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Do Christcucks realise Christianity send European progress back

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Do Christcucks realise Christianity send European progress back in time and caused 1000 years of dark ages and destroyed almost all European culture?
I think it was more the fall or the Roman Empire and the Church was the only centralized institution in Europe to fill the power vacuum.
Well the church did bad job
Yep. We stopped pagan feminism and homosex and other progressive ideologies. You're welcome
Catholic Monks preserved history during the dark ages.
It was the intelligence and need for cooperating that held Europe together, chr*stians get too much credit for it.
German barbarians destroyed European culture.
Dark ages are a myth.
Christianity was the thing that united Europe to a single cause.
There's no Europe without it.
>the dark ages weren't caused by the fall of Rome
>the church didn't preserve ancient knowledge and ultimately bring Europe out of the dark ages
You do realize it was Christians who preserved knowledge and started the Renaissance?
This guy actually knows.
It is only recent history that claims Christianity caused and perpetuated the dark ages. We know that this is not the case of course but that doesn't stop (((them))).
I hate to say this but I agree with based brazil
>Do Christcucks realise Christianity send European progress back in time and caused 1000 years of dark ages and destroyed almost all European culture?

What about the Protestant Reformation?
It is the single most important cultural cause of the development of Europe, industrial revolution etc.
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>martin luther
>a retard priest that ate his own shit and institutionalized such values as pedophilia

>“couldn’t understand the generosity of a God who freely gave such important and useful remedies.”
gonna need a source on this Adolf.
after the fall of Rome no one cared about knowledge except the autists in their monasteries
>"anarchist" flag
stopped reading right there
Most Christians were and still are women, they are more religious Christians as well.
Wow. If you believe this you are an idiot.
you probably wouldn't exist to be shitposting if not for the Catholic Church, queer. every notable advance in philosophy, science and medicine in the last 2000 years can be attributed to Christians and the church.
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>stopped reading right there
but was triggered enough to type up a reply
get some first aid on that butthurt
Church litterally conducted scientific research and wrote books while everyone else was fucking around in the mud
muslims still are fucking around in the mud in all honesty
wew it's the ''Christianity kept science and Europe down, MANG'' meme again, despite the fact Christianity helped Europe survive dark ages and science take off.

You (((atheist scientist))) junkies thinking we'd have spaceships in the year 1600 if it wasn't for Christianity are more retarded than I thought.

Well, I'm happy at least not all of /pol/ is in idiocracy mode.
>Do Christcucks realise Christianity send European progress back in time and caused 1000 years of dark ages and destroyed almost all European culture?

the fall of rome caused the "dark ages"

also the church led the crusades saving europe from the otomans. after the conqeured byzantine.
not to forget the reconqeusta that freed spian from moor occupation.
>burning witches and torturing people is top science!
Praise Jesus
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That was plague and islam you're thinking about.
It's just that everyone is roleplaying a douche judge after the fact, completely ignoring the middle ages context and thinking
>If it was me I'd have handled research, permits and publications SO good we'd have made colonies in 5 planets by now

Everyone's a critic nowadays.
>m-muh crusades tho!!1 xD
>t. nu-/pol/
>meme flag
filtered. Confess your sins and be saved. Praise Jesus
>burning witches and torturing people is top science!

inplying that was not the norm in the feudal times.
you do know that such punishments where there before the church existed? the had them in greece rome and the other empires.
Medieval Europe was way more advanced than Ancient Rome. This is a undisputed fact.
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Do you realize the opposite is true and you fell for a jewish lie?
>burying people with a bag of snakes is top science!

go fuck a goat achmed
It did an excellent job. Without the Church (be it Eastern or Western), we'd have forgotten Rome like we forgot the Hittite (inventors of Iron).
And as they believed in Jesus and confessed their sins, they were still saved.
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Stop worshiping trees
>history has to be black and white
>large scale events have to be so as well
There is only one white thing in this world and it was God playing skin crawler among the jews.
>Doesn't know the medical advances that happened by experimenting on humans obviously without their consent
>Doesn't realize that eradicating defective bloodlines can prevent them from spreading

Be that as it may, congratulations at mixing science with morality issues yet again, ''High IQ atheist''. You retards are pathetic.
Someone had to keep the flame lit. It's not as if anyone else was in a position to do it.
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Church had monopoly on education, of course everyone else would be fucking around the mud.
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>Confess your sins and be saved.
>that meme
oh, you're that retard again. I should've known.
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You better repent your sins and ask Jesus for forgiveness. The time is comming, invite Jesus to your hearts or you might regret this.

ekhm... it created so called university
>founding fathers where christian
the where protestant.
What the church was really doing was protecting the people from false prophets, snake oil salesmen, and conmen pretending to be religious healers.
Burning witches is a very very small part of what happened. Often these "witches" were conning people out of every thing they had in return for "curing" a disease. Then when they fleeced the town for everything they had, they were on to the next one. The church was trying to get rid of these people.
is there a /pol/ Christcucks reading list
You fools don't realize that the Koreans are to blame for all of this. Europe would be 100% Finnish and pure of the taint of Indo-European languages if it wasn't for Koreans.
We would have had our ancient Pepes still around, but nooo.
You realize Islam hasn't grown out of the dark ages yet.
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reminder your ""god"" literally sucks cocks
consider this: China did not have cuckianity

now, where are those Chinese bases on Mars?
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I think we need to go back to those days, we are being pulled back into the dark ages by these progressives.
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When the heathens threaten to take our lands, and refuse to submit to Jesus Christ, we should put the banter aside and crush them with the hand of God
You mean like reading the cover and wanting to read the book, but watching others, real Christians do it instead?
It's called the Bible.
do you have a citation for that claim?

you do know witchtrails where bassically a death sentence right?
Dark Ages were a myth.
church literally hid scientific knowledge and imposed outrageous, foreign and oppressive doctrine and dogma over the European peoples for centuries until the Renaissance overthrew their mantle.
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Salem, wasnt in the old world or the dark ages. Nothing to do with what we're talking about jr.
Yeah, but the Inquisition was a far better place to be.
Plebs learn how to read, they act out their desires.
are you a catholic or a protestant?

its inportant to know why the protestant uprising began as one of the reasons was the idols of god when he clearly states in the bible that you should not make paintings/stateu's of him.
>until the Renaissance overthrew their mantle.
the church was still powerfull during the Renaissance.

not untill the french revolution did the churches power fade.
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The period of witch trials in Early Modern Europe were a widespread moral panic suggesting that malevolent Satanic witches were operating as an organized threat to Christendom during the 16th to 18th centuries. Those accused of witchcraft were portrayed as being worshipers of the Devil, who engaged in such acts as malevolent sorcery at meetings known as Witches' Sabbaths. Many people were subsequently accused of being witches, and were put on trial for the crime, with varying punishments being applicable in different regions and at different times.

Though some of the earliest trials are from the Late Medieval period following Pope Innocent VIII's issue of the Summis desiderantes affectibus, which recognized the existence of witches and gave full papal approval for the inquisition to move against witches, the peak of witch hunting was during the European wars of religion, climaxing from 1580 to 1630. The witch hunts declined in the early 18th century, culminating with the British Witchcraft Act of 1735, but sporadic witch-trials during the second half of the 18th century, the last known dating to 1782(though a prosecution was commenced in Tennessee as recently as 1833).

An estimated total of 40,000-60,000 people were executed during the witch trials.
Not a christcuck.

Anarcho primitivist.. I'm actually AGAINST progress.

Christianity actually spread literacy throughout Europe, which resulted in higher education, a renaissance, capitalistic expansion, even more progress than could ever be dreamed. It was the missionary work of the Europeans which spread trade to all parts of the world.

You literally can't have culture and progress at the same time. European culture was sacrificed for progress. Japanese culture was sacrificed for progress. Indian culture was sacrificed for progress. They all wear the attire of the colonists that created progress, the Christians.
>The period of witch trials in Early Modern Europe were a widespread moral panic suggesting that malevolent Satanic witches were operating as an organized threat to Christendom
So how come Europe rose up when/after killing the witches? Shouldn't it have plunged down?
>An estimated total of 40,000-60,000 people were executed during the witch trials.
More died when the king of Sweden decided to save some money and not buy food. One third of Finns died as a result, and Russia won the next war, ending the Swedish 'empire'.
Congregation Catholic, so I'm don't take bad translations to serious. In addition, that is Jesus, not God, I don't pray to that picture or anything comparable. Protestants on the other hand pray to a book, like muslims.
in general semitic religions are scourge of humanity
superstition when knowledge and information is scarse superstition takes over.

>More died when the king of Sweden decided to save some money and not buy food. One third of Finns died as a result, and Russia won the next war, ending the Swedish 'empire'.

this somehow excuses witch burning.

>hand pray to a book, like muslims.

muslems pray to allah alone it litraly states in the quran that worshipping anything else but god is blastemy.
also how do you think about this? in the quran it states that jesus was one of the many profets that came before mohhamed do you think islam and christianity are the same abrahamic faith or related in some deep way?
women have always been the watchtower guards to a large degree, the mother is the one who raised the children in the church who over saw the running of the home and was there for her children and spouse - we have killed the family and /or allowed it to happen by undermining motherhood - -
Christianity brought Europe OUT of the dark ages you fucking history pleb. It was the fall of the christian roman empire and mass immigration that brought about the dark ages dipshit.
In order to preserve religion, monks had to learn to read and write and in doing so brought knowledge of the sciences and spread it through out europe along with the word of god. Christcucks saved europe from being a middle east tier shit hole
>Most Christians were
Imagine being this stupid
Church did better job than rome.

>hurrr Christians preserved some pagan knowledge so they're awesome!

How much knowledge would've been preserved if Christkikes never entered the scene? The foundations for the scientific method were laid down by pagan Greeks. There's no way to tell how far we could've progressed if people had idolized Archimedes and Aristotle from the start instead of some kike on a stick.
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The instances of suppression (e.i. Galileo) are far outweighed by all of the successful scientific discoveries and inventions promoted by the church. Secularism didn't take of for hundreds of years after the renaissance and enlightenment in most of Europe, so they can not be credited with the post-medieval scientific accomplishments. Though the renaissance had it's benefits, by in large the enlightenment started the road of (((social progress))) that went on to destroy European society.
Just playing devils advocate here. We've almost destroyed the whole planet and killed each other in a nuclear Armageddon multiple times. If we had this technology 1000 years sooner, imagine the damaged earth we'd be living on. People who worship science have the impression better technology = better quality of life. Give it time and you'll see this isnt always the case
Protestantism is a disgrace, Catholicism and the various Orthodoxies are the only acceptable branches of Christianity.
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And by recent history you mean Varg videos?
I know this is /pol/ and all but gross generalizations are quite common but to say protetants pray to a book does not make sense or an argument - fact is Protestantism originally came about so that man could pray directly to Jesus who told us to do so not to a saint or the church and whomever else was brought in from our pagan past - also my polish brother now of all times, all people who believe that Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world who died on the cross for all mankind and rose again from the dead and who is in fact God himself who came down from heaven to save us - if the people who believe in this cannot stand together now in this moment of crisis than you are making satan laugh with joy. Let us unite under the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - peace be to you
>what is the Carolingian Renaissance
>what are monasteries
>what are Cathedrals

If you think Gauls, Britain, Germania, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe were more civilized and advance during Antiquity buy yourself a fucking book.
The Dark Age is a stupid anglo meme that doesn't apply to Europe, also Renaissance and Enlightment authors denigrated Europe for political reasons, there was actually relatively more technological progress during the middle Age than during the entire Antiquity.

The Church IS Rome, it went from ruling by weapons to ruling by the scriptures.
>fall or the Roman Empire

> be Rome
> be pagan
> be strong
> adopt christianity
> collapse

Makes you think.
The OC idea of Protestantism might be good. I'm not a fan of the materialistic church, especially no fan of liberal Jesuits, but what Protestant movement did, at once taking the book a bit to literal and on the other hand teaching that humans save themselves, instead of being saved by the grace of God, as I said, for me it is bit too much like the moon sect. But in battle, I just need to be sure that my sword brother believes in Jesus Christ
Rome was anything BUT strong at the time
Socrates was literally killed because he was accused to not believe in the gods.
The scientific method was revolutionnized by Roger Bacon who was a christian monk.

Rome was an Empire that collapsed under its own cosmopolitanism and need to expand to balance the budget, there was a political, civic and an economic exhaustion.
Western roman culture was in fact saved by the church, the Frankish Empire was a relatively short entity but it was enough to carry on roman heritage and stop muslims.
>be England
>be a pagan shithole
>be irrelevant since forever
>adopt christianity
>rise as a global power
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(Also, although science took a slight dip, personal liberties were on the ascendency. King Alfred = the man.)

(Science took a dip in Rome as well. Rome never had the science that the Greeks possessed. Romans were simply god-tier engineers.)
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>There's no Europe without it.

That's exactly the amount of depth I'd expect from someone with an anarchy flag.
the opposite it true - Luther taught it is by grace alone that we are saved - no action on our part could bring us back to the Father - thus Jesus HAD to come down from heaven and epose himself to humiliation and death yet rise victorious on the third day so that through His grace in doing that for MANKIND are we brought back to God - No amount of giving money to the church etc etct could do it for us - now that does not mean we should cheapen grace because if we really do repent and want to follow Christ than we will want to do his will. Man in the past has abused this grace and not followed Him even though they say they were - Humans - are so fallible but with the love of Him who died for us we can do what we must
Catholicism God damn it, the catholics did it! Stop mixing Orthodox with these degenerates
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>there was actually relatively more technological progress during the middle Age than during the entire Antiquity.

Thats easily done if you burn 95% of manuals and literature from Antiquity

Which is what christians did.

Then they sentenced their "flock"to a lifetime of servitude chained to the plow.

Muslim Cordoba was producing 60,000 books a year, while the greatest christian library had barely 600 dusty books.
Look what freeing up education did to us.
No. The claim was literally made by Protestants who tried to rationalize how the Catholic Church was corrupt.
>notable advance in philosophy
You mean only Thomas Aquinas, whose philosophy basically narrows down to using Aristotelian metaphysics and mental gymnastics to rationalize his philosophy, which in the larger picture is irrelevant to later philosophy?
try reading an actual history book ragefag
>Thats easily done if you burn 95% of manuals and literature from Antiquity
what? how did that make them advance in technology?

Also, the Church didn't burn pagan technological manuals or literature from antiquity. Both the Western Latin church and the Greek Orthodox had their priestly class study a lot of them in their respective languages in order to understand references from early theologians and to use as reference / study textbooks for learning a common unchanging language. The Byzantines literally preserved 99% of the Greek works we have today, while the Latin Church preserved 100% of the Roman-Latin works we have today. There's no evidence of systemic destruction of any pagan work during late antiquity and the medevial ages besides for only the "Against the Galilaeans" by Roman Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus.

>Muslim Cordoba was producing 60,000 books a year, while the greatest christian library had barely 600 dusty books.

And practically all of them (if true) were just Qurans and Hadiths.
Your statement is so historically false that it doesn't even warrant debate.
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>Do Christcucks realise
christians realise nothing except "jesus is the lord and saviour"
that permeates their every thought
and they try to convince me, on this very politics board, to worship their dirty kike, because they are all ignorant, arrogant, rude, distasteful, proselytizing loud scum
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>we are being pulled back into the dark ages by these progressives.
Or, as they refer to themselves, Roman Catholics and Jews.
Leftists need to accept that the Dark Ages are a myth, but people on the Right also need to accept the reality of the Islamic Golden Age instead of making excuses to denigrate it
>correlation is causation
Bad logic friend
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>Dark Ages are a myth
everyone look at this retard
>it's an Americans try to talk about medieval European history episode
Fucking embarrassing tbqh
Please name a specific field which regressed in medieval Europe relative to Roman times.
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nice try reddit
American Education
the dark ages is my favorite subject because it's very easy to spot who is and who is not book smart about the matter. please read the following to begin your study:

>The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious, Institutional and Intellectual Contexts
>Christianity didn't exist until 1517
Neck urself Muslim larper
>rapist pedo
what the fuck are you talking about if you excuse my french?
Christians were monks? Where'd you learned that from Gimpseus?
here >>131314795
>every nazi larper is agianst Christianism
they want to make Hitler look bad!
>what did he mean by this

I am from Europe btw
>being against your own people
No because they are literary retards. They seriously believe ahmed in the sky controls everything they do, and if they suffer long and hard enough they will get the keys to heaven. Only a autist retard can believe bullshit like this.
im a CIA agent, im Christian
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I'll bite

You win this time, Cuckeurope. Enjoy your "elections"
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aryan is not jesus
Well, what do you know, feminism is responsible for the fall of Rome.
What were you saying about Christianity?
this board sucks, i feel like an adult at the kids table
Ok sorry CIA agent. But could you at least post as an American flag.
You win. Even through I only did this for the (You)s
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>Only a autist retard can believe bullshit like this

Thomas Aquinas

>such brainlets
Read Bede's History of the English Church. One of the most important pieces of your countries history was recorded solely by one monk. For literature: Who the fuck do you think were the people making copies of Beowulf?
>Thomas Aquinas
All were insane.
Good to know that we humans will die to our own insanity.
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