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Thread replies: 320
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1. Organization twitter account - DONE @officialblaxit
2. Organization website with following pages:
a. Host for infographics
b. Compilation of fake statistics
i. Link statistics to other websites about black nationalism
ii. Create blogs to host these statistics
iii. Put them in pdf form so they look legitimate
c. Links to outside Blaxit articles
d. Official manifesto
e. Articles about Blaxit written by members
f. Biographies about people like DuBois, Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey with quote compilations detailing their views about Black Separatism
3. Crowdfunding
a. purchases that may want to be made with the money:
i. ad space on websites
ii. videos (perhaps from fiverr) detailing plans of Blaxit
4. Make Lib memes guilting them into going along with the movement

>List of African Geniuses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African_scientists,_inventors,_and_scholars


>#Blaxit #BLM #BlackTwitter #Blaxodus #Black Lives Matter #Black Power

facts to tweet and use
> 700 million people will be moving into African cities in the next 35 years – that means building an entire New York City every six months until 2050
> Nine out of the 20 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa
> African startups raised USD 187.5 million last year
> African venture capital companies reported up to 330% growth last year
> Africa is home to one billion people and 200 million of these are aged 15-24
> Africa has the fastest growing middle class in the world
> Smartphone usage is at a tipping point, expected to reach 400 million users in 2020
>Tfw your fake black twitter account named Jamal Tyronesson gets locked up, just like Jamal got locked up irl
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changed to blaxxodus.tumblr.com at anons request
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Feels a little forced
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Here: I fixed the reflections in the picture you have there
It should be. Black lives matter has to be the center of everything no matter what. This will blend in perfectly with the rest of their dumb shit.

Someone needs to add in some kind of social program support. Something along the lines of "black lives are worthless in America.In Kenya we are taken care of like the kings we are"
We're busted
damn fine shop

shit like this doesnt matter if we just keep spamming.
well done
Retweet my tweets and follow others.
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But why? What's the goal of this, i need a rundown pls.
Gotta spam and drown it out
Use your clean accounts to call him an alt right liar and question his credibility.

Damn nigga how did you do that?


What a coincidence
Niggers are amazingly stupid. Keep it going and make everything look like it actually cares about blacks, give quotes to people who already said dumb shit.
Please guys Stop!!

I have a bad feelin about this one, we cant take more people here in Hueland please!
good job anon...
This >>131454268

All exposure is good exposure. The #Blaxit movement predated us, we've simply co-opted it. Once it catches on, it will become mainstream enough that /pol/'s presence won't mean anything.
>Hmmm this actually has historical premise apparently in between 1822 and the civil war some estimated 15,000 former United states slaves were paid passage back to Africa and founded what is now known as Liberia.
ALSO they RETWEETED AN ACTUAL BLAXIT ACCOUNT. The one the @'d isn't even affiliated with us!
they're going back to africa tho
link this article. how could we have made this up when the article is over a year old?
Duh. The point is to get them to renounce citizenship and want to leave again.
Good. Now the whole point of PsyOps is to make it believable.
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This. Someone mention "Blaxit" is years old
meant for

Some parts of black Africa aren't so bad. It's a whole fuckin continent dude.
did i do good?
>Duh I get that I'm saying you could spin this historic fact in your favor.
It's hundred of years old. The black man always wanted to leave and the white man said no. Blacks were kings in their native land, only when home will they regain past honor.
>member since 2011
link one of the articles to prove it's not a /pol/ concoction
It's always (((them)))
look at the OP you dumb fuck
>black people suddenly move to africa enmasse
>yellowstone erupts
>white people perish in half overnight

That would be funny.
He's a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Yeah, good start, but follow it up.
How have they been there since December '11 and be that insignificant?
Shame on you /Pol for trying to subvert black nationalism. Blacks need not whitey and will prove it no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.
this isn't really hard. think, faggot
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>implying this will actually get black people to move
you forget that they're poor and lazy and wouldn't even consider it
missed a spot there
there we go
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The angle with the white libs should be play with the idea of denying them there civil Rights.
To not be for blaxit is like denying their "manifest destiny"
Yeah fuk
This is the most racist thing I've ever seen. You guys shouldn't be allowed on the internet
When do we do spixit
The akon quote is perfect. We need more like that. We need snoopdog quotes on this.
another angle to play though could be white nationalists AGAINST blaxit. niggers love doin what they not supposed to
Meh I don't hate blacks. I just like the idea of mass manipulation by a select group. It's just fun to see how you can socially engineer change without really doing anything imo.
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Does this mean they will finally get their asses back to Africa ?
Good job
This is an amazing idea. However it needs to cause a divide in the black community. Blacks have to feel like Africa is actually for them.

we use the quotes from mothers about how America is not safe for the blacks. A mother knows best and best is back in Africa.
I see several of you posting from non-fake accounts. Right now we need to make it seem like an actual movement. If you've got "alt-right" or "fash" in your bio, it's going to backfire.
Fake news
i want to believe
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Fake until you post link.
No these are literal antifa accounts. they have 300-500 followers

twitter com walstreetAntifa status 879503198771445760
Damn this is good.
Holy fuck, Antifa is less intelligent than tribal congo niggers. I didn't think they'd actually buy into it.
No fucking way
Are there any le based black men with no traceable right-wing history who'd be willing to become spokespersons for Blaxit?
You're a fucking saint.
wait are you actually trying to get people to invest and go back to Africa?

That shit will never work and honestly do you even want it to? Think about it. How much pollution it would cause. How it effects what "majestic" wildlife the Earth has left. Kangz will become Prez and then you have group of Dindus against the evil white world leaders. Nobody wants an Africa sized Detroit. Thats why instead of actually giving them things like running water we build a well and hand them rations...i mean "donations".

China is more likely to build and relocate to Africa than worldwide blacks are.
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To those of you who are a fan of the "poster meme", here is an extremely-authentic touched up version of it. You can zoom in anywhere and it seems real
This will never happen. Niggers get to many gibs to move.
archive is/5ER1A

Archive everything

Also, we need infographics pushing the "white nationalists are against blaxit" narrative

Want to explain yourself, son?
This feels like a satire account..
This page littteraly retweeted a post from "kekistaniantifa1"
Need to make this shit look real. I'm using a fake black person account
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I'm a "white" African and it made me want to go home.
There is no goddamn way in hell a nigger will fall for this.

They get free food free housing free abortions.

Why would they fuck that up?. They can lay around and live a life air luxury compared to the rest of the planet.
black inventions debunked
Damn. These antifa accounts are fake. Ah well.
This is def fake. He tweeted a "very fake news" video.
Guys use photos of some of the capitals in Botswana, Angola etc, those cities are recently built by oil and dimond industries, make them think all of Africa looks like that.
>police killing their children
>white nationalism on the rise
>black lives matter is not working because of white people
>trump saying the black community is the cause for their situation
b-but the Mississippi is the Nile
The accounts are actually fake. We need to get ACTUAL antifa accounts to notice them though organically some how
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>Any reason in particular for the black and yellow aesthetic?
>I intend to adopt it and want to understand it

They're the Black Lives Matter colors.
Black stripes in the background make the yellow text pop.

Black n white photos seem preferable.
Civil rights/American Dream era is a good theme.

>American Typewriter Regular
>Kingthings Trypewriter 2 Regular
>Gabriele Dark Ribbon FG Regular

Here's the twitter page of one of those dirty #blaxit niggers. It would be a shame if he got some followers to spread his porch monkey agenda.
Aren't we devious motherfuckers, i actually fell for one of them blaxit profiles and started trolling them.
What we really need is for a celebrity to co-opt this movement. We need sock accounts to push it and for it to breakthough.
This is a horrible idea. Clearly, were it to catch on, only enterprising and talented blacks would actually have the agency to go, and we'd be left with the shit-tier nogs who are the problem, anyway.
I'll make a pastebin cataloguing all of this info for future threads

we're getting there. we need more fake accounts actually following these celebrities. After that, we can begin to tweet at them en masse. I say we target someone gullible like B.o.B. He thinks the earth is flat
>They're the Black Lives Matter colors
this and "Being Liberal" colors
Bump. On it boys.
it'll happen. Give it time, kek is working to make it real.
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proof it works

Spooks are so fucking dumb they will be tangled in it.
>another angle to play though could be white nationalists AGAINST blaxit

>We need to ensure they stay so we can ensure the vast majority of white men benefit from a coloured underclass, so we can remain middle class and wealthy

Dodge the mexicans entirely basically?
That gives me a poster idea... divided poster. Left half is white cop pointing a gun directly at the viewer, with a shItty ghetto background. Right half, smiling black cop extending hand to shake the poster viewer's, with gleaming modern city background. Any drawfags able to put that together? Maybe text across the bottom. .. Where do you think you have a future? #blaxit
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What are the hashtags for this?
That lady was a thunder cunt! Fuck that bitch, this is great news...
Definitely. Once it picks up steam, shill against it with typical "niggers would be nothing without the white man" rhetoric and really get the fire burning.
Public google drive to archive all pictures: goo gl X1DMLJ

See the OP
Oh, stick around for a bit. It gets worse. And you'll die laughing.
You guys are my heroes. As soon as this has a hint of legitimate support flood network affiliates with links
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Location: Uganda
Commander Cuck checking In. Here later, twitter has mobilized. Where do we stand.
Those reflections though.
im starting to get messages from racists who think my account is real, its starting.
You retards keep posting from accounts with altright and Pepe. This shit won't work. It's doomed from the start.
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Here's a pastebin:

pastebin com EDiW5jQQ
I like the idea. We should do it with more than cops. medical care and such should all be promoted as something like "African blood, African medicine." or something just as catchy. Niggers love catchy shit to chant.
We need to leave so bad. Where's dem boats
Oh shit never mind. Nicely done.
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The "delete this now" makes you look like a shill.
Send me prayers
Only promote it. Say that some faggot white bois are trying to destroy the destiny of Africans going home.

>summerfags are seriously going to risk fucking this up for some newfag-tier trolling
>day of the rope will now include newfags
i am
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Follow me meh neg! #Blaxit
lol this is glorious
Someone should make memes contrasting shitty, run down American cities with idyllic photos of African cities like this.
Niggers do not want to actually leave america.

They just want to complain. Just like women who dont want to work but want muh equality.
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Once you go back, you'll wish you weren't black.
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Be outraged, brothers and sisters
Tell us something we don't know.
does buying followers on twitter still work? get 10-15k followers to retweet your #blaxit accounts should do nicely
Why? She was self going back to africa, let her go, strip her from citizenship and leave her stranded there.
Holy fuck people are talking about this,dont stop the train.Tag BLM and BlackLivesMatter alongaide it!!!
@Grekpepe <-- KYS
@JamalTyronesson <--- this is why we'll fail
In order to get the really shitty blacks to leave, you have to put out propaganda that promotes free shit.

Like saying the welfare state is better there, or you get a free house if you escape the US.

Otherwise, Darnel isn't going anywhere.
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Follow me my niggas
I have an idea-make an infographic and post ir ON BLM reddit,and 9gag.People there are suspicible to such things.
They won't talk unless you add some gibs, demand reparations from whitey to go home
Do it
Blacks would never abandon their welfare in the first place anyway. Its just for the lulz.
I think the word Blacks is racist, when in reality we are Africans
This. Adds some gibs.
>Pol is unironically memeing a black separatist movement in the US and will have militant ISIS-tier New Black Panthers in theirs treets now

wew, pol really likes following germanicuckistan's footsteps
Is Nairobi ourcity? Seems comfy
I literally want all races to prosper in their own lands. If that's racism then you're god damn right I'm a racist.
Flood Tumblr with this shit, it will stemroll
That's not how /pol/ works. If you're going to lekekfag it up, just don't post you fucking autists
hi ani
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Do not underestimate our power.
>We're busted

Go away libtard
maybe site how left wing other countries like brazil are compared to #amerikkka
Working on this
>Wall Street Antifa

You know thats a troll account hahahha
The escape part is great. It's not leaving the USA, it's escaping the death squads. The white nationalists are gaining power, now is the time to save your young black child.
I need an infographic.My fingers are sketchy as fuck and I wont do shit with thwm RN.
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Daily reminder the final destination of blaxit is budapest or sweden

Sorry Intermarium bros.
this looks authentic as fuck
Run them through an archive
how do we spin the narrative that we dont want this to happen?
great work
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I'm retweeting/aggregating all the other blaxit tweets. Follow me friendos
if /pol/ can make even 1 nog leave the country its a success

Found one on twitter!
"White Supremacy" to the average negro doesn't mean anything unless it happens to them. They still live in their own communities and only really care if they get something.

Promising them great, free stuff will spark their interest more.

>Jamal Booker Washington fled the oppressive United States and received a free home, guaranted $2000 USD per month stipend and opened up one of the best Fried Chicken joints in Darkietown, South Africa.

>"I should have fled the United States sooner. Here *I* help make the rules"
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Guys, some of you are sharing the same pictures of that woman with Tucker, with different words an such. Delete one of them.
Remember to play up the fact that Nigeria, Angola, Egypt, South Africa have growing economies.
>Free shit
>Post pictures of African waterfalls and mountains and the wildlife, make it seem like a dreamscape.
>Make up fake stories of Black Americans moving to Africa and becoming super successful and rich.
>'In Africa, they da niggaz'
Also https://twitter.com/ylj44888/status/879413891545137154

They're already doing this shit. Don't fag it up with your lekekistanmemexd
I literally can't even think of a fake reason for gen to stay.
I...I can't argue with this.
It was going to be structured like a typical Pew opinion poll, but alright. Also, to avoid any potential impersonation issues the report has been renamed to the "AOPI" (African Opinion Polling Initiative)
Say that blacks are a historic part of the American story and it would be nothing without them. Make sure you empathize that it hurts America's diversity, but don't actually show that you give a shit. Kinda like what liberals do
How about we want him to stay to fight the Mexicans.
Make the vids yourselves, not from fiverr as if you got a vid from there they could easily expose blaxit as fake
this is funny and all but you people do know that blacks are to lazy to move, right?
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a movement convincing fellow blacks to go back to afrika....
Counter psy ops anon. You need to post that you have posted this on 4chan as a trick to get white people to play along. Cover all your bases you silly billy.

Shit, document your manipulation of the whitey, so that people feel witty and smart, and can laugh at us as they pack up and leave.
Wtf was that leaf?
>Budapest, Hungary
Hungarians are racist as fuck, lol
This look good?
Start connecting it with #wakanda
It's Shangri La for nigs and already been talked about on twitter
Yea I agree.. now if food stamps and government benefits were cut for these freeloaders...
that was a woman shoving a hotdog in her pussy before serving it to a customer.

You guys are gonna fuck everything up with this one and flood us on the news like when y'all did that text voting shit last year.
too long for their small brain
You need heavy editing
That's just the summary. This shit was going to be pages long. The idea was make a legitimate looking pdf to pull fake statistics from so if people call bullshit we have something "legitimate" to cite
All they are looking for is a reason to feel smart. They will never admit to being out-witted.
Again, they legitimately have pride in their ancestral homelands. They like the idea of having a place in a successful Africa.
Can we get this trending? Let's mobilize /pol/ weak shit faggots.
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Good night gents. Let's make Rockwell proud.
Am I the only one who unironically believes that exodus to a black ethnostate in Africa established and run by blacks from the US would be the best solution to racial tension in the US for both blacks and whites?
This one of ya'll niggas?
You need catchy headings. What's in the paragraph doesn't matter cause no one will actually read it.
odd. I can go online and find pictures of public lynchings, she looks...oddly un-lynched. someone should Correct The Record.
But why?
And... I have to phone post now since my work computer blocked 4 chan. I still can't figure out how to turn on the volume for VLC app for iPhone.
already on it. that's just the summary
1) it's "by and large.
Is that Jackie Chan?
This actually seems legit.
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>that grammer
are you an actual nigger?
leader of china Xi Jinping

I'll post the full thing here once done. It can be corrected as you anons please.
You have to go back
Looks legit, it's just weird not seeing other (((writers))) when it comes to the anti-white journalism
The Lord's work, anon.
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So what's the deal with blaexit? Do all the niggers in America want to 'exit' America? Isn't that the greatest thing ever?
I think that might be a real one

Following that nigga now!

Also I'd suggest we don't post our usernames in this thread
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hi, I'm a writer for Buzzfeed.

Thanks for literally divulging all your info and your false grassroots movement. Makes my job easier huh?

Before I start with it though, what was going through your head? Did you just think the countless media entities that lurk /pol/ would ignore your thread?
2) I think you mean "races" instead of "raises."
3) all numbers below 13 are written out (like one through twelve). This excludes fractions and decimals.
You're doing god's work anon

take a look at the Pew Research center website to see how they word their articles based on research

yeah seemslike a good idea
good luck OP. im sure you can convince the black americans to move from a country that puts them above whites with affirmative action to a 3rd world shithole with no gibs
>thinking you have enough credibility to be taken seriously.
Yeah I know, it's the first time I've admitted it and I'm still embarrassed.
-wipes away tear- it's finally happening
concerned you might actually be BLM.

*by and large
*factors such as gender etc
*delete "throughout the nation"
*opposing raises should be "other races"
*On the contrary

it's kind of sad that this generation's social revolution is being fought by tards without degrees and pedants on youtube who think that looking up words in the dictionary is research.
Stopped reading right there
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You guys aren't very smart huh? Well makes sense that people who follow a guy like Richard Spencer aren't too bright upstairs.

Not only can we just provide screenshots and direct links to your threads, but everything on 4chan is archived on 4plebs, including images.

And again, we're not the only media entity on /pol/. It's been in the news and it's one of the most busy boards on 4chan.

Did you honestly just hope we wouldn't see it?
How was it that much of a struggle to get a hot dog in her vagina?
This only getting bigger, i think we will witness an happening
Post timestamp or gtfo
4) you double quote in he last sentence. You don't need to write "quote."
Its happening!
We need them to fight the Mexicans, we need them for the prison-industrial complex, we need them for white nationalist recruiting.
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you just have to make shit sound passable

Also I've fixed "raises" to races
What, do you hate black nationalism? Fucking racist.
Let's redpill nogs into blaxit and send them all back to africa. Problem solved.
This isn't Ketchican, is it?
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me, not you.jpg
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My timestamp will be the time and date my article is uploaded bby~

Again, it's really amazing to me that you guys did not think this through. You literally thought that posting threads openly for everyone to see about a fake grassroots conspiracy was a good idea.

You keep dodging that point I keep making.
Sheit... u neva hurd of a theosaurus nigga?
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Digits confirm
You honestly fucked up everything else up. CNN fucked their shit up over Russia. Your little articular will say "4chan is evil, oh no evil people!" as you have every other dog shit level example of writing.

4chan has been in the news for a lot of shit. I honestly doubt that you're going to be the one to suddenly make the world see how bad it is.
Be proud,show your face and let us marval at you
>More falsefalgs from /pol/
>mfw they are working to an extend already

Why not use your powers to fix the welfare state?
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A-are we teh Jews now?
Post it. The only one finding issue here is you. Apparently you WANT africans to stay in America where white oppression has strangled them for years. Where they have a president that cares little about them too. Kind of odd actually.
it's a checkmate, if "your organisation" "ran" a "story" then it would have to debunk a load of material from the black nationalist movement and all the black pride BLM weirdos would desert your "publication"

for example: if we started pushing "WE WUZ KANGS" you have to debunk that but we don't give a shit, the kangs of egypt do.

You have to reply to other accounts with high followers to get seen
Retweeting each other only is nothing but a circlejerk

Make it topical too
The Muslim Travel Ban targets a bunch of African coutries

Niggers don't read buzzfeed I'm afraid
We need a retard journalist to get the word out to the black community on a major platform to cement the idea in their heads so thanks
This. You think you're going to convince black people to NOT embrace their cultural heritage?
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bump because I fucking love this idea
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haha, no

You're literally right here just using racial slurs and derogatory remarks and are fully out in the open saying you want to trick black Americans into leaving because you hate them.

passable to whom? it's tim pool neutrality levels of transparent right now.
Cool, do some research on the movement and look at the dates this was created, post your article and give publicity to the movement when we call it racist.
Honestly if we just told them the truth, that racism is real and can't be exterminated they would mostly opt to live in their own segregated societies. Racism is probably the biggest cause of america's non-socialized healthcare.

The right-wing and blm want the same thing for eachother to be honest. They want to be policed by black cops, and taught by black teachers, and governed by black politicians, If you took all of the social programs for blacks in the USA and used that to fund this new african state they could buy 10x as much with the african cost of living.

For the cost of housing 1 person in section 8 + ebt + other stuff they could buy a farm big enough to feed dozens of people,
That "Our people our waiting" one with the nice Kenya picture you guys did is actually kind of beautiful.
It's reassuring to see that so many Alt-Righters are so dumb.

Do you think generals display their battle plans for everyone to see?
>libcuck nu-male speaks out against a legitimate movement that is a rational reaction to oppressive white influence in amerikkka and was relevant before /pol/

See your problem here? BTFO
There is no such thing as bad publicity fagit
damn. maybe someone else should write it then. I only started it because no one else has seemed to. Again I'll post it here for editing once it's done
lol it says Cucker Carlson on the bottom ha
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You guys realize that whites tried this before, right?
yes. We're just giving the idea a new chance at life.
There is no truth in anything you say. If you actually hit the big times and CNN or MSNBC is talking about this, they'll just pull up archived threads on 4plebs and point out how you're photoshopping images, calling them the n-word, and trying to trick people.

They will win. They know what they're doing, hence why they're a big name in news and you aren't.
the nba awards, drake and bachelorette (nog edition) are all trending right now, tag that shit and talk about how each one is product of white man
Do you really believe niggers will listen to reason while we larp and call you a racist?
No wonder you're a buzzfed writer kek.
No, because were not actually starting wars, stealing through rigging the legal system, practicing usery, ruining lives through legal-action, and destroying peoples homelands.
I'll be sure to screenshot this post and include it in the article.
I've always wanted to be one of CNN's anonymous sources
blaxit is mutually beneficial. blacks can form an ethnostate, revive their homeland, and take all their culture back from the whitey. meanwhile racist amerikkka gets to try things their way and see how that works (or doesn't)
that's a lie: you can check my poster ID, I don't use racial slurs and I think they're vulgar.

I think this is a funny and subversive prank that highlights the cognitive dissonance at the core of black nationalism: nobody's going to move internationally because of twitter memes because the people so easily swayed would probably fail to commit to the extensive paperwork.
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I like the idea but the psychology is wrong. They need to be promised gibs. "Welfare in x is way higher than here!" would be a smarter play. They really don't care about racial purity/identity/ethno-nationalism.
lmao Buzzfeed a 'media entity'
>big name in news
>everything published is "anonymous sources"
>most reporting is altered of removed because of above
>lost massive amounts of public credibility.

/pol/ is far more creditable than you.
Implying some of us weren't jews to start with.
>expecting blacks to do anything
this is misguided. They gave them an entire fucking nation before and they still didn't go.
liberia was west africa, southern africa would have access to SA goods/services and be able to support a western style neighbour. + they can learn from the mistakes of liberia
Fuck that. We're going to keep doing it.
I want to see how far we can go with this.
It's fucking hilarious.
this seems like alot of work on black peoples part to pick up and move........plus they wouldnt have the race card or free gibbs anymore. Literally would still be slaves if it wasnt for white people being too nice.
Who the fuck is supposed to take them? What nation in Africa would just take in American niggers on a permanent basis?
If that's your only goal, you'll succeed.
They probably won't know that he eventually realized that he had more in common with American culture than African culture.

>black hebrew theme
good idea
you missed the catch 22, if a media organization wants to show blaxit as a hoax then they have to prove the information is false and thus crush the "We Wuz" movement, if blaxit gets steam then it will be adopted by BLM and others and become a larger movement
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Namibia is very unpopulated and most of the coast is just "parks" which are deserts that could be made fertile for cheap by importing topsoil (just like the farmers kicked out of Zimbabwe did). Namibia is very western and wayyy safer than south africa making them a perfect spot
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While you're at it... shop Beyoncé onto a dragon and have her ask "who ryde wit me while I take back kangz landing?"
Yes, BUT it still doesn't answer how you're going to get the government of Namibia to just take millions of American immigrants. Have you asked Namibia?

>thinking that people on here really give a fuck and aren't just doing this because it's funny and cures the boredom

I'm not surprised a Buzzfeed writer has a stick up his ass
>we wanna go back to Africa
>no. You're not African.
They would be getting a substantial increase in GDP just from the american investment alone not to mention american blacks (even on welfare) are richer than african blacks

If this works, next stop...MEXIT!

Pride in mother mexico.
NEW THREAD >>131466140
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Yeah, that's kind of a huge fucking disaster, lol.

>implying grumpy Africans want American nigger immigrants at any price.
Marcus Garvey is fucking. A+ gold source material for this. Emperor Haile Selassie also. White people don't generally know Garvey and it comes off more authentic. Also look into the Moorish Science Temple of America, Noble Drew Ali, and 5%-ers in general. The black pride/power/supremacy movement exists and is very credible - convincing them that re-taking Africa is a good idea is the whole point of this.
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Gabon is pretty nice. Really there are many "nice" corners of Africa. Get searching for pictures. Benin used to be a real scene in the 60's, lots to work with there.
Once they step on a plane to leave, it's someone elses problem. Who gives a fuck if no one wants them. They lack the foresight to think that far ahead.
Black Americans need to be demanding that the GOVERNMENT of the US fund their move back to Africa. Which we gladly will - shit that would be one of the most popular movements ever. I'd give them all fucking 50k without question provided they sign-off that they can't come back without giving us back that $50k in full.
Trump will make it happen

you guys need more "chatter" between the memes to make things look more natural

sprinkle in a few people saying they are actually doing it

sprinkle in some fake posts on other subjects (fuck trump kill police gibsmedat etc)

Over before it even started, faggots.
Libreville, Gabon, is also a good one to use. I also suggest Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (nice new buildings, light rail, Ethiopia has a lot of cache with blacks). Porto Novo, Benin, is very nice and European looking. Accra, Ghana, has great black history and they speak english, plus looks good by some angles. I really think showing pictures of Africa that look nice is a great move. Finally, Lagos Nigeria has some really rich parts you can show. When you show these pictures, say THIS IS WHAT WHITE PEOPLE DON'T WANT US TO SEE. They don't wants us to know how nice Africa is!! They've never heard of most of these places nor seen pics of them, so it's an easy sell.
Black americans are absolute sheep who follow any trend blindly. We also need to find examples and stories of Americans who moved to Africa - liberal rags should have a ton that gloss over downsides. We can edit that out anyway if needed.
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