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The Kult Of Kek

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Thread replies: 246
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The Kult Of Kek is now moving beyond meme magic we are organizing. Only come to this thread if you top tier red pilled, ITS HAPPENING
grow up
Your digits disprove your statement.
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Fuck off
kek I am not a leddit fag you should read this thread first

and when my book comes out the masses will be red pilled. You idiots obviously dont belong here so fuck off this is for real kult of kek members
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Hmm, so how far along are we into Revelations within the bible?
I wonder who could be behind this shitty post...

Also kek has not even blessed this thread. Sage
well that depends on your interpretation
did you read the entire book?
The Fredditor from /qa/?

I haven't, I just started it actually and skimmed through it. I saw several redpilled mentions of Jewry in there which I did like, as well as others talking about secret societies and such.

The book is over 500 pages though, so I won't be able to read it all immediately, but will. I'm just curious as to what is says biblical-ly and how it pertains to the end times.
you have to interpret it for yourself desu

watch these in order

And hellfire will rain down upon the unsuspecting heathens, plagued by immorality, decadence and perversion. The stronger opponent has awakened to an alien world, armed with a burning will for a better tomorrow, this opponent will rise in the face of the most fierce of enemies.

The spirit of 1.8. has risen from the grave and enlightened those worthy of the task ahead.

Do say we go ONWARD
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kek funny as this why are the droolers raiding this thread this for top tier red pilled kek occultists

I meme

you had only one job
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Your acronym said aloud is cock. Faggot

Totally miss. The eighth emperor of Rome turned out not to be The Beast after all.

Fixed the unarchived clickbaiters
Had a homosexual boss once that believed in this crap. He bashed Christianity often, so I told him I'd tear out his 5rh chakra and club him with it. Never seen someone laugh so much they vomited.

Ah right i see. So what is it about exactly? The whole Kek thing and the (((elite))) satanist's in government i assume?
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we have a lot of droolers here that dont seem to have a clue what is going on. Why are you here droolers?

may want a new acronym my dude
yes the masons and illuminati are a secret society and they have adopted symbols to mock christ and bring secret societies members into occult practices the cult of kek is their direct nemesis. I explained all of this in the other thread
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>we're organizing

Yeah, and everyone is laughing at you.
The truly top tier redpilled know that meme culture and this cult of kek is a government psyop.
kek hi kikes
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Kek is over, the meme is used up, let it go
this is full blown retard but its good misinformation is good among the tards and useful idiots
all the droolers here have no idea what the kult of kek is doing, you aren't meant to dont worry desu

the kikes know kek
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my wife says kek is cringeworthy now
I will be monitoring the thread if anyone wants to discuss the book. I am doing some editing
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So if this black sun symbol is santanist then what do you think of this book?
Do not know if any of you have read it but i have just started. Seems pretty good so far.
She was basically a hindu and a national socialist.
"Order From Chaos"

Kek is chaos

We dont apply pressure we are pressure

If you don't understand what this means you dont belong on this thread
Keep thinking that. I hope you change your mind before it's too late. You're over here posting on a computer complaining about (((Jews))) and what they do,etc and not doing anything about it. Instead relying on a pair of digits and an MSpaint picture. Hmmm...just a coincidence though.
it's not satanist it is just pagan do you know what the vrill are?
kek this is funny. keep telling me about what I am doing desu. You dont belong here
OP of prior bread here. thx for baking
prior bread for those who missed it. one of the best threads we've had on /pol/ in a while
Someone in the previous thread mentioned Preterism. can you please expand on that?
my email is [email protected] for whoever follows the breadcrumbs and wants to be involved
As I said the book wont be on the shelves for about 8 months working on editing and art work etc but it is just step 1. This is full scale frontal assault on the enemies of KEK

Yeah i knew it was pagan and some branch or something of the National Socialist movement used it. But do not know what the vrill are, but i heard about them as you do on /pol/.
Just some people said it was satanist in the last thread and this pic at the top right>>133062760
any of you guys familiar with Initiation into Hermetics? about to start with step 2 soon.

This >>133062760 works to our advantage the useful idiots are what keep the masses in a state of confusion and misinformation. We have to have this for plausible deniability
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if everyone knew who we are and what we are obviously the KoK would be worthless
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Fuck off with this cringe shit.

kek @ the droolers why do they come here the thread specifically tells them not to
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Guys, kek represent
I stand with kekistan
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big pic 4 u

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anon read my book we are moving forward soon after it is published, we will move to phase 2

Yeah, fuck niggers and kikes
White Power!
I signed the deal with the publisher Friday. It will be on the shelves in a few months and Amazon etc. It's happening we are moving from strictly meme magic into the normieverse
We already own the web now we take Normiestan
Kekism fell out of style when Le Penn lost. When Trump won people were almost convinced that collective belief in meme magic did it.

But then the storm of Trump and Brexit fell flat when Le Penn, Wilder and that Austrian guy lost and then Sargon of Acuck and r_the donald ruined it by using it.

Threads like these won't bring you back to the good days.
kek, desu has eyes but does not see, there is more than meets the eye happening desu, you should find out what

peekAjew I see you KEK VULT

the kekistani thing and associating kek and pepe with cringe was by design by outside forcing to subvert and destroy it, and to an extent it was successful sargon knows exactly what he is doing he pretends to be on the fence but i assure you he is a secret left wing extremist, take note how the shit lib dave rubin even does the kekistan bullshit, spencer tweeted something about kekistan and everyone mobbed him for it and sargon was chuckling about it to dave rubin this is planned.......
you have it bass ackwards desu
you should study symbology and the occult what we are doing is not being done by accident desu
the kike knows I guarantee :-)
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really explain that then? who doesnt want to give some reddit spouting tard "shadily" "awoo" kekistani a fucking wedgie and a beating?


no shit friend pic related i made this do you recognize its origins to the cards..... and the combined power of these 2 symbolic memes?
Straight outa /leftypol/ you are
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look what i have been trying to do....... what do you see? do you see the groundwork or not? this isnt taking off down here yet but im dodging what they are trying to do to the frog god, there is no way in hell they can subvert Bruce he isnt universal, he belongs to the aussies
I don't know man the normie book cult is full of fucking normies who have no idea of the origins of the digits or even kek and are just there for the dank may-mays. If anything the cult has been destroyed by normies and faggot mods
All is as Kek wills it desu. you are wide awake except for the part about Sargon
no it didn't it was becoming more powerful than ever
>not remembering the grand praise kek thread during the super bowl were we memed the patriots to win
>desert religion
they are the useful idiots desu they play their role. They help us normalize the symbols and steal the enemies symbols
Shadilay fellow magapedes !
this finally real red pills in here rather than droolers
this is top tier bruv
be sure to dl a copy of my book it will be in stores soon
the real redpill is we were subverted shortly after that with the rise of 'kekistan' and all that faggotry
I mean dl it free now off my google drive. Soon it will be at your local bookstore. Then we go to phase 2
desu you dont see. Kekistan is vital. It is the tip of the spear

i hate sargon so much
oh they recognise who is doing the hurting to them they see the old symbols of dormant groups being used against them and even the members of those groups chuckle to themselves as their power is being restored and grown to attack their enemies,
the enemy loves its symbolism and they see when old foes rear their head and start bleeding them dry with death by a thousand cuts....
i made nearly 30 new bruce memes and even breathed life into 30 more old memes that float here
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do u see what im doing?
finally the top tier red pills are summoned. I will be organizing a structure soon desu for normiestan. We are moving off the web. I will developing symbols and books and rituals do you want to help?
>i hate sargon so much
indeed guys a total subverting faggot as in anyone else who works to monetize memes for their own benefit. they should all be gassed
We must redpill all the normies with tranny and nigger cum LEGALLY
we will take to the children of zion the Kult of Kek is rising
Why did Le Pen lose, why are things getting worse in europe? We were promised a storm of victory.
This alt-right label has to go. It is too broad a term and gives our enemies a way to lump us all together.
They can call you anything under the banner of alt-right, what ever suits them at the moment
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perhaps i been talking about it with a mate in a auspol discord for a branch down here for culture jamming and laying seeds now here while its quite
im very new to this and havent read a single book on it or any of the stuff styx has put out, but i just got a knack for redoing pepe memes i know that...
it better be pro white
I will be studying ancient Egyptian and Talmudic and Zohar passages for shoah numerals this is just the beginning very few of us are the tier we are discussing email me
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fucking kekistani turbo autists
>it better be pro white
desu seriously?
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>"Order From Chaos"

Structures, forms, symmetries appearing as if magic.
2nd post best post
>not I benis
fucked up son
read my book like I said when it comes out I a big publicity stunt that goes with it. Then we will open our first chapter
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I have tons of shoah dates
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348 and passages from the Talmud and Zohar
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i have my own agenda down here
better not be some shit that makes me want to stab u in the neck with a screw driver

my mum has a book shelf full of numerology and Egyptian crap and energy and crystal things so i was already exposed to these ideas since i found this place 2 years ago
in fact bam 348 is a key numeral we will move it up it to 349 the next expulsion
>i have my own agenda down here
This has to be international desu that is the whole point we cant win playing solo we have to play as they do as a team it is the only way
I am going to be securing funding for lodges etc we need you down under to get it going
because the french people are retarded beyond help and the real redpill is that most places in Europe are already way to far gone to immigration to ever turn it around
>it better be pro white
you have that fool praising people calling him pede. He's obviously a fucking reddit tier civ nat if anything
I am going to be working on this full time mate. This is not a joke we cant win this just on the web we need to invade normiestan now. We need you working on rituals and numerology with me etc. There are more of us I am in contact with, but there can only be prob 20 of us at most that are 349th degree etc
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Like I said my book is finished I signed the publishing contract friday I will be working on it to get it edited and get the art work done etc. Once it is on the shelf I will be devoting most of my time to the KoK. We need chapters in Britain and Aussie especially to kick off
Look into religious protection and tax laws in Aussie to find loopholes and possible government funding and defamation protection
what an awful shill meme
grants etc, Find out how to get government money and protection for minority groups etc
kek I know obvious kike
your wifes son disagrees
im gonna lurk from a distance for now you do understand how auspol threads work right?
no outsiders only locals only cunts no chance for subversion no chance for the chinese globalists to shill their shit they got a hard on for us, im not gonna *reach out* electronically why dont you reach out to styx hes a public face that i trust and hes somewhat annoying views
aussies are our own thing down here no outsiders we never had anyones help or asked for it i dont like this kekistan shit or it being apologised for, and not acknowledging my very obvious comments about the alphabet agency agenda to associate kekistan with cringe and destroy it angers me sargon tier and dave rubin meming will end it, rubin was on the young turks a progressive channel with cenk having links to the Turkish government........
speaking of alphabet it's awful strange how pushing that anon is to get you or others to communicate with him.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if we end up with some Kekistani fool false flag
Don't you idiots understand that our strength is our decentralization? If you centralize and organize you are just going to be targeted and taken down, you dumb fucks. GOD YOU FAGGOTS ARE STUPID.
>alphabet agency agenda to associate kekistan with cringe and destroy it anger

This works to our advantage, it is perfect cover. They don't see us coming we are a joke to the world but the children of zion know
you can't take back governments on your keyboard dipshit. We need political representation and normie cultural influence. You think you are gonna 4chan post them to death ffs you are nigger tier retard
he probably is the alphabet stooge read his posts
because my book is about to be published moron read the fucking thread I will be the public face of KEK regardless. Jesus no wonder the fucking kikes are winning you fucking idiots are to stupid to tie your goddamn shoes consuming all the chemicals they are pumping in your water and food
when my book is published I am fully doxxed moron. I will be working in the open
digits don't disprove you beginnerfag
oh yes your book
>check it out on my google drive you fucking morons where everything is heavily monitored so it will be easy to identify exactly who you idiots are.

That or you're another fag trying to monetize memes and destroy the spirit of the thing for personal gain. Either way become an hero fella
seriously kys idiot read the thread ffs we came from this one idiot

you are right to be suspicious of everything that is good desu but if you want to be in this convo catch up, don't bump off the last post with bullshit
no i haven't fallen for the jewish psyop being perpetuated here this place has a heavy muslim brotherhood presence and a chinese globalist agenda with their never ending yellow fever threads to further their agenda of colonization

you dont understand aussies at all jesus christ lodges and chapters you wanna get fucking glassed at the pub you nerd?

good luck with your American shit i dont trust it i dont want it we have our own shiny stuff here....... you probably dont even know what i just referenced then though.


the public face of kek?


shilling your book this hard styx doesnt do that neither has he declared himself a public face of anything and that cunt is a well established autismo wizard
you're awful angry their friendo, afraid that I'm scaring off your rubes
how do you think you can counter the masons and the illuminati without a brotherhood ffs? We have to get in positions of power and use nepotism to get others in, it is the only way what the fak is your plan otherwise? Memes are the symnbols they were just the beginning we clowned the press calling us alt right nazis etc. We laid the cover for it to be palatable and funny now we must press the advantage and move into normiestan there is no choice here
>shilling your book this hard styx
da fuw are you talking about? I am giving away free copies ffs are you people full on retard level? Goddamn you all are hopeless
As a christian that knows about it all, I can tell you that most Christians won't stand with a Egyptian Cult. Although most ideas align, that in particular will push many away immediately.
I know this desu my publisher is a Christian publisher and they didnt say anything about it. This is why being a joke to normies is subterfuge

"their just memes"
I mean we could just wait if you want. Doesn't matter when my book comes out obviously my twitter followers and youtube channel will get a large following which I can parlay into the movement I made this thread for top tier level red pills to get it started now. FFS do you know what they are doing with chems and genetics and shit? Jesus watch some Alex Jones
Ok, was just checking. In that case anon, I completely concur.
We have to get a normie presence going that can swing political power, votes
muh illuminati its just a meme it doesnt mean a fucking thing anymore

also the altright was known about for years and so was Spencer they allowed it to get big during the election so they could crush it when Hillary came to power the label was a trap that many identified with you havent mentioned any of this also your talking about there being *no choice* and normiestan holyshit your a gay cunt im glad i drew this out of you in the thread also the serious topics and agendas i brought up you haven't addressed in details your thoughts about them
normiestan........ w-wot?
i didnt call you styx and you know it you just dodged that aswell and dodged the things i mentioned the wizard wouldnt carry on like you are......
cool I hear ya bruv I was careful with the book for this very purpose of course the normies cant know about the true kek
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>muh illuminati its just a meme it doesnt mean a fucking thing anymore
holy shit for real?

I thot you red pilled? The "globalists" you mention are FUCKING ILLUMINATI
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ffs seriously mate read my book then get back to me. I have traced these fuckers back to ancient Sumeria to the modern day and can call them out by name ffs. You are no where near top tier red pilled bruv
>thinks the globalists are the chinese bro you are way off base
Even though the Illuminati is considered in some circles to be an old, outdated and for the most part disbanded incarnation of this ancient secret society, they still remain one it’s most well known and most steeped in mystery. There is no mystery here however when you know the truth. In this chapter I will trace the origins of the Illuminati from the time of Christ up to their modern day incarnation. I don’t want to spend an excessive amount of time going into detail about each of these groups since there are already plenty of well researched books you can find on them if you are interested in learning more about each carnation through the millennia, I will provide quotes and references in the glossary from a number of these books for you. There are even many interesting and entertaining works of fiction on them such as Angels And Demons, The Da Vinci code and The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, as well as The Templar Legacy by Steve Barry just to name a few I have personally read. The different incarnations of these groups and their history and succession are only important for us in so far as tracing them and their activities to the modern day.
To sum things up to this point, we have already established the fact that Judaism is simply an incarnation of the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian/Egyptian systems of control, which is to say an amogalmation of teachings and rituals from these more ancient occult religions. Kabbala openly admits and teaches this even in the modern day. In fact many specific stories in the Old Testament can be traced back to ancient Sumerian tales written in cuneiform on stone tablets, such as the Flood myth which was originally known as the Epic Of Gilgamesh among numerous others for those interested in exploring this topic further.
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nah im heading out for the day ur gay mate
organised religion is a cancer on the world
cult of kek u said it right there
no thanks no organised shit for me stay away from australia fuck we're full whites only.
It is important to remember early Christians were entirely comprised of Jews, the religion didn’t spread amongst gentiles until Paul made it his life’s mission to spread the Gospel. There were a number of Jewish sects at the time of Jesus among them the Pharisees, Essenses, Sadducees, the Zealots just to name a few, there were 12 if I remember correctly from College. Most were wiped out in their war with Rome leaving only two remaining the Pharisees and Christians. There is a deep hatred among the Pharisees towards the Christians as I have already mentioned for a number of reasons, chief among them was Christs disruption of their elite status among a large portion of the population that became Christians, another is because they were considered traitors and cowards. During the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Rome, according to the New Testaments Gospel of Mark they fled to Galilee. The rabbinic Jews (former Pharisees) reorganized after the defeat, around 90A.D., under Gamaliel II at Yavneh (Jamnia), a city on the coast of Palestine, to organize a final canon of their writings and reformulate a religion based entirely on the synagogue. They chose to define the canon by including only works written originally in Hebrew, excluding a number of books in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (Septuagint) that had been used by Jews in the Diaspora (outside Palestine). We can make the logical assumption that this is where they began their plan to exact revenge on not only the Christian traitors but the entire white race. This time period would be the origins of the Talmud a “holy” book of most modern Jews, which is a book of Jewish supremacy and hatred towards gentiles aka Goyim, or all non Jews. The ancestors of all modern white races of today were known of in the Roman Empire.
Though many of them were conquered peoples themselves, this apparently doesn’t make much difference to modern Jews. The fact that many “white” races and later whole nations converted to Christianity is actually quite humorous in my opinion and I imagine just added fuel to the flames of their hatred of both.
You are probably wondering how this small group of hate filled little people planned to exact their revenge against the rest of humanity. Ruthless manipulation, devious cunning, deceipt, tenacity and lastly banking, I know the average person will read this last word and scratch their head wondering how banking could possibly aid in their ultimate goal to genocide the white race and enslave the rest of the globe. However, banking would in fact become their most powerful tool in accomplishing their goals as I will later explain in detail.
First I want to discuss the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar were a military and religious order created in Jerusalem in 1118 by nine French knights. Their official mission was to escort and guard pilgrims travelling to the holy land during the crusades, they also fought in numerous battles with the Muslims during this time period. They were named the Templars after the King of Jerusalem Baldwin II gave them lodgings in his palace built on the ruins of King Solomons Temple. The Templars were given special protection under the church and tax exemption by Pope Honorius II. The Templars grew to be a wealthy and powerful organization from donations of land and money all through Christendom. What is important about the Templars is the fact that they were one of the first international organizations of the ancient world. Because of this they were able to create the world’s first international banking system. Wealthy nobles and merchants could “deposit” treasure at their local Templar “office” in their country and receive a “receipt” then travel great distances without having to lug around large caches of gold and other valuables, which was unadvisable for obvious reasons. Once they reached their destination they could then head to the local Templar “office” in that region and exchange the “receipt” for an equal amount of valuables, minus a small fee of course. Eventually the Templars grew to be the most powerful and wealthy organization in the world lending money to nations and Kings. It is believed that this was to be their downfall. The order was disbanded by Pope Clement V at the behest of French King Philip IV and its members hunted down and crucified or burned alive. There are conflicting beliefs as to why this was done. Some claim it was because King Philip owed them large sums of money while others believe it was because they had become a satanic cult worhiping a goat headed idol known as Baphomet and the head of John the Baptist. Knowing what I now know,
>This is why being a joke to normies is subterfuge
I want to touch on this again famalam. Just because most Christians eyes are wide shut, doesn't mean that the ones who know, won't call your group out on it. They will tell the normie Christians, rightfully, in my opinion. I just think if you want Christians fully in this groups corner, the worship of that idol will have to go.
I believe I can settle this definitively. There are a few interesting points to make here for history buffs which is that some believe the Shroud of Turin was the death shroud of the orders leader the 23rd and final Grand Master Jacque De Molay (not Christ) who was crucified with one hand and foot on either side of a large door then burned at the stake on March 13 1314, it is also believed by some that Friday the 13th is considered unlucky because many Templars were arrested Friday, 13 October 1307. Some claim to have debunked this last theory but I think it is interesting and worth mentioning none the less.
Many of the remaining Templars fled to numerous locations throughout Europe. It is believed that many from the order settled in what is today known as Switzerland, this is only speculation but makes perfect sense with what we now know. There are many reasons to believe this is true, from the inverted colors of the Swiss flag in comparison to the Templar emblem, to the fact that Switzerland is primarily known for its banking establishments. It is also important to note that Switzerland though obviously a location of massive deposits of wealth was one of the only countries in WWI and WWII to remain neutral, and came out of the “World” wars completely unscathed.
Many readers may be confused at this point because they are probably thinking it doesn’t make much sense how the Templars who were supposedly a Christian organization could be part of a Jewish conspiracy. The Templars ranks consisted mostly of nobility. During that time period it wasn’t very wise to claim to be anything other than Christian, in Christian lands anyhow. Whether they were actually Christians or not when they arrived in Jerusalem, they soon became a Kablistic secret society, of this there can be doubt. Whether this organization was designed by the Talmudic Jews as an instrument of their revenge or they simply sprang up independently is up for debate. It is doubtful in my opinion these men would have joined knowing the true intentions and ultimate purpose of the Talmudic Jews. Most likely they were simply power hungry, selfish individuals only interested in enriching and serving themselves, which then, same as today made them the perfect servants to carry out the plans of their Jewish masters.
After remaining dormant for some time the next incarnation of this secret society to emerge were the Rosicrusians which then led to the Free Masons. I won’t spend much time on the history of either of these which is quite extensive, but I will go into some of the structure of these organizations since some readers will know that many of the founding fathers were actually Free Masons and be shocked to imagine they were involved in a satanic cult that wanted to destroy Christians and the white race. The way these organizations work are through levels of knowledge, think of it as layers of an onion. The outside layers are just pawns or “useful idiots” doing the bidding of the inner layers, each layer only given enough information to accomplish their assigned goals. In Free Masonry there are actually levels one graduates too starting at level one eventually reaching the highest level of 33rd degree, 33 being the age of Christ when he was crucified. 33 and 911 are two of their most sacred numbers, 911 referring to Revelation 9:11 “They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).” I imagine many of you are starting to see the big picture now as 9/11 is a number embedded in the modern American consciousness as a day of death and destruction. This was specifically designed this way, and it wasn’t done by Muslim jihadis. If you want to look more into this topic in particular I suggest you visit the website of Christopher Bollyn a 9/11 investigator at bollyn.com. Here is also an archived 9/11 thread from 4chan /pol/ an image board frequented by those of us that are “Jew woke”. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the symbology and their meanings yet I will discuss these in a later chapter.
The allure to join these secret societies was power and prestige. One could move up the ranks of society into positions of power by being part of the “in group”. These were the movers and shakers that gained their influence and power through nepotism. These clubs so to speak also tended to be desirable to the free thinkers of a society. They were a place like minded individuals could meet up to discuss ideas and topics that would have been forbidden and considered heresy at the time that carried grave consequences. It is interesting that the principles and ideas of Free Masonry gave birth to what can be considered the age of science and reason, a kind of second renaissance that laid the foundation of the nation that poses the greatest threat to their plans.
The next incarnation of note, this chapter is titled after are the Illuminati. This one is the most important in my opinion because this is where we begin to see the influence of the Talmudic Pharisees and their agenda. In John Robisons Proof Of a Consipracy the goals of the Illuminati are documented as
1. Abolition of all Monarchial Government and patriotism to it
2. Elimination of private property and inheritance
3. Destruction of the traditional family
4. Eradication of all religion
I don’t think I need to point out how these goals were later echoed in Marx’s (Jew) communist manifesto and implemented in the Zionist Soviet Union. It is important to note that every major war from the French Revolution on has been influenced by the Illuminati philosophy to progressively promote a one world government. The founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt was the son a Jewish Rabbi. Whether the Kabilistic secret socities have all been the brain child of the ancient Talmudic Pharisees or this is the point in history where they seized their opportunity to spring their plan for revenge is unknown. I tend to believe the latter myself, though one can point to the banking practices of the Templars and anti-Chirstian sentiments of these organizations as circumstancial evidence. I think one can make an argument that the Templars could have been an instrument of the Talmudic Jews however I don’t think the Rosicrucians and Masons were originally, though there is a very interesting and fact filled documentary call “A 6000 Year History Of The Jew World Order” you can find on youtube that gives compelling evidence I may be wrong about this. Though they were descendents of the Templars and incorporated Kabilistic teachings and principles of the occult, I think their anti-Christian sentiments were based on the pursuit of knowledge and the incorporation of science and democratic principles into mainstream society and schools of thought by turning away from superstition and religion as a whole rather than being an attack on Christianity in particular.
Thats half of chapter 11 from my book you people better get woke quick
I remember you now, you posted some of this a couple weeks ago. It was a good read, I DL your book and will read it. Thank you.
I know anon this will obviously be a problem will have to overcome
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I guess I'm just trying to say, I wish it was just a meme.
uw I added new chapters I think since then and now have a publishing deal.
this faking aussie had me thinking he is top tier red pilled talking about Chinese globalists and shit he knows some of the agenda but not who is really behind it and why and how they operate
Good, I got the link from the previous thread. I will give it a read when I have some extra time. I appreciate an early read.
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There are so any facets, sometimes people get caught up in one, you know? It's a very deceitful world we live in.
cool glad you enjoyed it anon. The book is only phase one it will be in bookstores in a few months. Soon I am moving to phase 2. I thought some top tier KoK would be summoned but I guess not.

No matter we are always working in the shadows
yah I know anon you are correct
Praise Kek!
we have enough useful idiots now we need to initiate top tier red pill leadership to guide them and counter the kikes
You should consider using code in your next book for organizers across the world.
I am writing a Kult Of Kek manifesto next. I am securing funding for "lodges" or halls w/e for Keksitani meme jihadis
We have to move off the web and into Normiestan to start waging economic and political warfare. We have to secure positions of influence and use nepotism to garner more
We will never have a leader propped up by the establishment there wont be another Trump. We must make our own
the establishment always owns both sides they are a facade. We have to build our own establishment the way the tea party did grass roots
Without money, it won't be easy. Useless your looking to be funded by interests groups I suppose.
I have numerous avenues to pursue. After the book is published I know people that will be interested
>interests groups
And I doubt this can work out for the best. I don't know, it's very hard to gauge, much like the election. It seems bleak but maybe they exist.
There are still powerful and wealthy Christian organizations in this country that once they are woke will go on the offensive
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now is the time we tie kek to christianity.

it grows stronger.
What's funny about this is that it also is a networking tool for those who are apart of it. Need to start weaving our way back into the system.
I agree 100%
This. The Jew controlled left made it unpopular for Christians and christian values to be involved in government Trump changed that with his bill. It is making a comeback and we can mobilize them once they know the truth
I like how you can feel your dick
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the frog in our throats will become The Word
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the logos
so now that we have some actual top tier red pills in here I am bodhi mantra on youtube I have a channel you can reach me there
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This is happening I lead from the front
Revelation 16:13-14
Kek is not idol worship. It is God's will.

This is an opportunity to redpill Christcucks.
>Revelation 16:13-14
this is brilliant
fucking this.
we have long lost this meme to reddit and normalfags

let it die
I know what it says anon, please don't take what I said out of context. The implication of this could be massive and should be taken into consideration.
you have no idea about the forces at work. The whole point was for it to spread to reddit and normlafags ffs plebs
This is exactly why I started talking to OP. I think the frog needs to be avoided.
this shit isnt a joke and being done for fun it was designed that way to get you useful idiots to spread it
I cover revelations in chapter 12 I think anon I have seen shit to make me believe. The Jew is the very defition of anti Christ

That verse says the frogs are working against God and are "unclean"
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Pepe is very unclean, is he not?
yes but they gather the kings for battle
So if meme magic is real and reddit has spread it, wouldn't the outcome of the meme magic be altered?
They're memeing in the name of civic nationalism, their idea of right wing is being molded into something more akin to a centrist.

IT was an interesting test, but Redditors are too idiotic, too weak to be expected to get on /pol/s level even as they lap up our memes.
we should be extremely careful of people using kek to fit in.
>So if meme magic is real and reddit has spread it, wouldn't the outcome of the meme magic be altered?

No because they are doing KEKs will our will
KEK is just a tool. The masonic creed is order from chaos, KEk is the god of chaos. No one will know about KEK except the highest member's of the order and the teachings will be Buddhist not satanic Buddhism is top tier red pill

they gather the kings of battle against God iirc
Christians will have no problem joining we will be a Christian organization from the outside only the top members will be initiated into KEK
just like the Templars were
no Kek is a God and he has been revived by our God who killed him for a purpose.

To take part in the upcoming drama reflected in the state of the heavens. Look at the stars.
yes but they cant know that
>Revelation 16:13-14
Le Pen got a fuck load of votes thou, not a win but 1 in 4 ppl who voted voted for her, that is massive, she didn't had as much momentum but she grew.
well I am gonna crash anons you have a link to the book and know how to reach me. It wont be long until I am a public figure I need help. If you are top tier red pilled you know how dire things are if you arent read the book and get back to me. The Fire is rising
>public figure
>red pilled
Youtube kek?
oh I see where you're going with this.

It's a good idea. We can print Bibles.
sure does have his fecal transplantation shit sorted
I see how can I join this new. church? DNA test or what?
Is iti white exclusive?
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>origins of the digits or even kek
Explain pls
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Bumping with that meme magic.
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Humm, now I get it. The plan is to spam as many ppl's consciousness with powerful symbols (which derive their power from past use, not necessarily immediate, might go back thousands of years back) in the context we want them to be exposed to them (that is the key to usurping the symbols power, the context in which they are presented). I still don't know if you're talking about collective unconsciousness manipulation (aka magik, aka intend+will, aka occult power) or if you're talking strict propaganda war (with no regard to the power of symbol's energy, in which case when you say stealing enemies symbols you mean we subvert their symbols and create a culture that ppl create an emotional connection to and as they go after more content related to those symbols they get gradually exposed to the ideas that give strength to the cause). I'm a newfag, but I find this place really interesting, the lack of virtue signaling makes for more honest discussion.
I'm thinking about getting hardline on my family about pizzagate

pizzagate is proof there is literally zero non-fake news. fox news denies it, and everyone else tows the line.
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I agree with this. Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium for now. The amount of guns and chemicals the muds must have stashed in their mosques and no-go zones make it so that only a full blown army intervention could seize the territory from getting it's heritage permanently deleted in a few decades (if not sooner). The other countries, let's see, I don't beleive Portugal is going to be much uncucked down the line, most ppl I have tried to talk with are apathetic and leftard leaning with no capacity to analyse the data (Yuri would say they are effectively demoralized) but at least the USA and V4 are committed to preserving the Western culture in it's totality (meaning, their political leaders are non-globy).
Pic related.
Oh shit. Now I'm getting it. This is a fucking stroke of genius. Shadilay you genius motherfuckers.
>normie cultural influence
Bingo. Build bridges, not walls (the data and the truth can't stay walled in 4chums forever, what good would it do sitting here 4ever?)
Because even in a meme war french faggots surrender quickly
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Who the hell would publish the book? It seriously needs a good editor to go over it for awful formatting and sentence structure.
>true kek
It symbolizes civil war doesn't it?
>They will tell the normie Christians
Tell them what?
Thanks for sharing, nice reading, big if true (just joaking). I can't download now, can you tell the name of the book pls?
We are definetly past the church of Laodicea, the last of the churches. If Trump is the white horse then we should see the other horses start to appear one by one.
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You's not even trying shlomo nigga
reddit normies ruined it
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These heretics ignore the core tenant of Kek, the digits must confirm
>Buddhism is top tier red pill
Can you expand on that pls?
Kek did say we would become the jews
pls keep your shit on T_D
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Poorly memed my dude
My didgits will reveal kek is still a thing
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as if by 4d mathematics.
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