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"Cultural Marxism" does NOT exist

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Thread replies: 354
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Okay /pol/, convince me, a full-blown Marxist, that "cultural Marxism" is a real thing, and that the Frankfurt School was behind it. I have studied the works of Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin, and other intellectuals affiliated with the institute and have found very little of theirs which comes close to promoting the identity politics of today. So please, convince me, and do so in a more elaborate way than merely pointing to the "Jewish" element. For instance, if you believe the Talmud promotes the alleged "Frankfurt School agenda", cite the relevant passages in order to make your case.

And here is an actual Jewish Marxist's video showcasing what the Franks actually believed:
And again, no one responds.
When people talk about cultural Marxism, they are not just talking about full blown neo-Marxists but all the schools of thought it spawned, critical theory, post modernism, revisionism, 2nd wave feminism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, pacifist movements..etc etc etc.
Spearheaded by Jewish "intellectuals" mainly
In this way it became a many headed hydra that was much more difficult to identify, reign in and behead..
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Why should we even bother to try to explain anything to your kind , you'll dismiss it anyway.
Frankfurt School had very little do do with Postmodernism. You might as well be blaming Martin Heidegger for SJWs.
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Don't care. Get in line leftypol shill thread No. 2342532525235

Follow your leader
Because /pol/ clearly doesn't know what it's talking about every time "cultural Marxism" of the Frankfurt School are brought up on here.
"If I post the same shit over and over again, people will eventually agree with me."

/pol/ knows exactly what it's talking about.

The problem is that you aren't actually a human being and therefore aren't capable of understanding that you are, at best, a useful idiot.
I should add that they joined a cadre of Jewish "intellectuals" that were already in the USA, exiles from the failing Communist Party, who called themselves progressives, people from the fledgling modern art communities, bohemians, hedonists etc Again when you look into it .. Jewish "intellectualism" is always at the forefront
I should have added post modernists to the previous list

Marxism is the idea that money is both wealth and has no value at the same time and therefore anyone who follows it can be dismissed as too retarded to live.

Money is not wealth, so you can't achieve wealth redistribution through money redistribution.
Thus probing his point. You don't want to hear what we have to say, you just want to signal your own superiority and refer to the no true scotsman fallacy like all the other Leftists who make bait threads.

So explain the core principles to us then? What's so great about having no personal property whatsoever?
the Frankfurt School teachers unleashed mass moral and cultral degenaracy


the leaders included.
Mario Savio, Jack ((Weinberg)), Brian Turner, Bettina Aptheker, Steve Weissman, Art ((Goldberg)), Jackie ((Goldberg)), and others.
Bettina Aptheker
is an American political activist, radical feminist, professor and author. A former member of the Communist Party USA like her parents, she was active in civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s and 1970s, and has worked in developing feminist studies since the late 1970s.

former kgb agent explaining the infeltration of the american goverment by cultral relitavist/communist.
Read up on the origin of the Frankfurt School and you'll understand its connection to the USSR.
/pol/ never discusses what the Franks actually said or thought. They just mindlessly blame them for tumblresque idpol and try to make a dubious link between Adorno and Benjamin's thought with the events at Evergreen and Mizzou.
The Franks were very critical of Soviet communism, as much as they were of capitalism and fascism.

/pol/ discusses it all the time. Your tiny monkey brain simply isn't capable of comprehending anything that criticizes your warped ideology.

This is the problem with allowing subhumans to engage in society. There will never be any rational discussion with you because you are quite literally not genetically capable of rational thought.
They don't.

They claim The Authoritarian Personality was intended to destroy traditional American culture (it wasn't), or that Adorno played a significant role in it (he didn't). They also blame Marcuse for idpol when Marcuse had a minimal role in the New Left.

Blah blah blah /pol/ is not one person. Pick a principle of communism, explain it to us and we'll discuss it. This whole "you can't say things" posting is stupid.
Cultural Marxism, was bought and paid for by FABIAN SOCIALISTS or at least Fabian influenced financiers like the Rockefellers and also directly through Tavistock-related orgs.

The Cultural Marxists were not agents of their own but rather agents of the total system, falling into their place on the chess board.

Pointing at Cultural Marxism as a cause unto itself is neo-con-tier and bluepilled.

If you look at what the Fabian's and their influencees actually believed, it is actually a program to destroy Western Civilization.
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It's time to go home.
>Cultural Marxism, was bought and paid for by FABIAN SOCIALISTS or at least Fabian influenced financiers like the Rockefellers and also directly through Tavistock-related orgs.

do you have a citation for that?
The Frankfurt School had nothing to do with the Fabians. You're talking about two totally different trends in western Marxism, and the Fabians weren't even Marxists but SocDems.
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Spirit changed to materia changed to culture. OK, it can exist.

but did FS "create it"? No. Blame Focault if you want to blame someone.
That's not proof of any kind of conspiracy. When these academics speak of "cultural Marxism" they merely speak of analyzing pop culture from a Marxist perspective, NOT political correctness.
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Are you completely helpless?

Anyway here is a good start:



You're a fag who probably reads political science wiki pages.
Nice source.
We see this thread every fucking day.
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When you interpret culture through a dialectic lens the inevitable result of synthesis is the only correct outcome.
They have factual information... The interpretation is usually bullshit but they often point to glaring inconsistencies that must be resolved such as Chatham House brokering back channel coordination between the US and Soviets during the entire cold war. That is undeniable.
STFU man. Sick of you shilly threads and your insistence on going over and over the same material and losing every time.

Marx was not only financed by the bankers but he was actually related to the Rothschildes.

Stop being a vehicle for banksterism you mental midget
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This. Believe in your theories? Explain them and why you justify them. Until then, we can offer Free (free) helicopter tours For You!
Well, Heidegger was a nigger-tier philosopher.


Try it harder, shill
There are multiple schools and systems of dialectics, dipshit. Marxist dialectics are just one form.
>Fabians weren't even Marxists but SocDems.

citations that the where not marxists?

Marx was not only financed by the bankers.
got you.

Jacob Henry Schiff was an Jewish-American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among .... In addition to his famous loan to Japan, Schiff financed loans to many other nations, including those that would come to comprise the ... Schiff was also known for funding Trotsky's journey to Russia to overthrow the Tsarist rule.
>Marx was not only financed by the bankers but he was actually related to the Rothschildes.
Show me a source for this which isn't a batshit conspiracy site.
We see every thread every day, because of bots, shills and retards that larp 24/7 and want attention

Don't forget to sage
t. brainlet maximus
>cite the Talmud to prove Jews are actively trying to fuck goyim over

Are you a natsoc poster in disguise?

Adorno is based. /pol/ is full of ignorant retards.

Want people to blame for today's madness? Blame Edward Said and Judith Butler.
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Show me a source for this which isn't a batshit conspiracy site.

here he was related to them.
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No. I'm not Jewish, but I would love to know why /pol/ always blames the Talmud for communism.
Communists are enablers of western capitalism.
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>Thats not proof

And what would constitute proof according to you? Do you expect us to produce recorded confessions or eye witness testimony?

When you lack forensic evidence you look at indicies, motivations and opportunity.

And many small pieces of indicies, motivations and opportinities put together is sufficient to constitute proof.

But why do i even bother to reason with r-selected ideologues..? Its in your biology, you cant change your faulty perceptions.

So they weren't even related by blood yet they're cousins?
>but I would love to know why /pol/ always blames the Talmud for communism.

not the talmud but communism has jewish orgins as proven marx was jewish. and the communist infeltration of the us had massive jewish orgins.
if you had read even the main fs books you'd know how hilariously shit this chart is.
>Okay /pol/, convince me, a full-blown Marxist, that "cultural Marxism" is a real thing
Whether or not it was intentional is irrelevant the tenets born of various thinkers particularly those of the Frankfurt school have worked to subvert and undermine every Traditional value we once held to be self evident Truths
Nobody is really saying they're cousins, but they are related by marriage. That was the point I was making with that pic
"Marx" was also married to the cousin of one of the highest ranking English generals during the American Revolution.
The real issues he's having is that because Cultural Marxism violates the tenets of Classical Marxism that an old school Marxist believes it to be epistomologically distinct. Basically it's not that it isn't real, just that it isn't real Socialism.
Where do you get the impression FS subverted those values lmao
If you had read even the main fs books you'd know how hilariously accurate this chart is.


>no argument
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Because the Talmud says to crush the Goyim and take advantage of him throughout.

Communism is so fucking retarded that anyone who actually reads things, like the list at the end of chapter two of the communist manifesto that says the government has to control damn near everything yet still thinks that the power is in "people's hands" is retarded. It's a pyramid scheme with the trappings of democracy and faux "organs of government" that give the impression of sophistication.

Then, Das Kapital is even worse because it supposed utility value-which doesn't even exist, because value is based on the subjective wants/needs of the parties concerned and moving based on supply/demand.

If I were I negative eugenicist, communism would be my choice tool for killing plebs.

>Because the Talmud says to crush the Goyim and take advantage of him throughout.
Show me.a source for this.
steps of communism:
>take over the area of interest
>brainwash the people to believe working is cool
>all leaders step down and join the workforce.
gee i wonder why it never gets past step 1
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You might not be able to access this website, but here is a more mainstream-type expose of Fabian-Frankfurt connection.

The grain-cartel that Weil, the primary funder of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, came from was always in bed with the British Fabian leadership even throughout the Cold War when the grain cartel obtained permission to export to the Soviet Union.

There is also a Tavistock/Wellington House connection not discussed in this article.

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Untrue. Communism is not reformist.
hahahah This

These people are so dumb that they can't even understand the implications of their own ideologies.
>when you're Jewish and a Marxist unironically
Well Marx took a materialistic view of history as class struggles whereas while the Frankfurt school saw this falling short they nonetheless tried to apply it to the cultural realm hence the concept of cultural Marxism tho I admit I haven't gotten around to reading Dialectic of Enlightenment so I'm not familiar with the true core of their arguments
lel. I'm not Jewish. If I was, why would I be shitposting on the sabbath?
I just see the end results of these ideas and it clearly is actively undermining and destroying our civilization
So you haven't read them and talk about the ideas anyway

Besides DoE has nothing to do with what you think it has.

Read a book for once in your life, I beg. If you get subversion of western values idea out of DoE you are reading it like Satan reads the Bible.
Cultural marxism, in modern practice, is the act of distributing culture so that a societal parity is maintained. This is the idea of a globalization process where culture exchanges are permanent and wide reaching.

In practice it doesnt work, the times it does work is American culture, which has become worldwide pop culture.

The best example of cultural marxism is the worldwide acceptance of McDonalds and Anime
Again dude by making this thread you only show your fear
Or honestly doesn't matter what they wrote in DoE because their role in our current situation is completely irrelevant which is why the concept of cultural Marxism is so important: it's a method of explaining what's happening around us the role played by the Frankfurt school doesn't matter to the reality of what's going on
lel, like the jews ever abide by the spirit of a religious law rather than interpret it literally to get around what they're supposed to abide by
for all I know you could be using text-to-speech to 'do the work' for you like a small electronic Shabbos-Goy
>is the act of distributing culture

>This is the idea of a globalization process where culture exchanges are permanent and wide reaching.
Marx predicted globalization in the sense that capitalism needs to globalize in order to offset its inherent crises and maintain growth. Has nothing to do with "one world government" or whatever.
Do you deny that the current culture of academia is actively Marxist in terms of oppressor and oppressed?
>Doesn't matter what they said in DoE when I'm arguing about the supposed ideas displayed in DoE and how it influenced CM.

dear lord.

sorry I don't have enough experience from various universities to say one way or another. I have not faced none such memery when I was in uni. and I already suggested looking towards Focault for a correct blame.
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this is your life under cumminism

God you marxists are dumber than a rock. your own leaders called you useless idiots for a reason. the 'dialectics' are worse than a pyramid scheme
All communist bullshit is nothing but attacks with out addressing anything. Its sad that so many even bothered to reply.
Cohen, Eliot A., Obert Louis Benson, and Michael Warner. "Venona: Soviet Espionage and the
American Response, 1939-1957." Foreign Affairs 76.2 (1997): 180. CIA,

Duranty, Walter. "FAMINE TOLL HEAVY IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA; Death Rate During Last
Year Has Trebled -- Food Supply Now Held Assured. BREAD PRICE EXPLAINED" The New York Times.

Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination. Martin Jay 1973. N.p., n.d.

Kenez, Peter. "Cinema and Soviet Society from the Revolution to the Death of Stalin."

Kimmage, Dennis. "Open Stacks in a Closed Society? Glasnost in Soviet Libraries; Part One of


Marx, Karl. "Theses On Feuerbach." Theses on Feuerbach.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. "Geneology of Morals." <http://www.inp.uw.edu.pl/mdsie/Political_Thought/GeneologyofMorals.pdf>.

Stanger, Melissa. "6 People Who Were Literally Erased From History."

Steinberg, Jacques. "Times Should Lose Pulitzer From 30's, Consultant Says." The New York

Weber, Mark. "The Critical Social Theory of the Frankfurt School, and the 'Social Turn' in
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>Okay /pol/, convince me, a full-blown Marxist, that "cultural Marxism" is a real thing, and that the Frankfurt School was behind it. I have studied the works of Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin, and other intellectuals affiliated with the institute and have found very little of theirs which comes close to promoting the identity politics of today.

Then you studied it wrong, you retard. Core idea of Frankfurt School is that Marx theory is flawed because proletariat turned out to be really conservative and they don't give a shit about revolution. In their works they outright tell that Marx was wrong and white working class turned out to be conservative conformists, we can't make revolution with those. So they invented new theory about "revolution of marginal and oppressed classes" that will carry out communist revolution, e.g. non-whites, lgbtwtfbbq, helisexiuals and others will carry out this revolution instead of white working class.
>http://businessinsider com/people-who-were-erased-from-history-2013-12
Cultural Marxism doesn't exist hth.
They were critical of it because they wanted more radicalism and ergo control
None of these books or articles prove there was a conspiracy.
Post-modernism is the 'cultural Marxism' you speak of. When Marxists saw their economic arguments were failing (with clear evidence the USSR was not a better country than the West), they turned their attention to social conflicts. As such, the previous 'owner vs worker' conflict became a man vs woman, black vs white, Christianity vs Atheism/Islam etc. It's the same failed logic (there are power imbalances that must be redressed; a synthesis must be found) but instead applied to social matters rather than economic. I urge anyone to reject post-modernism as it rejects the necessary existence of competence hierarchies and tells people a mediocre performance and skill level are worth the same value to society as excellent performance and skill. This is patently not true and is ruinous to a society that is striving to become better and better
The Cohens were Rothschilds. Marx is obviously not his real last name... Christ man, geneology is not a conspiracy but it does weight on the influence dynamics of a system.

It is undeniable that British high society was heavily influenced by the Hoffjuden system, being one of the first Protestant powers to accept usury by Jewish bankers in entirety and there is no doubt that Marx was heavily influenced by British high society figures like Thomas Urqhart and Lord Palmerston through Mazzini and also the fact that Engels was an overt member of British high society.

Does it not make sense that Rothschild influence, could carve out a niche for someone like Marx to have his unoriginal babble become popularized and turned into the words of a saint?
Please stop torturing yourself bro, The thing inside you that wants to live and live, You can't change anyone. You can't bring them up to or down to your level Every attempt you make to do is corrupt, Fix yourself and your life will be happier.
You're literally just describing Critical Theory which has been rebranded Cultural Marxism by fucking doltoid dingus' to use the word MARXISM as a fear driver.
You completely misinterpret what I'm saying. The concept of cultural Marxism is a label made in order to describe what's happening now. Wherther or not it was by design or actually sourced to the Frankfurt school doesn't matter because the concept is still accurate to what is happening now regardless
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The fucking talmud. There's PDF's online. Hold my hand:
>press control + F
>look up any choice words to confirm

If you want more hand holding, just ask. Be careful too, because the PDF's hosted by jews excise all of the juicy stuff and only include *some* rules of interaction for goyim.


Yes it is. Traditionalists are the inheritors of evolutionary socio-politics. Communists essentially want to reform all of it. They then either claim
1) "Communism is evolutionary! It is the unavoidable future!"
2)"Communism is revolutionary! It is correcting the mistakes of the past! Release your chains!"

Unironically, not realizing they are actually a reaction against traditionalists, and an evolutionary dead end. Over 2 billion people tried communism and failed, but you know, what's one more time?
>Nuh uh this isn't real
Holy shit your transparency is almost a work of art
Oh wow the kike posted it again. I remember in the past OP was denying Lenin being a kike.
It does matter as long as /pol/ keeps insisting it stems from FS.
Applied critical theory has the aim of facilitating a marxist revolution. Therefore its marxism.
Because it is. They called themselves neo-marxists, you retard.
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How can it be false if the agenda is being played everyday - It is real you fucking disgusting, BBC lover commie piece of shit
This is too autistic to be actual b8, so I'll just assume it's idiocy. Cultural Marxism is simply a label used to refer to social theories advocating for an extreme form of egalitarianism that is heavily influenced by marxist thinking and actual marxist scholars. The jewish angle is a red herring.
>The founders of cultural marxism couldn't possibly have had a hatred for the west anything like the hatred for the west you see in modern liberal SJWs.
Well I can tell you from experience that a I saw critical theory everywhere in college and I saw the influence of Marxist theories everywhere so while I don't know enough about the Frankfurt school I know that it was the place that came up with critical theory and is responsible for the mentality so prevalent in modern academia so honestly wherther or not the boogeyman is entirely a conspiracy doesn't matter because they absolutely played a role regardless of what you think. The fact that they all studied and used Marxists ideas in everything they did is evidence enough of what their end goal was
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"It's fake"
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Why does conspiracy matter? We are first judging facts... we may never be able to accurately judge intents. But the effects which are factual, and the dynamic relationships that cause them MUST be stopped.

In law, negligence can hold someone responsible even if they are not intentionally doing something. They are treated AS IF they intentionally did said crime or inequitable action. You can never prove a conspiracy because it always involves guesswork but there is a gradient of what constitutes "proof."

For most /pol/tards, proof is reasonable suspicion which is practical proof. You are looking for proof beyond the shadow of a doubt, which you can never have in a conspiracy case.

Criminal law only requires "proof beyond reasonable doubt," you are looking for something one degree higher than that. It's fucking impossible.
Like already mentioned: critical theory is Marxism and the Frankfurt school invented critical theory

Bitch, you are not living any of this, go to France and you'll see we are right
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Only a commie is blind to that fact because you like it in fact
Give up, they just don't get it.
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No. I want YOU to demonstrate you're knowledgeable enough about the Talmud AND the thought of the Frankfurt School to demonstrate a clear link.

The Jewess in the video I linked in my OP explains it.
I'm guessing you were triggered by that post last night.

You're scared, aren't you?
No. Critical Theory doesn't posit any clear "aim".
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>Has nothing to do with "one world government"
I guess Marx was a naive idealistic mong
Critical theory is long way from cultural marxism as proposed by /pol/ which is not advocated in Adorno.

>meme flag of a failed state
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Here you go you cherrypicking nigglet.

Typical post modern semantics
What the FUCK does migration to Europe from Africa have to do with the Franks?

I don't trust anything from LaRouche.
I take it you dont know what "applied" means.
Because you're a shabbath goy.
I find it funny how people often like to accuse the Frankfurt School of promoting cultural degeneracy, when prominent neo-marxists like Adorno were actually fucking pretentious dicks that thought popular music was a degenerate result of capitalist hegemonic ideology.
Okay, so explain: what does Muslim migration to Europe have to do with Judaism or the Franks?
If you believe that cultural marxism is a thing, you really believe in a conspiracy theory. How can you even call other people scared? lmao
Failed? Failure comes by itself, it took the world to stop them because it worked well - stay cucked

It is their plan to destroy European population, Kalergi Plan my dear commie but you'll ignore it


But you'll ignore that fact too like Communism is a failure on every aspect
>Critical Theory doesn't posit any clear "aim".
>So they invented new theory about "revolution of marginal and oppressed classes" that will carry out communist revolution, e.g. non-whites, lgbtwtfbbq, helisexiuals and others will carry out this revolution instead of white working class.
>"revolution of marginal and oppressed classes" that will carry out communist revolution,
>doesn't posit any clear "aim"

Are you pretending to be retarded?
Based Eesti bro has read one book in his life.
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>Marcuse also analyzes the integration of the industrial working class into capitalist society and new forms of capitalist stabilization, thus questioning the Marxian postulates of the revolutionary proletariat and the inevitability of capitalist crisis. In contrast to orthodox Marxism, Marcuse champions non-integrated forces of minorities, outsiders, and radical intelligentsia, attempting to nourish oppositional thought and behavior through promoting radical thinking and opposition.

This is exactly what happened ever since. No wonder Marcuse is called "The Father of the New Left".

Also, "political correctness" is based on Marcuse's ideas on repressive and "liberating" tolerance, pic related.

Israel needs Jews and to destroy its biggest competitor/enemy, Europe. Driving muslims into Europe both destroys Europe and drives Jews into Israel.

There's literal laws forbidding any criticism of jews and you're still wondering who is in charge hahaha

Meanwhile in Israel niggers get genocided.
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Cultural Marxism is literally just marxism but applied to culture and society, not just economics. Its the Marxist idea that everyone must have equality of outcome, but that "equality of outcome" comes from the destruction of the people that are deemed to be "on top". So white people and specifically white men, or really any social aspect that is deemed to be the norm, like heterosexuality. Hence where you get feminists, who mind you already have equality, screaming about how much that hate "cis straight white men" and the like, because that is the demographic that is deemed by their side to be on the top of the social order in the world. So following Marxist doctrine, that MUST mean that the people on top are oppressing the people below them.
A post so abhorrent it might as well have been a leaf flag.
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tfw a thread with the purpose of making people disbelief cultural marxism does the opposite
>Kalergi Plan
This has nothing to do with Critical Theory, assuming it exists at all.
A broken Jew is right once a day
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Non-Whites must leave Europe, Oceania and North America ASAP - they have their homeland

"Cultural MArxism is a myth" Then why its paln keep evolving every day?
(((European Union)))
Holy shit, someone who has read FS. Desacralization of life and culture was one of the main concerns of Adorno.

Why don't you read it for yourself then?

Jurgen Habermas, who is associated with the Frankfurt School, is the philosopher of globalist open borders liberal progressivism.


>The second larger consideration for Habermas is the supplanting of what he calls "constitutional patriotism" for ethnic nationalism as the substantial glue holding a diverse, pluralistic society together. In a "postmetaphysical" age, worldview pluralism means that people cannot base agreements at a political level on particular religious values. Similarly, in an age of immigration and retreating racism, it is no longer appropriate to build political consensus in the state primarily upon one culture's values over another's. Consequently, the only way forward is to expand the emancipatory potential already present even in culturally- or religiously-grounded democratic institutions—namely, that people come by practice to see that their own interests are best safeguarded in procedural systems of law and politics that systematically protect the interests of all equally.
The EU is a free trade agreement. It's not communist at all, and calling it so is laughable.
In "The Authoritarian Personality" Adorno also said that parenthood, traditional gender roles, family and patriotism were pathological phenomena.

/ourguy/ for sure.

I literally just posted a book by one of the founders of the EU that the goal of the EU is the eradication of Europeans.

Why do you think the Euro exists? Because you can't have a currency influenced by many countries without a central government to manage it.
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I wish I was able to be naive like you...... Reality will hit your face so fucking hard
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Just according to keikaku.
>Adorno also said that parenthood, traditional gender roles, family and patriotism were pathological phenomena.
He didn't.
What plan are you talking about?
Also in what way is communism related to the EU in your head?
Are communists willfully ignorant, actually retarded, or just pretending to be retarded to annoy everyone else?
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Communism=Judaism=European union=Communism (Cultural)
Literally the best redpill on the (((EU))). If this doesn't prove white genocide, nothing will

>European union=Communism (Cultural)
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>tfw haven't received my monthly Sorosbux yet
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Same basic structure, the top is not elected, untouchable and do not respond to anyone, can't be sued or else, like the USSR


Educate yourself - it's free

The left-wing political agenda exists and is destroying our civilization. Who cares what its exact label is? I'm sure you talk about "the progressive agenda" (or something similar) to encompass all your views, so you are admitting that it exists -- which is all that we are saying too.

Why do people Cherry-pick Adorno? Adorno is not the sole member of the Frankfurt School... Even then, I doubt anyone has read most of what Adorno wrote, nor do they base their assessments on Adorno's internal papers but instead on his publications.

Adorno was working
for a think tank directed at destroying Western Civilization. To work for a think tank, you do not necessarily have to espouse the views of the organization in your personal publications...

Adorno and Focault agreed on the erotic degeneration of Western society.

>Pic related is from the summarized conclusion of "The Authoritarian Personality" which also concludes that nationalism must be destroyed and so must traditionalism.
It's socialist though, and anti-west. It's policies are destroying western culture and society.
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guess it's all just a coincidence then
How is it socialist? Again, it's a CAPITALIST free trade agreement.
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>Calls others out for cherry picking Adorno while posting a quote from a summary of a book.
top kek retard, go read him, find out you agree with him on 90% and realize how retarded the fags here are.

while you are at that read rest of them, there are sane and idiots in FS like in any movement.
>not knowing that communists were the first anti-EU supporters

I know the redpill is hard to swallow.
That same capitalist system that finances socialist programs in the EU and the countries
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Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.

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>No. Critical Theory doesn't posit any clear "aim".
It does not. But in its historical application it has been almost exclusively used by marxists to spread their ideas and influence others. What we are seeing today with SJW types and the neo-marxists that infest academia is it's most recent application. Replace the word proletariat with oppressed or disadvantaged people and bourgeois with privileged. It sounds horrifyingly similar to what we would consider "traditional" marxist thought. Instead of it being applied to economics, critical theory is applied to culture and society. Capital is now power and privilege, and there is one group of people that have it. Whites. If you want to be specific, white males. How do you make everyone equal in regards to power? Get rid of whites, with their demise comes the dispersion of power to the disadvantaged people of the world. Anyone that is pushing neo-marxism has plenty of ammo they can pull from history to push this narrative.

Who are the disadvantaged? Queers, minorities, whoever fits the bill of being "historically marginalized." What the people who push this ideology say to your face is that they are making everyone equal, to your average idiot that sounds great. What that idiot doesn't realize that it will result in his very destruction.
Not what we have today, they embrace it now since they understood it is the central piece to their Marxist scheme.

Nexttime, use an objective site, not subjective like like I did
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If Marxism is not real, I ask again, why it is happening in front of our eyes?
Funny quoting Benoist when much of what he says goes hand in hand with the sane side of FS, but I suppose 90% of the people ITT can't connect those dots over their works since they have not read a book in their shitty U.S public schools?
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He did faggot, read Authoritarian Personality which was based on all the assumptions in "Studies on Authority and Family" by Horkheimer.

These are implicit assumptions that Adorno did not quite have to say out loud because Horkheimer already said it for him.

Even then... If you read Authoritarian Personality knowing the preliminary assumptions you cannot deny that Adorno believed that traditionalism, nationalism, and family values were pathological.

Is Foucault really to blame? His philosophy is rather apolitical, or at least it can be used to justify or critique any particular power structure.
What subjective site are you talking about? It's just an article by Lenin, completely unfiltered.

Also there are no communists supporting EU in any shape of form as it was founded on completely capitalist principles.
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Because capitalism erodes culture.
>"Cultural Marxism" does NOT exist
utter nonsense
It's OK. OP you realize these threads redpill people on cultural Marxism even if you refuse to admit what the meaning of the word "is"is.
Are you also arguing with those "neo-marxists" then?
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Because they call themselves socialists now, they know calling themselves communists makes them look like buffons

National Socialism: System that worked and took the entire world to stop them

Communism: Lasted over 70 years and collapsed on itself

NatSoc > Communism

Prove it - Using a quote with no name or source, typical commie tactic

The Jewish kabbalah mystics descend from Babylonian mystics. They were originally obsessed with the numerology of the Talmud, for instance the Shem HaMephorash, a 72 glyph secret name of YHWH. From there they proceeded to a study of the music of the spheres. I.e. the macro-scale being determined by sacred geometry. Modern theoretical physics is at an arcane level the study between the distribution of primes and the fundamental group (name of G_d) which is self-affine, theodecically sound, a self-consistent monad.
Solzhenitsyn is fucking based.
He isn't using a quote, you fucking idiot.
>Prove it.
go to fucking Hong Kong, Tokyo, Moscow, France and realize that 80% of the surface level cutlure is Americanized.
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You are playing word games... Adorno's personal summary of his own writings is more important than his critiques of people who listen to pop music are retards.

Read in context of preliminary documents such as the Studies on Authority and Family, phrases like "See themselves and be themselves..." and "total organization of society" and "requires the efforts of all social scientists" pursuant to a culture of eros (mentioned as the conclusion in the same fucking paragraph) is abundantly clear as to what it means.
As I said, they call themselves socialists now - they want power

Normal they are Americanized, otherwise they would still be backward
Gommie anon is right, though. Many hard-line communists are vocal opponents of the EU.

>Are you completely helpless?

The commie scum is, otherwise he wouldn't advocate for the ultimate nanny state
The USSR was not communist, it was socialist to a certain degree.
Those who you are referring to as "socialist politicians" in the EU are social-democrats. They are not actual socialists because they advocate the economic principles of Keynsianism, which stopped the prevalent economic mode of the capitalist world 40 years ago.
Maybe you should get in touch with how the world works.
Coudenhove Kalergi, Practical Idealism

>cannibal tribes didn't exist

>everywhere was a modern utopia before whites

>we wuz kangz

Not attributing civilized society to western civilization = cultural marxism as far as I'm concerned.
So working in Hollywood with the scum at the bottom of decadent culture, and playing a part in Rockefeller-funded Princeton Radio Research project to help private industries in numerous applications of applied sociology is against "consumerist culture?"
I also forgot to mention something

>NatSoc > anything

You got BTFO so hard, you won't ever recover

>EU proposes to ban totalitarianism
>that means they want to ban commies
The writer is a twat, but he's probably right. All rights restricting laws were used against socialists, and socialists FIRST. That's why anti bullying laws in Australia were used against unions.

No, that IS consumerist culture.

>why read books and engage honestly with intellectual advesaries when you can just fight strawmen you create yourself
Starting to wonder if this zombi thread not some anti commie psy op.
I mean..... Commies are retarded, but Op has a retardation level off the scale.
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when you choose to ignore the writing on the wall, which is ironic considering how much commies like grafitti, it just makes you look illiterate and retard as posters have often pointed out
EU also wants to ban cash, so they are hitting also people working in parallel economies. So it are not only the communists, which are being targeted.
this is cultural marxism

The one dimensional man founded idpol

On hasish sought to utilize mj to bring about class consciousness

Theses on the phil of history sought to use the history of the working class to bring about class consciousness

Art in the age of mechanical reproduction sought to remove art from authentic contexts in order to yes you guessed it bring about class consciousness (the idea was that alters or statues of kings and stuff like that legitimized the status quo)

Then there is the problems they had with science reinforcing capital. This is def in Adorno, Horkheimer, and Habermas...
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hahahha this thread

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So why did Adorno assist in creating them? The guy may be right about consumerist culture but while he said one thing, he did the other... he was an agent of the total system...

Adorno literally worked for CBS through the Princeton Radio Research Project, under former CIA officer William S. Paley. He gave them "critical" but somehow very helpful advice for applied sociology to be used to develop commercial radio.

Seriously, why do commies look for heroes in people this entrenched in the Anglo-American establishment?
jewish suberted capitalism erodes culture.
you can continue to think its a meme, but jews have all the influence pol has claimed for YEARS. its just like going to /v/; someone recently criticized a game for lack of mechanics vs monsters and went as far as to say perhaps a gun would be suffice even to just damage and ward off the monster. the response was typical WOW FUCKING POL LEAVE YOU CRAZY RIGHTWING GUN NUTS POLITICIZING AND RUINING GAMES. literally rules for radicals 101, projecting upon your enemy. the realitiy is this, the left brought politics into gaming and has thuse 'eroded its culture' in the same exact way as jews subverted western capitalism and started ruining it too.

do some fucking research
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Hi my name is Mr. Critical Theory and I work for the American radio industry and the CIA; I promote commercialization but am also critical of it at the same time so it's okay.
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>not real capitalism
>Make fun of a belief rather than argue why it's incorrect
Typical commie. Zero brains, zero effort, all heart. Sure, if everyone was a robot and functioned perfectly, communism could work - but humanity is flawed. Greed exists, self preservation exists, individuality exists... So long as these things still exist, communism simply can NOT work. Even if you try forcing it with yet another genocide via tyrannical government. And yes, removing a government and replacing it means you are now the government. Remember, no matter what your perception on the government is, those are people running the show right now. You can try dehumanizing them because you hate them so much but replacing them with equally corrupt and selfish people will only result in the same exact things happening over and over again. Communism is a dream held afloat in a large, fragile bubble - so easily popped by it's own weight.

>Nice video
It doesn't matter what they "actually" believed. They still genocide people in numbers several times larger than the Holocaust. Yet commies still deny this ever happens(ed) because it makes communism look bad. It wasn't REAL communism, it was.. uhh.. greedy capitalists! Yeaaah. Only thing is as long as someone seizes the means, someone will fight back. You can't blame one rogue element as your reason for an entire perfect system collapsing. "This one man didn't work hard enough or believe enough, so our utopia fell ecks dee"

You've been indoctrinated by the educational department, the media, and entertainment industry into thinking communism is achievable. Everyone should be treated fairly, yes? Do all lives matter or just black lives? Was it her turn simply for being a woman? Justifying white genocide is not equality. Suffering does not have to be equal, in order to achieve a true equality. We must only stop the madness so no one has to suffer in the future. To want someone to suffer is only spiteful selfishness.
Captcha: Helicopter
this kills op
Fucking how though. Nothing you people say is ever elaborated on or made to make any sense. People have ALWAYS since the fucking dawn of history, worked for money to buy things with. Currency is the single fundamental invention that was responsible for humanities massive growth from agrarian farming culture using barter systems, to having massive cities and unprecedented technological advancement. There is absolutely no evidence that capitalism erodes culture, what erodes culture is Marxism, because it takes a solid system based on merits and work ethic, and makes it so that everyone gets the same shit, and in order for a system like that to work in any sort of way at all, you need to demoralize people and destroy their identity and culture, otherwise people would never stand for a Marxist society. You can't oppress people and have them not do anything about it without first destroying their fighting spirit, which comes from destroying their God, their values, and their culture.
No, political correctness is stalinist era terminology.
>not real capitalism

Not real argument.
Marx was fundamentally wrong about free market economics. It doesnt require globalization to work. It works at any level of community or society.

Globalization of trade is just an extension of advances in technology and population growth. It allows us to access new markets and resources.

More empty buzzwords. You are literally braindead and not worth the bandwidth you're using.


But you ignore questions, evidence you don't like and you don't explain anything so in other words, fuck you.
Hey, I just wanted to stop by and thank you for this thread. It has sparked some really interesting discussions.
Here's another link about cultural marxism and why the Frankfurt School is not (or at least, not entirely) what the base-level /pol/ user thinks:

Capitalism is literally just voluntary exchange because everyone owns themselves and the products of their actions.
>Murdoch Murdoch Faggot McInnes voice
>OHMYGOSH you guys nobody responded to my bait thread

Nobody thinks you're a human, pinko. Why would we bother explaining shit to you?

Sage'd with extreme prejudice.
>In the broadest possible terms, the Frankfurt School (named after the Institute for Social Research at Frankfurt's Goethe University, where the movement more or less originated) was a loose association of Marxists who, like Marx, believed in the general desirability of overcoming capitalism and establishing a society liberated from its more harmful iniquities, but unlike Marx, did not believe this development to be historically inevitable. To the contrary, they asserted that capitalism had infected the cultural sphere to such an extent that its self-perpetuating memes would essentially guarantee its survival ad infinitum, and that its structures of oppression would have to be discovered and deconstructed in critical social discourses for positive change to become an option. That's why their ideology is also referred to as "cultural Marxism".

>It's easy to recognize from this description how contemporary peddlers of poz are massively influenced by the Frankfurt School's methodology, but you can't blame the testator for the actions of his heirs. SJWs are as revolutionary as manufacturers of Che t-shirts; they have made peace with the system at large and are using the rhetoric of fundamental opposition as cheat codes to unlock sinecures for themselves, which makes them and their politics so utterly despicable.

>>LARPing is repressive desublimation. Esoteric Hitlerism and techno-aristocracy are consumer brands meant to channel our righteous frustration into lifestyle products. If, at the end of the day, your edginess only serves to satisfy your own vanity, you're like "the beatnik, the neurotic housewife, the gangster, the star" - manufactured opposition with a commodified identity. Do not fall into this trap. The loyal husband or faithful wife who genuinely believe in something that transcends quarterly earnings and raise a family in this humble spirit are greater foes to the forces of destruction than a loud and self-absorbed caricature.
I attended a liberal arts course, it's all true, all of it. The lecturers and professors were self confessed cultural marxists and they preached the full gamut of IDpol talking points to their impressionable students. This pattern is repeated in so many universities the world over. Why do you think it's almost always liberal arts grads spouting this BS?
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Another lefty/pol/ shill thread that fails miserably. Just give up you autistic fucks
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im not sure if you realize but by making these threads you only raise more awareness at least change the copy pasta
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>struggle for "liberation" from "oppression"
>not itself a metanarrative
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>claim cultural marxism doesn't exist
>proceed to enable everything that is considered cultural marxism

I don't give a shit what you call it, it won't change the fact that it's goal is to ruin western culture. You can call it ashdarhawfsdfwhaseggsagra for all I care, it won't make cultural relativism and feminist/sjw shit any better.
I see.

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Frankfurt School knew their own philosophy was contained within the very thing they criticized. It was a product of capitalism.

Adorno claimed that in late capitalism, everyone became an agent of the total system. He personally worked for grant money for CBS and Hollywood.

The fact of the matter is, FS was a limited hangout for the Fabian socialists who had no problem with working through capitalism over a period of centuries to obtain their goal. It is easier to be a parasite than a revolutionary.

Frankfurt School simply sought to help some social controllers take advantage of meme-groups like anime porn nazis and sjws in order to push the dialectic down the Fabian vanishing point of progress.

This is a cybernetic or scientific dictatorship, which is quite different from the totalitarian dictatorship that the Frankfurt School criticizes. Most of it works through defining the boundaries, and inputs and outputs, managing and weighing feedback, instead of bluntly imposing rule on society. It is exactly the kind of system that Adorno proposes in his thesis in Authoritarian Personality.
Yes comrade, as we've concluded on this boards thousands of times prior, "cultural marxism" is a misnomer. But pretending that "intersectionality" and any field of study that ends with the word "studies" isn't an attempt to adapt Marx's proletariat vs bourgeoisie class agitation to sociology in the hopes of starting an oppressed vs oppressor revolutionary conflict is dad gum disingenuous
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>if I can just convince them to define it so specifically that nothing could possibly fit the definition then it doesn't exist
This is why your entire movement is fucking retarded, who gives a shit about the minutiae of the origins of your tyrannical movement? You seem to think that the bullshit that you pull is ok if you can just wordplay things so that none of your glaring problems are specifically associated with you even though they are all the basis of your retarded thought processes which work to do nothing more than destroy civilization.
What we call cultural marxism could in fact be some slightly different concept that serves the exact same purpose of inciting identity politics and class warfare, but no one other than you gives a shit.
Intersectionality is anti-Marxist.
This guy is a fucking shill. He won't answer to why Adorno worked for Hollywood studios and CBS. Why won't anyone else call him out?
I've only studied the FS very superficially, so I really have to take your word for it. But please, elaborate: do you think we are actually living in the kind of state that Adorno envisioned? Because, based on what I know about him and DoE, that seems unlikely. I haven't read The Authoritarian Personality though.
Didn't we literally have this thread a few hours ago?
I'll debunk it here.
>the institute of social research in Frankfurt never existed, they did not immigrate to Columbia University because they weren't majority Jewish in the Third Reich/Western Marxists because all of those things are 'conspiracies' when they arrive at conclusions I dislike
>Douglass Kellner doesn't exist, nor has he contributed anything because the field doesn't really exist
Archived version of the Wiki entry before it was selectively edited to use the "everything that I don't read about is a conspiracy and other strawmen" meme. This is about as bad as whining about scientific thought being paramount, yet denying the existence of divergent evolution applied to human cognitive ability.
>everything I dislike is a conspiracy
>the Overton window doesn't exist because it's in my favour, but does exist when it's against my beliefs
>video illustrating the history of the Frankfurt school and their migration from Europe to NA has nothing to do with the teachings of said school
>waaa don't use outdated terms to address my special pet minorities
>I can discard any point while simultaneously adding my input as if that constitutes a rebuttal
I mean, a great start would be disproving the migration, as that would mean nothing of the sort ever occurred. Try: www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/mydocs/modernism/kovel.htm
But discarding the post while putting in a quip=refutation. I guess there is good reason you act as you do. Diverting from the actual discussion and opting to make non-sequiturs masked as actual points is useful when you've been backed into a corner: either everything is a conspiracy laadeedaa and the members of the Frankfurt school were not doubly despised for being Marxists AND Jewish (in the Third Reich, which is what lead to their exodus to Columbia University), or they weren't Jewish and the Frankfurt school never even existed. Remember: arguing for the latter="conspiracy". Historical accuracy=mean conclusion; ergo, it is "discarded".

"Many 20th century Marxian theorists ranging from Georg Lukacs,
Antonio Gramsci, Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, and T.W. Adorno to Fredric Jameson and Terry Eagleton employed the Marxian theory to analyze cultural forms in relation to their production, their imbrications with society and history, and their impact and influences on audiences and social life. Traditions of cultural Marxism are thus important
to the trajectory of cultural studies and to understanding its various types and forms in the present age."
Emphasis on "employed the Marxian theory to analyze cultural forms in relation to their production, their imbrications with society and history, and their impact and influences on audiences and social life".
"The economic base of society for Marx and Engels consisted of the forces and relations of production in which culture and ideology are constructed to help secure the dominance of ruling social groups. This influential "base/superstructure" model considers the economy the base, or foundation, of society, and cultural, legal, political,
and additional forms of life are conceived as “superstructures" which grow out of and serve to reproduce the economic base."

"In general, for a Marxian approach, cultural forms always emerge in specific historical situations, serving particular socio-economic interests and carrying out important social functions. For Marx and Engels, the cultural ideas of an epoch serve the interests of the ruling class, providing ideologies that legitimate class domination. “Ideology” is a critical term for Marxian analysis that describes how dominant ideas of a given class promote the interests of that class and help cover over oppression, injustices, and negative aspects of a given society. On their analysis, during the feudal period, ideas of piety, honor, valor, and military chivalry were the ruling ideas of the hegemonic aristocratic classes. During the capitalist era, values of individualism, profit, competition, and the market became dominant, articulating the ideology of the new bourgeois class that was consolidating its class power. Ideologies appear natural, they seem to be common sense, and are thus often invisible and elude criticism."
"While Marx’s writings abound with literary reference and figures, he never developed sustained models of cultural analysis. Instead, Marx focused his intellectual and political energies on analyzing the capitalist mode of production, current economic developments and political struggles, and vicissitudes of the world market and modern societies now theorized as “globalization” and “modernity.”"

"A generation of Marxists, however, began turning concentrated attention to cultural phenomena in the 1920s. Perry Anderson (1976) interprets the turn from economic and political analysis to cultural theory as a symptom of the defeat of Western Marxism after the crushing of the European revolutionary movements of the 1920s and
the rise of fascism. In addition, theorists like Lukacs, Benjamin, and Adorno, who instituted a mode of Marxist cultural analysis, were intellectuals who had deep and abiding interest in cultural phenomena."

"The ultra-Marxist Lukacs of the early 1920s
intently developed philosophical and political dimensions of Marxism before returning to cultural analysis later in the 1920s."
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/pol/ is literally filled to the brim with postmodernist revisionist dialectic swilling idiots.
>nigger-tier shit
>oops, doesn't realize that's dialectic language
"The work of the Frankfurt School provided what Paul Lazarsfeld (1942), one of the originators of modern communications studies, called a critical approach, which he distinguished from the "administrative research." The positions of Adorno, Lowenthal,
and other members of the inner circle of the Institute for Social Research were contested by Walter Benjamin, an idiosyncratic theorist loosely affiliated with the Institute.
Benjamin, writing in Paris during the 1930s, discerned progressive aspects in new technologies of cultural production such as photography, film, and radio. In "The Work
of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1969), Benjamin noted how new mass media were supplanting older forms of culture whereby the mass reproduction of photography, film, recordings, and publications replaced the emphasis on the originality
and "aura" of the work of art in an earlier era. Freed from the mystification of high culture, Benjamin believed that media culture could cultivate more critical individuals able to judge and analyze their culture, just as sports fans could dissect and evaluate
athletic activities. In addition, processing the rush of images of cinema created, Benjamin believed, subjectivities better able to parry and comprehend the flux and turbulence of experience in industrialized, urbanized societies."
"Max Horkheimer and T.W. Adorno answered Benjamin's optimism in a highly influential analysis of the culture industry published in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment, which first appeared in 1948 and was translated into English in 1972.
They argued that the system of cultural production dominated by film, radio broadcasting, newspapers, and magazines, was controlled by advertising and commercial imperatives, and served to create subservience to the system of consumer capitalism.
While later critics pronounced their approach too manipulative, reductive, and elitist, it provides an important corrective to more populist approaches to media culture that downplay the way the media industries exert power over audiences and help produce
thought and behavior that conforms to the existing society."

This is in direct contradiction to the "conspiracy" bit as the purpose/goal is about as open as could be. Just because Breitbart said it doesn't mean he was wrong about it; it is the injection of a Marxian lens of analysis to the Western traditional culture, specifically capitalist culture.
"The Frankfurt School also provide useful historical perspectives on the transition from traditional culture and modernism in the arts to a mass-produced media and consumer society. In his path-breaking book The Structural Transformation of the Public
Sphere, Jurgen Habermas further historicizes Adorno and Horkheimer’s analysis of the culture industry. Providing historical background to the triumph of the culture industry,
Habermas notes how bourgeois society in the late 18th and 19th century was distinguished by the rise of a public sphere that stood between civil society and the state and which mediated between public and private interests. For the first time in history, individuals
and groups could shape public opinion, giving direct expression to their needs and interests while influencing political practice. The bourgeois public sphere made it possible to form a realm of public opinion that opposed state power and the powerful interests that were coming to shape bourgeois society."
"While the Frankfurt School arguably articulates cultural conditions in the stage of state monopoly capitalism or Fordism that produced a regime of mass production and consumption, British cultural studies emerged in the 1960s when, first, there was
widespread global resistance to consumer capitalism and an upsurge of revolutionary movements, and then emergence of a new stage of capital, described as "post-Fordism," postmodernity, or other terminology that attempted to describe a more variegated and
contested social and cultural formation. Moreover, the forms of culture described by the earliest phase of British cultural studies in the 1950s and early 1960s articulated conditions in an era in which there were still significant tensions in England and much of
Europe between an older working class-based culture and the newer mass-produced culture whose models and exemplars were the products of American culture industries."
Pointing out the "cultural studies" of the Brits is not akin to a "conspiracy" simply because you feel as it is/strawman the critiques. The only assertion is what the "studies" profess openly.

"But British cultural studies, unlike the Frankfurt school, did not adequately engage modernist and avant-garde aesthetic movements, limiting its attentions by and large to products of media culture and “the popular.” However, the Frankfurt school engagement with modernism and avant-garde art in many of its protean forms is arguably more productive than the ignoring of modernism and to some extent high culture as a whole by many within British cultural studies."


Archived log of OP's shilling: http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/131588851/#131588851

The thread I take from, THAT WAS LITERALLY BUMPLOCKED YESTERDAY: http://archive.is/yNQIP

On CM: http://archive.is/YzkIS

In their own words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmNWY0ZPfM

Also, look here: http://4+4ch.net/leftypol/res/1808031.html#1809315

Add 4 and 4 to put 8 in the post.

OP is a typical user of leftypol, where I have already debated his points and debunked his strawmen.

The only argument is to take the lowest hanging fruit of "Cultural Marxism was made by evil Jews to kill white people".

NO: that is not the assertion. Cultural Marxism is Marxism applied to cultural studies, which leaked out into other cultural fields of thought utilizing the same modes of analysis the Jewish Marxists used.
it's actually funny cognitive dissonance that pol doesn't regocgnize its po-mo nature when containg such self-hate for po-mo, their nature

why do i have to fill 15-25 captchas every time


OP is a faggot who refuses to debate my points and, instead, chooses to follow strawmen with no real refutations of the actual arguments.
See: http://archive.is/YzkIS

"Cultural Marxism refers to a school or offshoot of Marxism that conceives of culture as central to the legitimation of oppression, in addition to the economic factors that Karl Marx emphasized. An outgrowth of Western Marxism (especially from Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School) and finding popularity in the 1960s as cultural studies, cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity; are historically recent developments that help to justify and maintain hierarchy. Cultural Marxists use Marxist methods (historical research, the identification of economic interest, the study of the mutually conditioning relations between parts of a social order) to try to understand the complexity of power in contemporary society and to make it possible to criticise what, cultural Marxists propose, appears natural but is in fact ideological."
Nothing wrong with that.
But how do you explain the proletariat and bourgeoisie dynamic? It's akin to all sorts of minorities being pitted against cis gendered Christian white male patriarchy.
Admitting to your shilling and crossposting from leftypol? Then you admit to being a cancer on the board willingly shitposting even after you have been refuted.
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I do not think Adorno was the architect of the civilization we live in. Adorno was responsible for providing modus operandi for different kinds of social controllers. All the sociological research produced by the Frankfurt School was used by a consortium of factions that loosely tie around the Cecil Rhodes Round Table group network that is essentially called the Anglo-American Establishment (explained by Dr. Carroll Quigley in his book of the same name).

This Anglo-American Establishment is largely Fabian in their outlook but Fabianism is very practical and it seeks the scientific dictatorship simply by encouraging hypernormalization in every think-tank and pushing the scope of legitimate discussion in main and alternate currents of thought towards the post-industrial stage wherein the Fabian/general humanist agenda can progress to its next stage.


Enjoy, if you're capable of reading it
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It can't be helped, alot of /pol/ have nigger-tier brains.
Don't so po-mo fa-got
While working for the Rockefellers and CBS.

Marxism would have left me in poverty. Through hard work and education, I am now an executive at one of Canada's largest employers.

Go stand in a breadline in Venezuela. You've failed in a capitalist society because you are a failure.
Richard Spencer is pro-Frankfurt School, because, you know, he took the time to actually READ them.
Except that's Bowden, not Spencer. Worked with each other, not the same person.

Cultural Marxism assumes Marxism is a viable strategy, which it has, time and time again, proved to be the opposite.

Can you point me to a successful Marxist nation?
>Bringing up Dick Spencer when nobody fucking mentioned him

This is Jonathan Bowden you absolute shit-tier human being.
Nobody here likes spencer, he's a 4th Political Theory Duginist shill with a nazbol girlfriend

These posts

But this is general knowledge about Adorno, and requires no special or interpreted research. It is unanimous to people that do not cherry pick, that he worked for Princeton Radio Project under CBS' Frank Stanton who was Right hand man to CIA officer William S. Paley.

PRP was financed by the Rockefeller foundation as well. And included fabian friend of George B. Shaw and promoter of Alvin Toffler's third wave, Orson Welles.
Strawman A. Nobody asserts this. Actually examine the claims your own camp admits to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmNWY0ZPfM.
Interesting, I did not know that, thanks. The next time OP shills this nonsense in a few hours, I'll post it.

by Susan Cavin, Ph.D.(Adjunct) Professor of SociologyNew York University
Nope, the assertion is that it was the extension of the relativist and egalitarian (when it shouldn't be) ideology of Marxism to cultural studies. Critical theory is meant to be continuous.

Marxism isn't a political program, it's a form of analysis.
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The argument for communism can be defeated as easily as asking the question, "Do you think a doctor and a janitor at McDonald's should make the same wage?" None of these college aged commies can name one thriving communist utopian country because it’s impossible, it doesn't exist and never will because communism is a pyramid scheme; the answer to big government isn’t bigger government. Is it even worth debating these morons? They’ve never actually spoken to anyone who has lived under communism because it’s never real communism… My uncle was a Cuban refugee and he would tell me about how much the Cubans LOVED IT when Castro nationalized everything and murdered his opposition via firing squad. These spoiled brats here in the US live in a fucking bubble, their messiah is a rich Jewish under FBI investigation for bank fraud

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People are conflating postmodernism with postmodernity and structuralism and cultural critique under the likes of the Frankfurt School. WTF are you talking about?
I never called Marxism a political "program". What is a political program, anyways? It is a system of beliefs about how a society and its economy should operate. One that has not been proven in the slightest.
I've seen that video many times. The guy doesn't even go into what Adorno and Marcuse actually said, nor does he bring up Benjamin who was, by far, the most influential member, the most "Jewish" member, the most Marxist-influenced member, and the only one whose works overlap some with postmodernism.
Postmodernism as a result of the illegitimate result of the Frankfurt school (i.e. critical theory). Postmodern cancer is the extension and logical result of the Marxist cultural studies.
How many times are you going to make the same thread just to get shit on repeatedly, the ppl who know have already crushed you lik 6 times and have lost interest
Heidegger was involved in the salon system/Mileua that created Frankfurt. While he was the Nazi Party's philosopher he was also smoozing around with a Jewish mistress that was at the heart of the Frankfurt School.

And if he had gone into Benjamin you would complain that he hadn't delved into the less Marxist-influenced characters in the Frankfurt School. You are a tiresome individual.
Except when he quotes from their own books and the history of their lives. Not an argument. Saying "Walter is more relevant" does not dismiss the others and their influence.
Also, they were all primarily Jewish. Judaism is not equivalent to being an Ashkenazi Jew. We've already discussed this.
Yeah, they don't respond to this one. It's not possible to disprove it.
Because self-admitted cases are, by definition, no longer conspiracies. Political correctness as a result of dismantling what the Marxists viewed as illegitimate hierarchies is the result, unintended or not.
You are so invested in these ideas that you refuse to piece together all the obvious evidence and cling to your ideology as if your life depended on it.
Stop being a tool
Genetic fallacy, not an argument.
Many of the quotes he uses are out-of-context. If he wanted to understand Adorno, he would have gone into Dialectic of Enlightenment or Negative Dialectics.
Stop nitpicking about the name. It doesn't matter what you call it or where it came from it means class struggle applied to gender, race, ect. When people say "cultural Marxism" that's what they're talking about.
Self-admitted cases are not conspiracies. Is Marxism a conspiracy because it advocates for a worker's revolution?
That's the point, there is no purpose behind endless criticism. Its attempt is to critically analyze cultural institutions without a resolution in mind. Which is why "consumerism" cannot ever be resolved unless markets are dissolved. Hence, the Marxist inspiration
Kalergi was a globalist advocate. His "plan" refers to the influence he held and his desired goals for Europe. Open borders today would make him glad.
See: >>132021155
Stop trying to assume Marxism can act as a saviour of anything. It hasn't been proven to exist and pushing for its application to cultural studies is useless, as has been demonstrated.
Except this is a great thread.
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My god, call the exorcist, he's babbling incoherently
listen to yourself
That isn't an argument without a timestamp and the "context" you claim is relevant. Your opinion as to what is a better primer is irrelevant.
It's true. "Cultural marxism" isn't actually marxism. In marxism the base determins the superstructure and the only way to affect the superstructure is to change the base while in "cultural marxism" the superstructure determins the base and the only way to change the base is to change the superstructure. It's basically the opposite of marxism. But people call it cultural marxism anyway. What you gonna do.
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The two have nothing to do with one another. Critique influences postmodernITY, not postmodernISM. If you can't fathom the difference, you're fool, truth be told.
Shills pushing cancer threads are far from great. Go read the last one, it was only a few hours ago.
Exactly, we need more people like this to come here so Nu-/pol/ can take the critical theory redpill
Exactly, we need more people like this to come here so Nu-/pol/ can take the redpill on the origins of critical theory and postmodernism

It's certainly a lot more intelligent of a discussion than the usual shitposting that goes around here.
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You won't last the year. We're done trying to reson with you """people."""

Kill yourself, it'll make this a lot easier.
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No, keep conflating the two, we don't need anyone growing any brain-cells, now, donchyaknow.
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Nice attempt at correcting your lies.
That post doesn't discuss Kalergi, so your insult is falling on deaf ears.
I never said they were equivalent, but related. They both relate to the consumerist society, as a post-modern issue (hence the degraded culture that is claimed, but not substantiated).

You've yet to actually dissect the primary argument related to Cultural Marxism beyond "you think they were all feminists!"
The whole point is that critical theory is utilized by modern feminists in the same method the Western Marxists used it.
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Ok, but that's not fucking POSTMODERNISM. It's called the results of POSTMODERNITY. Are you still not getting that there's a difference? That's all I am here to clarify, so that that peter-puffer Peterson can stop confusing the fuck out of nig-nogs out on the intershits.
What lies? I said the same thing two different times you idiot, I posted twice because I thought my first one didn't go through.
I was killing two birds with one post so to speak

Was here hours ago with the constant commy, went out did stuff, came back............. oh my days!!!!!!!!
still shilling for the bankers and thinking themselves idealocically virtuous

the road to Utopia is littered with the dead

Dude, you are not serious. I hope to the good Lord you are not. the ultra leftists have taken their political beliefs to an almost eschatological level. It is a religious fervor. The identity politics we see happening today are fruits of this.

I cannot quote to you every single link of why the frankfurt school was a driving force behind the new left and neoliberalism, because i do not fucking save every link I go to. You are asking everybody here to go back and research years of periodic growth in understanding. You are just spouting this shit because you have had intensive training (still are probably) at an educational institution riddled with the people who are teaching you this nonsense. How can people academically prove something that is anathema to academia infested with new left wickedness? Read the talk page on the frankfurt school on wikipedia, and your eyes might be opened. A person there asked a good question. How are people supposed to trust academia to be honest about a subject that they might not want to be honest about? How are people supposed to academically prove something when the academies are gatekeepers of information they are protecting?
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You added an addendum that would have been less endowed with monkey'd forehead-grappling if you'd have just left it off.
bump so that nu/pol/ reads this thread

Full of redpills and a beautiful sight of OP getting absolutelly anally devastated.

Just say dogmatic
Post-modernity is the result of critical theory pushing for the release of basal instincts because fuck traditionalist temperance lmao.
I'll challenge you to find a quotation where I equate critical theory with "postmodernism". I have always stated that critical theory has resulted in the post-modern society, what with the degradation of traditional culture and morals. Not that it "is" post-modern. It results in post-modernism.
Critical theory leads to post-modernism seeing as how, prior to its implementation as a school of thought utilized by other social science circles, such attitudes were not harboured towards hierarchies in society.
Cultural Marxism is another term for Critical Theory which does exist.

Critical Theory influenced the SJW's so much that their fields are considered subfields of Critical Theory:


Cultural infiltration AKA "long march through the institutions" is part of the Frankfurt School:



You're just obfuscating. "Critical Theory? What Critical Theory? Nothing to see here! LOL CONSPIRACY THEORIST!"

Btw your safe space censors us so don't expect us to be nice to you especially considering your slippery evasiveness and gaslighting.

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No clear INTENDED aim, but that doesn't mean there isn't a coalition of ideological aims that are borne from structuralist critical theory. True anon.
My first post seemingly didn't go through and I didn't remember exactly what I posted, what do you want from me
But there was no conspiracy. That's my point.
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>Post-modernity is the result of critical theory pushing for the release of basal instincts because fuck traditionalist temperance lmao.

Jesus fucking christ, yes, you FINALLY fucking got it. Now continue...just don't forget your lesson.
Here is the "correct context": Marcuse argues that 'the irreconcilable conflict is not between work (reality principle) and Eros (pleasure principle), but between alienated labour (performance principle) and Eros.' He believes that a socialist society could engender 'non-alienated libidinal work', 'a non-repressive civilisation based on 'non-repressive sublimation'.
Pushing for a socialist system. This subversion has been the whole point.
Conspiracies are not conspiracies when they are self-admitted.
Find me a quote where I asserted what you believe I did.
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>I'll challenge you to find a quotation where I equate critical theory with "postmodernism". I have always stated that critical theory has resulted in the post-modern society, what with the degradation of traditional culture and morals. Not that it "is" post-modern. It results in post-modernism.

Fuck and then you turn around and make the same mistake again...you think postmodernISM equates to posmodernITY. WHY do insist on being retarded? One is philosophy, the other is an ERA. JESUS.
Find me a quote where I equate critical theory with "postmodernity".
do you all realize it's a Jew shilling, right?
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>Find me a quote where I asserted what you believe I did.
>I'll challenge you to find a quotation where I equate critical theory with "postmodernism. I have always stated that critical theory has resulted in the post-modern society, what with the degradation of traditional culture and morals. Not that it "is" post-modern. It results in post-modernism.
I think this post speaks for itself. ^
It's not a conspiracy because its openly being pushed now. Critical theory tries to reveal meta-narratives, but the flaw is in thinking that anyone can be above meta-narratives. Critical theorists are themselves subject to meta-narratives and instead of being revealing meta-narratives they're merely changing what meta-narratives are dominant in society. There's nothin conspiratal about critical theory's application at all because its application is completely conspicuous. Those applying think they're somehow reaching a deeper truth when really they're obscuring it further with their own bullshit, funded by capitalist who are seeking to spread consumerism
No, that is not a conflation of a time period with the lens of criticism known as critical theory. Post-modernism has resulted in the relativist and unending/baseless critical theory. Your quotation is a non-sequitur which does not follow your premise.
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Postmodernism is not the result of critical theory, postmodernism is the result of philosopher's challenging philosophical Modernism. The term was even invented BEFORE the Frankfurt School ever came into existence.
>The term postmodern was first used around the 1880s. John Watkins Chapman suggested "a Postmodern style of painting" as a way to depart from French Impressionism.
see: fucking Wikipedia, of all places. Jesus fucking christ.
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Your point is more fluid than the gender of your comrades.
They admit it openly. I showed one example of that in my earlier post.

And who cares if it's a conspiracy or not? A tornado doesn't have to be conscious and intentionally ruin your house yet it does. Critical Theory is garbage - you can dodge and play semantics all you want.
Cultural Marxism exists because Western Marxists wrote of it. Talmud stuff is irrelevant. They were primarily Jewish, which is not only a religion. Your main gripe is what they wrote and why Marxism is destructive in any form.
Post-modernism has "resulted in the relativist and unending/baseless critical theory".
Critical theory is a product of and further accelerates post-modern morality (or lack thereof). Again, your assertion is a non-sequitur as I am not claiming what you assert. I'm not saying they were the first of their kind: simply that cultural Marxism is the extension of Marxist ideology to cultural studies, resulting in the critical analysis of hierarchal institutions and the unsubstantiated assertion that the West is at a crossroads because of capitalism and its effect on culture. It is Marxist in origin, and Marxism is a failed system of beliefs.
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Congratulations, you're as bad as CNN
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But alas, there is no getting through to retards.
>Feminism: existed before "postmodernism"
>Critical Theory: did not exist before "postmodernism"
>Critical Theory: led to the advent of SJWs, Marxism in schools, ect, in postmodernity
>Postmodernity: is not Postmodernism; Postmodernism is philosophy, unlike Critique and Postmodernity, which is Sociology.

So you trust the state with controlling and dispensing capitol? Why are you so afraid of people controlling their own destiny? Why are you afraid of people being able to own their own property? Why are you afraid of such radically free notions as ownership of arms and a free press?

Also isnt that what you say of Russia, that it was not real communism? America is an amoral materialist shithole because we have nothing to hold to that is Universal. Progressivism is the abolition of morality and guilt. They think that once these things are dispensed with, then they can form new ideas based on social hygine and protocol. THey do not understand that things like guilt and sin are inherent in mankind and will never be gotten rid of. We are not just animals, and each individual has a soul and has value. When you start living by abstractions, you look at and value everything around you in an abstract way. It is fucking dehumanizing!
"a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human “emancipation from slavery”, acts as a “liberating … influence”, and works “to create a world which satisfies the needs and powers” of human beings (Horkheimer 1972, 246)"
Freeing the workers from their capitalist chains on a cultural level.
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>Post-modernism has "resulted in the relativist and unending/baseless critical theory".
Prove it. By now, I need to see your standard of proof before I can decimate your claim. You still seem to be conflating postmodernity with postmodernism.

Good words, anon.
Find me the assertion stating that feminism has never existed before postmodernism.
Find me the assertion stating that critical theory existed before postmodernism.
Critical theory has indirectly aided the modern SJW/neo-Marxists and their relativist critiques of "white supremacy".
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Postmodernism has nothing to do with any of the above. When will you people grasp that?
See: >>132030784
Shorter version: http://archive.is/YzkIS
"Cultural Marxism refers to a school or offshoot of Marxism that conceives of culture as central to the legitimation of oppression, in addition to the economic factors that Karl Marx emphasized. An outgrowth of Western Marxism (especially from Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School) and finding popularity in the 1960s as cultural studies, cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity; are historically recent developments that help to justify and maintain hierarchy. Cultural Marxists use Marxist methods (historical research, the identification of economic interest, the study of the mutually conditioning relations between parts of a social order) to try to understand the complexity of power in contemporary society and to make it possible to criticise what, cultural Marxists propose, appears natural but is in fact ideological."
Or, you know, we can look at what, as you say even "fucking Wikipedia" admits.
It is because the same egalitarian framework is extended to "queer studies", as they draw the same unending criticisms utilized by critical theory.
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That wasn't an argument, it was a statement of facts. You try and prove me wrong, or just continue beclowning yourself.
Postmodernism has been accelerated by and caused critical theory's influence on Western culture. It does not predate the theory, but allows Marxists to be inspired to create such forms of cancer. Again, find me the quote asserting that critical theory caused postmodernism. Critical theory accelerates it.

Your words are pretty wise, anon. I always fear though that this soft tyranny is the perfectly fitting glove for the hand of a madman who could destroy us all.
Without quotations, they are not facts. Assertion relies on substantive evidence to become fact. lrn2argue.
Not postmodernism. You are forever bound to be an idiot if you can't fathom this for the umpteenth time. Ya ponce.
It is postmodernist in its application. Try again, this time without ad homs.
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Yes, critical theory, not postmodernism. Thick much?
Oh, and saying something is "postmodernist" does not make an assertion on its timeline.
Critical theory is postmodern.

We are aware of it, but breaking away from it would require living in a fundamentally different way, and even then we could not get away from it's effects.
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You are still equating a philosophical school for a timeline and era...you're still unable to grasp the simple logic being granted to you.
>arguing semantics on /pol/
It really is going to end up simpler and more humane to just execute all the communists.
Why waste resources sustaining a malignancy
>You are still equating a philosophical school for a timeline and era
[citation needed]
"Ok, but that's not fucking POSTMODERNISM. It's called the results of POSTMODERNITY"
Your own quote. I never said it was post-modernity. Semantics argument. See you in the next thread where I decimate your non-argument.
Show me a full blown communist, irishman, human or even a "full blown" bowl. Nothing is "full blown", everything is an amalgam, until interpreted by an idiot..
Granted, now someone here understands, potentially, the fundamental differences here between postmodernity and postmodernism...but only if this anon doesn't conflate the two, foolishly. Postmodernity is pink-haired freaks and BDSM...postmodernism is an attempt to understand how this reaction to modern values works, and to determine how to live within it or create a backlash against such things, and/or at least explain it; and that's it. But this anon can't be that based, because Peterson already got to him, I know it. Please anon, prove me mistaken.
It is why (((they))) developed cybernetics and the World Wide Web in the first place. Any kind of technology could have been developed but the scope of technological progress was purposely shifted away from agriculture, high-tech energy (like fusion) and infrastructure; rather it was shifted towards mass communications, so much so that mass communications developed its own metalogical fields of study. The scope of scientific progress is certainly a politically determined thing, the interest could have come about by organic means with many inventors converging but instead it came out of DARPA, Stanford and MIT.
Semantics is one of those things that people love to confuse for something purely rhetorical, instead of logical as well. Sadly.

Yup. You summed it up for me. This is itself a sign of agendas that have an overarching religious quality to them. There may be no stated aim, but all are working towards the same goals. I do not think this is completely unintentional.

Problem with arguing with people like OP is that he gets you on the nit picky details in order to "prove you wrong". OP works like the factcheckers do these days. They will say some criticism is wrong by attacking a small fallacy behind it, even if the criticism as a whole is true. It is such a slimeball method.
*interest is internet

fucking auto-jew
LOL, good luck with the backpeddling.
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