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White Lady

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Thread replies: 302
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Do these "women" that browse /pol/ for a week and start producing videos good for us?

I mean they are spreading truth with a pretty face for us


are those that go against people like this shitskins and other females that are jealous ?
I always see

>hurrdurr camwhore
>just in for the money

bullshit like this

but I don't see how it should bother any of you white guy /pol/ users
Does she have a feminine penis?
>file name is english even tho his flag is german
>video has 600 views so it was posted just now

stop shilling your videos here OP
I cranked one out to one of her old camwhore videos while listening to the video about why you shouldn't masturbate. One of the best faps I've ever had.
we have ID's here you damn newfag senpai

at this point what difference does it make>?
I'd imagine to be a total lefty anti fa and watch her videos and get triggered and start shaking

after that I'd go to her camwhore site and make her do sexual things

>that would be the biggest turn on ever
seriously political porn has future
>inb4 someone posts her nudes
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They're doing it for attention. Useful idiots really. Either way you shouldn't make useless threads about e-celeb bullshit.
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>that betty page haircut
>political porn has a future
BLACKED has been around for a few years now and is explicitly political. The right just needs to start making their own
Well usually people are just trolling when they call people cam-whores but she's legitimately a cam whore.
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that's what I mean

are you a nigger? or lefty?

don't you understand that these idiots are spreading our message?

fucking shitskin
Yes, it's good for us, only shitskins and shills will disagrer.
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indeed but just because it's propaganda doesnt make it political

for lefties I'd imagine something like cucks where the republican hubby is bound up while wife is having sex with anthony wiener while telling hubby what a moron he is for voting for trump

the right has so many more options because we simple impose dominance by raping SJW and while doing so telling them redpills and how their entire world view is flawed and now how they actually enjoy us dominating them because the entire left comes from women not being dominated enough
just think about it

everythread about "our e-sluts" "our useful idiots"

is filled with memes about them

How molymeme is a dollar grabbing cult leader

how that gay brit TALKS WITH FUNNY ACCENT

or the other gay faggot who is just attention whoring


it's like the daily niggerhate threads dont help

we are filled with shitskins and lefty self hating faggots who just wait for threads like this for example and attack the shit out of her
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we should all be degenerates... just like her
what does that even mean?
don't you dare saying you don't masturvbate and edge daily for 2 hours
look at this for example

you attack someone who makes such a video>???? are you retarded?
>be cam whore
> stop camming (last broadcast is may 24th)
>a week later post a video about how bad porn is
women were a mistake
nein, mein bruder. es ist gegen unseren Seele solche Eseln zu sein. Ich sehe dass du ein wenig volkish bist.

you sound just like faggot CNN pussys who talked shit about how trump used to be a democrate and now is running as republican

this is a typical lefty strategy you pussy

so if it's against you gay little treehugger soul why don't you rejoice because she made a vid sayig how porn is bad for her 25k subscribers to see
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>find full webm with sound
>washing your hair in piss makes them orange
so that's why they are so obsessed with this hairstyle
Someone post her porn
>how trump used to be a democrate and now is running as republican
absolute horseshit, he always had connections to both democrats and republicans
Bist du blood, blind oder beide? she saw a new pond full of hungry little fishes and she had some good bait. just the fact that she did those things means she has harlot blood running through her veins.
>>hurrdurr camwhore

It's not "hurrdurr" you fucking imbecile. Whores only belong in the trash.
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cute and funny but actually they are "obsessed" because they can't have any other haircut because their shitskin hair is filled with so much melanin even pouring 1kilo hydroxide on it would just beach it to make it orange

They'd need to bleach their hair maybe 5 times to get it platinum i.e malanin free but their shitty hair would break by doing so

so they are stuck with orange

also redpill:
>niggers have to cut their hair really short so they look more like a whiteman with short hair

>because by letting the hair grow naturally they would seem extremely faar removed from the human race

tl:dr niggers literally have to take care of their hair their entire lifes to look more like they belong to the evolved white masterrace
she's a useful idiot at best
she is literally putting put vids with OUR TRUTHs

she is bringing in normies who are attrackted to her pretty face

haveing a nasty carrer as a cam whore would only make her more popular with the normie bro's
>le /pol/ is one person meme
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are you ratarded you hypocritical little bitch you watched more pussy in porn then there are women in swiss

just like me, but the difference between s Is I stand by what Ive done

and you play the fucking holy monk and judge and bitch about someone that is playing for our side

I'd punch your little manleet beta face If I'd have you infront of me bitchboy
stfu you nasty mudshit

I'm talking about gods truth but in this day and age gods truth is mostly found here

cousin fucking brown little bitch
these are sub-normie types. try basement-dwelling fatsos who are totally numb to the sigh of a woman. so what, she is supposed to be the hooker with the heart of gold? if you want to give the redpill, you must first have it in you.
and if we put an ex-camhore as a lead figure, would that not belittle our movement. would we not be the new slut-walk sjws?
I'll fuck your cousin German cuck
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this is literally the appeal to authority fallacy

just because she isn't mother with 5 children she can't talk about that we need to save Europe?

go fucking kill youself you larping micro dick bitch
see >>132627144
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Of course you'd want to fuck my obese 34 year old cousin you pathetic little hair subhuman manlet

but I'm sure you'd rather fuck a fat big who has the quaran glued with shit on his back
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You dumb cunts don't realize that these girls can attract a whole new market of people to redpill. They are the best thing going.

>constantly bitch about degenerate western women
>western women start to open their eyes and fight against degeneracy
>wah, camwhores
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because of what? it would make her protected because SJW couldnt attack her based on her because SJW are about empowering women even if they are sex workers

Sex fucking sells

look at our other dollfaced cute as fuck alr-right girls

they all are not mothers but fucking "attention whores" that we NEED BECAUSE NORMIES LOVE THEM YOU FUCKING DENSE MOTHERFUCKER
>tfw you realize that they're pushing for acceptance so they can get out of the blackmail that's held above them
Careful Hans, you could get arrested for posting those pics
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that's what I see but then we have these shitskin and betamale crypto lefties faggots that say the shit you see here in this thread
I see that kind of haircut, I automatically tune out. If you want the orbiter beta views, at least get a feminine haircut
stop fucking talking to me shitskin

go blow up some other fucking shitskins that are equally valueless to the world you pathetic little ugly man

the fuck have you contributed the past 200 years? fucking nothing because the people you think are your decendens died out manny centuaries ago

you're the filth of goatfucking little valueless shepherds

none of your ancestors have ever done anything and they never will


>alt-right spokesperson
when she will enable her comment feed and come clean about what she did, then i will have another oppinion.
you do know that if people see this thumbnail and the shitty SJW haircut they thing "she" is one of them so they click on it and get redpilled

that's [erfect marketing

it would be even more genious if she dressed 100% like a feminazi SJW
l o l
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look at you pathetic little hair man proving my point that it's you shitskins going against all if these e-celeb rightwingers

fucking dumb subhuman
>little hair man



what's the argument here ?

you litle subhuman shitskins could never do any of this camshit work because youre so damn ugly and no one would pay a dime

(I'd actually oay you both if you soduku live on cam) 2 subhuman less on the world
Honestly, I don't care. It's not like I can stop them from making these videos and despite whoever they are, ideas that will get normies closer to us is good.
so what's your opinion about these subhumans here ?

>a German is a cuck

Imagine my surprise
fucking subhuman your self hatred must be strong to hang out in places like this

fucking KILL YOURSELF muhamad goatfucker
>Sie redet über die Rasse und klasse,und Männer sollen aufhören Pornos zu schauen,Verkauft ihre Fotze auf einer cam! Lol
You fucking White Knight! :)
Cuck deluxe! :D
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she's talking about white genocide and anti left stuff

she could fuck dogs in her spare time

I don't give a shit

she has more people following her then PEOPLE YOU WILL ACTUALLY KNOW in life you little shit
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are you mentally retarded? are your parents maybe brother nd sister? fucking little subhuman you think I'm being ironic?

fucking kill youself you useless little shit
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>Do these "women" that browse /pol/ for a week and start producing videos good for us?



The alternative is her doing a video talking about how she gangbangs niggers and how other white girls should do it too. But half the people here have a cuck fetish from all the slide threads, so they would actually prefer that.
I will fuck your mother you son of bitch
Nothing really, The one guy is probably shit posting under the muslim flag. I can understand people being afraid of people trying to subvert the group as a whole or counter signal against our ideals.
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>she's talking about white genocide and anti left stuff
White Genocide? The white people killed them self and butcher them self over centurys
Lol there is no need for other to do that!

>she could fuck dogs in her spare time
>I don't give a shit
I know you don´t give shit,but imagine in the future
"How you did fight the white genocide white rose?"
"I Showed my pussy on cam"! LOL

>she has more people following her then PEOPLE YOU WILL ACTUALLY KNOW in life you little shit

You are really a cuck and Mangina! Are you not!? :D
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Hmmm...are good looking women who introduce race realism, nationalism and the idea of a white ethno-state to hundreds of thousands, of not millions of people good for us? Really beats me to answer this question, OP...

>hurrdurr camwhore
>just in for the money
Literally all of them are leftypol shills. And a few of their useful idiots.
stop advertising.
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>defending degeneracy
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notice how you keep saying you fuck my cosuin,mother.

you know why you say all of this? because you know about your inferiority you know you are worthless and you know white women are way above you

it's like I'd never say I fuck your mother,cousin,sister because for them it would be the luckiest day of their lives because I HAVE MORE VALUE THEN THEM

so the gladly suck the jizz out of my big fat white cock and kiss you afterwords with those lips


nasty fucking animals just kill all yourselfs already

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I don't give a shit about her former career, Abdul, and neither do I defend it. The thread is about women in the alt-right in general.

And when it comes to strange bed fellows, we've had worse.
they literally go against everyone on the right

think about molymeme, that faggot Brit with the gay accent, the faggot flamboyant brit, or the fat centrist brit

they all get viciously attacked here

sometimes I feel like /POL? is 80% shitskins and selfhating betamales
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Okay I'm bored now
since boredom is a singe of low IQ and mudshits are known for average 80 IQ's this is no shock to me
The most /pol/ thing I read today
Oh! Yes the one video on YT!
Top Kek! :D
she looks like a degenerate to just cash in on next big thing, are you fucking killing me.

look at that nose!
Kinda disappointing body desu senpai
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Saggy tits! Meh!
nasty fucking shitskins I can't wait till we will go 1488 on your nasty faces

selfhating little faggots hanging out on sites like /pol/ fucking pathetic
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why do you think she took up politics, eh?

Women really do live life on easy mode. Body like that and she still worked as a cam whore.
I can't blame her though, if I could get easy money for jacking off on camera I would probably do it too
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You know what i love after Austrian and German Girls jump on my Slavic cock to put them out like trash! Oh! Wait they are Trash!
stop hiding behind a fake flag and I might acknowledge you
go away you autistic child
Yep im sure I would too, I bet all the attention and affirmation feels nice.

I've been busting my ass lifting and currently cutting to try and look good naked, would be nice if I didn't have to bother.
fpbp keep it post modern in here yo
Stop be mangina and you can earn my respect! :)
mudshit telling white man to go away

ahh the irony

at the same time your entire race is flocing to white countries because you dumb subhumans destroy anything around yourself

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Its not even fun to bait you anymore you retard
>dat dreidel
Show us your face, let us see how arian you are! :)
Shills. This board is far too popular now. However I don't see a problem with people here criticizing those people for valid reasons. If they don't support whites/counter signal us, then they deserve it.
Black men don't eat pus-
removes one muslim flag, shows another.

edgy little shitskin arent you
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>this is the modern "far-right"
Different opinions are not always shills friend
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>criticizing those people for valid reasons.

they don't have any

lefty shitskins never do

all they do is attack the messenger ad hominem personal attacks, appeal to authority fallacies

I've never seen a real argument against them
>Not always
I can agree with that, but you must concede there are many shills here. And I mentioned valid critique already.
>Do these "women" that browse /pol/ for a week and start producing videos good for us?
They can be. Depends on how we react.
>I mean they are spreading truth with a pretty face for us
You're assuming they're doing it for "us" rather than themselves. Trust me its more self serving than anything else. Which goes into my first point:
WE INFLUENCE THEM, NOT the other way around. We should NOT flock to their videos because its just them repeating what we told them back to us. Thats masturbation and we should know better.
Let them cultivate their own audience of lefties and feminists and the like AND THEN they'll be helping us, and only them.
If we flock to their side and fight on their behalf when they're called out we're being used by someone that ain't helping, If they really believe in what they say they should say it and defend it without backup from us. If they can't or won't do that, you know they were just using us to begin with, and we're fucking better than that.
If we make these ecelebs defacto leaders, don't be surprised when these bitches turn on us and then the BuzzFeed headlines read "ALT RIGHT FEMALE LEADERS SEE THE LIGHT" and shit like that.
Don't be a fool.
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ITT: 14 year old Kraut gets triggered to Hell and back because everyone else is too smart to let moneygrubbing camwhores ruin the movement and that hurts his waifu's feefees :,(
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Oh yeah tell me about your insights into politics with a dildo in your mouth and a vibrator in your pussy WHORE
Well put it like this, you've mentioned going full 14/88. While I agree with that sentiment, do you think Milo or sargon or a majority of the E-celebs posted here agree with that? Most are civic nationalists at best, and those people need to be told they are wrong.
>spreading truth
Funniest shit I have heard all day.
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God forbid you do something on your own without someone telling you. Fucking sheep.
We need white women to make more white kids.
>I mean they are spreading truth with a pretty face for us
But do they spread their legs?
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>white women
Me telling them that I think they are wrong for X,Y and Z is not preventing them from doing whatever they want, dunce.
Is it good for the left that dumb celebrities were pushing leftism 24/7?
Is it good for the left that your average normalfag is parroting the leftist narration?
Is it good for the left that media zombies were repeating leftist slogans?
Apparently it is good for the left because it granted them cultural hegemony for decades.
If it was good for them, why wouldn't it be good for us?
first of all we actuallt need our women to be on our side

and you only do that with camwhores like OP so they see other bitches in the movement and they want to be with the cool kids too
Most don't come pre-redpilled from the factory. You have to teach them how.
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exactly my opinion but you have little crypto-jews and shitskins bitching about all our right wing Youtube "activists"
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Tell that to a White South African male. They are obsessed with local black women
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I don't give a shit lmao
>Apparently it is good for the left because it granted them cultural hegemony for decades.
What decades were those?
They are an asset to the meme war. Not accepting majors within the higher staff meet-up is understandable. However, only traitors would seek to forever and absolutely ban those valuable assets from our camp.
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Are you one of those fringe marxists that get butthurt every time someone lumps you with liberals?
Modern left is 98% anti-white liberal shills for the globalization and maybe 2% old school marxist.
Apparently not. Disappointing
I met a slut from /pol/ the other day. A blonde thing, 7/10 that's fucking an entire half of one of my irl social circles. We connect due to the only two people who can meme but I wouldn't fuck anyone from here no matter how attractive with a ten foot dick. Crazy cunt.
>We connect due to the only two people who can meme
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Wtf, she has the body of a 35 year old housewife! People paid for that?!
Tara is the best one of these chicks. Stell Bell too, still a virgin too apparently. White Rose camwhoring... just cant have that representing the right.
"White Lady" is probably another jewess on payroll to control the alt-right. These pretty girls with alt right narrative who come out of nowhere are highly suspicious. She doesn't allow comments on her videos, scared to be exposed? She made a video to say she is an atheist because she doesn't like to be afraid of Hell. Why are laws, judges and prisons acceptable on this Earth but not for the afterlife? She makes no sense
What I find more concerning is that she disables the comments.
I'm an...amateur of this, anon. You are...In no position...to judge mon bon gout. I like it. I wish I could nibble on those small tits.
look at this thread
Why not?
I need a fucking source, god damn.
So? The only people on youtube who disable the comments are the left who can't take the heat.
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No. They all just rehash talking points and make the same entry level arguments. As usual, women only jump on board once something has hit the mainstream.

Ann Lieven is the worst. Openly Zionist Jew who is also against ethno-nationalism, refuses to acknowledge aggregate IQ differences among races, gets BTFO in the comments for it, pretends it never happened and that the only retort anyone can come up with is "coal burning kike". The truth is that's the only retort she can handle acknowledging.

Yet she has almost 30k subs after just a few months and has no creative or original contributions.


(((Ben Shapiro))), (((Stefan Molyneux))) and others are the intellectual snipers we need. I swear the beta fag weakness some of "us" have for a pretty face is gonna fuck us over in the long run.
fucking /pol/ worship these degenerates.
Schiffer was married to (((David Copperfield))) Why do all your womyn get blacked or schlomoed, Fritz?
i subbed to her and then unsubbed after i realized she was actually pretty dumb, and just saying things which are trendy for the views.
can someone show me where i can find her camwhoring vids?
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>(((Ben Shapiro)))
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He's a chicken hawk who should shut the fuck up and use Israel's Law of Return to become a citizen, join the IDF, and kill unarmed Palestinian kids himself, like a real man.

On pretty much everything else, he's great.
no they're not good for anything, well except proving that 90% of you are beta orbiters of the highest order and redditers. Literally anyone sharing youtube or e celebs should be fucking gassed
>I can't think for myself so I get all my opinions from awesome youtube e celebs and I'm more than happy to donate to their patreons in order to parrot their lame ideas for them. I'm so much better than leftists that do the same hurr durr
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"For the record. No, I don't give a shit about the browning of America."
Your princess Shapira. GAS!
kek check your id mate

I honestly don't give a fuck who spreads anti-white genocide messages, we need to keep up our efforts and all the help we can get is good
yeah but this camwhore is literally buttnaked for criticism
Comments disabled, what a snow flaking cunt.

Actually her 'background' is not necessarily a "bad" thing for the cause. She makes great videos.

That image makes me sad and angry
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The reason women are coming out and making videos are
>Because loser alt-right/lite/conservatives (depends on whatever she's spouting off) will subsidize her life because she's a girl and she's pretty good looking
and the reason for female politicians that are right wing is
>because when refugees come they're usually the ones that get impacted by it the most via rape,sexual/physical assault,abduction etc etc..

Men got to start being men.

Polis is for men and oikos is for women. They speak politics, just not of city/state/federal governments- instead they deal with politics of their families/friends/coworkers.
>plot twist: She's the german nanny hired by the rich emir of Bongolistan so his sons attend superior european school
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they're all coalburner whores

they're all trying to make money off pathetic beta cucks on /pol/. either on patreon, from youtube etc.

they hide their whorish history until somebody discovers their past, and then it's all "wtf I hate this whore now" as if you wouldn't know the real truth.

They don't believe what they're saying, they're just trying to capitalize on the so called "alt-right"
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OP, what kind of dumb nigger are you?
Ofcourse these woman are making the ''le im some rightist'' videos to get views from beta redd*tors.

Let's be honest, do you see any avarage guy producing thousands of views from talking his political opinion, no. If she has a vagina and is talking about some rightist stuff she will get mad attention. ''don't forget to check out my patrion boysss!!''
As a male sissy nationalistic woman the best thing I could tell you about me is don't mess with me. I'm not hiding my flag :)

No, that's Charlize Theron.
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so now you're protecting beta males?

what does that make you? a faggot unicorn knight?

while they "capitalize" you do realize that they are redpilling normies by basically just telling them what we tell each other here?

sounds like you little bitch have vaginal envy? who the fuck care as long as they spreading right wing views we profit

Both children are adopted... at least it was not race mixing
you do realize that jews started the
>omg I'm so progressive like my jewllywood star
>omg let's fuck a nigger because miley said so

they are doing what other females are doing

if 5 hot girls say the ugly guy in the corner of the club is cute literally all the other girls will flock at the guy

you little buthurt bet fags are just buthurt because youre not understanding women
So she has never addressed her past camwhoring? I think maybe she should and say that it was a product of feminism and show how she's changed. It will turn off some people but it would be a good message.
I agree
>If she has a vagina and is talking about some rightist stuff she will get mad attention.

But that could be a good thing if more and more women do it.
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Cause they saw him on TV and other women like him tooo so I guess I like him also
What are you talking about? There are many guys. Sargon of Akkad, James Allsup, Stephen crowder, etc.
>Charlize Theron
But her husband is white...
Oh God
Yes. It makes me dead inside. The bitch. She won't ever transmit those pure white genes. Her boer bloodline. That will be lost. Like sands of time
That is how the progressivism liberalism meme got started

notice how suddenly all girls go on voluntary work in South Am or Africa? literally just a meme

if we would let camwhores like OP do her thing without bein OMG NUDES LOL WHORE PUSSY HAHAHA

she could be part of the women right movement that would makeing a family and being a good mother into a meme
ey bby u wan sum fuk?
funny thing is she is actually turning one of the niglets into a trans just so she gets browny point from her hollywood bosses for being a progressive mother
honestly i think this is great for entry level redpilling, enough facts to get them curious and good enough looking to keep them watching and interested.
see when a pretty lady starts talking about feminism being bullshit, and sjw's being nutcases it makes other girls and even some chads curious. this is no doubt turning a lot of normies to our cause i think even if we fundamentally disagree with jewtube and googlebucks its only helping our cause, once they get here on /pol/ the real redpilling begins.

Oh and one of those is a boy.
they're not redpilling normies, because normies don't watch these kinds of videos. their main fanbase are beta orbiters from /pol/ and /r9k/. that's the truth
nice anecdotal evidence you got there shlomo
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i obviously was comparing the avarage guy with the avarage girl making right wing videos
They started out as average white guys, what's your point? The most popular youtube channels are male especially in politics. James Allsup is a college student.
it doesn't bother me. I don't mind people spreading the truth in their own way especially if they have a pretty face that others will be more inclined to listen to.

I lurked for six months and have been posting here for a year.. this is an anonymous image board and id prefer to stay out of the public eye.. I'm in it for the spread of ideas and keks.
What's so hard to understand that a avarage guy starting out with videos is way harder than a avarage girl making ring wing videos. Ofcourse people become popular but that's just a really small amount.
Because it is not true. There are way more men that make political videos on youtube than women. You are only seeing the women right now because they are being shilled on here.
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Yes, ofcourse there's more men making political videos than woman. But the woman who are ''soooo politicall xdd'' get 10x more views than the other guys
No they don't. Show proof. Antifa and shills know that /pol/ has a lot of /r9k/ and mgtow guys in here so they have been shilling the attention whore women meme to get you to hate the women. Rageafterthestorm made a video about race realism that got shut down and people still hate on her.
>comments disabled

What you afraid of you whore ?
Also stop shilling your shit around here.
Don't need to spoon feed you, just look it up on youtube

Only idiots want political change, and complain when the message of your ideology start reaching the masses.

Are you idiot? This is a very positive sign, we are having organic rising of the worldview.
Are we still thirsting over retarded youtube whores? They are not even pretty. This whore, Tara, Lauren, etc all look like trannies to me. Why are you so desperate for feminine aknowledgement?
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Here is James Allsup, a guy with no studio and it is mostly him talking to the camera.
Stop slandering our goddess, shitskin.
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>White Lady
>Do these "women" that browse /pol/ for a week
>and start producing videos good for us?

>I mean they are spreading truth with a pretty face for us


>are those that go against people like this shitskins and other females that are jealous ?
>I always see

>>hurrdurr camwhore
>>just in for the money

>bullshit like this

>but I don't see how it should bother any of you white guy /pol/ users
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Another guy that talks to the camera:
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Another guy
She's a literal camwhore hunting for tokens and cum. You could put her on worldstar and she'd be a Hotep slut.

Thank you for posting this.
Tbh, I don't care, qute grils appeal to normies so why not let them do their thing.
That Guy T is a lolbertarian skeptic though. Le based black man xD
But why are these guys all thirsty for this whore? She is not even attractive. I look more feminine than her. Her face is just blank. And second of all. Her videos are so boring when it comes to intellectual stimulii. I rather watch paint dry.
I know I'm just saying that average guys can get a following on youtube too.
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Look he has unironically gone the bat for fascism and white identity / EthNat. His blackness is a useful leverage point.
Nah, molymeme is actually well-liked, but he's a weirdo cultleader so we stay our distance (and he distances himself from the jewish issue).

The faggot brit is hateful has no arguments and isn't constructive. The fact that he does it out of hate and not love of his own people makes him loathsome.

The faggot is a homosexual troll and a jew. Enough said.

Jordan B. Peterson doesn't have to whore, but he's our guy.

The hivemind decides, and it usually serves people right. I'm happy enough i'm not seeing Styx and his faggot theories floating around.
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Let's not forget the best of them all.
I will add that the famous picture of Lauren Southern is actually with him. Now it makes sense why she took the picture with him.
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She's a qt plus Aryan af
Ha well I don't classify him as average. I don't classify thegoldeone as average either due to the bodybuilding.
Its all true and you know it. And I am not even that into MGTOW.
Meh, shitty tits >>132634213
>The hivemind decides,

but if the beta tendencies of the hive makes a bad decision and scares away important female propagandists ?

what then? what if we shoot ourself into the foot because a handfull beta bitches from the hive can't stop bitching and crying about having seen OP's tits ?
where's her husband? children?

I forgot to add pussy
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yo want to know her Father and mothers occupation also?

it's called appeal to authority you little argumentless bitchbetaboipussy

this argument has been btfo already earlier in this thread

We're talking relative to women, slapnuts.

Lauren Southern alone is more well known, after just a few years, than Molyneux is with many books to his name and 10 years on the internet for fucks sake.

You know those videos of instrumental covers? Drum cover, guitar, etc? The guys are almost always better, but the girls always have far more views.
What's a Nubian?
A kraut, possibly turk, craving for attention. Let me go grab the popcorn.
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Are altright poser camewhores the path to enlightenment?
They are useful in getting the normies on our side, whatever you think about the depth of their content.

If you're butthurt about them, don't watch their content.
Probably because all the bitches thay cater to /pol/ are literally just camwhores after some beta bux. Girls dont hold strong convicitions on anything political unless its some petty bullshit or virtue signaling. Any mildly attractive girl can spout /pol/memes and make money off it, you're kidding yourself if you dont think that isnt being taken advantage of by these whores.
This girl creeps me out, and I don't know why... Also why did she disable her comments section? I remember it being there some while ago.
not sure why anyone would think it's okay for a degen whore to represent their views. if anyone here is a "beta" it's you for listening to your new youtube mommy instead of men. women are for making children and raising a family.
Dave Cullen is a full blown cuck. He disavowed RageAfterStorm instantly when she made a race realism video
Ancient black tribe and/or civilization. Used to be involved with KANGZ in Egypt. Dunno much about it. But uh you get Nubian spearmen in Rome.
It's where they wuz kangz inventing philosophy and astrology and sheeit while crackas was still in caves.
Go back to the weed nigger. You would do anything to stick your face in that bitchs ass.
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lmao, caliphate niggerportugal in charge of talking about ethnic purity

if germany would have 50% shitskins and niggers it would be still better of then your pathetic whispering in coffee houses faggots
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does this idiot know we know all of these post are from him?
because >>132634213
Eh, we're winning ground and we have some low-tier female youtubers besides that blonde slut.

She's just some hoe. I've met some self-sufficient women who didn't show off their crotch to survive. The rageafterstorm girl actually has some personality and a communication style. Play it like a rap-outfit; we fuck hoe's, we don't marry or acknowledge them.

Since when is prostitution part of our semi-traditionalist framework?
Thats it. Let it all come out Wolfgang.
Again, Lauren doesn't count because she was originally with Rebel Media. Stephen Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Ruben Report, Sargon of Akkad, etc is more well known than Molymeme as well. It's because they have expanded beyond just themselves and a camera where he has not.
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look at this thread and you'll understand

niggers shitskins and crypto-lefties are crying and bitching, clawing and screaming like some sort of pack of animals
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what a fuckin loser sage
she has no forehead but otherwise a really long face. also her haircut really highlights both of those features.
Not my type. But definitely the type of some thirsty normies, and if a woman's words make them think about what we've been saying for years, that's fine by me.
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200 reply's in this thread and youre the first to point this out

so either 200 people are dumber or smarter then you

you decide
give link
Yeah sure, because you retarded hollandische arent known to be complete degenerates.
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They practice young
Tits, or GTFO. She should be having babies, not fucking making videos. Betafarming is a waste of a perfectly good womb. The more attention she gets, the less likely she is to settle down with a man and have babies.

Screencap this for 10 years from now when all these betafarmers are past their prime.
Oh the hypocrisy...
I think this might be it, just like our brains are wired to be afraid of the dead (of the rotting variety). Thanks.
How long has she stopped being a camwhore?
you should not attack their gender identity or sexuality

regardless if you agree with them or not
Until she found another group of subhumans wo would pay to see her spew some trash instead of her crotch.
If she admits it on her channel blaming it on cultural Marxism I would consider her a good ally.
Of course you would. The crow and the vulture have always been good allies.
How would that not be positive? A woman shows the degeneracy that comes from feminism and shows how much better her life is with nationalism?
This thread is still on?
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Do you want some?

>expanded beyond just themselves and a camera where he has not

What need is there to "expand"? The only difference between Molyneux and the rest of is sets and staff, and yet Molyneux's content is often more substantive. The biggest names he's had (Coulter, Prager, etc) have all been visibly impressed with him.

Again, there's an innate deference to women which men have, and many betas eager to overestimate the intellectual merit of the "I'm not like the other girls" crowd.

Sargon hasn't expanded at all, he does Google Hangouts and only recently did the Rubin Report which lead to the JRE, which Molyneux has already done twice. Rubin was on Molyneux's show a year ago.

Get fuckin real.
Youre right, she is indeed showing what feminism does to women, even utilizing herself as proof.
Sets and staff and marketing expand audiences obviously to normies. And Sargon is more popular than all of them because he is centrist anti sjw which has a more broad appeal.
Yes, they're good for us.
Nubians were west Africans that invaded ancient Egypt just prior to its collapse
Some anon the other day posted a semi-nude picture of that antifa girl, anyone got sauce?

looked like it may have been taken from a porn

>Sets and staff and marketing expand audiences obviously to normies

Fucking and? You're backed into corner after corner and all you can do is shift the topic.

Women Youtubers on average will have considerable following just by virtue of being attractive, regardless of content. This is fact.

Why are you so autistic about this? It's nothing terrible, just a sad reality.
Because I've just posted multiple examples of average guys who have large followings. And you have shown no proof of your claim that it is easier for a woman to be popular on youtube.
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Ok Venus Rosales if anyone is interested.
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Meanwhile she only has 25k subs
those are some srsly disappointing tits

can't fap to this
What does the person have anything to do with her argument?

What you're doing is an ad hominem, only what you say is judged, not who you are.
This entire Lithuanian poetry text board is based on anonymity because of that.

Whether she camwhores or not, her arguments are tight.
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But they are NOT more popular than the average guy.
this is my most favorite Romanian post ever

next time I will spit on one bozgor just for your sake even tho I like hungarians

Stop. Fucking. Cherry. Picking. Pussy.

The women who have just jumped into the scene already have much more support at this time in their "careers" than the men did at the same time, including financial donations.

What fucking dog do you have in the fight to go about screencapping cherry picked bullshit?

You're fucking done. Bye.
>But they are NOT more popular than the average guy.
But THE AVERAGE GUY is boring and can't communicate his correct beliefs in a way that has effect on people.

White women are coming home.
Come back home, swabian man, we're mising some 2 million protestant germans here.
Our president is german and we're having german families moving here, slowly.
They are useful idiots. Spread it like wildfire. There are no better optics than white women being abused for free speech, and they will become targets.

You want to see the left shut down and massively pro-white racial politics guide this nation? All we need is 10,000 white women, wearign white dresses, marching peacefully, with dignity. The subesequent violent attacks, the blood on their white dresses, the non-violent response to a wave of nogs and Anitfa? lol game over forever, niggers.
Show your proof then. Rather than using emotional arguments. They don't actually have more support on youtube. They are just SHILLED here so you think that means something. Usually the shills post them on purpose to garner hate. See how you are reacting?
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>Come back home, swabian man, we're mising some 2 million protestant germans here.
>Our president is german and we're having german families moving here, slowly.

I was there 4 years ago buying Bear fur rugs

I felt like a damn drug dealer bringing them into germanistan
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Look at styxx's patreon. Which is great, people should get support:
>You want to see the left shut down and massively pro-white racial politics guide this nation? All we need is 10,000 white women, wearign white dresses, marching peacefully, with dignity. The subesequent violent attacks, the blood on their white dresses, the non-violent response to a wave of nogs and Anitfa? lol game over forever, niggers.


we don't have that man power and never will

all we have is ideas and memes
It's obvious these chicks do it for attention and /pol/ falls for it everytime because this board is full of horny nerds. I watched the "Race is real" video that was being spammed here last week and what I got out of it was not a single original thought. It was like she read a single racist thread on /pol/ and just regurgitated it, line for line. This board is full of faggots who will consume anything when a cute girl is involved. This board is basically /a/ for politics it's disgusting.
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>Styx's first vlog: 6 years ago
>2,314 videos
>143,000 subs

>Stefan Molyneux
>10 fucking years
>over 2,500 videos
>636,000 subs

>Brittany Pettibone
>started 8 months ago
>38 videos
>28,000 subs

Clear enough, pussy? You know this is the the truth. You're the one looking at the numbers and obsessively screencapping.


You're fucking done, pussy!

What next, pussy? Close the tab, pussy! Ya done, pussy!
How is that any different from the men? Seriously? (I'm not talking about older people like molymeme or anne coulter) This is what they all do. It is a GOOD thing.
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>Styx and Sargoy do this shit for attention of horny nerds



So men get attention and money for reciting /pol/ and it is good but when women do it, it is bad? Explain? What is the difference?
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This guy literally plays an event and yells into the camera for 2 minutes.
couldnt agree more brother
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>So men get attention and money for reciting /pol/ and it is good

Strawman, pussy!!! No one said that, pussy!!! They don't even "recite /pol/" pussy!!!


I'm going to bed, neck yourself.
>>Styx and Sargoy do this shit for attention of horny nerds
If you didn't imply that you are using meme arrows wrong.

I don't think it is any different, and I wouldn't care if it was or wasn't. If these women want to make money off of it, more power to them, but it would bother me if they were being disingenuous. If they're authentic, then no problem.


It wouldn't bother me so much that she camwhored if she admitted that it was beneath her and wrong to do so. Other than that, I don't really judge her for it, but it was definitely disappointing when I found out. Not a lot of self respect in that sort of thing. I still like her though.
That's not her you moron.
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but you see what problems we have with this right? just look at this thread with all these shitskins and betamales crying and bitching

and like says >>132658322

anyways I've head enough of you

good night ya'all
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ive never liked Dice, even when he points out how shitskins are complete idiots. He does a great job of mocking niggers and pointing out how monkey they are but he doesnt provide anything else and all it does is make our movement look worse.
Someone explain thos grotesque face .

Also, why do women think this haircut is a positive thing?

Heres another sauce
Its a meme haircut
of course, and what do we do brother? We cant lay down and wait any longer.
Now is the time, if you havent saved up or dont have the contacts to work on something or promote in your area you need to search harder
that tranny has been here longer than you, OP
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No Hans, it's not good for us. These "girls" are flavor of the week attention whores.
Our social and political quagmire is the result of sensationalism and sensualism.
Logic and ethics are the only hope for the fading West.
Yup. This is just pathetic.
Her Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/hellenicdeity?lang=en
She sees how much Lauren southern is making off her beta orbiters and wants the same. It's pretty clear to me she doesn't believe the shit she says, really sloppy con job by her imo.
with every female comes a dozen pairs of dick beaters to type out the good word to the filthy degenerate masses.
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