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How many samurai do you think turn in their graves on a dail

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How many samurai do you think turn in their graves on a daily basis, /pol/?

>1/3 are virgins
>64% have NEVER been in a relationship


>implying they will not turn to JAVs for their sexual satisfaction
Japanese are autists, how is this news?
That's what you get when autism runs rampant in your country
you're weird for being concerned about this
that just means more nip women for the white man to colonize
64% at what age?
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18-35, i.e. when you're supposed to be breeding.

Japan is going to be inherited by a generation of late-bred autistic mongoloids with even less of a sex drive.

Hm. 18-35 doesn't really tell a story.

We need the percentages of 26+ really. Being a virgin at 18 is pretty standard.
they make the best onaholes
good let weebs die out
I have a solution
Is it the final one
>checks flag
>How many samurai do you think turn in their graves on a daily basis
exactly zero.
those that murder go to hell.
they are removed from My sight.
die scum
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asian women are hot
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Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. This is indeed an airship you can have sex with. Like its "sister" toy, Uminari, the Blue Frame Amagake was inspired by those nostalgic model battleships from your youth. The onahole is made with transparent materials that feel hefty and durable. The Blue Frame series was designed with an innovative pressurized skeletal structure to maximize pleasure, while four winding chambers greet your cock in four different ways. The Amagake also comes with a cleaning tool so you can always keep your new favorite onahole maintained and ready for whenever duty calls.
What Japan looks like today, the West will look like tomorrow.

Except with niggers.
The real question is: Why do Japanese woman say no?

I dont think that 100% of single Japanese women fuck only 36% of single Japanese men.

Probably there is also a large percentage of Japanese women also single for their whole life.

In a population rapidly getting old such as Japan, it is disconcerting.
But wasn't the samurais autists too? Or where did this come from? Autism can take many forms.
most asian women do not look like kpop idols
>Being virgin at 18 is standard

Westcucks lmao
I thought it was some weird showering tool
Autism is the strongest force in the universe
prove it
Where even is hungary desu
Their economy has been stagnant for almost 30 years already and their work culture is fucked.
When you either work 80 hours a day for a shit salary or are a useless NEET you don't really have the time to date or have a family.
The only reason they haven't disintegrated is their homogeneity and strong culture.
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>Implying Samurais had sex before they got married

why are you spreading these disGUSTINGRUMORSSUUUUUUUUUUU.
>Let's try to analyze why a culture hasn't been fully pornified yet like the rest of the good goy west.
>It must be because their economy is bad

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> Be oldfag (31)
> Married but met my wife on a dating websites
> Would be single if it weren't for the internet

Please fuck me up senpai.
>>1/3 are virgins
>64% have NEVER been in a relationship
Damn.. Japan IS literally my dream country.

reminds me of the mouse utopia experiment where the mice were given infinite food but not infinite space. Every time they population ended up dying out after reaching huge levels of overcrowding. The mice just stopped breeding.

>At the peak population, most mice spent every living second in the company of hundreds of other mice. They gathered in the main squares, waiting to be fed and occasionally attacking each other. Few females carried pregnancies to term, and the ones that did seemed to simply forget about their babies. They'd move half their litter away from danger and forget the rest. Sometimes they'd drop and abandon a baby while they were carrying it.

>The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, the females—and few males—inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.
How is nobody blaming women? Todays women will demand a castle, a car, man to pay all the bills, to buy all the food, take her shopping 5 times a week, take her out for expensive meals... and they will not settle down for anything less.
On top off all that every one of them think they deserve nothing less then a Chad. If you're not a Chad trying to show interest for a girl makes you a pervert these days, everything you do is sexual harassment and you can easily face wrath of the government, fines and even jail time.

Men are beaten down and demonized for their interest in women. Women are constantly praised and they developed unnatural sense of entitlement. Of course % of single men are so high, of course birth rates are down. Giving rights to the wet holes was a mistake.
>Let's try to analyze why a culture hasn't been fully pornified yet
Their economy is objectively bad thought and the data supports it.
They have been stagnant since their debt bubble burst in the 90s.If you think modern Japan is sustainable even ignoring their economy just look at their birth rates.
1/3 virgin with 2/3 never been in a relationship? So I guess that means japs do casual sex then
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>not pornified
Nukes caused the autism. We can't go back.
what happened to the jap that would rape all of asia, now they cant even rape their own
Why would anyone care what samurai think? They defied the emperor and lost. Most had to sell their own daughters into prostitution just to survive the restoration. They don't have any moral high ground.
The media and fashion industry gets blamed for women's shitty self confidence. No one forces them to watch it, it's their own fault that they can't stop following people without being jealous.

Then no one complains that they (women) do the same with men, because they've had idols that they've wanted to fuck since they were 13 and still do until they're adults. Like teens/women fawning over Justin Beiber and whatever. If THAT doesn't create unrealistic goals for women I don't know what does.
Kek, this ones spot on.
Why would samurai care about that?

They'd be more concerned about honor, physical fitness and martial prowess.
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Seems like fear of the opposite sex is a consequence of high IQ. You end up becoming too good at visualizing potential outcomes (eg. asking a girl out and she says no) and probably you're also more in tune with the past, ie. times when you attempted to converse with a girl and it was awkward or she said no when you asked her out or whatever.

Meanwhile lower IQ guys who aren't aware the future exists just ask girls out without any regard for the potential outcome, and also don't let past negative experiences get them down (because it's like they never happened). Ironically, their lack of fear of the outcome means the outcome is more likely to be good.

It's weird, it's almost like the universe doesn't want us to get too intelligent. There's some sort of natural selection at play to help ensure more intelligent people don't breed.

>inb4 LUUUL u dont have high iq ur dum as fuk ur just a pusy xDdDDDDddd
Oh and obviously this doesn't really apply to 10/10 ALPHA MALE CHADS. They don't have to be afraid because they're never told no.

If I were a 6'3 jacked 9/10 face chad I wouldn't be afraid of asking girls out either.
Indeed, I read Jap women are super picky about men's salaries. Like they demand a man has to make a certain amount to even consider him.
Is that how you rationalize being a virign ?
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>work yourself to death from school on
>free time is used for cram school or unpaid overtime
>guys why is no one having relationships?
Do what I do: mutter, "pfft, lesbian" and ask another girl. Nut up, faggots.
Yes, actually even bigger percent of women are virgins.
Shit looks like I am part of that 63%. Feels bad man
that just means more nip women for the white man to colonize
Not many, considering there were bent very many samulai to begin with.
don't feel bad, it's like being fat in america!
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Say what you will about Japan's declining birth rates and virginity problem, but at least there will still be Japanese people and Japan for the Japanese in 100 years. Can you say the same for Australia, Europe, or North America for white people?
Those two scenarios definitely exist. And then there's you know, the majority. Men who may be of low, high, or average intelligence, are aware of all the possible negative outcomes but roll the dice anyway because they know a simple rejection out even ridicule isn't going to destroy their lives.

Stop trying to externalize your problems.

Go be a man, with all the ups and downs that implies.

Uhh yes I do think that, we are a genuinely racist country.
t. Kike
Australians are a minority in your cities though.
The Samurais were borderline autistic, before the European settling of Asia the Japanese never left their island or spoke to outsiders. Telltale signs of autism.

I really don't think the Samurai give a shit, OP. you have to understand at least dozens of them were tryhards racing to control Japan.

>the guy that killed Oda and the guy the killed him who was working for someone else
>everything that happened in the Sengoku Period

>Hurrr respectuuuur , i kirr u for insolence
>unsheathes katana
>as sign of forgivenesseru i preform tea ceremony

complete autists getting autistically angry and doing autistic things like the autistic autists they were
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Fucking pathetic
Not to mention that a descendant of Oda is a fucking male ice figure skater.

It's just funny how everything started out. It's even funnier the the Emperor was just sitting there looking pretty.
Samurais were fags known to engage in homoerotic acts with younger males

they would probably be proud
The emperor never did shit. I'm amazed nobody tried to take the imperial family down.
It's the land of earthquakes. They've probably evolved to think "if I ignore it long enough, it will go away" about everything.
Japs are pretty ugly on average, it's just that the pretty ones are pretty amazing, but they're almost all really short
Then again all races have really amazing women when they're within the top, even black women.

Eh, it would have made the Shogunate angry and you know how autistic they get. I almost wish the Emperor got control again. but at this point, it wouldn't make a difference.

Samurai were indentured servants to Landlords. They were essentially slaves working off the cost of their uniforms: sword, dagger, armor PLUS housing, food, education. Samurai were cucks.

On topic: No Sex Please, We're Japanese is a GREAT documentary that illustrates the birthrate and marital issues facing Japan.


Just legalize rape in Japan as long as you dress up like a tentacle monster, and ban abortion.

Birth rates will rise
>They don't have to be afraid because they're never told no
How often do you get the fuck off /r9k/ and go to parties or bars, huh?
>people thinks that proves that sentence above is false.
Stop being a faggot. Go to the gym. Say literally anything to a girl until you get them to talk about themselves.
East Asians have always been less sexual. They also have a a little higher IQ compared to whites and less testosterone, and hence less aggressive behaviour. They have barely any warrior Gene unlike blacks, which inhibits impulse control. They're simply more evolved, and have realised sex is a primitive pursuit for lower races. Societies that tend to be obsessed with sex like Africa, and America, also have the most chimped out populations. Asians aren't slaves to their carnal desires.
>being a virgin at 18 is standard
Everyone point at this anon and laugh
>less aggressive behaviour.

yeah let's forget the horrible experiments, mass raping and slaughter they did.

fucking weeaboos I swear
Jews also use this weakness to control Goyim. Which is why sex obsessed countries like Britain and America are the most cucked countries on earth. You put up with modern women and let them destroy your societies because of sex. You kill urself because of sex. You act like a thug and behave destructively because of sex. Sexual desire has always been men's grestest weakness. This is the true redpill. Men everywhere would have a clearer mind and wouldn't allow destructive forces to take over their societies if they weren't controlled by their sexual desire. This is why most religions try to make men control.their sexual desires. Westerners think that being sex obsessed means they're real men, when in fact they have become slaves to the Jews and the eternal women. You're still in the matrix, which is why you don't see it this way.
You morons here better not be fucking laughing because this shit is happening here RIGHT NOW.
>less aggressive

Japan alone has been a war zone for centuries
is this bait?

average age in America is 16
and its 15 in UK son
tbqh this happened to me, too
>be in a pub with shitty music and shit
>friends ruse me into finally asking a random girl out
>go there
>ask if she wants some drinks nd shit
>*she looks me up and down*
>"who wants to buy them, you?"
>"well, yeah, that's the idea"
>*serious face*
>*turns around and goes away*
I was legit too pissed off about it to talk to any woman for some time
>go on dating website
>see only land whales and vapid whores

How does anyone use this shit?
It's good information to have, but man I feel bad for those mice.

But I have pet rats, and it's made me soft.
If she goes out of her way to be a cunt, was she really worth your time anyways? She'd have been a nightmare if she said yes. I'm sure there are noncunts in Italy.
accurate photograph of typical Asian body type
It's not looks or income, but persistent mating efforts. I know guys who look worse than Gollum from LOTR who have had dozens of sex partners and several long term relationships.

I know a woman in business who is still in love with a relentless abuser and cheater, but he always comes back after breakups.

If you persistently go after girls, you'll start having successes and as your "game" improves, you can start working on better women.

Dating is like sales, you have to work through the shit to get to the diamonds.
You act lile this just a Japanese thing. White and asian men across the west will be herbivore males by 2030.
they stay young, too
pic related is 41yo
in a lot fewer places than it was 100 years ago
It's about being dominant. Stop giving a fuck about what random sluts think and make her prove she's good enough for you.
> That traumatised me
This man had no adequate human socialisation as he grew up. Probably insitutionalised in formal classroom settings, living a lonesome apartment based existence. Metting parents or father perhaps only a few hours each week? Did he even have a playground while growing up? Did he ever meet other children outside of a formal setting? Did he ever once have opportunity to explore the world for himself, to so much as beat on a rusty trashcan or throw a stone? Have adventures or spend time with other children by themselves? See a happy couple raising children?

Is it reasonable to expect such a man to know or understand how to behave around women, or to find a bride unaided? A task in which he could not have trained himself, did not even have the opportunity to lay the groundwork for? Perhaps never even spoke about with other people. Should we blame a man when find him illiterate, innumerate, or should we ask how the boy never learned to write or read?
Yeah, what I mean is, if something like that happens to a 17yo (like I was at the time of the story) it's gonna take some time to regain the lost confidence, especially if it's someone who's always had difficulty in gathering it in the first place
So it's not impossible that someone gets "traumatized" (in a certain way) because of a cunt saying no, in a way
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>Why do Japanese woman say no?
SAD (Small Asian Dicks).
>I'm sure there are noncunts in Italy.

Yeah, filipinas immigrants are normal women

He specifically says "That didn't traumatize me but I kinda lost confidence"
I had nothing of that and I feel disconnected from reality.
Japan is truly /pol/, the country
This is true, but this would be less of an issue if society didn't hate Dads. That's who's supposed to tell their dumb 17yo son how to be a man. Now they have either no dad or one who's too castrated to guide his son anyways.
>less testosterone
>They have barely any warrior Gene
both false senpai
Asking girls to hang out is risky today in some environments. It's not as simple in many cases as asking, getting rejected, and moving on. If a guy that's less attractive than a woman feels she deserves hits on her, they many times take it personal, and go scorched earth on the guy's reputation, telling all their friends about how much of a creep he is and that he tried to rape her, etc. This is really bad in Japan.
>Seems like fear of the opposite sex is a consequence of high IQ
IQ and reproduction are incompatible. Rubbing pee holes against each other? Wew, what an abominable idea. Nature hacked around this with sex appeal and orgasm aka literally turning brains off during reproduction. But human intellect out-hacked nature. But unfortunately doesn't bring consensual based replacement fro nature hacks. Quite opposite, everything society does suppresses appeal of reproduction.

Also without false modesty i can say a know easy solution fro that problem.
But I thought Japan was based and its women pure and antifeminist?
why don't you mind your own crumbling countries you barbarian pigskins?

lol What the fuck are you talking about?
Going to the gym and being dominant in your interactions helps this though. You'll not have such bad reactions, and in the rare event it does happen, you'll have girls coming to your defense because have status.
>autist goes up to girl at a bar
>"b-bonjourno m'bella. D-drink?"
>girl turns around due to the smell of the pasta coming out of the autist's pockets
>"oh hi! No thanks"
>She leaves as quickly as possible
>Americans on an authentic Perillo Italian tour drive by and take pictures
it's true. she has two other 40 something sisters and they both look as young as that too
Strange to see it in Japan, not in the US or EU. Though when 80% of men almost cant get sex in the west.
No seriously, the only words she said to me were just "who, you?" and "no", no "hi" or "thanks" or nothing else
if 64% have never had sex/relationship, that mean that goes for both men and women?

Get dunked on
Women fuck Chads, aka the top 20%

Prostitution is decriminalized and reasonable quality and price here.

There are a lot of fake subtitles in this video and I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers are fake.

I thought japs were all awkward. top 5% maybe?

oh well, seems like japan is just as cucked as the west, if not, even more
You can thank Americans for that. Everything they touch is poisonous and Japs were morons to develop a taste for US culture at all.

They should have fought it from the start, ever since baseball became popular in 1920's.
Weeb were right, should've studied japanese to score with some lonely autistic animelovers.
who cares?

>le sex xDD
>look at me im having le sex XDD

who. gives. a. shit.

Risk avoidance culture plus men trying to guess what women want. It's not that hard, just be men. Get fit, work hard, and don't try to hide the fact that you find a woman attractive.

Look at that guy in the thumbnail, for fucks sake. He is like pussy drying agent. Everything about him says "I can't protect and provide for you, nor do I know how to please you or have fun with another human being ".
>condoning premarital sex
crucify yourselves
How can women even compete?
essentially, stop being a faggot.
They need the tyranny of right-wing fuck camps.
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Fixed it for ya'
Yet it remains a xenophobic as fuck country committed to remaining homogenous.
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>tfw 19 and never even kissed a girl
did you try going outside?
After watching a little bit of anime, I am convinced that Japan is in a more advanced stage of cultural suicide than even the USA.

Media teaches men and women how to fight constantly with mere words. Demonizes strong males, especially fathers. Lack of space means traditional roles and families are almost impossible for all but the ultra wealthy.

All while the (((Elite))) keep chugging their liquor and caviar screaming more, More, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!

This can't end well.
Not here in the colonies, Nigel.
yeah and its raining and cold and not comfy
Women differ like men in temperament and personality. Try meeting some different ones. That description you gave isn't a given.
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actually makes sense.
Time to work on that social anxiety ... by staying indoors and FIGHTING THE MEME WAR!!!!
learn to thrive in discomfort
i cant even sleep in a bed that has 1 spec of dirt in it yet im supposed to be able to speak to a girl without being disgusted by the fact that she would have human shit inside of her
Samurai were retards who got ragdolled by the west, none of that asian magical mystical shit is real, they are tiny little pissmonkeys.

Their birthrate is declining because despite what pornography has taught you, models are fucking models, not representative of real life. In real life, japs are snaggletoothed midgets who smell of fish and they don't even want eachother.
Go to therapy, your head is fucked. A good therapist will expose you to discomfort so you can stop being a bitch about the fact that girls poop sometimes.
>inb4 LUUUL u dont have high iq ur dum as fuk ur just a pusy xDdDDDDddd
>tfw to smart to overcome my fear of rejection

"In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein persons of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is."
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>girls poop sometimes.
my head retracted into my neck when i read things like that
women all over seem to think they are princesses, and as such, they turn their face from a thousand worthy yeoman, as they wait for their prince charming. He never arrives, and these women ultimately waste their wombs on a fairy tale written by the never settle crowd.

I would imagine that among trumpcucks, it's even worse. No women wants anything to do with someone who worships at the feet of other men.
>girls poop sometimes.

No, they don't.
With all the radioactive fukushima shit around and in them I wouldn't think about having kids either.
Fuggg I'm actually low IQ and I'm just too dumb to talk to girls? This changes everything!

You realize that stupid people (like you) can invoke Dunning Kruger too right? It's so popular now that we've got mouth breathing mongoloids using it against people who are vastly more intelligent than they are - "lol you aren't smarter than me, you just think that, but as you can see, you're actually dumb!"

No one is allowed to be intelligent or high IQ anymore because anytime you try to claim that, there's some retard in the bushes ready and waiting with the Wikipedia article about the Dunning Kruger effect.
just go away
Shame that intellectual superiority is irrelevant in the realm of facts and scientific data.
>potential outcomes
It's the enviroment the ((rulers))) have created for us. Two centuries ago wife and lots of kids meant you will work less, live longer and be richer since your household has that much more workforce. Nowadays kids and wife only drain your resourses and government makes sure you will never get away from punishment for having a kid.
you'll have to lick a girl's asshole for a while until you stop being a faggot.
Sounds exactly like what a brainlet would say. The smarter the easier it is to develop essential social skills during your developmental period and snowball into a pussy slaying chad.
Why would you want a gf when you can have one in honey select and have her do whatever you want her to. Shit makes sense.

imagine being a 92 IQ like this brainlet right here.
You can get real girls to do whatever you want them to do.
So, is Nipland >>>/r9k/ in country form.
But the effort/money required to get to that point is alot more than loading up a game
Fuck off cuck.
Most of their population will be robots by 2030, they have this all planned out.
That same guy would probably openly declare he hates niggers. Jap virgin beta autists get a pass.
You should make money anyways and not be a loser, and the effort isn't that much if you aren't a fucking puss. Just be a man from the beginning and she'll fall in line It's even easier because most dudes are beta af.
There really isn't an incentive for most guys to have a relationship with a woman nowadays as they are generally cunts or at least not submissive
When you add porn/video games to the mix, is it really worth the bother?

I'm 23 and a virgin and don't care or really have a desire to fuck, it's one of those things if you never had it you don't miss it, like heroin.
not all of us were raped by our families when we were younger
I am 27 and a virgin.
You're like a baby, I'm 25 and I never even went on a date because I keep getting rejected
Stop watching porn and go to they gym you faggots. At least fuck them if you don't want a relationship.
I don't watch porn.
The Mongol long game succeeds. Ghengis master plan achieved.
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>implying you have to be smart to fear rejection

how are brainlets this stupid?
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>expecting self reported studies to be accurate on this topic

yeah haha I lost my virginity at 13 bros haha virgins btfo
reminder that Niggers have NO chance at dating japs
> don't care or really have a desire to fuck, it's one of those things if you never had it you don't miss it, like heroin
Yeah no. You should feel biologically compelled to fuck a woman just like your average 13 year old who has never gotten pussy either. There's something physically or mentally wrong with you and you're trying to justify it. You should have just left that part out because the rest of your post was fine.
I go to the gym and rarely watch porn
Squat heavy 3 days a week, my T is pretty high, 7 inch dick
Despite all this, why bother with women?

Each and every year that goes by, they become shittier and technology becomes better and more entertaining
Women becoming less and less appealing/worthwhile, even to normies.
nice try shlomo but intelligent men are usually 6'3 aryan chads with healthy social lives
What is this "sex" you speak of?
They dishonor famiry, shamefur dispray

But really those nukes did a number on those dirty slit-eyes.
m/f interaction in japan is a sign of things to come for other developed nations

mgtow and neets are dead birds in the mine
>Hapsburgs BTFO
>fucking women

The real cuck here is you.
>Being a virgin at 18 is pretty standard.

Maybe if you're male.

Most girls legit lose their virginity by 14.
Even if a guy does that dumb weeb shit it does not make his statement false.
Reminder that Armenians are Jews.

The fuck it is! What studies? Durex condoms survey? Maybe a sheet of paper placed in front of you in college while your colleagues are on your side watching (like it happened to me)?
Rubbish I say! We will never know the true values because of the stigma associated.
Kali Yuga.

>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
Their populations are declining, but that is only a recent thing. Asians breed like rabbits.
>go on dating website
>see only manlets and entitled betas

It's no different from our side my dude
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Why does BBC post bad news about Japan and attack them all the time on TV.

Why does the BBC hate Japan?
tits or gtfo
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I'm sorry that gay people face the same problems as normal people.

Japan is overpopulated as fuck, a reduction of the weak will do them some good. The intelligent people who are doing well are still reproducing.
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Based post mang.
It's gone so fucking horrible when I've gone up and talked to girls before but I still fucking do it because no way will I be a cucked boo pucci. I will do the cucking. If you just so happen to be there type then you win. It's a numbers game
Indeed. The fact that this animal function is so elevated in the west is degeneracy. Gays: "WOW, I PUT MY DICK IN ASS", as their whole identity, Herero: "WOW, I FUCKED EVERY DIRTY WHORE IN SIGHT".

So much for self discipline and spiritual betterment.
no, literally no one is reproducing and it's only the less intelligent who continue to do so at all. Japan really does need to reverse its population drop but immigration is obviously not the way. They need to stop being tight fisted greedy fucks and introduce some half decent workers rights. They'll never compete with China so they should lose some of the industry in favour of a bigger service sector and more specialist manufacturing like Europe has. Japan and to a lesser extent the US are like Europe in the 50s-70s, low population growth and no jobs since industry moved to the US and Japan. We've learnt to deal with it, they shoudl follow suit.
Because some women are really sexy and will do whatever you want. Fuck their brand out and they'll adopt your ideas
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Hurr durr how dare you say some people have it easy, you fucking faggot?!
You want these /pol/ alphas to neck you, son?
you serious? Women only care about that shit when they hit 30 and are alone, you can get any girl in her twenties no matter what you have they don't give a fuck long as you look decent and have a big dick. Chads aren't major success stories most of the time, they are often moronic man children but that doesn't stop girls flocking to them. No one in reality is going to demonize you for flirting with a girl for fucks sake, no wonder you are failing you've got this autistic battle in our head that you've already lost.
This. Mankind is fundamentally flawed, since only the worst specimens get to reproduce.
Women are selecting cavemen.That's why since the very first civilizations they were not allowed to choose.
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too much salt
I lost my virginity at 19 with my girlfriend who had already slept with 3 men before. We're still together 6 years later. She doesn't even know that I was a virgin and I won't tell her. Seriously virgins on this board should just pay themselves a prostitute.
>A prostitute
Not unless she is a virgin prostitute and has a medical certificate of having no STDs
>together for 6 years with a used up Algerian roastie

I'd rather aim for my wizard powers m8.
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>Japan was a finely rooted culture in the 1950s just like the US, modernizing their older culture in tandem with their traditions, making movies and media of valor and men overcoming tribulations

>Japan didn't get a temporary revival of masculinity like the US did in the 80s

>Was the ground zero for the anime boom, a genre that plays up 90% of its comedy in every series on the protagonist not wanting to come off as too strongly to women and be overtly passive socially.

People really downplay the effects of media on developing children.
>T. Chang
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Spot on desu.
You're right.

In our lifetimes 'normal' sex will barely exist, procreation will be artificial and sex robots will ne widespread.
>How many samurai do you think turn in their graves on a daily basis, /pol/?
>>1/3 are virgins
>>64% have NEVER been in a relationship
you think THIS is why samurai would be turning in their graves?

I personally applaud that japanese society is much less sexual. This garbage here in our part of the world annoys me

the samurai would be turning in their graves because the Japanese lost the war and the americans came there and forcefully opened the country up, imposing their political and ideological views there even though they did not belong
No, japan was based most of its history

but Japan is an Island, and unlike England they don't like foreigners so the inbreeding creates autism
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Irishbro knows the score, it's a simple cost/benefit analysis. I don't get how it's so hard to understand for these autists.
Couple that with the legal climate and you'd be a fool to even interact with women if you're not a chad.
Nothing to gain.
I was fapping several times per day before, but now that I'm nearing 30 my sex drive has dropped significantly. I fap like once in 2-4 days nowadays. Can't be bothered with watching anime or porn either.
>Japanese never left their island or spoke to outsiders.
Tell that to a korean
Yeah, you defo seem like an expert on this shit.
Come back when you're past 100 approaches and fucked at least a couple.

Stop spreading 'advice' without the experience to back it up, I swear it's the bane of this board.
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Go fuck yourselves you fucking kikes
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Meh ive only slept with 3 women and im 26, i have however fucked over 50 hookers, not sure if it counts, dont even care any more, as long as i can bust a nut im happy.

anon you should have laughed in her face, roasties smell fear. Don't get intimidated by women, they always strike first because they get mentally frustrated easily. If they act like a roastie just look down upon them and tell them they're ugly biggest stinger because vanity is everything to a whore

Delusional or larping?

Lad, moved here from abroad. Why are Irish women so unapproachable? I thought it was bad back in my country, but the women here are new levels of ice.
>How many samurai do you think turn in their graves on a daily basis, /pol/?

Most samurais had gay relationships with boys.
Just turned 20 and still a virgin, and according to my calculations it's going to continue to atleast when I'm 24.
We should meet up and have some italian wine together after we get artificial children.
Admittedly, so did the founders of Western civilization like Socrates and the rest of the Greeks. And, just like the Greeks, boys were for "fun" while most of those Samurai settled down in an arranged marriage and had children.
How can white feminist whores even compete?
>japan is highly autistic
>they take vaccinations very seriously
Umm no sweetie, he's actually the bull. Looks like someone's projecting
Explain to me why you consider those people the founders of western civilization, Jacky.
you mean the guy famous for saying no when he was offered gay buttsex?
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>Ironically, their lack of fear of the outcome means the outcome is more likely to be good

This one hit a bit too deep. My life in a nutshell.
>murder and kill being the same thing
>implying noble warriors don't go to be with jap odin
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reminder that average nips look like this. They can't compete with 2d.
Spot on
>Explain to me why you consider those people the founders of western civilization, Jacky.
Are you fucking kidding me? Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Aeschylus...that IS western civilization, from the beginnings of politics and ethical theory to mathematics.
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Seems like the average fat SJW white woman is looking more and more like this every day, so maybe it's a draw...
das deep mayne yall crackers should be more like us brothers just smoke ganja don't wear a watch jamaica style just live like dat
I'd rather skull fuck a corpse than touch a millenial woman
looks like a bunch of chinese tourists
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It's a pendulum /pol/

The Japanese have pushed the pendulum way too far on one side.
It's going to swing very hard, very soon.

It will not be long until Japan becomes a completely degenerate society.
One day youngsters will realize they can forget about social norms and fuck like rabbits and it feels pretty good. And maybe society's rules are not that great after all. And maybe even immigrants are a good idea, to make Japan a "normal" country like those in the West.

It's coming.
>Are you fucking kidding me?
Nope, I want you to give me a reasonable and preferably succinct answer, throwing shit like "are you kidding me" and "but you can't be serious!" around does not count.
It just makes you sound like an sjw.
>explain to me why we need to ship niggers into white countries
That's you.

Even basic tribes have politics, please tell me you don't actually think that athens was a democracy

>ethical theory
Once again, even shitty tribes have ethical systems and people who preach about it, civilizations with writing also tend to have some people write about those thoughts.
Oh and since I'm a classical philologist, let me just warn you in advance that if you'd actually know what the fuck they've written about ethics (and not just the nitpicked, nice little quotes you find on the internet) you wouldn't fucking think that it has much to do with the western civilization or that it was smart
>classical stoa
>"hurr durr it's just as bad when you tell a lie as it is when you rape and kill 100 little girls"

Now that really has fuck-all to do with culture
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Kurosawa's films represent the best of old Japan, and his last epic Ran (1985) was the end of an era. He was the real Last Samurai.
With those numbers am I to infer that prostitution is common in Japan?
We need to start putting testosterone in japenese men's food or something. Nippon used to be great.
just need manlier animes
He's right tho. It's an ugly redpill to swallow, but smarter people with be better at everything, including social skills
The Nicomachean Ethics is taught to this day in philosophy, and still is of use in applied ethics when analyzing modern case histories. Aristotle's detailed taxonomies of things like moral responsibility are quite valuable, and he can be seen as one of the first figures in philosophy of mind as well (A.I. founding figure Minsky, known for neural nets and shit, cited Aristotle as a big influence)

Math has plenty to do with culture, unless you are an innumerate savage with no need of higher abstract thought.
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more average japs
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This is the proper solution.

Make Anime Great Again.

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Much better. Chinks are fucking ugly, but nips are pretty hot. I visited Japan once and there were far more of this than ugly ones
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literally nothing wrong with dakimakura
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They look better when they're pale, yes.
>racemixing with nips because you can't get a white gf
social engineering from think tanks and central banks.
>but half the country is non-white
>so white is probably ~18
Sounds about right. Whats the issue again?
>The Nicomachean Ethics is taught to this day in philosophy
Confucius is also taught in philosophy but neither impacts society at large.

>and still is of use in applied ethics when analyzing modern case histories
That's still academics, not "western culture"

>Aristotle's detailed taxonomies of things like moral responsibility are quite valuable,
Not a new concept, generally accepted among many people.

>and he can be seen as one of the first figures in philosophy of mind as well (A.I. founding figure Minsky, known for neural nets and shit, cited Aristotle as a big influence)
Interesting, but still no reason to consider him a founding father of western culture
He was a great thinker for his time (and definitely preferable to Plato and therefore by extension Socrates), but so were many other people before and after him.

>Math has plenty to do with culture, unless you are an innumerate savage with no need of higher abstract thought.
You were unable to give me a clear reason why in your post for any of your examples.
I'm currently waiting.

How come americans don't know how arguments work? You always claim something and then act like it is unnecessary to back it up. Socrates would be very disappointed.
been to japan three times. every single time i went i fucked the women. they love the white man.

trust me, if u want sex and are white. go to japan.

they'll flock for you.

its brilliant.
>wearing a fucking bow tie
If you ask me he deserved it all
To be fair, one has to be a fucking grandmaster of game, with a 10/10 body and 10 million $ in the account to score with a fucking bowtie
most samurai were celibate
It's a crutch. You don't bother getting a white gf because you can fuck nips. Hurts the white race and yourself in the long-run.

Bit hypocritical of me to say that, though, because I messed about with chinks too for a while.
Confucianism is on the comeback in China as the recovery from commie ideology and turn to nationalism continues, and academic "abstract" philosophy ultimately influences much of a culture from aesthetics to decisions of life and death (bioethics, personhood, capital punishment for the morally responsible?).

The fact that the classical world had writing to preserve and spread their culture meant that the north would ultimately owe most everything to this ancient legacy. Without the ancient math and geometry, the Newtonian revolution that essentially made the modern west would have not occurred (Principia was based on geometric proofs after Euclid).
White girls are almost all SJW feminist cunts anyways. Not worth the effort.
>literally child porn was legal in Japan until recently
>muh last bastion against degeneracy!!
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>It's a crutch
>Hurts the white race
I never understood this sort of reasoning; women are niggers but let's put pressure on men (who's lives are pretty shitty as is, on average) to not only put up with their extreme low-quality & lack of character but also spend their whole lives relentlessly chasing shadows.

The mere fact that this guy is not discouraged enough to even interact with women is something he should be praised for, I'd rather fucking stab them than have to put up with a promiscuous cunt that I have to keep in check.
Bring on the VR & sexbots, women are a meme that needs to die.
Just tell them to go and fuck some Girls in the media, srsly Japan would be crazy enough for that, when they can make tentacle-porn
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They should change headline reading only Japanese men. Japanese women be are whores 99.99999999% of them are not even virgin by time they left highschool. Modesty has lost disgusting women so now anime women have replaced them for most part which is better anyways since they always love you and don't complain.

You are literallly like that one gook from the youtube vid. "anime is much simpler"

Is this not filthy frank?
South of Slovakia burger
>tfw Jap born in a different body

Thought it was a model airplane at first. Sad!
Blacks and Hispanics, on average, lose their virginity much younger than whites. And while white girls typically lose their virginity to older guys at around 16, those guys are also typically virgins between 19-13 years old. You also have people lie about losing their virginity due to social stigma. If I had to guess, the average age white americans lose their virginity is 19, with the average for girls being 17 and the average age for guys being 21.
Yeah, those things don't mean shit to women under 30 in America. Dating in Asia is still 1950s tier, where as long as you look good and work hard, you can get a girl. The problem is that Asians are autists who repulse their own women, and the wages are low, so they can't provide the two things women want. In America, if you want to date women under 30, you better be alpha supreme or a real smooth talker, else you won't be getting anything other than fatties. Working hard doesn't mean shit. Hell, I make 800 bucks a week with no bills, and am fit as fuck, but got friendzonned by a 20 year old girl who only makes 200 bucks a week because "you're so nice, I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend if it didn't work out".
>with the average for girls being 17 and the average age for guys being 21.

Too high for both. I'd go 16 and 19 like you said b4. Male 21 is getting dangerous territory
I'm 28 and I've never asked a girl out. Too fat and too insecure about my benis.

>work hard
>work out
Disney movies are the most psychologically damaging things released upon this earth. I'm almost certain most men of the past were just as autistic as us, but since there was no media to brainwash women into thinking they deserve a prince in spite of being the daughter of paupers, women didn't feel obligated to a man way out of their league.
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if you think fleshlights keep women off your mind, you should try horse fucking. suggesting to a feminist that their supposed monopoly on vagina ends with mares is an exhilarating argument!
It's actually smart guys who have a hard time talking to girls because they can't relate to the same things due to the IQ gap. Women want to talk about mundane shit like their social life or reality TV or Harry Potter or shitty pop music. While a dumb guy can relate to this shit, it utterly bores a man on the far right side of the IQ bell curve, and makes him unengaging in conversation with women.
Yeah, no. Engineers are the smartest kids by a mile at university, and only about 20% of them get a girlfriend within the 4-5 years they are there.

This is borderline tipping fedora lad. Just ask them questions and let them ramble, you don't have to care at all about the topic. I can talk on the phone for 2 hours with my girl and say like 10 sentances while I'm doing work or taking my dog for a walk.

Mostly non-whites though.
If you're a white guy who can't get white women in your early 20s, just date Asians from 18-25, as you won't be a father in that period anyway. After that, once you get your career started and accumulate wealth, try pulling a 18-24 year old white girl with a low partner count and wed her up.
>intelligent white genes are flushed away because white women were liberated or whatever stupid shit
sounds about right
I thought inner city niggers were the ones who bred like rabbits
>giving a shit about sex
artificial insemination and fertility clinics are a thing and sex with toys and condoms and other contraceptives is very common.

so how is that really any different.
Yeah. It's mostly poo in loos that date poo in loos. The white and asian kids don't really date, and if they do, it's typically with a fat chick. One of my friends in engineering has gone on and married a eastern european girl now, and they have 2 kids together, so there are women who want smart, successful men, just not here in the west.
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lose weight and get some real hobbies you degenerate pigs
Obviously never heard of Aspergers
130+ IQ, but social skills are abysmal.

thats not cuz of high IQ. plenty of low IQ assburgers too
Most white people with IQs over 110 have social issues, as their IQ was developed by being deficient in developing a social personality.
>tfw seriously wanting to fuck a mare now
>tfw hear all about how they can control literally their whole vagina and massage your balls
Fuck, man. Human women are trash.

Also post more pls.
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N, no, nothing at all.
Spoken like a true autist.
The face of a female who is beginning to realize she faces obsolescence.
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