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Thread replies: 108
Thread images: 31

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"You know what? It's gonna be just fine."
"He's not going to be easy on people that are breaking the laws and people that show this tremendous violence."
"You're gonna have a peaceful and beautiful Paris."
"And I'm coming back, so you better do a good job."

Watching it live I have no idea how trump didn't start laughing much less even crack a smile as the reporter was asking that
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Trump-Macron bromance confirmed, Putin on suicide watch
What terrorism in Germany?

More people died in america by the hands of ISIS then in Germany at all.

AHAHHAHAHAH trump is scared, he wants persuade macron to sell oil only in dollar.
That's not what this is.

Macron is destined to be a puppet of either Trump or Merkel.
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>here comes the server with the dessert
>that's ice cream
>Trump bangs his hand on the table while holding the spoons, like a little kid
>Brigitte gets 1 scoop
>Melania : 1 scoop
>Emmanuel: 2 scoops
>Donald is petrified as 1 scoop lands in front of him
>Macron gives him and smug smile

>14/07/2017 : Paris is blown off the map
I think we all have a preference
so it's confirmed, Macron really went rogue

Not yet, Macron thinks he's playing chess with Trump and getting Trump to be more lefty when in reality Trump is bringing Macron to logic and keeping the pressure on him to actually do his job and sort France out.
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I think it's no more complicated than micron trying to boost his street cred
Politics is all about subversion, Macron is trying to get Trump on his good side to help pull him over on things like the Paris accord etc.
Friendship regain with Macron
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This is it boys,the start of a beautiful friendship and a prosperous alliance.
I won't dispute that first bit but if you watched the entire press conference micron said that he expects Donny to stay out of the climate accord forever because it was one of his main campaign promises. I'm sure macron is shmoozing for some things but I think the Paris deal is out of the question
>trusting an ex-banker globalist elite on what he says
haha okay nongeo flag okay
The south will rise again my dear friend :^)
In this thread poeple who don't understand politik.

USA at this moment is very isolated and seeks for an ally especially in EU Zone.
Trump - Merkel relationship is very tense, they don't like each others and Merkel moved closer to China. This move "terrified" USA. Merkel was with Macron this morning but as soon as Trump arrived, she left.
Macron on a other hand wants a rapprochement with the United States and he does a good job from what I saw.

The mystery thing is that Germany and France are the motors of EU, works together, yet there two different visions about China and USA.
Don't know what should I think for this moment.
>Renames "Ministry of Defense" to "Ministry of the Armies"
>Wants to make France a military superpower again
>Auto-proclaims himself "Chief of the Secret Services"
>Fires a ton of journalists
>Says journalists are incapable of grasping his intellect.
>Puts everyone with potential terror connections on a watchlist
>Produces USSR-tier propaganda clips where he's called "The Saviour"
>Cuts welfare and social security, social spending as a whole
>Allows migrants to be worked more than 40 hours a week, to pay them little and fire them easily
>Says Africa's problems are "Civilizational"
>Says African women are having too many babies
>Buddies with Trump and Putin.
>Has literally taken the Bogpill.
>Constantly compares himself to the god Jupiter.
>Cut taxes and shrank the government welfare for refugees
>Backed off on ousting Assad
>Told Italy to go fuck themselves when it comes to the migrant crisis
you'll hear my rebel yell friend


>Trump is "terrified" by Merkel's move to China
Typical Europe thinking it's bigger and badder than it actually is, Trump doesn't give a fuck about Europe and China. The American market is the biggest in the world and if he put tariffs on them they'd be fucked.

Post some sources for that shit, it's all lies that he's said he'll do and media headlines. He's an ex-banker with ties to the global elite, he likes the EU etc, he's bad news and you're either a shill or too retarded to know when you're being played.
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>"And I'm coming back, so you better do a good job."
>Typical Europe thinking it's bigger and badder than it actually is, Trump doesn't give a fuck about Europe and China. The American market is the biggest in the world and if he put tariffs on them they'd be fucked.

Yes, Germany runs Europe and is held by the balls by the US. Has been since WWII. If they stepped out of line they'd be destroyed.
Sounds like you don't understand the English language, bitch. USA number 1 that's all you baguette polishing frogs need to know.
China and Germany have been quite cosy for some times and Merkel, as a pragmatic leader, has always been a very economy first, ideology second politician.
France and China has a very different relationship and are actively competing in many fields, not only industry wise but also the influence in Africa.
>Germany runs Europe
I don't this so, John.
>is held by the balls by the US
Keep believing this if you want
>Has been since WWII
Only Marshall plan thing
>If they stepped out of line they'd be destroyed.
Do you know the word underestimation ?

Lol, I like your dream.
Macron is poised to take merkels spot as leader of the eu when she loses, and he knows the eu is steps away from death's door
He may be a fucking socialist, but he knows france can pay for anyone's shit if the muslims keep blowing them up
i see this more as good PR markets optimism rises, investments to follow. Of course, Macron's still going to attack or dismiss Trump on some policies in case you guys were wondering why he did snug the Russia question from the reporter, France and Germany depend on Russia for gas and also they would really like for sanctions to be lifted because t hurts their own economies.
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>the french actually believe this
le french education
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Grab them by the pussy Trump.
"France is no longer France" appears to have had the desired effect.

Let this be a lesson to those of you who imagine Trump is actually stupid and his Xd chess is nothing more than an infinite legion of monkeys forced to interact with typewriters.
>Typical Europe thinking it's bigger and badder than it actually is, Trump doesn't give a fuck about Europe and China. The American market is the biggest in the world and if he put tariffs on them they'd be fucked.

you're a fucking retard, the European market is much larger than the American market
Goddamn, I love this man.

The nervous laughter from the fag reporters in the audience is the icing on the cake.
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You're a fucking retard, the biggest market by population maybe but it's a population of poor people. Literally google "biggest market" in the world.
Fuck France. I hope you get assfucked by the muslim niggers you all love so much. I honestly hope you get wiped off the map and Le Pen steps in and rebuilds what should have been. I would spit in a Frenchmans face if I saw one in person here.

>Trump-Macron bromance confirmed

fucking lefty plant Macron tricks trump and the people of france
kek kek KEK
>This is it boys,the start of a beautiful friendship and a prosperous alliance.

go beg or something muslim loving eu shill
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Macron had better be secretly /ourguy/
please please please be a crazy frenchman
got more of these? need fodder to fight the macron shills

You're not fighting anything with this you dumb anglo.

Everyone knows he ran as a cuck
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I know.
He's going to fuck France like he fucks the elderly.
The only issue he actually cares about is the EU, he basically ran on more integration of France into the EU, which means less democracy.
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are you the brazil fag that posts in the pro macron threads?

this. Beware of nongeo flags praising the EU too, they're all Merkel.

Maybe some people don't do economic analyses via google you dumb fuck.

>this. Beware of nongeo flags praising the EU too, they're all Merkel.

Yeah, the shill count is at a critical level this month
It's pretty sad when the French President speaks better English than the President of the United States. You guys don't find this the least bit troubling ?
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has absolutely nothing to do with the consumer market. If America pulled out the EU's GDP would crash.
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Macron and Trump have the sames masters. Nothing more.
>ex-globalist banker with ties to elite figures all across the glove

>self made business man who fought against the elite and won

ok m8

Maybe go past Econ 101 and then come back.
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about.

y = cig + nx, and consumer market is cg, so they're very close
>You're gonna make me look bad if what I said about you turns out to be false!
He basically admitted he was just gerrymandering when he said that.
How can you honestly vote for this guy?

I-I'm sorry but #ImWithHer now.
>y = cig + nx

the big important letter there is i

Which is why, without America the EU would crash.
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>>self made business man
Nobody cares how much money you have if you can't defend yourself when some big guy kicks your ass. All true power is and always has been Military.
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>takes a loan of 1 million
>turns it into a couple of billion
>did this by accident
por que tu é tão gay, mano? j'aimerais vraiment comprendre ton shill pour la france. honnêtement ça me rentre pas dans la tête.

fuck Macron.
it's time to #MEGA.

it's really not, if you talk about consumers you have to remove i

>tfw arguing with a mong
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Cry more bong
You're just assblast that "mummy may" is burning you to the ground and the frogs are going to anshluss
And I gotta say, couldn't have happened to a worse excuse of a "white" nation
Bye bye, we won't be missing you

Je suis français, tabarnak.
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>Trump-Macron bromance confirmed
I have seen this developing over the past day or so....It was almost funny to hear the /ourguy/ Macron talk....

I am honestly a bit confused. He almost sounds like a nationalist. He was just talking about Frexit right? Im not just making that shit up?

I am somewhat confused at the current state of France, and their angle.
How's your Arab, mate?
I just love how Trump dominates Macaroni in vid related.

It had to be. The French have only ever been great when they are being led by a higher power.

Imagine electing Trudeau, and 3 months in he starts dropping redpills.
>uses y = cig + nx
>then suggests i doesn't matter
>Brazilian education

we'll be fine mate, always are in the end.
Bah c'est expliqué, alors. Tu dois trouver difficile la vie au Brésil, vue qu'il n'y a pas vraiment beaucoup de musulman là-bas, kek.

Are you retarded, you wanted to discard gdp, then insist we use gdp?
Macron is trying to out-chess Trump and bring him more the left and in line with what the globalists want.

Trump is doing the reverse trying to bring Macron into logic and helping to save France.

Trump just wants to save Europe and the world, his Poland speech was the best evidence of this.
The closer Macron and Trump go, the more power Merkel looses. A good approach to divide (((Europe)))
I didn't discard GDP, you brought it up and I then argued with you on it.

Yes you did, you said consumer markets had nothing to do with it.

So don't use the gdp component non included in consumer markets.

>actual brain problems

top kek
Consumer markets have extremely little to do with GDP.

I just gave you the formula to prove the opposite.

Even a 5 year old can understand cig + nx
There are only 12 months in a year, dumb ass.
Much like our president I'm very critical of france only because I love you guys so much. I've been to France for 2 weeks for the past 4 years. I love you food, your history, architecture, and people. Please don't throw it all away because jews told you it was a good idea to let in barbarians for the sake of humanity that they themselves don't even show us goyim.
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hello sluice / renaar, russian hacker here. The deleted all my accounts including my discord

Dates are written in that way amerilard.


Your system is fucked up.
>Nonsensical American calendars
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the catalog is filled with macron shills

wtf is /pol/ gonna do about this
>Your system is fucked up.
And it always fucks my date based google searching
Ok anon. We are going to delete this post in three seconds from now, understood?
It's not funny. Macron surrendered to the winning team. It's what France always does.

But in their defense. It's not always cowardice. Occasionally, it is intelligence.
I'm personally going to ignore trump going back on everything he's ever said and call people who don't shills.
He's actually not a socialist. Le Pen was more left than him.

It was his globalism that was concerning.
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absolute fucking kek, best post I've read in a while
Yes, rest assured everybody that everything is in best order and we love our beloved Führer of the free world!
Name one thing buddy
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Pic related.
>No two countries have a closer friendship

Sorry Pierre
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Macron wants more refugees.
That's just plain wrong, the EU is the biggest market in the world, it would be foolish to turn the back especially when chinks crave a closer relationship with Europe, Trump knows it and he is trying to keep his campaign promises while not burning bridges which is complicated.
However it's true that germans act like hot shit and think themselves as bigger than they really are, since 2008 they are showing an increasing amount of confidence which turned into arrogance during Hollande presidency.
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It's weird because remember that Macron's little G20 Paris Accord website thing where you put your name and your dreams or whatever.

I basically said my dream was to have Macron be beheaded and tortured like the Bataclan viticms so that he'd know what his fellow countrymen are going through.

The week after this, he started doing cool shit like the Africa speech. Make sure you guys remind your leaders how shitty the real world is because they only hear it from Africans whining for gibs.
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>who fought against the elite and won

That's why all his kids minus one are married with powerful jewish families and his preferred child is with the creepiest and most well connected (((one))) in the world.
The elite always play on both sides, the fact a minority of them supported Trump does not mean he is a white knight.
>Trump's kids are elite globalists ergo Trump must be elite globalist
That's usually how it works but not always, most of Trump's offspring are redpilled. Ivanka isn't and that's about it.
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big if true
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>That's why all his kids minus one are married with powerful jewish families
Eric Trump's wife is not a Jew. Tiffany isn't married and neither is Barron.

I'm not even defending Trump, I'm just pointing out the fact that you are a fucking retard who parrots what you hear and see on TV and the internet.
Trump knows Macron is more based than he will ever be.
Macaroni has no convictions. None. He can change his mind on anything at a moment's notice. He definitively would not have won if it wasn't from the FN.

First he tried to defy Trump. Now they look like butt buddies.

What happened?

Macron is definitively a very smart person. He probably figured out that Trump is there to stay. And that eventually Trump and his cabal will get his way.

Maybe he hopes to one up Germany.
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