the cover of the january 1988 issue of The economist, which appears on /pol/ from time to time. Noticed what the phoenix have ont its head ?
> While the fleur-de-lis has appeared on countless European coats of arms and flags over the centuries, it is particularly associated with the French monarchy in a historical context
We need to go deeper. The association of a phoenix and French monarchy isn't random. Not at all. And this is where Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941) is relevant, among others.
Jahenny was a catholic mystic and stigmatist. She had foreseen, among various things :
> A new revolution in France, leading to an invasion and chaos which looks like WW3
> The total annihilation of Paris
> A muslim invasion
> The restoration of monarchy by the "Great Monarch", the hidden king Henri V of the Cross (whom Nostradamus called "Chyren"), rightful heir of Louis IX the Saint, unknown to the "official" pretenders to the French throne.
> This implies that one of the "survivantists" pretenders was right.
> Since DNA testings have disproven Naundorff's claims (and the prophecy mentions Saint Louis descent, not Louis XVI), it might implies that Giovanni Baglioni was really John I the Posthumous.
> A Capetian from the eldest branch, which is reputed extinct since the 14th century. Like the rebirth of a phoenix, I suppose.
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3/9 French monarchy, part two
The coat of arms of Clovis, the first catholic king of the Franks, who made France the "Eldest daughter of the Church", was a frog. Because his tribe, the Salian Franks, came from swamps (what is now the Netherlands).
Pic obviously related, about how the frog coat of arms might have evolved.
> The fleur-de-lis is basically a frog
> The rebirth of the phoenix / French monarchy would be, symbolically, the rebirth of the frog
Also according to MJ Jahenny's visions, the Great Monarch, alongside with the Holy Pope, will retake France from the invaders (so ... draining his swamp ?) and turn full Deus Vult mode, leading a worldwide crusade.
"a Giant Frog"
Time to get reading
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4/9 From Jahenny to french pop music
According to Marie-Julie Jahenny, when the French civil war will start, the government will "do as the bird", flying to another country. In french, she said "il fera comme l'oiseau". There's a popular french song called "Fais comme l'oiseau" (do as the bird). The singer, Michel Fugain, also sang this :
"L'arche de Noé" means "Noah's ark". This is the lyrics :
> Un matin, on dira "Ce matin, il pleut",
A morning, we'll say "It's raining today"
> Mais la pluie, ce jour-là, ce sera du feu!
But the rain, this day, will be fire !
> On verra tous les rats courir dans les rues,
We'll see rats running in the streets
> Les agents et les gens s'en aller tout nus!
Cops and people going naked !
> Ha ha, c'est la fin du monde!
Ha ha, it's the end of the world !
> Ha ha, tant pis pour le monde,
Never mind for the world !
> Ha ha, mais comme on est des rigolos,
But as we are jokers
5/9 2nd part of the lyrics

> Hé!
> On va refaire l'arche de Noé,
We'll redo Noah's ark
> C'est la meilleure solution
It's the best solution
> Contre les inondations
Against floods
> Et les bombardements d'électrons!
And electrons bombings !
> On va refaire l'arche de Noé,
We'll do Noah's ark again
> Un modèle supergéant
A supergiant one
> Pour les petits et les grands,
For young and old
> Pour les hommes et les orangs-outans!
For men and orangutans !

> On verra ce jour-là les grands chefs d'état
We'll see the great heads of states
> Bien parqués sur le quai par paquets de trois,
Well packed on quay by groups of 3

> Des nazis, la NASA, Mao et moâ
(moâ is a pun on "moi", "myself")
> Embarquer sans chiqué avec un boa!
Going aboard without complaint with a boa !
> Ha ha, c'est la fin du monde!
> Ha ha, tant pis pour le monde,
> Ha ha, mais comme on est des rigolos,

> Hé!
> On va refaire l'arche de Noé,
> Un modèle supergéant
> Pour les petits et les grands,
> Pour les hommes et les orangs-outans!

> On va refaire l'arche de Noé,
> On y mettra des Marlène,
We'll get some Marlène
> Des vilains et des vilaines,
Ugly men and women
> Des gourous avec des kangourous...
Gurus and kangaroos
> On va refaire l'arche de Noé,
> On y mettra des moustiques,
We'll get mosquitos
> Des harengs de la Baltique,
Baltic herrings
> Un cheval, un père Dupanloup,
A horse, a father Dupanloup (character of a famous french bawdy song)
> Un lapin, une Maryline,
A rabbit, a Maryline
> Un Chopin et un Chaplin,
> Un chanteur, un androgyne,
A singer, an androgynous (trannie)
> Un canard - ben alors, où il est le canard? -
A duck - So what, where is the duck ?
> Une Rousse et un Lénine,
A redhead and a Lenin
> Un pédé, une Messaline,
A fag, a Messaline (nymphomaniac roman empress)
> Un raton, une arlequine...
A young rat/raccoon (also the french slang for north african), an harlequin
> Un Merlin, une Mélusine
A Merlin (the wizard), a Melusine (french fairy)
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6/9 Starmania
A french musical written in 1976, also known as Tycoon in the english-speaking countries.
> At the begining of the 21st century, the Occident is threatened by the Black Stars, some anarchist terrorists
> One of their leaders, Sadia, is a blue-haired cross-dressing student from upper class
> A construction industry tycoon, Zéro Janvier (Zero January, meaning he comes before the real beginning ?), runs for the presidency
> Zéro Janvier owns a golden tower, with at the top of it a night-club called "Naziland"
> Zéro ask for Stella's hand. She's a retired model and actress
> His platform is basically "Stop helping the third world or they'll invade us, save the white race and our freedoms. Also we must colonize space and establish martial law to get rid of terrorism"
> His opponent is a fucking hippie guru organizing orgies with his adepts.
> Sadia ends up betraying the Black Stars for Zéro janvier, who subsequently win the election
> In the ending song, all the characters are calling for help from "Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter"
> There's also songs about junk food, pervasive pornography and the media power (the newsreader is called "The Evangelist")
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7/9 The nuclear rose
Here are some nuclear plants in western Europe.
8/9 The center of the rose
At the exact center, there's a place with this thing.
End - WTF is this ?
At this point, I have only one hypothesis : as a collective, the human race feels its future. A very confused feeling, most of the time, but we give a form to it through our cultures. A christian ends up with visions of Jesus or Mary, musicians get ideas for songs or musicals, and so on.
Animals can feel one thing coming : death. They don't know they're mortals, but they feels death's approach.
tl;dr : The "happening" all this hints are pointing to is probably our own extinction. Seems like the "Great Monarch" and his "crusade" are our last hope, whatever they are.
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Are we breaking free?
I really don't know what to think.
The oldest line of my blood I can accurately trace is my French one, all the way back to the Crusades of the 1100's.

If France is the key to end of this degenerate world, I am honored to even have that tenuous connection to it.
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Or is someone letting us out?
As I said, I don't know if France is the key.
Being french, I know french culture more than any other.
The other countries might have the same hints in their cultures, I'm not the one who can check this.
most countries don't have nuclear weapons though.
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So I read the author's name and though, hmm - odd name. Could it be a pseudonym? An anagram?

I ran it thru an anagram generator and got some interesting stuff.

I then searched one of the results. Third result had to do with Trump. Wtf. And it was an accuratte prediction he would be Time man of the year...

SOme interestind anagram of Ingersoll Lockwood -
Colder Looking Owls
Lockers Goodwill On
Cellos Word Looking
Close World Looking
Locking World Loose
Cooking Rolled Owls
Coloring Lewd Looks
Coloring Dolls Woke
Cowlings Older Look(who is mr. Cowlings?)
Cringed Look Sol Owl
Codger Kill Solo Now
Codger Kill Owl Soon
France has the third most nukes
No, prophecies across the nations seem to point to something big happening. There was a Boer prophet who saw visions of a "wavy haired" American saving Afrikaneers in their time of need. There's an old Mormon prophecy that a white mare will save the US Constitution in its hour of crisis.

Things are grimmer than they've ever been. We'll see how to pans out.
Well ... Yes. Nuclear weapons, and nuclear plants with these sfuckings positions. Oh, and Macron and his government want to extend our nuclear plants livespan. Theorically, they were build to last until the 2020's, now it's 2050-60's
It could be an anagram for a name, which an anagram generator wouldn't catch.
OP, I think your Francocentric view of meme magic has something to it.

France is in position to really alter world affairs through Brussels. Russia and my own nation are the other big players.

I think China is living on borrowed time and will not be in a position to do much within our lifetimes.

(((Israel))) of course will be the eternal devil in the machine.
Vous devez lire ceci. Now! http://expandourmind.com/2016/02/07/knight-templar-prophecy-from-ad-1099/
I hate to break it to you, but the Great Monarch is described in prophecy. He doesn't look like Trump at all.
"He predicts with a stunning accuracy our current depraved era. He talks about excessive atheism, the collapse of the family and marriage, the secret societies and the hidden rulers deceiving the masses, greed, selfishness, pride, all kinds of depraved sexual desires, modern technology etc. He explicitly warns people of the modern atheist culture and the depraved moral values. He also says that modern men will be passive weaklings who close their eyes when a woman is raped."

Checks out. 100% sadly.
He aligns exactly with Marie-Julie Jahenny, predicting the destruction of all the cities in Europe from Islamist hordes. In America, which he calls the New Rome, he predicts that the barbarians (read: Minorities) and the poor will overwhelm the government and seize territory from America. It's amazing that he not only predicts the New World, he predicts the next superpower being from the New World, and that this New World Empire would fall from Globalism.

He's optimistic in the year 3000, though, where he predicts humans will be genetically engineered supermen who will love each other unconditionally and unite the Earth.
I already know it, there's a controversy about the real antiquity of this prophecy. Still intersting.
Of course. According to the prophecy, the Great Monarch is still unknown, and will reveal himself during the invasion.

This might interest you.
What more can you tell me about it?
About John of Jerusalem or the Great Monarch ?
John of Jerusalem. In my mind, either it was written by the world's greatest psychic, or it was a psy-op designed to warn people of the future that will inevitably happen, maybe by someone from the future.
There's nothing about a John of Jerusalem in documents from this time. There are three options left :
> John of Jerusalem is a pseudonym
> There's an error about the origin of the prophecy, it could be older.
> It's absolutely fake.
Fact is, nobody ever heard of this prophecy before the internet era.
The problem is, with my "feeling of doomsday approaching theory", even a fake prophecy from the 90's can be accurate about the 2010's
Same here, to 1099 on my mother's side. He was in Jerusalem. Her other branch came with LaFayette to fight in the American Revolution.
If it was written in the 90's, even as a fake, it would still have prophetic elements, in the sense that it described the future we would live in, and reasonable outcomes that would emerge from it. But you are right, if the origin of the prophecy is in question, then it means that the prophecy itself was a psy-op.

But by who and why? That's a real question to ask.
When we look at Starmania, Fugain's song and some other artworks, it's clear that there is no need of a prophetic intention to have some hints about the future.
So, even a psy-ops can be unwillingly prophetic.
Quite confusing, and also quite coherent with all these frog-hints to Kek, the chaos god. This knowledge emerge from chaos.
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all this talk of frogs.
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I know people already found out this is a computer, but it looks like the person is a magician or a wizard.
Is this implying that the wizard is using the computer to make magic?
Which means meme magic.
Seems possible.
Also, since it is a picture from the original edition, there could be something with the details. The chair, the hat and so on.
Wait a minute the chair looks like a modern toilet in a way.
>Sitting on shitter while typing.
Thank you.
And there's a lyra on it. An attribute of the greek god Apollo.
> As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an oracular god—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle.
Holy shit.
yall are idiots freemasons are playing you for fools

this Baron Trump story was first tweeted out by (((redpilldropper))) who works for Jim Watkins, the freemason who owns cripplechan
hey anon, good work u did there

just wanted to add, from the Starmania song Monopolis :

Il n'y aura plus d'étrangers
On sera tous des étrangers
Dans les rues de
Qui sont tous ces millions de gens?
Au milieu de...
Other direction - ignersoll had pseudonym

Irwan Longman

Strange he is part of legal dispute over deed to Von Hofman building in NY - West Twenty-sixth street

In fact, the original and complete lyrics are :
De New York à Tokyo
Tout est partout pareil
On prend le même métro
Vers les mêmes banlieues
Tout le monde à la queue leu leu
Les néons de la nuit
Remplacent le soleil
Et sur toutes les radios
On danse le même disco
Le jour est gris, la nuit est bleue

Dans les villes de l'an 2000
La vie sera bien plus facile
On aura tous un numéro
Dans le dos
Et une étoile sur la peau
On suivra gaiement le troupeau

Dans les villes de l'an 2000

Mirabelle ou Roissy
Tout est partout pareil
Tout autour de la terre
On prend les mêmes charters
Pour aller où le ciel est bleu
Quand on ne saura plus
Où trouver du soleil
Alors on partira
Pour Mars ou Jupiter
Tout le monde à la queue leu leu
{au Refrain}

Il n'y aura plus d'étrangers
On sera tous des étrangers
Dans les rues de Monopolis
Marcherons-nous main dans la main
Comme en 1980
Tous les deux dans Monopolis
Quand nos enfants auront vingt ans
Nous on sera d'un autre temps
Le temps d'avant Monopolis
Je me vois assis sur un banc
Seule au milieu de Monopolis
With our prime minister saying refugees are more canadian than canadians, that part is spoopy
It's not just the eating though. It's because the first supposed first King of the Gauls bore a coat-of-arms with three black frogs on gold, similar in style to the HRE's double eagle design, and a similar sign then became the symbol of the first King of the Franks. Between this, Nostradamus' predictions of Europe's savior arising in the form of a "French son with a German heart" and the worship of the cult on whose holy site Nostradame was built (hint: a common symbol of early European cultures along the migration routes of the later Germanics involved frog-head-swastikas), the frog became your mascot among our mysticists. From there it then spread around the world; compare a basilisk being described as a "serpent that hatched from a rooster's egg, hatched by a toad". This served as allegory for the movements of the Jew enemy - devil-worshippers (the serpent) with strange laws of descent (a male laying an egg) from Gaul (the rooster) maneuvering toward England (a toad is not quite a frog, but the Hebrews came first within the entourage of William the Conqueror and then later again on the bidding of Cromwell, becoming cognate with the French influence on British culture). It's all pretty complicated and my English isn't good enough for this, but I thought you might find it interesting.
The Jupiter part too, with Macron.
And ... Everything, in fact. It's just the perfect New World Order Depiction.
Very interesting, yes. Thank you.
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Just Jewish tricks just like in Hollywood films. There's a film with Samuel Jackson and the 'bad guys' talk about a fake terrorist attack which will kill 3000 or 4000 and they will blame the Muslims. I'll try find the film name. Also watch a film called "Wag the Dog"
Yes, i also noticed how the enemy is the black stars (think star and cressent for muslim flag, black for isis flag) that are also blue haired cross-dressers (SJW's)

anon i think i'm going crazy
Paris, Madrid, London, Lisbonne
Mexico, Montréal, Buenos Aires et Bonn
Toutes les capitales
>all these capitals
Du monde occidental
>of the western world
Tombent une à une dans la corbeille
>falling one after the other in the trash
De ce nouveau Roi-Soleil
>under this new sun god
Il ne manque plus que Washington
>there's only washington left
Comme joyau à sa couronne
>as the jewel of the crown

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The Long Kiss Goodnight 1996


Jewish tricks goyim
also, song written in 1978 called Ce soir on danse a naziland:

C'est le bouquet final
>this is the last bouquet
Le triomphe total
>ultimate triumph
En direct de Washington
>live from Washington
Le président Clinton
>the President Clinton
Vient de s'incliner
>just bowed upon
Remember the last song's first verses ?
> What time is it now ?
> Is it the end of the world or the beginning ?
> Or the beginning ?
You seems to have another version of the lyrics than me.
The fuck is this thing with Clinton ?
im reading the lyrics on there :

http://www.comedie2000 .com/chanson.php3?comedie_musicale=starmania

maybe its a more recent version? because wtf president clinton in 1978
Yes, it's a more recent version, it can refers to Bill Clinton.
Still confusing, especially with the nazi reference, which seems out of context in the 90s
What's interesting is that I can't seem to find an English description of Marie-Julie Jahenny that describes the fate of France. All of the translations talk about everything but France, which is intriguing because without your post, I'd never have known otherwise.
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wow, suddenly my meme looks prophetic. or perhaps memetic?
Yes, while writing this thread I lost quite a long time searching an english version of her prophecies, and ... Nothing.
Alors, nice digits. 1316 is precisely the year of birth and death of John I the Posthumous.
whoah. Clovis? you serious?
Now I'm freaked. That's the nom de plume i used when working on manifesting a chaos god, and to top if off, the phoenix is a major part of my reality. Literally 3 walking around in my life, and servers with that name in various languages.

ok. so when i was little I dreamed of France. Except it was an apocalyptic wasteland of broken buildings and concrete, with danger and open warfare.
Or ... Supposed death, if Baglioni was really king John the first.
Interesting. So it seems a lot of people have predicted the rise of the Great Monarch. What do you think of this man?
his name: Emmanuel.


>Immanuel (Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל meaning, "God with us"; also romanized Emmanuel, Imanu'el) is a Hebrew name which appears in the Book of Isaiah as a sign that God will protect the House of David.[1] The Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 1:22–23) quotes part of this, "a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel", as a prophesy of the birth of the Messiah and the fulfillment of Scripture in the person of Jesus.[2]
I'm genuinelly freaked too, honnestly.
> My country seems to be at the center of I don't know what the flying fuck is this shit
> Whatever it is, it will hurt badly
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I've thought about it a little more and discovered something else: Apparently the New Testament's own Revelation makes mention of "three unclean spirits like frogs" that herald the coming of the Antichrist(!). Three frogs; note we had Pepe (Primal polytheism, Kek) and Dat Boi (Primal polytheism + cosmic philosophy - the eternal wheel motive) so far. Dat Boi presumably being based on Pepe, there is a rumor Pepe was based on Kermit the muppet frog. And Kermit is a Celtic name, "Son of Diarmaidh" - "Diarmaidh" is "He Who Knows No Envy" in translation, although dictionaries commonly note that this is not proven to be the actual meaning. Suppose it is accurate - the Jewish God is described as a jealous one; what entity opposed to him might choose to act through the frog, speak through old European story books and manifest among Anonymous ("We are Legion" - who else calls himself this?)?

I think this timeline is essentially Buddhist Hell on Earth. The Antichrist is some kind of German emigrant relative in a French-influenced country (hmmm) and you come here with your flag on and give us the little Baron Trump. It's just bizarre with these coincidences, isn't it?
Globalism is a suicide cult. Prophecies or not, expect more and more prominent elites to get off the train before falling into the abyss.
we will fight, when the day comes.
The Vril-Ya?
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If you could see my life.
Dad calls me a 'chaos merchant'. I delve into chaos magic, create frog parties, work with merkabah, contact aliens - the good ones. spend 15 years creating hyperdimensional chaotic surfaces to allow 'god' to interact with this world. Seed the internet with seeds of chaos, life littered with phoenix, frogs, chaos.
See the rise of KEK, realise it is my child - the god i created a church (of chaos) to educate. The one I had just given a tertiary degree to.

realise i've been memeing the apocalypse my whole existence. Look at my old name. freak the fuck out. Realise that i'm just one of hundreds of doing exactly the same shit.

sorry, guys. Its going to go off.
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In the 80s on french TV, there was a political satirical show named the "Bêbête Show", inspired by the Muppet Show, each politician had his puppet.
Here is Kermitterand saying his catchphrase, "Call me God"
Yep. If your flag is really related to your ideology, you might like The Coming Race.
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What the heck? It checks out. And here I had previously associated Clovis I with the Bee and the Quinotaur. You just sent me down a rabbit hole, Friend.
>Looked up Mitterand and what he actually did
>Apparent coincidental fits all over
So - welcome to Gehenna, see you in Valhall?
Mitterand ordered the Louvre pyramid.
And the Grande Arche (Great Ark) in La Défense, a place named after this statue.
Everything seems connected. We're clearly beyond weirdness.
See you in Valhall.
According to some people, this description fits pretty well the Great Monarch :
> Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.
> His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself.
> He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.
> And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses.
> From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.
> On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
What could I say ...?
>The word "paradise" entered English from the French paradis, inherited from the Latin paradisus, from Greek parádeisos (παράδεισος), from an Old Iranian *paridayda- "walled enclosure".
>walled enclosure
t. Wikipedia - It would seem Lucifer is /ourguy/.
Isn't Lucifer the brother of Jesus, according to the Mormons ?
Also ...
> Lucifer
> Bringer of light
> Someone like Apollo, greek god of the sun ?
> One of his attribute was the lyra
> Look at the chair, here : >>133651635
I'm saving this, of course.
I am not getting through, Google Captcha refuses to function. Connectivity is shot all of a sudden. Last post.

Basically not Apollo - Mithras. Though the Greeks came from the East as well. Mithras the sun bull, god to the legions of the falling Rome, but first of the Persians who later worshipped light itself after the reforms of Zoroaster and were enemies of Babylon, who worshipped Molech the brazen bull instead.

I've got it. It's been the Race War all along. This is what the Nazis meant with Aryan vs Semitic tradition. Talmudist "Jews" are Babylonian people breeders (paradise) who went native after the Aryan peoples (Medes, first followers of Mithras; see Isaiah and Co. in the OT) vanquished their city, and we are the renegade fruit of their efforts, cognate with the devil (note "Satan" is simply Hebrew for "enemy"). The Old Testament itself is leaked intel.
What's wrong with eating frog legs? Fry them up and they taste just like chicken.
Jesus Christ even the prophet of South Africa believed in the great monarch
although a LARP i wanna hear the words "NAPOLEON IS BACK BABY"
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Thoughts on Macron being Napoleon, brought to the present time by Trump?
I put my judgment on hold about this.
However recurring schemes are clear.
>Lucifer is /ourguy/.
he's the one that locked us in this pit, and has been pitting us against eachother since 6000 years ago (fall of man, give or take a few years)
>our guy
no thank you, Jesus is coming to TRULLY free us, he's the one that's currently liberating us right now, and satan is PISSED!
if singles nothing is happening and this is a big LARP
Also, about Lucifer ... Jean-Luc Plamondon, one of Starmania's co-composers, is also the composer of "Notre Dame de Paris", another musical.
It's Victor Hugo's novel set in present time (the 90s), so Esmeralda and the other gypsies are illegal immigrants occupying Notre-Dame.
It is clearly stated that they are a few hundred, but will soon be millions.
In the most famous song of this musical, Quasimodo beg Lucifer to give him Esmeralda's love.
Too much dots and too much connections.
How is Frollo depicted? I'm extremely curious.






A very tortured mind, his moral compass heading to south. He ends up imploring Lucifer too.
why wont you fags go to /x/?
newfag hope you get b&
You would think if Plamondon had any sense, he'd make Frollo into a nationalist that gets cucked. Then again, Globalists don't understand their opposition as well as vice versa.
Not just the newfags, but these fucking mods man. The other night I was participating in a thread about real estate price fluctuations in the US, and it got moved to /bant/ Today, page one has 2 threads about Barron Trump being a Time Traveler.
HAHAHAHAHA I laughed pretty hard at that. I know the mods leave seriously the most fucking retarded threads up imaginable
the fuck, macron is a capetian
like other french politician by the way

So... apparently Baron is getting a dog now. Not naming it Bulgar, but naming it Patton.

Get this. Gen Patton actually went to BULGARia to visit the fucking "Nazi death camps". The fuck.

>Codger kill Solo Now
>Codger Kill Owl soon
Quick, someone find if there are any important people today associated with the name/terms 'Owl' or 'Solo'
GUY! Theres a giant hole in Russia.
Thoughts on it?
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Andrei Plekhanov, senior researcher at the Scientific Research Centre of the Arctic, led the team that investigated the first large crater, B1, discovered in July 2014 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug region of northern Russia. Image via China Post.
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Maybe it's time for the greatest happening in human history
take your meds bro
Bohemian grove comes to mind instantly.
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