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Brit/pol/ - Tinder edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 72

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>Car of peace?

>David Davis 'pretty sure' of Free trade deal

>Corbyn: Teen workers should get £10 an hour

>Tommy Robinson in trouble (again) after being filmed punching a man at Ascot

>Birmingham Eid festival largest in Europe, organisers say people from all faiths are welcome

>Phillip Hammond allegedly wanted for interim Prime minister

>Prince Phillip not dead

>Norman Lamb not standing for Lib Dem leader because he's a Brexiteer

>More cladding on tower blocks has failed

>Show us where you are at all times goy

>Tories accused of breaching electoral law (Again)

>Required reading for stupid Americans
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First for military style.
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I can actually sympathise with that person in the OP image. But that's because I have serious mental illness and want to die; she's probably just a vapid whore.
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Were you the lad arguing with the Mexican cunt in that Barron thread?
Rightly so did nothing wrong
I don't know much about Phillip Hammond. What is he about?
Yes, women are an entirely different species after all.
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Rightly So should stay banned
President Trump approves of this webm
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>boomer parents expect me to do better than them

Do better than having a secure and well-paid job with a home at 35?
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You bet.
>Current Chancellor of the Exchequer
>Most boring man alive
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Why does brit/pol/ invariably have so many tripfags and namefags?
Theyre from venus.
Half way through my 12 HR night shift lads, looking forward to some Coco pops when I get home
Wait was he banned for? I've only just noticed him gone.
We're a unique culture because we deliberately isolate ourselves on a proverbial island. Sound familiar?
Turns out he's a jew
men r from penus
Should Britain turn its inevitable suicide into a murder-suicide e.g. nuke all our enemies past and present, namely the US, China, India, Pakistan, Ireland, Africa, Israel

We need a madman in office to get it done
not being an esa claimant like me.
reporting in
What's night-shifting like? Posting here whilst at work sounds maximum un-comfy.
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Tripfags are part and parcel of posting in Brit/pol/
Best/biggest general on /pol/, people want to be recognised for their witty one liners.
Burnt earth is a legitimate strategy.
Need to include Germany and France in that list too. We'd be doing them a favour and ending their suffering
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>What will forty feel like?

It's a bit of a downer 2bh lad, you start getting thoughts like:

>If I live to 80 (if i'm lucky) then i'm already halfway through my life now, but 40 years is a long time

But then you remember how fast the last 10 flew by, it's all pretty depressing 2bh, at 40 you're on the crest of a wave
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hope you had a nice weekend lads
Your Dad's black then?
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qts desu

Probably for going "off topic" Some fuckign aspie was flipping out a few days ago because people were posting Babs.

Give me the quick rubdown.
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Stop this.
Germany and France don't really grind my gears like the rest of them do. Maybe it'd be a mercy killing
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But it isn't.

> people want to be recognised for their witty one liners
It kind of seems to be at the cost of the quality of the threads though. Seems a bit selfish.
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your parents sound like idiots, so you must be one too. get in the bin
It's pretty comfy actually, I'm training right now to run some extruders so workload is pretty low, and when I've done training and take over its 14 quid an hour, in a 12 hour shift I can expect to work for 3, the rest is just monitoring machines, also I do 4 on 4 off so I get comfy long weekends all the time....I'm never gonna buy a lambo but I'm pretty content
That was pretty good haha even though tripfags are DISGUSTING
How's the NEET life?
how long are bladders supposed to last this is pissing me ooff
Literally this guy.
Eating pussy in 2017? LOL!!!

Enjoy throat cancer from hpv
Degenerate cunt, I hope he never comes back
Nope, white as snow, blue eyed ginger here, I get sunburn when it's raining, also only met my dad once, he's a retired corrupt cop and a cunt.
lol I have something like that on my cock
it's not that noticeable but i've got no clue what the fuck it is so I just hope nobody ever sees it
Sounds spot on that, I've applied for loads of jobs like that but never fucking get anywhere.
I've been on 4chan for like 10 odd years, there is guys right now coming here in their late twenties like myself or early 30's. Another 10 years could fly by.

If 4chan is still online in 10 years I can realistically see a large demographic of it being 40 year olds.

4chan will literally be a mid life crisis site..
Might as well just launch our entire arsenal and destroy the world ecosystem
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rev up those VPNs
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wouldn't know lad
those other big generals are new, they may not last. /brit/pol has always been here, well for a long time.
Nowhere in the world worth anything but the British Isles.
Who's Elsa anyway?
Starting to sound like an allegory.
Best of luck to you mate were hiring now for my replacement, what with me stepping into the next level, I'd give you the details but I posted my email here once by mistake and my Amazon almost got hacked so nah
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>implying you don't know
How can someone on a Brit/pol thread be so abysmal at English?
Pig nosed, 3/10
I am, yes. Who is Elsa?
There was a pic of an American soldier in ceremonial uniform and I said his uniform was shit and that British ones were better, then some spic said our lads looked like clowns.
Yeh that's fair enough, being hacked is nearly a certainty if you post your details here. Cheers though.

I've actually got some good experience and a decent degree, just finding it nearly impossible to get into anywhere. Killing me a bit desu but I'll stop blogposting
Legit. Every planet in the galaxy should be terraformed to resemble the English countryside
If i started watching twin peaks do i have to watch the old series made in the 90's to make sense of it?
Who is Coco Pops then?
>I've been on 4chan for like 10 odd years

Same lad, and you're probably right about the chans age demographic, as you know there's no leaving the place, people may take breaks but they all come back eventually, me i'm here every single fucking day, I hate this place it's like being in limbo.

I'm thankful for Brit/pol/ though, it's pretty nice
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FFL anon still here? Why is the pay so bad?
haha, no, that won't help you.
brit/pol/ is the only reason why i come here
it's one of the best places online
legitimate and enthusiastic discussion
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What the hell man
I'm 20 and the last 6 months have felt like a literal eternity
How can ten years just fly by?
Ten years ago I was 10
That's an incomprehensible amount of time
Your mind must just be fucking you over man even one year is a long time don't let it get you down
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My friend works for BBC News London (won't say exactly what region because I'm not actually bullshitting and don't want him in trouble) and he was telling me earlier that while initially there wasn't, there has been a D-notice put on the Grenfell death toll now. This means it can't be reported but doesn't stop reporters still being told.things here and there.
Apparently what pushed them to order the notice was that they went into 2 particular flats (on a fairly low level, they're working primarily upwards) on Tuesday afternoon and they both had a dozen bodies in them apiece, and they could identify none of the bodies via dental records because they had no info on them in the database i.e. they were almost certainly all illegals.

I know this is hardly 'news' to anyone, especially here, but this is why the death toll info has halted so suddenly, and the final toll will likely never be reported, but will have to be found out when the papers are declassified in 2067 or so.
I just want a posh bird to whisper naughty things in my ear
The best part is when we all started we all said the "haha look at those old posters, that won't be me, my life will change" and yet here we all are.

I've been here since I was 16, and I'm 22 now
already feel like a lot of time has flown by that I've done nothing with.

Strange experience though, going from assuming everyone is older than you to assuming you're older than a lot of people on the internet.
>but will have to be found out when the papers are declassified in 2067 or so
I'm sure the problem will be entirely obvious by then
Would he be willing to whistle-blow?

so close god damn
Has he heard what the current estimated death toll actually is? I'm guessing it's well in excess of 100 if this is true.
>2 away
close but no cigar!

past 6 months are a blur of self-hatred
the more depressed you are, the less time has meaning
I used to think like this, but time starts to accelerate rapidly the older you get. Christmas seems like yesterday, and it'll be Christmas again in like a few days.
many of us knew this would be the case from day one.
I'm not that guy you were talking to last thread, but I'm the guy actually leaving to join next month who was answering questions the other day.

Pay is shit because 90% of recruits are third worlders who think the pay is great.

tbph when you don't pay rent or food 1200 odd euros goes a long way.
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Karenposter is still on tour
Fucking disgusting practice for the law and government to conspire to protect pakis and illegals, keeps happening and it's completely traitorous
I am, watching it live
Just wait you'll see.
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There's a thought...
How does he know this? It's all hearsay?
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>I just want a posh bird to whisper naughty things in my ear

>tfw posh voiced gf who calls me sir while I'm banging her.
I NEED paki cars posted
how will she ever recover from such WITTY QUIPS?
>7.5 inch dick
>5/10 looks
>socially awkward
>have niche interests so you can't establish any common ground with people

Would I be mad if I decided to donate my penis? I'm sure someone will buy it considering I'll never get any use out of it.
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My favourite

I reckon Britannistan won't just be a meme at that point. Luckily I'll be dead by then at this rate.

What's with the chimp out in Stratford lads?
I did ask him this and he said it depended how large the toll was. But I also asked him how many would be privy to the info and he said hundreds if not thousands would know of it.

He said initially they were thinking 160-odd, now they're really thinking it could be more like 270 just due to how crammed some of the flats were. It's actually shocked them. They are genuinely still working through the flats though, it's taking a long time because they want a really accurate number.

The person who directly told him was some chief inspector or something along those lines. Wasn't just some paramedic.
So why are you leaving, would you fight for muslim france?
Give me a quick rundown on Edson
Pretty much, outer-/pol/ is a shitshow; if Brit/pol/ wasn't here i'd still visit /pol/ but only out of habit and I wouldn't enjoy it, yet i'd still return, and that's why I hate this place, it's like heroin.

>How can ten years just fly by?

That's just the way it goes as you get older, most older people will tell you the same thing, you'll find out one day, remember me.
This. It's utterly disgusting.

The public should be informed about benefits claimants sub letting to illegal immigrants for fuck sake.
>I reckon Britannistan won't just be a meme at that point
Yeah that's what I was implying. Honestly the only way I can die happy at this point is knowing that our enemies will be nuked into oblivion.
>3 tiny little fires in a shithole part of London

Not a happening.
this is extremely common within london. everyone knows it happens, for a lot of people it's they only way it's worthwhile for them to stay in the country.
Then perhaps encourage him to whistle-blow. Wikileaks unironically is fairly safe, and there are other papers which will report on it (right?).
>Best/biggest general on /pol/, people want to be recognised for their witty one liners.
Checked for Grade A delusion
I'm done with /pol/. I only ever become angry bitter and depressed if i come here and really deluded, ignorant and close minded about the world. Today I realised that my bigotry and racism were unfounded, today a poo came to my aid like no one else ever has in my life.

It's not too late for all of you lads. Judge everyone as an individual and try to be as kind and compassionate as you can and always give 110% to help others out in need. Never give up.
>>tfw posh voiced gf who calls me sir while I'm banging her.

post a pic of your bird m8, nothing lewd just a pic of her having a poo on the toilet or something
This is the extent of my knowledge

>Young father
>Traveling in car with some other guys
>Pulled over by police and arrested
>Apparently force used during arrests
>Died in hospital later
Bobbies beat dindu to death, dindus start chimping out and setting shit on fire
I'm ex army, I want the life back. Legion fight for themselves first and foremost. They also tend to hate muslims and muslims that do actually get in have a real shit time.

One of those bataclan shooters or something was an ex legionnaire who deserted because of the treatment he got for being a muslim.

France is just an employer.
It's common everywhere, not just London.

A Pole I worked with years ago was paying £30/week to sleep on an airbed in a room in a council house. He said there were 20 people living in a 4-bed house.

All of them paying £30/week means the benefits claimants who were getting their home paid for, by us, were raking in about £2k/month and were actually abroad most of the time according to him.
>I want to eat you out

Gets me every time, what a lad.
Your /stg/ will be dead in a year or two btw.
I honestly hope that YKTD is pouring his laser focused autism into a proper venture

The things he could achieve with the effort that he put into this place
No one's telling you a poo can't be an alright bloke, there's just no reason why he should be living in your country, taking your jobs and school places, mixing his non-English genes with your countrymen, when he has his own country of his own people back where he came from.
>today a poo came to my aid like no one else ever has in my life
Well no one doubts the existence of outliers. I've seen Thomas Sowell quotegraphics posted here without comment or criticism; however, naxalt is not an argument against the mean.
That used to be the case. Legion is under French control totally now after they tried to assassinate Charles de Gaulle in a coup.
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IKR, it's just so abrupt and unexpected.
Your racism isn't sophisticated enough.

No, I am not joking.
She reads here, no can do.
Family pack. That probably dates it a bit.
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Anyone got any good ideas for a custom mousepad? Cheap as chips from chinkland. Was going to get the sinking of the Belgrano but there's no high-res photos of it sadly. If I get something Mosley related Mummy will put me on some kind of list.
Is that a guy or a girl in the pic?
Yeah i know, but the attitude is still the same. France is just an employer. They put the legion before France.

Not only that but thanks to the coup 2rep aren't allowed to be based in France so they just have fun on their little island to themselves.
So you planning to stay until your pension?

Maybe she's here right now.

Serisouly though, can't say I blame you lad, if some fag asked me to post a pic of my gf here I wouldn't either
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True. They are essentially rogue. Just with 'oversight'.
Blogs would certainly not have to abide by D-notices - one of the things May certainly knows about and is anxious to do something about. I don't think he would be against doing it, especially if the BBC axes his job (they're cutting 6 staff per region, per department in the entirety of the BBC News, something also not being reported by the way).

However my friend told me that the government were clever about it and took advantage of a false report from somewhere (The Canary I think?) saying they had sought a D-notice (they hadn't at that time) to THEN issue one, as because it had been previously denied people wouldn't be so quick to believe it a second time around. They might not have even sought one at all if not for that false report to help them push this one.
I think the BUF flag would be a simple yet nice design.

Also >buying cheap shit from China
I bought some Super Mario figurines from Hong Kong for little brother, and within a week the plastic paint coating had come off and the chemical stench they let off was insane.
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tfw ywn have a gf
A picture of mohammed, take it in to your local university and put it at a computer.

Get one of those highquality Brit/pol/ Pepes that Anon does lad
Lads what should I choose. Ideally both but doing one might reduce my chance of the other
>Youtube/political commentator. Much easier than the option beneath, and the chance to become influential with no likelihood of corruption
>actual politician with aims to get into Westminster. The tories (most likely) are not going to let someone who rants about the kikes into parliament.
See, it's this view that is all too rare in this country. Only ever met a handful of racially redpilled lads in my life.
Agreed. All those ex neo-nazis and the like are often degenerates who were in it for drugs, social acceptance or memes. They don't understand the meaning of true nationhood.
I don't know tbph, if you stay in their retirement you have to renounce your citizenship plus do 15 years i think to get pension. 15 is a loooong time in the Legion, a lot of guys don't make 5 before deserting.
Yeah I'm not expecting amazing quality, but for 10 quid I'm not going to cry if it's a piece of shit. I've ordered from Aliexpress before with mixed results.

>A picture of mohammed
Very offensive post my friend.

Not a bad idea I may have to scour the archives.
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>The tories (most likely) are not going to let someone who rants about the kikes into parliament
First one, unless you're doing a worthwhile degree at Oxbridge, in which case go for the second one.
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Yeah and have those eyes following you around the room like a creepy painting and the ghost of King Charles' head whizzing around your gaff when you're asleep
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why don't we get any good historical tv shows anymore
no, haha, you'd be better off in the Labour Party, hahahaha

Seriously though, isn't it depressing that the thing to end Red Ken was the only accurate thing the old newt's ever said.
Is it worse than the Russian AF? They get beat up over there 24/7
The Canary isn't particularly reputable, to be sure. But they aren't also particularly popular or well-known to normies. The only people who read them are the people who would be okay with mass immigration anyway.

If he does whistle-blow, it'll be fairly important. Could even defect to another paper for it (online site).

A good man is a good man anywhere. Doesn't mean he is a part of our tribe. Also doesn't mean that his good attitude is something worth throwing away for multiculturalism and blind in-the-moment emotion. His attitude will be eroded in that atmosphere.
Do youtube lad, we have enough ((civic)) YouTubers we need actual red pills not "le dumb feminist xD"
I can see no reason why anon should not desire such a thing.
my uncle ran away from the legion
said it was shit

Not sure, matey.
Versailles' aiight. Lovely costumes at least.
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>a D-notice
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Anyone else think some virtuous Ruski gang did Grenfel?
vikings is good craic
Not as bad, it used to be.

You have to realise that a lot of the guys going myself included are ex military who can't adjust. That's including ex russian military who bring their training tactics with them...

If your caporal in basic is a brit or canadian you'll probably have it easy, but if he's a russian or some brazilian who has been brought up like that then you will most likely get slapped around a bit.

It's mainly just light slaps and humiliation like this

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>tfw jihadis will probably never attack Glastonbury, killing hundreds in the process, in your lifetime

Why is life never this fun?
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I'm going fucking insane.
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has he done any more? I'd like him to do one of a /pol/ janitor getting mad at brit/pol/ for banter and getting Rightly So banned
Because the BBC demands at least 50 niggers in the cast and no serious director would work with them.
>/pol/ will defend this
How long ago was that?

A lot of westerners do because how easy we have life here compared to some brazilian who escaped his favala to join.
It's actually some art student project, I believe.
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different time.....
different world.....
>Who DO you look up to?
>The Ottoman Empire

Fucking FILTH.
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Probably mid 70s
I'm from northern ireland, so he may have just been trying to flee something to do with the troubles

then realised it wasn't so bad
Ah, they fuck you real bad that's why most try and avoid serving.
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>Wanting haunted mousemats

No thanks
robin hood then
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Dude all white history is bad because of certain advents lmao XDdd
Wolf Hall was great.
kek one warzone to another, there's a lot of Catholics and orthodox that join, maybe being a devote protestant played apart (if he was).
question lads. can you legally own a webley or luger from ww2 in the uk?
Riots again?
Deactivated, yes.

Just in case anyone hasn't listened to this
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I need to ease up on porn
Greatly tedious yes, and as skewed from a reasonable reading of history as possible, due to that weird creature who wrote it of course.
>has he done any more?

Loads m8, the EU Octopuss one, the Africa one, the Scot one, there's a fair few, I think there's a Welsh miner one too with defective diamonds, pretty sure they were all done by the same anon
Is this legit?
Fuck me, this picture.
Legionaries I've spoken with have said they still do the whole number in line then if someone fucks up they run up the line punching each of you in the stomach.

But you know if you can't handle a few hits in training something as intense as the legion isn't the best place to be.

You'll be meeting eastern euros that fight for fun daily.
I enjoyed it, thought it was well made with good actors, of course, I read the book as well so I know how it skews.

That's pretty hot 2bh

9mm is legal here


If you don't/can't get a FAC then deactivated.
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This can still pass for current, right?
What kind of extruder? I extrude jam where I work
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If I visited the UK in a few months would Brit/pol/ go to a pub with me or something?
I promise I'm not CIA.
It's legit we're just all so fucking desensitized to it.
There's a nice pub in Tower Hamlets we can go visit
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My gran has a webley that belonged to her father. I think it's not legal and off the record.
Fucking immigrant niggers need to get gassed!
You should come visit Birmingham and experience quintessential britain
i hvaven't seen any new ones for a while like

great. guess i gotta find a seller then
do any of you use the brit/pol/ discord?
It's really shit
If only I wasn't so autistic.
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It's as if they don't understand the net gain of struggle.

Thorne was always right.
Even after I dropped that show, I remember him.
Yeah just don't be too loud.
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>not Manchester
It's nothing.
actually like this
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Everyday I think the general public have Stockholm syndrome
There's been loads of them. Most discord brit/pol/ posters are autistic. It's better in here.
You can buy decent replicas for cheap, there's a company called denix that do excellent models.
I can't watch it for my sanity. Please give me the run-down?
Looks like they closed off a roundabout.

Unless it spreads it will be nothing. But with the media you never know. They love to spread the flames as it sells papers and narrative.
>tfw stockholm syndrome can have 2 meanings today

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If it turned out that the Queen wasn't legitimate, and that the true King of the UK was some random, would you fight and die to ascend the true kind to the throne?
Scenes of attacks along with Muslim marches with a catchy tune.
It's the nigs, they do stuff like this every so often. Only once did it get out of hand when they rioted in London and robbed all those stores. It's just a shitty roundabout on their estate.... They're our BLM, they use any death to police hands as an excuse like yours.

The papers tried to hype that "day of rage" last week, but that turned out shit lol.
I'm a monarchist, so I would fight for the system.
Isn't there some aussie guy who should rightfully be king? Still, I love /are liz/ though
>Some fat bald EDL member becomes king

could be pretty cool
In the interests of national stability I would consider the "true" king to be some historical quirk and defend the crown as it now rests.
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So would you support the established (but illegitimate) queen, or the true king?
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BREAKING NEWS reports incoming now of arson attack on four churches in Manchester
Part and parcel
Depends if he'd likely be better. Which isn't a big ask desu.
I have a Denix, actually. a colt peacemaker or some shite. I'll see if I can get one off there.
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same here! security work?

Our chefs making us a curry by 3am! :p
Thanks mate! Was just searching for this. Really good song
I used to do royal mail night shifts
was real comfy work
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Rewatching QT for the shouty madman. Interested to see how the sign language bloke will manage it.
Fuck me, I'm in Manchester
Yeah think they're like 60/70 quid or something.

Beats 1070 quid for a real one.
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Yeah great source anon...
There is no 'illegitimate' line. Any line is legitimate. So long as they are fit to rule. I don't have loyalty to a particular house.

In theory the current house is better suite for the role, but if a new man came along and he was far better, then I would support him. The monarch is the head warrior, in a way.
morning NEETs
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He died.
Important question, Spergman friend. Is man sex in the anus gay for both people or only the receiver?
Polyethylene, we make industrial packaging.
Even though that anon was bullshitting check this


Man was arrested they didn't say if he was muslims or not....

Pretty much guarantee he was.
RIP King Michael I
Yea, our BLM have been quiet of late. Not sure if Soros stopped paying them or they know without Obama there will be no breaks in shutting them down.
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Hey ah, I see you've accended from wagie hood as well my good friend.

something for the nazis on here lads http://www.denix.co.uk/item/german-knife/
Regnal numbering is only applied once there's been a successor with the same name in this country. Hence King John and not John I.
how can you live with yourself
Didn't Talcum X go full lefty and start implementing a bunch of legbutt shit into it? I imagine the actual black people sorta lost interest after that.
hahahahahha that is based. Can't believe they're getting away with that.

There's a school of thought that says the receiver is the true faggot, the giver is just a dominant alpha, however this stems from degenerate nigger and prison culture, so ignore this.

Bottom (ha) line is, if you willingly put your cock in another man's bumhole, you're gay.
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>The new potential heir to the throne, Simon Abney-Hastings, the 15th Earl of Loudon, is a 37-year-old bachelor who works for a fabrics company in the town of Wangaratta, about 140 miles from Melbourne. He said he was aware he was "possibly" the rightful king but would prefer not to take the throne.
Lads whats going to be your reconquest song?

You'd probably end up on a list if you bought that
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Leave the Aryans to me.
Soros stopped paying when they started to bite the hand that feeds them when they started going after certain (((whites)))
>Posting this coalburner.

Vile lad..
Twin peaks on now lads
going to unironically play this


while cleansing the streets
He blocked my twitter when I posted i gave a donation to the gofundme page for one of the cops.
what about the SS dagger?
What a weird fucking weekend lads.
Good lad, perfect answer. I knew there were some good Germans out there.
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How can brit/pol/ even compete?
Sean Bean's let himself go.
This was the Roman school of thought. That the buggeror wasn't gay but the buggeree was.
madman, need more like yourself
this reminds me that we live on an island and they will have nowhere to run and are unable to swim
why is that awful fascist tommy robinson beating people up now?
Jeremy's 29 dankest memes have just been archived by the archive bot. Kek.
I do not really understand there's so many good targets in bongland, and instead they never quite seem to do anything other than ill planned rampages.

I'm grateful for this of course but Glasto, a market town, a football match crowd, or something like the proms all seem like good targets with poor security.
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>yfw you realise that Richard Hammond was supposed to die during his crash in 2006, and his miraculous survival altered our timeline and sent us spiralling into chaos

tempted lads
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>when it turns out the hamster is really the 2nd coming of Christ and God keeps him alive because he keeps fucking up
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sersh fanny is best fanny
fite me
I had a dream about James May being executed by firing squad last night. Didn't want to wake up.
>tfw brits will be arrested for clicking on this
I hate the expression "Terror incident"
Incident denies the purposeful nature of it. It's an ATTACK.
And 'terror' is just wrong. Terror is an emotion. TerrorISM is the ideologically motivated use of violence and intimidation. Call it TERRORISM, not terror. Call people commit TERRORISM - Terrorists! It's a TERRORIST ATTACK. Not a terror incident
You barmy word policing fucking fag holes

Isn't she going to get BLACKED in some movie based on a jew's book>
It all makes sense when you realise Four Lions was actually a documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ3g2HAy2Ic
I think she being paki's in the movie. Its a fucking shame.
They really need to show this film on a daily basis. I did see it was on channel 4 last week.
>realising Riz Ahmed isn't actually acting
predictive programming perhaps?
your guys do look like clowns.
You. Slaid. Me!
The nonce thrown out of Question Time is named "Steve German", a member of TUSC from Taunton.

Couldn't make it up. Fucking krauts.
we dress fancy so we don't shoot each other like your lot
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Anyone know more about this? It was a muzzie right?
Sorry, TUSC?
Fuck. Ignore the name
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Ta. Google wasn't really helping me.
They're pretty irrelevant anyway. Just extreme lefties who occasionally stand candidates for parliament/council elections and never keep their deposits
Can't sleep. Making new thread.


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