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CATHOLIC GENERAL Everyone is welcome. Discuss news, ask question,

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 118

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Everyone is welcome.
Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life.

Today is Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time.

Here are your daily readings

Community links, such as recommended media, are now below in pastebin links. Remember to recommend things to add to the lists!
>Catholic Encyclopedia
>Online Breviary
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.K)
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.S/Can)
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (Ireland)
>Laudate App
>Recommended Movies
>Recommended Books
>Recommended Music
>Beauty of Creation
>Tales of Love and Virtue
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I recently had my computer wiped and so lost my art and Christian pictures. Could anyone assist me and post some?

>shitposting already

At least you bumped the thread.
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Hello and good luck with Catholic bread lad!
Remember that tolerance is very important in Christian faith.
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In my country the number of protestants is falling rapidly, while the number of catholics stay relatively stable
Tolerance was a European virtue until the Enlightenment. You're msitaken.

At least you bumped the thread
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Isn't the Netherlands' Protestants largely Lutheran? It'd make sense.
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Not sure, theyre all heretics.

There are so many different sects of protestantism, which ofcourse is one of their main problems
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fuck off weeb

Catholicism sucks, hail Luther
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Do you know what this word means?

Right. I know Lutherans generally are jumping aboard the gay marriage train, which is why I say that. They are just being more and more modernist and it destroys their base.
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No in-fighting. This is why Muslims fags winning. We need to gather as Christians and throw out all the dirka dirkas.
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>when a goddamn tripfag spams his shit thread everywhere
Cath here.
Wtf is going on with prelates at the vatican; recent news that Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio's secretary Luigi Capozzi has been organising drug fueled gay orgies at the cardinal's residence usually reserved as a meeting place for high ranking officials in the church. Evil is working overtime lads we need a fucking culling of these degenerate scum

Hey Wolfshiem, long time no see.

Glad you are back or at least that I got your thread!
Are you new? This is common place for years now.
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You trying to force your shitty general by spamming it everywhere isn't

>Are you new
Are you implying that catholic generals are a regular thing on /pol/ in any shape or form (and I really mean generals, not one-off threads)?
I'm not saying having a catholic thread is bad, just stop spamming it everywhere you cancerous tripfag
Get the fuck out atheist and take you japanese pedophile cartoons with you.
Protestants and muslims are all heretics so i see no reason to distinguish the two
Ordinary ("Novus Ordo") Form of the Mass refers to Didache and ancient litrugies of the Eastern Churches, an therefore it is good accordingly to its substance. To bring the Church back to her former glory, we have to give up on its current abuses and turn to the divine worship once more.
come on lad, he we are friends here! His general is not like other shit that gets spammed and a lot of users have respect for him
I don't like people coming in a thread purely to advertise something and then leaving, sorry
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Leave atheist.
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These threads have been here for YEARS Reddit, long before you and yours came in here to turn the board and this entire site into your new shitting grounds. Now kindly slit your wrists and bleed out, you worthless waste of human potential. God, how I hate nu/pol/.
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So after a lifetime of atheism, and after months of contemplation and doubt, i finally accepted Christ.

I decided that protestantism is a bit too "cucked" for my taste and that Catholicism seems like the way forward.

Now, since i live in a nihlist hellhole, and dont have access to a catholic church, where do i begin?

Ive decided to read the bible regularly of course. But what else is there?

What are the rituals?
What are the religious obligations?
Where do i begin?
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I'm halfway through the bible and want to become catholic. Can someone explain to me how church works?
I'm kinda shy, completely clueless and don't know what exactly I'm supposed to do. Do I just walk into the church and sit down somewhere? Which events are the ones open to the public? Do I have to do something? What clothes are appropriate? etc.
Coming from the Dutch? Your country was sentenced to death, let's break those dikes and flood the kikes.
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Catholic generals have been a thing forever m8, let them do their thing in peace. t. Non-Christian.





Anon. If you dislike Trips just filter them or ignore them like the other 2000 threads a day.

The only thing cancerous in this thread is your comment.
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There are barely any kikes left, but i would welcome a flood since the most degenerate region (randstad) is below sea level
Fuck off frenchman
I'm a Jew but if I was any other religion I'd want to be a Catholic, I love Cathedrals, Southern France has such gorgeous ones.
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>He doesn't have the good filename
You go to church before mass, speak to a random churchgoer and tell him you want to become catholic and its your first time. 99% sure they will welcome you and walk you through it
The "drug fueled orgy" claim is an Italian rag akin to the National Enquirer. It's tabloids. Honestly, I don't believe it whatsoever.

As with the claims of pedophilia, there is no widespread corruption with prelates. It's just that it relates to a centralized and very important institution and so gets reported more.

Linking to other threads and Catholic Generals have been very regular things.
/his/ included humanities because anti-theists were upset that Christian and Catholic discussion was everywhere. The /pol/ archive only goes until after the /his/ split but we still have:


And for Christian Generals


And /ecclesia/


These are oldest first. Note in the Catholic General posts that there is reference tomany earlier generals prior to 2015.

Going through RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) is the formal route into Catholicism. It is an Intro to Catholicism class that is once a week and ends at Easter with your baptism.

If you want material for understanding the Christian worldview or just Christian media you can check the OP links here >>132519665

I mean no offense in saying this but you seem very new to how the faith works so I wouldn't recommend starting with the Bible. The Bible is a collection of books of various narratives, genres, and references that many don't get without commentary. Further, the narratives would distract people who are just trying to get basics. The Catholic Church has a compilation of their core teachings written in what is called Catholic Catechism. That would be a proper introduction to what Catholicism is.

RCIA will fill you in on religious obligations.
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>not having the correct filename
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>spongebob image users
Convert before it's too late my friend. We only live once.
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I don't care about the actual thread itself, just people spamming it in other threads.

I stand corrected. Genuinely didn't remember any regular catholic generals, guess I just never noticed them. Sorry for being a faggot.
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>Can someone explain to me how church works?

The service, mass?

You sit anywhere you want, no one will judge you. You can ask anyone what to do during mass and they will likely work through it with you.It's got a set structure with the audience interacting with the one at the altar as well and is meant to be a model of right worship to conform to.

The general structure is:

>contemplating and repenting of sins
>reading of 2-3 different texts
>speech based on texts

With song, prayer, and phrases mixed in as well.

Non-Catholics are not to take part in Communion until they are Catholic but you can come with your arms folded for a blessing or remain seated.

>I'm a Jew

You can always change that. Focus on what is true though.
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we belong to the Church of Maghreboi

kh*mmies btfo
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Welcome. I am a recent convert too.

Reserve a time of daily prayer to speak with the Father. Focus in the two commandments in your daily life. That's what I do.
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Well this suddenly came to a complete halt.
With the Reddit anti-theists and Pagan idiots flooding the board things certainly have gotten worse for discourse.
>Non-Catholics are not to take part in Communion until they are Catholic
So I don't do anything and stay on my place at mass?

I was baptized in the eastern orthodox church. Do you know if the catholic church recognizes it? Or do I need to go through the same process as a non-baptized person to become Catholic?
Catholics aren't Christian
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>So I don't do anything and stay on my place at mass?

You could stay seated or you could come up arms folded and receive a blessing. And yes, the church does recognize the baptism of Eastern Orthodox, you're good m8.
>Where do i begin?

Praying. Contemplation and praying. These are the two main activities in the day to day life of a Catholic. If you are asking which kind of prayers you can follow then there is something that is called "liturgia horarum". Check it out.

What is the difference between catholicism and orthodoxy?
>And yes, the church does recognize the baptism of Eastern Orthodox, you're good m8.
Get a Job, Wolfsheim
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>Vatican police 'break up gay orgy at home of secretary of one of Pope Francis's key advisers'
one of MANY (Orthodox position)
ONE of many (Catholic position)
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Fuck the catholic church
Do they have any better source than some pasta nigger paper?
That said, inquisition when?
Hey Wolfshiem. Did you read any Plotin?
Google translate of real difference:

For the Catholic Church, it is the bishop of Rome (pope), whose primacy, according to the teachings of this church, is of divine origin. For the Orthodox, this interpretation of the primacy is unacceptable. They are ready to return to the understanding of the Roman primacy that existed in the first millennium. At that time, the Eastern Church interpreted this primacy as such, about which the churches agreed among themselves, so that it would be easier for them to coordinate their activities, but not as a divine institution
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fuck you too
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There is a wide list of small theological differences. Orthodoxy is a bit decentralized as well.

The core difference that splits them is the idea of the position of the Seat of St. Peter in Rome. They both believe in the primacy of St. Peter and his successors but consider him the "first among equals" (a position of honor) rather than a universal position. This is why Orthodoxy focuses on saying the Bishop of Rome was being power hungry while the pope maintains this was how it always was and it just wasn't explicitly written out for some time.

Smaller details would be things like the different understanding of Hell (the Catholic idea is an exclusion from God while the Orthodox idea is that God is always there and so Hell is someone who rejects God having to be with God 24/7, which Catholic would reject) and things like the different metaphysical understanding of God with the Essence-Energies Distinction rather than the Catholic metaphysical idea of Divine Simplicity. To Catholics, the distinction Orthodoxy makes it both heretical and wrong and illogical.

There is a massive list of differences. Try this:


I would say the immediate difference you'd notice between Catholicism and Orthodoxy is the different ways of thought. Catholicism is more scholastic with some mystics while Orthodoxy is more mystics with some scholastics.

They are generally considered Bro-Tier, I think, because they share the common early church origin with Catholicism and are fairly similar. It's nothing terribly jarring and while the differences are important they don't come up as much as with others.

I do. That's why we don't have daily generals anymore.

Any sources that aren't getting all their claims from an Italian tabloid?
I really need to practice our faith better in my life. It's funny, the craziness and hyper anti-christianity of modern society has really driven back to the church. Guess in that regard I'm grateful lol.
And one more difference:

During the all-Russian representative survey 69% of Orthodox Russians answered that the Holy Spirit, in their opinion, proceeds not only from the Father, but also from the Son. This view corresponds to the Catholic, and not Orthodox, tradition.
When the rods of fire come from the west and annihilate the Whore of Babylon, there is a place of refuge in Arizona, in the Hopi reservation. Heed my message, for Mary, is waiting for her children there, her remnant church.
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I'd rather fight with my muslim brothers as a christian than attending the catholic church
>Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at home of cardinal’s aide
Do you know if there's a big difference between American and European Lutherans?

I mean, European Lutherans are pretty much Catholics without the pope these days. The rejection of Sola Scriptura for example.
If confirmed, he needs to be hanged, not simply retired.
>We are a people of different religions, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity … in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.

Got the jew.
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>I'd rather fight with my muslim brothers as a christian than attending the catholic church
>as a christian
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>"Someone, give me a reaction. Blease"
>The rejection of Sola Scriptura for example.

They do not reject sola scriptura.
God bless Hezbollah and LFA
>the last sentence is literally made up by jews
Catholics aren't Christian
Have you helped anyone come to the church IRL?
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How go I get involved? I've never been religious but want to surround myself with positive people. I've been abusing drugs and the people around me for the past few years and am just now getting sober and realizing that I can't stand most of my friends
Indeed, that why we have orthodoxy.
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Protestants arent christian
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Plotinus? Somewhat, but he's difficult to get through. Why?

>Hitler had a corporatist society
>Class collaboration, the basis for Corporatism, is defended by the church as early as St. Paul the Apostle
>earliest models are all Christian and devised by the Catholic Church
>the Catholic Church itself commissed the defining of the system itself


That, again, gets all it's claims from the same Italian tabloid Il Fatto Quotidiano.

That I do not, I'm sorry.
They do not reject Sola Scriptura at all though.


>Muslim brothers
>would fight with them
>rather than attend a service of a Christian denomination

This is good bait.

I've spoken to people in depth about theology in real life but not taken them to the church service with me.
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In 1941, muslims fought with Axis powers

Today, christians will fight with Hezbollah
the P on this seal will forever trigger my OCD
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I actually got a similar question earlier and answered it here:


It's the third part.
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I was thinking, why is it that we Christians generally don't talk about the more metaphysical aspects of our faith? I don't mean we should discuss that stuff 100% of the time like some Hindus do, but it'd be nice to see those things brought up more often. Mystical theology, people like Pseudo-Dionysus, Angelus Silesius, and the Rhineland mystics, as well as moderns like Valentin Tomberg and Wolfgang Smith

>The Cross on Golgotha
>Thou lookest to in vain,
>Unless within thine heart
>It be set up again
>-Cherubic Wanderer, Angelus Silesius
Genuine question; how do you interpret John 3:16? Doesn't it literally say belief in Jesus is the only requirement for eternal life? And if so why is there such emphesis in Catholicism on infant baptism, liturgies given after confession to 'atone for sins' and the last rites? Genuinely curious here, not judging or anything
Pol is now Pagan/Hindu/Vedic board. Abrahamic sand-nigger death cult worshippers get out get out get out reeeeee.
The church is a beast, but the Lord is my God.
Thanks man. I'm still very much a skeptic though does that matter?
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Fuck off Varg, you're making the rest of us look bad.
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>betraying the cultural foundation of your civilisatrion
>Plotinus? Somewhat, but he's difficult to get through. Why?

Just curious. Wanted to ask you that for years but haven't visited you threads for years. I believe understanding Plotin is fundamental to understand catholic theology since the neoplatonic tradition is what seperates us from the muslim school of thought that is based in aristotelianism. It is always recommended to know your Plotin in a debate with a muslim. Well...the same goes for Bernhard of Clairveaux and Thomas Aquinas.
Christianity only works in theory
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Because classical Christian philosophy is connected to the Catholic Church via Scholasticism and Protestant areas thoroughly rejected Scholasticism for mainly sociopolitical reasons. Christian mysticism took a very similar route. Protestants rejected not only the clerics but the monks and monastic system as well. Many monasteries were removed for their Catholicism or because leaders that had no respect for their denomination wanted to enjoy their property and land.

Christian philosophy is largely maintained in Orthodox and Catholic circles.

By the way, I'm sure the 20th century mystic Thomas Merton would be of interest to you.

Not at all. I converted from a staunch Naturalist position from my examination of Scholasticism and gradually became Catholic through an examination of its claims.

And of course we can help you out with any of that.
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Out of curiosity - why do you believe in the Trinity? I can't get one Christian to explain it in a manner that makes sense.

The Father alone is God. If your sect took the Arian redpill, Christianity would be much better off. Never gonna happen though :/
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The trinity is not understood, but experienced. Read Aquinas, He was the only man who ever came close to explaining it properly (and subsequently said that he was unable to understand it himself.)
The father, son and the holy spirit are suppose to be the same being. It's a christian god, you're not meant to understand him.

>Mystical theology

Mysticm has the problem of steering clear of gnosticism. It's roots lie in ancient greek philosophy.
Anothing thing is that the monastic orders of the Catholic Church have very distinct traditions and schools of thought that need a clear understanding of their roots and ambitions.
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But there are Platonists and Aristotelians in the Catholic and Orthodox tradition pretty generally. Bonaventure of all people is Platonist and Aquinas is a very well known Aristotelian.
I'm a big fan of Type O Negative and Ghost, and but obviously those bands frequently use Satanic motifs in their music. I'm looking for some Christian music with a similar sound. Anyone have any suggestions? Preferably some songs in Latin. Thanks!
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>why do you believe in the Trinity?

Well the 'why' would be that is follows from other things I hold, such as the validity of the Christian worldview and the validity of the apostolic chair. But I would find it important to know what I mean by the Trinity:

The Trinity - God being the collection of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit - does not imply that all three are each their own individual object or individual - don't be confused by the use of 'person'. Rather, a modern way of wording it would be that God exists in a trinity of relations. A good parallel would be St. Augustine's:

>The Father = The Mind
>The Son = Self-Knowledge
>The Holy Spirit = Self-Love

For mind, its self-knowledge and self-love and all co-extensive, co-equal, and consubstantial. Yet they proceed from the mind.
>and Protestant areas thoroughly rejected Scholasticism for mainly sociopolitical reasons.

That's a no. They reject reason because of their understanding of the human nature (and reason) as completely pervaded by sin and thus effectively turning into an "agnostic" denomination. Polemics are only useful if they hit the mark.
fuck off commie bastard
This "not to be understood" meme came from the false teaching of the Trinity. We were made in His image. Remember the most important commandment from Jesus in Mark 12:29:

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one."

Yet every damn church is trying to convince me that God is three. IT IS SIMPLE for Christ's sake!

>They reject reason because of their understanding of the human nature (and reason) as completely pervaded by sin and thus effectively turning into an "agnostic" denomination.

Such an idea has existed since Augustine and hasn't created made people forgo philosophy at all.
I agree they all came from God, but only the Father is God.

The son=the "word" in which God spoke the universe into existence - personified in the womb of Mary
The holy spirit=this same "word". Christ is the spirit.
What is the difference in the old and new testament? What to read to understand all this?
>but you can come with your arms folded for a blessing

Wait, how does that work? Lets say I haven't done the confession but I want to have that blessing.
Yeah, because the bible is full of contradictions.
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>I can't get one Christian to explain it in a manner that makes sense.

Well. It was Plotin who proved that even the individual itself is made up of "multiples". Take Aristotle. He defined the best human condition as a selfreflicting action of thought. That way he thought it is a perfect definition of human existence since it isn't reliant on any kind of outside sources and thus becoming a "lesser" state of existence. Plotin analyzed that and pointed out that even if you only reflect upon yourself it is made up of plorals. You are becoming the object of your observation as well as the subject of it at the same time. So if such a split in the individual is observeable in reality the possibility for the Holy Trinity to exist is also proven.
John Paul II Anti-Christ
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LIVE - Rick Wiles: How Tech Will Shatter Popular Bible Prophecy Beliefs


Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution redefine the understanding of Bible prophecy in the Body of Christ? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses why the program has taken a dynamic shift to cover technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics as the news team shares their insights from Seoul, Shanghai, and the little known Christian bastion of Hong Kong. Rick also calls for prayer for the faithful Christians in the former British colony and details what the Gospel has to say about Asia in the end times.
The way I see it is: God as the Eternal Source. God as the Actor/Creator. God as the Ministrant omnipresence.
Christianity must have a hold on you for you to be in a Christian thread arguing against it's validity. Dabble in Jesus again. Accept Christ as your savior and his dad as your God - you will opening a new door to freedom and a extremely rich and fulfilling experience.
I'm well on your side - in principal - but how do you think about handling shit like >>132528347 ?

I mean on a global scale ?! This shit gets out of hand. And I seriously cannot respect the church as is with all this massive degeneracy.
Because you can't preach water and jug wine like you're a fucking roman landlord.
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>I agree they all came from God, but only the Father is God.

By the definition of the Trinity all three are. And my example shows how they are also God.

>the word

The term originally used is 'logos' which is the principle for which all things are designed. This is inseparable from God and why 'The Son' is compared to 'self-knowledge'.

The Holy Spirit example is just vague and arbitrary. And wouldn't make sense in any understanding of the procession in the trinity.

My mistake - that practice is for communion only, not confession. The sacrament of Confession is not done without being Catholic.

However, in terms of blessing generally I'm sure you could be asked at any time for one if you ask the priest ahead of time.

>kids say the darndest things

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How in the world can you go about finding a girl at church? I always feel like it's extremely disrespectful to approach them after Mass because I feel that if these girls are in their mid 20s like me and are also going to Mass themselves like me they probably are just going to church because they want to go to church and not get approached by a stranger.

Any success stories anons?
I pick and choose the commandments I like and disregard and discredit those I don't like. Does this make me a Christian?


Matthew 5:19
Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Or, maybe when Jesus said he was God's "son", he meant it literally? He said in John 17:3 that the "Father is the ONLY true God".

As we know, the bible is extremely deep and rich - we shouldn't muddle up basic truths. God is one. DONE. Easy. The lamb sits at the right hand of God, as foretold in Psalm 2 and 110. Let's leave that alone and move on to the most important gospel.

The gospel about the coming Kingdom.
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All the same I don't see much of that discussion happening in Catholic circles either, other than in fringe blogs like Gornahoor. I think it would be beneficial if more Catholics read into that subject, it would even help in dealing with people oriented to mysticism (Tomberg's books led to the conversion of many occultists and New Agers)

Seven Storey Mountain was based
yeah I married a girl from church, and I specifically joined a church to get married.


there's your problem right there lol
seriously, does the catholic church have singles bible studies or meets? that's where you have to do it.
or you...hell..dont you just put the word out to your catholic aunts that you're looking, and word will spread?
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Go up to them and tell them you've seen them at Mass before and thought they were pretty, and then ask them to do something religion-related, like going to Eucharistic adoration together. If she says no, she may just feel awkward because she's not /THAT/ into the faith, so then ask her if she'd like to go out to dinner or a movie sometime. If she still says no, sorry buddy, you've been rejected, but at least you gave it a shot!
I should add that the whole point of finding a girl at church would be that I know she's already Catholic and already goes to Mass, which is a big deal to me personally.

Just seems most women I find elsewhere have very different beliefs and don't seem to want to budge on them.
>Such an idea has existed since Augustine and hasn't created made people forgo philosophy at all.

Martin Luther based his thoughts on Augustine. The Catholic Church didn't so much adopt the later Augustines thoughts. The Church always maintained the position that the pervasion of sin still allowed the individual to come to a natural understanding of God through reason/philosophy.
Luther denied this vehemently and that is why the scholastic tradition was lost in Protestantism. Protestantism didn't forgo philosophy, though, as can be seen through Hegel, Kant, Fichte and so on.
You folks are the most dominant sect of Christianity. I hold out hope you guys will turn Unitarian and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God someday.

I GTG. Just wanted to contribute a bit. Love you bros. Blessings from the Father.
Friendly God Bless OP
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I asked this in a /christ/ general earlier in the week, but I want to hear from /cath/

You see traditionalist Catholicism discussed here all the time, but is anyone here a genuine traditionalist?

Doing the whole only attending latin mass, eating fish on fridays, weekly confessions etc etc

I want to ease myself into traditionalism and I was wondering if there was any on /pol/
Well, a difference in relation doesn't automatically imply a difference in substance. It is the typical muslim misunderstanding on this subject.
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What commandments do you disagree with, specifically? None of them are that outrageous. Moreover, if you look at what Jesus Himself said in Matthew 22:37-40, there is a much more defined summary of what God expects of us.
>Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
>This is the first and great commandment.
>And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
>On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Didn't this guy get beaten up by Otto von Habsburg?
Catholics are the worst hypocrites of all the Christians. The pope himself doesn't follow the bible as it is written. He feels it is his right, nay, his duty to re-write the parts of the bible he doesn't like.


Which of these do you follow heathen?
I am an admirer of Traditional Catholicism. I'm Orthodox, so there are theological issues, but I think your traditions are beautiful and worth preserving. I am dismayed however that your church seems eager in every way to distance itself from its old way of worshipping. Seems like you have a latent self-hatred that makes you want to act Protestant instead of embracing who you are.
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does it matter if he did?
The pope isn't the rock.
The Bible is.
You're literally autistic

The Bible didn't exist at the time that Jesus said that....The Rock is Peter's confession of faith that is the bedrock (no pun intended) of all Episcopal authority.
>He feels it is his right, nay, his duty to re-write the parts of the bible he doesn't like.

Great joke. I'd like you to point out where it actually happened in history.
>The Bible is infallible
>Removes 7 Books from scripture
Pick one

Yeah, I think just approaching women at church won't work.
But doesn't your church have any young adult groups?
The church I go to is always holding events like discernment workshops, retreats, talks, bible study and all that.

That's probably your best bet if you want to network and meet women. You should search through the newsletter or maybe ask around about the youth activities going on.
Personally I think that traditionalism will be what saves the church. The church must say what it has always said, and not submit to the pressures of "new orders" or any political power.
I was confirmed Catholic but after taking up philosophy as a side-hobby it left me questioning a lot of things.

How can there truly be "free will" if God is omniscient and thus knows everything that will ever happen in the universe? If God has a "plan" for us, then how can we have free will? If God is omniscient and knows everything that will happen, then he allows great evil to occur and does nothing. Why is God so uninvolved with his creations?

>tfw Descartes was never able to escape the hole he dug himself into with Discourse on the Method
Peter and the apostles assembled the Bible.
It is the rock.
I'm sorry,
I don't quite understand you.
I am a Catholic but I don't always go the Confession. I do know that without the Conffesion I cannot accept the body of Christ.

So how does the blessing work? I mean, I don't want to come there to the priest with my arms folded and embarrass myself.

Someone - as in: an actual catholic - answer please.
I was raised non-denominational but am considering to join one of the apostolic churches. Problem is, one is KGB-ridden as it seems and the other seems to be some kind of hidden satanic pedo hub. As much as I try to live the Gospel - though without any service - I will not join the ranks of something that is so rotten on the inside.
No, they didn't. They wrote letters that the Church later decided were scripture and canonized into one volume in the 300s. Before that, there were many other books that people thought were scriptural that didn't make it into the final canon such as the Shepherd of Hermas and the Protoevangelion of James.
Not a literal rewriting per se but an effective one. Does the pope openly condemn faggots. Nope. There are many examples where parts of the bible are conveniently ignored or explained away with bullshit.

my parish has a 20/30's single group. they all seem like nerds though. i always luck out finding a catholic bf oddly enough. current one is a brit, not sure how that worked out.
Remember kids.
God sacrificed himself to himself so that he could not punish his own creation; for something their ancestors did 1000s of years ago after being tempted by the devil he created, by burning them in a lake of hell-fire for all eternity.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noetoc2W4Pc - 1.5x speed is recomended by anon.


Don't do that.

I mean, you CAN do that, but it's pointless since the priest gives you a blessing at the end of mass anyway. I'm pretty sure the folding arms thing is mainly for kids who go up.

Just stay in your pew and pray.
Also, make sure you go to confession regularly.
If you only go sporadically, it becomes more difficult each time.
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classical ausie shitpostin'
admittedly, most of us dont agree with francis on everything, but we have to acknowledge his authority in our church
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>God sacrificed himself to himself so that he could not punish his own creation;
No, so that man could enter into salvation. It's not about not being punished, it's about being redeemed so that we may enter into heaven.
>for something their ancestors did 1000s of years ago
>implying sin is just a one time thing
>after being tempted by the devil he created,
He created the devil sure, that doesn't mean
He was responsible for the devil's acts.
>by burning them in a lake of hell-fire for all eternity.
>my understanding of hell is completely based off the fanfic that is Dante's Inferno
>They are ready to return to the understanding of the Roman primacy that existed in the first millennium. At that time, the Eastern Church interpreted this primacy as such, about which the churches agreed among themselves, so that it would be easier for them to coordinate their activities, but not as a divine institution
biased description
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That's fair. Over the years of doing Catholic Generals I've noticed that the state of Catholic education has dropped. One thing I hear from people experiencing /christian/ on 4+4chan or these generals is people suddenly getting a good education on what Christianity is. It's... well, ridiculous, honestly. I feel glad they are being helped but I worry about the people not experiencing it then.

And I'm very much with you on Seven Storey Mountain. I've been taking my time through Mystics and Zen Masters recently and it's been a very good interfaith monastic comparison. However I'll have to examine alternatives to see if it's truly valid. Worth checking out if that's your thing.

I stand corrected.


I hope you both have a blessed night.

>You see traditionalist Catholicism discussed here all the time, but is anyone here a genuine traditionalist?

I am not. My parish down the street is Novus Ordo. There have been many actual traditionalists in these threads, though. Not sure if they are here now.

u wot

I am partially with you.
I think traditionalism and the maintaining of the church would have to come hand in hand.

I'm sorry, I'm developing a headache and I think I misread you.

You can walk up and receive a blessing without properly being considered in a state of grace and so confession isn't an immediate concern. You can go up for a blessing no matter what.

A blessing is a prayer. They will do a motion and and say a line and that will be it. And by having your arms folded I mean having your hands on their opposite shoulders.
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>How can there truly be "free will" if God is omniscient and thus knows everything that will ever happen in the universe?

The omniscience of God is not a foreknowledge of the future. Since God exists outside of the universe but also pervades it, it implies a simultaneuous non-changing existence in past present and future all at once. A sufficient analogy would be a three dimensional object engulfing a linear object. Past, present and future from God's perspective would be experienced at the "same" time. This allows for a system where free will exists.
Traditionally, theologians have said that the freedom of the human being becomes greater the more they follow God, which is the absolute moral good. Defying the absolute good is an act of servitude. Immanuel Kant himself also said that. Incidentally, he also coudln't explain freedom without relying on God. That is why it is also said that our judicial system is based on christian values.
Enjoy your trip to hell, it starts next week
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>this is what anti-theists actually think Christianity is

Try not to let the negativity from the surrounding culture and the media influence your opinion on the Church.

There has been evil in the Church, as you would expect from an institution of weak humans. But there is so much good in it as well. Good that well outweighs the bad.

You just can't see it because you are on the outside. The only way to see it is by digging deeper and coming to your own conclusions.
This is why Orthodoxy is the only Christian Church that makes sense. Jesus died so that death and rose so that death could be undone and so that those who had died could, by Grace, share in His divinity. The view that Jesus died to make the Father forgive everyone puts a rift between the will of the Father and Son....like He somehow had to talk the Father out of destroying us.
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Have you read Malachi Martin?

I always stay in the pew when I haven't done the Confession. But I do want to try this blessing thing.


>And by having your arms folded I mean having your hands on their opposite shoulders.

Teach me more. How do I do this?
>Since God exists outside of the universe but also pervades it, it implies a simultaneuous non-changing existence in past present and future all at once

That is intensely interesting. Is there an entry in the Catechism about this, or some Doctrine I could read?

Also, where does this idea of God as omniscient stem from in the first place? What Biblical references are there?
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"They (the Novatian heretics) have not the succession of Peter, who hold not the chair of Peter, which they rend by wicked schism; and this, too, they do, wickedly denying that sins can be forgiven [by the sacrament of confession] even in the Church, whereas it was said to Peter: ‘I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven'


"You cannot deny that you are aware that in the city of Rome the episcopal chair was given first to Peter; the chair in which Peter sat, the same who was head—that is why he is also called Cephas (‘Rock’)—of all the apostles; the one chair in which unity is maintained by all"

St. Optatus
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G'day Wolf, unfortunately I need to head off soon so I can't really participate in the thread. But good to see it none the less.

>I recently had my computer wiped and so lost my art and Christian pictures. Could anyone assist me and post some?
I don't have much Wolfie, but I'll do my best.
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>but how do you think about handling shit like...

When people talk about church leaders affecting how they view Catholicism I find St. Augustine very helpful. He was in a debate with a man who thought only the morally excellent could be priests. Augustine's response, quickly paraphrased, is that it is the the grace administered during the sacraments and the authority of the doctrinal teaching does not come from the moral excellence of man, but from God.
You have mixed up priorities to deny a 2000 year old institution and its worldview because of its current leaders.

Further, those reports seem to stem ONLY from an Italian tabloid. And even further, sexual abuse corruption occurs at a far smaller rate in Catholicism than in surrounding groups or even the common rate in that society. It gets shit as it's a large and centralized organization.











Further, they have done much to respond:

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Thank you Anon, will be sure to check some of these out when I get back later.
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God Bless Senpai
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Isnt the chi-rho a orthodox symbol
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Never heard of him, actually.

Pic related. Very simple stuff.

My buddy, thank you much.
You have a good night, though. I'll be heading out soon too.
Its Greek for Jesus Christ
the initials
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Repent and submit to the Pope heretic
I don't disagree with this. We all acknowledge that Rome was first among the Patriarchs. The Ecumenical Councils listed Rome as first. They got into trouble when they thought that position meant they were infallible though. From there came pride and error and the fall was terrible for all of Christendom.
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Also Wolfie please tell me you did not lose your Christ-chan folder. If that is the case I'll be sure to help you out by returning the ones I copied from you, thumbnails and all.

>Though not today since I'm heading out in 15 mins
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reread it philistine
>Not following the original Church of Constantine
Eh i dont know enough about Christianity to make that choice, i was raised non Christian and later became a believer...not even baptized so eh
Actually I need to depart now.
You all have a great night. I'll have the tab up to save any cool pictures posted. To the anons that are helping me get my collection back, thank you so much.

Have a good night.

I have lost everything. Had to redownload Steam and all. No problem at all though.
Good night Wolf
nice whats the message anon?

Dont' you have a 30+ year civil war to finish. Go back killing each other. Figures Sri Lankans would be schisimatics as well
Ahh I see. Very simple indeed but at I first understood it as me putting my hand on the priests shoulder.
But do you know if this x formed with arms means something? Some info on it :D

Thank you.
Yes, I'm absolutely aware of media exaggeration. But I'm concerned, especially with the Vatican, because as Kardinal Ratzinger was the guy responsible to fight the degeneracy, he resigned out after some years as Pope. I'm concerned about that, because he's like THE moral, traditional institution in Germany when it comes to catholicism and even he seemed to have been pressured out somehow.

As much as I know I'm conditioned to not like the church, I'm also concerned that this is, contrary to what you've said and what I think - in principle - bigger, or better: more significant, than what I want to actually admit to.

I can't help it. But I'm sure straya is right. I'll have to experience it in order to grasp it.

On the other hand, the church seems to be SO weak in Germany ... apart from the last few traditionlists which are actually dieing out like the cardinal of cologne.
Constantine made Rome the first of 5 Patriarchs
but the 5 were all equal
Also the Great Schism can be blamed that Rome was Latin while all the others were Greek
Also they had a problem with being under the emperor in Constantinople,
>How can there truly be "free will" if God is omniscient and thus knows everything that will ever happen in the universe?
Because God is not limited by time and space. He exists simultaneously at all points throughout existance. For this reason, it is a logical result that He must know everything, as He already exists when it has already happened. That He knows it doesn't mean He caused it. Think of it like a history book: you know that Julius Ceaser crossed the rubicon, but that doesn't mean that in any way you caused it or that it wasn't freely done by him.
So apply that to a being who exists simultaneously at when it happens and now. He knows what will happen because He's already seen it.
>If God has a "plan" for us, then how can we have free will?
In partly because of above. He knows what will do because He's already seen us do it. But He is an active, present God, and can do things in this world as He wishes. Now, at thsi point the definition of plan becomes important. Plan does not mean God has laid out every thing we will do before we decide to, that would contradict free will. Rather, He can influence events in ways as He pleases, such as answering prayers. It's not always a direct act such as taking the form of a man and dying, sometimes it might be simpler, smaller things, such as giving you the idea to look up at just the right moment to meet your future wife, or something small like that.
>If God is omniscient and knows everything that will happen, then he allows great evil to occur and does nothing.
evil occurs by men and men alone. God allows men to act freely, and in that man does both great evil and great good. Both are the result of free will, yet we are always quick to lay the evil at the feet of God but keep the glory of the good for man's name.
>Why is God so uninvolved with his creations?
How do you know He's uninvolved? Just because He doesn't always show Himself in great and obvious signs? Have you not read 1 Kings 19:10-13?
Rude desu
if anything the Catholics broke away from the Orthodox
And i never said i was a orthodox
"Over-zeal is worse than fascism" as the saying goes. Kill them with your annoying kindness. Flood them with your care to a point they'll have to run away from you.

And once they think they're safe, sneak in ring the doorbell and say they forgot their toothbrush.
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>rude desu

Also Constantine was UPSET with the Churche's decisions which were against his own wishes. He was an Arian and wanted the Church to be Arian as well he had no say in Church matters, so he declared his successors Arians as well and they persecuted the Church and also tried to get them to change the creeds. but the Church wouldn't.
Can you show any real proof of Constantine being a Arian
He constantly wanted Arians to Assimilate with the Calcidonians
And not split the Church
Why should I be a Roman Catholic instead of an Orthodox Christian?

The Orthodox Church seems to be unaltered since its conception while the RCC has changed in many ways since the schism in 1054.

>"pouring" instead of "immersion" baptism
>papal infallibility
>priest celibacy
>Vatican II

These changes all occurred post-schism in the West but not in the East. Why shouldn't I stick with the unaltered church?
What besides it's common knowledge for people aren't slaughtering each other on a god forsaken island? South of the Great POO

Yeah I meant to say that enemies can't stand being overly nice to them. Like "ill hold the door for you" it makes them rage
Idk i am saying go with what you belive
Do you think the pope or at least the idea of that fact that the pope is the singular head and voice of god on earth then you are catholic
if you think its not and beleive in the synod and Patriarchs then you are Orthodox
>Christcucks being degenerates

If i was baptized into a UCC church,
what would i have to do to convert to Catholicism???
But that doesn't help me to know the truth.
They both tell the truth
The Truth isnt changed in any modern branch
only a few minor changes
I mean except people like mormons
i have no idea what they are talking about
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>be a Greek
>Jews called Greeks literal Philistines
>betray each other for money to Persia constantly (see Alcibiades)
>betray other city states over petty alliances for thousands of years (see Pericles and Thebes)
>Make treaties to break them (see Philip the Great)
>betray each other when Romans invade for money from Romans (see Roman Conquest)
>Stab each other in the back (See Philip the Great and Alexander the Great Assassinations, see Cleopatra of the Ptolemies)
>Betray Romans in numerous alliances (see Seleucids and Attalids and Ptolemies making alliances with Romans)
>Romans called them "only fit for slavery and treacherous snakes"
>Roma has to deal with Greek churches
>WELL IT HAPPEENS AGAIN Greeks rebel against Roma and say they are not loyal to anyone but themselves
>oh but its DIFFERENT this time bc its religouis

Were you chrismated in the orthodox church? If so then you don't have to do rcia and you can go to confession and communion as roman catholics fully accept eastern orthodox
>The Orthodox Church seems to be unaltered since its conception while the RCC has changed in many ways since the schism in 1054.
Unchanging!= correct. The ideas of the gnostics haven't changed since their inception, but that doesn't mean they're right. It's more important to look at the arguements for and against each change and what the Church bases them off of and see if you understand and agree with that.
One must remember that even in the gospels the early church changes it's doctrines, so it's not like their is a moratorium against adding on ideas as we come to better understand scripture.
So then the question becomes "are these changes right or wrong?" Because even the bible will attest to changes being OK.
Why don't you convert to Christianity?
Constantine was not a arian
He wanted a United Christendom....
It all boils down to Constantinople saying that the pope's position as first among equals is administrative and not divinely ordained whereas romans say it is divinely ordained
If two ideas are contradictory, then one or both of them must be wrong. They cannot both be correct if they are not the same because the truth is singular and absolute.

So the pope is the supreme head of the church or he isn't. The pope is infallible or he isn't. Fillioque is heretical or it isn't. You don't seem very knowledgeable about the East/West schism.
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Pics or it didn't happen. Don't you have to sever the head of your own brother in some bullet storm in a shitfaced jungle?
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
None come to the father except through him.

We have ONE mediator between God and man, (none other than) our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Eh i do know about it
All i am saying is that those kinds of questions are answered by yourself
theologians have being debating this since 1052
The Fact that the Pope is infallible or not doesn't change the preaching of its priests
Yes there are a few changes in the some prayers but again.. the changes are very small
your a very angry and
mean spirited person
Dont you follow a faith that says to be kind and loving to all
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Under Arianism...
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Repent and submit to PONTIFEX MAXIMVS

>mean spirited
Sure is hypocritical for A SRI LANKAN OF ALL PEOPLE
Can i have the version which shows hide the Catholic church tired to infiltrate the translation of the kjv bible?

I'd greatly appreciate it.

>my mother, brothers and sisters are they that do the will of my father
Reminder: Saints are False Idols
One crossed arm (the palm of one hand on the opposite shoulder) is enough when a non-Catholic goes in the Eucharist line just to receive a blessing. Having both arms crossed could be awkward just for moving naturally.
I don't know, but wikipedia says
>While chrismation is often performed without baptism, baptism is never performed without chrismation
Is it really that easy? Am I technically a full Catholic now?
If small changes didn't matter, then the church wouldn't fight hereseys like Aryanism or Modalism. The fact is that small changes make a big differences theologically.

The point about the unaltered church is that the truth stays the same no matter how much time passes, so the church that doesn't change is most likely to be the one with the truest teachings. But you're right in that the unaltered church may have gotten it wrong originally - after all it was formed by men... oh wait no it was founded by Christ...
Well all bishops are infallible for they have the authority of the whole and universal church within them. Saying the pope is infallible just xlarifys the obvious
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>look at me I'm the faggot now
Never go full Catholic

>invisible church beyond denominations
OH BOI here we go again
So, just "evangelical", go join your buddies Pentecostals.
Yes I've read that orthodox chrismate straight away. Yes you are a full catholic and always have been. Go to confession and receive communion uninhibited
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It's a mortal sin to knowingly reject the Papacy as the leader of the church and it's foundation in Roma.

At least their rich and white. Orthodox only have gay orgies with MUDSLIMES in their most holy cities
archaic - the faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church.
contemporary - a child paedophile ring masquerading as a religion.
Well he didn't knowingly reject it so its not mortal but he should confess nonetheless. Everyone should confess regularly
Correction pedofilia was very popular with ancient Romans as well as modern Romans. Like Tiberius Caesar. It was even more popular with Greek like the Orthodox Greeks.

Translation: Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house

Hell go to hell if he doesn't confess to this since he now KNOWS
Get your shit together, commie
>But you're right in that the unaltered church may have gotten it wrong originally - after all it was formed by men... oh wait no it was founded by Christ...
If our understanding of Christ's teaching was perfect from the very start, why did we have to have the council of Jerusalem? were the apostles wrong for calling it?
The Vatican still refuses to hand over documentation pertaining to RCC sexual abuse of children, and also trains it's priests that they don't need to report sexual abuse to the secular authorities. This is a Vatican approved guideline.

Translation: on here, you'll see 'christians' actually defending this, with all manner of sickening reasons; but the real , and evident , reason, is that to these filth, the reputation of the RCC is supreme, and overrides the tragedy of raped children.
Yes what does that have to with me? I am an American, but Americans have issues with Pedofilia in DC. I BETTER SAIL THEN
If you choose to venerate them in such a manner, of course they are -- your statement is probably bait, but it's also tautological. 'Hagiography' can be used as a pejorative term, but to the extent that a hagiography simply details a life well-lived, it becomes less about the individual and more about the underlying ideology.
He didn't know when he committed it. He probably didn't even commit it as he was just doing as told by his bishop thus it is the bishop who has sinned. It's not a mortal sin. My priest told me that it is very hard and rare for a human to commit a mortal sin because it requires full knowledge and full control at the time of the sin and what human has both?
Papal infallibility is a logical doctrine, even a necessary one, but people regularly misunderstand what it actually means.

The celibacy of priests is not a dogma. It's something that could be changed, though I doubt it will anytime soon. There are Catholic priests who are married with children though. They converted from a Protestant group.

Vatican II is fine.

With regard to baptism, it is very evident the key is water, not the manner how water is applied. It was one thing to immerse people in a river, for example, but a whole another when the faith was spread around the world into many places where immersion would've been very impractical if not outright wasteful. Also even in the Bible, in the Acts there are thousands of people baptized after Peter's sermon in Jerusalem, but there is no way they could have actually done this by immersion. Also there are many people in general who couldn't be baptized at all due to medical conditions if immersion was required. Immersion only strikes me as an absurd position to hold.
>It's a mortal sin to knowingly reject the Papacy as the leader of the church and it's foundation in Roma.
I was a few months old and didn't practice Christianity afterwards (until a few months ago).
And technically I never "rejected" the Papacy, as I never practiced the orthodox faith or even knew what the difference between them and Catholics are.
But you might be right that I rejected it during my time as Atheist. I will confess as soon as I can.
Thanks for the info.
There are some who are pedos who are Catholic and there are some who are pedos who are American but I am neither and will not reject either nation. Will you disavoy the United States of America anon? E PLVBERIUS VNVM. Out of many ONE. ANd ONe ALONE. ONe holy Apostolic Catholic CHurch,.
>The Vatican still refuses to hand over documentation pertaining to RCC sexual abuse of children, and also trains it's priests that they don't need to report sexual abuse to the secular authorities. This is a Vatican approved guideline.
No it's not. The only moratorium the Church has on reporting is anything revealed under the seal of confession, which is a legal right of the Church. If you're going to bitch about that, you might as well bitch about attorney client privilege or doctor patient privilege .
The fact remains that there is a massive coverup including those at the very top

You are ignoring that the church as an institution conspired to cover up abuse. In many cases perpetuating the abuse of children.
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If you knew better then you should repent and confess

Yeah well there's a massive cover up of Pedos at the Very top of the Untited States for a very long time. Until Trump. You're telling me I should no longer be an American? I'm not a pedo and neither are most Catholics or most Americans

Pope Gregory the Great hated sexual sins. Gonna hate him too like me?
In fact, it is the stated policy of the US Catholic Church to "report an allegation of sexual abuse of a person who is a minor to the public authorities. Dioceses/eparchies are to comply with all applicable civil laws with respect to the reporting of allegations of sexual abuse of minors to civil authorities and cooperate in their investigation in accord with the law of the jurisdiction in question.
Dioceses/eparchies are to cooperate with public authorities about reporting cases even when the person is no longer a minor.
In every instance, dioceses/eparchies are to advise victims of their right to make a report to public authorities and support this right"
Is a secular state a moral guide for its followers?

The extent and severity abuse by catholic clerics across the world makes this one of the most serious crimes of our times.

There were two sets of crimes in this case. The actual abuse of the children by clerics (the reasons for which have yet to be examined properly) and the coverup by the church.
Answer my question

Do you disavow the United States of America Anon? Since most politicians who committed pedofilia were also said to be Christian. The United States is alsno not a secular coutnry it's laws are explicitly religous if you read the fine print, and if you knew the history of the American law and how it is based off of Torah and Roman law
How can you believe in Papal Infallibility when it comes to scripture when Peter got BTFO by Paul in Jerusalem and even other Apostles didn't back him.
Because any good Catholic knows papal infallibility does not mean "the pope is always correct about everything and nobody can disagree with him"
The criteria for papal infallibility is extremely narrow
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They aren't idols generally. They are saints.

I posted a good primer in the third part of >>132524330

He credited his deteriorating mental ability for him leaving. Which is sad, given as he's a genius. I have much hope for traditionalists such as Sarah though.

I honestly wouldn't know what to say to the rest of your post. Experiencing it would be very beneficial.

>this guy

I've gone into the filioque here

Immersion baptism was never mandatory a practice.

Priest celibacy is a discipline in one rite. You can join another rite that doesn't have it.

Papal infallibility rests on the initial promise of Peter's.

Vatican II is just a pastoral council and says nothing of doctrine.

You should be a Catholic instead of an Orthodox as it is correct. Primarily in regards to its main differences such as the filioque, the power of the chair of St. Peter, and divine simplicity over essence-energies.

Speaking of which, I speak of the last here:


Because I have.

Yes, that's correct.

Again, it's just reports coming out a tabloid and people are eating it up as if its legitimate.

Because Papal Infallibility is a power that the office of St. Peter's can exercise, not a passive trait. Peter wasn't made incapable of making mistakes at all times.
>If you knew better
How is an infant gonna "know" anything?
>you should repent and confess
Don't worry I will, in the context of my previous Atheism. However, I don't see how me being baptized as an infant makes me "knowingly reject the papacy".
The USA is a secular republic, not a "so-called" christian faith.

Its executive are not infallible spokespersons for god and have no moral authority

Now answer my question: Why do you apologize for the filth who consider it their duty to hide and thus perpetrate these crimes against humanity?
Answer the question law goy. If you don't answer you won't get one
obsolete and that kid faggotry
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There is another thing also which is much to be deplored; namely, that the negligence of your Fraternity has allowed the peasants (rusticos) belonging to holy Church to remain up to the present time in infidelity. And what is the use of my admonishing you to bring such as do not belong to you to God, if you neglect to recover your own from infidelity? Hence you must needs be in all ways vigilant for their conversion. For, should I succeed in finding a pagan peasant belonging to any bishop whatever in the island of Sardinia, I will visit it severely on that bishop.

- Pope Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church

So this doesnt count anymore?
The Catholic Church has a history of terrorism and the Inquisition come to mind, Priests are sexually starved neurotics waiting to sexually to explode. Until you Christians get your sexuality sorted out you will continue to have high levels of misery related to guilt and shame and the madness of chastity to send you into sexual rape insanity.
Citation needed
like this one

You also forget the history of the inquistion. Forgetting 800 years of bloodshed for a free nation under GOD.
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Hate is a Christian virtue
>The USA is a secular republic
Such an interesting "secular" nation, where our Declaration of Independence references the supreme being, where the national anthem makes refference to God's providence, where the pledge of allegiance says "one nation under God," where the official motto is "In God we trust," where in court you swear, on a Bible, to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"
That sure does sound like a secular nation, yessiree.
Catholics make good societies, That of the HRE, Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of France, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, and all of the european nations were influenced and stengthened with Christianity one form or another, and we believe im virtue, forgiveness, peace, and at the same time, strength, In Germany alone, Christianity has helped make Germany rise from Brandenburg, to Prussia, to the German empire, to the reich (the weimar was a rejection of these values), The bravest soldiers of WW1 and WW2 in germany got the Iron Cross, and it was a cross instead of any other badge for a reason, i do miss hitler through (also he started out as a catholic)
>American government is religious too! Why dont you criticize them for centuries of child abuse and cover up?

>implying I'm even talking about that shit
I already called you out on outright making shit up that can be easily disproven
Now I'm calling you out on the concept that America is a "secular" nation. After all, it makes sooooooo much sense for a secular nation to put "In God we trust" on all it's money.
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Why do you hate and constantly ridicule us when we done no such crime? You should be taking it out on the man who had committed the sin, instead of us. Have you bothered doing something about it for all of our children's sakes?
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So you're going to try to claim that Europe's modern degeneracy is the future? Please.

>The Catholic Church has a history of terrorism and the Inquisition come to mind

The Spanish Inquisition, known factually as the most ruthless inquisition group in Christendom's history and maintained by Spanish aristocrats, had a death toll of 1500-2000 in 400 years. Due to this, I'd say your claim of terrorism is bullshit. The Inquisition was overblown by Protestant propaganda.

>Priests are sexually starved neurotics waiting to sexually to explode.

Doesn't hold to examination as they cause sexual abuse at a smaller rate than other similar groups or the surrounding populace. See the links here >>132536784

>madness of chastity

Don't be so ridiculous. Not everyone is as incapable of sexual discipline as you.

And in fact, the madness is the other way around.

Hate is never a Christian virtue.

The Christian virtues are:

>Claiming you're a Christian while also entertaining non-egalitarian, social darwinistic views

I know you guys are out there.
If I am an Orthodox Christian, do I need to go through the RCIA to convert to Catholicism?
Read Proverbs 8:13
Yes, it's generally seen as the formal route in regardless of origin.
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If you knew better then you knew better
>we done no such crime?
You represent your church, your church represents pedophilia,why would a church proclaiming it is the "one true faith" hide and protect pedophiles?

It makes more sense to call yourselves "the church that is just like everyone else"

Get it now?
Right, now read the definition of virtue.
Hating sin is a byproduct of love of God represented by faith in God. As such, faith is a virtue and hate is not.
>your claim of terrorism is bullshit
So when they were threaten confessions from their thousands of victims by showing them the instruments of torture they went terrorizing them?

>"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)

The catholic church is guilt of rape and terror of the young ones, and should be exterminated.
I heard that Orthodox Christians just have to make a profession of faith, since they already have the sacraments of baptism and first communion.
No I do not represent the Church
I am not an official representative of the Church in any way. I'm just an average church goer. You are holding all of us accountable for their actions? Collective Guilt is a commie meme you now. Grouping the innocent along with the guilty. If you want a proper representative for this bullshit then you can read pope Gregory who has authority.

Thas a good way to think of it. I retract my statement thank you brother.
You are representing your church on this thread-you could have said, yes the church has pedophiles and is protecting them which is wrong, but instead you apologize for their miscreant actions, which makes you one of them.
New thread?
No I am not a representative of the Church. not legally, offcially, ect ect. You can say that I am all you want but unless if I were a clergy member, and I'm not, and you had proper legal documentation proving that sort of clergy member was a representative that can speak on behalf of the Vatican WHICH IS AN ACTUAL COUNTRY. No you cannot say that,. That is wishful thinking on your count.

I didn't apologise for their actins. I condemned them several times. I am not one of them in anyway. And I have not committed any sin I am innocent
very well, I apologize

I was a victim of child abuse so I get a bit carried away over this issue
Thanks for the apology .It's sad to hear that anon, especially since hippies were sexual miscreants of all sorts Im sure.
>So when they were threaten confessions from their thousands of victims by showing them the instruments of torture they went terrorizing them?

They were not terrorizing them as they were maintaining the law at the time, gave due process, and did torture at a smaller rate than other courts at the time. It wasn't considered a big deal until Protestant anti-Catholic propaganda came about.

There was no threats.

>The catholic church is guilt of rape and terror of the young ones, and should be exterminated.

You confuse people with an organization. These people are breaking the rules they keep between each other and throughout the church so it makes no sense to link it to the organization itself.
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